HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.g. Legal Fees - McDonough Case � ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUl�+iARY FOR ACTION CZTY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 18, 1993 AGE1�A ITEM: LEGAL FEES - MC DONOUGH CASE AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMIN3STRATQR AGENDA �Q:[�►n .µ (� j� � � ��v� rr� Q � ATTACHI+�ENTS: BILLING AP OVE . : � �� : a L C- This is a request far approval of payment of legal fees billed on the McDonoughjSunrise Builders �a�e. This billing is trom the Fredrikson & Byron Law Firm represented by Mr. Kent Harbison. Mr. Harbison is acting as City Attorney in this matter. This bill has been reviewed and found to be in order. RECOI�lENDED ACTIQN: 1Ntotion to approve the payment of $2, 154 .40 to the law firm of F�edriksan & Byron far legal serv�.ces on the McDonough/Sunrise Builders case. COUNCIL ACTIOAT: � .. . � „' III FREDRIKSC3N & BYRON ■/■ �„ A nctnFss�o�,a��xsocuno� INVOICE hET 3o nA��s Client No. 30395 City of Rosemount P.O. Box 510 May 7, 1993 2875 145th Street West Invoice No. 21�104 Rosemount, M�I 55068 ATTN: Stephan Jilk, Cty. Adm. For Frofessional Serviees through April 30, 1993 : Matter No. 1 . Michael McDonaugh v. 04/O1/93 K. Harbison Review and analyze real . 5 70. 40 estate foreclosure sale documents as to McDanough' s property. Oa/O1/93 J. Link Telephone call from . 3 3Q. �JQ Metro Legal Service regarding documents to obtain f rom Dakata County regarding property; examine property documents from Dakota County Recorder' s of�iee. 04/02J93 K. Harbison Analyze bank reco�ds . 5 70. 00 regarding liens and � foreclosure on McDono�ugh' s property. . 04I06/93 S . Konkol Examination of .3 33. 50 Condition of Title and recorded documents from office ot �ak4ta County Registrar of Titles; _ intraaffice conference in cannec�ion with mortqage foreclosure ' issues, mortgaqe PLEASE REMIT T4: FREDRIKSON & $ YRON 11U0 II�'TEPI�'ATI4NAL GENTRE,900 5ECOhD r1VENUE SOUTI�,MIIvNEAPOLIS,AfN 55�02-339? TELEPHQ1r'E(612)3�7-?DOQ �,� 'CEI.ECOPIER(b12�347-707? ��� TELEX 244559 FR£DRIKSO\'I�iPS TA)+. ID 1�°Q.41=0971937 QUESTTONS REGARDIi�'C THIS IN"VOIGE SNOULD BE REFERRED TO OUR BUSiI�ESS CtFFICE AT (6Z2) 347-?053 � � PI:F.AS�' RETt'R��Pl�'�'("�PV�ti�TTN)�Ot,'R P4Y4tF_.NT � � � � r ��, I �„ „' FREDRIKSOI�I & BYRON '�� h reoet�s�tts�.acrssOc�an��� INVOICE h`ET 3D DAYS '� Client No. 30395 page; 2 City of Rosemaunt May 7, 1993 Michael McDonough v. indebtedness and market value of property. 04/46/93 K. Harbison Letter to S. Jilk 1. 2 168 .00 regarding bank' s I', foreclosure on McDonough property; read and analyze latest Court of Appeals ' decision regarding official immunity; begin outlining topics for oral argument to Court of Appeals at 4/22/93 hearing . 04/13/93 K. Harbison Begin planning oral 1. 5 230 . 00 argument issues for Court of Appeals hearing . 04J1bj93 IC. Harbison Continue synthesi.zing 1. Q 140. OQ appeal issues and facts for use in orai argument to Court of Appeals . 04/17J93 K. Harbison Continue drafting oral . 9 126. Q0 argument� outline 'for Court of Appeals. 04J19J93 K. Harbison Letter to R. Ost].und 1.8 252. 0� regarding arrangements for sharing appell.ate arguments; read 4�13/93 cases regarding PLEASE RE113IT TO; FREDRIKS4N & BYRON I1Q0 INTERI\'AT'IONAL CENTRE, 900 SEGDI�'D AVENUE SOUTH,MIr\'EAPOLIS,riN ���02-3397 �, TEL�PHONE(612)347-7000 ��, TELECOPIER(612)347-7Q77 ��� TELEX 290569 FREDRIKSON hSPS TA.X ID h'0.41-0971937 ' QUESTIONS REGARDING T�IIS TA'VpICE SH�ULD BE REFERRED Tfl OUR BUSIhESS OFFICE AT (612) 347-70s7 ', ,� PLF_.-�c�RFTt'R`'PI�'K("�PY rr�/TH 1"nr�R P,�av�fFa'?' I I �.. � , "' III FREDRIKSON & BYR� N �„ e rKo►'�s�o���.v�socurto� INVOICE t�ET 3o na��s Cli�nt No. 30395 page_: 3 City of Rt�semount May 7, 1993 Michael McDonough v. immunities. Continue preparation of argument outlines and revi.sing briefs to prepare for questions from Court of : Appeals judges . 04/20/93 K . Harbison First rehearsals of 1. 7 238 .40 oral argument for Court of Appeals heariang; revise argument outline; telephone call from R. Ostlund regardinq logistics and order of oral argument . 04/21/93 K. Harbison Prepare for, r�hearse 1. 2 168 . Ofl and revise oral argument for 4j22/93 Court of Appeals hea�ing . 04/22j93 K . Harbison Prepare fc�r and attend 3. 3 4b2 . p0 Court of Appeals oral argument in St . Paul; telephane ca7.1 to S. . Jilk regarding repbrt on court hearing; letter to S. Jilk regarding hearing results . 04/26/93 K, Harbison Telephone conferences :7 98, 00 with S. Ji1k regarding results of Court of PLEASE RE�4IT TO: FREDRIKSON & BYRON i104 IIv1'ERI�ATIONAL CENTRE,9fl0 SECOI�D A�'ENtJE 50UTH,hiiI�NEAPOLIS,1��N 55�02-3397 TELEPHONE{612}337•7000 �,I TELEGOPI£R(b12y 3�7•7077 ��� TELE�:290a69 FREDRIKSO\�iPS TAX ID NO.41-0971937 QUESTIdNS REGARDII�'G 'fFiI5 Ih'�'QICE SHOULD BE REFERT2ED TD OtJR BUSINESS OFFIC�AT(612) 347-7Q�7 PLEASE RETt,�RV PG�'K COPY�c�ITN YOUR P.AnfE,ti'T �/ � V a_.� I ' "' II III FREDRIKSON & BYRON ■�■ „� � �ApR(/Ff'�ti1(ItiACASC(ICIATIOV . . . .. . ' INVOICE ;��r 3o n���s Client No. 30395 Page: 4 City of Rosemount May 7, 1993 Michael McDonough v. Appeals hearing and Bank' s sale of the property; arrange for obtaining sale price. �tal Hours 14 . 9 Total For Services $2, 063. 5C Disbursements, Costs and Q�her Charges Telecopier Charge 3.00 Photocopy Charges 8. 6C Metro Legal Services, Inc. - tract search 67 . SC Telecopier Charge 2. Ot Telecopier Charge 9 . Ot Photocopy Charges . �� Total for Disbursements, Costs and Other Charges $90. 9C Total This In�oice $2, 154 . 4t OUR FISCAL YEAR ENDS ON MAY 28 � WE WOULD APPRECIATE RECEIVING PAYMENT PRIOR TO THAT DATE I THANK YOU I � '.� . a�� � a �-� � , PLEASE REh4IT TO: FREDRIKSON & BYRON 1100 INTERNATIQNAL CENTRE,9U0 SECOND AVEh'UE SOUTH,TZINNEAFOLIS, i��IN 5�402-3397 �i TELEPHOI�E(612}347•7800 I,I TELE�OPIER(6123��7-70I7 ��� TELE3C 290569 F'42EDR[KSO�MFS 'I TAX ID NfJ.41-0971937 ; QUESTIONS, REGARDif�G THIS INVOICE SHOULA BE REF�RRED T� OUR BUSI\ESS OFFICE AT (612) 347-7057 i