HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. Right - of - Way Vacation (Methodist Church) ` e � ��Z� O OS�vYLO?�lYl� PHONE (612)423-4414 2875•745th Streef West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYQR FAX (612)d2&5203 M�iling Address: Edward$.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Kiassen James(Re�Steats Harry Wilicox AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTFCE oe���s w�p��a�� STREET VACATION nonniNrsTRr+Toa Stephan Jilk STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � Susan M. Walsh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On April 29, 1993, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Ha{I, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the attached notice of public hearing.regarding a street vacation enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fulty prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. san M. alsh City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this �-��day of Aprii, 1993. ■�nssv+nnn/�nnM� � ��//C�- ��l�J�-� _„ .. GIP!"�� �7RNf0EN � � t:GT��?': .;R�„�;--MtNNESOTA �. My Comrn.E,qr��.�t� Notary Public Y i C�ver�t�ing`s �ovning �UG�i �J�,osemount�� � . ..�._.r_._.. . � � i�� o . osemouvc� PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (672)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 519,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Kiassen James(Ret�Staats PUBLIC NOTICE "�"''wi°°°" Dennis�ppermann • ADMiN�STRATOR CITY OF ROSEMOUNT stePn����+� DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF STREET VACATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, May 18, 1993, in the Councii Charnbers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a street vacation affecting the following legally described property: The East 60 feet of the North 467.52 feet o# Lot Thirteen (13) Auditors Subdivision No. 27, Township 115, Range 19, in the City of Rosemount, County of Dakota, Minnesota. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the above item will be heard at this meeting. BY ORDER OF THE C(TY COUNCIL. Dated this 20th day of April, 1993. san M:� alsh, City Clerk- • . City of Rosemount Dakata County, Minnesota �ver�t�ing's �oming �CJL� �JLosemoun��j . . . . �e7�ecrcieawne� � . . . . . � - : �` AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STA�'E OF M1 N N ESOTA ) SS County of Dakota ) NANCY 1. GUSTAFSON, being duly sworn, on oath sa�rs that sf+e is a� out6orized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspoper known os DakoM Caunty Tribune,and has full keawledge of the focts which are stoted below: PUBLIC NOTICE CRY OF ROSEMpU►IT DAKOTA COUNTY,►�tiNESpL� (A)The newspoper hos complied with all of the requiremerMs constituting quolificatioe as u legol NOTICE Oi STREET VAGTION TO WHpM IT MAy�pN�g�: newspaper,as provided by Minnesoto Statute 331 A.02,331 A.07 ond other appficable laws,os omended. NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN,that the Ci- ty Council�tbe Clty M Ra�emount cvill cm- �ct a P�►��nB�11�esdaY�May 18, L999,in the Camcil G4ambers d the GSty Ha1I, (B)The priM�ed 2875195th Street West,beginning at 8:00 p.m. 'or as soon ther�fter as paesible.The pnrpoee of tlds h�ring is to coasidps a street v�catim aHect�o8 the [ullowia8 kSallY deacribed P�P�Y: The East 60 feet�the 1Vorth�6T.52 feet� Lot Thirteen t i8)Auditms Subdivisi�No. ZJ�Towrffitrip 115,��e�19,in t6e Cttq ad Raeemamt,(:ounty of DskotB;MinDesOta. �P�°°$as desu�e t°be heard w�}}� which is ettoched was cut hom the columns of said news{wper,and wos printed and published once reference to tde above item will be heard at this meeting. HY ORDER OF TF�CITY Cp(JNCII,, Dated this 20th day of April,199Ci. .Susan�d.Walsh,CSty C1erk each week,fw I��,I successive weeks;it wus Cft3''�Rosemamt �Dakota CountY,Mionesota 9-10 �-` first published on Thursday,the ��doy of , 19 � , ond wos thereafter printed ond published on every Thursdoy to ond including Thursday,the�J.�day of ,19 � �; and prirMed below is o copy of the lowe►case olphabet fro A to Z,both inclusive,which is hereby ocknowledged os being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publicetion of the notice: � . � .. � .�iH•di•Ikh�lkl�nn�qxp�iu���r�ci � . � , . � . . _ . . . � . . . . . BY: �- TITLE:Secretory to P {isher Subscribed and sworn to be#ore me on this dey of J v 1 ,19�� � Notcry Public ,,a-.� CAROL J.HAVERIAND . !? IIO�TMYPUBLJC-�EA � DAKOTA GOUNTY � by Cae�lon E�tr+s 0�9,t�s � t CTTY OF ROSEMQUNT EXECtTTTVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTION CITY CaUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 18, 1993 AGENDA ITEMa Right-af-Way Vacatian AGENDA 5�SCTIC3N: Fublic Hearing PREPARED BY; Ron Wasmund AGFNDA �jq�. Public Works DirectorfBuilding Official 11 E� � �. ATTACHIKENTS: Resolution, Sackground Memp A�RO B : Plat Map ,. . , . The purpose af this publie hearing is to provide the general public and affected parties an ogpartunity to formally speak for ar against the proposed vacation action. ` The right-of-way being vacated abuts anly three {3} lots in the Marian Terrace Replat 2nd Addi�ion (Lots 3 , 4, 5) . It is adjacent and parallel to two Iots in Auditor' s Subdivision 27. The only property directly effected by the vaeatian is Mr. Don Ratzlaff. He must be provided access to his detached garage. Sn discussions wi�h the Church' s representative and in their letter of petitiQn they have indicated their willingness to provide a p�rmanent easement to Ratzlaff. I have had only one other inquiry from an adjacent landowner, Mrs. Josephine Stannard. Her call was more general in nature. She was not sure how much right-of-way exis�ed or how much was being vacated, She and her husband Raymond own Lot 6, Block 1 which is located sou�h of the right-of- way the City owns. They do not have access to their property �rom the west siae. There is a electrical distribution iine along the west side of the Marian Terrace Replat 2nd Addition. This line serves the homes in this addition with electricity, telephone and cab�.e television. The power line is located within an existing ten (10' ) foot easement acrc�ss the rear lots of the Marian Terrace plat. • I have spoken to representatives of each of the overhead utilities. None of them have ari issue with the vacation since there is an existing' 1Q' easement for their lines. If there is no objection from Gauncil or the public, I reccammend the City Attorney draft the necessary Quit C1aim Deeds to convey this propert� �o the Church conditional upon them providing dacumentation of a permanent a�cess easemen� to Lot 3 , Block l, Marian Terrace Replat 2nd Additian. RECOI�iENDED ACTION: MC7TION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTIC7N VACATING THE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED RIGHT-4F-WAY TN AUDITOR'S SUBDIVIS�ON N�. 27. G4UNCTL A�TION: 6 � � ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RfSOLUTiON 1993 - A RESOkUTION CAUSING A RIGHT-OF-WAY VA�ATION WHEREAS, the City Council at its Regular Meeting ofi Apri{ 20, 1993 set a public hear�ing for a right-af-way vacation described as follows, to-wit: The East 60 feet of the North 467.52 feet of Lot Thirteen (13) Auditor's Subdivision No. 27 to the Viltage of Rosemount, a11 aecording ta the ptat thereof now on file and of recard in the office of our Register ot Deeds in and fior said County antl �tate. WHEREAS, a public hearing was scheduled and held on the 18th day of May, 1993 after due publicativn as required by iaw, and all interested persons were given an appartunity to }�e heard; and WHEREAS, it appears that it wiH be for the best interest ofi the City of Rosemount to vaeate said right-of-way as it does not serv� a publie purpose. NOW THEREFORE BE tT RESOLVED, that the fo(lowing right-ofi-way is hereby vaeated, to- wit: The east 60 feet of the North 467.52 feet of Lot Thirteen (13) Auditor's Subdivision No. 27 to the Village of Rosemount, alt according to the plat thereof now on fiie and of record in the offiee af our Register af Deeds in and for said County at�d State. BE fT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Attorney shall prepare a notice of cample#ion af the procesdings and necessary Quit Claim Deeds which shall contain the name of the city, identification of the vacation and a statement of the tirne of completion thereof, and shail present the same to the County Auditor and then #ite a copy with fihe Register of Deeds. ADOPTED this 18th day of May, 1993. E. 8. MeMenamy, Mayar ATTEST: Susan M, Walsh, City Cl�rk Motio� bY� Seconded by: Voted in favor: Vated against: . , nnEnno TO. MAYOR McMENOMY COUNCIL MElIABERS: KLASSEN STAATS WILLGOX WtPPERMANN FROM: RQN WASMUND, PUBLIC WQRKS DIRECTOR DATE: MAY 13, 1993 RE: BACKUP INFORMATiQN FROM APRIL 20, 1993 MEETlNG This item is being discussed on Tuesday night to provide you with the backgound necessary to set a pubtic hearing for vacation of certain public right-of-way. The Rosemaunt Methodist Church has filed a petition for the vacation of the public right-of-way which extends south frc�m Lower 147th Street ta their south property line. This is not a through street. This ailey serves only as access to the ehurch park;ng lot. One other praperty awner gets access to a detached garage in his rear yard via this a11ey. This property owner is Mr. Don Ratzlaff. Tf�is right-of-way was originaHy dedicated to the Viflage to pravide access to the Church when they rented to the Schaol District #or classrobm space. The right-of- way lies entirely on the lot owned by the Church. The Church will granfi an access ease�nent to Mr. Ratzlaff so he can continue to access his garage. The Church desires to improve and expand their parking tot. Cn the past they have asked for and received money from the Gity to offset the cost of repair and maintenance to this alley and parking area. The City daes not snowplow or maintain this aliey except on a rare request of the Church. By vacating the right- of-way the Church can improve their parking lat without having to adhere`to strict City Standards. They can make the improvements at their schedule and there is no cost to the City or its' taxpayers. To vacate this right-of-way we must hc�ld a public hearing providing opportunity for adjacent property owners to make camments. 1 am recommending that you set the hearing for 8:00 p.m. �on May 18, 1993 enabling appropriate notice to be served. . �„�.�.,....M_...�__..__._... _. _..._.__. �._... _ .,. . -- - --- _ ._. _ . - � •-.,�_- -- osz� ' � sa i�u9. .00 k16. 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