HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.e. City Code of Ethics t t c=� oF Ras�o�rrr EXECtJTIVE SUN.Q�iARY FOR ACTICIN GITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 18, 1993 AGENDA ITE2�i: CTTY CUDE OF E'�'HICS AGENDA SECTI�N: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY. SUSAN M. WALSH, AGENDA �� }� � � ADMINISTR,ATIVE ASSISTANT/CITY CLERK �T ATTAGHI�lENTS: MEMO, REVISED DRAFT C7F CODE APPR D OF ETHICS �,�.��cc��C./ Attached please find City Attorney Miles' memorandum and second draft of the City Code of Ethics. RECObR+�ENDED ACTION z MOTION to approve the City Code of Ethics in ordinance form. GOUNCIL ACTION: � 1 M E M O R A N D U M �p: E. B. McMenomy and Members of the Rosemount City Council FR�M: Mike Mile�%�f�L . DATE: May 12, 1993 RE: Adoption of a City eoae of Ethics Attached is a secand draft of the Code of Ethics which you discussed at yaur City Council meeting of May 4 � 1993 . As per your instructions , T have made several changes to this draft, as follows : 1 . The definition of "interest" (Page l , Section IIX, C) has been redrafted to make it more understandable . 2 . The section on gifts and favors (Page 4 , Ssction VIZ , D) has been modifa.ed by adding a sentence to define gifts or favors of token value ta be those worth no more than $25 . 00 . 3 . The section on severability (Page 6 , Seetion XII ) has been altered by changing the word "consti�utional" to the word "unconstitutional" as appropriate . please contact me if you have any questian� as to this revisior�. JMM:gmo att . , . CQDE OF ETHICS Ff)R ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS AND ENfPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF R4SEMOUNT I. STATEMEN7 OF POLICY. Pcoper and efficient operation of municipai government in the Ci#y af Rosemount, Minnesota, requires that its Pubiic Officials be independent, impartiat and responsibie to the citi�ens; that municipal governmental decisions and policy be made in accord with the proper procedures established by the City; tha# municipai pubiic office not be used for personal gain; and #hat the citizens of the City have confidence in #he integrity of its rnunicipal government. IL CREATION AND PURPQSE OF CODE �F ETH(CS. in recognitian of the above-stated policy, there is hereby estabiished this Code of Ethics for aii Pubiic Officials of the Ci#y. The purpose of this Code is to estabiish ethicai standards of conduct for ali Pubiic Officiais by delineating those actions tha# are incompat�bie with the best interests of the City and by directing disclosure by Public Officials of private financial or other interests in matters affecting the City. IIL DEFfN17101�tS. A. BUSINESS ENTtTY: means any business, proprietorship, firm, partnership,person in representative orfiduciary capacity, assaciation, venture, trust or corporation. B. ClTY; means the City of Rosemount, Minr�esota. C. tNTEREST: means direc# ar indirect financial or materiat benefit reaiized by a Public Officiai as a result of a contract or transaction which is or may be the subject of an official act or action by or with the City, except for such contracts or transactions which confer a similar benefit on a significant number of persons who are not public officials, r , For the purposes of this Code, a Public t�fficial shall be deemed to have an interest in the affairs of: 7. Any person related to him/her by biood or marriage in a de ree 9 closer than the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity (determined by civil law). 2. Any person or business entity with whom a contractual relationship exists with the Public Official. 3. An busine I y ss entity m wh�ch the Pubi�c Oifiic�ai is an employee, , officer or director or member having a financial interest. i 4. Any business entity in which in excess of five percent (5%0) of ' the totai stock or totai legai and beneficial ownership is controlled or owned directly or indirectty by the Public Officiai. D. PUBLIC OFFICIAL. This term means any person, officer or employee holding a position by election, appointment or employment in the service of the City, whether paid or unpaid, inciuding members of any board, committee or commission thereof. tV. RESPONSIBtLtTIES UF PUBLIC OFFIClALS. Public Officials are a ents o# ubiic ur ose an h l 9 P P P � d od office for the'benefit of the public. They are bound to uphofd the constitution of the United States, the constitution of the State Q#Minnesota and to carry out impartially, ; al{ laws of#he United States, State of Minnesota, Dakota County and the City of Rosemount. Public Officials must undertake their official duties with the highest standards of moraf�ty and discharge the specific duties of their respective offices, regardless of personal considerations, recognizing that the public interests must be their primary coneern. Their conduc#in earrying out their official responsibilities must be above reproach. V. STANDARDS OF SERVICE. A. ADHERENCE T(� OBJECTNES. Aif Public Officials of Rosemount should be toya! #o the poiitical objectives expressed by the electorate and the programs developed by appropria#e municipal action tv achieve those abjectives. Appointed officials and empioyees shouid 2 � . . adhere to the rules of work and performance estab(ished as the standards for the positions by their appointing au#horities. B. CONFORMANCE WtTH LAW/CO�PERATION. Pubiic Officiais shai! not exceed their authority or breach the taw or ask others to do so. They should work in futl cooperation with other Pubiie Officiais, unless prohibited from doing so by law or by legaily recognized confidentiality of their work. Vi. PROH1BiTiON OF SPECIAL TREATMENT. A. USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY. No Public 4fficiai shall request or permit the use of City-owned vehicles, equipment, ma#erials or prope�ty for personai conven�ence or profit, except when such items are availabie to the pubiic �eneraily or are provided pursuan#to municipal policy for the use of such Public Official in the conduct of Rosemount Municipal Business. B. EQUAL TREATMENT OF CIT[ZENS. No public officiai shall grant any special consideration, treatment or advantage to any citizen beyond that which is available to every other citizen. Vli. CONFLlCT OF tNTEREST. No Public Officia! shafi engage in any business or transaction or shall have an interest which is incompatible with the discharge in the public interest of his/her officiat duties or which would #end to impair his/her independence of judgment or action in the pertormance o# his/her o#ficial duties. A. INCOMPATIBLE EMPLOYMEN7. t�o Pubiic Official shall engage in or accep# priva#e employrnent or render services for private interests when such empfoyment or service is incompatible with the proper discharge of his/her ofificiaf du#ies or would tend to impair his/her independence of judgment or action in the performance of those officia! duties. B. USE OF iNfORMATION. No Public Official shail use any information gained exclusively from his/her pubiic position or endeavors to in any way further his/her interests. 3 , , I, C. DISCLOSURE OF CONFfDENT1AL INFORMATION. No Pubtic Official shaii, without proper legat authorization, disciose confidential ' information concerning the property, governrnental or other affairs of the City. D. GIFTS AND FAV�RS. No Pubfic Officia! shali accept any gift of more than token vafue, whether in the form of a service, loan, thing or � promise, from any person, firm or corporatit�n which to the Public Officiai's knowledge is interested di�ectiy ar indirectiy in any manner wha#soever, in business deafings with the City. Additionaliy,the Public ',, Official shall not accept any gift, favor or fhing af more than token � v�lue tha# may tend to infiuence him/her in the diseharge of officiai duties or grant in the discharge of said duties, any improper favor, service or #hing of more than negfigibie va(ue. For purposes of this section, "token vafue° shall mean a gifit, favor or thing worth no more than Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.40). E. REPRESENTATION OF PRtVATE 1NTERESTS. No PubCic Officiai whose salary is paid in fult or in part by tt�e City, st�all appear on behaif of private interests before any agency of the City. Additionalfy, Public � � Officials shall not represent priva#e interests in any action or proceeding against the interests of the City, in which the City is a party. F. CC3NTRACTS W[TH THE Ct7Y. Except as otherwise provided in '� Minnesota Statutes, Sections 471.87 thraugh 471.89, no Public Officiai shail take part in the making of a sale, lease or contract for the City when he/she has an interest in the transaction, nor shali a mernber of I the Rosemount City Council be directly or indirectly in#erested in any con#ract the City Council rnakes. G. INTEREST IN LEGlSLATION. No Pub(ie Official shall use his/her officiaf position with the City to influence the passage or defeat of iegislation, whether at the municipai or state level, in which the Public Official has an intere�t. Vltt. PROH1B17ED POLlTICAL ACTNITIES. A. SQLICITATiONS. No Public Qfficia! shall �rally, by tetter or otherwise, ;, soiicit or be in any manner concerned in soliciting any assessment, subscription or contribution to any political party or for any political purpose from another Pubtic Officia(. B. PROMISES AND APPOIN TMENTS. No Public 0#ficiat shal! romise an P 4 I 1 � S appointment to any City position or any other benefit or reward emanating from the o�ficiai powers of the Public 4fificial to a person in exchange for poiiticai activity. IX. APPLICABILITY OF CODE. A. BROAD CONSTRUCTfON. It is intended tha# this Code of Ethics be construed broadly so as to encompass a11 questionabie situations and actions. B. ADVfSORY OPINtONS. 1. How Requested. Where any PubFic Official has a doubt as to the appiicabifity of any provision to this Gode to a particuiar situation, or as to the definition of terms used herein, helshe may apply #o the City Attorney for an advisory opinion. The Public Officiat shall have the opportunity to present his/her interpretation of the facts at issue and the app{icability of provisions of this Cocie before such advisory opinion is rendered. 2. Status of Advisory Opinion. The opinion rendered by the City Attorney, until amended or revoked, shal! be binding on the City, the City Council and the City Attorney in any subsequent actions concerning the Public Official who sought the opinion and acted on it in good faith, unless materiat #acts were omitted or misstated in the Public Official's request #or the advisory opinion. The opinion shall not be binding in any action initiated by any citizen. 3. Availabilrty of lnformation. Any advisory opinion of the City Attorney sha11 be made publ�c upon request. However, the names of atl persons or business entities mentioned in the opinion, excep#that of the Public Official requesting the opinion, shall be deemed private informatian and shatl nat be disclosed by the Gity Attorney, unless #he persons or business entities mentioned in the opinion waive such confidentiality. X. PENALTIES AND FORFEtT OF POSiT10P1. A, CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Any member of the City Council who violates this Code should consider whether voluntary resignatian or other disciplinary action is indicated to promote the best interest of the City. The remainder of the City Council may censure any member 5 t , of the Counc�i who violates this Code. B. OTHER PUB�IC OFFICIALS. Any appointed officiais or other ; employees of#he City may be subject to suspension or dismissai from '� office as a result of violation of this Code. XI. DISTRIBUTION OF CODE OF ETHICS. The City Cierk shaii cause a copy of this Code to be dist�ibuted to every Public Official of the City within thirty (30) days after enactment af this Code. Each new Public �fficial appointed or engaged after initial distribution to this Code shatl be furnished a copy before entering upon his/her municipal duties. j' X1L SEVERABtLITY. tf any provision �of this Code is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional, or if the application of this Code to any person or circumstances is found to be invalid or uncanstitutional, such invaiidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the remaining provisions of this Code, which shall be given effect without the invalid or constitutionai provision. 1 c•ityrose\Code-C-�Et, 6