HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.d. Comprehensive Guide Plan Clarifications City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Council Meeting Datee April 6. 1993 Agenda Item: Comprehensive Guide P1an Agenda Sectioa: Amendments Update Dept. Head Report Prepared By: Lisa Freese Agenda No: Director of Planning ���� ,t� � 7l' Attachments: NONE Appro ed By: On Tuesday, I will provide you with a brief updat on e status of the Minor Guide Plan Amendment far the Mosquito Control Commission. Also, the Metropolitan Council will have completed their ten-day review of the Major Guide Plan Amendment, Update 2000 . We should know by Friday, April 2nd whether or not the Metropolitan Council needs any additional information to proceed with its review. Recoamiended Action: - NONE REQUIRED - City Council Action: 04/06/93.003 - ' � flPR—�b—'93 TUE 13:37 ID:METROPOLiT�� G�UNCIL TEL N0:612/291-6550 �0�6 P02 """" '"" �i METROP�LITA�J CUUNCIL Mr�irs f4t�K Critrtr� 3J�J F.u.t•r F1,jth Strrri, S�, t't��rl, MN 3310(�Ib.i9 hl: :S71-b.�59 F,'9X b/2 _'9/•tfS.9t) '!7'?'hi� .91•t)'yt)1 . , : ' �4pril S, i993 Liaa Freese P1anning I3�rector Ctty of RcYscmount 2875-145tt� St. W. Roscmount, MN. SSOb8 RE: Cfty of Rn�emounc Metropalitan Mosquito Contro! T?istriet Gampcahensiv� Plaa Amendment MGtt0�1p}ltari Cfl11f1ClI I�1BfP1Ct NO. lb . Metropolitan Coun�il Rcfcrral No. i5aG8-5 Dear Ms. Fteese: '�"he MetCOp01it8ri Cbunc's1 stnf� hns revicvr�d th� �t�ditinngl in�ocm�tic��a submittcc3 by thc city anc! has dctertnined that tl�e �lan amendment originally submitteci on Marc:h 9, 1993 is now cornritete far Council revicw� Wc have also determined that thc proposed arnendrnent has na poteatial impact upcar� any af the meiropoiitan syatem ptans. Therefore, the city may }�1�►cc the amendrnent �nto effoct immcdiatcly. However, bcyand an tnit(at determin�tion of no pbtenttai impact, the Council has SU days fram reeeipt of a cornplete amcndmcnt to rcvicw and cc�mmcnt upon thc apparcnt consistency of the ptoposet! amendment with the adopted chapters of the MetrQpotitt�n DeveloJ�me�t Cuide. The 60-day perf�d �nds on June 2, 1993. Within that 60-day period, Council staff wsll c�mptete iu revtew and fanvard comments to the city prior to c�nsidcratio» by thc Council's Cornmittcc of the Whole. If you have any questions, please coniacl 5teven Schwanke, pzincipa! reviewer, at 291-G564. . Sincexely, . Dvttio Rictow Chair DR:ss cc: E. Craig Morris, Metropolitan Councii District Ib Lynda Voge. Metrop�titan Cnunci! Staff Stcv�n Schwanke, Metropolitan Covnci� Staff � Recycfed Pa�er ... yi METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Meurs Park Centre, 230 Easr Frfrh Stre��, St. Paul, MN 55101-1634 612 291-6.�59 FAX 612 291-6550 77Y 612 291-�904 Apri1 1, 1993 Lisa Freese Planning Director City of Rc�semount 28'75-145th S� VfJ. Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: City of Rosemount C,a^lprchensive Plan Amendment Comprehensive Guide Plan Update 2000 Metropolitan Council District 16 Metropolitan Council Refenal File No. 154b8-6 Dear Ms. Freese: The Metropolitan Council staff has reviewed the city's plan amendment received by the Council on March 22, 1993. We have determined that the proposed amendment is a major plan amendment which hy law allows the Council 90 days from receipt of the complete amendment to finish its review. The Council needs to review the city 's proposed sanitary sewer flows and traffic valumes ta determine whether the sanitary sewer and transportation systems will be adversely impacted. A major amendment may not be put into effect by the local government until the Council review is complete. If the Council requires a modi�eation to the proposed amendment, the amendment may not be put into effect until the Council has approved the modifieation. The 90-day review period ends on June 22, 1993. Within that period, Council staff will complete a review af the amendment and forward a copy of the staff report to the city. If you have any questions during the review period, please feel free to contact Steven Schwanke, principal reviewer, at 291-6594. .. Siacerely, Dottie Rietow Chair DR:ah cc: E. Craig Morris, Metropolitan Council District 16 Lynda Voge, Metropolitan Council Staff Steven Schwanke, Metropolitan Gouncil Staff � Recycied Paper �r .�