HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.i.Discussion of Business Park - Report from SpringstedThe City of Rosemount Port Authority, Vinnesota Prepared February 17, 1993 Land Acquisition Note By SPRINGSTED Incorporated 10 Year Note V Dated: 8- 1-1993 SCHEDULE A CA G Mature: 2- 1 First Interest: 8- 1-1994 ro Total r Year of Year of Principal °o Levy Mat. Principal Rates Interest & Interest .� (1y (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1993 1995 17,000 7.00% 41,160 58,160 1994 1996 31,000 7.0096 26,250 57,250 1995 1997 34,000 7.00% 24,080 58,080 U 1996 1998 36,000 7.00% 21,700 .57,700 0 1997 1999 38,000 7.00% 19080 57,180 N 1998 2000 411000 7.00% 16,520 57,520 1999 2001 44,000 7.00% 13,650 57,650 2000 20x2 47,000 7.00% 10,570 57,570 2001 2003 50,000 7.00% 7,280 57,280 2002 2004 54,000 7.0ft 3,780 57,780 TOTALS: 392,OOD 184,170 576,170 H H M d Bond Years: 2,631.00 Annual Interest: 184,170 H Avg. Maturity: 6.71 Plus Discount: 0 Avg. Annual Rate: 7.0009 Net Interest: 184,170 j T.I.C., Rate: 6.978% N.I.C. Rate: 7.000 Interest rates are estimates; changes may cause significant alterations of this schedule. c O i ro O The City of Rosemount Port Authority, Minnesota G.O. Bonds for Industrial mark Development 10 Year Bonds - 18 Months Capitalized Interest Dated: 8. 1-1993 SCHEDULE B Mature: 2- 1 First Interest: a- 1.1994 Prepared February 17, 1993 By SPRINGSTED Incorporated Year of Year cf Total Capital,- Net Levy Mat. Principal Rates Interest BPInterest ized Interest Levy 105% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Required of Total (7) (8) (9) 1993 1994 1995 1996 0 90,000 0.00% 3.60% 78,819 � 52,546 78,.813 142,546 78,819 0 0 1995 1997 95,000 3.90% 49� 306 144,306 0 142,546 149 673 � 1996 1998 100,006 4.20% 45 601 1`15,601 0 0 144,306 151,521 1997 1999 105 000 4.45�1s 41,401 146,401 0 145,601 152,881 1998 200p 105, 00 4.65 36,728 141,728 0 146,401 153,721 1999 2001 110,000 4.80% 31,845 141,845 0 141,728 148,814 2000 2002 120,000 4.95% 26,565 146,565 0 141,845 148,937 2001 2003 125,000 5.10% 20,625 145,625 0 146,565 iS3,893 2002 2004 130,000 5.25% 14,250 144,250 0 145,565 152,906 2003 2005 135,000 5.50% 7,425 142,425 0 144,250 1512463 142,425 149,546 TOTALS: 1,115,000 405,111 1,520,111 78,819 1,441,292 1,513,355 Bond Years: 8,217.50 Annual Interest: 405,111 Avg. Maturity: 7.37 Plus Discount: 12,265 Avg. Annual Rate: 4.930% Net Interest: 417,376 T.I.C. Rate: 5.076% N.T.C. Rate: 5.07915 Interest rates are The actual underwriter's estimates; discount changes may cause significant alterations of this schedule. bid may also vary. The City of Rosemount Port Authority, Minnesota Prepared February 17, 1993 G.O. Bonds for Industrial Park Development By SPRINGSTED Incorporated 10 Year Bonds - 30 Months Capitalized Interest Dated: 8- 1-1993 SCHEDULE C Mature: 2- 1 First Interest: 8- 1-1994 Total Capital- Net Year v1 Year of Principal ized Levy 105% Levy Mat. Principal Rates Interest 8 Interest Interest Required of Total (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1993 1995 0 0.00% 86,139 86,139 86,139 0 0 1994 1996 0 0.00% 57,426 57,426 57,426 0 0 1995 1997 95,000 3.90% 57,426 1523426 0 152,426 160,047 1996 1998 100,000 4.20% 53,721 153,721 0 153,721 161,407 1997 1999 1051000 4.45% 49,521 154,521 0 154,521 162,247 1998 2000 105,000 4.65% 441848 149,B48 0 149,848 157,340 1999 2001 110,000 4.80% 39,965 149,965 4 149,965 157,463 2000 2002 1201000 4.95% 34,685 154,685 0 154,685 162,419 2001 2003 1253{}00 5.10% 28,745 153,745 0 153,745 161,432 2002 2004 130,000 5.25% 22,370 152,370 0 152,370 159,989 2003 2005 135,000 5.50% 15,545 150,545 0 150,545 158,072 2004 2006 145,000 5.60% 8,120 153,120 0 153,120 160,776 TOTALS: 1,170,000 498,511 1,668,511 143,565 10524,946 1,601,192 Bond Years: 9,805.00 Annual Interest: 498,511 Avg. Maturity: 8.38 Plus Miscount: 12,870 Avg. Annual Rate: 5.084% Net Interest: 511,381 T.I.C. Rate: 5.2135 N.I.C. Rate: 5.216% Interest rates are estimates; changes may cause significant alterations of this schedule. The actual underwriter's discount bid may also vary. ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 1993 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on Tuesday, February 16, 1993 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Chairperson Dunn called the meeting to order. Susan Walsh, Administrative Assistant/City Clerk gave the Oath of Office to Kevin Carroll.Commissioner Carroll was welcomed by all Port Authority commissioners and Carroll said he looked forward to his role in the Rosemount Porn Authority. Port Authority commissioners present were Carroll, Anderson, Dunn, McMenomy, Wippermann, and Sinnwell. Edwards was absent. Staff present included Economic Development Coordinator John Miller, Administrative Assistant Susan. Walsh, Recording Secretary Jentink, and Mike Miles, general counsel for the Port Authority. Chairperson Dunn called for any additions or corrections to the agenda. Sinnwell requested comments on the status of appeals (6.E.) and project updates (6 F.). MOTION by Wippermann to approve the Port Authority amended minutes of February 8, 1993. Second by McMenomy. Ayes. Carroll, Anderson, Wippermann, Dunn, McMenomy, Sinnwell. Nays: None. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the Port Authority minutes of February 8, 1993 closed meeting. Second by McMenomy. Motion and second withdrawn. Staff directed to amend the minutes for further review. Economic Development Coordinator Miller gave an update on the. Community Center Ice Arena. Funds will be requested due to the delay in construction at the onset of the project. This was due to legal action by a firm regarding the bidding process. The thirty day delay may be able to be made up, but will have an additional cost. The Tax Increment Finance Audit is in progress. Maps are being prepared by Engineering so a print out from Dakota County can be compared. This should be available by the next regular meeting. The "Old Baptist Church Building" on Cameo Avenue has been offered to the Port Authority for sale. Miller requested the consensus of the Commission for land use of this lot. It was proposed that this might work for an alternative site for the HRA Senior Housing Project. Staff was requested to determine if there is interest by the HRA in this site. Miller explained that the proposed "Rosemount Mall Land Swap" has terminated since the participants are no longer in agreement. A strip of land owned by the Port Authority next to the Post Office was to be traded for use of land north of the Rosemount Mall for an egress to the lower level. Carroll suggested to keep the land for options such as a possible walkway through downtown Consensus was ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS DRAFT REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 1993 to maintain the strip as cheaply as possible for now. Public Works Director Ron Wasmund resigned as Appeals Officer noting that participants would not feel he was being impartial, thereby not fairly solving the appeal. Economic Development Coordinator John Miller researched different cities and found that some use -a mediation service for an Appeals Officer. West Suburban Mediation Services was recommended by Richfield HRA. Attorney Miles said it is the City's duty under federal law to have an appeal process. it is usual to have both parties pay for these services MOTION by McMenomy to approve West Suburban Mediation as the mediators for the Port Authority as the Appeal officer contingent on the recommendation of the Port Authority attorneys of Lindquist and Vennon. Second by Wippermann. Discussion followed. MOTION by McMenomy to amend the above motion to approve West Suburban Mediation as the mediators for the Port Authority as the Appeal -Officer contingent on the recommendation of the Port Authority attorneys of Lindquist and Vennon and having both parties agree. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Dunn, Sinnwell, Carroll, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: None. Abstain: McMenomy. Commissioner McMenomy left the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Chairperson Dunn introduces the issue of Strese oil. Because of title issues Mr. Fable of Lindquist and Vennum had asked the Port Authority to extend the response time for the offer to purchase to 90 days. MOTION by Dunn to amend the response time of the Strese Oil land acquisition from 30 to 90 days. Second by Sinnwell. Ayes: Carroll, Anderson, Wippermann, Dunn, Sinnwell. Nays; None. Abstain: McMenomy. Mr. Miller will provide a written update of all projects by the next regular meeting. The retreat and work session will be Saturday, February 20, 1993 at 8:30 a.m. Don Salverda will be the facilitator. MOTION by Dunn to adjourn the meeting. Second by Sinnwell. All agreed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary 2 ROSE14OUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 2, 1993 DRAFT information would be sufficient enough to draw a consensus on the project. Chairperson Dunn felt that the project was not as clear cut as he would like it to be and would indeed like more information. Discussion ensued regarding the feasibility study and whether it should be ordered for the project. MOTION by Sinnwell to request that SEH complete the feasibility study for the business park project. SECOND by Anderson. Ayes: Edwards, Sinnwell, Anderson, Dunn. Nays: McMenomy, Carroll. Economic Development Coordinator advised the Board that West Suburban mediation Services recommended that the Port Authority pay Jeff and Debra Halbert of A and G Auto Body $37,388 based on a hand written offer from Lee .Smith, a Dakota County HRA employee, for a relocation payment. MOTION by Sinnwell to approve a $20,000 payment for relocation expenses to A and'G Auto Body. SECOND by Edwards. Ayes: Edwards, Sinnwell, Carroll, Anderson, Dunn, McMenomy. Nays: 0. MOTION by Dunn to adjourn. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary 3 4200 IDS CENTER IN DEQ 80 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET LINDQUIST, VENNUM & CHRISTENSEN MMEAaa1S, MINNESOTA 56402-22D5 600 17TH STREET, SUITE 2125 LINDQUIST & VENNUM TAX 612-3: 8,237,32„ , COLORADO 30347 -SM Sao, FAX 6123713207 TELEPHONE: 90&5735900 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Dawn & ALLGEYER 612/371-216 March 15, 1993 Ms. Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary City of Rosemount Port Authority 2875 145 Street West Post Office Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Port Authority Proceedings Dear Debbie: At your request, I have reviewed the meeting minutes. For the March 2, 1993 Repairs, Inc. minutes, I propose that after the second paragraph we add the following: The session was closed to allow the Port Authority members to receive legal advice in confidence. This addition is because by law we are to state the reason for closing the meeting. Also, instead of the 30 days to respond to the offer at the end of the second to last paragraph, I believe the direction was to give them: until a reasonable time before the closing Accordingly, I have penciled in that change. As to the March 2 A & G meeting, I again wanted to indicate the reason for closing the meeting. In this case, I have penciled in: Because litigation had been threatened and the members were seeking legal advice, the session was closed. Finally, I recommend a change to the second to the last sentence to make it quite clear that I recommend only the limited payment. rely, l David A. Allgfeyyeer DAA: pae Enclosures