HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Minutes of May 4, 1993 Regular Meeting ' ' RCISEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS " REGULAR MEETTNG biAY 4, 1993 Pursuant to due call and notiee thereof a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly hel.d on Tuesday, May 4, 1993 at 8;00 p.m. at the Rosemount City Hall in the Council Chambers. M�.yor McMenomy eailed the meetxng to order with �auncilrr►embers Willcox, Wipperman.n, Staats and Klassen present. Staff present were: Bechtold, Freese, Jilk, Qsmundson and Wasmund. Also in attendance was City Attorney Mike Miles. Mayor McMenomy welcomed the audience and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Changes to the agenda included pulli.n� frorn tMe Agenda 4 .d. Set Public Hearing for USPGI Coal Ash Zoning Text Amendment PeCi�ion as requested by the petitiQner; adding 3 .c. R�fur�d of Warkers CQmpensation Insurance Premium; 8 .b. Recognize the Publ.ic Emplayees Weel�; and 8. c. Thanks To All Involved With F`ire Statian Referendum. Ed Dunn, Chairperson for the Port Autharity presented a summary of activities in his Annual ReporC ta the City Councii . Dunn noted that the first year has been a learning experience and the Port Authority's members appreciate the cooperatian shown by city staff. John Mille�, Eeonomic Development Coordinator, has been very eff�ctive. The Budget is in good shape although some expenses have been higher than expeeted for legal services and property acquisition. Dunn reviewed several specifie projects . Consideration is being �iven to a Senior Housing prc�ject, a Business Park, and a motel. Councilmember Willcox requested a copy af the April l Tax Sncrement Certification to the State of Minnesota fQr the Port Authority. Staff will pravide this ta Council. Councilmember Klassen represented S.4.A.R. in Kevin Carroll � s absence. Mr. Carroll wrote a memo which Klassen presented ta Council, outlin�.ng a resc�lution which indicated a thre� to fiv� miles airport developmer�t area. This could restr�.ct implementing zoning, building and subdivisi�n regulations for a significant porti�n of Rosemaunt. The Airgort Development Act, nQw in the 1egi�lature, would require the Cit� o� Rasemount to ga to Metropolitan Council far every permit, etc, in this restricted area. Final site location selection will be on January 17, 1994 and 120 days after this, May 1?, 1994 the MetrQpo�.i�an Cauncil must adopt criteria and guidelines for the regulati;on of use and devel.opment of the "airport development area. " Craig Morris is Rosemount' s contact person for Metropolitan Council. Dakota County has a resal.ution maintaining that the eonditions of th�.s "airport development area" shbuld not occur �nCil after the Minnesota Legislature decides as part o� the Dual Track Airport P1�nning Process whether to rebuild MSP Airport or reloeate to a new major replacement airport, Council directed city staff to prepare a �imilar resolution for the City af Rosemount. City Admin�,strator Steve �'ilk reviewed the Ca.ty' s Wc�rker' s Compensati�n Insuran.ce program and comrn�nded a11 city employees for their safety and work habits. Because ver�r few claims were mad� a refund in the amount of $43, 004 was made �or �.991 - �.992 claim year. v ROSEMOIINT CITY PROCEEDINGS t REGIILAR MEETTNG I ASAY 4, 19 9 3 ' MOTIDN by McMenomy to approve the Consent Agenda as amended with the I' minutes of April 20, 1993 changed as noted. Second by Willcox. Ayesz McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wipperrnann_ Naysc None. Planning Director Lisa Freese reviewed Metropolitan Gauncil ' s response to Rosemount ' s Gomprehensive Plan. Metropolitan Council is requesting an additional 90 day extension to review the Comprehensive Plan, ��Update 2000" , because of the NNSA expansion and the effect it may have on ', RoSemount. MC3TI4N by MeMenomy to reguest thaC the Metropolitan Council extend the review af the Comprehensive Plan until September 22, 1993 ar before, to II allow the Metropolitan Waste Contro1 Commission �o complete a review of a, the Rosemaunt Waste Water Treatment P1�nt interim imprpvements. Second by Klassen. Ayes; Staat�, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenamy. ��, Nays: None. '� MOTION by McMenomy to set a special City Couneii meeting for Nlay� 11, 1993 at 7:00 p.m, to discuss the status of the Metropalitan Council � s review of Update 2(}0� . Second b Klassen. A es: Klass�n Wil Y y , 1cox, Wippermann, � MeMenomy, Staats. Nays: None. : City EngineerJAssistant Public Works Director Bud Osmundson reviewed the need far the storm water holding pond project known as Valley Qak Pond � Outlet, Project 197. This was originally seheduled �a be constructed in 1990 but ha� been delayed because of difficulties obtaining easements for Pond Number 4. The project is now scheduled ,Ca praceed in two phases with Pand 1 done and Fpnd 2 and 3 in progress; and Pand 4 in the near future. Proceeding wi�h Phase I now allows the City to preserve the commi�ment for monetar� contribution from Ducks Unlimited an.d run-off storage which is critically needed in the area. A residents informational meeting wi1.l be held May 12th at 6.3fl p.m. CQuncil eancurred with the procedure. City Engineer Osmundson reviewed the negota.ations with Minnesota Department of Transpor�atic►n for Highway 3 Improvement Project 239 . Additional lanes of traffic would be added due to no parking in the business area. The no parking would be on the east szde of Highway 3 between County Road 42 and Cannemara. Trail and on the west side of Highway 3 between Caunty Rflad 42 and the entrance of the south parking lot of St. Josephts CathoZic Church and frdm 143rd Street to Connemara Trail. There will be a one year triaZ of this new parking policy and then it will be re-evaluated. MOTION by Willcox to adopt A RESOLUTION RECFIVING PLANS AND SPECIFIeATIONS, H2GSWAY 3 IMPROV�TTS, CITY PROJ'ECT 239 . Seeonci by Klassen. Ayes: Willcox, Wipgermann, MeMenomy, S�aat�, Klassen. Nays: None. MpTI4N by Willcox to adopt A RES4LUTION DIRECTING PLACEMENT OF NO PARRZNG SZGNS ALONG STATE TRUNR HIGHWAY 3 BFsTWEEN CS�i 42 AND CONNEMARA TRAIL. Second lay Klassen. Ayes:. Wipper�na.nn, McMenc�my, Sta.ats, Klassen, Willcox. Nays: None. 2 ' ' ROSEM4UNT CITX PROCETDINGS REGULAR MEETIN6 . MAY 4, 1993 Osmundson advised that Minnesota Department of Tr�nsportation cr�o�� eonau�t�a a speed study on Shannon Parkway between Connemara Trai1. and McAndrews Road (Cty Rd 38} . MnDot has determined that the speed should be 35 mph between Connemara Trail and 133rd Court West and 40 mph north to McAndrews Road. Klassen noted that enforcement will be necessary and Qsmundson said that the Police DeparGment had issued several tickets recentl�r and will continue to watch this area. MaTION by Klassen to adopt A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS ALONG SHANNON PARKWAY FROM Ct?NNEMARA TRAIL NORTS TO I�C ANDREWS ROAD (COUNTY ROAD 38) . Second b� Staats. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, I�lassen, Willcox, wippermann. Nays: None. City Administrator Jilk cammented on the Selection Cammittee and process used far selecting a Comtnunity Center Manager, There were 119 agplications received, 16 finalists reviewed, and S selected for iz�terviews. The canda�date selected is James Topitzhofer. He currentl�r manages the communi�y center far the City of Shoreview whieh is a 1Z2, OOt� square foat facility which opened �.n 1992 . Tapitzhofer brings experience, education and successful work references , The Cc�mmittee recoznmends hiring James Tc�pitzhofer. Discussion ensu�d in regard to the 1993 wage scale increase or cost o� living increase for the Community Center Manager positic�n. Discussic�n was held that the additional estimated $410 ma.y not be neeessary to add �o this beginning posit�.on' s sala.ry. Steve Haw}cins, a member of Rosemount Area Hockey Association, voiced his concern that Mr. Topitzhofer did not l�ave the ice arena experience required. Another finalist that the Selection Committee considered, Mr. Doig had considerable experience with ice maintenance and scheduZing ice time. Hawkins requested Mr. Doig also be considered by Council for hiring as the Community Center Manager. MOTION by Wippermann to apprave the hirin� of James Topitzhofer as the Community CenCer Manager at the starting salary af �S`41r44$ p1Lt8 other benefits available to department heads contingent upon his passi.ng a pre- employment physical and that the annual adjustment for 1993 will not be automa:tic. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: Willco�c. Administrator Jilk noted that the Chamber of Commerce brought the issue of ��One Stop Shopping° for business needs at City Hall . �`ilk supported having John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator, extend his positian to include Business Relations Coordinator. Representatives of the Port Authority, McMenomy and Wippermann, would not suppQrt this notirrg that it would require too much tim� which is needed tc� cover Port Authority issues. Wi;llcox noted that eustomer services for a21 residents need to be addres�ed nat just fcar city businesses. Staats said this problem seemed to be leading to hiring more ci�y staff and requested that the Chambers and eity staff tone dawn this issue and run with what we have fQr now. Cansensus was to have further discussion. A Special. �lection was held today in Ros�znount asking residents tn authorize issuance of General Obligation Bonds in the principal amount _ 3 ROSLNiOUNT CITY PRCICEEDINGS I�' REGULAR MEETZNG '' MAY 4, 1993 ', not to exceed $3 ,400, 000 to provide for the acquisition and constructian of a new Fire Station and the purchase of a new aerial platforrn fire ' truck. The results of the canvass of this Special Election was 269 yes votes and 1408 no votes. The referendum failed with a 22�; turnout of registered voters. � MOTION by Wi11Cox to adopt A RES�LLTTI4N DECLARING THE RESULTS OF A � SPECIAL ELEGTION HEL� ON MAY 4, 1993 AS THEY APPEAR ON THE OFFICIAL ; SUNLMAR� STATE'MENT SUBMITTED BY THE ELECTI�N JUDGES TO THE CITY CLTRR. Second by Staats . Ayes: • Klassen, WilZcox, wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Na�rs: None. MOTTtJN by Mayor McMenomy ta move to the Closed Session regarding the I��� McDonough/Sunrise Builders litigation. Second by Willcox. Ayes: � Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: None. i Mayor McMenomy resumed the regular meeting at 10: 15 p.m. i Director Freese was notified by Dakota County that a name change fc�r Bacardi Avenue was being considered because of the continual theft ot I, this street sign. It is reguired to start with a ��B'� so the name suggested is Bald Eag1e Avenue. The Apple Valley High School mascat is ', the "Eagle" and therefor staff feels tY�is name may also be prone to theft. The Planning Commission suggested a spelling change to Bakardy I Avenue. A letter would be sent to Dakota County and will then be � considered at the May 25, 1993 Dakata County Board Physica], Development ; Committee. MOTION by Klassen to direct staff to prepare a ietter supparting the Planning Cornmission respc�nse regarding the Bacardi Avenue name_ change �� proposal . Second by Staats. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, � Klassen, Willcox. Nays: . None. David Bechtold Parks and Ree e i n ' , r at o D�.rector, reported that Dakota Electric was working with Parl�s Departrnen.t sta€f to design a plan, make a construction time table and a installatian cost estimate for lighting in Jaycee Park. The lighting will have directional lighting fc�r less exposure fcrr ne�ghboring residents. MOTION by Wippermann to accept the cancept plan for trail and parking lot ligh�ing in Jayce� Park and to autharize Dakota Electric to complete the installation: ot th,e lighting at a cost not to exceed $18, 105.00 with funds to ct�me �rom account 202-24435 . Second by Klassen. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Nays: None. City Attarney Mike Miles reviewed the first draft of the Code of Ethics. Council requested more definite terms for determining dollar amaun� value for contributions and reque�ted it include both elected and appoin�ed officials or cQmmissioners and city empl.oyees. Attorney Mi1es wi11 reuise the Code for the next City Council meeting. Mayor McMenomy made a proclam�tion for the Nationai Public Works Week, � May 16 - 22, 1993 , The Public Worlcs Department, which includes Parks and Recreation s�aff, Buildxng Inspeetors, engineering staff and two I 4 � ' ROSEMOUNT CITY PRpCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING . MAY 4, 1993 secretaries can be eommended for Cheir fine work and service they provide fc�r the City. MOTTON by McMenomy to proclaim the week of May 16 - 22, 1993 as National Public Wc>rks Week. Seessnd by Staa�s. A��s: Staa�s, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, McMena�ny�. Nays: Non�. Councilmember Kl.assen recognized PubJ.�.c Employee Week. Klassen no�ed that all c�.ty emplca�rees have dcane we11 and thanked them for their contributions. Mc3TIaN by Klassen recognize that �his is Public Emp3oyees Week and thank city employees. Seeoad by McMenamy. Ayes; Klassen, wi.11.cox, Wippermann, McMenc�my, Staats. Nays: Nane. MQTION by Klas�en to thank the Fire Department, Citizens� Ca�mittee, and city staff ftir the work done fc�r the referendum req�iaaesting a new tire station and aerial fa.re truck. Second by Willcox. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, McNienomy, 5taats, Klass�n, Nays: None. MOTION by McMenomy to adjaurn the meeting. Second by Staats. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox. Nays: None. Th� meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m. Respectfull�r �ubmitted, La.nda Jentink, Recording Secretary ATTEST: Stephan Ji:lk, Gity Adm�.nistratcsr Th� City Council Agenda Packet is Clerl�' s File 1993-17. S