HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.a. Nieland Lot Split / Combination City af Rosemount Executive Su.�nmary for Action City Council Meeting Dates Mav 18,, 1993 lhgenda Item: Betty .& Henry Nieland Agenda Sections Lot Split/Combination NEW BUSINESS (206? 135th Street West) Prepared By: Lisa Freese Agenda No. : Director of Planning '�c � � � L Attachmeats: Resolution; Appiicatian; P.C. Appr ed B Reviews; Survey; Location Map. • Mr. Henry Nieland, 2067 135th Street West, owns 10 .48 acres of l�nd in the Agri�ulture District. He wi].l purchase 12 acres from his mother (Ms. Bet�y Nieland) who ovms several, parcels totalling appraxirnatelv 85 acres along the east shore of Keegan Lake. The additional acreage will give Mr. Nieland the ability to replace deteriorated agricultural buildings as necessary without const,rainCs resulting from Zoning Ordinance limitations. As an. agricultural use on more than 2t� acres, Mr. Nieland will be able to have more than 12Q0 square feet of accessory structures, relieved of architectural aesthetic standards �or bua.ldings larger than 150 square feet, and an existing property line causing a setback encroachment will be removed beeause of the parcel cQmbinatiQn. The conveyance of thi� land is solely for agricultura7, purposes and as �� a resuit, no new lats will be cr�ated, no park dedication wi11 be ' required, and na additional right�-af-way will be a�a�catea for County Road 38 . If �he land is_platted for n�n-agricultura3 develc�pment in the future, that would be the occasion for park dedication requirements and additianal right-of-way acquisition.. Recommended ACtion; A M�T�ON' to adopt A RESaLUTION APPROVING A METES �,ND BOUNDS LOT COMBINATION AND DTVISION 4F AGRICULTURALLY ZONED PROPERTY LOCATED IN S�UTHWEST QUARTER 0F SECTION 21, TQWNSHZP 115, RANGE 19 . City Counc�.l� Actions OS-t8-43.�2 cz�r oF Ros�ocn�r DAROTA COUNTY. M�NNESOTA RESOLIITION 1993- A RESOLUTION APPROVZNG A METES AND BOUNDS LOT GOMS2NATZON AND DIVISI�N OF AGRICULTURAt�LY ZONED PROPERTY LOCATED TN THE SOIITHWEST QIIAR.TER OF SECfiION 21, TC3DTNSHIP 115, RANGI£ 19 WHEREAS, Betty Jane Nieland is th�: owner of a 22 .5-acre parcel located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 115, Range 19 and situated souCh of 130th Street West; and WHEREAS, Henry Ni�land is the owner af approximately 14 .48 acres of Iand contiguous to the abovementioned property; and WHEREAS, Henry Nieland wishes to purchase 12 acre� ot abutting property from Betty Jane Nieland and permanently combine those l2 acres with his current 1� .48-acre parcel; and WHEItEAS, Betty Jane Nieland has indicated her agreement to sell 12 acres of her property as proposed by Henry Nie�and; and WgEREAS, the resulting parcels meet the City' s minimum density lt�t area and dimensional requirements for a division of praperty in the Agricul�ure District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Cammission reviewed this request on April 27, 1993 and found this request to be consistent with the City of Rosemount Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. NOW, T�EREF�RE, BE IT RES4LVED, the City Gou:ncii of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the division and combination of the properties described as follows: , ORIGINAL PARCELS� Description of Original Parcel Owzied by Betty Jane N�eland: The Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Seation 21, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota; EXCEP"� the east 585 .50 feet thexe+af. Description of Origianal Parcei Owned by Henry Nielands The east 585 .50 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Seetion 21, Township 115, Range 19 , Dakota CQunty, Minnesota. Subject to all easements of record, if any. RESIILTING P,AR.CgLS; Resulting Parcel 4wned by Betty Jane Nielaad fAt��hed anc3 Tder3tified as Fxhibit A) : The Southeast Quarter af the NQrthwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 115, Range Z9, EXCEPT the �ast 979 .5p feet ther�of. Containing 10. 38 acres. Subject to all easements of record. Resulting Parcel Owned by Heary Ni�Zaad (Attac.hed and Identifa.ed as &xhibit B) : The east 585 .50 feet of the 5outheast Quarter of the Northwest . Quarter of Section 21, Township 115, Range 19 , �akota County, Minnesota. Subject to a11 easements of record, if any. Description o€ Comb3.ned Parcels Uwned by Heary Nieland (Attached and Identified as .S�ch.ibit C) : The west 737. 80 feet of the east 979 .50 feet of the Sautheast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27., Township 115, Range 19 , Dakota County, Minnesota. Containing 22 .48 acres. Subject to a public road easement, pipeline easernent, and all nther easements of recard, if any. ADOPTED this z8th day of May, 1993 . E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Vated in favor. Voted against: � � � , , i , � 3 a�= v�o ni tv ih N �a ■ � � , 9°50'29': tA ���T �IIII�� : . . . 342.68 ,..-. � . . . � '� . . � � � . . � ■. � . . . � \Parcel xD: 34 02110 O10 35 -" � t^ /_.' / //�1 ...t /1 / 1/I f/ /G? .r:G_ I/ `7' l�/ I � Y✓ // t � � � � � . - ■ `� Qj _ � . , _...__... s�s.so _ w � 'v � ■ - c� • u� � : � �� •p � _o � � •,,.. O t�' � �` ~` O � o M j�, Z � � - ,� � � , � � � `:� ■ q � `�`. - ■ c� � �,� � `' ' ...� �.� .-. �.✓ ��`� �r n � r� r cr^ ��t t - � �.. c, c... z� , � r i... � v ��� ..�✓✓ � �eg.,�o � �y . F4 - -- ■ ��� ■'����� - - T `�, 732.38 - STREET w� 589•53�48"E Reference Paree? ID: 34 021T4 �10 35 . Original Deseriptian: The Sr�utheast Quart�:r of the Northwest Quarter of Sectian 21, Township 1I5, Range 19, nakota Gounty, Minnesota; EXGEPT the east 585.SQ feet 'thereof. . � EXHtBIT A _:�4 ., N < Certificate of Description For: , Re�: Dwg. 93-i0 Betty Jane Nieland Henry Nieland � DELII�IAR M. SCHWAN� - � . LANO SURVEYORS.INC. � � � . � � . Repistxecl Undsr Wws ol The St�te ot Minnesota . . . . . 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMDUNT.MINNESOTA 55068 612l423-1769 . SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICA'fE � S 8 9_gD-�9 1� - SCA.LE: 1 INC� = 2U� ]E'T. - ? �1�/__ - , _—„-� {,.. ._ ,3q2.68 — � ��• 343.8� I � . � �•�a """_''_ � � �; L_ �>�`r � l)$ " i V 4�V V '� ■ ,. ,► � Pt�RC.EL�`A" P�tZc��."C�" � Pn�2c.E.� C, � ■ 3 ,�. 3 47 9.SQ � � - 4 Q � o c� �� N pr, "' ' . `� ��.� . . n� . . . �.c f `� . a � � � �,' O M S � � � ■ �1 �n n N Exceptibn� �� / � ,� � � � � Traet Presently r �r� � �"' '% � � ; i i:� Owned By Henry �"� ! � � ..�G�- �- � Nieland 'Z � � � Tract To Be C?�med � ,� C By Henry Nieland �'" /D•¢8 f���""� �4(.94 `' �'' � /2.f�0 f}z���i Parcel Still � . Owned By Betty Nieland .r.t----- — 5'd5.�o " ""_ i / ,r ■ l ■ 338.39 `'--'� ■ � � � s `s°' ' -___.__---�-�-� ''� - 5�-� -��� � Descrigtion of Land 'To Be Purchased By Henry Nieland: ' ' The �est 394.00 feet of the east 979.50 feet af the Southeast Quarter of Che Northwest Quarter of� Secti�n 21. Township 1�.5. Ftanqe 19, Dakata Gounty, �Minnesota- , Containing 12.00 acres. Subject to a public =oad 'easements and all other easea�ents of record, if �ny. EXNIBIT B - IV Certificate of Description For: � ` �Betty Jane Nieland g�f: Awg. g3-1.� Henry Nieland DELMAR H. SCHWANZ � � � . tJtND 9URVEYORS.iMC. . . � � . flsyist��ed Undsr L��of Tha St�ts of Mlnnesota 14750 SQUTH ROBERT TRAII ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA 55068 612J423-1769 . SllRVEYOR'S CERTIFIGATE j��.5v-z9�.v sc�: i ixcx � aoo Fr. - ■ � ������� ' � {`' -- 342.�8 394.oa � � ■ ■ . . ��.1� _--.•— � `; r i ��a i)� 'j V Y V� 1!/� .., �_ ►, r � P�1ZC�-- "�'c'' � �'A IZGE t..�... �,, j�f�12C;�,t..;� C-" � ■ �r 3 3 9�9. So 3 3 o a � Q o N � � N iv N nJ t� h ro � r� ,� � nY q p � c�j `�� � O � O 4 t `^ N � c� �^ ■ �- c� Exception c.� . _ , _ � r � � yA� V _� ��� Tract Presentl,y �„ �� � �C4, �: 1 � � � .� dwned 8� HenrY ■'t� t ,... U , Nieland � � � �:O � Tract To Be Owned � � By Henz`y Nieland /4•�� ��� 74/.�' � /Z,dca A�a��'� . �. �J � � � . . . � Parcei Still ■ Owned By Betty . � Nieland ■ �d5. i � 1 ■ 3i83�t � ������� � � • _ ___ _.f�-� T 5�-���" Description of Cambined Parcels: arter of the The west 737.80 feet of the east 979.50 feet o€ the Southeast Q� ��nnesdta, ` Northwest Quarter of Section 21, Towr►ship 115: Ran9e 19. Dakota Gounty, Containing 22.48 acaces. Subject ta a public road easement, pipeline easement, and a21 vther ease�nts of record, i� a EXHIBtT � � ' -��� � ��.� . �. __� . � f I. . , , I?ate Received: City of Rosernount ..:....... ..............:.....:........... ..._........... .::.:�..::.:;;.:.::::::::::.:...:...:.....:....... .....:..:..... ..... .. ..........:.........:......... . . . .. ... .........................................:::.:.....:.:............... ........r:.>..�::�:...:.::...::.::::...... ::�,:,:.Y:.<:>.:.:>.::::-::�r:�. ........................................:.::::::.:.....:..................................::.:.�-::::.:.:.....:,......................,.......,.....:..,:.:.................. .....::.:>..,. ,.�........ ........:.......<,.{.:..:;.::::t.. ..w. ...�.:. . ............n...............vv'."'::::.�.......v.......�....................:�:v:::v:.:..»...........�...........................,-;.......r.:..r.............r.r. .A.:.:.3....{Jn. .r.�....... .if..:4•:::r::r.. n.�6.>v.:.:.�. ...........n..................::.....................�................�..v..{..}.. ..............\..3...v.v. n........n...... ..... .....}......r..�........?T ............................ . . .......u................... . ..�.,.n.....�.4..............� �...v...... . �. .:.-X.:w..�Y ::?+•iiv.}i.,rjtr.�n�:ii:i::i''+�:•xvw:..::::viy: • .......�......_n.n..................�:..n....tr..........�.........r...;a...::•.::••:. .:.... 4n. 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Street Address of Property(ies) Involved: Cunent Descriptian{s) and Survey Attached? Revised Description(s} and Survey Attached? 6. Property described is by: A6stract Tarrens 7. �y �G �J��c Name of r�perry Owner _ 8. �U t� 7 �.35`�'`` ST t.c,� l�t�.��:�2t�� l�N �`5��3' 3�-Z—/�i��� Address of Property t?wner Telephane 11to. 9. ��" Current Zaning Prvpased Zoning {if applic�le) 10. ��r Present Use Praposed Use (if applicahle) 1 �-• � , 1 . Lot Combination Fee Collected Reeeived By 12, Planning Commi�sion ActiQn: Daze: 13, City Counc� Aetion: .Date: 14. Conditions or Rec�uirements: _._. #occombo 0'7127r'�2 Pa�a One �A:.L PERTINEN'f DOCUMENTS MUST BE S[GNED AFTER'TBE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT WHICH THEY ARE APPR4VED, PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ANY BUILDING PERR'IITS. licaf�ons are not comple�e until ali req�nc�ed s�u6amissions tsave bee�n receioed- NOTE:ApP AC�Owr�G�'r Arm S[Gru'ivxE. T�UNDERS[GNED APPLICANT HERFBY REPRES�NTS UPON ALL OF Y'HE PENAi.TTES �F TI�LA�'Va FOR TSE P�TRtJ�AATiC3 INDUCING THE CITY OF ROSF,MOUNT TO TAKE ACTION HEREW RE(2�ES�: T�T ALL STA�S�RID`� THAT ALL W4RK HF•REBv NIENTIONID i'VILL$E DQNE IN ACCO��ERSIGN�D AFPI.��CANT WILL�PAYgAI.L F£�:,S AND�ARGES� ANT)T�LAWS OF THE STAT'E OF Ad1NNESOTA, A�tD THAT THE INCURRED BX THE CITY FOR THE EXAi��IVATIQN AND REVIEEi'OF TffiS APPLICATIQN/PETITII?I�}. � �� cZ�� ..._���-��.-- ; � S gn tu PPI� t Sibnature of r,o erty Owne-� y ,..,._ j _ y , � � -� . ��l�,�f C. .1�. � Da e Date Iotcomba 07I2714?Page Two I ,�� City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action Planning Commission iVleeting Date: Ma�1.1. 1993 Agenda Item: Pla3uung Department Activity / Praject Agenda Section: Updates DIRECTOR'S ANN(.7UNCE�rIENTS Prepared By; Rick Pearson Agenda No.: As$istant Planner I"I'EM NO, 3b. Attachments: APP��Bt..t.�¢..�- r G�-R�A1�t LArmSc��rrG: On Apri129, 1993, I met with Ms, 1�Zargie Ryan of Genz-Ryan Plumbing & Heating Co. to discuss landscaping possibilities for the site at 14745 South Robert Tr<�i,l. Ordinance requirements for the January 12, 1993 site glan review called far three foundation plantings and one �ulevard tree. �aving examined the site and the existing landscaping in front of the northernmost buildiug, an alternative was negotiated. Ms. Ryan offered to plant thre� spruce trees in front of the southern feneed storage area (formerly used care lot). Planning staff agreed ta this soludan. NIEi.AND L4T ' PLTT/C(}1MBINATION: On Apri127, 1993, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the lot split/combination narth af County Road 38 between Keegazz Lake and Bacardi Avenue. One of the conditions of the MOTION was a requirement for an additiona122 feet of right-of-way re�uested by the County. In response to the objectians of the petitioners, Piauuizig sta.ff contacted the Counry to defer the right-of-way acquisition until the pmperty i.s platted for residential use. The County agreed and, as a result, the iot split/combinatian will praceed to the City Cauneil for action without the condition requirement right-of:way. ,.. Recommended Action: -Notv� .REQtJrxEv - Planning Commi�sion Action; OS»I1-93.03b i� o osev�oun� � PHONE {612j 423-4�4t 7 2875-145ih Street West.Rosemount.Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)423520.3 Mailing Address: Edward 8.MCMe�omy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 5506&b590 CQUNCI6MEM8ERS Sheiia Kiassen James(Red�Staats To: Planrung Cammission H�,,w�xix From: Richard Pearson, Assistant Planner o°""'�""�`�"�"" ` Date: April 22, 1993 Aoa++P►s,�koR Svbj: April 27, 1993, Regular Meeting Reviews Agenda Item 6 Attachments: Application, Surv�y, I.ocation Map 6. BETTY AND HENRY NEII.ANI3 - IAT SPLTT/GONiBINATION 2�d713Sth Street West P�tO�SA�,: Mr. Henry Neitand awns 10.48 acres of iand in the Agriculturai distriet north of 135th Street West between Keegan Lake and Bacardi Avenue. He would like to purchase 12 acres from his mother, Ms, Betty Neitand who owns appro�cimately $5 acres south of 13Qth Sxreet West, the- north east quarter of Keegan Lake. Apgroval af the lot split/combination will result in approximately 22 acres owned by Henry, and 64 still owned by his mather, Betty. D�SCUSS�aN Mr. Neiland maintains an agricultural use on a farmstead with several outbuildings. Acquiring the additional acreage will give him the ability to replace the deteriorated buildin;s as neeessary. The Zoning �rdinance allows 1200 sq. ft. tatal aggregate sq. footage for accessory buildinas west �f Akron avenue for non-agricultural uses on less than twenty acres. Architectural aesthetic standards also apply for any structure exc�ding 1S0 sq. ft. that mandate compatibiliry with the principal structure {the housej. Acquisition of the 12 acres relieves`Ivlr. Neiland of the above mentioned limitations and standards as well as a setback created by the current groperty boundary. The proposed pareel$ are excepted from the Subdivision plattin� requirements because all of the resulting parcels will be mare than 300 feet wide and larger than five acres in size �nd is consider�.,i, i an agricultural Ic�t division. No new lots are being created for residential use and therefore, no park dedication will bs requixed until such time as residential lots are developed. The Dakota County Highway Department has indicated that additianal right-of-way shauld be acquired for Gounty Raad 38. Currently, the R.O.W. is 33 feet to the centerline and the County would like to expand it to 55 feet to the centerline (t 10 ft, overall). The 110 ft. R.O.W. is a standard cross section for a rural county road. The project is currently tnot seheduled in the Dakota County five year capital impravernent project. CoxCLusio�v Planning Staff has determined that the Iot split/combinatian is in conformance with alt appiicable Zoning Qrdinances and that the result will enhance and enabie the eontinuar►�e of an agricultural use in the Agriculture (AG} district in keeping with the purpase and intent of the Zoning district and the policies in the Comprehensive Guide Plan. REco�neavvEn Mor�orr Motian tc� recAmrnend approvai of the Lot split/combination ta the City Council subject to; 1) recornbinatic�n of parc�l "B" with the adjac�nt 1Q �cre propeny to the east; 2) provision of an additional twenty two fovt easement for Cvunty Road �S as needed for the Dakota County Highway i7epartment. �v��hing s ��ming �UG�i c=/Losemnunll/ � CerCiLicate ot Descriptian For: � �v � Uetty �ane Nieland Henry Nieland [tef: Dwg. 93-10 DEI.MAR H. SCNWAN2 c�uo awrvewas.�«c. . . . � MNNab iMeK Lwa 6�TM qliq�M MMnnoN � . � . . � � 1�754 SOUTH R48ERT TRA1t �RpSEMOUNT.MtNRE50TA 55088 �672/423-1T69� , � � SURVEYQR'S CEfiTIFICATE • .. S 84-5�'z4 W SCAI.R: i INCH = 200 Pi". ,\__ ! -- -'�37.0�-- -- �T ,j4Z.6� � , 39A.00 343.6I �1 � .. 1.�1 Ts —i-- `� r, ' /, " `- '' `r- ��� iv o vr vf'-� 3 Q � p 3 979.so _ � � ��� o O . y^ �� o � � N N N � - �N . N . � �O � . � MD �^� � . l� � . h � � '�� �� . g � � . PJ ,.. . . � . .. y. �. . . . _ . . � Exception� � "' / „ �, Tract Presently 4 ..�Ec� �:i ; i i:J Owned By Ftenzy i'���i � � N�ei�,a �v Tract To Be Owned � � By Henry Nieland �jp.�8 r�/��� T4/•� � /Z.()D ��t'"ti � . � � � y� � � . . . �'�. Parcel Still ' I Ormed Hy Betty Nieland � � 5A5.5Q ' �3i833 ,�4:o0 � -�N �a�:ai • ------..__�l3 STR�� . j -----��,� Descriptivn of Land Presentiy Orned By Henry Nielanciz The east 585.50 feet of Lhe Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of 5ection 21, Tawnship 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. Containing 10.48 acre�. Subject to a public road sasement� pfpe2ine eas�ent, nnd nll acMer easea�±nts o€ reaord, if any. Description af,Land To Be purcha&ed 8y HeRry Nielend: ' The west 394.Q0 feet of the east 979.50 feet o£ the SouCheast Quarter of the Norths+est Quarter of Section 21, Tovnship 115, Ranqe 19, Dakota Gounty,`Minnesota. Containing 12.OU acres. Subject to a public road easements and all other easements of zecord, if any. Description aE Coo�bined Parcels: The `+est 737.80 feet of the east 979.Sd feet of the Sauthea�t Quarter o€ the NartM+est Quarter of Section 21, Tormship 115, Range 7.9, Dak,ota County, Minnesota. Containinq 22.98 acres. SubjecC tv a publie zoad easement, pipeline easement, � � l�eraDy eartily tMaf tMs eurvey.plen,or reppA waa � and all other easements o£ record�,� i�� an . �� � � � � . : � � prapered by me w unQer my di�eet suP�islon anE � . i � . . .�. Ihat t am a Au�y Ragistaro0 L1n0 Survsyo�undsr . ,�� �M ' ����t � . the laws ol Fha SqW ot Minaesofa. . .:.� . . � . . . 09-06=93 Delmar H.Sehwanz * � OstW . . . .. � � Mfnnesota Weyistrotlon No.8825 � � . . 09-1I7-93 �..�' i - � , �, _ = _ L� ,, , • ,. . - . . ..� >1 ': „ -K::�i ..tr�• • - - . �,� �, -- = =u 1� } a _ -- _____ � _�_� �� �-- - -�.-=' ��� �=._�r - ��., ` �,� ,� [=��=:�r _ �: __= ii-��►� � � �r"' � •• _-__ : �►�� '� =- � ■�� � . +r►��►�/�� --- 1 '/ �t • -__ il � ^ -� � ... _ __ _ - _ � - -��'.* � , __-_ -_-_ � ■ ►� ��1:�■�`Y�.� --_:____ 1►,�'� Y_� - �--- �.�_�-_� -- �:_=- ,......�- l ,��. .:_ -- � _�� � . . ��-�: � _ --- _- ' -r-�_� � - _=�,�: . z=� • „�� ===_-- - � _ =_ -- ---- - - � � � � � , - � _� ^ L... .�. _.. � _ `�//►-..= _--���_� - -� � ,: 1 ' ��7�ls:'�► _-�1 •+==-�_ : � � � �-=��-= �,�� � ��. . "��_ ;_� f�� - + �1. � . � • - ' �i. ' ' ' � � �_ : � �� � � r ' :------ � � i � , 0 9t- � Tr � � � , � � , � , r . 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