HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.i. Armory / Community Center Engineering Testing Pay Request #5 � x CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUNIl�3,A.RY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 18, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: ARMORY/COMMtTNITY CENTER AGENDA SECTION: ENGINEERING TESTING SERVICES PAY REQ. #5 CONSENT PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA O. I�'EM ATTACHMENTS: BILLING/PAY REQUEST #5 AP OVED BY � � � � � � .� ,�: �� � � This is a recommendation to approve Pay Request #5 to Construction Engineering Laboratory, Inc. for construction engineering testing services on the project - city share only. this is a separate contract for testing services on the project. The billing is in order, having been reviewed by the architect and city staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve Pay Request #5 in the amount of $1, 871.45 to Construction Engineering Laboratory, Inc. to be paid from accounts; 424-48000-01-301 for $524.00; 426-48000-01-303 for $1, 066 .73 ; and 427-48�00-01-303 for $280 .72 . COUNCIL ACTION: , � s,:; "''0"''�, STATE OF MINNESOTA,DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS 'CHES`jc�'•>.., ,;��,�o;;.�b�,k�1�,F;:r^ MINNESOTA ARMY NATfONAL Gt1ARD c"„�.0��. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OFFICE ��'"' P.O.Box 34$.Comp Riptey � :�.E �= LiNle falls,Minnesota 56345-03d8 MS.Swoboda J ams J _��.�' (612)632-7303 ',��y1�'1�"'�� April 26, 1993 SUBJECT: Observation and Testing Services for the National Guard Armory and Community Genter, Rosemount, Minnesota (Project No. 8909)- Mr. Stephan Jilk City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Jilk: Subjeet Payment Certification No. 5 (PARTIAL) is forwarded for payment action. Payment is recommended based on our understanding of the progress of the work. Request payment, in the amount of $1,871.45, be made to Canstruction Engineering Laboratory, Inc. , 56b1 International Parkway, Minneapolis, MN 55428. . � In accordance with State contracting procedures, payment must be received by the vendor NLT 21 May 1993. Copy of Payment Certification Nos. 5 (PARTIAL) ($864.70 MSABC Share of Payment, and $2,594.10 Federal Share of Paymentj , are furnished for your information and records; no action is required. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Carol Engelhardt of this office (612) 632-7303. Sincerely, .�tzJ�`�i ���i��'!� , Wa ne A. Johnso� C����¢� �Colonel, ZN, MN ARNG Enclosures Facilities Management Officer 1. M-Contract Z. MN Statute 16A.124 3. Local Pymt Cert 4. MSABC Pymt Cert . 5. Fed Pymt Cert Copy Furnished: MSABC, ATTN: Mr. Palmer � 8909_l59 AN EQURL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER i . ', STATE OF MINNESOTA � DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS • FACIIITIES MANKGEMENT OFFICE, CAMP RIPLET P.O. BOX 348, LITTLE FALLS, MINNESOTA 56345-0348 SUBJECT: CONTRACT PAYMENT CERTIf1CATI0N N0. 5 (PARTIAL) tOCAIIT BONDED SHARE OF PAYHENT PROJECT N0: 8909 PROJECT TITLE: Observation and Testing Services for the National Guard Arrtary and GONTRACT N0: NG621-92-G-0051 / M-5365 Cartmnity Center, Rosenatnt, Mi mesota CONTRACT AMOUNT: S17,555.00 CONTRACTING OfFICER: MG fu9ene Mdreotti COIISULTANT: The Adjutant Gencral, State of Mirnesota Construction Engirs�erinq �aboratory, Inc. 5661 International Parkway PAYMEN7 PERIOD ENDING: 25 March 1993 Ninneapolis, Mimesata 55428 DATf THIS GERTIFtCATION: 22 April 1993 -----=-=-==-===--=--------------- ------------- -'--------------==----=-------------- ------------------------=�'==m"-'"-'s=�=s==---- PAYMENT DATA: STATEMENT OF ACCOt1NT: Federal Share (FG 01) 524,333.75 Original Contract Artatnt 517,555.00 MSABC Bonded Share (FC 14) Sg����,25 Locally eonded Share CFC 16) S17,555.00 Net Changes By Modification(s) 50.00 S50,000.00 Contract Price To Date S17,555.00 Totat Payable To Date sg�27g,7Z PERCENTAGE OP NORK COMPIETE Less OX Retainage S0.00 AS OF THIS PATMENT: 47.16X Amount Payable Less Retainage 58,27g,72 less Previousty Approved Payrt�ents 56,407.27 Net Maunt Due This Certification S1,8T1.45 PAYMEN7 RECORD: No. Date qira�nt �• 11 Dee 92 S1,486.73 APPROVE� FQR PATMENT - FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OFfICE: 2. 21 Jah 93 51,996.6T 3• 2 Mar 93 S1,144.81 ,�. • - �,/ 4. 12 Mar 93 S 1,77'9.06 �f .��CC.�. � UAYN A. JOHNSON, COL, inf ry, MNARNG 56,40T.2T� Pacitities Nanagement Officer 'I REMARKS: � .. ����`�����������������3����L� � " .. ������� � � . � . . . �� . �� ���� � ����� �����������������'���������1�������������..���5����5� I 1. This payment will be made by the City of Rosemoi,r�t, Mimesota. ' N~ � ~ � 2. Copy Furnished: Constrs�ction Engineering Laboratory, Inc. Arthur Dickey Architects MNAG-PFO-P . MSABC 840910EL _. ARTHt1R DICKEY �� ARCHITECTS,INC. AP R 1 3 1993 D CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING LABORA?�R �' � � � � TESTlNG FOR 6�UALiN AND STRENGTH INVOICE Billing Period: March 93 Date: 4/9/93 Billing To: Facility Management Office P.O.Box 348 Camp Ripley Little Falls, M�t 56345-0348 Project: Army National Guard Armory - Rosemont, NN Invoice#: 92155. 5 Attention: Craig J .Weber Billing services fran 2/26/92 to 3/25I93 Masonry field test, soil field test , concrete slump, temperature, casting sample coltection and reports Principal Engineer : 3 Hrs C� $ 85. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 255. 00 Engineer R. S.Pandian 3/10//93, 3/11/93, 3/17/93 6 Hrs � $ 65. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 390. 00 Technician Jeffrey �Dessmeyer :Concrete 3/Q1/93, 3/02i93, 3/04/93, 3/05J93, 3/08/93, 3/09/93, 3i10/93, 3/11/93, 3/12/93, 3/15/93, 3/16J93, 3122/g3 18 hrs � $ 45. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 810. Q0 Soi 1 : 52 hrs � $ 45. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 2340. 00 Masonry; 3. 50 hrs C� $ 45. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 157. 50 Techniclan:Gary Peterson 3/15/93 1 hrs � $ 45. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 45. 04 sample collection Technician: Jeffrey Dissmeyer : 3/3/93, 3/4/93, 3/8/93, 3/11/93, 3/12I93 5 hrs � $ 45. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 225. 5Q Cylinder Broken:Concrete: Set # 19 to 23 - 5 z 3 x $ 10. 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 153.75 Mortar:Set # 5 = 1 x 3 x $ 10. 25, . . . . . . . . . . $ 30.75 Grout : Set # 4 = 1 z 3 x $ 10. 25. . . . . . . . . . . . : . . .$ 30.75 Extra copies of the report sent : 74 reports sent from 2/04/93 to 3/29/93 91 sheets x 4 x $ . 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ I82.00 Secretarial Time ' 6 hrs � $ 35. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 210.40 Mileage Il trips @ ?6 miles C� $ . 30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 250.80 TOTAL OF THIS INVOICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 533Q.25 I STATE OF MINNESOTA Tl 93-569 � DEPARTMEN7 OF NILITART AfFAIRS FACIIITIES MANAGEMENT OFFICE, CAMP RIPLET , P.O. BOX 348, LITTIE FALLS, MINNESOTA 56345-0348 SUBJECT: CONTRACT PAYHENT CERTIFICATION N0. 5 (PARTIAL) fEDERAL SHARE OF PATME1tT PROJECT N0: 8909 PROJEC7 TITLE: �ervation and Testiny Services for the Nationet Guard Armory artid i CONTRACT NQ: NG821-92-C-0051 / M-5365 Camxnity Cente�, Rosemai,nt, Minnesota CONTRACT AMOUNT: S24,333.75 CONTRACTING OFFICER: NG Eugene Mdreotti CONSULTANT: The AdJutant General, State of Mirnesota Construction Engineeriny Laboretory, Inc. 5561 internationat Parkway PAYMENT PERI00 EN�ING: 25 March 1493 Mimeapolis, Mi mesota 55428 DATE THIS CERTIFICATION: 22 April 1993 FEDERAL TAX ID N0: 41-1616221 ------------------------------------------- _-- - =--- --__--------- '==== � -------- -'-'--------- -----_----_'_'-'=_=_--- --------------- ---- - ---____-- --------__—_=====a=� PAYMENT DATA: STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT: I Federat Share (FC 01) S24,333.75 Original Contract Maur►t 524,333.75 MSABC Bonded Share (FC 14) Sg�111,25 locatly eonded Share (FC 1G) S17,555.00 Net Changes ey Modificationfs) S0.00 550,000.00 Contract Price To Date 524,333.75 Totat Payable To Date 51t,475.51 PERCENTAG6 OF 410RK COMPLETE Less OX Retainage 50.00 AS Of THIS PAYMENT: 47.1bX Amount Payable less Retainage S11,475.51 Less Previously Approved Payments S$,881.41 � Net Miamt Due This Certification 52,594.10 PAYMENT RECORD: No. Date Amount �• " 11 Dec 92 52,060.83 ARPROVED FOR PAYMEHT - fAGILITIES MANAGEMENT OFFICE: I i Z• 21 Jan 93 52,767.67 3. 2 Mar 93 51,586.88 S:�i�� �' 4. 12 Mar 93 52,466.03 �'' YAYNE A. JOHNSON, COC, Infa�c �' ry, KNARNG 58,881.41 Pacitities 1lanagement Officer REMARKS: ------aa-------=a=_'___==_--------_---�---------- I, . .______ _______ _____ _-___-_� �_ .._�_______xax-=s-____:�m_a�-_�___�ar.�xs -__- I 1. Shis payment will be made by the USPFO-Mimesota. Check wilt be issued from Fort McCoy, Visconsin, 2. Copy furnished: Construction Engineerinp Laboratory, inc. ArtMur Dickey Architects � MSASC • City of Rosema�nt � 8909FCEL �''', i I' i, %I � _ _..� - � STAtE Of MINNES07A DERARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS FACI U TIES t4ANAGEMENT OFFTCE, CAMP RIPLET P.O. BOX 348, LITTLE fALLS, MINNESOTk 56345-0348 SUBJECT: CONTRACT PATNENT CERTIFIGAiION N0. 5 (PARiIAL) MSABC SONDED SHARE Of PATMENT PROJECT ►!0: 8909 PROJECT TITLE: Observation and Testing Services fer the Ttational Guard Armory and CONTRACT N0: NG821-92-C-0051 / M-5365 Cartnunity Center, RoseRwcnt, Nimesota CON7RACT AHOUHT: 58,111.25 CONTRAC7ING OFFICER: MG Eugene Andreotti CONSULTANT: The Adjutant Generat, State af Minnesota Constrtxtion Enginetrin9'laboratory, Inc. 5661 Internationel Parkway PAYMENT PERIOD ENOING: 25 March 1993 Mirvxapolis, Mi mesota 55428 DATE 7HIS CERTIFICATION: 22 April 1993 ------------------------------ ------=--=----=----====`--------_�_____==_____---=—=___'_—___=_=�=t PAYMENT DATA: STATEMEN7 Of ACCWN7: Federat Share (FC 01) 524,333.75 Originat CoM ract Artaunt 58,111.25 MSABC 6onded Share (FC 14} 58,11�.25 locatly eonded Share (FC 16) S17,555.00 Net Changes By Modificatian(s> 50.00 S50,000.00 Contract Price To Date 58,111,25 Totat Payable To Oate S3,825.17 PERCENTAGE OF LlORK COMPLETE less OX Retainage S0.00 AS OF TNiS PAYMENT: 47.t6X Mau�t Payable Less Retainage S3,$25.17 less Previously Approved Payments S2,960.47 Net Artaunt Due 7his Certification S864.70 PAYMENT RECORD: No. Date Aapunt �• 11 Dec 92 5686.94 APPROYED FOR PAYNENT - FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OFFICE: 2. 21 Jan 93 5922.5G 3• 2 Mar 93 S528.96 j:�„� 4. 12 Mar 93 S$22.01 1UYNE A. JOHNSON, CAL, Intantry+, MHARHG 52,960.4T Faci'lities Managendent Officer REMARKS: =-==--=--= � � i STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMEN7 OF NILITART AFFAIRS FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OFfICE, CAMF RIPLEY P.O. BOX 348, LITTLE fALLS, MINNESOTA 56345-4348 SUBJECT: CONTRAC7 PATMENT CERTIFICATION N0. 5 (PARTIAU MSABC 80NDED SHARE OF PATMENT PROJECT N0: 8409 PROJECT TITLE: Observation a�d Testing Servfices �or the National Guard Arawry and CONTRACT N0: NG621-92-C-OQ51 / M-5365 Eortm,nity Centet, Roserta�nt, Mimesota CONTRACT AMOt1N7: 58,111.25 CONTRAC7ING dFFIGER: MG Eugene Mdreotti CONSUITANT: 7he Adjutant Generat, State of Minnesota Construction Engineeriny Laboratory, Inc. 5661 Internationat Parkway PATHENT PERI00 ENDING: 25 March 1993 Mimeapotis, Mimesots 55428 DATE THIS CERTIFICATION: 22 Aprit 1993 ----------------------------------------------==---=--�---------_----=____=______=_-====='s======�s�_s -------------------------------------- ------- --------- ---- PAYMENT DATA: STATEMENT OF ACGOUNT: Federal Share (FC 01) 524,333.75 O�iginal Contract Amount 58,111.25 MSABC Bonded Share (PC 14) 58,111.25 Localty Bonded 5hare (FC 16) 517,555.00 Net Changes By Modificaticn(s) 30.00 SS0,000.00 Contract Price To Date S$,111.25 Total Payable To Date S3,825.77 PERCENTAGE OF t10RK COMPLETE less OX Retainage 30.00 AS OF TH1S PAYMENT: 47.16X Amount Payable less Retainage S3,$25.t7 Less Previously Approved Payrrients S2,9b0.47 Net Artaent Oue This Certification S$64.70 PAYMENT RECORD: No. Date Amount 1. 11 Dec 92 5686.94 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT - FAGILITIES MAHAGEliENT OfFICE: 2. 21 Jan 93 5922.56 3. 2 Mar 93 S528.96 .'�.�.;�,� 4. 12 Mar 93 5822.0� 1lATRE A. JOHNSaN, COI, Infantry, MNARNG 52,960.47 Facilities Martayemer►t Officer REMARKS: -=_=-c==___�__.___===ee=x-��a_oxan�_=s�xa�__s:-_=-.e=m-�sxraoexasasaamaasa�ozsrr==�ax=x=s_ . 1. This pa�mie�t wilt be made by the Mimesota State Armory 8uitding Commission (MSABC), St. Paul, Nimesota. 2. Copy Furnished: Canstruction Engineering Laboratory, Inc. A�thur Dickey Architects , MNAG-AFO-P City of Rosertw�nt 8909MCEl " i���o�d���i�o���cur{ti:;irn�u� �;i r:���i nir��.�,i�;.� t. � � , PURCHASE ORQER P�' # 21714 Minn.Tax Exempt Status No. 9757275 Fed.Tax No.41-600550i ���jt� o� ���o.sc�mc�t,ti�� � �' � � endor ID: 2£�75 145th Street West • RC? Box 510 Phone (612) 423-4411 Invoice #: . - Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Date: � -� Acct #: 424-48000-01 301 � Construct i on Eng i neer i ng Lab. I nc. - Amount $ 524.00 5661 fnternational Parkway ' TO M i nneapo l i s MN 55428 ACCt #: `�26-48000-01-303 . . � ; 1,066.73 ji � � Amount�27=�800II=II1=3o3— ,; . � F/C: $ 280.72 DATE , DATEAEQUIRED TERMS SHIP VIA F.O.B. REQUISITION NO. 5-12-93 < . ,:. . . . . . . ��, ,`. •.��NJ . .,...{ , ': ::. , ., M$*r�t.-`�9'.,.�i�,�trf"x. ;"�T�SCFi! �t7N$TbCK NUMBER ':>� y '�t'.�;?�2:". .'T...�tn. s`•i.;'. ,.q2�:' IC U :� ,� � a,, .�,,i , I . � ; 1 ' Payment: No. 5 ,:� .��•j Construction Testing Services - City Share � „ � �' � � 424=48000-41-301 $ 524.00 . � � 426-48Q00-01-3C?1 1,066.73 ', ; 427-48000-01 303 280.72 i � $1,871 ,45 $1,871 .45 , � : i 1 `� Stephan Jiik, City Administrator � :.-� � � • - . , BY— , :':� (� White:Vendor Copy � Yellow:Accounting �� Pink:File •ah,� Gold:Department � • ..� �✓ , , : . :� 1. M-Contract _------ ------�-..._.._ ....__....� • 2. MN Statute 16A.124 " , 3. Local Pymt Cert ' A t.�ChRC Ptiml- r'�n,-+- .