HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.b. Planning Department Interim Staffing Recommendations . . 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY CQUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 2, 1993 CITY OF ROSEMC3UNT AGENDA ITEM: Pianning Department Interim Staffing AGENDA SECTION: Recommendation Department Head Reports PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund AGEND ``�`� Interim City Administrator ���j�, � � � � ATTACHMENTS: Memo APP ED B : I am recommending the use of planning consultants as an interim replacement for Lisa Freese. I feel this will provide the most ftexibility for a new administrator to reorganize Department/Staff structure. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) MOTION AUTHORIZING THE HIRING OF LISA FREESE FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING ANQ SUBMITTAL OF ROSEMOUNTS' COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN TO MET COUNCIL AT A RATE EQUAL TO HER CURRENT MQURLY RATE. 2) MOTION AUTHORIZING ACTING CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO NEGOTIATE AN HOURLY RATE WITH SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON FOR INTERIM PLANNING SERVICES. � , COUNCIL ACTION: 5 MEMO TO: MAYOR McMENOMY COUNCtL MEMBERS: KLASSEN STAATS WILLCOX WIPPERMANN FROM. RON WASMUND, 1NTERIM CiTY ADMINISTRATOR DATE: OCTOBER 29, 1993 RE: PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1NTERIM STAFFING RECOMMENDATIONS There are several items that are currently in progress that wili need to continue on a narrow time track until completion. Among them are: Comprehensive Guide Plan Modification Public Hearing Highway 52 Study Public Hearing and Adoption Business Park Zoning Designation/Language Business Park Preliminary Plat Business Park Final Plat Muller Theater Site Plan Approval GTI Carlson Properties Rezoning GTI Carlson Properties Preliminary Plat GTI Carlson Properties Final Plat CMC Rezoning CMC Preliminary Plat CMC Fina! Plat This list does not include the daily activities of sign p8rmit reviews,uariance requests, etc. All rezoning requests and preliminary plats require a pub(ic hearing. Legal notices must be mailed to all affected parties as defined in State Statutes. It is my intention to have Rick Pearson handle all daily activities as well as coordination efforts to keep all public hearings and submittal deadlines on time. To provide the assistance necessary to the Planning Department I have two recommendations. 1) Hire Lisa Freese on an hourly rate to attend, participate in and answer questions at ��'- the public hearing for the Comprehensive Guide Plan Modification scheduled for Tuesday, November 9th. I have discussed this with Lisa and she is in agreement to provide this service at her current Rosemount hourly rate of pay. With Lisa's extensive, somewhat exclusive involvement with the preparation o# this dacument this is without question the most economicat way to obtain approval of our Comprehensive Guide Plan. ♦ � r ',., . � . . MEMO-INTERIM PLANNING RECOMMENDATIONS 2) Hire Short-Elliott-Hendickson (SEH) to provide planning consulting services to us relieving daily pressure through involvement on larger projects. I envision their assistance in review and preparation for public hearings, in#eraction wifih Met Council in tracking Waste Treatment Plant expansion and Business Park zoning language development. My selection and recommendation of SEH is based upon their current involvement in other areas of issues affecting Rosemount. They are involved with MNDOT and Koch on the Highway 52 study, they are involved with MWCC on studies of our waste treatment plant and they are working with the Rosemount Port Authority on the Business Park. With this involvement, most of the issues we might face shoutd be fiamiliar to them. There is good economy in using their services. . If Council is supportive of this approach 1 will put a task list together and get a quote. i think an hourly rate would allow us the most controL I suggest these approaches to ptanning assistance because 1 think the processes we need to follow will be (ess affected because we have known talent. The hiring process to replace Lisa wiH take a minimum of 3 months to complete leaving us without help during that period. I also � think that the Planning Department should be reorganized incorporating other aspects of Community Development. This reorganization should occur as part of any restructuring that takes place under new administration. I will be happy to answer any questions you might have regarding my recommendations. ,, � 2 �