HomeMy WebLinkAbout5. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment - AG Preserves i,• � . O'+ . . � . . City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Cauncil Meeting Dates Mav 18. 1993 Agenda Item: Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment regarding Agenda S�tion: AG Preserves & On-SiCe Septic Regulatioz�s PLTBI.�C HEARING P'repared By: Lisa Freese Agenda�,pr � Director af Planning � ( t Attachments: Propc�sed Ordinance No. B-28; Existing Appr B : Standards; Hearing Notice. The Metropc>litan Cauneil has requested that all eities verify that their ordinances are in eonformanee with the Metropalitan Agricultural Preserve Act. Thas act requires that any properties enrolled in the grogram be properly zoned and that zoning allow a density of l per 40. Zn revievving the Gity's ordinance to determine conf'armance, it was identified that the minimun density requirement was inconsistent with the Agricultural Preserves Act. In the existing ordinance a minimum density of 2.5 aeres is allowed. To he eonsistent with the Ag Preserves Act, the minunum density should be 40 acres. In the administration of this ordinance the City is currently being consistent with that policy. As yc�u will recall, when the Knodt's split off a 2.5-acre parcel from a property enrolled in Ag Preserves they were required ta rezone the srnaller nonqualifying property to Agricuiture (AG}. A density transfer is not an apprapriate application in the Ag Presezves distriet. In order to clear up this conflict in the zoning ordinance prior to submittal to the Metropolitan Council, staff is initiating_ an amendment to eorrect the minimum allowable density from 2.5 acres per unit to 40 acres per unit in the Agxiculture Preserves district. In reviewing the complianee with all required regulations, staff alsc� ident�ed that Section 14.6, Un> site Sewer Requirements, were not referencin� the current state and cvunty standards, Section 2 of this proposed ardinance has been reviewed by the building inspe,ctivn staff and, has be�en cvrrected to reference the appropriate IViinnesota PCA and the Dakota. Gounty Department of Environmental Management's regulatians. The Planning Commission reviewed this proposed amendment at the Agrit 27 Regular Meeting and recommended approval. A publie hearing is required prior to adoption of the Ordinance. Recammended Action: A M4TIQN to adopt {}RDINANCE NO. B-28, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B, CTTY OF RC}SEM4UNT Z4IVING ORDINAI`�'CE. City Council Action: Q5-1$-43.043 City of Rosemount Ordinance N4. B-28 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL QF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SEGTtON l. Section 7 Dts'rtuG'r D�v�t,oPt�rrr R�ut.�'rtotvS of Ordinance B - City of Rosemaunt Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: SECTION 7.1 DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS A. Minimum Lot Size (ftl Minimum Yards (ft) Other Standards Mmcimuma Max Bldg 1��Iax Lot9 GLTOS/ DL9tricta 7uneZ Widt6(8) Area Depth Front Sidel� Rear Denaity Ht(ft) Cover Udt isf! AG N/A 300 2.5 AC 50 30 30 1/10 AC 50 N/A NfA AG-P N!A 300 40 AC 50 30 30 1/40 AC 50 N/A N/A RR N/A 200° 2.5 AC° 40 30 30 1/5 AC 35 N/A NiA RL NiA I10 20,t100 180 30 15 30 N/A 35 3Q4b NJA R•I N!A $Q 10.060�r 125 305 10 30 N/A 35 30'%- NlA R-2(S� N!A' 100 12,000 12b 305 18 30 61AC 35 30% N!A (3+� N/A t20 18,000' 150 30� 30 30 4lAC 35 75Yo N!A R-3 N/A I50 22,540 150 305 30 30 181AC 35 755� 5013 R•4 N/A I50 22,500 150 305 30 30 401AC 35 9596 500 C-1 1 AC3 150 Y5,000 IZS 305 146 106 N/A 35 7546 N/A G2(CBD) NtA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NiA 35 N1A N!A G3 .5 AC 120 0.5 t�G 305 106 166 N/A 35 75'Ifc N!A C-4 i AG 220 20.000 305 106 106 N/A 35 7546 N/A IP 5 AC N/A 0.5 AC 3d 307 30� N!A 40 75R6 N/A WM 10 AC N/A S.0 AC 75 50� 50� N/A 75 50% N/A ' IG 10 AC N!A 5.�AC 75 S0� SU7 N!A 75 50� R[tA P N!A N/h N1A 3Q 30� 30� N/A 4E1 75°b N/A FW N/A N/A NiA NJA N/A N!A N/A N/A N/A N/A � For additiomt nquircmea�ta rofer to Section 7.2,Suppkmenmry Reguladons;S�ction 8,dff'-gtreet Parkin;;and Section 9�Spociul Overtay Rcgutations. Z iJnleas contiguous w an eacistiag such disviet. 3 Three(3}acres waxitnum zona aize. °3d0 feet width s�l 5-acra bt size minimum w6en land is nM plstted. 5 Ttefer w Sectioa l.2 C.4.a.for establishod front yanls. 6 30-foat minunwn aide or renr yard where�buttia�an"R" DisiriM. � Refer to SecGon 73 C.2.c.far build'mgs exceeding 35 feet ia heig6t. 8 UniralCiroea Acte. 9 Inelud�structurta,Pava!P�rkinS area,md other unpervio�s surfaccs. t0 See Section�.2 C.2.a.aud 1,2 G.2.b. t t Corner Lots m R-1 ahati lmvc a minimum of 12.000 squarc fxt in erta. _ _ _ _ ___ . _ . _ _ _ � •y SECTI4N 3. This ordinance shall be effeetive immediately upnn its passage and publication acearding to law. EIUOPTEU this l8th day of May, 1993. CITY QF ROSEMOUNT E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M, Walsh, City Clerk Published in the.Dakota Cou.nty Tribune this day of , 3993. .. . � �, EXISTING C�►RDINANCE CI1'I' OF ROSEMOL11ti'T � ORDIl\'A3iTGE 1��0. B-24 AN C?RD3I�TAI�°CE A1t�T�TDIl\TG C}RDINA'�TCE B CTTY 4F Rt}SEMOUI�"T �Oh'II�G ORDIItiAhCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY QF ROSEM4UNT, I�ZINNESOTA ORDAINS AS F�LLO�VS: SECTTO:�' 1. Secti�►n 3.2 Definitions of Ordinance B - Cit}� of Rosemount Zonin; Ordinance is amended b}� addins the foltoa�in,: Lot Depth The shortest distance betv��een the front and re�r lot lines, measured at the side }�ard setb�ck line of the shortest side tot iine, Lot Line. Rear Aray boundar}� of a lot a�hich is ogpasite the front lot Iine. If the rear lot]ine is Iess than ten (2Q) feet in lenQzh, the rear lot shall be a line ten (IA) feet in lenQth a�ithin the lot, conneccing the sid� Iot lines and parallel to the fr4nt lot line. Lot '�'�'idth The a�idth mezsured alon�the front }�ard setbac�:line, SECTIO:�' 2. Section 7.1 Dimensional Standards of Ordinance B, City of Rosemount Zonin; Qrdinance is amended to read: � l�tinimum Lof Size fft) DTinimw�n Yards (ffl Other Standards � ssazimnm" bsax Bta� As.0 t.ac' cUUsr D�trias Zouez tlide6t�) i1re� Dept6 '� Front �dt" Rear���� Densit}' IIttft) Govrr lioit ts� i � nG KlA 300 30 3U 3Q � I!Id AC SO ltiln ti:p, AG-P �tl, 300 =.5 AC 30 30 30 f lItOAC SQ T?R �!A ,Z't T:lA - �00' _. a0 30 "so 2;5 f.G ?3 T::A h;,� RL T.A 1lU :0,000 SSO 38 t5 30 �IA �S 30R t�!A R-1 r/A SO 10.Q0�' I:S 30' f0 30 A1A ?5 30� i�th R•_(S� T:tA 140 1'_.040 1,0 30' IQ 30 6/AC 35 30S N!A (��!-� I�tA 7?0 IS.QbQ ISO 1 90' 90 30 6/AG 35 '.SS wJA R-.i T/A 3S0 :�.544 130 3W 30 30 IS•hC 35 1i5� S00 R-; NIA 150 �'.SQ4 ISD 3b' 30 30 sO;AC 3S �S� 500 C•} I AC' 15Q I3.GOfl 1.'�S 30' 10` 30` 3�'!A 35 75Sc lr'1A GZ(GBD) JiiA N/A h/A t�JA TvIA Ii1A N/A �S �1h I+JJ� C-5 .5 AC 120 0.5 AC 30' 10` IO" N/A 35 75S titl� C: i AC 72C 30.dQ0 3W It1` 10` N1A 35 75� TifA � 1P •..S AC ?rlA 0.3 AC 30 �U� 38' 2�/A a0 735c 3dtA ` �1'hi 10 AC NtA S.D I+C ?S 54' SO' T�/A 75 SOSc 1�f.+, lG 30 AG N/A S.0 AG 75 SO' 30' N!A ?S SOSc 1':tA P ti/A N/A J:IA 30 3Q' 30' t�th 40 7S5 N7A _ fl�' NJA T+/A Nfh XIA ri/A NtA JtilA A1lA T/A l�lA ' For sddiyoazl requiretnrnu rsfer m.Socsion 7:2.Suppf«neossry RaguluSonx:Scction 8.4ff-strect Parkios:sad 3e.ee�ion 9.Sgceial8verlay Reguiateocu. = Unicss aouiiguaus tb w cxutiat we6 d'utrirt ' 'Jbzaa(3)actct max3mum mnc siu. ` 3t10 fest x�idth and 5-icre 1ot sixe mirunum ti•hea Lnd is aot planrd. , s Refer b Sution 7.2 C.3.a.for ecublished front�•ards. ` 3G-foat a�iaimum cida or rcct yard a�herc abuniag an'R'1)uvict ' Refct w Saetioa 7,2 C.2.e.for bui�ing:cxeeedin�3S fcct ia hei�#+t. ' UdiulGrou Arn. - . , , i Iaeludes rwecuru.p�ved patkint axes.and at3�cr imptrvious Rvr€icn, t° Sce Sectian�3 C r.a.aad 7.:G?.b. . " Corner Iots in R•1 shall have n minimurn of 12.484 square frct in uw. � � `r 8. Fxcavation, iacludiag excavation for buildiag foundations and earth grading; 9. Private sewer installation, repair, ptiinpiug and haulin� aad � I4,Feacsn�, � ,� B, Proof pf Stat�e I.icense Befare any persan shall engage ia an}►�f the followiag businesses withia thc City of Rosemouat, he shall file proof with the Ciry Clerk of aomp2iaacx with � a11 state licensiag requirements: 1. Plumbing wQrk; . Z. Elecxrical wark;, 3. Bu�lding mover, . 4. Steam fiuer; 5. Well driller, and 6. Water condition�r installer s�r contractor. c:. Conditians Applications, f�es and conditians for licens'us� are established by sepazate ordinance. All iaformation may be obtained through the office of the City Clerk. SECTION i4.6 O�I-SITE SEWER REQUIREMENTS 5taadards for the installation and repair af individual on-site sewer systems are established by tlze Mianesota Pollution Convol Agcacy. Commoaly referred to as "WPC-4Q," these standards are herein adopted by refereace. ,:. ---. A. Permit Rec�uired No person shall insiall, repair, alter or pump an on•site sewer systera without firsc obtaining a permit as pravided herein. AFPlications, provided by ih+e City, must be completed in writing prior to issuance af a permi� Permit fees are established by resolution of the City Council. B. License Reauired Installation, repair, pumping and hauliag of private on-site sewer systems requires licensing per Section 14S af this ordinance. C. Reauired Cond3tions 1. Soil pereolation tests musc be completed by an indegendent part and must be favorable for the operation af an oa-site sewer system bef�re a permit will be issued. � Installations, a2terations, repairs and maiatenance shall be performed in accordauce with the Iatest "WPG-40" seandards published by the Miaaesota Pollutio� Control Ag�nc}+. 3. No private on•site sewer system shall be permitted on any site tess than 2S acres. SECTI�N 14.7 GRADING PERMiTS A. Per�nit Regnxred No person shall e�ccavate,fill,dig, raise or lower or otherwise �lter the surfaae of the earth without first obtaining a pernut as required under Sectioas 9-2-1 and 9-2=2 of the City Cc�e of the City af Rosemount and as further pravided for herein. Applications, provided by th� Ciry, must be comgleted in writiag pnor to issuaace Qf a permic. Permit fees are established by resolution of the City eounal. � B. Ltcense Reauired Excavatin�, filling or any other type of earth moving requires licensing per Secuon 14S of this ardinance. Si . �, . . 1.��� O Qs�YYGOUYt� PHONE (612)4Y9�441 i �75-145th Street West.Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX{612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward 8.McMenomy P.O,8ox 510.Rosemount.Minn�ota 5506&0510 COUNCiLMEMB£RS Sheita iCiasssn .iames tRe�Stasts Public Notice oa����„�,� ADMINISTAA70R StepAan.Aik ORDINANCE B, CITY OF R4SEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT An Ordinance A.mendment Af'feeting Dimensional Standards in the Agriculture Preserve (AG-P) District and Clarification of Private On-site Septic Standards TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, Mav 18. 1993 in tl�e Council Chambers Qf the �ity Hall, 28?5 145th Street West, beginning at 8:t30 p.m. ar as soon thereafter as � gossible. . The purpose of this hearing is tQ receiv� public input and comments on a;proposed text amendments to Ordinance B - Ciry of Rosemcaunt Zaning Ordinanee. At this Public �Iearing the City Council will consider changes to the text Qf t?rdznance B - Ciry af Rosemount Zoning G�rdinance regarding the Agriculture Prese�ves District and on-�ite septic system standards. The propased text modifications will establish � site dimensional standards for those properties situated within the Agricultuzal Preserves Zoning District that are in compliance with requirements of the Metropolitan Area Agricultural Preserves Act, Nlinnesota Statutes, Chapter 473H. A1sv, further elarifica.tion of private on�site septic system standards is being propc>sed that will bring the City's ordi.nance into compliance with State and County regulations. Persons wishing to speak on the proposed am�ndment aze invited to attend this meeting an Tuesda 'L• Ma�$, 1993 at 8:04 p.rn. Written comments will alst� be accepted prior to the meeting date, Piease fflrward all comments and inquiries to the City of Rosemount Planning Deparhnent. Dated this 4th day of May, 1993. Susan M. V4�alsh, City Clerk City of Rasemount Dakata County, Minnesota �' �ver���ing`s �oming ���i �osemourit11 �