HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.m. Armory / Community Center Engineering Testing Services Pay Request #4 T , • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT . EXECUTIVE 5UDB+lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: APRIL 6, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: ARMORY/COMMLLTNITY CENTER AGENDA SECTION: ENGINEERING TESTING SERVICES PAY REQUEST #4 CONSENT PREPARED BYz STEPHIIN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AG��R� � � � IYI ATTACffi�NTS: PAY REQUEST � Y' This is a recommendation to approve Pay Request #4 to Construction Engineering Laboratory, Inc. for construction engineering testing services on the project - city share only. This is a separate contract for testing services on the project. The billing is in order and reviewed by the architect. RECOI�Il+�NDED ACTION: Motion to approve pay request #4 in the amount of $177. 06 to Construction Engineering Laboratory, Inc. to be paid from accounts 424-48000-01-303, $498 . 14, 426-48000-01-303 , $1, 014 . 06 and 427-48000-01-303 , $266 . 86 . COUNCIL ACTIONs � � _ _ PURCHASE ORDER P�- # 212 5 2 Minn:Tax Exempt Status No.9757275 , _ Fed.Tax Na.41-6005501 �ii o��l L osernoun� � I� , VendorlD: 2875 7 45th Street West • PO Box 510 Phone (612} 423-4411 Invoice#: Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Date: Acct. #: , ���-2csc;��c-� E,������.-�N L.�6 1.vc� Amount � �v�j � -rv T�.2.�v r�c'�r:��°rt— �i?12Kc.s.:t�- To Y Acct#: t?l,N h�:A-�:, Z t s . (Y���,;, � ' :c-5 c�Z C� � Amount$ F/C: DATE DATE REQUIRED TcRMS SH!P VIA F.O.B. R90U�SITIQN NO: � -�__ _ =�-'�QUANfiTY%s•�-e�-,��ri•• _- •.- •-- -< __,.L'=_SCR!.pT1'J?:St{S�C h"J:QEFS..:.:. •'.:. �-- --- ,,,- .. -" •-- -- PRtf,E,.> ,�AAALKlttT- — � ._._ �u�,r�r�'�c.�L•;-�c'� �Lysr,►�i:� J�''...�.1�C.� � C,� �� �-�� 4z� j���J-;i-3c:3 y�l�� �� 4�-45'�� -L�� ���3 ���`���� �z7- ��� � �-�G� ��� ��� ;� -�;tr C-- i�'��3,t��� � ; �."� ! � :r. �' � : � 6 ` ' i� "' l ' E /'}i. �rv . By �: f.. _ � White:Vendor Copy � Yellow:Accounting � Pink.File � Goid/Department � � k: , ,. �,�E: , STATE Of MINNESOTA.DEPARTMENT OF M�tJTARY AFfA1R5 : �,y�^�,�,,,,�.���.,, MINNE50TA ARMY NATIONAL GUARD �' . ,c, c„ FACIUTIES MANAGEMEM OFFICE n..�,,.-��- P.O.Box 3a8.Comp Ripley � F° .� �--^ '�= Ms.Swoboda am: �- -"= U»ie Folis,Minnesoro 56345-0348 � 1 ti. ���= (612)632-?303 ������� , . .,���L*l�igt� ;: .,,.,, "� March .17, 1993 ..,. - SUBJECT: Observation and Testinq Services for the National Guard Armory and Community Center,. Rosemount, Minnesota {Project No. 8909) Mr. Stephan.Jilk City of Rcsemount 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, 2�Il+T 55068 Dear Mr. Jilk: Subject Payment Certification No. 4 (PARTIAL) is forwarded for payment action. Payment is recommended based on our understanding of the progress of the work. Request payment, in the amount of $1,779.Ob, be made to Construction Engineering Laboratory, Inc., 5661 International Parkway, Minneapolis, 2+II�1 55428. Zn accordance with State contracting procedures, payment must be received by the vendor NLT 9 Apri.l 1993, Copy of Payxnent Certification Nos. 4 {PARTIAL) (S822.01 MSABC Share of Payment, and $2,466.03 Federal Share of Payment) , are furnished for your information and records; no action is required. If you have any questions glease contact Mrs. Carol Engelhardt of this office (612) 632-7303. Sincerely, L%'i�� �; Wayne A. Johnson Lieutenant Colonel, IN, MN ARNG Enclosurea Facilities Management Officer : 1. M-Contract 2o MN Statute 16A.124 3. Local Pymt Cert 4. MSABC Pya►t Cert 5. Fed Pymt Cert Copy Furnished: ' _Nr MSABC, ATTN: Mr. Palmer 8909 159 AN EOUAI OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY'tR } ;:. `=' SiATE OF MINNESOTA ,,-�z._�' � DEFARTNENT' Of RILITARY AFFAIRS FAULITIES MANAGEMENT CFFYCE, CAAF RIPL€Y P.O. BOX 348, LIT7LE FALLS, MINt1E50TA 56345•0348 SUBJEC7: CDFiTRAC? PATNENT CERTIFICATION N0. 4 (PAATIAL) LOCALLY BONDED SHARE OF PA1'M'cMIT PROJEGT N0: 8909 PROJECT TITLE: Observa:ion and Testing Services for the Nationat Guard Araioryr and CON7RACT N0: NGB21•92-C-0051 / M-53b5 Coammity Center, Rosemaunt, Minnesota CON7RACT AMOUW7: S1T,555.00 CWi7RACTiNG OFFiCER: MG Eugent Ar�dreotti CONSUITAIIT: 7he Adjutent Gmeral, State of ltinnesota Constructian Engineeriny Laboratory, ]nc. 5661 International Park�ay PATFtENT PERI00 EMDINGs 28 February 1993 Mimeapolis, Minnesota 55428 DATE TNIS CERTIFICATION: 12 Narch 14�3 =___�=_�===�5=======-------==--—=—-==-=-=----=-=====--==-=======-===-==-----=---=-=---=-=-=====_� , DAYMENT DATA: STATEMEN7 OF ACCOUi�T: Federat Share (FC 01) S24,333.75 Originat Contract Amount S17,555.00 MSk6C Bonded Share (FC 74) 33,111.25 Locally Bonded Share (FC 16) S17,555.00 Net Changes By ModificationCs) 50.40 550,000.00 Contract Price 7o Date St7,555.00 Total Payabte To Date 56,40T_27 PERCENTAGE Of {,IORK COMPLETE Less OX Reiainage 50.00 AS Of THIS PATMENT: 36.50� Amount Payable less Retainage 56,40T.27 Less Previousty Approved Paymenis s4,628.21 Net Amount Due This Certification St,TT4.06 PAYMENT RECORD: No. Date Amo�t 1. 11 pec 92 51,48b:73 APPROVED Ft3R PAYMENT - FACILiTIES MANAGEFSENT OFFI�s . 2. 21 .lan 93 S7,996.6T 3. 2 Mar 93 51,144.81 �i�✓s�""""'r'� 54,628.21 (�j�WAYNE A. JOHHSON, ITC, lnfantry, MNARNG �" �Facilities Managm�ent Offieer REMARKS: _=_�:_=�_____________��==-==a=====_���-=�==�s=��====z��=�=�-��___=���------�- 1. This payment witt be asade by the City of Roser►iount, Mimesota. 2. Copy Furnished: Cor►struetion Engineering Laboratory, tne. Arthu� Dickey Architects NNAG-PFQ-P MSABC . 8409LCEL j I � ' - � . . . . . (. �- i ' � I C4NSTRUCTfON ENGINEERtNG LABORATORY,�II�LG_ �_ TESANG FOR 6Zl7ALlTYAND STRENGTH ':``�i ��(�.��:'a' . . . . .• TY n'y ~' � . . . ,;� � �i:� `j � . . . INVOICE t r-'t: n � 1� y3 : ���, Billing Period: Feb 93 Date:3/9/� - � i' � , . . 7 1 l.^ ;-. Billing To: Facility Management Office ._ � , �r,� . P.O.Box 348 Camp Ripley Little Falls, irIlJ 5634�-0348 - � Project: Army National Guard Armory Rosemont, i�J Invoice�:92255.4 . . Tli..��.1� • . � � . � . ra�...cs.c..i.^.:I: ���3iy u.jec✓2i Billing services from 1/26/92 to 2/25/93 Concrete field test,slump, temperature,casting sample collection and reports Principal Engineer: 1 Hrs @ $ 85.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 85.00 Engzneer R.S.Pandian 2/16//93, 2/16/93 ,2 4 Hrs @ $ 65.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 260.00 Technician Jeffrey Dessmeyer 1/28/93,1/ 29/93,2/3/93 ,2/8/93,2/14/93, 2/11/93,21/12/93 25 hrs @ $ 45.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1125. 00 Technician:Gary Peterson ` 2/5/93 5.50 hrs @ $ 45. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . $ 247.50 Soil verification Engineer:2/10/93, 2/16/93 , 2/19/93,2/22/93,2/23/93 7.50 hrs $ 65.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 487.50 Technician:Jeffrey Dessmeyer; l/26//93,2/3/93 � /a �a� 'f ��C ic�'�-t 2 �'t � in� -, �� � itvo � � � /�'� / "�/ � li� i.l.J 4� ii.� J..I 25hrs @ $ 45. Ofl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 1125.00 Masonry field test on mortar grout, sample collection, lab testing, monitoring prism making Engineer:2/19/93,2/22�93 4 hrs @ $ 65. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 260.00 Technician:Jeffrey Dissmeyer:l/28J93,2/3/93 6.50s @ $ 45.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 292.50 . Prism test: Total 6 test x $ 75.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 450. 00 Cylinder BrokenrConcrete: Set � l5 = 1 x 3 x $ 10.25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 30,75 � Mortar:Set n 4 to 5 = 2 x 3 x•$ 10.25. . . . . . . . . . .$ 61.50 Grout: Set n 3 = 1 x 3 x $ 10.25. . . . . . . . . . . $ 30.?5 i : Extra copies of the report sent; 36 reports sent from 1/15/93 to 2/1/93 42 sheets x 4 x $ .50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 84.OQ Secretaria2 Time: 4 ht's @ $ 35.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ Z40.00 Mileage 17 trips @ 76 miles @ $ .30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 387.60 TOTAL OF TFiIS I2rVOICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 5067. 10 F i . . , � � S7ATF OF M2NNESOTA TL 93-543 DEPARTMENT OF MIIITIUtY AFFAIRS FACIIITIES MANAGEMERT OFFiCE, CAMP RIPtET P.O. BOX 348, Lf?TLE FAILS, MINNESOTA 56345-0348 SUBJECT: C011iRACT PATI�SENT CERTIFIGATICM N0. 4 (PAR?3AL) FEDERAL SHARE OF PATkEfiT PROJECT N0: 8909 , PROJECT 7ITLF: Observation snd Testinp Services for the Na2ionat Guard Araiory ard CONTRACT M0: MGB21-92-C-0051 / M=5365 Canmunity tmter, Rosemount, Mimesota CON7RACT AMOUiiT: 524,333.75 CONTRACTING OFfICER: MG Eugerx Md�eotti CONSULTAt17: 7he Adjutant Gmeral, State of Mimesota Construction En�ineering laboraiory, Int, 5661 International Parkway PAYFtENT PERIOD ENDINGs 28 February 1993 Mimeapotis, Mimesota 55428 DA7E THIS CERTIFICATIOW: 12 March 1993 FEDERAL TAX ID R0: 41-1616221 ____________________________________ 1 -;:�-�- ��`"�- , ` ` S7ATE OF MIMNESOiA ���� �' DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS � FACILITtES MANAGEMENT OFfICE, CJtMP RIPLET P.O. BOX 348, LITTLE FALLS, MINNESOTA 563G5-0348 Si18JECT: GONTRACT PATMENT CERTIFIGATION W0. 4 (PARTIAL� MSABG BDNDED SHARE OF PATMEHT PROJECT W0: 8909 PROJECT TITLE: Observation and testing Services for the Iiationat Guard Ara�ory snd COI7TRACT N0: NGB21-92-C-0051 / IS-5365 Camunity Centcr, Rosanount, Ninnesota CONTRACT AMOUNT: 58,111.25 CONTRACTING OfFICER: MG Eugens Mdreotti C0115tlLTAMT: The kdjutant Genrral, Siate of Mirnesota Construction Engin�ering Laboratory, Inc. 5661 International Parkway PATMENT PERIOO ENDING: 28 February 1993 Mimeapotis, Mi mesots 5542$ DATE THIS CERTIFICATION: 12 March 1993 --==-=-==—=-=--- Page 1 YiOkY,SHEET FOR PPDJECT OR EQUIPKEti'C FUhDIliG FEE►SZBILZ'CY 11/12/91 ' �' ,Pro;ect Hame or Item Hame: "✓��' ' ��L��w��{_ �-%�•�l0%� �'���L ' h � ; Pro ject Kumber or Iteaa Hame � Description: _ _� �� '�'�" "L•..�-cS�-T � . � rotel Estimatea costs: s �Z 7 1, � �, Department/Person Submitting Proposal: .-v:.t,�,..��v� '..�"�• —� - - (A2lQUST) I tACC? # IF APFI.ICASl..E) Funding Froa: � 1) Aesessmentss S t . + 2) 4tater Core (Fund 605): � S I 1 3) Sanitary Serer Core (Fund 606) : S I • 1 4) Storm Sever Gore (Fund 607): 5 i 1 5) tSSA Funds (Fund 2039: S i 1 6) S-Year CIP Funds tFund 202) : S . 1 I 7) 4fater/Sever CIP Fund (603) : S I i 8) General Levy: ' $ ' _.._ __- 1 -- --._--_- ___ 9? EDA Funds -(Fund-_201) S I _ . , _ 10) Pa.k Improvement Funds fFund 2Q5) S 1 ' 11)' General Operating :,udget tFund 101) S I k tAny item over 5250.00) I � 12) Kater/Seves Operating Budget: S 1 (Fund 601 or 602) ,r' � y'Z.�t - �t rr�c�- •-L t - 3.''� t Any item over 5250.00) �l G y�. cT�., 3 .. *-i'L So - �!J'..^:.'�J-� l - �c,:.� 13) Dther Funds: S �b�. �� i `t� t `f�dL'� "'C i - >�, 5 I I 7otal Funding 5 (,`i:l Cf.C�,6 � (Should Equal Estii�ted Gosts) _ ----------------------- Degart�ent Revier and Acknorletfg�ent: HAiiE TITLE DATE F3nance- P.1i./Building Dept: Parks b Recreation: Planning Department: Police: Fire: � /� �� i Submitted to Administration for approval on: .�' Z"� '�t� o�'L-e-'.�/t-'+--- �' �. �/ (Date) (Signa ` e) Submitted to Council for approval on: T-' � "�/ � ' Approved by Council on: t