HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. RCD Development Rezoning Petition / Lot Subdivision f �, .i i� o asev�couvc� � PHONE (812)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOFi FAX (612)4235203 Maiiing Addreas: Edward B.McMenomy , P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COtJNCiIAAEMBERS Public Notice ����R� Harry WiNcox Dermis Wippertnann REZONING PETITION - RCD RE,�►I.. EsTATE Pt�RTNE1tsI� aoMw�s�,TOR M�xoPor.1��v Mosgvz�o Co�aL D�szRrcr� �`°Ph�'J1°` (North of 160th Street �Vest, immediately east of Knutson Services, Inc.) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the Giry of Rosemaunt will hold a ' public hearing on Tuesday, May 18, 1993 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2$75 145th Street West, beginning at $:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public input and comments on a pmposed rezoning ' of property frorn Agricuiture (AG) to General Industrial (IG). The rezoning request pertai�ns to property located north of 160th Street, east of Knutson Services, Inc., and legally described as follows: The east 329.00 feet of the west 1,645.05 feet of the South Ha1f of the Southeast Quarter +4f Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota Caunty, Minnesota.. Subject.to a road easement over the south 33.00 feet thereof and a water li.ne easement over the north 17.00 feet of the south 50.00 feet thereof and all other easements of record, if any. RCD Real Esta.te Partnership, property owner, is requesting this hearing for consideration of their rezoning petition to rezone approximately ten (10} aeres of land from Agriculture (AG) to General Industry (IG} to accommodate a pro�osal to locate the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District �acility on subject site. Persons wishing to comment on this amendment are invited to attend this meeting an Tuesday._Mav 18. 1993 at 8:00 p.m. Dated this 4th day of May, 1993. . 5 M. Wals , City Clerk City of Rose ount Dakota Counry, Minnesota �verg��ings �oming ���i �osemaun��� � � `J rarc�ee wne� . . �. . . ...._. . ._... ... .. . . . ... . . . .. ... . .. . . . . .. ... . � ..... -.:. ..... ._.... . . . . . . .... ....... .L_i�ecvciwf naoo. ._._.._.... . ... . . . . . .- _....._ ..____ .. � � . . __.. ___ � . . . ........._...._ . . . � 4' ►'�, 1r ' City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Couacil Meeting Date: May 18, 1993 Agenda Items RCD Real Estate Partnership Agenda S�etions Rezoning PetitionjLot PUBLIC HEARIIdG Subdivision (Mosquito Control District Facility Proposal) Prepared By: Lisa Freese Agenda ,µ � Director of Planning � 1r Attaehmentss Resolution, Ordinanee, PC App ed 8 : Review, Applications; Guid� Plan Submittal, Agreements � ��I�, RCD Real Estate Partnership has requested for the city approval to subdivide a 40 acre parcel and to rezone a l0 acre portian of the subject property frum Agricultural to General Industrial. The attached Planning Cammission staff review overviews the details and requirements of bath the lot subdivision and the rezoning. The Planning Commission has reviewed both requests and is recommending City Council approval . This item will require two separate actions by the City Council. : the ' lot subdivision and the rezoning. The lot subdivision recommendation has four conditions of approval and they are enumerated in the attached resolution. A public hearing is required prior to any City Counc�.l action on the rezoning petition. Recommended Action: A MOTION to adopC A RESOLUTION APPROVING A METES AND BOUNDS LOT SUBDIVISTON FOR AGRICULTURALLY ZONED PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUAR.TER-QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 115, RANGE 19 . A MOTION to adopt �RDINANCE B-29, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE. City Council Actioa: d5-1$-93.007 t r CITY OF ROSEMOUN't' DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESQLUTI�N 1993- A RESOLUTION APPROVING A METES AND BOUNDS LOT SUBDIVTSION OF AGRICULTURALLY ZONED PROPERTY LOCATED TN SOIITHEAST QU33RTER-QUAR.TER OF SECTION' 32, TOWNSHIP Z15: R.ANGE 19 vJHEREAS, RCD Real Estate Partnership i.s the owner of a 4�.34-acre parcel located in the southeast quarter-quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19 and generally situated between STH 3 and Bacardi Avenue and north of 16Oth Street West _as legally described in the hereto attached Exhibits A and B; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District has praposed to purchase the approximately 10 acres on the west portion of the abovementioned property for General Industrial. develapment; and WHEREAS, RCD Real Estate Partnership requested approval of a 1ot subdivision of this parcel into two parcels, one approximate 10 acre tract and one approximate 30 acre tract; and �iEREAS, the subject property is currently zoned AG Agricultural and the requested metes and bounds lot subdivision conforms to lot size and dimensional requirements of an Agricultural lot division under Ordinance XVII.4, the City of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance; and inTFiEREAS, the proposed 10 acre lot will alsa meet the requirements of the general industrial district if rezoned; t�TEiEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed and recammended to the City Council approval of this 1ot subdivision subject to conditions on Apri1 13 , 1993; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount -hereby approves the metes and bounds subdivision of the 40 .34-acre parcel into one approximate 10-acre parcel and one' approxima.te 30-acre parcel in the southeast quarter-quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19 as legally described in Exhibit ' A subject to the following conditians: 1} the provision of a 55-foot road right-o�-way easement to the City for County Road 46 along the frontage of both Parcels A and B; 2) the execution af an agreement between the City and the property awner and proposed developer of Pareel A regarding the requirement to connect sanitary sewers when available and to waive appeal of assessments regarding sanitary sewers; Y i 3) the provision of only one access from Parcel A to 160th Street in conformance with City road standards and approved by the City Engineer if develaped prior to Dakota County' s takeover of the street; and 4} park dedieation of cash in lieu of land contribution of $1, 040.00 (based on the creation of two agricultural lots) . ADOPTED this 18th day of May, 1993 . E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: I Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion bY� Seconded by: Voted in favor• Voted against• Y I Ex��r�' A . for RESOLUTION 1993- A RESOLIITION APPROVING A METES .AND BOUNDS LOT SIIBDIVISION OF AGRICULTtTRALLY ZONED PROPERTY LOCATED IN SOIITHEAST QIIARTER-QIIARTER (?F SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP I15, RANGE 19 Originai ParceL• Description of Original Parcel Owned by RCD Real Estate Partnership: The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota; except the west 1, 316 . 05 feet thereof. Resulting Parcels: PARCEL nA�� Resulting Parcet to be Sold to Metropolitan Mosquito Control District: The east 329 .00 feet of the west 1, 645 . 05 feet of the South Half af the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Tawnship 115, Range 19, Dakota Coun.ty, Minnesota. Subject to right-of-way dedication for roadway and utility purposes along Biscayne Avenue and along 160th Street West. PARCEL ��B�� Resulting Parcel Owned by RCD Real F„state Partnership: The South Half of tl�e Southeast Quarter of Seet�on 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota; except the west 1, 645 .05 feet thereof. Subject to righ�-of-way dedicat:ion for roadway and utility pu�poses along Biscayne Avenue and along 160th Street West. N He9•zr.��.E I 2638.30 � . . � . . � � 729.OS� � � 993.30 � � � � � � � � . � � � ,. � . . . . � . ( . . . I� . � � � � � � � . , . 164D.03 . . . -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. . � . . � >� � � � . . . . I � . � . � � . < � � � . 658.05 D29 00-+�-329.00 329.00 �. . . . � . .. � $Cala;("�2QQ' � i i+� 1 /^� -,f �� � �+I � �+ � E� �^ �r %�`l — ���_ - I� .,!11...i 1 t ( l/ a_ l�� C/.a l)11,��..1 1/ �)t,... ...! I IJ 1..) _ A.A.A. AUTO 5ALVAGE I OPTION KNUTSON 3 _ W .—''""� W „ �a ,�-� «� o '�� n ! / � „ Ng o N � �b /9� . . . � /' . � � � . _ _ _ m EXCEPTIQN A" B" � % � < �,.� uis.os � W / � � � I � � m � � I £ iV /� : W � _ �._ - .�_ �_ � 'S£Cx.oI SJ/Y�e/SF!/f d 160TH. STREET 329.0� WEST 99679 x Sia3?•7//J•R19OoMo/oCounYfC.LM:1 � . . . � � -�'4�=Q�. . . . . . . . � ' . .. N 89•27 44 E -- -) � �-� � � � � � Toul Aiea DercripClon Of WrM 6ti11 Ovned By RC9 � . � � � � �. . . TM South flalt o[ CM SoutAeast Quartet ot Saction JZ, Tow�sfilp 115, A+nge 19, Dakot• � . � � � County, Minnrsot�� •:espt th��wst�1716.05 Eset th�r�oL � . � � � � Concatning �O.I� aerac. � � � � . . . � � � A� D.scription OE Pareel To�ee Split OE[: - . � � � � � � . � � � � 7he �ast 329.00 Eeat of the wst 14�5.05 t��t ot tM Sawtb�Halt o[ tM Southa�ct � � � Quarter oL�S�etion )2, To.mship:115, laanga 19, D�kpt� County, Minnecou. . ' � � � � Con[alning 30.03 acrat. � � . . � . DELMAR H. SCHWANZ 9� DOiO�iptfon Of Patcel Newaioings � � . . ' �,,,o��,,,,i.o��„K �Th� South Half o[ the�SoutAeas[ Quirter of Seceion ]2, ToreaAip 115, Renqe 19, Dakota � � r.w�..u.w�.«r�..a�www...r. Caunty, Minn�sota� axc�pt tfie'xest 1645.05 feet thereot. � � � 1�7p0$OVT11 pUBEHT Tp�4 nOSEMOUNT,MInNESOTA SSaee E�SNt]-17U COt�taininq 70,9] ac[as. � � � . � � � � ��SURVEYOR'S CEi171FICATE Sabjxt to publie [oad e+c�aenta for 160th Stre�t.11eet and 8lsuyne Avenue a� • vater � . � . . • ,� � lina eacu�ant aiong 160tA Strest west. � � . � � � . � 1 Mr�4y CMN/�I�N�n4�wt•y.yi�n.a��pwl«�f . . . � � � � . 0��0���0l�.'w�o�frYntl�rinr04eClfuPervHronww4 • � . ; / . . . . � IMI I Nw�Quly n'01�1l��A l�N SYh�Ya v�ON / . . . ., m.�...o�in.s�.�.ui ra+ti,.,a.. ' .�EvhtitC2 �• ��}'L.1l�crQ.n( � . _% .,...� ?-6•Q z o.^m..��s��..,.�,.. ,...,. � O E�MI�R H. S C H W t1(y 7_ � f ) CITY OF ROSEMOUN'T OxvnvArrCE No. B-29 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING QRDINANCE �', THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF ROSEM�UNT, MINNESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: ' SEC�7to1v I. Qrdinance Na. B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled Ordinarace B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended to rezone from Agriculture (AG) to General Industrial (IG) for an industrial use proposed by the M�'rtoPOLTT,4N MUSQUTro CO�OL D�sat'ZUCr located on the following described property situated within the City of Rosemount, Minnesota to-wit: PROPERTY D�SCRI!''TiON• The ea.st 329.00 feet of the west 1645.U5 fcet of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. _ SEC'r�oN II. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled, Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount shall nflt be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall agpropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinaboue provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notationxeferences and other information shown therean are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Ordinance. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication accarding to law. Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance this 18th day of May, 1993. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT E.B. MeMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, Ciry Clerk Published in the Dakota County Tribune this day of , 1993. f � ) � � � � � � City of Rasemount Executive Summary for Action � Planning Commission Meeting Date: April 13. 1993 Agenda Item: RCD Real Estate Partnership / Metropolitan Agenda Section: Mosquito Cantrol District OLD BUSINFSS Prepared By: Lisa Freese Agenda No.: D'u�ector of Planning ITEMS NO: 5 Attachments: Rezoning Petition; Lot Split Application; Approved By: Guide Plan Amendment Submittal; Survey. � ��� - See Attached - Recommended Action: A MOTTON to approve the lot division of the 40-acre tract into two parc�ls on the northwest corner of Biscayne and 160th Street subject to the following conditions: 1) the provision of a 55-foot road right-of-way easement ta the City for County Road 46 along the frontage of both Parcels A and B; Z) the execution of an agreement between the City and the property owner and proposed developer of Parcel A regarding the requirement to connect sanitary sewers when available and to waive appeal of assessments regarding sanitary sewers; 3) the provision of oniy one access from Parcel A to 160th Street in conformance with City road standards and approved by the City Engineer if developed . prior to Dakota County's takeover of the street; and 4) park dedication of cash in lieu of land contribution of $1,040 (based on the creation of twa agricultural lots). - AND - A MOTION to recommend appmvat of the RCD Real Estate Partnership Rezoning Petition to the City Council because: 1) it is appropriate for the proposed use; 2) it is compatible with 'the existing development in the vicinity; and 3) it is in confarmance with the Comprehensive Plan. ' Planning Commission Action: 04-t3-93.005 f t � ��� o osev�oun� PHONE (612)423-44t1 2875•145th Street West,Rosemouni,Minnesota MAYOA FAX (612)42&5203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,RosemouM.Minnesota 55068-0510 C�NCIIMEMBERS Sheila Klasasn James(Retn Staals TO: Planning Commission H��r w;,,�,x FROM: Lisa Freese, Director of Ptanning �w,���� DATE: April 9, 1993 noMiN►sraaTOA SUBJ: RCD Real Estate Partnership/Me#rnpolitan Mosquito Cantrot District st��n�.r� April 13, 1993 Planning Commission Agenda Item 5. DESCRIPTION OF REOITEST: The Metropolitan Mosquito Control District proposes to relocate their existing Dakota County facility from the University of:+�Iinnesota (Rosemount campus) to a new location in Rosemount. The proposed site is on the north side of 1bQth Street West (proposed County State Aid T3ighway 46) between State Trunk Highway 3 and Biscayne Avenue, to the immetliate west of Knutson Services, Inc. The facility will have multiple buildings that will include ofFice equipment and material storage functions. The property owner, RCD Rea1 Estate Partnership, has petitioned the City to subdivide the subject parcel from the larger 40-acre tract and to rezone the subject parcel from Agnculture (AG) to General Industrial (IG). With the notification af approval of the Minor Guide Plan Amendment by the Metropolitan Council on April. 6, 1993 the City is able to consider these requests of the property owner. � LOT SUBDIVISION The subject parcel is being subdivided by metes and bounds description from a 40-acre tract that is currently zoned Agriculture (AG). Yn order to allow the westerly 10-acre tiact to be rezoned, a separate parcel must be created for that area. Because the property is zoned AG, the lot division is considered an agricultural lot division and can be done through metes and bounds description rather than platting under the provisions of Subdivisian 7,2 of the Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance. The proposed.parcel (Parcel A) has a net acreage of 9.$ acres (10.2 acre gross} with 329 feet of frontage along 160th Street and a lot depth of 1,325 feet. The remnant parcel has a net acreage of 28.6 acres (30.3 acres gmss). T'here is a 33-foot road right-of-way easement and an additional 1'7-foot utility easement encroaching along the south side of the property. Both resultant parcels meet the minunum 10-acre gross parcel size required in the AG zoning district. ACCESS Access to Parcel A will be provided from 160th Street. This street is scheduled to be taken over by Dakota County in 1994 and improved to a two-lane rural section highway to the east of State Highway 3. The County sta.ndards for distance between access for this type of mad is 660 feet. The Knutson Services parcel to the immediate west has two driveways within its �ver�l�ing's �oming �C/i,�i �Jlosemounl�� t � - Regular Planning Commission Meeting Reviews April 13, 1993 - Agenda Item 5 Page Two ' 329-foot frontage and if 160th Street were under the County's jurisdiction at this tune it would not be possible to provide an access to the proposed lot without a variance. The City's proposed access standazds in the Transportation Element of Upda.te 2Q00 have a recommended standard of 500 feet between proposed private accesses and a minunum standard of 200 feet. Under the policy the access to this proposed lot would need to be located in the ea.stem 150 feet. Until the mad is taken over by Dakota County, the City Engineer is responsible for permitting access locations. The proposed iots should be limited to only one access point onto 160th Street and will be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. If the project is not completed prior to 1994, the Ciry may be required to provide access to these two resultant parcels via a frontage road. STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY The current road right-of-way easement is 33 feet. There is also a 17-foot utility ea.sement for the water line. When the street is improved the County will require a 55-foot easement and the City is responsible for acquiring the right-of-way. A condition af approval of this lot division subdivision should be the provision of the 55-foot road ea.sernent along 160th Street for both Parcel A (proposed) and Parcel B (remnant parcel). UTILIT'IES The Parcel A is located in the MUSA and is required to be served by urban serviees. Water is available to the site and the develaper will be required to connect. The site does not have sanitary sewer services available at this time. In order to extend sewers into this area, lines would need to be placed through an area that is currently undeveloped in Sections 31 and 32 : and across State Highway 3. The City anticipates that this area will develap within the next s-- five to ten years which makes placement of those facilities premature at this time. The Mosquito Control Commission would like to build its facility utilizing on-site septic system until sewers are available. City staff is recommending that such accommodations be made if the developer signs an agreement acknowledging the requirement to cannect within two years of availability and waiver of appeai. PARK DEDICATION The Subdivision Ordinance requires park dedication for each iof created by subdiwision or cash in lieu of land. Based on the Pazks Plan, there aze no needs far land dedication for the City park system on this property. Since this is an agricultural lot division the ordinance considers the resultant division a creatian of two potential agricultural lots that could sustain two conforming residential units. The park dedication fee, based on two residentia.l lots is $1,040. RECOMMENDED M01'ION: A MOTTON to approve the lot division of the 40-acre tract into two parcels on the northwest comer of Biscayne and 160th Street subject to the following conditions: 1) the provision vf a 55-foot road right-of-way easement to the City for County Road 45 along the frontage of both Parcels A and B; 2) the execution of an agreement between the City and the property owner and proposed developer of Pazcel A regarding the requirement to connect sanitary sewers when available and to waive appeal af assessments regarding sanitary sewers; 3) the provision of only one access from Parcel A to 164th Street in conformance with � � Regular Planning Commission Meeting Reviews April i3, 1993 - Agenda Item 5 Page Three City road standards and approved by the City Engineer if developed priar to Dakata County's takeover of the street; and 4) park dedication af cash in lieu of land contribution of$1,040 (based an the creation of two agricultural lots}. REZONING PETITION RCD Real Estate Partnership has also petitioned to rezone the resuttant Parcel A from AG Agriculture to General Industrial. The Metropolitan Mosquito Control District has a purchase agreement for this ten-acre tract that is contingent upon zoning approval by the City. The property was designated General Industrial in Update 2000, t�e City Comprehensive Guide Plan that is currently awaiting approval from the Metropolitan Council. In an effort to expedite the process for the applicant, the City submitted a Minor Guide Plan Amendment to the 1980 Comprehensive Guide Plan which is in effect until Update 2000 is approved by the Metropolitan Council. The Metropolitan Council notified the City on April 6,1 993 that it may place this amendment into effect. As noted in the Guide Plan Amendment applica.tion, the surrounding area is designated a planned business park development area in Update 2000. Presently, this land is used for agricultural crop production. Surrounding land uses to the north and east are agricultural and the land to the west of this propased development supports several industriaUcomrnercial uses. The property to the immediate west is zoned IG General Industrial. The proposed use is fairly low intensity and fits in with the intent of the General Industrial District even though the proposed use is public in nature. Therefore, the requested IG zoning is appropriate for the proposed use. RECOMI��NDED MOTIQN: A MOTION to recommend approval of the RCD Real Estate Partnerslup Rezoning Petition to the City Couneil because: 1) it is appropriate for the proposed use; 2) it is compatible with the existing development in the vicinity; and 3) it is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. !. � � � . . . .. � . . . . ' �•O• . . . Date: 3/15193 City oi Rosemount ' REZQN[NG PETITION Appficant: RC� Reu�2 F��a.�e Panxne�r.�ah,i,p 882-9883 (ttt) 432-b532 f fi Phone: Address: 17058 ��cazea Pa�h Fa�crn.ing�on, MN 55024 STATUS OF APPUCANT: X �1e� Buyer Lessee OTHER: LOCATION: Lot_ Block . Addition � Street Address: Metes & Bounds Description Attached: �'FS Survey or Plot P{an Attached: yF� � Affected Sectaon(sj: Present Zoning: _ (AG) Aca.i.ccr,�.tuna�2 Proposed Zoning: (IG) Gene�.a� Indu.s.t��. REASON FOR R�QU�ST: �, P�ov.E.de �he Me.tnopo.P.i,�tan Mo�squ.i,ta Con�no.0 t1��n.i.e�t w.i.th �he nece�s�san.y zon.i,ny �sa �hey can .�oca�e on �h.us .�yi,t2. 2. 3. Signature of Appiicant: �t ,,�' t�'. �� �e�_ r A{�Piication received by: Date: Fee: �S .3� -'"" How Paid: Date; Planr�ing Commission Action: f � � Date Received: 3-15-9 3 �ity o,�'Rosemount ...:. .._ .._:..::::::..��:::::... . .... ... . . ::.r::>:::.:::::: :.:>::.::.::::::::::.:::::::::�:::::::::::::.:;:;1;: ::::y.•:: ..•::::.::,.,.•::.:,�:•:::.;..;.... �:..:;:::.�.:�:..�:.::.;:>,:.; . _..... . . . ...::::........ �.; .......... ....... :..,:....:..:::::.�:...::.:xt�:rrx�ti::;:,�:•:::.r::a:::.o:�::::: . . ...........::•:.�:_;�.:.�•:•:.:•:•:::::•:: ........�.,:......... ...,...:...:::::.�::.�:::•:::.:.•:�::::::.::::::: .:,;:,.>••:::�� �r:�:'•:::oi::•::;::•:•`z> ;n!.;:>i::':':•.i .:�P::;::•:%�:;;::�;r %+.'•a.. .<u•o-:•:�:.:•:.-�:... ......... .................................................�•:::::::::::. � . ......... .:•.::::: � � ..K:�':�`r%;.'•:�i.... ..........,.................... . ................._...........................�•:�:::::::::.::.:...:..•::::.::._:::..;..»i:ai:•>w::.:.. . ,•:.::..... .................................................,. .............. .............................................:.::................w::•:::::::.:::;:>:.�»�;:::::r.�::::::::.a.•::.:........................:Lr..,•;n:•..•::::�:�•::.: r:::�fi•:r,:>:::�•:?:•.v:.:.v:.•:..:::.,•::•.�•;,.�,.,-......:•::::::::•::.�.....:::..:........... ............... ................................. ......................:::..t..........;..,-•.. .:•:::._:r'.�::.:.�.e.... •::..:::.:::::...x:..r:::,.+.q:•:::•:.;.i..�.9:v:::.::::::•:. •::.Li+::':•:•r::�:.+.•�•{:::..�.:�:` :`:•:•.ir.. v.V,•:e::x:��:.i �Ffi..�: .....v.rr.'..+. ::.iY•i:ti^,. .,-;. . ... . ... �.::. : :x:n:i'��.�'•.'ii�•�:•:SLii?'ii}iiii};.iii}i;k.........C.v...r....... r:•..r.. v: .•• .•; . - . ..vr•: i`. �� ..nl.YL•`.ri<�,:•i:•iifv........u.fi..•'.q:^ifi•{+Fi.!�.Y..... •:'iY.•i%Li:?tv ::•\.r....r. r:r.�:�.}::nv:.�:.v-::::v.:..�::.�.•-•;••.v:i.:i:•`'�i�•'.:h:•+ .r. :. . .:v . .. `y� .:..; .;::.}•,:;•�i:�.;{{r{.:::}iii?:.;•:.;:;:{.}::.:.i'n-i>::::•:n.:•:?rn•:::.v:::::::i•::.r.........t.:.iY �:: :. .��:::.. :. : '�: �.i ' �::}. �:: . � ::.. :..:: ?ii�:{:::?r},+r:':4j;.Y...... . ...'�.�. ..J. . {ttix:..n'�..t:.�:.'i'..:`+'i . . v,-r. .. . .: -. .::: . .: : v. •;i :;: ;�.. .....•...?:.:......,:,.:......:..._,,:. ;.•..1�::a.�:.....:•.�.:,'•.:.::.,.:.�:.•:::::..�:.,,�. :.. . . - }.. . . .�: . : �:. �::.•.,.s::::::+•::r.::.::..<.,,..:.:•�•.;+:+>i:a?�,:>:<...., v:.a:::t�:R:.::,:::•:::.,-,..>o,.....:.�:•:..�:•:.+..::.�::h::: Q . .f.... .:�-S.r,.:...:t:�::;i: �.....•:•.�:.;•:.. ..r.��.ii�����i•i�J������ .��.::::::.::.Y....�...�.vm•�v.Giv::?}:+.•r:...r:::::::f.•.:•j�•,v,•:i:.:%•'r'/.1.....�rr:.�.v.. ::v::::•:•..�..:f.p;i?h:i�.ii................ x......, w::.�......... ........ n...}....�............ rr..... .'�i.. v:h?::.�:::::;Y{�:�X•i:�:S+�: v:l.tii4iiiiiiiiii:v:n. . .e.,.. ......r::n::.::::::::r?}}iii::........•v:..... ..::.:� .::::.. ......... _. . :..................:.�::.......:,�.,�._::•.,.....::.�:.�::.:;o::;•>..:..:::::•.:>:�;:.....::;:>:�.�i�>'•>;�::»:�::�::a::a:o:�:i.::::,:�.::::::.;..::::.�::o::r>::w...:.: ::a.,'•;:::�o:!:,. Sii.;;:•r,::;i:}:}:,,+.:%i;5 j. RCD Real Estate Partnership (612) 432-6b32 Name of Applicant (to be used on le�a1 documents) Telep�one Na. 2, 17058 Frazer Path, Farmington, MN 55024 Address of Applicant Fax No. 3. Ncune of Co��suttant Telephone No. 4. Address of Consultant Fax No. 5. Street Address of Property(ies) Involved: Cunent Description(s) and Survey Attached? Revised Description(s) and Survey Atta.ched? Metes and bounds on survey attached b. �roperty describe� zs by: Yes ,� Abstract Torrens 7, RCD Real Estate Partnershi �� ` Name of Properry Utitiner �� �. 201 W. Travelers Trail, 1�23, Burnsville, MN 55337 (b� ) 882-9$83 3'Z��f- Address of Properry Owner ,`�,�� o . rt��'°'� 9, (AG) Agricultural (IG) General Industrial Cu�rent Zv�zin� Proposed Zonin; (if applicable) �10. Prese�2t Use Proposed Use (if applicable) 11. $ ��� -.--' Lot Division Fee Collected Received By 12. Planning Commission Action: Date: 13. City Council Action: Date: 14. Canditions or Requirements; lotcombo�7127/92 Page O r i ' , � ALL FERTIIVENT DOCUMENTS MUST BE S[GNED AFfEIt THE CITY COUNCIL 14'IEETTNG AT WHICH TIiEY ARE APPROVED, FWdR AAIY BUILDING PERMITS. NOTE:Applicabioas are not oompiete�mtil all r�qtnred svbmissions have beeu recei�ed. AC�to���nG�arr erID S�tGru�ruxE: . THE Uh'DERSIGNED APPLICANT kiEREBY REPRESENTS UPON ALL OF THE PENALTIES QF T'SE LAW, FOR THE PURPOSE OF II�IDUCWG TSE CITY OF ROSEMMOUNT TO TASE ACTTON HERREII+I RF.(1UFSTED, THAT ALL STAT'EMiETr?S�REIN ARE TRUE AI�'D THAT ALL WORS HEREIN D�"ITONID FFILL BE DOPiE IN ACCORDANCE RZTH T'SE ORDIIVANCE O�'T'E�CTTY OF ROSEhiOLJ.hT, AND THE LAWS OF TSE STATE OF MJNIt'ESOTA, AND TSAT T'HE UN'DERS'IGNED APPLICAhT �4ILL PAY ALL FE£S Ah'i) CHARG£S INCURRID BY TSE CITY FOR THE EXA1��+IATIOPi AND REVIEW OF TffiS APPLICATI4N/PEITIION. i � � � � � � 1� ���t/'a' L"�. '/��'t'c^_= Signature of App ' t Sib ature of Property`"Owner ��� � ��. ��� � Date � � � Date lotdiv 191Q8/92 Page 7u r � METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Mear.c Park Cet:tre, 230 East Fifilr Street, S�. Put�l, MN SS101-1634 612 291-6359 FAX 612 291-6550 TTY 612 291-09O4 April 5, 1993 Lisa Freese Planning Director City of Rosemount 2875-14Sth S� W. Rosemount, MN. 55068 R�: Cit�•of Rosemount . Metropolitan Mosquito Control District . Comprehensive Plan Amendment Metropoiitan Councii District No. lb Metropalitan Council Referral No. 154G8-S Dear Ms. Freese: The Metropolitan Council staff has reviewed the additionzl inform2tian submit�ed �y the ciry and has determined that the plan amendment originally submitted on March 9, 1993 is now complete far Council review. We have also determined that the proposed amendment has no potential impact upon any of the metropolitan system plans. Therefore, ihe city may place the amendment into effect immediately. However, beyond an initial determination of no potential impact, the Council has 60 days from receipt of a complete amendment to review and comment upon the apparent consistency of the proposed amendment with the adopted chapters of the Metropolitan Development Guide. The 60-day period ends on June 2, 1993. Within that 60-day period, Council staff will complete its review and forward comments to the city prior to consideration by the Council's Committee of the Whole. If you have any questions, please contact Steven Schwanke, principal reviewer, at 291-6564. Sincerely, Dottie Rietow Chair DR:ss cc: E. Craig Morris, Metropolitan Cc�vncil Distnct 16 Lynda Voge, Metropolitan Council Staff Steven Schwanke, Metropc�iitan Council Staff �1 _ _ . . . � 2�Z� O OSE',YYtOZiGYL� PHONE (612)d23-rrttt 2875-145th Strset West,Rosemount,Mirmesota MAYOR FAX (612}4235203 Mailiny Add�ess: EdN'ard B.MW.eramy P.O.Boz 510,Rosemount,Minnasota 55068-05t0 CflUNGGMEMBERS Sheita Kiassen • Jamas(Rsd)Siaats ����lii�+��V Harry WiNeqx Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATpR Sxepnan Ji�c STATE OF IVIII�'1\TESOTA ) COIJI�"TY OF DAIiOTA ) ss CITY OF ROSEMOIT.ti'T ) I, Susan M. RTalsh, duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Rosemount do hereby certify that I have examined the City of Rosemount Council Meetin� records and the Minutes Book of said City ,Council for the meetins of March 2, 1993 and hereby certify that the � attached copy of RE50LU'I'ION 1993-16, A RES4LU�0�; A��r�vL�G 1'HE COh�REHEPiSIVE GUIDE PLAN OF TFiE CITY OF Rt}SEh1Ut)�'T TO REDESIG;�'ATE A 9.9$-ACRE SITE ON THE NORT�i STDE OF 160TH STR�ET FROM AGRICULTURAL TO GENERAL L'�'DUSTRIAL FOR THE PURFOSE OF D£VELOPING A FACILITY FOR THE METROPOLITA.'�' MOSQUITO CONTR4L CONIl��ISSIO�', is a true and correct copy of the city proceedin�s relating to said Resolution. LN ��VITI\'ESS V4�HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 3rd day of March, 1993. Su� M. Walsh Gity Clerk City of Rosemc�unt � Da}:ota County, N[inne�ota �ver�Ili�nqs �ominQ `tJt:� C�asesnotttt�.�� . . ' ' i 1 i . ; . . . CI3'Y OF ROSEMOIINT DAROTA GC)DNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993-16 A RESOLtTTZON p�MENDING TH8 COMPREHENSIVB GtTIDE PLAN OF THE CZTY OF ROSF�+iC�UNT TfJ REDESIGNATS A 9.98-ACR�'s SITE ON THE NORTH SIDB OF 160TH STREET FROM AGRICIILT'QRAL TO GENERA.L INDIISTRIAL FOR TH8 PIIRPOSE OF DEV'ELOPING A FACTLSTY FOR THE METROFOLITAN MOSQUITO CO2�T'�ROL CDI+Il�SISSION � wBERF.�S, the property owner, RCD Real Estate Partnership, has entered into a purchase agreement with the Metropolitan Mosquito � Control District to t�urchase a 9 .767-acre site on the north side � of 160th S�reet West adjacent to Knutsan Sezvices, Inc..; and wSEREAS, the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District desires to co:�str�:ct a multiple building facility on this �roperty �.nd . intends to r�locat� the Dakota Division Headquarters from the ; University of -Minnesota Rosemount Campus to the new facility; �.ne , , WSEREAS, the_.Comgrehensive Guicie- Plan currently in force designates �'r_is site for Agriculture; and WHER�AS, �he City is nearing completion of z mzjor upd��e to c.k:= � � � i 1980 Comprehe�siuE Guide Plan; and ! °• �t '� � WHEREAS, the updated Comprehensive Guide Pl�.n proposes to designate the surrounding area for business park dAvelOpma?1tJ �:?: WSE�^AS, at the current time this site can be sArviced �y City water services, but sewer extensions would be infeasible at this time; and wHEREAs, the proposed tacility can be served adequately by on- site sA�tic system treatment of wastewater until sanitary , extension is more practical; and 4 ; WHEREAS;�• the Metropolitan Mosauito Control District and RCD Re�.l : , Estate Partnership. reauested that the City submit a separate ' amendment for this praject in order to facilitate the construction of this €acility in fiscal year 1993, and wSEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount considered the proposed redesignation of the site from Agricultural to General Industriai on February 9, 1993 and February 23, 1593 and recommended approval of the amendment to the City Counczl; and wHEREAS, the City Council scheduled a public hearing, according to law, to consider the plan amendment and the hearing was held on the 2nd of March, 1993 . . , City of Rosemount 2875 14�th Street W� Rosemount, MN 5�06$-0510 (612) 423-4411 Comprehensive Guide Plan A,mendment No. 24 METROPOLITAN MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT DAKOTA DIVLSION HEADQUARTERS The Metropolitan Masquito Control District proposes to relocate their existing Dakota County facility from the University of Minnesota (Rosemount campus) to a new location in Rosemount. The proposed site is on the north side of 160th Street West (proposed County State Aid Highway 46j between State Trunk Highway 3 (STH 3) and Biscayne At�enue, to the unmediate west af Knutson Services, Inc. The faciliry will have multiple buildinas that will include office, equipment, and material storage functions. Although the proposed use is public in nature, the City has determineri that its functions are sirnilar to a genera.i industrial use. T'�e proposed site is zoned Agricultural (AG) and the majarity of the site is designated as a�riculture (AG) in the 1980 Comprehensive Guide Pian. The site is a total of 9.?67 acres w�ith approximate,y 329 feet af fronta�e alang 160th Street and a depth of ap�ror,imateiy 1,325 f�et. The land is beinJ subdivided from a 40-acre tract. The very soutnwestern corner of the site is within the Empi.re Waste Vi�ater Treatment Plant (WWTP) service area and R�as designated for General Tndustrial with the approval of the Sea�er Di��ersion Amendment (No. 22) in 1992. This limited portion af the proposed parcel is alsa within the Metropalitan L7rban Service Area (M[TSA). The site is in Section 31. In the City's proposed Comprehensive Guide Plan Update 2040, this section is planneti for a business park deveiopment. Presently, the land in this section is used predominantly for agricultural purposes with a few commercial uses alon� STH 3 and general industrial uses along the north side of I60th Street to the west of the proposed site. Ernpi.re Township is on the south side af 160th Str�et and this land is used for abricultural purposes. The area on the north side of 160th Street to the immediate west af this site is designated as General Industriai to STH 3 in the e�cisting comprehensive plan. Gas Supply, AAA Auto Salvage, and Knutson Services, Inc. have facilities in this locaxion. These businesses have City water available, but sanitary sewer service has not been extendeti to this location. These businesses were develaped under the City's and Metropolitan Council's rural service policy before the urban service area was extended in 1992. ��Vaste V4'ater Treatment Initially, the Metrapolitan Mosquito Control District intends to serve this faciiity with an on-site septic treatment system. P.lthou�h a portian of the site is within the MUSA, sanitary sewers have not been extended into this area. In order to extend sewers into this area, lines would need to be placed through an area that is currently undeveloped in Section 31 and across STH 3. . , The City anticigates that this area in Section 31 will deveiop within the next five to ten years which makes placement of those facilities premature at this time. The City does not allow unsewered development to occur within the urban service area; however, it is considered warranted in this instance. The Metropalitan Mosquito Control District has agreed to connect as soon as those services are extended to this area. The City has just completed a feasibility study for a business park in this section and the preliminary findinbs indicate that this area can be served through either the Empiue or the Rosemount interceptor. Transportatian The Mosquito Control Di.strict projects that between 30 and b0 trips will be generate� from this site daily. These trips will not add any further burden to the transportation system because they are currently occurring in another site in Rosemount. V4'ater Resources - _ _ 'There are no DNR or US Arn�y Carp. designated wetlands on the site or in the anticigaced - - �raina;e area. The Dakota County Soil and Water Gonservatian distnct has ident�ed twc� - - locations on the site where Typ�.2 wetlands may be gresent. Prior ta approval of any fina?__ _ � development plans a wetland delineation will be required and the City will take all necessary steps to comply v��ith the required wetland regulations. 2 r � II�FOR'�iATION SUBMISSiOi�i FOR �1INOR C011TPREHENSIYE PLA.�'�t �hsEh'DAZENTS This summary wor�;sheet must be flled out and submitted to the Metrapolitan Council with a copy oE each proposed minor comprehensive plan amendment. Minor amendments include, but are not Iimited to: 1. Changes to the future land use plan where the affected area is smatl or where the proposed future land use will resutt in minor chan;es in metropolitan service demand. 2 Changes {land trades ar adc�itions) in the urban service area involving Iess than �0 acres, 3. Minor changes to plan �oaIs and policies that do not change the overall th;vst of the comprehensive plan. Please be as specific as possible; attach additional explanatory materials if necessary. If a staff ` repozt was prepared for the Plann.ing Commission ar City Council, please attach it as we1L Communities submitting regular plan amendmencs may v�•ish to enter this form or a reasonable :acsimile into their wrord processing menu for ease in preparatioa of the form. , Send tilzn amer.dments to• Lynda Vo e, Referra?s Coordinator - � _ g � Me�ropo?itan Council, Mears Park Centre � 230 ;. ::.fth S�. , St. �aul, MN ��10I-2634 � � i I. GENERAL I2r'FOrZ.*S�,TION � A Sponsorir.g aoveramental unir CITY OF ROSErtOUnT i�arae of local coniact person coniact personLlSA FREESE, IIIRECTOTt OF PL�.\rlhG qqd��t 2875 145TH ST k*, �OSEPiOUI�T. Mh 55068 Tele�hane �612a 322-2050 Name of Preparer (if different frorn cantact gerson) Date o£Preparation FEBRUARY 5. 1993 B, �'ame of.�-nendment GO*tPREHEt�SZVE GUIDE PLAI� �f24, riETROPOLTTAN �tO5QUITQ COr' DescriptiOn/SummarV To redesiQnate a 9_,9$-acre sitgrtrom ,,,,! DIST� Agricultural to General Industrial to allow the construction of a multiple buildin�; facility (office, warehouse, & vehicle storaQe? - for Dakota Division Headquarters of the Pletropolitan riosqui�o Control District. C. Please attach the following; , 1. Five copies of the proposed amendment. 2. A city-wide map showing the lacation of the propased change, 3. The current plan map(s), iadicating area(s) affected by amendment. 4. The proposed plan map(s), indicatin; area(s) afiected by amendment. i � 1 D. What is the official loca! status af :he proposed amendment? {Check one or more . as appropriate.) Zt Acted upon by ptanning commission (iE applicable) on FEBRUARY 23, 1993 �„ Approved by governing body, contingent upon MetropQlitan Council review, PtARCH 2, 1993 _ Considered, but not approved by governing body on _ Other E. Indicate what adjacent Iocal governmental units and oiher jurisdictions {school distriets, watershed distncu, etc.) affected by the change have been scat copies oE the plan amendment, if aay, and the date(s) copies were sent to them. EAIPIRE TO�.�SHIP• I1�flFP�'NTfFNT S H001 T?TSTRTf T 1 9� DqKOT4 f�1T1�T'�'� II. LAI�'D USE �. Desc.ioe che fcllowing, as aporcpriate: 1. Size c�f auected area in acres 9.98 acres ?. Existing land use(s) AG�ICULTURAL �. Proposed land use(s) Ii,bUST�IAL - OFr IC� & k°AR�i-i�US� �• Num�er and t�•pe of residential du�elling uniu involved hOT APPLICABLE �. Proposed densiry 6• Proposed square footage of commercial, industrial or public buildings 21,520 - 26,800 square feet III. :;�1ETROPOLITA.TI DEVELOP0�11EI�"I' GUIDE A Population, Household and Emplayrnent Forecasts Will the propased amendment affect the city's populatian, household or emgloyment forecasts for 2Q00, or any additional local staging contained in the originat plan? _ No�Not Applicable x Yes. Descnbe e£fect The existin� 1980 ComFrehensive Guide PZan designates this area as Agriculture. The proposed Update 2000 proposes that this entire section be developed as industrial ark. This p proposal is consistent wi.th the land uses proposed in Update 200Q. u � ! B. Changes to Urban Service Area Baundary . Will the proposed amendment require a change ta the boundary of the communiry's urban service area? � i�*o/I`'ot applicable. Yes. Under I. C., a map should be attached to show the proposed chanae. C. Changes to Timing and Staging of Urban Service Area Will the proposed amendment require a chan�e to the tirnin� and staging af development within the urban scrvice area? � I�To�Not Applicable. _Yes. Under L C., a map should be attached to show the proposed c�an�e. D. Wastewater Treatment 1. Will the proposed amend:nent result in a change in the proj�cted sev��er flows for the c,ommunity? __ X 2�To/I�Tot Applicable. Iititia?ly tc.'rs-deyelopment wil? be served by ax on- te s �stem �xl�i-t-�ewer is extended into th. _ _ _Yes. Indicate Ehe ex�ectedsc3ana� area from the west. L,T:ien connec�E _._. __-- —_ the projected flos: i-s approxima�e: Total Year 2000�2010 flow for communiry 3,d4Q gal/day. . oase3 �n existin; plan million gallons/:ay Totai 20002010 f7ow for community based on pian ariendment million aallons/day 2. If your community discharges to more than one metropolitan interceptor, indicate which interce�tor will be a�ec:ed by the amendment. E*SPIRE Wk'TP INTERGEPTOR 3. WiII flow�s be diverted from one interceptor service area to another? x NolI'rTot applicable. • _ Yes. Indicate the change and voiumes (mgd.) involved 111 � � , E. Transportacion � 1. Will the proposed amendment resvlt in an increase in trip generation for the affected area? ,_,_ i�ToNot applicable. � Yes. Describe eff�ct. The oro iected trivs will range betwePn 3d and 70 dail�aPD2nding on the season. 2. Does the proposed amendment contain any chan;es to the funccional ctassi6cation af roadwavs? _.y, �To• 1 Yes. Describe which roadwaSS F. Aviation Will the praposed amendment affect the function of a metropolit�n aimort o. tne compat�biliry of land uses with aircraft noue? �. h'ofNot appIicable. _ Yes. Describe efiecL _ ----- _.._ G. Recreation Ogea Space • �'ill the proposed amendment have an impact on eusting or future iee�er2l, s:�t� or regionat recreational faciIities? � I�ro11'�Tot Applicable. _ Yes. Descnae effec� H. Housing �Vill �the pr4posed amendment affect the community's abiIity or intent to achieve . � the long-terrn goals for low- and maderatc=income and modest-cost housing � �pportunities contained in the existing plaa? . . x hTo/Not Applicable. _ Yes. Desenbe effeci. N . j • I. Water Resources . 1. Does the plan amendment affect a A'linnesota Department of Natur�t Resources or U.S. Army Corgs of Engineers protected wetland? If yes, describe t}pe of wetland affected and show Iocation on a map. Yes. X Iv'o. TYPE 2 WETLAIdD, DAKOTA COUt�TY SOIL & WATER COI�SERVATZ(3N DISTRICT. 2. WiII the wetland be protected? NOT APPLICABLE Yes. Desrn'be how. _ No. Descnbe why not. 3. WiII the plan aaendment result in runoEf which af£ects the quality of any surface watec body? If}�es, identify�•hich ones. Yes. _ �, :v o. � *. Will the water body be protected? NOT APPLICABLE -_ Ycs. Descnbe how. -- - - -- --- _ I�io. L-xplain why.�a. . IV. I�TI'LE��ENT�TiO�' PRCGR�'�i A Official Cr�ntroIs 1. ��ill the proposed amendment reouire a chan�e to zonin�, subdivision, on- site sewer ordinances ar ather of�cial controls? h'o/�tot Applicable. X Yes. Describe effect. - PROPERTY W�,L.L. uFE"� TO BE R . .ON .D FRc�r� A ,RTr.1TT.miTR� (AG) T� GE�TERAL - INDLSTRIAL AND THE PROPERTY I,TILL I�EED TO BE SUBDIVIDED, v � CtTY UF RQSEMOUNT MAP , . }, _. _.� = r _., ,.._...,,� ._ _._._ �-.� - -- — -- --- -- --- ;--�r� _ —_ ��, ,�y„�, � � r _ � � ; � � �w. ` - s_ : ;w _.�[ _ - -- �i� _� � � � �' '" ,, ,, — � �.}.. It;� - �.. , �- I 1 � :, ��_� _ _ ' _r , , � —�� —�'�.� «�. � � �� �• "'.w_—, '.. '� _ f L/' ` �,� � • ,, ,. ! ,�+, :�� , -�.-�:/ - • _ _� �- � � �_r�� ' s ' �.�. 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M�tiopolitan,Mosquito � . � '�� ��.J•'�' s t..,,i l � 11�1��C�Ilt��t5► .�Control_�Di'strici : . . � � ,,�;R,T,� �� . . » . . . • � V'� • (;UltDiIYC•N/1'f1�'K:K•IIILUEKT AliCiiITEC'T'S. I:VC. Dakotal,.County Division. .. , . — ,. • . � r��*�.�.�*.�R�« . . Rosemount�Minnesota . . �.:. •+.•��„►+,,. . ,.�n.��.�� . . . . . . . . . � N'�� . . . •OP'19O1�FODV�O-M�1rf�NM�111/Mp�1iCf� . . . .l � � . ' . .. r . o� ..r r •� . . • ' •• . . • ,•�. JF'�L:. r . . • • • .. .. ' F • .. . , .�i. �• . • . . . • •, . . . . . '• . . � 1 p1���.4 � . � . . . . . Z � ` METROPaLITAN MQSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT Z � �t� RaNSCt� 1CPIA V > 2380 WYCLIFF STREE7 ■ ST. PAtJL, MINNESOTA 55114 ■ 612•645-9149 vy FAX 612-645-3246 � � SCC�� �LAr:p+t � . � P..D.SJOGR€N,Ph.D. W.J.CAESAR Director 8usiness Admin. November 5, 1992 Lisa J. Freese, Planning Director C;ry of Ros�mount 2$75 145th Sa�eet West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, Minnesota 55058-0510 Re: Dakota Division Headquarters Metropolitan lviosquico Con�ol District Dear Ms. �reese: In response to your letter of October 27, 1992, please be advised of the following responses to your quesrions: 1, and 2. Employees on site range from 7 in the winter ta 25 in the s�.immer, resultina _ in 30-100 tr.p generauons. Hours of operation will be 6.00 a.m, to 2:30 p.m. in sumr:�er and 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in wincer, An on-site sewer system is proposed, with 8 S.A.�. units engineered. 3. The site has no wetlands according ta MMCD records. 4, Storm water retenaon design will be forwarded when as soon as completed. We �ust these .answers will assist in expediting the amendment applicauon. Sincerely, . W.J. Caesar Business Adminisu�ator cc: Gauger Engineering, Inc. CNH Architects RCD Real Estate Partnership � , �,.�.. Z �f�..�o,� R•���•: METROPOLITAN MOSQUITQ CC?NTROL DISTRICT Y �, i 2350 WYCLIFF STREET ■ ST. RAUL, ��11NNESOTA 55t14 � 612-645-9149 _ FAX 612-645-3246 scc-T �,aKe*� R.D.SJOGREN,Ph.O, W.J.CAESAR Direcfor Busrness A�inin. October 2�, 1992 Lisa J. Freese, Planning Director City of Rasemount 2875 i45th Stceet West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-051Q Re: Dakota Division Headquarters Me�ropolitan Mosquito Con�rol District l�ear Ms. rreese: _ M1_ - _ _ _ On September 23, 1992 the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (MMCD) Board entered into a purchase agreement with RCD Real Estate Partnership for the purchase af 9.7b7 acres on 160�h Street West adjacent to Knutson Recycling. The purchase agreement is sub}ect to re-zoning to allow for construcaon of a rebianal operating heackquaners to replace the existing facility at-the Uniaersity of Minnesota Rosemount site. The MMCD supparts the request for a minor c4mprehensive guide plan amendment to allow for re-zoning to industriai-general so that our project can be eompleted by late summer af 1993. The proposed project is being �esigr.ed by Ci�TH Architects �f Ap�ly V��y �nd eviL consst of the following: office 4,320 'to S,QOQ sq. f� . service garage 1,800 to 2,000 sq. f� vehicle garage 7,700 ta 9,90Q sq. ft� material starage _7,700 to 9 900 sg fG TQTAL 21,52Q to 26,$00 sq. f� � In addiuon, provisions for on size fuei storage (2,500 ga1.--gasoline) are being considered: The ineorporadon of a water reeycle system is also being considered. The site is being served by city water at present. In that no sewer system is avaiiable, an an-site system (drain field) is proposed which will meet state requirements. If sanitary sewer is available in the future, . _. • � ' rC lt�'CtS CORDING•NATWICK�HILBERT ARCHITECTS, ING 73Q0 WEST 147th STFiEET, SUITE 504 ST. PAUL, MINNESCJTA 55124 (s12)431-4433 October 26, 1992 Lisa j. Freese, Planni,ng Director City of Rosemount 2375 145th Street W. Rocemount, :vi� �{Q68-O510 ;i�: �3(' T• • T �1='� 1'•�i711 ii�tt�(�L�ia:�'�a:r . � . � . Metropolitan Masquito Control District (�;�iCD) Dear_Ms. Freese: It is my understand, irom speal:ing with Ivsr, Richard Pearson, tnat �he �itv nL�ds t�:e following additianal information to-- compiet� the Guide ?'ian A.r�endnent fc�; t;�� Metropolita.� Masquito Ccnt�ol Distric�-�raposed-facilitv. _ . SA+C €Tnits - 4��r neehanieal enaineer, Paux Emanuelson, �pokz with ;%s.Jt��ie �d��ar�� aL�4ietrop+�i�:�.� Waste Commission tu get �he S.AC uait5 e�timatei for the Re�,��mou:�t fa�ility bas�c� :�r, r,asz MMCD facilities and pla:�s for this facility. � Ms. Edwar�s estimated 8 SAC units. 'fYip Generations I spoke with the owners represen.tative and tney wiil get this information ta yau early �his week. If I can be iurther heip, p?ease call and t �+�1 try to expedite tne infor�atiori ta ;�au. Sincerely, . ' �� � �� � �� Wa �G ilbert, AIA C A� 'tects, Inc. WH:fmw cc: Bill Caesar Richard Gauger / F i�� o osevnoun� PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-1.35th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX {612)423�5203 Mailing Adtlress: Etlward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 570,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS May 11, i 993 she��a K�a$Sa� James(Aed)Staats Harry Wiltcox Oennis Wippermann �Ulrt F''1SCr1eI AOMINtSTRATOfl Stephan Jilk RCD Real Estate Partnership 17058 Frazer Path Farmington, MN 55024 RE: Rezoning Petition / Lot Split Application Dear Mr. Fischer: This letter is to confirm that the public hearing on your rezoning petition has been set and properly noticed for May 18, 1993 at 8:00 p.m. before the City Council. The lot subdivision application will also be on the Council's agenda for action. The recommendations that will be presented to the City Council are those presented to the Plannin� Commission in the April 9, 1993 staff inemo. The City Attorney has drafted a Sanitary Sewer Agreement and it has been forwarded ta h1r. Dick Gauger for the Mosquito Control District's review and executian. I have enclosed one copy for your consideration. Three copies of the proposed easement agreement for the right-of-way are enclosed for your review, If the lot subdivisivn is approved as recommended, all required coc�ditions must be met prior to the recording at Dakota County. Regarding the wetland delineation, SF.,H completed their field inspection and identified no wetlands. They will be forwarding a letter of confirmation to me within the next couple of days. Please feel free to contact the Planning Department if you have any questions. � Sincerely, Lisa Freese D'uector of Planning � Attachments: (1) Planning Commission Staff Review (1) Sanitary Sewer Agreement (3) Easement Agreements �ver��htng s �oming �(/C�i �osemounl�� Y: ) � EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS INDENTURE made this day of , 1993, by and between RCD Real Estate Partnership, hereinafter referred to as °Grantor° , and the City of Rosemoun.t, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the Sta�e of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the °Granteep . The Grantor, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1. 00) and other good and valuable consideration to them in hand paid by the Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant and convey ta the Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, a permanent Easement for public road, utilities, and drainage purposes, over, across, on, under and through land situated within the County of Dakota and State of Minnesota and described as follows : The southern 55 feet of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S� of the SE%) of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, t3akota County, Minnesota; except the west 1,316.05 feet thereof. INCLUDING the rights of the Grantee, its contractors, agents, servants and assigns, to enter upon the Easement premises at all reasonable times to construct, reconstruct, inspect, repair, and maintain said Easement systems over, acrass, on, under, and through the Easement premises, together with the right to grade, level, fill, drain, pave, a.nd excavate the Easeinent premises, and the further right to remove trees, bushes, undergrowth, and other obstructions interfering with the location, construction, and maintenance of said Easement systems. easement.msq r �_� The above named Grantor(s) , for themselves, their successors, heirs and assigns do covenant wi�h the Grantee, its successors and assigns, they are well seized zn fee title of the above described Easement premises and have the sole right to grant and convey said premises to the Grantee. IN TESTIMONY tiVHEREOF, the Grantor(s} hereto have signed this Agreement the day and year first above written. GRANTOR(S) : (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA� ) ) ss C�UNTY OF DAKOTA J The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this aaY of , 1993, by , to me personally known ta be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed of the parties. NoCary Public essement.msy , w� Sanitary Sewer Agreement This AGREEMENT is.between the City of Rosemoant, Muinesota ("ROSEMOUNT") and the Metropolitan Mosquito Control Commission ("CO1�II�iiSSION"). Recitals 1. The COMIVIISSION is requesting approval from ROSEMOUNT to build a proposed mosquito control facility ("FACII.ri`Y") on 164th Street on praperty legally described as the east 329.00 feet of the west 1645.05 feet of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, subject to public road and utility easements for 160th Street West, and witlun the municipal boundaries of Rosemount, Minnesota. 2. The FACILTTY will be located within ROSEMOUNT's urban service area and must, therefore, be connected to ROSEMOUNT's sanitary sewer system. 3. At the present time, it is not pra.cticable for ROSEMOUNT to extend sanitary sewer services to the FACII,iTY. 4. Consequently, the COMivIISSION is willing to provide temporary sewer treatment thraugh an on-site system to the FAGII.,TTY until ROSEMOUNT public sanitary sewer facilities are available to it. NOW TI�REFORE, ROSEMOUNT and the COMI�IISSION agree as follows: I. SAI�TITARY SEWER COVENANTS OF COMNIISSION. In consideratipn of ROSEMOUNT's granting of approval for the COMNIIS5ION to construct the FACILITY SanSewer:MSQ � ' T I and on-site sanitary system, in Rosemount, Minnesota, the COMMISSION agrees as follows: A• TEMPORARY ON-SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM. The COMNIISSION shall construct a temporary, on-site septic system to be ufiilized by the COMNIISSION for the FACrLrrY until such time as ROSEMOU1vT provides public sanitary sewer facilities to the FACII,rrY, The temporary on-site septic system shall be constructed and operated at the exclusive cost of the COn�IIvtISSION. B. UTII,IZATION OF PUBLIC FACII,ITIES. At such time as ROSEMOUNT is able to provide public sanitary sewer facilities to the FACII,TTY, the COMMISSION agrees that it will voluntarily hook up to ROSEMOUNT's sanitary sewer system within two (2) years of written notice from ROSEMOITNT that the public system is available. It is understood that ROSEMOUNT's public sanitary sewer system may not be available to the CO1vIlKiSSION far a period of five (5) years or longer from the date of this A��EMErrr. C. PUBLIC SA,NITARY SEVYER CHARGES. The COMMISSION agrees that, at such time as it hooks up to ROSE1vtOi7NT's sanitary sewer system for the COMNIISSION's mosquito control facility located on 160th Street, the COMMISSION will pay all associated sanitaary sewer connection charges and any associated assessments. The COMNIISSION agre�s not to contest any of said connection charges or assessments. II. INDEMNIFICATION. The COMMISSIt1N shall save and hold harmless and indemnify ROSEMOUNT, frorn any and all claims and causes of action of whatever nature, arising from the COMMISSION's construction, ma.intenance, and use of its on-site septic system at the FACII.rr�. III. ADMIl�TISTRATIVE PROVISIONS. A. A,SSIGNMENT. This AGREEMENT may nvt be assigned by either party without the consent of the ather. SanSewer.MSQ 9 � r , B. SEVERABII,ITY. If any sentence or clause of this AGREEMENT is determined to be unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions of this AGREEMENT shall be in full force and effect. C. APPLICABLE LAW. This AGREEMENT shall be gaverned by the iaws of the State of Minnesota. D. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. The CO1bIl�IISSIUN shall abide by all applicable rules, ordinances, and laws in the fulfillment of its responsibilities under this AGREEMENT. WHEREFORE, ROSEMOi7NT and the COMNIISSION have executed this AGREEMENT, intending to be bound thereby. Dated: METROPOLTTAN MOSQUITO CONTROL CITY QF ROSEMOUNT COMMISSION a Minnesota Municipal Corporation By: By_ Its: Its: By: Its. DRAFI'ED BY: Mike MileS, P. A, Fluegel, Moynihan c� Miles, Attorneys at Law 1303 South Frontage Road Hastings, MN 55044 Phone: 438-9777 3 ssnsewer.IvtsQ