HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. NSP Peak Demand Rate CIT"Y OF ROSEMQON'T EXECIITIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETTNG DATE: May 18, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: N.S.P. Peak Lremand Rates AGENDA SECTZON: Department Head Report PREPAR.ED BY s Ron Wasmund AGENi7A N0. Public Works Director/Building EJfficial ATTACHMENTS: APPRO BY: This item is to inform you of a program we have initiated through Northern States Power Company, supplier of e7,ectricity to Well Number 7. This program can save us $3, 113 per year on electrical charges . The program is called Peak Demand Control . Through this prQgrarn N.S .P. has the ability to in�errupt electrical power ta a specific site during afternoon period of peak demand. By reducing 1Qads to high usage customers for limited pexiods of time th.ey can more eveniy balance supply with demand, reduce the energy they have to buy from other sources and pass the savings on to their customers . The one site besides City Hall that qualifies for �his program is Well No. 7 . We currently have an annual usage charge far this site of $32, 909 . 68 based on our consumption at $ . 0?/kwh. By entering into an agreement to a11ow for up to 80 hours of interruption in a calendar year we can reduce our total electrica]. charge at this site by $3, 113 annuaZly. Since we have telemetry equipment that must have some current to it at all times they would prt�vide a minimum of 1 ki�owatt of constant power ta the site. The hours af interruption occur between 11;�5 a.m. and 6: 15 p,m. Monday through Friday. The conditions far this to happen are 90 degrees F. and 90� humidity. When both are predicted to occur N.S.P. will notify us that an interrup� is necessary. It is up to us to make the interrupt . I� the canditions of the day prohibit us from ma.king the interrupt we don' t ha.ve to, but that wilT affect the amount of savings we realize. The natice will be provided to us early enough to take the necessary steps to allow the interrupt to occur. Mike Widstrom and I have discussed the operation of aur system and feel that this program can be participated in with no impact to aur operation at alZ , Since we monitor our tanks electrani�ally we knaw what the 1.evels a�e at a11 times. We also �ave We�.i No_ 8 which is equal in capacity to Wel.l No. 7. No. 8 can be placed in �he lead while 7 is down. We normally switch between the two weils anyway. Its just a matter of the timing of the switching occurrence. At any time during the interruption �.f coz�ditions within the system change we can restore power and go back �.o normal operation. The praposed agreement term is for an initial five year period with a prajectec� savings far that period of $15, 566. The agreement can be terminated at any time we� desire by written notice to N.S.P. . There is a substantial reduetion in the amc�unt of savings if we te�minate early. We would always realize some savings, however, the amount depends on how successfully we can honar �ach request for the znterruption. , RECOI�fENDED ACTION: None COMMISSION ACTI�N: . , __.,._