HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.n. Set Public Hearing - Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal ._ r Cit� of Rosemount Executive Summary for Actian City Council Meeting Date: Mav 18. 1993 Agenda Item: Set Public Hearing Dates Agenda Section: Lance Johnson Ma.neral CONSENT Extractian Permit Renewal Prepared By: Rick Pearson Agenda ,�p - � � Assistant Planner � � Attachmen.ts: Public Hearing Notice; 'APPr ed. B Mailing List; LocaC.ion Map. Mr. Lance Johnson, owner of approximately 35 aeres of land wes� of County Road 71. and north of an approximate alignment of 125th Street East, and Mr. John Friedges, operator of the mineral extraction process, have applied for the renewal of the permit tor 1993 . On May ll, 1993 the Flanning Cammission reviewed the renewal application and recommended that a public hearing be set for June l, 1993 for City �Gouncil consideration of the Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal for 1993 . At the time of the Planning Commission review on May 1.1, 1993 a ��condition" was added �o the recommended motion• That "condi�ion" requires the operator to complete a mining application form provided by the Dakota County Soil an+3 Water Conservation District and submit to the City priar ta City Council consideration of the permit renewal . Recommended Action: A MOTION to schedule a public hearing °n to June 1, 1993 at 8 .4fJ p.m. , or as soon thereafter as possible, hear tes�imony regarding the Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal for 1993 as requestied la� Lance Johnson. City Council Actioas �5�18-93.006 L�. . . 1 . �. .. . . _.. _.... ..........._"�.�._"'..'.. ... - i� o vsevr�.oun� ?� PHf')NE (812)4234411 2875-145th Stroet West.Rosemount.Mineesota - MAYQR Edward B.McMenomy FAX (612}4235203 MaiGng Address: P.O.Box 510.RosemouM.Minnesota 56068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS She�B Klaasen �j� 7 James(R�Staats �..f�C ���lC� Harry Wi11Cpx Deemis Wipptrrmann LANCE JOHNSON - PROPERTY �WNER noMiNis�Tora Stephan Ji& l�Znv�r�. E�cr�acTTOrr P�vn'r R�Cr�wal. - 1993 -� Friedges, Inc. - Pit Operatar , TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NoTTCE IS HEztESY GTv�av, the City Council of the City of Rosemaunt will hoid a public hearialg on Tuesday, 7une 1, 1993 in the Council Chambers af the City I3a11, 28?5 145th Street West, beginning at 8:0� p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The Public : Hearing listed below pertaius to property located at appmxitnately i2487 Rich Valley Boulevard and iegally described as follows. Section 14, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota herein described as follows: Part of the South Half c�f the Northeast Quarter (S'h of NE1/a) lying west of RR except commencing at the northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW lk of NE'!) west 172.74 feet to beginning; thence south OSD 36M 36S west 388.63 feet north 89D 47M 20S west 933.14 feet north 89D 57M 20S west 933.I4 feet north OD 16M �{}S east 451.44 fe,�t to narth line east 1080 feet to beginning; EXCEPT commencing at intersection of south line and west af right-of-way of RR north 0$D 36M 36S east on right-of:way 570 feet west parallel south line 707 feet south to south iine east to beginning. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public comment on the applicatian received from Lance 7ohnsan for renewal of a Mineral Extractic�n Permit for 1993 as required in Section 3.2 (DEFINITIONS) of 4rdinanee B-20 Art C?�IN�tCE A1v�:E:t�mnvG ORDINANCE B - CTII' OF ROSEMQiINT ZONIIVG ORI)INANCE. Persons wishing to s��eak on this Mineral Extract Permit Renewal are invited to attend the meeting on Tuesdav. 7une 1�1993 at $:00 p.m, Written comments will also be accepted prior to the rneeting date. Please forward all camments and inquines to the City of Rosemount Planning Depamnent. Dated this 18th day of May, 1993. Susan M. �Valsh, City Cierk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota . n � [� �ver�P�in�s �aming `�Ul.� �Jlosevn:aun��� . � ... __ Lance Tohnson/Friedges, Inc. Miner�l Extraction Permit Renewal t1993) Mailing Lrst l. Koch �tefining Co. 34-01400-Qi4-p1 P O Box 2256 34-Q14�-014-01 Wieluta., KS 67201 34�01400-Q15-Ol 34-01400-017-01 34-0140Q-018-Oi . 34-0140U-Oi0-Q5 34-01400-010-07 34-41400-014-09 � 34-01400-010-25 34-0140t3-010-31 34fl1400-010-33 34-01400-010-50 34-014t?0-012-85 34-01400-013-85 34-Q1400-014-85 34-0150d-010-41 2. Charles Koehnen - 34-014p0-012-09 12255 Rich Valley Boulevard Rosemount, MN 55068 3. Lance 7. 7ohnsot� 34-014Q0-01Q-37 1769$ Icon Trail - PETTTIONER - Lakeville, MN 55044 4. Friedges, Inc. - PETTTTONER - 9380 West 202nd Street Lakeville, IvIN 55044 s- 1 1 • . ' 124 TH STREET EAST � I ' - - + � , • . . KOGH . o " EFINING � � �MPANY e . • z . . - o � � � z • W < Z O ¢ x < ..-�„' _ � � ,nj �� � � _ co. Ro. sa 135 TH S REET EAST - - ci � . � . . . � .. J . . . � . . .� . � . .m��. . . . . � . � . . . . . � � .� } � � . . . � . W � . . . . .. . . . . J � � � � . � . . � J . � . . . � � . . .. .. � � � � . . . � . : � . . S" : � � . . . . C3 MINERAL EXTRACTION PERMIT RENEWAL LOCATION MAP