HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.n. Armory / Community CenterPCL Construction Pay Request #3 e �� s � � . � � � CITY OF ROSEMOUN� EXECIITIVE SIINII�lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCTL MEETING DATE: APRIL 6, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: ARMORY/COMMUNITY CENTER AGENDA SECTION: CONSTRUCTION PCL PAY REQUEST #3 CONSENT PREPARED BY: STEPH�N JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGEND�� IYI �1TTACHMENTS: PAY REQUEST O B : � This is a request to approve Pay Request #3 to PCL Construction for the City' s shar� of the Armory and Community Center project. The total amount of the payment to PCL is $282, 694 .58 for the Federal, State and City share. This cost is normally broken down by tfie MSABC office at Camp Ripley based on the cost allocation to the project completion amount. On this particular request there was an error made by Camp Ripley in calculating the City' s share. This error caused the state to make a larger _than necessary payment this time. I called to question the amount showing the City' s share. i was advised that in fact the Gity' s share should be larger this time but the pay request was already into Washington to get 'the federal payment approved; and it would be much, much easier for the city to pay a smaller payment this time and make it up next time rather than try to get the corrected payment request into Washington in time to make the payment to PCL. I agreed to do that. I have shown the amount we would pay on this request and the 'amount we are actually paying. Also shown is the amount we will owe next time as part of thi.s pay request . This information is shown on the last sheet of the pay request for your information. RECOI�II+2ENDED ACTIONs To approve Pay Request #3 in the amount of $25, 720 . 67 to PCL Construction Services Inc. for the Armory/Community Center Project out of Account 426-48000-01-521. COUNCIL ACTION: ' ' PURCHASE ORDER P�• # =----� 212 5 3 6Ainn.Tax Exempt Status No.9757275 1� _ . Fed.Tax No.41-6005501 �t�t,� o�C:7 Losemoun� . _ VendorlD: ° ` „ 2875 145th Street.West � P4 Box 510_ � ... _ _ _ . .. . . Phone (612) 423-4411 Invoice#. :. - : �- . , :,� ., . . ,_ ,. , . - '� � ` : - ' Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Date: � � � Acct. #: I t-C_L C�T..�s rr_c:�T�ca �:.��c5 ��C.� Amount $ �t 3�O �.�R-rr�E s l�:,.�e,.�ts� cr�-v'�n To rn F �� Acct #: �.c.n-�t �a t��- �{�,� � � �y�3 � � Amount $ F/C: DFTE DA7c REOUinED 7cnldS SHIP VtA F.O.6. - REOUtSRION NO. t . - - _. � ,.. .:. - - - - - ,_""`:OLlANTITY'Y�r.'S.cyi-w•���rT� �`w�:.o_. . r"'.%.^�r�s.t�rr�'-:yi`'. . •.4s'�.r�"Fsr_�.t�i: 1u� afr. -� �r _ . ,. ..� ._,... _ .�. _.. _ —r - . --,-. ..� . ,•-_^' .. .O�SCRlP?l�+t3Tt'X:XI1tJt�iB � _ - : "�'r,�`•ryi�•, ,s��-...PA1C8. �-. 1F—�' � ► �t;y ���v�G-� ��'3 ���n���'c� ( �-�,�,rr�.v;� , —. ?`�f � (.��.,1+"�,r�.�+� r'►-� `�C-� j ���-�.{ �t�f-t��"��L� i { ; G.:.,,mv•.;���.� C.��� . �{z�t-�1 S�t�u��- 5�t � ' A-��-�.,--(�- 4z..G,_y���a_�; �s'�1 a572a.t�`�' _ . ; � _ . _ . � � � �" L{L-�-�.��L'`"�i�SZ i � , -- __ __-� _ .: _ -(-�;-�t;... =�,;l.s 7�0,t��"� ,, K;�-i ! i t �; � --� �. .:' .t � 6, ' /..,1:`,�• - � � � White:Vendor Copy ��� Yeilow:Accounting � Pink:File � Gold:DepaRment� � u --- ---- , � . Way A. Johnson _ - -- - - L}eu enant Colonel, IN, MPt ARNG • Facilities Management O ficer 4 �Enclosures _ 1. Pymt Cert (Local Share) --- --�- 2. Pymt Cert (MSABC Share) 3. Pymt Cert (Fed Share) 4. Appl for Pymt Gopy Furnished: MSABC, ATTN: Mr. Palmer 8909 1?0 ' AN EQUAI OPPORTUNITY EMPIOYER � � � ` . . . . . � . � . . . ' "''�+ STATE OF MINNESOTA,DEPARTMEtJT OF MIUTARY AffA1R5 .< or'��';,; ' v�,�.at��c�„o*y,�'�A'%� MINNESOTA ARMY NATIONAL GUARD �`� aw �j fAQt1T1E5 MANAGEMEM OfFICE �;. �' P.O.Box 348,Camp Ripky � • . 3 Mrs. EngelhardtJce/ „�• �- tittle folis,Mirmeso►o 56345-03d8 ' � ' (612j 632-7303 W , c � ;��*1�} `1J,�Q' March 15 1993 ,:,...z;.���.�. , SUBJECT: Payment Certification No. 3 for Construction of a National Guard Armary Facility, Rosemount, Minnesota (Project No. 8909) Mr. Stephan Jilk ' City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Jilk: Subject Payment Certification No. 3 (PARTIALj for subject project is forwarded for payment action. Payment is recommended based on our understanding of the progress of the work and estimated values of the materials and labor. - Request payme�t, im the amount of $25,720.67, be made to PCL Construction Services, Znc. , 9330 James Avenue South, Bloomington, MN 55431. In accordance with State contracting procedures, payment znust be received by the vendor no later than 9 April 1993. Copies of Payment Certificatian Nos. 3 (PARTIALj ($86,754.40, MSABC Share of Payment; and $i70,219.51, Federal Share of Payment), are furnished for your information and records; no action is required. . If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Carol Engelhardt of t�is office (612) 632-7303. Since �` Way A. Johnson Lieu enant Colonel, IN, MN ARNG • Facilities Management O ficer 4 Enclosures 1. Pymt Cert (Loca1 Share) Z. Pymt Cert (MSABC Share) 3. Pymt Cert (Fed Share) 4. Appl for Pymt . Copy Furnished: MSABC, ATTN: Mr. Palmer 8409 1?0 . AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ' � c S7ATE OF MINNESOTA . DEPARTHENT OF MIlI7ART AFFAiRS FACIIITIES MANAGEMfNT OfFtCE, CAMP RIPLET P.O. BOX 348, lIT7LE FALLS, MINNESOTA 56345-0348 SUSJECT: CONTRACT PATM£NT CER72FtCATION N0. 3 CPARTIAU LOCAILY BONDED SHARE OF PATMENT PROJfC7 N0: 8909 PROJECT ?ITLEs Construction of a National Guard Armory Facitity, Roseaiount, Mirmsota CONTRAC? N0: NG621-92-C-0044 CON7RACT AMOl1NL• 53,746,000.00 CONTRACTING OFFICER; MG Eugene Mdreatti CONTRkCTOR: PCL Gonstructio� Serviees, Inc. The Adjutant Generot, State of Mi mesota 9330 James Avenue South Btoanington, Minnesota 55431 PATM:Hi PERI00 ENDING: 28 February 1993 DATE TH1S CERTIFICA7ION:" 10 March 1993 ===-====-==---==--- ' ' 1 � � � ` STATE OE MINNESOtA Tl 93-540 • � : DEPARTMEN? OF MIIITARY AfFAIRS . FACILITIES NAtiAGEMENT DFFICE, CAMP RIPIET P.0. BOX 348, LITTLE FALLS, MINNESOTA 56345•0348 SUBJECT: COHTRACT PATMENt CERTIFICATION N0. 3 (PAR7IAL) � fEDERAI SHARE OF PAYMENT PROJEC7 NQ: 8909 PROJECT TI7LE: Construction of a National Guard Artinory Facitity, Rosena�nt, Mimesota CONTRACT N0: NG821•92-C•0044 CON?RACT AMOUNT: 54,400,568.44 CdNTRAC7ING OFF2CER: NG Eugene Mcfreatti CONTRACtOR: PCL Construction Senrices, lnc. The Adjutant General, State of Mirvsesota 9330 James Avenue South Bioomington, htinnesota 55431 PAYMENT PERIOD ENDING: 28 february 1993 DATE THIS CERTIFICA7ION: 10 March 1993 fEDERAt TAX ID N0: 84-095-7552 =---==-==-==--==--==-=--===-====-=-==-===-= -=-=---------=--=------=------===-==--=====n====���-__ � PATMENT DATA: S7A7ENENS OF ACCWNT: Federal Shart (FC 01) 6b.2GX SL,400,568.04 Originat Contraet Amount 54,400,568.04 MSABC Bonded Share (FC 14) 33.76X 52,242,831.9b Locatty 6ondmd Share CFC 16) 53,746,000.00 He2 thanges Sy Modification(s) SQ.00 Total Gontract Amount S10,389,400.00 Contract Price To Date 54,400,SS8.OL Total Payahte To Date S68T,527.l0 PERCENTAGE OF t�IORK COMPLE7E AS Of THIS PATMENT: 55.62X Alternate Form of Retainage * 50.00 * (See Rea�ark 2 ee[ou) _ . Amount Payabte Less Retainage 5687,527.10 PATltEN7 RECDRD: Ko• Date Amount tess Previously Approved Payments 5577,30T.59 1. 6 Jan 43 S351,59T.T1 2• 11 Feb 93 Si65,709.88 Net Amount Due This Ceriification S1T0,219.51 SSi7,307.59 " APPROVED F�R PAYMENT - fACILI7IE5 MANAGEMENT OFFICE: ���� UkYNE A. JOHNSON, LTC, lnfantry, MNARNG facilities Management -0fficer REMARKS: � ass..-xa�»xe�ar-_ss.=scs=»cs_-a�_=xa:ae—«.m�xm=��_cxsaa__xe=_axma�sxx=x=sse�_-sxsasazsx�xaaexa �� . 1. This payment wilt be made by the USPFO-Nimesota. Check witl tx issued fran Port McCoy, uisconsin. 2. in accordance with Supplementary General Condition,s of the Contraet and Mirnesota Staiutes t5.73, . the contractor has securitirs held by Noruest Bank Minnesota, W.A., 6th and Marquette, Mimeapolis, Mi mesota. 3. Copy furnished: PGL Construction Services, Inc. • Arthur Dickey Architects, Inc. • kSABC • City of Rosemount 8909CFPTMT . t ` . . . . . . . � . . . STATE OF NINNESOTA DEPARTltENT OF ltILITARY AFFAIRS FACIII?IES MAHAGENENT OFFICE, CAMP RIPIEY P.O. BOX 348, U 7TLE FALLS, MINNESOU 56345-0348 SU8JECT: CONTRACT PA7MENT CER7IFICATION N0. 3 CPAR7IAL) MSABC BONDEO SHARE Df PAYMEHT PROJEC7 N0: 8909 PROdECT TITLE: Construction of a Hational Guard Arawry facitity, Rosemount, Mimesota CONTRACT N0: NG821-42-C-0044 CONTRACt AhtOUNT: 52,242,831.96 CONtRACTIMG OFFICER: MG Eugene Mdreotti CONTRACTOR; PCL Construction Services, Inc. The Adjutant Gmeral, State of Mirnesota 9330 James Avcrwe South Btoomington, Mirnesota 55431 PA7NEN? PERIOD ENOING: 28 February 1993 DATE THIS CERTIFICA7ION: 10 March 1993 . .ec:aex�=ae:c_m_sxsanaeacs___c_c_c------a__-._oc_a � � r_a__m:s- '-me.sv_m=_eo�c_=osa_esasoz�xsssax=am_c_ . . PAYHEIiT DATA: S7A?EP9EN7 OF ACCdJN7: federat Share fFC Oi) 66.24�- 54,400,568.04 Ariginai Contract Amount S2,242,831.96 M5A8G Bonded Share (FC 1G) 33.76X` 52,242,831.46 ` MSABC State Share S7,052,067.98 Net Changes By Modifitation(s) 50.00 MSABC Locat Sharr S1,190,�69.48 ' Locally Sonded Share (FC 16) 53,746,000.00 Contract Price To Date 22,242,$31.96 7otal Contract Amo�t 510�389,400.00 Total Payabte To Date S350,406.33 Alternate Form of Retainage � 50.00 PERCENTAGE OF I,►ORK COMPLETF * (See Remark 2 8etow) AS Of iHIS PAYMENT: 15.62X M�ount Payabte less Retainage 3350,G06.33 less Previously Approved Payments 5263,651.93 PAYMENT REGORD: No. Date Amaunt Net Amount Due This Certification 586,754.40 1. 6 dan 93 5179,195.43 2. 11 Feb 93 584,45b.00 APPROVED fOR PATMENT - FAGILIIIES MANAGEMEAT OffICE: . s263,651:93 S��V,:r� a WAYHE A. JOHNSON, LTC, Infantry, MNARHC Pacitities Management Officer RENARKS: � . . exassancaxa=sxmaxxaxx=_sxasa�s�ae=seaasaxamsseas�=zar=saaaa=assazssasssa�comscs�a�xsrssasaxa-_s � . 1. This payment will ba made by the Mirnesota STate Armory Building Comnission (MSABC), Oepartaimt of Military Affairs, St. Paut, Minnesota. 2. In aceordance with Supptementary General Conditions of the Contract and Mirmesota Statutes 15.T3, the cont�actor has securities held by Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A., bth and ltarquette, Minneapot'is, Minnesota. • 3. Copy Furnished: PCL Construction Services, inc. � Arthur Dickey Archiiects, Inc. MNAG-PF�-P City of Roseme�t ' 89Q9CMPTMT 7 AI'PLICATION AND CCRTIFICATE FOR f'AYMCNT nin uocuN�eNr c�oz c�„S�«��������5���, �����5�Sw�� r����NE�>F ���.�5 r 10 (OwN[it): State of Minnesota i�iiolEc�r: Nai:ional Guarcl llrmory/ nPPtJCnfIUN N0: 3 Distribulion tu: P.O. Dox 348, Camp Ripley Community Center O OWNER Little Falls, MN 56345 Rosemount, MN 550GII �ett�ou �o: 2/213/93 DARCI�IITECT . �CONTRACTOR f ROM (COMR PCL KC� VIA (ARCI IITEC7): ARCtl1T[CT'S O onstruction Services, Inc. /irthur Dickey lircf�itects, Inc. ��tto1[C`f No: 8909 ❑ 9330 Jarnes Avenue South �1930 Fraiice /tvenue South � alooniington, MN 55�131 : coNtancT Fott: Minneapol is, MN 55410 coN�iancr Unr�: 7/16/92 Appiicatio�r is madc (or Paymciit,as sh�wn bclow, in cunncction wilh ihc C�ntracl. CO N1'RACTO R'S AP PLI CATI O N f O R I'�YM CNT c����s�,��auo�� s�����, n�n��«�„�r��� c���, Is a�iachc�l. CIdANG[ UKDER SUMMAItY 1. ORIGINAL CONTRAC7 SUM ....................... s 1�,3a9,4�0.�0 Cliai�gc Orders apprc�vecl in AUUff10NS i)EI)U(:tIONS 2. Nel cl�angc by Cl�angc O�dcrs ..... ... ... S� .00 previous ���onli�s by Uw��cr . 3. CUN 1 ItA(:f SUM 10 UA1 E (line t.�21.............. S.�.���9�0 TOTAL �1. TUtAL (:UMf'LEIEU de SlORED TO UAtE............ 1- ' ' • Ap��roved Ihis Monll� (C;�Iumn G on G703) Num�er Dale Approvecl 5..RCTAINAG[; a. � "/� e( Cu�n��lcled Wurk � (Ccjtumn U-I�l' c►n C703) b. —"/o c�f Sl�red Malcrial S (Golu��m F on G7U3) li�ial Rclaina�;c (Li��e 5a•1�5b or TOfALS li�I�I 1�y Culumn i cif G7UJ) ........... .... S .00 Nel cha�i�;c{�y Ghan�e Urclers G. IOfAC EARNEU LESS RET/tINAC[ ................... S �� � 3•�� lhe unclersiE;ned Cantraclor certi(ics 11aa1 lo the�est c�f il��Cuntraclor's kFicnvtcd�,a, ll.ine 4 Iess I.ine S'('ulal) � intormalion a�rcl bcliel tfre Work covered by Ihis Ap�rii�:aiiun (ur Payment has becn 7• L[SS t'REVI0IJS C[RTIPICAlES fOR cc�nipleieel iit:►ceordance wiih tire Co��traci D�cume��ls, Iha1 a1J amounls(iave t�ee�i PAYMCNT (I.ine G from prior Cerii(icatr)......... S- 1,132,23a.72 �aicl I�y tt�c Conlracl�r tor Wnrk for which previous Cerliticales (or i'aymeni wcri. 0. CURRENT i'AYMENT UUG .;..............,.......,. S 282,694.�8 issuecl ancf pay�nenis receivecl irom tl�e Owner, at►d il�ai cu�rent paymenl sliow�i 9, nAIANCE 70 ftNlSli, PLUS RETAINAGE............. � �t97���6�•70 I�crein ls nuw due. ' (I.I�ie 3 Icss I.ine 6) • CUNiR/1C1OR: Slale u(: ; � 1 '' .' LTINIFER �i;c�7+���(: '"��'i )I 1,�.�Ji..fl„r Sul�scril�ecl and s i eNAH�h�4��'M�'�'��° . day ul � �I t.P'C � l.1�r�J Ncriar Pu�lic: •� 1 nne n Cyun 1993 Y r._. �� �f ���b..�t-5-bf� 11y: I).il�: March 3, My Corii�nission ARCHITCCT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMCNT nMouNT c�rtTiri�a................................. s • (�t(ach explanafio�� i!an�ou�d cetliliutl c/i/(crs f�ura Ilie amouiit ap/�lied/or.) in accorda�rce wilh Ihe Conlracl Documenls,�asecl�ii an•site c�bsetvalions and Ihc ARCI II I I:L'I• data comprising Ihc ai�ove a��pllcaiion,►he Architecl cer�ifies lo Ihe Uwner Ii�at tc,Ihe � -t�(�,� . 7 _, �,, �y bust u(Ilie Archilecl's ktiowledge,infbrmation ai�cl bclie( ili�Wc�rk h�s���b�;ressec)�s �jY; �L \;1� t)ale: � �J ii�dicaied,ihe quality of the Work is in accnrdance wiih Ihe Conlract Uucun�ents,and �����s Geriificalc is nc�t ne�,ciliable. Tl�e AMOUNT C[ft7lffED is rayabl� unly ic� Ilie Ihe Contrador Is enliUed lo paynient o(ihe AMUUN f CL'RTI[Ilv. Contraclor namc�l hcrcin.Iss��a��ce,payn�ent and acceptance o(pay�nenl a�e withpul ��rriuclice lo �ny rl�hts of�he f)wae�ur Conlractur u�ider U�is Conitatl. � � Xiq f>&)C1)�ifdt2 r,apa*:�+��`1.f'h�It)N,A�tl)(:tf&!1!!4:l16#ftJK I'AYAHNI•AUIY��N1i111i)IHl)t4•AtA••K� 191i1 � � ,�r� R.nn��ztr°�� .����iry ��� �irr�r»�Mr��s. ���s r�twYe�xK��v�Nuc, r�t.w, tvnii���rr,�c�r�.t�.E:. l��xK� � �T02-196J AIA Docunent G702 Appticetion No. ' 3 ° Fege 1 ot 4 �. Dete 2/28/93 ^ PCL CONS7RUCTION SERVICES, INC ROSEMDUNT NATIONAL GUARD Pertod F�om 2/1/93 TRAINING & COMMUNITY CENTER re�iod To L28/93 Archlttett Pro ect No. A g � D E F G M � � uork Cai lcted iotsi Carplete Balence itan Scheduled P�evious ihis A lication snd stored io Retalnepe No. Desc�iption of Nork Vatue hppUceNo� Nork tn Plece 3tored�Neterfal To Dete X Fintth tnot (n,D or E) tO+EsF) tC-C) o i v N9 OENRAL RE�UIREMENTS � � ,, 1000 Site Stsff . 'I `.�`'�,,�x,�.�r:� Sup�tendent/Foremen/Eng� ib6,000.00 24,900.00 16,260,00 � 0.00 43,160.00 26X 122,840.00 O.OQ I, 1100 Constructton Equlpment ` "`��4�"',. Forkllit/Nolttina D,S00.00 264.00 2,024.00 $�� 0.00 2,288.00 26% 6,512.00 0.00 '•s#'<t<�w�s } Constmebles/Expendables 13,756.OU 2,063.40 1,513.16 ; 0.00 3,576.56 26X 10,179.4� 0.00 r•��.::•;�:;:.. � ;;;;.;>:!i;;:£:;•.`:.' Nisc Equlp/Smell Iool• 2T�581.00 4,13T.15 3,033.91 0.00 T,171.06 26X 20,y09.94 0.00 .3... . '.v. 1300 Pro)ect Ove�head � '"�•�'����r° Mobflite/Setup S,S00.00 5,500.00 0.00 , 0.00 5,500.00 100X 0.00 0.00 . .<i::;i#L:Et:;z�?:c:4 : . . . � . ' Ya k<>�� : Dtmobilite/Hove-out B00.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 800.00 0.00 �r';fi�*��y`�' Close-aut/fFnel Req'rrtnte 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.AO OX 600.00 0.00 . L �h�`Y.::C': . . . . . . . 13$0 S1t! COndIN onS `�v>�°�"�a'x�x field Ofifce/Temp 8ldga T,950.00 1,192.50 BT4.50 0.00 2,06T.00 26X 5,883.00 0.00 :#:#:y�:?'�:��t•'•'v3 „•<::K;z#:.,s; Fleld OHtce-Furntsh6Equfp 2,400.00 360.00 264.00 -0.00 6Z4.00 26% 1.776:00 0.00 ;?t::t:t:.::,'rR�C�.. ; '�${,�'�t�fzr: Tcmp Utillties - Instell 3,700.00 3,700.00 0.00 0.00 3,T00.00 100X 0.00 0.00 .hrry�.��.��..�,;y�.�=>,;< Site ServSces ftelephone, 92,566.00 13,885.20 10�182.48 0.00 24,06T.69 26X 68,500.32 0.00 housekeepin9. t�uckfn9. LMP a�� � hest/etec/Water, mesaenger, ect.) ":�'`< � 3` �% Surveyinp 5,625.00 3,600.00 0.00 0.00 3,600.00 64X 2,025.00 0.00 ' ...£:ti..'..'S,r..,,.: 1400 eonds/Permits/Insuronce •>""" 'a � 288,5T5.00 288,5T5.00 O.UO U.00 288,575.00 100X 0.00 0.00 r;>;����+��} Perralts Performence Bond-PCl ' 186,898.00 186,898.00 0.00 0.00 186,898.00 t00X 0.00 0.00 Yz `��+►�p�'�:z periormence Borxf-Subs T6 115.00 48 T13.60 T,611.50 0.00 56,325.10 74X 19,789.90 0.00 '�+'7;'Y•�:C��: �.,. � . . � . . }��``?`*k��� insurance - Pl/P� 124,6T3.00 124,673.00 0.00 0.00 124,6T3.00 100X 0.00 0.00 '?<..•'tF,:8�:t;:.:Fa� . .g����+��},,f.: Insurence - Bulldcrs Risk 4,350.00 9,350.00 0.00 0:00 9,350.00 100X 0.00 0.00 1800 Neether Expense ;�'�`"�,►��,�`� SnoN RemoYei 8,200.00 2,870.00 2,460.00 0.00 5�330.00 b5X 2,870.00 0.00 � k.tx,��..�y;.Y` fro9t ProteCt{q� 6�600.00 2�380.00 2�040.00 0.00 4��20.00 65% 2�380.00 0.00 �. ��> �'�� Remove Fro:m Grarx!(Prem) - 7,500.D0 2,625.00 2�250.09 0.00 4,ET5.00 bSX 2,625.00 0.00 • \ �� y�i.�h;.r{ . . . . . . � `<�x�,+��,:*�� T Hco��c - etdq 26,soo.00 o.00 o.00 o.00 o.00 oz z6,soo.00 o.00 .$$�.:;��..¢�ky:::>.�: � DIv N2 SITENORKlDEMOLIiION °��''��`� ..�,r� Ash att Pavtny 123,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 123,0OO.Ob 0.00 .s�.�.;r.'��':: Ph � a�:�: O.OQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 37,Sib.00 0.00 �{�� +� '� curb � Cutter 3T,516.U0 . ti � ����� � �����a`�: Site Conc-ustktjPsds/St�uct 29�162.00 0.00 O.Oq 0.00 0.� OX 29,162.00 0.00 51te ferseth9 4,000.00 0.00 . 0,00 0.00 O.qO OX k,000.Ot! 0.00 �s,"�t>��"a'Y�' Itt{9eflen Sy�tem • 19,400.Dq 0.00 0.00 0.00 ; 0.00 OX 19,000.00 0.00 i � AIA Dociment C702 . A��ticetion No. 3 Pnpe 2 ot 4 /�pp, Dete 2/2Q/93 PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC ~ F�OSEMOUNT NATIONAL GUARD Period From 2/1/93 TRAININQ & COMMUNI7Y CENTER eeriod io 2/28/93 ArcM tects Pro ect No, B � p E F G N 1 � A Nork C lctRci Totat Complete Betsnce ltem Scheduled Previous This'A t icallo� end Stored To Retainepe No. Descrtption of Vork Yefue AppUcations Vork !n Plece Sto�ed Materiel To Oste X Ftn(sh tnot in D or E) (D+f+F) (C-G) :<r*{�....y�; Lendsceptnp 66,000.00 0.00 0:00 0.00 0.00 OX 66,000.00 0.00 '�.Y 18�244.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 18,244.00 0.00 Retaininp uell ;�,i���r��:��: Esrthwork/Cleering/Fnd Drsin 272,468.00 128,U59.96 5,449.36 0.00 133,509.32 49X 138,958.68 0.00 D(v N3 CONCRETE Concrete • Bldp 384,018.90 19,200.90 20,601.35 0.00 48,002.25 13X 336,015.75 0.00 Reber - Suppty 38�000.00 14,060.00 2,280.00 0.00 16,340.00 43X 21,660.00 0.00 Reber - Plece N/ Netel Place 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 0.00 �.� Precest Concrete 110,980.00 0.00 3,440.38 0.00 3,440.38 3X 107,539.62 0.00 DIv X4 NASONRT Meaonry 2,085,195.00 83,407.80 67,9T7.36 0.00 tSt,385.16 7% 1,933,804.84 �.00 D I v NS MEAULS Metels - Febrtcete 377,66T.00 2,530.37 60,9i7.64 0.00 63,�i48.06 17X 31a,218.94 0.00 ` Metels - Place 122,980.00 8,055.19 4,857.T1 0.00 12,912.90 11X 110,06T.10 0,00 DIv N6 CARPENTRT Rough Cerpentry 86,400.00 0.00 Z,6oT.A0 0.00 2,607.00 3% 84,293.00 0.00 finsh Cerpentry-MlttWk/IM Tr 91,200.00 0.00 0:00 0.00 0.00 OX 91,200.00 0.00 Div NT THERMWL � NOISTURE � Demprooflne - F�detion T4,910.00 0.00 2,236.50 0.00 2,23d.50 iSX ' 12,6T3.50 0.00 RooftnglFlaahtrq/Sheet Netel 405,000.00 0,00 0.00 O.QO 0.00 OX 405,000.00 0.00 Skyltphts - Fremed 38,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 38,000.00 0.00 Geulklnp/Jolnt Seslentt 39,0OO.OU 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 39,000.00 0,00 Dfv N8 DOORS 6 UtN00uS NM Doore/Freme/fintsh HrdWre 1t9,335.00 2,386.70 1,193.35 0.00 3,580.05 3X 115,T54.95 0.00 Gle�s/GtezinglAtua Enteronce 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9X 12,000.00 �.0� Naod doara 1T,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0:00 OX 1t,000.00 0.00' Overheed Doort-SetN mel 11,405.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 p.00 OX 11,y05.00 0.00 Cottinq Doors-o.hescf�Counter 18,688.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 1�,688.00 0.00 Wood Cted {�ittidorts 56,93Q.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% Sa,930.00 0.00 Trena qell/Skytlpht Syste+n 46,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 46,000.00 O.QO DIv N9 fINiSHES �ry►+ell 113,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0X 1t3,200.00 . 0.00 Acoust4c Celllnys ' 85,000.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0% d5,000.00 0.00 Aeoustle DeCk P�neds 31,362.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 31,362.00 0.00 terem(clPorcel�ln Tlle 68,000.00 A.00 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 OX 68,000.00 0.00 11ood/kthtetic Floortng 1�8,690.00 0.00 ` 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 108�690.0t1 0�00" � CMrprtlRes4tlent/Skete Tite 146,It0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 1�6,310.Q0 0.00 n.in�{rx+/n.r.o�wtlho 119,80d�.00 2,;S9d.12 0.00 0.00 2�396.12 2X 1/T��09.1l6 0.00 ` AIA Doctmrnt G702 a A�licetfon No. 3 Pe9e I o/ 4 �Pp. Date 2/2E/93 " PCt CONSTRUCTION SEFiVICES, INC ROSEMOUNT NATIONAL GUARD Pertod From Z/t/93 TRAINING & COMMUNI?Y CENTER � eeriod 10 Zf2a/93 Archltects P�o ect No. � 8 � � � F G N i J uork C letcd Totel Ca�pleta Belerxe ite+n Seheduted P�evious ihis A licetfon snd Stored To Retatnepe Mo. Descriptfoti of Vork Vslue AppliceNoro ' Uork In Place Sto�cd Material To Dete X Finl�h (not 1n D or E) (D�E+F) iC-G) DIv N10 SPEGIAlT1ES ` Chelk � Teck Boards 2,69t.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 2,891.00 0.00 To{let Pe�tittons 16,142.00 0.00 0.00 0.00' 0.00 0% 16,142.00 0.00 fteg Poles 10,022.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 10,022.00 0.00 Slgnepe R Grephict 8;451.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 , 0.00 OX e,4S1.00 0.00 Meeh Partitians 8,163.00 O.pO 0.40 0.00 0.00 OX d�163.00 0.00 iotding Pertitiohs 15,500.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 OX 15�500.OQ 0.00 Storepe Shelving - Steel 24,900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 D.00 OX 24,900.OQ 0.00 Totlet Accea:orfe• 16,64$.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 14,646.�0 0.� fire Extiripufahert/Cebitxts 1,349.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 1,349.00 0.00 _ Expenslon Jolnt Covert 5,242.00 O.UO O.UO 0.00 0.00 OX S,2�i2.OQ 0.00 Div Mlt EOUiPMENT Veult boor�/f�ames 12,581.00 0.00 0.00 ; 0.00 0.00 OX 12,591.00 0.00 Sete y,509.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 4,509.00 0.00 Food Service Equlpment 142,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 D.00 OX 112,000.00 0.00 Athletle Equlpment 27�T00.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 2T,700.00 0.00 Audlo Vteuel Equlpment 14,239.00 0.00 Q.00 0.00 0.00 OX 19,239.00 0.00 Rtfle Renye Eq�ipmmt 29�800.00 0.00 U.00` 0.00 0.00 OX 29,800.00 0.00 i � Dtv Ni2 fURNISHINGS turtstn - Stepe 3,600.00 0.00 0.00 f 0.00 0.00 OX 3,G00.00 0.00 Arene Sesting-Benchet 1,800.00 0.00 0.00 ; 0.00 0.00 OX t,a00.00 �.� Audttoclun Sestlnp•upotece� 43,700.00 0.00 0.00 i 0.00 0.00 OX �G3,700.00 0.00 Div �13 SPECIAI CONSTRUCTiON ice Rlnk 303,000.00 0.00 0.00 � 0.00 0.00 OX 303,000.00 0.00 0.00 DIv N14 CONVEYING S1tSiEMS � 0.00 0.00 OX 53�09T.00 0.00 Elevetor� 53,09T.00 -0.00 0.00 , � DIv N1$ MECNANICAI. HYAC/TLC/PluRb - NechenlceE 1,824,0TT.00 25,008.10 11,4T3.44 0,00 36,481.54 tX 1.78T�595.46 0.00 Ftre Protectton • Sprl�klerr 119,000.00 0.00 O.Od 0.00 0.00 0% 119,000.00 0.00 ��r�� ,� 0.00 ! 0.00 92,250.00 90X 10,250.00 O.OQ .���:.�,:3.>�.j�: Utilitiea - Outs(de 102,500.00 92,250.00 0{v Nib ELECTRICAL E[ect�icel 961,632.00 0.00 33,657.t2 O.UO 33,65t.12 iX 427,4T4.d8 0.00 D1v M19 CNANGE ORDERS "' C. 0. N) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 0.00 0.00 C: 0. M2 b.00 0.00 � O.QO 0.00 0.00 OX D.t10 0.00 :' _ � n nn � nn �.�►tf O:bQ Q.00 OX 0.00 0.�0 A1A Doctmcrit G702 Applicetion No. 3 PaQe 4 of 4 App. Dete 2/28/93 " PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES� INC ROSEMOUNT NATIONAI. GUARD pertod From 2/1/93 TRAINING & COMMUNITY CENTER Perlod To 2/28/93 Architects Pro ect No. A 8 � p E F G N t J Work C teted Totel Carplete Betence �t� Scheduted Prevfous ihic A licetfon snd Stortd To Ret�lnepe No. Descripttan of Work ' Velue Ilppticatto� Work In Ptece Storcd Neterist To Dete X Ft�ish (nat 1n D or f) (D+EsF) (C-G) Div NO fEE ��`;s'�`'�?+:s:;i�;�;s Dist. Otf Ice �verheed � Fee 275,000.00 29,196.T3 T,204.77 0.00 36.486.50 13X 238,513.50 0.00 .,..,::�;>:.::... ...�.•, „..t.;�..,;.y.;......;..»;x:....;ap;.v�,•y. .•,.;;w....,.H >:a>an:''K'4c�+xr :+x.;,.L`.;.`3.^.t:xR':'F,s�qK;• _ ,,,",,�'..',,?•.�iS;;;!k<A�:};9t; . ... . ..... .. ...... .;.......,,�. ..,..• �..af..•r:r.p..v..;..;;,,. ..;:::;ry:;;r::;:5c;x;;•<�q8•,;•. � �'.. � $'. .a ii,;>... -�� >:gd:� ...>. � . ....... . .... ....i...iv.... ..�... . �r..v,..�. ..b• .hY.. ....�u.t�..o...'•+: ..,....... .......:....:::.::. �,...s....... .<..>.... ..}� ..>... ..x.� :;•a. �r.. .... . ..�.........: .a.,��(y .... , ..,fi:..:�......,..... . .... ... .,t....a,..... ...... ..........t::::•::•:..::•:•:,• �.R•:•. :•r.,•. .3:•'� •.�:. .. . ....,. .... .... .........� . .,�,� ....... ., . ....... .........<.v .,..:. r.;..,:.+:;�:o-:5.: :.,�:.t .Y�'3 i2s: :�Q'r,.; .;•�..�••.• :•f:•:^ �Q .v. r........�...... . .. ny.......>n.... . }......:..,.... .. ... ......... .........::: ....,.;r,.•:.....,•.:..i>:R::;v ",�t``.t3 �.SF:f....t.w: �y �:..�:::,. :..v..:.c,::.. .a.yr.,,. ..e................ ...:..... . t....;.>. ::. .:;.::...;;•........ €:...... #.:.:...:.:.::::::: . .:3.:.s�.. . •.<.�:.•::•:<:a:•.�.•.� ,. .,.s::.......,.'�� :,: ... . ;. :�::�:. .....v. . ... .•. .. ........:......,:. •...�r.:::::,.....�..::......, } ... . .......>. ... ........... . ,:r..�.:............. .. .......i..... .........::r ,::.:ti;:,�r;>:�::ms:+cw:...;;,..v,..•:.:..: ' .. . .... 4iJA 1-..�.. ...........,.:... .... ...4... ,... ..> ................... ..:: .........:L........... .. :.......... .,:sw.'^u�•r'f::c:,. � � t�Jt�t.�f6.ifi�f1�. ... $.... .,..., .v.......v..... .r�. ... ,......... ... ,................. ....... .... �•:. ::�;.,. . .z .... �:... : I:�'' .•.�• •:�• ..>r. 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