HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Economic Develoopment Association of MinnesotaEDAM MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL JANUARY 1 - DECEMBER 31 1993 Please complete the following form and return it to: EDAM One Appletree Square Suite 201 Bloomington, MN 55425 1. Annual Dues - $300.00 Corporate or Organization (4 or more members) $110.00 Firm, Organization or Individual $ 75.00 Each Additional Member Make checks payable to EDAM 2. Correct membership listing for EDAM Membership Directory (please print or type): Name: Title: Organization: Address: City: State• Zip: Telephone: FAX: Signature: Date: Please return by March 15, 1993 to avoid cancellation of membership. (Per Article V, Section 1C By -Laws) Interested in serving on a committee? Please check one: Education: Legislative Membership: In Account With LINDQUIST £t VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 AMOUNT ENCLOSED S ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET VEST RATE FEBRUARY 19, '1993 P.O. SOX S10 FILE NO. 4341214.0001 ROSEMOUNT,`MN 550680510 INVOICE NO. 9089'S 168 J GENERAL COUNSEL-CONOEM.FRO 11/18/92 R T OSTL:UND Teleconference with Tom Fabel and Ed McMenomy regarding necessary a -tions regarding Strese matter. 11/19/92 D A ALLGEYER Strategy regarding condemnation and regarding ,relocation. --11-/20/192 0 A ALLGEYER Meet with John Miller, et al regarding - condemnation matter; review document assign research; analyze alternatives. 11/20/92 A ,K GROSSMAN. Conference with David Allgeyers regarding condemnation proceedings involving Strese Oil Co.; study documentation concerning game. 11/20/92 T L FAIGEL Meeting with John Miller and Steve Jilk regarding - Strese condemnation and otter property acquisition. 11/23/92 A K GROSSMAN Research concerning eminent domain proceedings regarding Strese Oil Property; prepare memorandum outlining options available to City. 11/23/92 K RUCKDASCPIEL Discuss with Ann Grossman research needed to add to her research memorandum; review files & begin -- research. 11/23/92 L A V6SEJPKA Office conference with David Allgtyer regarding automatic stay and abandonment; telephone conference with Ki,m Ruckaschol-lialey regarding - Sade, 11/24/92 R T OSTLUND Prepare analysis for and conduct meeting with Port Authority. 11/214/92 D A ALL.GFYF:R Analysis of options and costs; deal with new information regarding mortgagee and regarding bankruptcy; prepare chart; meeting with fort Authority. 11/24/92 K RUCKDASCHEL. Review file and research done thus far; research issues for Ann Grossman & David Aligeyer regarding condemnation of Strose proporty, including mortgage issues, appraisal issues, tax LINDQUIST SVENNUM ISAN LINDQUIST & VENNUM EEO;AA EMPLOYER. FED. I D.# 41065937 In Account With LINDQUIST £t VENNUM 4200 IDSCENTER MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55402 612-371.3211 AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST DATE F'ERRUARY 19, 1993 P.O. BOX 510 FILE NO. 4441224.4041 ROSEMOUNT, MN 550680514 INVOICE NO. 94895 168 � J GENERAL COUNSEL-CONOEM.PRO 12192 A ALLGEYER /25/92 K RUCKDASCHEL t `/01/92 O A ALLGEYER /03/92 0 A ALLGEYER lien issues and issues concerning quick take procedure; discuss same with David Allgeyer and Rich Ostlund; add research to memo draft by Ann Grossman; contact Mike Dougherty regarding status of bankruptcy proceedings and whether contract for deed had been abandoned by trustee; discuss same with Lori Vosejpka; draft memo to David Allgeyer regarding bankruptcy issues.; review letter from Shawn Moynihan & discuss same with DAA. Direct removal from calendar; update 1'. l=abel regarding strategy; Further update regarding bankruptcy situation; write J. Miller, et al Discuss status of bankruptcy proceedings with David Allgeyer; contact by telephone clerk of court to discuss change in December 2 petition for condemnation hearings; discuss same with David Allgeyer; contract by phon4 parties involved to notify them of changed hearing date; draft confirmatory letter to all parties; draft Notice of Substitution -of counsel and discuss same with David Allgeyer; draft letter to Shawn Moynihan regarding notice; draft letter to client regarding contracts made and changed hearing date; contact Lori tiosejpka regarding changed hearing date and that trustee would not be contacted at this time. Review situation; call David Toombs, presidtsn't of First State Sank of Rosemount; organize known facts and approach; mofnorialize Toombs conversation. Update J. Miller on negotiations with bank and related topics; speak to Strese counsel regarding request for data; research same; t_onforonce with Tom Fabel and with J. Miller. LINDOU'.ST & VENN +UM IS AN LINDQUIST & VENNUM °FC -AA EMPLOYER FEC. ! DAF 411o65E379 In Account With LINDQUIST & VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 61.2.371-321.1 AMOUNT ENCLOSED S ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2575 145TH STREET WEST OATF FE"GRUARY 19,i 993 P.O. EOX 510 FILE NO. 434124.-0001 ROSEMOUNT, Mtn.550680510 INVOICE NO. 90895 168 GENERAL COUNSEL-CONDEM.PRO 12/03/92 K RUCKDASCHEL Call from Miller regarding documents requested by Mike Dougherty; discuss_s same with D.A.Allgeyer; research regarding government data processing act for D-.A.A1-lgg_e.yer. 12/04/92- D A ALLGEYER Speak- with M. Dougherty, attorney for Streses; review correspondence regarding document request; conference with J. Miller. 12/04/92 K RUCKDASCHEL Discuss research with D.A.Allgeyer; research attorney/client privilege and its relationship with the Data 'Processing Act; discuss same with O.A.Aligeyer. 12/07/92 D A ALLGEYER Preliminary review of Strese.file regarding data request 12/08/92 D A ALLGEYER Speak with D. Toombs regarding possible settlement; update J. Miller; study file regarding request for dates. 12/03/92 K RUCKDASCHEL Review documents receive4i from city and sort into categories; application of government Data Process Act to documents; contact opposing counsel regarding deadlines to respondent to ;petition; discuss sale with O.A.Allgtyer. 12/09/92 D A ALL.GEYFR Finalize document review; conference with J. Miller regarding related issues. 12/09/92 K RUCKDASCHEL Draft letter to client; review certain documents; further review of Oata Practices Act; discuss same with O.A.Aligeyer; final review before sending documents; call from D.A.Allgeyer regarding letter to Mike Dougherty; draft letter to same. 12/10/92 K RUCKDASCHEL Discuss strategy regarding drafting resolutions with Ann Grossman and David Allgeyer; review memo by Ann Grossman. 12/11/92 D A ALI.GFYFR Check status of Repairs, Inc. situation; update Richard Ostlund; speak with M. Dougherty. LINDQUIST & VENNUM LINDQUIST & VENNUM IS AN FED. I.D.4 470558379 EEO'.AA EMPLOYER. In Account With LINDQUIST & VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 AMOUNT ENCLOSED$ ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST DATE FEORUARY 19, 1993 P.O. BOX S10 FILE NO. 434184.0001 ROSEMOUNT, MN 550580510 INVOICE NO. 40895 168 GENERAL COUNSEL-CONDEM . PRO /11/92 R T OSTLUND Aggregate December work on condemnation matters. :/IS/92 K RUCKDASCHEL Review prior City Resolutions and files; discuss strategy with Ann Grossman, information needed in resolutions; begin work on same. '/16/92 K RUCKDASCHEL Review memo of Ann Grossman; discuss with Ann Grossman what term approved appraisal of value means; strategy for drafting resolutions. :/18/92 D A ALLGEYER Prepare for meeting with M. Dougherty. :/21/92 D A ALLGEYER Attend to further document requests. '/21/92 T L FABEL Conferene with David Aligeyer regardintj pursuing settlement negotiations on Strese property and commencing condemnation on armory properties. :/29/92 A K GROSSMAN Research regarding effect of ongoing condemnation proceedings on the City's power in bargaining with the bank, draft memorandum to Tom Fabel concerning research results.; discuss status of negotiations with Tom Fabel and report bat_k to John Miller. :/30/92 T L FABEL Review condemnation resolutions and Strese negotiations strategy with Ann Grossman. ;/30/92 A K GROSSMAN Conference with iom L=abel regarding advantages/disadvantages of discontinuing condemnation proceedings regarding Strese property; cause draft resolutions to be faxed to John Miller. /05/93 D A ALLGEYER Analyze current situation consider dropping petition; review memo analyzing same. /05/93 1' L FABEL Review legal research on condemnations; review file on Strose condemnation; conferont:r with David Allgeyer. /07/93 T L_ FABEL. Review file for Strese negotiations and armory project. /12/93 D A ALL..GFYFR Attention to Data Practices Act request. /12/93 R T OSTLUND Extended telephone conferences with Mayor McMenomy LINDQU!ST & VENNUM IS AN LINDQUIST & VENNUNI crr' AA F -MPI OYER. FED. LD.-� 410rrP379 In Account With LINDQUIST tt VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371.3211 - ROSEMOUNT PORT AUT14ORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN SILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST P.O. 804 510 ROSEMOUNT, MN 550680510 J GENERAL COUNSEL-CONDEM.PRO AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ OATS FEORUARY 19, 1993 FILE NO. 4341?4.0001 INVOICE: NO. 90895 158 LINDQUIST & VENNUM LINDQUIST & VENNUM iS AN EEO AA EMPLOYER. FED. 1.0.* 410658275 and S. Klausen regarding threatenedclaims and - conduct of certain councilmembers with pla-intiff. 01/15/93 T L FASEL. Legal research on data practices request; phone conference with Strew attorney Mike Dougherty -regarding settlement; strategy conference with David Allgeyer. 01/15/93- 0 A ALLGEYER Speak with Ed McMenomy-regarding Repairs, Inc., confer with J. Miller regarding same, obtain . update regarding contract and property. 01/18/93. D A ALLGEYER Write Miller regarding documents;-anaiyze Repairs, Inc-. contract; consider relocation requirements of contract, and leave provisions, speak with J. Wentworth regarding relocation activities necessary. - 01/18/93 A K GROSSMAN Research regarding need to provide relocation services to Repairs, Inc. 01/19/93 0 A ALLGEYER Further explore relocation situation, speak with - J. Miller, J. Wentworth; prepare for meeting with _:.. Rosemount Port Authority. 01/21/93 D A ALLGFYE.R_ Write .john Miller regarding lease agreement re:' Repairs, Inc. 01/222/93 T L FASEL. Preparation for and meeting with Mike Dougherty, attorney for Strrse's regarding project history, tank involvement, and settlement proposals; and with D. A. 01/23/93 T L. i=ABEL Review fort Authority meeting minutes prior to disclosure to Strese lawyer; letter to Mike Dougherty. 01/25/93 0 A ALLGEYER Attention to meeting minute request; consi<ier appraisal information; update with T. rabel regarding session with M. Dougherty. 71/26/93 D A ALL.GEYER Speak with J. Brill, Copse's attorney. 01/26/93 T L FABEL Conference with John Miller regarding Strese negotiations, etc. LINDQUIST & VENNUM LINDQUIST & VENNUM iS AN EEO AA EMPLOYER. FED. 1.0.* 410658275 In Account With LINDQUIST b VENNUM 4200 IDS. CENTER MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55402 612.371.3211 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST DATE FEBRUARY 19, 1993 P.O. BOX 5.10 FILE NO. 434424.0001 ROSEMOUNT, MN 550680510 INVOICE NO. 90891 168 J GENERAL COUNSEL--CONOEM.PRO /27/93 D A ALL.GEYER Speak with J. Miller regarding Brill proposal; formulate response. /28/93 D A ALLGE:YE:R Speak with J Brill regarding option and related matters; conference with J. Miller. /29/93 D A ALLGEYER Further discussion with J. Grill regarding A. Gape and with J. Miller. FEES FOR SERVICES RENOERF-0 $ 8, -Je?_ . 95 TE DISBURSEMENTS Photocopy Charges 303.00 Facsimile Charges 2.50 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 305.50 TOTAL CURRENT FEES ANO DISBURSEM�:NTS $ 8,628.4S LINDQUIST&VENNUM IS AN LINDQUIST & VENNUM FFQ AA EMPI.IOYFR. FEC. 1.0 4 410658379 GENERAL CORPORATE 1993 168 11/17/92 R T OSTLUND In Account With correspondence. LINDQUIST '& VENNUM regarding relocation services for Port Authority; t -- 4200 IDS CENTER -- conference with Jahn Miller. MINNEAPOLIS, .MINNESOTA 55402 outlining procedural -requirements associated with 612-371-3211 Quick -'lake proceedings. 12/06/92 A K GROSSMAN Continue research and preparation of momof .3ndum concerning proper condemnation procedure. AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY procedural requirements related to condemnation C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR on 5/1/93. 12/09/92 0 A`ALLGEYER 2875 145TH STREET WEST by organization of materials and appraisals; DATE FEBRUARY 19, P.O. BOX 510 damage; plan regarding needed resolutions and FILE NO. 434124.0002 ROSEMOUNT, MN 550680510 12/09/92 A K GROSSMAN Edits and revisions to memorandum setting forth INVOICE NO. 5089 procedural requirements appli..abie to condemns -tion proceedings. 12/10/92 D A ALLGEYER GENERAL CORPORATE 1993 168 11/17/92 R T OSTLUND Telephone conferences with client and correspondence. 11/18/92 T L PABEL Conference with David allgeyer, Rich Ostland, regarding relocation services for Port Authority; t -- phone conference with €d McMenomy; phone -- conference with Jahn Miller. -12/04/92- A K GROSSMAN Research concerni-ng and prepare memorandum ---- --- outlining procedural -requirements associated with Quick -'lake proceedings. 12/06/92 A K GROSSMAN Continue research and preparation of momof .3ndum concerning proper condemnation procedure. 12/07/92 A K GROSSMAN Complete drafting of memorandum setting forth procedural requirements related to condemnation proceeding with Port Authority possession desired on 5/1/93. 12/09/92 0 A`ALLGEYER Conference with J. Miller regarding problem raised by organization of materials and appraisals; write landowner regarding claim of contractor damage; plan regarding needed resolutions and related at:t ivi t ies. 12/09/92 A K GROSSMAN Edits and revisions to memorandum setting forth procedural requirements appli..abie to condemns -tion proceedings. 12/10/92 D A ALLGEYER Research regaGraing steps needed regarding quick -take; coordinate regarding real estate work needed. 12/10/92 A K GROSSMAN Conference with David Allgeyer and Kim Ruckdaschol-Haley regarding work plan. 12/14/92 A K GROSSMAN Review documents concerning Tourdat, Battaglia and Monk property. 12/15/92 A K GROSSMAN Prepare plan to accomplish work which must be completed by the and of Oocember; copy to Oavid Allgeyer and Kim Ruckdaschel-Haley. 12/16/92 A K GROSSMAN Chock with J. Wentworth of Conworth, Inc. to LINDQUIST &VENNUM ISAN LINDQUIST $ VENNUM EEO AA EMPLOYER. FED. I.D.# 410658373 In Account With LINDQUIST ft VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST DATE EEPRUARY 19, 1994 P.O. BOX S10 FILE NO. 434124.0002 ROSEMOUNT, MN SS0680510 INVOICE NO. 9089S 168 GENERAL CORPORATE LINDQUIST & VENNUM IS AN LINDQUIST & VENNUM FE0.'AA EMPLOYER. FED. I.D.+ 41055FT79 ensure that relocation services are being - provided pursuant to federal regulation requirements; update David Allgeyer regarding Same. :/17/92 A K GROSSMAN Conference with John Miller regarding public purpose associated with taking and need for quick -take proceedings; prepare memorandum to David Allgeyer concerning work plan for resolution drafting and related issues.. '/28/92 C P COLE Armory Project: telephone conferences. with J. Reinardy at Dakota County Abstract regarding owners and encumbrances searches and tax parcel reference; telephone conference with City of Rosemount regarding confirmation of tax lethals :and parcel references. '/29/92 A K GROSSMAN Draft resolutions authorizing quick --take' proceeding with regard to the Monk, 8attalgia and Tourdot properties; consult with and write confirming letter to Berge Hansen concerning appraisal reviews. :/29/92 C P COLE Armory Project: telephone conference with A. Grossman regarding tax and name searches and telephone conference with) J. Reinarty at Dakota County Abstract regarding same. -'_/31/92 A K GROSSMAN Review relocation claim booklet prepared by J. Wentworth regarding ASG, Autobody on Monk property; draft memorandum summarizing case developments and progress. /04/93 D A ALLGEYER Speak to Al Monk; check progress; attend to various questions regarding wrapping matters u;:. /05/93 D A ALE-GE:.YER In depth review of appraisals; situation for each proPerty; conference_wi,th J. Miller regarding resolution and related matters; provide timeline to J. Miller, outline "to dos" to ensure timely LINDQUIST & VENNUM IS AN LINDQUIST & VENNUM FE0.'AA EMPLOYER. FED. I.D.+ 41055FT79 In Account With LINDQUIST & VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST P.O. BOX 510 ROSEMOUNT, . MN SS#6805-te0 J GENERAL CORPORATE 01/06/93 D A ALLGEYER 01/08/93 C P COLE 01/11/93 0 A ALLGEYER 01/11/93 A K GROSSMAN 01/12/93- D=A ALLGEYER 01/12/93 C P COIF_ 01/12/93 A K GROSSMAN 01/14/93 0 A ALLGEYER 01/14/93 A K GROSSMAN 01/15/93 C P COL.E AMOUNT ENCLOSED S OA"TE FEORUARY 19 1993 FILE NO. 434124.0002 INVOICE NO. 90895 168 taking; study statute regarding petition requirements in light of experience with previous quick takes and regarding possible revisions - Draft Condemnation p -et it ion notice of intent to take, propo seal order, quick take petition; brief conversation with J. Miller regarding resolution -and related matters. Armory -Project: teleptlone conference with J. Reinarty at Oakots County Abstract regarding status of owners and encumbrances searches. Study resolution, bylaws, drainage study; location map; site plan; direct further preparation. Read proposal describing armory storm drainage improvements project; finalize condemnation petition. Revise summary of properties and progress; work on condemnation petition, etc_.; ,loc_ate and forward materials to J. Wentworth. Armory Project: telephone conforen,_e with J. keinardy regarding receipt of owners and encumbrance reports and role;3hone conference with A. Grossman regarding same; review of 0 & F reports.;end preparation of memorandum to A. Grossman. Review drainage exc=eption to Chapter 17 eminent domain procedures. Review and forward Grannis letter to J. Miller; consider effect of condemnation; speak to 0. Keller regarding alleged trespass proposal. Edit and prepare papers nP<.essary to initiate condemnation proceedings; study "Owner and Encumbrancer" report. Armory Project: conference with A. Grossman regarding owners, enculrrbrances, tax ;gar< -w1 s and LINDQUIST & VENNUM LINDQUIST & VENNUM IS AN FED. I.D.# 410658374 EEO :AA EMPLOYER. In Account With LINDQUIST & VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612.371.3211 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST P.O. Box 514 ROSEMOUNT, MN 550680510 GENERAL CORPORATE AMOUNT ENCLOSED 5 GATE FEBRUARY 19, 1993 FILE NO. 43A1?.4.0002 INVOICE NO. 90895 168 LINDQUIST &VENNUM IS AN LINDQUIST & VENNUTA =GO OA FNIPLOVER, GED. LD.> 41865937+ legal descriptions of three South Robert `Trail properties. /15/93 D A ALLGEYER Attention to condemnation petition. /16/93 C P COLE Armory Project: verification of legal descriptions for A. Grossman. /18/93 D A ALLGEYER Review list of owner and encumbrancers. /18/93 A K GROSSMAN Continue preparation of r_ondemnation ,rapers; determine addresses for service- of all interested parties. /19/93 D A ALLGEYER Work on condemnation petition, notice., related matters; update work for chart. /19/93 A K GROSSMAN Edit and revise condemnation papers; cause same to be served and filed. /19/93 C P COKE Armory Project: proof of pleadings` legal description exhibit; telephone conForonre with title company regarding word omission; correction of exhibit. /20/93 A K GROSSMAN Prepare certificate of representation and arrange for filing of Affidavits of Service. /22/93 A K GROSSMAN Arrange for filing of Tourdot affidavits of service and affidavit of service by certified mail. /25/93 0 A ALLGEYER Conference with J. Miller regarding armory situation; relocation and related topics. /25/93 A K GROSSMAN Review Port Authority and Rosemont HRA minutes dating back to 11/6/90; review Phase I Environmental Assessltlent. /86/93 D A ALLGEYER Speak to Hattagiis counsel; consider relocation issues. /26/93 A K GROSSMAN Research and draft memorandum regarding City`'- obligation to make residential relocation payments to Richard Battaglia; conference with Cerge Hansen regardinij appraisal reviews; memo to David Allgeyer regarding same. LINDQUIST &VENNUM IS AN LINDQUIST & VENNUTA =GO OA FNIPLOVER, GED. LD.> 41865937+ r In Account With LINDQUIST & VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 5875 145Th STREET WEST P.O. BOX S 1 0 ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068056 0 GENERAL_ CORPORATE J AMOUNT ENCLOSED S DATE FEBRUARY 19, 1993 FILE NO.. 434124.0002 INVOICE NO. 90895 168 -_ 01/27/-9-3- tl--A ALL.G> YER Study appraisal review; conference with J. Miller regarding same. 01/27/93 A- K GROSSMAN ResearchFederalRegister comments and discussion concerning relocation requirements; finish draftingmemorandum regarding Battaglia - resident -ial - rel— cati-on. 01/28/93 D A ALLGEYER Forward apprai-sal--reviews; conference with J. Miller; forward research regarding relocation for Battaglia with comments. 01/28/93 A K GROSSMAN Final edits to residential relocation payments research memorandum. 01/29/93 A K GROSSMAN Telephone conference with Judy Cattagl is regarding ownership interest in property on which kick's Auto Repair is located; memo to Oavid Ailgeyer regarding same. FEES -FOR SERVICES RENOERFO 6,528.01 DATE DISBURSEMENTS 01/20/93 Filing Fees per AK6 1,5•00` 01/26/93 Abstract Fees per, CPC 105.00 01/26/93 Abstract Fees per CPC 110.0& 01/26/93 Abstract Fees per CAC 95.00 01/29/93 Monk Appraisal per OAA ,PS0.00 01/29/93 Ricks Auto Appraisal per DAA 250.00 01/29/93 Tourdot Appraisal per OAA RG0.00 LINDQUIST & VENNUM IS AN EEO'AA EMPLOYER. LINDQUIST & VENNUM FED. I.D.* 410658379 In Account With LINDQUIST & VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371.3211 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST P.O. BOX 510 ROSEMOUNT, MN SS0680510 GENERAL CORPORATE AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ _ CRATE FERRUAKY 19, 1993 FILE NO. 434124.0002 INVOICE NO. 9089S 168 Delivery Charges Photocopy Charges Messenger Del`i.very Charges Facsimile Charges TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS TOTAL CURRENT FEES ANO OISBURSEMENTS 110.00 69.40 24.00 13.50 $ 1,91.90 � ,7,819.95 LINDQUIST &VENNUMIS AN LINDQUIST & VENNUM FFO�AA FMPI-OYFR. FED. I.D.= 410658373 In Account With LINDQUIST ft VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA .55402 612-371-3211 AMOUNT ENCLOSED S ROSEMOUNT PORI AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 88T5 # 45TH STREET WEST CLIENT FEI4RUARtY 19, 1993 P.O. BOX 514 CLIENT #4.44124 ROSEMOUNT, MN SS0680510 INVOICE NO. 90$95 #b$ J TOTAL FOR COMBINED CLIENT MATTERS AMOUNT UNPAID FROM PRIOR ST-ATEME-NTS $ 0.00 R'EES. FOR SERVI-CE 14,851-00 DISBURSEMENTS - 1,597.40 TOTAL THIS STATEMENT 16,448.40 LINDOUIST 6 VENNUM LINDOUIST &VENNUM IS AN FED. LD. 410658379 EEO:AA EMPLOYER. Attorneys At Law FLUEGEL MOYNIHAN & MILES, P.A. Donald J. Fiuegel Shawn M. Moynihan J. Michael Miles Joan M. Fluegel ROSEMOUNT, CITY OF -� 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 1303 South Frontage Road Hastings, MN 55033 Telephone 612-438-9777 Fax 612-438-9775 February 23, 1993 FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1992: RE: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY R06800-0005 EXPENSES: PAID DAKOTA COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY FOR NAME SEARCH PAID DAKOTA COUNTY -ABSTRACT COMPANY 78.00 FOR ABSTRACT FEES PAID DAKOTA COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY 73.00 FOR ABSTRACT FEES --_._- PAID-DAKOTA COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY 98.00 FOR ABSTRACT FEES - PAID DAKOTA COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY - 26.00 FOR NAME SEARCH PAID DAKOTA CTY ABSTRACT FOR 248.50 - ABSTRACT FEES TOTAL COSTS ADVANCED $547.50 TOTAL BILL AMOUNT ! ------------ $547.50 BALANCE FORWARD $0.00 AVAILABLE CREDIT $0.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ------------ $547.50 THANK YOU. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! Attorneys At Law FLUEGEL MOYNIHAN & MILES, P.A. Donald J. Fluegel Shawn M. Moynihan J. Michael Miles Joan M. Fluegel 1303 South Frontage Road Hastings, MN 55033 Telephone 612-438-9777 Fax 612-438-9775 ROSEMOUNT, CITY OF 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 February 23, 1993 FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH JANUARY 31, 1993: RE: PORT AUTHORITY R06800-0020 01/05/93 REVIEW REPAIRS, INC. CONTRACT (.33); ATTEND PORT AUTHORITY MEETING (2.00) 01/06/93 RESEARCH REGARDING RAMIFICATIONS OF TERRINATING REPAIRS, INC. LEASE 01/14/93 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MILLER REGARDING REPAIRS INC. (.33); PREPARE FOR PORT AUTHORITY ON REPAIRS INC. —01/19/93 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MILLER REGARDING CENSURE (.17); PREPARE FOR MEETING (.33); ATTEND PORT AUTHORITY MEETING (1.58) 01/28/93 MEETING WITH MILLER REGARDING REPAIRS, INC. SITE PROPOSALS TOTAL LEGAL FEES: $906.25 EXPENSES: $0.00 ------------ TOTAL BILL AMOUNT $906.25 BALANCE FORWARD $1,279.16 LESS DISCOUNT ON FEES (JAN. 93) -$722.92 ------------ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $1,462.49 THANK YOU. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! - Attorneys At Law 1303 South Frontage Road Hastings, MN 55033 Telephone 612-438-4777 FLUEGEL MOYNIHAN & MILES, P.A. Fax 612-438-9775 Donald J. Fluegel Shawn M. Moynihan J. Michael Miles Joan M. Fluegel ROSEMOUNT, CITY OF 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 February 22, 1993 FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1992: RE: PORT AUTHORITY R06800-0020 10/06/92 PORT AUTHORITY MEETING (1.50) 10/13/92 - ATTEND PORT AUTHORITY MEETING ,- 10/26/92 MEETING WITH MILLER REGARDING MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS - - 10/27/92 PREPARE FOR PORT AUTHORITY MEETING (A2); PORT AUTHORITY MEETING (.33) 11/02/92 ATTEND PORT AUTHORITY MEETING 11/17/92 ATTEND PORT AUTHORITY MEETING 12/01/92 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH EDWARDS REGARDING SERVICES TO PORT AUTHORITY 12/01/92 PORT AUTHORITY MEETING TOTAL LEGAL FEES: $863.55 EXPENSES: $0.00 ------------ TOTAL BILL -AMOUNT $863.55 BALANCE FORWARD $1,279.16 LESS DISCOUNT ON FEES -$863.55 ------------ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $1,279.16 THANK YOU. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS!