HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Transger of Property from the Economic Development Authority to the Port Authority . � CITY OF ROSEbSOUNT EXECUTIVE SUbIlKARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 7, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: TRA.NSFER OF PROPERTY FROM ECON. AGENDA SECTION: DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO THE PORT AUTHORITY CONSULTANT/STAFF REPORTS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 6 .D. ATTACHMENTS: CORRESPONDENCE FROM DEBRA PAGE APPR VE . AND QUIT CLAIM DEEDS Last spring when negotiations with Arlyn Cope dba Repairs, Inc. were in progress, the legal people at Lindquist and Vennum and I became aware that property formerly owned by the Economic Development Authority had never been transferred to the Port Authority. Lindquist had billed us for drafting deed documents to accomplish this but we had never received them. In working to close out the Lindquist account, I asked for the work for which the commissioners had paid. You will note it was xeceived on November 24 . Unless I hear differently from you, I will have the deed documents �� recorded. A clear title is still needed, for example, on the Repairs, Inc. roperty. . RECOI�IlKENDED ACTION: Discussion item. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: ` 4200 IDS CerrreR IN DErrvER . � 80$OUTH E16HTH STREET . LINDQUIST.VENNUM&CiHR1S7ENSEN. � �. � � � MINNEAPOLIS.�MINNESOTA�5540'L-'2205. SOQ 17TH.�.TAEET.$U(fE 212J . LINDQUIST &VENNUM T��°"E:6,2�,�„ °E""""�'."°`�"°°��`°' Fnx:612371-3207 Te�r�:30&573-5900 ArroRNevs AT Lnw DEBRA K PAGE 612I371-3528 November 24, 1993 Mr. John Miller City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Re: Transfer of Property from Economic Authority to Port Authority Dear John: Enclosed for execution on the part of Joseph Walsh, please find six deeds in connection with the property which should be transferred from the Rosemount Economic Development Authority to the Rosemount Port Authority. Please note that as to five of these deeds, I have placed the legal description on the face of the deed. As to the sixth deed, I have indicated that the legal description will be attached as an Earhibit A. That sixth property is identified on the list you previously provided to me as the "Park and Ride Lot on South Robert Trail". Please be advised that the legal description which you provided to me for that property is insufficient for recording purposes. I believe that it is most likely a t� statement legal description. Tax statement ; legal descriptions are very seldom appropriate for recording purposes. Accordingly, I would ask that you attempt to locate the legal description used in the eminent domain proceedings or the deed which transferred the property to the EDA. (While the other properties also were indicative of "tax legals", I was able to put them in a recordable form because they were not as complex. With regard to the "Repairs, Inc." property, I located that legal description in my file.) You will note that I have dated each of the deeds for December 31st of 1991. This is because that date is a date upon which the Rosemount Economic Development was still in existence and which I believe to be near the end of that existence. Nonetheless, the deeds should be notarized as of a cunent date. If you have any questions in connection with my dating of the deed, please call me. You will also note that I have provided that the consideration for each of the transactions is less than $500. This is essentially the language which one would use for a transfer of property without consideration. If, however, the Port Authority made a LINDQUIST &VENNUM Mr. John Miller November 24, 1993 Page 2 payment for the properties or would like to be credited for other consideration which it provided to the EDA, please let me know and I can make the appropriate revisions. Please note that at the time the deeds are recorded, the State Deed Tax (in the amount of $1.65 per deed) must be paid. The previous exemption from the State Deed Tarc requirement for deeds to or from municipal government agencies has been repealed. Accordingly, the State Deed Tax must be paid in connection with this transaction. Once the deeds have been executed, they need to be recorded in the Dakota County Recorder's office. If you would like assistance in this regard, please let me know. Again, if you do not use my assistance in connection with the recording of the deeds, please remember that a sut't'icient legal description will need to be attached to the Park and Ride L�t deed. Lastly, please note that I have indicated that these deeds are all from the EDA to the Port Authority. I did not do any title work in connection with these properties. Accordingly, I cannot assure you that the title to these properties is not vested in the Rosemount HRA (the EDA's predecessor). I have simply assumed that the properties are vested in the name of the EDA. If you would like me to further assist you in connection with title background matters, please give me a calL Because these property transfers did not occur during the inception of the Port Authority and while the EDA was otherwise fully vested with the development powers for the City pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 469, I have not been able to determine the precise accuracy of these transfers. In other words, no statute or title standard guides . the specific documentation for transfers between municipal governmental entities under these circumstances. I believe the best course is to make the transfers now and respond to specific title objections at a later date, when these objections are known. If you have further questions in connection with this matter, please call me. I look t�c�rwarci tc� cc�ntinuing to assist you in this regard. Ve_ ruly yours, � F' ) Ji � 'l,/` �� , i% t� ,� !; ,i^'���- .,,f � , Debra K!Pag� DKP:ch __ Enclosures cc: David A. Allgeyer (w/enc.) Minnaota Uniform Conveyancing Blanl�s . . �� � . Purm Nu.3LM--UUIT CLAIM DHEU . . Cnrpofa�ion w Pannership � � .. � �o Corpua�ion or Yannership � . ` . �. No delinquent ta�ces and transfer encered;Cenificate of Real Fstate Walue( )filed( )not required CertiGcate of Rea1 Fsta[e Value No. 19 County Auditor by De STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: S 1.65 (��^'�for reooming data) Date: December 31 .1991 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Rosemount Economic Development Authoritv , a�ubtic bodv corporate undcr�hc iaws ul Minnesotn ,Grantur,hcrcby wnveys and quitclaims w Rosemuunt Port Authoritv,a Development Aeen�v ,Granlee,a�ublic b��v wrjwraie under the laws of Minnesota ,reai property in Dakota County, Minnesuta,described as follows: Lot 6,Block 5;the South 4 feet of Lo[7,Biock 5;and that part L.ot 8,Block 5►ying sout6erly of the easterly ex[ension of[he North line of the South 4 feet of Lot 7,all in Rosemount Viliage � (if moro space is needed,continue on back) . . . . together with ali hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto. The consideration for this transaction is Iess than$500.00. AfCix Deed Tax Stamp Here ROSEMOUNT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHOR►TY . By Joseph Walsh Its Chairperson STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of December ,1993,by Joseph Waish,the Chairperson of Rosemoum Economic Development Authoritv ,a public bodv u>r�orate__under the laws of Minnesota ,on behalf of the public body corporate . � � NO"1'ARIAL STAMP OR SEAL(OR O'CHER TITLE OR RANK) � . � . � � . � �SIGNATURE OF PERSON TAKINC,ACKNOWLEDdEMENT � �. . � � . Taz Statemenu tor the real property desctibed iu lhis inat[ument should � . � � be sem�o(Include name and address of Grantee): . � � � � � Rosemount Port Authority Ciry of Rosemount 2875- I�15th Street West � I�I IIS INS"I'RUMLN�C WAS UILAI'I I�.0 ItY: P.O.BOX S10 � . . . . LINDQUIST&VENNUM(DKP) Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 d2W lDS Center 8l1 South Eighth Sveet Minneapolis,MN 55402 (612)371-3211 Minnaaa Uniforna Comeyancing Blanks . . � � . � � . Fofm Na 31•M--QUIT CLAIM DEED � � � Corpofation or Putnenhip � � . . � . io Coryocation or Partnecship � . . . � � . . INo deluiquent[axes and transfer entered;Cenificate of Real i Fstate Value( )filed( )not roquired Certificate of Reai Estate Value No. 19 County Auditar . bY � � � (raaved for recordia;dau) . � . �. . . STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: S 1.65 Dace: December 31 199! FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Rosemount Economic Develo�ment Authoritv . a�ublic bodv corporate under the laws of Minnesota ,Grantor,hereby conveys and quitciaims to Rosemount Port Authoritv,a Develoument' Aeencv .Grantee,a aublic body corporate under the laws of Minnesota ,real property in Dakota County, Minnesota,desaibed as follows: Lots 11,12 and 13,Block 3,Rosemount Viliage . . (if more apace is needed..eontinue on bacic) . . . together wit6 all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto. The wnsideration for this transaction is less than S500.00. Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here ROSEMOUNT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY . By Joseph Walsh Its Chairnerson STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of December .1993,by Jose�h Walsh,the Chairperson of Rosemount Economic Development Authoritv ,a�ubiic body corporate under the laws of Minnesota ,on behalf of the pablic body corporate . � � NOTARIAL STAMP OR SEAL(OR OTHER TI7LE OR RANIn . . � � SIGNATURE OF PERSON TAKING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . . � � � � � � � � Tax Slatements[or Ihe real prope[ty deuxibed in t6is iasteumrnt ahould � � �� . . . � � be oeot to(Include name and addreas of Cirantce): � �. � . � Rosemount Port Authoriry City of Rosemount 2875-145th Street West THIS 1NSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: P.O.BOX 510 � � � . � � � � � LINDQUIST&VENNUM(DKP) Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 4200 IDS Center t30 South Eighth Street Minneapolis,MN 55402 (612)371-3211 ` Minnesoa Uniform Convrynncing Blanks � � � . � � � � � . Form No.31-M--QUiT CLAfM DEED � � . . � � Corporation or Partnenhip � . � � . ��o Corporation or Panne�ship . . . � No delinquem taxes and transfer entered;CertiBcate of Reai �hs�ate Value( )filed( )na reyuired . � Certiticate of Reat Es�ate Value No. .i�_ Counry Auditw bY De t STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: S 1.65 (��for rccording daa) Date: December 31 .1991 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Rosemount Economic Development Authoritv . a_public bodv cor�orate under the laws of Minnesota ,Grantor,hereby conveys and quitclaims to Rosemount Port Au[horitv.a Develoament Agencv .Grantee,a public bodv corporate under the laws of Minnesota ,real property in Dakota County, Minnesaa,described as follows: L.w 3b.Auditor's Sutxlivisiun No. 1 � (if more space is needed,mMinue on back) � � . wgeiher with all hereditamenis and appurtenances belonging thereto. The consideration for this transaction is less than 5500.00. Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here ROSEMOUNT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY . By Joseph Walsh Its Chair�rson STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me�his day of December ,1993,by Joseph Waish,the Chair�x:rson i�f Rosemount Economic Developmeni Authoritv ,a public bodv�rporate under the laws of Minnesota ,on behalf of the public boelv corporate . � NO'I'ARIAL STAMP OR SEAL(OR OTIiER TITLE OR RANK) � � � � SIGNATURE OF PERSON TAKING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT � . � � Tax Stalemtnls tor the real properry described in this instrument should � � . � be�sem io(Include name and adJress of Gramee): � � � Rosemount Port Authority City of Rosemount 2875- 145th Street West 'fHIS INSI'RUMENT WaS DRwFTED BY: P.O.BOx 510 LWDQUIST S�VENNUM(DKP) Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 42(Xl IDS Center t3�South Eighth Street Minneapolis,MN 55�302 �bt21�71-3211 . Minaesota Uaitolm Conveyancing BIaN-s � � � � - � � � . Form No.31-M--QUIT CLAIM DEED � . � � . . � Corporation or Panne[ship � � . . � � w Corporation or Partnership � � � � . No delinquent tmces and trensfer entered;Certi6cate of Real Estate Value( )filed( )not required Certificate of Real Estate Value No. ,19— County Auditor bY Deputy � (�served.for recording data) .� � : STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: S 1.65 Date: December 31 1991 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATtON, Rosemount Economic Development Authoritv . a,_public bodv cor�orate under the laws of Minnesota ,Grantor,hereby conveys and quitclaims to Rosemount Port Authoritv.a Developmenc Agencv ,Grantee,a public lwdv corporate under the taws of Minnesota ,real property in Dakota County, Minnrsota,described as follows: ' See Exhibit A �. (il nwne s��Y is neeJeA.coMinue on back) . � � � wgcihcr wiih uli hcrediiamem,and appunenancea belunging there�o. , The wnsideration for this transaction is less than$500.00. A(fix Deed Tax Stamp Here ROSEMOUNT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By , ]�seph Walsh � Its Chairperson STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) "I�hc furcguing wa,acknuwlcdgcd ncforc mc�his Jay of December , 1�I3,by loseph Walsh,the Chairper�un ul Ruscmuuni Ecunumic Devclupmen�Authuriiv ,a�ublic bodv wrporate under the laws of Minncsuia ,un bchalf ol ihc public txKlv cor��ratc . NOTARIAL STAMP OR SEAL(02 O'CHHR'PITLE OR RANK) � � SIGNATURE OF PERSON TAKING.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . � .Taz Sta�emems for the real propeny described in this instrument should � � � � be sent w Qnclude name and addcess of Grantee):� � Rosemount Port Authority City of Rosemount 2875- 145th Street West . 'I'lIISINS"1'RUMEN'C WAS DRrV�I'BU 13Y: � P.O.BOX Slll . . . LINDQUfST�VENNl1M(DKP) Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 d2tM)IDS Center 80 South Eighth Street Minnwpulis,MN 55402 (6l2)371-3211 � Minneso�a Uniform Convryancing Blanks . � � � � � . Form No.31-M••QUIT CLAIM DEED . � � . � - Cu[powtion w Partnership . � � � w Corpontan w Pannetship . � � � � No delinquem taxes and transfer entered;Certi6cate of Real Estate Value( )filed( )not required Certificate of Real Es[ate Value No. .l9 County Auditor bY De uty . � � (rese�ved for cxoniing data) � . . . . . STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: S 1.65 Date: December 31 ,1991 FOR VALUABLE CONS[DERATION, Rosemount Economic Devel�ment Authoritv , a�ublic bodv corporate under the laws of Minnesota ,Grantor,hereby comeys and quitclaims[o Rosemount Port Authoritv,a Develooment Aeencv .Grantee,a�ublic bodv corporate under[he laws of Minnesota ,real property in Dakota County, Minnesota,described as follows: That parc of Lot 4,Auditor's Subdivision No.1,described as fotlows: Commencing at a point 348 feet North of the cencer of Section 29,Township 115,Range 19,as permanentiy establisheti,thence East 196 feet,[hence North 110 feet,thence Wes[ 196 feet;thence South 4l0 feel to the place of beginning,according to the recorded plat thereof � (if more space is needed,continue on back) . � . together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto. Thc wnsidcra�iun fur ihis vansaction is less than 5500.00. AfCuc Deecl Tax Stamp Here ROSEMOUNT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ' By Joseph Walsh tts Chairperson STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OFDAKOTA ) The foregoing was acknowlectged before me this day of December ,1993,by Joseph Waish,the Chair�ersan of Rosemount Ewnomic Development Authoritv ,a�ublic bodv corporate under the laws of Minnesota ,on behalf of the�rublic bodv corporate . Nuli\Idli\I.tiIAMP UIt SI�.�\I.I�iR<)I'IIP.it"I'1'I'I.li UR ItANKI . . . . � SI(iNA'PUKF OI'PEIiSON'CAKING ACKNOWLEDGGMENT � � � Tax Statements tor the real property described in this inslmment shouW � � . � �sent lo(Include name anJ address ot Granlee): � Rosemount Port Authoriry Ciry of Rosemount 2875- ld5th Streee West ��I IIS INSI'ItUML•N'I'WAS UItAI�CGU BY: . P.O.BOX$10 � LINDQUIST&VENNUM(DKP) Rosemount,Minnesota 55(K8-O510 d2W IDS Center SU South Eighth Street Minneapolis,MN 55402 (612)371-32I1 MinnesWa Unifolm Convryancing Blanlcs � � . Form No.31-M--QUIT CLAIM DEED � � � Corporation or Panne�ship . � . . . io Corporation w Pannerahip � � � � No delinquent taxes and transfer encered;CertiFicace of Real Fstate Value j )Bled( )no[required Certificate of Real Fstate Value Na �i9_ County Auditoc bY De ut STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: S 1.65 (��tor recording da�a) Date: December 31 ,1991 FOR VALUABLE CONStDERATION, Rosemount Economic Development Authoritv , a�ubiic bodv corpora[e under the laws of Minneso[a .Grantor,hereby Wnveys and quitciaims to Rosemount Port Authori[v,a Development A��en�y ,Grantee,a�ubiic lx�dv corporate under the laws of Minnesota ,real property in Dakota County, Minnecoia,descrihed as foilows: OuUot A;Outlot B;Oudot C;Lot 1 Block l;and L.ot 1 Blcek 2;all in South Robert Square . . � (if morc space is needed,conlinue on bacG) � � . � wgether with ail hereditaments and appurtenancrs belonging thereto. The consideration for this transaction is less than$500.00. Affuc Deed Tax Stamp Here ROSEMOUNT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By Joseph Waish • [ts Chair�erson �l,al'L OF MINNESO'I�A � )ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing was acknowleclged before me this day of December ,1993,by Joseph Walsh,the Chxir�x;rson of Rosemount Ewnomic Development Authoritv ,a�ubiic bodv corporate under the laws of Minnesota ,on behalf u(�hc nublic bodv u�rporate . NU�I�AILIAL S'1'AMP ON 58AL(OIL O'I'l IGK'17"1'L6 OR RANK) � . � SIGNATURF OF PERSON TAKING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . � Tax SlatemeNs Cor the real properry desc[ibed in Ihis instrumenLshould � . � � be senl to(Indude name and address of GraNee): � � � . . Rosemount Port Authority City of Rosemount 2875-145th S[reet West � 'fHIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: P.O.BOX 510 � . � . � � I.INDQUIST&VENNUM(DKP) Rosemoun[,Minnesota 55068-0510 �12W IDS Center So South Eighih Streei Minnca�xilis,MN 55d112 Ibl'!371-321I