HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.d. Set Public Hearing for USPCI Coal Ash Zoning Text Amendment ,4 . s:) � � . . . � . .. � . �. � . � � . . � . . . City of Raseinount Executive Summary for Action City Council Meeting �ate: May 18, 1993 Agenda Item: Set Public Hearing: Agenda Section. USPCI Caal Ash 2oning Text CONSENT AGENDA Amendment Petition, Prepared By: Lisa: Freese Agenda �� Di,rector of Planning � Q - �.J Attachmeatss Pe�ition; Hearing Notice; Approved By: Mailing List. � USPCI, Inc. has petitianeci the City to amend the zaning ordinanee in order to permi�. the dispo��l of coal ash at th� Mi�nesota Industirial Containment Facility. The ordinanee does nat allow the disposal of ash from incinerators, resource recavery facilitie� and. power plants. USPCI is requesting that the definition be changed t� allow the acceptance of coal ash at the facility. The Planning Cammission initially reviewed this petition at their April 27 regular rneeting and recommended that the City Council proceed with setting a public h.earing. The Commission also directed staff to prepare an addendum tc� �he Tn�erim Use Permit pertaining to the acceptance and handling of coal ash at the facility for review and recommendation at their May 25th meeting_ Their final reeommenda�ian on the text amendment will also be made at that meeting pric�r to the City Council public hearing an June lst. As you will reea3.l, this public hearing was to be scheduled �or tonight" s meeting, but the heari.ng was delayed by reques� of the applicant at the May 4 City Council meeting. Recammended Action: A M�T�ON t4 set a public hearing �or �he USPCI Zoning �rdina�.ce Text Amend�n�nt petitior� on June 1, 1�93 at 8: 0(� p.m. or as saon therea€ter as possible. City Coua�il Actione osits�s3,cx3s No: 'Da#e: Ci#y of Rosemount ZQN/NG ORDINANCE TEXf AMENDMEM PETlTIGN USPCI, Inc. 438-150� APplicant: Phona: Address: 13425 Courthcnise Blvd. . STATUS OF APPUCANT: X Owner Buyer Lessee OTHER; LOCATi�N: Lot . Biock . Additian St�eet Address; 13425 Courthouse B].vd. Metes 8� Bounds Descrlpiion Attached; Yes Sunrey or Plot Plan Attached: Affectad Sectian(s): All REASON FOR RE�UES1": 1. USPCI v�ou.ld 3�.ike to accept non-hazardous ash fran the aombustion of ec�al, while keeping in place the prohibition agair�st rnunicipal solid waste incinerator ash. 2. 3, Signature t�f Applicant: FQ OF�tCE USE t?NLY �iPP/ication received by: ` Qate: 4�----�;��,,`�„�„� Fee: �.�e► .�,-�' How Peid. k- �d? � �are: � Planning Commission Action: Daie, ` r USPCI MICF Site Legal Description A tract of land iying in Sectfons 19, 20 and 29, Township 115N, Range 18W, all in the City of Rosemount, Dakota Gaunty, Minnesota, corrwnencing at the SW carner of the East 1/2 of the Southeast 114 of said Section 19, thence East and Southeasterly along the centertine of County Road 38 to its intersection with the North and South quarter section line of Section 29; thence Nflrth along said North and South quarter section line of Section 29 and the North and South quarter section line of Section 20 to the southwesterly right-af-way line of State Trunk Highway 55; thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly ` right-of-way line of said Highway 55 ta its intersection with the centerline of the Chicago and Northwestern Transportatian Company right-of-way; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of said right-of-way to its intersection with the West line of the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 19; thence South along said West line to the paint of commencement. � �� � � t3rdinance B--Definit�on Lot Width The width measured aiang the tront lot line or street iine. Manufactured Home "Manufactured home" means a s[rncture, transportable in one or more sectioas, which in the traveling mode, is eigbt (8) body feet or more in width or �0 body feet ,---�� or more in length, or, when erected on site, is 320 or more square feet, and which is built on . 't a permanent chassis and desi�ed to be used as a dwelling with or wizhout a perrnanent � foundation when cozinected t� the requued uulities, and isicIudes tl2e plumbing, heating, air . conditioaing, and electrical systems contained therein; except that the term includes any struc[ure which meeCs ali the requiremeats aad with respect to which the rnanufacturcr voluntarily files a certifi�atioa required by the secretary and compties with the standards established uader this chapter. Mac�ufactured Home Park Any premises on which Cwo (?) or more oceupied manufactured homes are lacated. Manufacturine. Custom The production and sale on the premues of hand maaufacturEd producu involving only the use of hand toals and domestic mectsanical equipmeaG Mineral Extraction The extraetion of saad,grauel, rocl: pr othex such material from the tand. Moatessori Schoal A schaol for children where the fvndaznentat aim is self-education. Matel A building or gzoup of attached or detached buildin�s under common ownership containiag eight (8) or mare guest or sleeping rooms which is used or iatended to be used prinnariiy for t6e accommodation of transient �utomobile [rauelers. This term shall include buildings designated as auto courts, tour'rst caurts, motor courts, mator hotels aad similar names. Motor Frei�ht: Terminal A building or area ia which freieht brpught by motor truck is assembled and/or stored for routing in intra-state or iater-state shipmenL Multiple-Familv Dwetling See Dwelling, Multigle-Family. . �T Nan-Conforming Use A buildin� o: use of land which does not conform to tbe regulations of the district or zone ia �vhich it is situated. Non-Hazardous Indnstrial Waste Salid wa�te generated from an industrial ar uranufacturing . process. Non-ha2ardotu industrial w�ste shall not utclude: incineratar, resource recovery ar yo ,�rower 1p ant as�, or byproduct from the processing or recycling of such ash, liquid wastes nat processeTe the facility; sewage sludge, including treated or di�ested sewage slndge; PCBs; infeczious waste; hQusehold garba�e or refuse; non-hazardous indus[rial waste that is economically feasible to retycle;radioactive or nuclear waste; rendering or slau�hterhouse waste; or hazardous waste, Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste Containment FaciIitv A facility[hat accepts and land disgoses of only nan-hazardous industrial waste. The facility may accept non-hazardous iudustrial liquid waste if such liquids are processed to insure no free liquids are land dispQsed. A, faciiiry shall include containment eelis and al1 other appurtenanees aecessary for its operatian. �iursen� School A sehool for children of preschool age. Nursi� Home An e�tended or intermediate care facility licensed ar appro��ed to provide ful1- time conwalescent or chronzc care to indiLYduals who, by reason of ad��anced age, chronic illness or infirmiry, are uaable to care far themselves. Offices. Business A building(s) in which bnsiness of a non-retail nature and clerical services and duties are carried out, including carporate o�ces, banl:s, credit unions, insurance �and real estate offices and induding multigle-tenant office buildin�s. dffices• Professional A building in which grofessianal and t�nana�ement ducies and �ervices are : carried aut, iacluding medical and dental eiinics and offices; psychiatrists and ps�fchologists �`-- offices; arEhitectural, eugineeriag, pl�nning and le�a1 of�ices, and similar uses. 6 USPCI � A S�ub�of Union Pa 'ic Corporation March 5, 1993 Mr. Stephan 3i1k City of Rosemount 2$75 - 145th Stxeet West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, Mn 5506$ Dear Mr. Jilk: USPCI, Ine. is requesting an amendment to the Rosemount Zoning Ordinance text to allow the acceptance of coal ash at the Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility (`MICF). USPCI is making this request because it believes that coal ash is a non-haza:rdous industri.ai waste af the type that MICF was designed to effectively contain with no hanmful effeets to the enviaronment. As you recall, the pertinent portions af the zoning ordinance were written while there was debate over the permitting af the Dakota County Resouree Recovery facility. There was concern that a State-af-the-Art I.and Disposai fa�ility such as the MICF might be used for municipal incinerator ash disposal if the incinerator was eonstructed. The City took steps ta alleviate this public concern, with the support of USPCI, by excluding ash from municipal u�aste incineration or resource recovery from being accepted at non-hazardous industrial waste facilitie� in Rosemount: USPCr understands the intent of the ordinance to prevent ash from munieipal waste combusiion, generated at incinerators and some power plants such as NSP's Red Wing facility, from beutg sent to the MICF. Ash from caal-burning power plants, however, has beneficial properti�s that are desuable in the chemistry of co�tainment cells. In many areas, coal ash is useci as a solidification agent to ba�nd liquid waste prior to disposal. Coa1 ash is currently being disposed of at other facilities in I3akc�ta County. Under MICF's Waste Acceptance Plan, any caal ash that is accepted at the facility must undergo the same rigoraus sampiing and testing procednres that any other waste must undergo prior tv acceptance. USPCI fe,els that this is a waste stream that may be benefieially re-used at the facility as a co�er material inside the cell, with apprapriate approVals from the MPCA anti Dakota CaunCy. Minnesota Industriai Containment Facility i 3425 Courthouse Boulevard • Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 • 6i 2l�438-1500 * Fax 612/438-1549 Amendment Request page two USPCI requests that the definition of non-hazardous industrial waste in the RosemQunt Zc�ning Ordinance be amended as follows: Delete: Non-hazardous waste shall not include: incinerator, resource rec�very or power plant ash, or by-product from the processing or recycling of such ash;... Insert; Non-hazardaus waste shall not include: ash generated by waste incinerators or waste resource recovery facilities that burn municipal solid waste, or by-product from the processing or recycling of such ash;. . . We have enclosed a completett Zoning (Jrdinance Text t�niendment Petition with the required fee. We will be cantacting yov to determine what else needs to be compieted in order to expedite this amendment. Please ca.11 if you have any questions regarding this request or if you have suggestions on how t4 proeeed. Sineerely, Rex Kraft Faeility Manager RK{dd enclasures: Zoning Ordinance Test Amendment Petition and Application Fee cc: Bill5hea Ken Jackson Don Chapdelaine Liane Hetherington-Ward 3im Gaughan Barry Sehade Mi.ke l�iles I.isa Freese i�� o osevnouvt� PHONE (612)4E34411 2875•745th Street West.Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612J 423-$203 . Maifing Address: EdwBrd B.McM80omy P.O.Bax 510,Aosemount.Mi�nesota 5506&OStO COUNGILMEMBERS Sheila Klassert P�b��C iV��1�� James(Re�Staats Hdtry WillcOx Denrtis Wippermann ZONING TEXT .�MENDMENT PETITION aoMrNrsrRnros Steph�n Jilk TO PERMIT COAL ASH DISPOSAL IN NONHAZARDQUS INDUSTRIAL WASTE GONTAINMENT F�,CILITIES Petitioner: USPCI, inc. To Whom It May Concern: N4TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Gouncil af the City of Rasemount will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, Iune 1, 1993 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, bebinning at 8:Q0 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possibl�. The gurpase of the tlearing is to consider an Zoning Urdinance Text Amendment tnat would permit the disposal of coal ash in nonhazardous waste industrial containrnent facilities. Currently the ordinance prohibits the disposal of ash from incinerators, resource recovery faciliti�s and power plants. The petitioner, USFCi, Inc.,�operates a nonhazardous industrial waste land dispasal facility at 13425 Courthouse Boulevard and wishes to accept coal ash wastes at this facility. The property is located on the south side of Courthouse Boulevard {STH S5) east of US Highway 52 and nortti af County Road 3$ is legally described as: A tract of iand lying in Sections 19, 20 and 29, Township T1SN, Range 1$W, all in the City of Rosernount, Dakota County, Minnasoia, commencing at the SW eomer of the Fast i/2 af the Southeast I/4 of said Sectioa 19; thence east and southeasterly alon�the eent�rline of County Road 38 to its intersection with the North and Sauth Quarter Section Line af Section 29; thence north atong said North and Sauth Quarter Section Line of Section 29 and the Narth and South Quarter Sectian Line of Section 2Q to the southwesterly right-of-way line of State Trtink Highway 55; thence northwesterly along the southwesterly right-of-way line of said Hi�hway �5 to iEs intersection with the centerline of tbe Chicaga and Narthwestern Transportation Company ri�hi-of-way! thence southwestcrly along the centerline of said righc-of-way to its intersection with khe west line of the East ll2 of the Sout6east i!4 of Section i9; thence soukh alonb said west linc to the point of commencemcnt. Persons wishing ta speak on this zoning amendment petitian are invited to attend this meeting an Tuesdav. June 1 1992 at 8•pQ p m or submit written comments prior tv the hearing to the Rosemount Planning Department, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, MN 5506$. Dated this 4th day vf May, 1993. Susan M, Waish, City Clerk City af Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota �ver�l�i�gs �oming �U�,�i �osemounl�� � '- ' . � USPCl. INC. ZONING TEXT AMENLIMENT PETITION MAItING LIST L Koch Refining Cumpany 34•019pQ-010-02 P.U. Box 225fi 34-Q1900-010-06 Wichita, KS 67201 34•01900-Q 11•10 . 34•01900•O tQ•62 34-019Q0-010•80 34•q2000-010�35 34•Q2000-U1 fl•38 2. Chicago & NW Trans Co 34•01900-Q10•50 t N WSTN CTR 34-Q190Q-fl10-82 Chicago, tl 60606 34-02000•010-27 34-U2000•010-75 3. Paul J. Nieland 34-01900-010-52 13250 Ctayton Rvenue E Rosemount, MN 5506$ 4, Metro Waste Control Commission 34-019Q0-010•86 Mears Park Centre 230 E Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 5. Orrin Kirschbaum 3�-0200Q-Oi0•O1 13220 Doyte Path 34•02000-010-11 Rosemo►tnt, MN 55068 6. Joseph M. & Julie A. Simones 34-02000•010-08 T3273 Pine Bend Trai{ Rosemourtt, Mn 55068 - 7. Pine Bend Qevelopme�t Ca. 34•02U00-01Q•13 °� Melvin G. Astleford 34-020U0•U1Q-25 1200 Highway 13 West 34•0?Q00•O10•28 Burnsville, MN 55337 34-03t100-�10-39 34-Q2000-0ip-$2 34-0290D•O1D•01 34-0290{1-010•20 34-02900-0 T 1-25 34-fi29DQ•Q t U•35 34-03000-Ut0-01 34•03000-010•19 8. USPCI, Inc. 34-02000-011-50 Suite 5flD 34-020�0-011•6fl 515 West Greens Road Houston. TX 77067-�524 9. Ninih Street Ptop., {nc. 34-0?000•O10•37 One Commerce Green 5t5 W Greens • Suite 500 Nnuston. TX 77067 10, D. W. SeversQn 34•020D0•010•77 3389 l4fltfi Street East Rusemaunt, Mn fi5068 , , . . , , � 1L James H. Kromschroeder 34-020Q0-01Q-86 13625 Courthouse Bivd • RR 2 Rosemount, Mn 55Q68 12. Masahiru & Brenda Sngii 34=02000-010-88 13701 Cnurthouse Blvd Rasemount, �In 55D68 13. Rich T. Burger 34-029D0•fl]Q-10 M. G. Astleford 120fl Highway 13 West Burnsville, MN 55337 14. Calvin V. & Eleanor C. Twining 34•02900-010•1] 5480 142nd Street fast Rosemoun#. Mn 55068 15. Qale B. & Betty L. Agre 34•02900-010-15 t4175 Eilers Path Rosemount, MN 55068 16. Raymond A. & Rosella Rahn 34•03000-01QU9 3855 145th Street fast 34-03Q00•O10•25 Rosemoant, MN 55068 34-0300Q-010-3U 17. Martin W. & Joann Rechizigel 34•03000-Ot3•35 14727 Clayton Avenue East Rosemount, MN 55068 t8. The Soiberg Construction Co. 34-03Q00-0t0-40 13245 Ciayton Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 19. Spectro ANoys Corp. 34•33400-01U-Ut 13220 Doyle Path • Box 10 34•33400•t#2Q-01 Rasemount, MN 55068 34-33400-030•U1 34-33400-fi140-01 34-340fl0-040-02 34•39000-050•02 Z0. Hollenback & Nelson, Inc. 34•33400•05Q-01 7700 Wentworth Avenus South 34-3340Q-460-tJ1 Minneapolis, MN 55423 34-3340Q•070•01 � 34•334Qfl-080•01 22. Eagle Sanitation, Inc. 34•33400-(I10-�2 Box 228 34-3340Q•020-02 Newport, MN 55055 34•33400•030•Q2 23. Rex Craft APPLICANT USPCI Suite 210 J4450 South Robert Trail Rasemount, MN 55068 f . �. ' J • . •� ��� o ose�vcoun� PHONE (6t2)423-a411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)42&5203 Mailing Address: Edwa►d B.McMe�omy , P.O.Box 510,Rosemourrt,Minnesota 5508&0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Public Notice ��'��� Harry Wilicpx Oennis Wippermann REZONING PETI'TION - RCD RE�. EsT�TE P�'TNERSHIP aoM�N�srRaTOR METROPDLI7'AN MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICI' stepn�,��u� (North of 164th Street West, immediately east of Knutson Services, Inc.) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HERE$Y GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, May 18, 1993 in the Cauncil Chambers of#he City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:C� p.m� or as soon thereafter as possible, The purpose of this heari.ng is to receive public input and comments on a proposed rezoning of pmperty from Agriculture (AG) to General Industrial (IG), The rezoning request pertai.ns to property located north of 160th Street, east of Knutson Services, Ine., and legally described as follows: The east 329.00 feet of the west 1,645.p5 feet of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. Subject xo a road easement aver the south 33.00 feet thereof and a water lizie easement over the north 17.00 feet of the sauth SQ.00 feet thereof and all other easements of record, if any. RCD Real Estate Partnership, property owner, is requesting this hearing for consideration of their rezoning petitio�n to rezane appra�nately ten (10�acres of land from Agriculture (AG) to General Industry (IG) to accommodate a pro�osal to locate the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District facility an subject site. Persons wishing to comment on this amendment are invited to attend this m�eting on Tuesdav. Mav 18. 1993 at �•00 p m. Dated this 4th day of May, 1993. - , S M. Wals , City Clerk City of Rose ount Dakata County, Ivlinnesota �ver�thirigs �oming �t1G� �osemoun�r� � � . � �� t J�avaeo wo« � . . � 2�� o asemouvi� PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYQR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510.Rosemount,Min�esota 55068-0590 COUNCIIMEMBERS Af�davit of Posted Hearing Notice �am�'�R�;��� Harry Wi1kk:4x Dennis Wippermann REZONIlVG PETIT'ION - RCD REAL ESTATE PARTNERSHIP ADMINISTRATOR METROPOLITAN MOSQLTI'CO CONTR()L DISTRICT scepnan ai�k STATE OF 11✓IINNESOTA ) COUN'1'Y OF DAKOTA ) SS Crr�r oF Ros�avrrr ) Susan M. Walsh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On May 7, 1993, acting an behalf of the said City,I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th 5treet West, Rosemount, Minnesota, and deposited in the United States Post C)ffice, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the atta.ched notice of a Public Hearing for consideration of a rezoning of property as requested by RCD Real Estate to permit construction of a facility for the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their na�nes. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. Dated this 7th day of M�ay, 1993. S an M. Wa1sh City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota Counry, Minnesvta Subscribed and sworn ta before me this � day of ���"`�,_, 199�. r CINDY DQRN4DEN � p���� ,-�",�� .'—' - hOTRRY PUBtfC--MlPtidESOTA �I'�Vq""'!}cJv-" .y� : QAKOTA COUNTY r�y co�r►�.r�res�o.�.�sss tary Public ,. • , �ver���ing's �oming �Ui.�i �J�.osem:oun��� � �.,e���,.��,�.. . , a AFFIDAYIT OF PUBUCATION STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS County of Dakota ) #PUBUCn-NOTICE _ - � ��-�Reza�w+��em�oN.Rco _ �REAL ESTATE►ARTNERSFY � ^���;,�AN� NANCY 1. GUSTAFSON, being duly sworn,on oath says thot she is en authoriz�d ogent ond ^ t=M!!�� ���� emplq�ee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Dokota CouMy Tribune;ond has full keawledge T�WHOM 1T ffiAY CONCERN: of the facts which are stated below: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the(Sty .Uo�mcfl d the tStq of Rosemqmt will hold a P�6Hc 1�riog m 11�aY�May 1E,1999 in tl�e .CowK31 C6amber5 of U�e GSty Hall,28751l6th '.���be�mingat8:09p.m:orasaoon (A)The newspnper hos canplied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a legcl " The purpoee������ newspoper,as provided by Mienesoto Stotute 331 A.02,331 A.07 and othe►applicoble luws,os amended. P��3nput and�.op a p� � �°E P'aP�Y�Agnculhme tAG) � ,ti°Gm�ai t�4ia1(IG).TLe�re. "���d,�y loca t e d n a t h a[ (B)The p r i►�ted 't°°d�9 d�ecribed as tdimvs�:�• Th4 east3Z9.00feetaf tfiewest i,ilS.OS feet �� af the 3outh Aalf o[the Soq�t Qu�ebK' ^^v[Sectlon;3t„lbwusl�115„� �y� '% ����tout6�t.�09 f!!t ;_.,ihereotanda watarlioeeese�nmtova tbe t,*<•mt'tK 17.00feetottLesouth50.0Ufeetthero- �.: � ��'�� whieh is attoehed was eut from the columns of said news ��� � poper,and wos priated qnd published once reqn� �hearin8 for can- ,sidaattau of tbeir�raooin8 P�tion to reaooe kappraadmately ten{lo)aCres Cf 18nd feom A�ita�idQe(AG)bo Genn�al pe�'•`•-�-•�-'-,�-. Ind�hy(IG)to s�;it w� `�0�� a ProPoeal to locate the Y°d'0P°��M�P���'o1 Dis4'ict faci�- 'ty 6n wbjxt a3te. � �,,�j� r' ��0°��Wczmmmtmttusammd. firstpubiishedonThursdoy,the 1�,�►'�doyof �A�'"'� meat are'invited to attend th�meeting on T— • T�r.�r u.�m.ra�oo,..,. . � .Dated Hgs 4t6 dap of 11(ay,1998. Q � ,_S�uan M.'Wa1sL,(��ty Clerl[ _� 1� �,���� . 19 , ond wos thereafter printed and published on every Thu►sday to ond including ;�D�atota CawtY,ltinoesota Thursdoy,the day of ,19 _, and prieMed below is a eopy of the lower case olphabet fram A to Z,both inclusire,wfiich is I�ereby ocknowledged os being the size and kiad of type used in the composition ond publication of fhe notiee: a lx�del�;hi jkli��n�ryxp�pi���rs�z BY: TITLE:Secretery the biisher Subscribed and swwn to before me on 's-�,�Lr'�._day of ,19 �r Notary Pubiic . r,r�� '{���.�.���� ,y NORARYI�LIC-ipNMtE�OTA DAKOTA COUNTY ������� �" 1 I 2�Z� O C?�l°1�YL01it 12� I� PHONE (812)423-4411 2875-1451h Street West,Rosamount,Minnesota MAYOFI �� FAX (612)423-5203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy � P.O.Box 510.RosemouM,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Red)Staats Harry Wiikx+x '; Oennis Wippertnann '' ADMINISTFtATOR , A F F I D A V I T OF P O S T E D N O T I C E Stephan Jiik , � � ' STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � CaLTN'I'Y OF DAKOTA ) § CITY OF ROSEMOUNT J 1, Susan M. Walsh, duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Rosemount do hereby certify that I have posted �he Notice of Public FIeariag fc�r Extensioa af On SaZe and Special Sunday Intoxicatiag Liquor Licease for City Limits Lanes and Lounge, Inc, on Tuesda�, May 18, 1993 at Rosemount City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota. IN WITNESS y+iHEREOF, I have hereunto set m� hand and seal of said City this 5th day of May, 1993 . Su n M. Wal Ci y C1erk ; Ci.ty of Ro emau;�t � Dakota County, Minne�ora . � �ver�l�ings �oming �C1G� �J1,osemountf� � � . AFFIDAYIT Of PUBLICATION STATE 4F MINNES4TA ) S� County of Dakota } NANCY !.CsUSTAFSOM, being duly sworn,on ooth says that she is an authorized agent und emploqee af N+e publisher of the newspaper known us DokoM Gourtty Tribune,ond hos full knowledge of the focts whick ore stcted be(ow: -PUBLIC NOTICE «r,r����� NOMEOFPusUtNEAWNGFOR (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting quoiification as a legol ExTEltSIOM OF ON SACE �N�SrEGI;tSUHp�Y newspoper,as provided by Minnesoto St�otute 331 AA2,331 A.07 and other opplicablelaws,as omended. CnY ttiuls u►�a,u�p�,� TO WHOM ITASAY(:ONCEitN: : IV017CE IS HEREBY GIVEN� that the {Bj The printed � (Xlp Camcil�t6e GSty of Ro�emoiwt,![in- neaota,haa sc6eduled a prtDlic hearlog fa� 8:89 p.m..w as soon thei'eafte�as poaaibk, `°°-11�esday,"MaY 18, 1988,in the (7wnci! Chimbee'8 et G1tY I'ta11�28�5-195th Stt�cet V►`est,Ra�emount,Mianesota. . Tbe Publie hearin8 fs beipg held to em- 'aidx a request froia GSty Lim3is Lsmea and LaunBe,Inc to amend its A�iicatia�far Oo Sale ircense fa�Intoxicating Liq�r anti an Applieattan for Sunday�Se}e intmc{c,�a�g which is attoched was cut horre the calumns of soid newspaqer,ond wos p�errted and publialred once Liguo�License to aliow the sale ot liqux oa an mcla�ed patio located a�the wat�de ot Ehe buildi»g.City I.imits i.enes a�!I,ounge i8laCeted at 15900Soutlf RohertTtail. �'ade',�Q►' Sueee3S1'v�,+'WE�ks;it wus *�W speat are iavited fo at• Datedthis4thdayofilSe,�-,19,98. '< ,__� ��o�W�a��,k���. fi►st pubfished on Thursdag,the � doY of , aey ot tt�mo�„c ty �Dakota CauatY,Min�esota (�� . • }9 �`'' , and was thereofter peinted und published on every Thursdoy to ond including Thursdoy,the doy of ,19 �; aed priated below is a copr of tl�e lower eose olphobet trom A to Z,both inciusive,which is hereby acknawiedged as being the sixs end kind of type used in the composition and publi�ation of the notice: :a M•rfi�I t;h�.ik Ii nneNa p`i t��•�r��z BY: —`/�GLt.t.� , TITLE:Secretcry to 1 r Subseribed ee�d swam ro before m Hris G�do�r of �^�����19 �� Notary Pubiic �'- ,,.�»�, CAROLJ.HAVERUW� „s� t+ar�rr Rueuc•�r�► DAKt}TA CDUMY iry Ganu�Ymbn E�q�ins o.a.s.19�5 �_ , , , � 2� O O�'eY120?itYL� � PHONE (612)423�dd11 �I 28T5•1ASth Street West.Rosemount.Minnesata MRYOR FAX i612)4235203 , Madinp Address: Edwattl B.McMenomy , P.�.Box 510.Roaemrwnt,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCiLMEpABEAS i Sheila Kfassen ', James(Red}Staau CITY OF RflSEM�UNT H�n�� � Dennis�ppermann N4TI!;CE OF PIIBLIC HEARING FOR EXTENSION OF aoMiN�s�►To� ON SALE ANI� SPECIAL SUNDAY SNTOXICRTING LIQIIQR LICENSE st�,rju� FO�t. CITY LIMITS LANES AND LODNGE, INC. TO i+�HOM IT MAY C:ONCERN: Nt7TICE SS HERE�Y' GIV�T, that the City Council of the City of Rosemaunt, Minne�,sota, has scheduled a public hearing far 8 :Q0 p.m. , or as soor�! thereafter as possible, an Tuesday, May 18, 1993 , in the Cou';ncil Chambers at City Hall, 287� - 145th Street West, Rosemount,'', Minnesota. The public heari'�ng is being held �to consider a request trom City Limits Lanes and! Lounge, Inc to amend its Application for On Sale License far 3nto',xieating Liquor and an Application far Sunday On Sale Intoxicatin'g Liquor License to allaw the sale of liquor an an enclosed pati�,o located on the west side of the building. City Limits Lanes and! Lounge is located at 154f}0 South Robert Trail . Persons wishing �'�,to speak are invited to attend this hearing. Dated this 4th d;ay of May, 1993 . BY ORDER �F THE '�;CITY COUNCIL. - II S san M. � lsh, Ci�y Clerk ' ity of asemount ' Dakota County, Minnesota �verc���ing's �omi».g �Ul�i �J�,osemou�.t�� , , ,,� . ..�. .�._.��