HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.f. Payment #3, Valley Oak Pond Outlet, Phase 1, City Project #197 , � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCtL MEETING DATE: November 2, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #3, Valley Oak Pond Outlet, AGENDA SECTION: Phase I, City Project #197 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA Cit En ineer/Assistant Public Works Director �E� � Y 9 �„ ATTACHMENTS: Payment Voucher #3 APP OV Y: , This item requests the third payment to Busse Construction, Inc. in the amount vf 517,639.75 for construction on Ci#y Project #197, Vaffey Oak Pond Outlet, Phase f. �, Work completed and represented in this amount as of October 14, 1993 is 75°!0 of the contracted work. As of this writing, the only remaining items are the seeding of Pond No. 1 in the Valley Oak neighborhood and final clean-up and restoration. Attached is a copy of the Payrnent Voucher far your information. Staff recommends approval of this third payment request. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTfON TO APPROVE THE PAYMENT #3 T0 BUSSE CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF 517,639.75 FOR VALLEY OAK POND OUTLET, PHASE 1, CITY PROJECT #197. , COUNCIL ACTION: 3 , , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO. 3_ CITY PROJECT NO: �97 SEH FILE NO: �1�FMA�4.�n� PROJECT: V llPv ak P�nrl Qutlet - PhacP i CONTRACTOR: 1;»�se �'t�t*'uctinn,Irt� CONTRACT DATE: ���4,L9� 13QQ1 RP11e PtainP Trai] APPLICATION DATE:��5.J93 j�Qlle Plainay M�j.r�(111 FOR PERIOD ENDING: 1Q/�4/93 Total Contract Anlount ���,$fl[L91 Total Amount Earned $ ��R,Abp�.9 Material Suitably Stored on Site, Not Incorporated into Work $ Contract Change Order Na Percent Complete $ Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete $ Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete $ GROSS AMOUNT DUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1�A6Q£i9 LESS 5% RETAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ '�.44R..4� AMOUNT DUE TO DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1��..._n�?a4 LESS PREVIOUS Al'PLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ��'���� h9 AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ��;Fs.�A 7� APPROVED: r'g't��;�— u smun son City Engineer/Assistant Director o# Public Works , . x . . . . � . �'r ?`' /• .. .+. \� / �t,� .�..T . � � � . Jtl^.��1i� Ci (,1�� � ,.L�rt. ,j��, :?�ln . APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT (UNIT PRICE CONTRACT) �►t'{ ? g ���� ---N�-----1�-,-- �� ��� �WNER: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT OWNER'S PROJEGT NO. 197 --------------------------------------------------------- ENG.PROJECT NO. 89245.03 OCATION: ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 'ONTRACTOR BUSSE CONSTRUCTION, INC. CONTRACT DATE ---------------------------------------------------------- 13001 BELLE PLAINE TRAIL CONTRACT AMOUNT $211,800.91 BELLE PLAIN, MN 560ll :ONTR. FOR VALLEY OAK POND OUTLET-FHASE I --------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------- .PPLIC.DATE ------,��1��1__�� 'ERIUD END. _-----�-�-,���-�L-� APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT CONTRACT QUANTITY UNTT TEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY TO DATE PRICE TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------�--��----�_- '021.501 Mobilization L.S. 1 U v 7000.00 �153.501 Temporary Fencing L.F. 2555 �� 3.35 G�C��L� ►563.601 Traffic Control L.S. 1 l 950.00 _1�.� ?051.501 Haul Road L.F. 150 �_ 10.00 � �� " .573.501 Bale Check Each 100 6.00 :573.503 Silt Fence, Preassembled L.F. 3890 �_�� 2.20 �2���� )213.OQ5 Rock Gonstruction Entrance Each 1 � 350.00 �,.�Q:,- }259.601 Crushed Rack Pipe Foundation Ton 70 14.00 �259.603 Granular Pipe Foundation Ton 70 10,50 'AGE 1 OF 4 SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, ING 59.6U7 Replacement Backfill Ton 14t} 10.50 42.00 f 11.501 Random riprap, Cl. III C.Y. 6 _l a� �.�� 11.507 Grouted Riprap C.Y. SU � 84.00 ����.1�` �11.511 Granular Filter C.Y. 27 r� 7 13.00 ��/- �' >90.501 Agg. Base Restoration In-SY 1200 1.Q0 >90.505 Bit. S�zrface Restoration In-SY 6Q0 S.UO >90.509 Concrete C&G Restoration L.F. 60 23•00 ?58.415 15" RCP Storm Sewer, Cl. III L,F. 24 _.�Z�.� 31.50 Z�.��,j ?5$.524 2�" RCP Storm Sewer,Cl. III L.F. �149 �'7',�d 31.50 �� � ?58.430 30" RCP Storrn Sewer, Cl. IV L.F. 396 ��a 48.30 ,�� ,�. "' ?S$.515 15" RCP Apron wffrash Guard Each 2 �,� 6�4•OQ �.��...s.` 258.524 24" RCP Apron w/Trash Guard Each 1 ' 860.00 �'�v�' ?58,530 30" RCP Apron w/Trash Guard Each 2 �_ 1075.00 � 1�� ` ?58.$O1 Manhole,Type B L.F. 3.4 �.�d�Z_ 123.00 �� ?58.821 MFi Casting, Type R-1642 Each. 1 / ,� 378.00 ���, � 258.901 Connect to Inplace Storm Sewer Each 2 r� 420•00 �� 258.903 Connect to Inplace Catch Basin Each 1 1 787.0� ��_` 772.501 Common Pond Excavation C.Y. 4513b ��o�a,,��' 2.06 �,��,��; 772.516 Pond Liner Excavation C.Y. 7189 ._,�l_ 2.45/_�Q.�`�.�.�J� 772.520 Pond Liner Borrow (LV) C.Y. 3115 3.SU 772.525 Topsoil Bonow (LV) C.Y. 50 9.� 772.540 Pond Dewatering L.S. 1 l 750.Q0 �,.,,� � 575.501 Seeding Acre 5 3 153.Q0 �_�� 575.502 Seed,Mixed Ht/Mesie Mix. Lb. 75 _��� 26.00 � 3Gi�" 575.SQ5 Sodding,Type A S.Y. 5199 ::°���a_ 1.55 �3 9 9_" 575.511 Mulch Material,Type 1 Tan 10 � 145.00 _���.�� �75.519 Disc Anchoring Acre 5 .7 3?.OQ �..,f�_ AGE 2 OF 4 SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. 75.532 Comm. Fert, Analysis 12-12-12 Lb. 500 --�'��_ 0.35 �� 'y5.501 Transplant Tree Tree 4 192.00 ?95.502 Transplant Shrub Shrub 8 �•� ?95.503 Colorado Spruce, 6' B & B Tree 2 22�•00 ?95.504 Marshall Seedless Ash, 2„ Cal. B &B Tree 2 253.00 ?95.505 Black Willow, 2" Cal. B &B Tree 2 _� 253.00 �.���' 295.506 Northwood Maple, 2" Cal. B & B Tree 2 253.Ot} ?95.507 Deciduous Shrub- Alpine Current Shrub 5 31.00 295.508 Deciduous Shrub- Potentilla Shrub 5 31.00 295.509 Deciduous Shrub-Dwarf Korean Lilac Shrub 5 31.00 295.510 Deciduous Shrub-Purple Leaf Sand Cherry Shrub 5 31•� 295.511 Deciduous Shrub- Red/Pink Rose Shrub 5 31.00 295.512 Perennial Flower- Iris/Lily Flower 10 19.IX? ?AGE 3 OF 4 SHt?RT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON,;ING /{f'I�L11.r111U1�i I ViA i J111'ILIJI - I.UIIL.IiII.iCU � . . ',all Contract Amount $ 211 ,800 . 91 Total Amount Earned $� � �9�C,�f �� �erial Suitably Stored on Site, Not Incoporated into Work $ �tract Change Order No. Percent_Complete � ntract Change Order No. Percent Complete $ ntract Change Order �Ja. Percent Complete $ GROSS AMOU,`�T DUE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ � �9�C�, �q LESS � % RETAINAGE. . . . . .. . . $ _7�y,�. �� . AMOUNT DUE TO DA�E. . . . . . .. . . . . . $ l �/l�l�. y`7 LESS PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS. . . . . $�/ �3 � 7,�,�p/ � AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION. . . . $� 7 (a ��,� �,1� �NTRAC70R'S AFFIDAVIT �e undersigned Contractor hereby swears under penalty of perjury that {1) all previous progress. yments received from the Owner on account of work perforrned under the contract referred to �ove have been applied by the undersigned to discharge in full all obligations of the under- gned incurred in connection with work covered by prior Applications for Payment under said �ntract, and (2) all jterial and equipment incorporated in said Project or otherwise listed in or covered by this �plication for Payment are free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests and �cumbrances. 19 , Busse Construetion Inc. �ted //, ,�/� � �L� Contractor) . By (Nam and Tit )UNTY OF SC'OT7� ) SS "ATE OF ;N.v£So�r�� ) �for �,me on this /5��� day of ��%CT����i , 19 �3 persona]ly appeared ��� os known to me, who being�Tcu�y sworn, did depose �d say that he is the _S � ��„'7' of the Contractor above mentioned; Office �at he executed the above Application for Payment a Affid vit on behalf of said Contractor; �d that all of the statements contained therei� ue, o r t and c le � A y Commission Expires: �AN �� l �EF•� � - ��� �,� otary Public r �e undersigned has checked th ap���lication or Payment shown above. A part of �is Application is the Contrac o ,A.f-�t'�vit stating that all previous payments to him �der this Contract have been ap •'�'ed by him to discharge in full all of his obligations in �nnection with the work covered by aTl prior Applications for Payment. � accordance with the Contract, the undersigned approves payment to the Contractor of the nount Due. SHO LLIOT N DRI ON, INC. 3te lo — �.o�-Q 3 _ Qy , ^e 4 of 4