HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.l. D.A.R.E. and Police Liaison Services Agreement » ._, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ERECUTIVE SVI�IRY ,FOR ACTIQN CITY CQUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 1$,1993 AGENDA ITEMs AGENDA SLCTIONa D.A,R.E. & POL3CE LIAISON SERVICES AGREEMENT CONSENT PREPARED BYs AGENDA I�E� ,# � � ELLIEL KNUTSEl�, CHIEF OF PQLTCE ATTAC�Q�iENTS: APP D 8 , I . S.D. 196 AND CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AGREEMENT The ��ate Legisia�ure passed a bill in 3991 authorizing school districts to levy property taxes in the amaunt of $1 .Q0 per capita for the ur os�s of assistin fundin a£ the D.A.R.E. and Police P P � g Liaison programs . Again this year, I,S.D. 196 has entered this program and has authorized $6, 242 .00 to the City of Rosemount for part of the City' s cos� of the D.A.R.E. pragram and an additional $ZO,O�fl.00 to provide an officer to the Rosemount Middle SChoo1 for a periad of 12 hours per week during the sehool year 1993-Z994 . The contract was drawn up and approved by tY�e Sehool Board on Apri2 26. 1993 and, i£ the City af Rosemount agrees to the contract, the monies ; wil be paid in two equal installments; one on Ju1y 16, 1993 and the ' other on January 4, 1994 . �fficer Robideau is scheduled to provide D.A.R.E, training during the school year 1993-1994 and will: be able to provide Z2 hours per week to the Rosemount Mzddle School as th� Palice Lia�:son Offieer. REC�N�'DED ACTIC?Ns MO�ION TO APPROVE THE D.A.R.E. & POLTCE LIAISON SERVICES AGREE�IENT BETWEEN THE GITY OF RQS�Mf1UNT AND SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 WHEREAS AUTHORIZING ROSEM4UNT POLICE DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE AN QFFICER TQ PROVIDE D,A.R.E. INSTRLTCTIQN AND PC?LICE LIASS4N SERVIGES. COIINCIL ACTIQNz U.A.R.E. &POLICE LIAISON SERVICES AGREEMENT: SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 196 AND CITX C3F R�SEMOUNT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into the day and year set forth below by and between SCHC70L DISTRICT NC). 19�, a Minnesc�ta municipal corporation, (hereinafter "'SChOol Di5triCt") and CITY OF ROSEMQLJNT, a Minnesota municipal corporation, {hereinafter "City"). RECITA:LS WHEREAS, for purposes af this Agreement, the School District's participating elementary schools within the City consist of the fallowing schoolsr Rosemount Elementary and Shannon Park; and WHEREAS, for purposes of this Agreement, the Schc>ol District's participating middle school within the City consist of the �ollowing scht�ol: Rosemount Middle; and WHEREAS, the parties enter into this Agreement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes �275.125, Subd. 6j. NOW THEREFQRE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The City agrees to provide a police officer who is a state certified peace officer and certified D.A.R,E. instructc�r to instruct a 17-week per s�mester curriculum of drug abuse resistant education ("D.A.R.E.") in the School District's elementary schools. 2. The �chool District agrees#o pay the amount of$6,242.4Q to the City as and for the City's costs incurred in teaching the D.A.R.E. program for the School District. 3. The City agrees to provide a state certified police officer to perform �n average of 12 haurs per week police liaison services to the School District'S middle schools for the purpose of assisting in the establishmen� and trained caordination of a cooperative community approaeh among the School Distrirt's schools, students, parents, police and other community resources to address the needs of the students and eommunity members. The City's police liaison services shall inelude, but not limited to: a. Prevention af delinquency; b. Protection of life and property; and c. Law enforcement, 4. The School I7istrict shall pay the City the amount of$10,OOQ.QO, as and for the eity's police liaison services to #he Schaol Dis#rict. S Servke�lDAR.&Sorvix+l4-1693/G ts�°`i�c`w«�aa nm.� 5. The parties agree and acknowledge that the police afficers who are assi�ned to pravide D.A.R.E. instructian and police Iiaison services in the schools are, and wit2 continue to be, members and employees of the City and its police depar#ment. The offieers shall operate under the direct administratio�r and supervision af the police department but will work in cooperatian with sehool administrators to further mutually agreed goals involving the police department, schools and students. The officers $hall not have disciplinary authority within the ' schoc�ls. 6. The amount to be paid by the School District as specified in Paragraphs 2 and 4 herein shall be payable in two equal installments du� on july 16, 1993 and January 4, 1994. �. This Agreement is effective for the 1993-1994 school year; upon the expiration of the 1993-1994 school year, this Agreement shall automatically terrninate. This Agreement dated this �2G� day of 1993. G� SCH L DISTRICT NO. 196: CITY �JF RO�EMOUNT: y: Dona d R. Westerhausen, Sr. By: Ed McMenQmy,Jr. Its. Chairperson Tts: Mayor B : Rob�rt C. S:hutte By: Susan Walsh Its: Clerk Its: City Clerk STATE aF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. C4UNTY�?F r��� ) Qn this � day of 1993, before rne a Notary Public within and for said County, personally a peared DONALD R. WESTERHAUSEN, SR. and ROBERT C. SCHUTTE, ta me personally known, who each being duly sworn by me, did say that they are #he Chairperson and Clerk o£School District No. 196 and that said instrument was signed and sealed an behalf of said School District by authority of the School Board and said Chairperson and Clerk acknawi�dged saici insirument to be the free act and deed of the school District. � ��»1��1�e�S��i�..��1ri�ia��l���fyp� .. . . . . . . . . . . t �+- NARfifE'iT N. EVf,hS . �r� t�OT'RRv�1l�LIGi�iNAtES�iii'A • Notar Pu t��oz��at�t+tt� y blic i�►CDtnm.Expi�e,a Sepi, t4, 1994 K.a,....w.......»...«�� �� . � � . � � � � � � � .�. � Sappnt Smvim�N.A.R$S�vioeNMib93f1 LSD 1%Word�Dwi�a ___ , � �.,: STATE �F MINNES�TA } ) ss. COUNTY C)F ) On this _ day of , 1993, before rnQ a Notary Public within and for said County, personaily appeared ED McMENO1v1Y, JR. and SUSAN VYALSH to me personally known, who being each by m� duly sworn, each did say thafi they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the City �f Rosemount, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal a£fixed on behalf of sa�d municipality by autharity of its City Council and said Mayor and Clerlc acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said muniapality, Notary Public Sn Sa�vicea/D.A.R.B$avixa/4-1693l8 ts�`is6`w�a a n�