HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.m. Donation Account Expenditure - Parks & Recreation Y � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SLIMMARY FOR ACTION CTTY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 18, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: ponation Accc�unt Expenditure AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Lisa Jost AGENDA ��►/1 ■. Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation C���1 �Y� ATTACHMENTS: APPROV B : Donation Revenue Worksheets According to the donation policy, council must agprove expenditures from the donation account. Please consider the transfer of $500. 00 to assist in the purchase of t-shirts for the 7th Annual Run for the Gold fun run event. A danation of $5�0.00 was received from the Rosemount Jaycee organization to help offset the total expense of t-shirts for fun run event during Leprechaun Days. The t-shirts will be tanJnatural in color with the fun run design and Jaycee logo printed with forest green ink. The estimated total amount of the purchase is $1,656. 40. The balance of $1,156.00 wi11 be expended fram the Track and Field (Fun Run) account ,#101-45100-90. 1-219. The Council is requested at this time to authorize the transfer of $500.00 from our donation account #1�1-36230-00-004 to the operation account of our department #101-45100-90. 1-219. RECOMMENDED ACTTON: Motion to approve the expenditure of $500.00 for the Fun Run program and to approve the amendments to the budgets as given on the attached donation revenue worksheets. COUNCIL ACTIDNt cound93.2 . , DONATION REVENUE WORR&HEET RECEZPT OF Dt?NATION Donation Received on: 4-21-93 Amount Received: $ 500. 00 Receipt � far ponation: ��33321 • Purpose of Donation: ..1C T=shirts for 'the Riin for 'the Gold / Fun Run Account � for ponatian: ��101-22223 (Must be Liability � assigned for each individual Department) EXPENDITtTRE OF DONATION � Amount to be Bpent: $ 500 . 00 To be Sp�nt f rom Acct �; t D�-�t..Sf�o - q p,i � �!q (Must be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Department) Jcx�"--c.Qa.. Puzpose of ExpendituZ'e: Purchase o� Fun Run shirts AMENDMENT OF BIIDGETS .., . . _ Amend Donation Revenue Acct �101-36230-a0-000: $ 500 . q0 Amend Expenditure Acct # 101-45100-90 . 1-219 : $ 50d. 00 ' (The two dollar amounts should be the same) GENERAI, 30t3RNAL ENTRY TO .A'DJIIST DONATION LIABILITY # Debit: �b.�- 2�3�'� (Donation Liability �j $ 500 .00 Credit: 101-36230-00-000 . $ 50� ,04 Credit: 101-29300 $ 504 .00 . Journal entry to reduce defe=red donation .revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on 5-18-93