HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.c. City of Farmington Annexation Proposal , ' ' City of Rosemount ExEcutive Summary for Action City Council Meeting Dates Ma� 18. 1993 Agenda Item: City of Farmington Annexation Proposal Agenda Section: NEW BUSINESS Prepared Bys Lisa Freese Agenda No.: Director of Flanning Attachments: I.etter from Fannixtgto�n �PPr d Y' � The City has received conespondence from the City of Farmington indieating that they are considering a contesteri annexation petition fo� approximately 7,52Q acres in Empire a.nd Castie Rock Townships. If this annexation occurs, Farmington will border Rosemount along Sectivns 31 and 32 in the sduthwest eorner of the City. I have had conversations with Mr. La:rry Thompson, the Farmington City Administratar. He indicated that the Fannington City Cauncil is quite c�ncerned that some of the development that is occurring in the Townships is urban in nature and should be oecurring within a municipaiity where there is an appropriate level of controls and suppart services. He suggested that the primary rreason the Fannington City Council extended the annexation area to 160th street is because they €elt the road irnprovements scheduled for 1994 wauld Iead to develagment pressure in that portion of Empire Tawnship. On Tuesday I would like to briefly review the process for this type of annexation in Minnesota. If the Giry of Farmitngton pmceeds forward with this petition and the Townships reject it, the City af Rasemount will be given apportunity ta camment when it is reviewed by the municipal board. The Planning Commission reviewed this information at their May 11 Regular meeting and passed a motion recornrnending that the City examine the prQs and cons af annex.ing a portian of ttus area that is being petitianed by Fazmington. The Planning Cammi�sion suggested that a four square mile area to the sauth Rosemount should be cansidered for annexation by Rosemc�unt. Staff is requesting that the City Couneil provide some direction far the scope of further research on this issue. Recommended Action; Far informatianal purposes, na action requested at this time. Planning Commission Aetian: os-Zs-��.aos ' ' • ' . _ . . . . . ' . , . ' • ...� . � . - ^ : �y 4, 1993 . - . � . . . . _ . , ' - . . . ' .�. " - ' . . - : . _ � � _ .- �- . , .' . . . ; . .. � � � .: " . '_i' - . .. . - . . � . ' r Stephan Jilk � • _�" . , -� '. . . . - . � Citq Adm3.n.istrator • � - �'. •- - - . � � . . .. - . . . •. . ;' Citg of Rosemount. � �. - � . . . . . 2875=. 145th�St.�W. - . � . _ . . . - � : � P.O. Baz�51n.. '•. ' . .. � . , � � � . - ' : . �� . Rosemourit,.'MN 5506& ' • � � ' . . . - . . . � Deaz Mr...3iik, . . - . - , - . , : '_ . , � . i,nform: ou that� the City� Council--wi11 consider the adoption vf a resolutioY►: This is to Y . etition £or partions of Empire autharizing the filirig of a contested annexatiom P 10::_1993 ar 7tOQ .P.M. : - and Castle Rack Townships at its meetheg�ro �ased��anne�ation are�eaclosed: . : . . . in City Ba1:S.. Materials descril�i:ng P_ P . . - . _. :�: •� .. ,. . : •'- is a a=enty that .the City Council. and.�Tows� Baard� mn�thatweehavefbeen uns ccessful. It FP about oux .commuu3.t9's future and how to plan fo�c it a in- tryiag to� resolve these differences ours�eed�tc�. b e-resolved.conAsPQsitive�ansiexation annexation� because we�believe these iss�es . process anc� a straight forwardtheSen�ire�coramunityssIIa�matter hat the�result.�: to move on for.the beaef3t of , , . . The City Council. wili alwags remain open to a negotiated settlement of :th3.s mattez, even if we. decide to pursue contested annes�atioxr. The cities you represent wil]. benef3.t from the grflwth issues affectiag �a�-ng�Qn being resolved. We encourage your input sai nease contact me if qou have auy questions or would l�tke adc3�.tional inf o�na.t . SinceYe�.y yours, ,���� ,, �-�'`�-„". _ . � o son� La rq.Th mp City Admi.nistrator . Enc�.o sux e � Q.� �WtiNl,it�fil�t 325 Dak Sbca�E • Fan�rc+xgtax. i4{H 5�5424 • (6i2) 463-7i11 -: 7?�'C1: - ���-�_.. . _ ' � cr�r�s r�aPosEn ax��xazzorrQ�r� TOWARD A GREA'TER FA.R:MINGTON C The Farmington City Council is considering g etitioning the Minnesota Municipal ir� and Castie Roc�C Townships. The proposed gaard for anneacation of portions of Emp' �e some k factss about Annexatian Area is set forth on the attached map. 'Ihe follc�wing �"I . the proposed annexauon: a,cres aza from -� • The Annexation Area is apprvximate�Y 7,520 acres. �n the Ci and 5,4�Q0 Castle Rock(the portions of section 5 and b aot alrea 3 ac�rth w Caunty Road from Empire (the sections on either side of High�Y 46 and the Rosemc�unt bordez). Posz-a�nnexatioII Cast�G g°�k would aantain 20,300 a�res. Post-annexation Empire wouid be I4,400 acres. 1,170.470 are from : • The Pc�pnlatian of the Anneaation Ares is appro�dmatetY uiarions would be F_mpire and 200 from Castie Rock. Post-annexation pap 7,110 for Farmington, �70 for Empire, and 1280 for CastJe Rock. � The immedisie annuai tax impacts of tite proposesi annea�tiun wou�d be moderate. Preliminarv esrimates indicate that taxes would increase a�pproximately �b8 (?%) on an �50, 000 home in Empire in the Farmington School District. In eastle koc�aad in the Rasemount Schooi District poruon of Em ire,taxes�n the same home would increas�.apprrnamat T wnshi 1�an�d � a�t on m e remauung in the PS There should be no ta�c imp P P m wauid des�eas� ��3 possitilv a de�rease.Taxes on a�80,000 home in the City (�%).T'hese fi�uures do not'measure the long-term beaefits ofbetter municipal r services pr�vided more cost �ffecrneiy over the long-terrm, which will keep ... taxes lc�wer for evezvone. '�Iieze aze a numbez of quesuons about the proposed a,nn�ca�o �d ����ti°n pracess. The following sets forth the most commonly askesi questi P� Why is the City C�nsidering Annexation? 'The Farmington Community (which inciudes the Annexation Ar'ea and the undin tc�►nshi s) is experiencing s�gnificant gren�h pressuze. Population ��S��� surro g P ected �n the pezcent durin� thc 198Qs and anather ?0 percent increase is �P •cuiture and sensitive � growch must be planned for so that land uses �Ces azPe n��d�cost-effectn+�lY• e�vironn�ental areas are preserved. and pubiic s P For e.cam te, just recentiv Empire Townshig received perm�ssion from thc P Metr000litan �ouncil to expand iu urban service ar�a by� ������ �°p a�d un tatallin� 131 locs. wiule at th� sa�e time t.,e Cirv �s neMo g development T'nis unccorainated aBproach to m�naQinQ g�owth m:e�stoo i£ the qualiry af !iie in che �'armington Cammunitv is to b� rr:sinc3ined an.d enhanc Ci:v a�id .ov�'ri�:�� g�rv: _ :�-'ents could work co�e�her and m�na�� ihis gr��i:Y, Howeve:, in r�c:nt mcnths it Y���� �ecome cle3r that the Township governzn�;nts anci � :�; . 's future. The annexation proc�ss government have diffezent views abcjut the Cnmm�ea will grow as a cam�nunity or as . would decide whether the City and the surrounding three se arate entities. It is impoz�a,nt ta zesolve the annexation issue soon so that future � all of those involved. plans ca.n be made by Ha s the City attemp� � N�fltiate with the Townships and are Further rtegotiations Possible? � askesi the Townships to work Yes.This pmcess started rwo years ago when the Ci At that time, the City had nat with it on a ptan for the future of the entire Comm�• �ea. The Townships did not determined whether annexation was necessary ' rocess, The City then procesdesi an iu own to cameII��and inpli� p�c�pate ui th�s p and a ask�d for Tov�raship a�mm Gcovvch and Anneacatian Study � s did a e�to me�t with the suUstantzve input or comments were rerxived,but the�a f th�se issues — the southeast Ciry to address somz immediat�issues.The mosx imp ro•ect — has not be�n resoive� however. Even if the C�i��� �� stormsewer p ] annexatian, it would remain open to a negociated solution and respon bv the Townshi�gs. ' '9�hat would be the Impact of Annexation on Taxes? im, act-of annexarian should be analyaed both from shart-t t� ���� The tax p perspeczives. in the short-term, as nate��ab II�����1�T°and na imp� in the remainins the Annexauon Area, smali taac de�re partions of the Townships. ire would `._ The remaindez of the Tawnships wouid l�ceiy e�erience��e zts tax base ptr capita loose 72 percent af iu population and anlv b0 perc�nt Qf its tax bas non to support the s�e le�'el would increase bv �234, thus allowing thc xemaining PoP� f servic�s it is �urrentiy receiving with no increase and perha�s a de�rease in tages. The o po ulation but �nly 1? same is true for Caszie Rocic w�uca ��u� ita would increase �12. P perc�nt of zts tax bas�. Its tax base p P -term everyane sh�uld be b�:zez cff as a i�sult �f ar�nexation. Better In the long unici al service$ such as polic�, rvads and raad maintenan��ul��w�abe p�d� m p that ne�d them. Services consol�dased and provided by one m p , ore efficien . Centralized services such as sewer and water��tools such as agncuiturai� � m �Y developing areas that nezd them. "Fhe Citv wauld creatrvely us ro e In addition, reserves and rural service districu to keep taxes d e�ave to�bsidize serviczs b�in� p in the Townships would no lvn� prc►perry remaining provided to developed areas, The shon run costs of ar,ne�ation tor tr.ase �:cperiencing t and rmore efficien fv minimal and be compensated for ov lo�g-rur. ber.enu b�tt�r provided services and enhanced eualicy of life. � �'Vould Current Tawnship Areas Lose tfieir ldeatity aud Charact�r after Anne�ation? No. One of the purposes of annexatican is to gian for the growth that is occurriug sa that agricultural and emironmentally sensitive areas can be preserved and land uses are compat�ble. The Citv has an exc�llent rec�rd of woricing with its farmezs and others in less denseiy populated areas so that their lifesryies can be mau�tained with a mznimum of re�ula�ion. The City wouid have an equally good record with its ncw citizens. Isn't Annexatiun an Expensive Prc�c�ss that Would Qnly Divide the Commnai#p? The City has hired an ouuid� law firm and other consuitants w�ich would help it proc�zd with the annexition. This could cost the City $IUQ,f}a0 or more ta complete the prc>cess i�an annexation pezirion is fled. Not bein� able to effectively deal with issues ihat affe�t both the City and t�'�e surroundin� Townships, hOwev�z;would cosi the City and the Townships more, particular3y in tiie lon�-run. The Citv recognizes that the Community would be divideri aver the anne:�atian issue. Bui th�se issues are impoz�tant and must be de�ided. Hopefuiiy, the proc�ss wauid allow these issues to be aired fairiy and fully. If that happens, the entire Communiry would be berter off no maner what the resul� What is the Annexation Pracess and What Wauid $appen Ne�tt? 'Fhe Minnesor,a Municipai Board is a state a��ncy that decides when a Ciry can anne.c prapemr.The Municipal Board cnnsisr� of three permanent members. Two Dakota Counry Commissioners who do no� represent the City or the Annexation Area wouid alsa •-- sit on the Boa�d. If the Ciry decides to groce�tl, the Municipal Board will conduct a hearing someume wiihin the next four months at which the City and the Townships wauld present evidencc and the �eneral public wouid be allowesi make cc�mments.The hearin�date would be published in the Farmin�tan Indeoenden�. A€ter the hearing,the Municipal Boazd wouid determine whether all or a part 4f che Annexarican area sfrc�uld be�ome part af the �ty,'I'he Municigal Board must issue a decision within two years frt�m the hearing, althou�h usua�Iy it issues decisiens �ere c�uic�Cly. � � � City ot Farmington Proposed Annexation Area Empire and Castle �ack Townships ��� z.. ' ��%� z i�'�( ,;+ ` 3� " Apple ValJey 3d ' Rosemount . � :�; ., . ,... , , 4� �t � 4 = �F 3 .� ; � � ! "" 1�� 1 +: I , . , `�',j Lakevil/e �g--. { 1 � ' 9 .� �� � '^ �; i l IZ ,f �;^+� F I,,,..' : �}� .y F� 31 � NING G MMISSIO CONCERN f II L _ ; , 5 : ia i3 ;, is Empir�Tawnship._: i5 =;� � s�y � _. � 1 1� ` 23 '4 •_. :j 'm ` � y( � I � � \�µ t�:, :' 3 �v � � �' „iawr.L� w•� . � � � �+- �' .� a , d +I Farmington - �� __ -...--- , _._.,,..._ ' , =�` `_'� � ' ;2� y' `� G"� . � �f . . 't`�_�^� � �;I� � . '��.. . � � . . . C . ..� h. m, . . . . ,�. ��.` � �' t �/^ .r � ' . . � . . � . . � . .� �� ,s�r ..�' . � � g . . . . , Y 3c Z� 3� °7 �G � �.J x�=.L � , i�� , �,,,,,� ���� �' � �i � � a• . . � .. . ; ' •+ I� �� `� � '.t ! `� �: , ,� _. . `-- = _- �L� {^y' � � ►, casti�Rocfc�rowr�ship_ I .L,� Eureka `-L�.Kc�c�*�,.�c- •-- '� '� — I Tcwnship I � •-•,. ._._. ' 1 ^ — - I ;� �E� � �� �� � ..._, � I -� ('� i '��'-�-�;—`---_r" `r I 1 r�A � X 1 �� . . . . � . . Legend . �e..........s current c►ty Limits . �ya�y Propas�d Annexation Area �� Uther Juris�cictional Eour�iaries