HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Liquor License Amendment - City Limits . �►sev�.ouv�.� , i�� o � MAYOR Ec7ward B.McMenomY pg75-145tn Street West,Rosemount,M�o�eg°� ��NC���EM9ERS PHONE (612)423-4411 Mailinq Addre:s: 0510 Sheila Klassen FpX (612)423-5203 P.O.Box 510.Rosemount,Minnesota 55068- James iR�Staats Harry Wiitcox Dennis WiRP��ann qDMINISTPATOR Stephan JiHc ,r D N O T I C E A F F I D A V I T F p d STATE OQ DAK A A � � CQL�NTY CITY O�' ROSEMOUNT ) and qualitied City a ointed, actingc�rtify that T have �, Susan M. Walsh, o uR��mQunt do hereby Clerk of the City for Exteasiox� °fLimits�Lanes posted �.he Notice of Public Hear��3Licease for City Special SundaY iAtoxicatiag L�� 1993 at Rosemount City e I�c. on Tuesday, �Y 18� aad Loua3 � gosemount, Minnesota. Hall, 2875 145th Street W���� han� and seal of said IN WITNESS WHFREOF. I have hereunto set my City this 5th day of May, 1993 . •--1------ ' Su n M, Wal Ci y Clerk � City of Ro emQu�t Dakota County, M.innesora , s , , � � , ��� �osemount�l �ver���ing s �omti''i9 .. , __ ..vr�RltpU�,�-y�'A _ � a�ucaTn r�r �����.t� � t CITY OF ROSEMOTJNT EXECUTIVE SI;�1�1ARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 1.$, 1993 AGENDA ITEM• _ I . LIQUOR LICENSE AMENDMENT AGENDA SECTION: � CITY LIMITS LANES & L(7UNGE FLIBLIC HEARTNG PREPARED BY; SUSAN M. WAI,SH AGENDAI�}*M 7T ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTAN'i' � C 3 ATTACffi+�ENTS: PL�NNING STAFF MEMO AP D Y: SITE PLAN OF PATIU The purpose of this publi� hearing is ta consider a �equest from the owners of City Limits Lanes and Lounge, Jae and Jean Doyle, to amend their original liquor license applications to aliow the serving of alcoholie beverages on a patio. The Doyles plan to construct the patio on the southwest section of �he existing building. Attached is a drawin:g which illustrates the dimensions,, location, number ot tables and service bar. There wi7.1 be a 42 in.ch rod iron rail.ing around the patio. The building depar�ment wili require that a panic gate be installed as an emergeney exit. The Planning Commission reviewed the site plan from the Doyles for the patia and volleyball relocati�n at its May 11, 1993 me�ting and approved the site plan subject to l�andscaping requirements. Service of liquor on patios or decks are pexmitted if the patio or deck is enclased with a railing and customers en�er and exit the patio from the building. Joe Doyle has adv�.sed that an employee will monitor the patio at all times when liquor is being served. He plans to have the patio open Monday-Friday, 11:00 a.m. to 10 : 00 p.m. and Saturday-Sunday, 1: 0� p.m. to 10: 00 p.m. Mr. Doy�.e wi11 be at the public hearing to answer any further question from Council . It is my recommendation that Cduncil consider approval of this request but the liquor license amendments wou3d be subject to meeting the canditions o� the Planning Commission site plan approval and Building Department's final approval of the permit for construction of the patio. RECON�lENDED ACTION: MOTZQN TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE ON SALE LIQUOR L�CENSE AND SUNUAY LIQUOR LICENSE FOR CITY LIMITS LANES AND LOUNGE SUBJECT TO PLANNING COMMISSION'S CONDITIt)NS �C}F 'T'HE SITE PLAN APPROVAL AND FINAL APPROVAL OF THE BUILDING PERMIT F4R THE PAT2�. COUNCIL ACTION; � City of Rosemount . , . Executive �ummary for Aetian Pianning Commission Meeting Date: Mav li. 1993 Agenda Ytem: City L'units Lanes and Night Club, Inc. Agenda Section: Site Plan Review (154�0 So. Robert Tr.) 4LD BUSINFSS Prepared By: R,ick Pearson Agenda No.: Assistant Planner ITEM NO. 4 Attachments: April. 13, 1993 Planning Commission Reviews Approved By: ���� - SEE ATTACflED MEMO - Recommended`Action: A MOTTQN to appmve the site plan for the patio unprovements and relocated volleyball courts as requested by City L'units La.nes and Night Club, Inc. at 15400 South Robert Trail subject to: 1) installation af one ordinance consistent shade tree in the patio and providing a security in the amount of $200 to wamanty the tree in accordance with Section 8.3 c�f �rdinance B - City of Rosemaur�t Zoning Ordinance; and 2) conformance with all applicable building and fire codes. Planning Commission Action; �.pro��G'� 05-11-�3.004 . y 2�'?� O fJs�'Yt20?itYt,� PHONE (812j 423�4411 2875-145th Street West.Rosemount.Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Addresa: Edward B.MchAerwmy P.O.Box 510,RosemouM,Min�esata 5506&0510 COUNGILMEYABERS Sheila Kiassan T4: Planning Gommission �am�c��s;�� Harry Wiikox Dennis Wippermann FROM: Richard Pearson, Assistant Planner AOM,N,sTr�►TOR Stephan JiUc DA�: �y �, �43 SITBJ: May ll, 1993 Regular Meeting Reviews Agenda Item 4 ATTACH1biENTS: Aprii 13, 19g3 Planning Gommission Reviews & Minutes; Patio Site Ptan; 4. CrrX Lm2rrs La�vEs �tn N�Gx�c CLus, ItvC. - SrrE Pr.A.tv REv�w 15400 South Robert 7'rait: Action Tabled on 4/13/93 BACKGROiJND: � On April 13, 1993 the Planning Commission tabled action on the site plan for the patio improvements and volleyball court relocation at the City Lirnits Lanes and Night Club, Tnc. site at 15400 South Robert Trail. The Planning Commission required additional information detailing: 1) the amount of seatir�g proposed for the patio area; 2) landscaping plan; 3} parking lot details; 4) submitt.al of a survey which identi.fies existing easements; and 5) delineation of handicapped parking spaces. DISCUSSION Mr. Joseph Doyle, owner of City I.imits has submitted a drawing of the patio area that cambines a table/seating pian with existing landscaping and the proposed fence locatia�. 1) The patio plan has provided enough information tc� reevaivate the ordinance required parking spaces. As a result, the required spaces for the site including the patio comes ta 200. The available post unprovement parking will be about 215. 2) Mr. Doyle intends to plant an addifiic�nal shade tree in the patio area. Discussions with the Minnesota Department of Transportation indicate that some additionai grading wark may be necessary to lower the gradient of the driveway. No timetable for the prvject is available at this ti.me. However, given the existing overhead wires and additional driweway work, Mr. Dvyle would like to post�ne any additional shade tree plantings in the bouleva.rd area. 3) No parking lot lighting details have been provided. 1 , )�/j �ver�thtngs �amisag �(11,� �osemounl�� � City Limits Lanes and Night Club, Inc. ' � May 11, 1993 Planning Commission Agenda Item 4 Pa e Two g 4) P�anning Staff has examined the easement file in the City Engineering Department and have found no easements that would be impacted b the atio or the volle ball eourts. In Y P Y addition, MNDOT researched easements prior to the S.T.F3. 3 reconst,�uction project and could provide no information regazding the irregular dashed lines questioned by the Plauning Commission. 5) The handicapped parking will be relocated to the north of the build.in�. Disabled patrc�ns would use the same entrance on the west side of the building. Depending on the location of the "curb-cut", the handicapped parking will then be at least twenty feet further away from the door. CONCL usioN• �I Mr. Doyle has proven that the concerns of the Planning Department relative to parking are unfounded. In addition, it appears that significant landscape improvements are not currently feasible beyond the patio area. Planning Staff aiso believes that the scope of the current proposal does not wariant li htin enhanceme ts n h n o t e o site side of the w ' g g bo lui center, . . PP� � No gract�ng wilI occur as the volleyball courts will be installed on top of existing paving and turf. As a result, the easement question will not result in a conflict. RECOM��vn�a MoTTorr• { � 1 A MOTTON to approve the site plan far the patio improvements and relocated volleyball courts as requested by City Limits ianes and Night Club, Inc. at 15400 South Robert Traii subject to: 1) installation of one ordinance consistent shade tree in the patio and providing a seeurity in the amount of$200 to warranty the tree in accordance with Section $.3 of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordincince; and I 2) conformance with all applicable building and fire codes. i �. ,I . i I I;, I �' � I I �Q) � ��� . �J3.t.tV3� �N11MQ8 / �� �/ : ' � -�r�a��na ��cvil.s� x3 14 y � �.r,. �M ���,v{� / :;�- r E� �. a` / ( t.r •� 'Z'�L ,� � �' Z--�.� ` �'. 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