HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Authorization of Community Development Block Grant Application r . CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECIITIVE SUl�lARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 7, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AUTHORIZATION OF COMMUNITY AGENDA SECTION: DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 7 .A. ATTACI�IENTS: COMPLETED DRAFT GRANT APP OVED B : APPLICATION Attached for your review is a completed draft grant application (gee that was a lot of adjectives) that if approved would reserve the 1992 and 1994 CDBG allocations for acquisition of land for the senior housing project to be located on Cameo Avenue. The dollar amount of the grant is $264, 000 . The grant is to be submitted by the city council by December 17, 1993 and has been placed on the city council agenda for action on December 7, 1993 . If the port authority members are in agreement with the use of the funds, a recommendation to approve the grant application should be made by the city council . RECON�lENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend to the city council approval of a CDBG application allocating $264, 000 for acquisition of property for senior housing. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: � J _�� DAKOTA COUNTY Housing&Redevelopment Auchority 6u.�z3-�soo ?496-145ch Sc.W.• Rosemounc,�1N 55068•T.D.D.61Z-423-8I32 •Fr13C 612-423.g1gC M E M O R A N D II M TO: Dave Osberg, Administrator, City of Hast' Stephan Jilk, Administrator, City of osemou t FROMs Lee Smith, Dakota County HRA DATE: September 24, 1993 �(�`�� ��`��r�� �2 JM SUBJECT: Community Development Block rant Apnlic ons for Fiscal Year 1994 Enclosed is the application form for Dakota County{s Fiscal Year 1994 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and a form of resolution for- adoption of a CDBG application by the City Council. We are requesting that applications for the 1994 CDBG Program be submitted to this office by Friday, December 17, 1993 . We do not know the exact funding level for CDBG in 1994, but are assuming that it will be approximately the same as last year. Dakota County received $1, 851, 000 in FY 1993, of which funding District 4 was allocated $300,476. R�szn^���n f y� = z, The District 4 Coramunities (Hastings, Lakeville, Farmington & Rosemount) alternate the funding of projects in two cities each fiscal year of the CDBG Program. In 1994 Hastings and Rosemount are scheduled to split the District 4 funding. - The County Board will hold a public hearing on the County CDBG Program and authorize submittal of the application to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development sometime in February or March of next year. HUD usually releases funds to the County in April or May. If there are requests to reprogram funding from previous CDBG program years, please inform us of these at this time. We will include the necessary program amendments with our 1994 submittals to HUD. If there are any questions about the application the CDBG program i.n eneral process or about County HRA will be ha -' Please contact me at 423-8123. Dakota ppy to work with you in preparing an application for funding in FY 1994. We look forward to your continued participation in the CDBG program. cc: Larry Thompson, Administrator, City of Farmington Hob Erickson, Administrator, City of Lakeville =V E�C.'.�L�`•�r��r.�i:�m� ���rL�,�.=�.. Dakota County Community Development B1ock Grant Proposal Fiscal Year 1994 City of Rosemount 4 Legal Name of Applicant Community Development District 2875 - 145th Street West Legal Address of Applicant Rosemount MN 55068 City State Zip Ron Wasmund Contact Person Acting City Administrator 423-4411 Title Phone Number Rosemount Senior Housing Project Name The city of Rosemount through its port authority wishes to work with the Dakota � County HRA in the development of a 40 unit senior housing building. Rosemount would use its CDBG funds for partial land acquisition costs. Brief Description of Project $264,000* Amount Requested � Includes both 1992 and 1994 allocations. ' \CD�cdbg-pro 1• Has this project received funding CDBG before? Yes X No 2, Project duration: One Year X Other (Specify) : Property acqu i s i t i on w i I I occur over three years. Proposed beginning date; C��S�r94t�on w� I I �start �n 1997. Propased completion date: 12-31-94 3. Grant funds will be used for: X _ Acquisition Clearance Activities _ Disposition Economic Development Planning _ Public Facilities _____ Public Services � Rehabilitation _ Other (Specify) : 4. Federal objective addressed (attach documentation) : X Benefit to low and moderate income persons - Total number of persons benefitting: 40 households - Percentage of low/moderate income: 10_ Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums and blight _ Alleviation of urgent community development need 5. General description of the project (include project goals and � importance to community) : The senior housing project will provide residences for 40 low and moderate income households as well as removing a presently vacant and deteriorated .church building. The senior housing pro ect will J prevent any additional blight adjacent to the church building by stabilizing neighborhood property values. 6. Description of project area (attach map) : The site for the Rosemount senior housing project is located on the west side of downtown Rosemount on Cameo Avenue approximately one block south of 145th Street. 7. Construction schedule: X Not Applicable Applicable If applicable: Estimated date construction will begin: Estimated date construction will be completed: 8. Project cost: Total proj ect cost: Acqu i s i t i on on I y $ 580,000 Amount of C.D. Grant requested:$ 264,000 (Percentage of total project cost) : g Source and amount of other revenue: None $ $ $ 9. Budget summary by activity: Activity CDBG Other/List Source Total Property Acquisition $ 264,000 $ 0 $ 264,000 Sourae• S S S Source• S S $ Source: S S � S Source: " 10. Additional supporting items submitted with proposal (check if attached • ) • _____ Benefit documentation (See question 4) X Resolution of governin bod re g Y questirig grant - C i ty Counc i i Additional project information Map or sketch outlininq project area Professional 's certification of feasibility and accuracy of scope and budget (engineer�s, architects, etc. ) --- Letters in supgort of project/or letters of commitment -____ Other (Specify) : Certification I certify that the statements and application requirements of this officia proposal are correct and that this proposal contains no misrepresentation 'or falsifications, omissions, or concealment of material facts and that the information given is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that no bids have been awarded, contract executed, or construction begun on the proposed project. Signature of Authorized Official Date Title City Administrator .