HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Clarification of City Funding for 1994 World Ringette Tournament CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECIITIVE SIIi+�lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 2, 1993 AGENDA ITII�I; Clarification of City funding AGENDA SECTION: for 1994 World Ringette Tournament. New Business PRSPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Community AGBNDA#I�� � Center Manager • �• � � ATTAC�lENTS: City Council Minutes and Execu- APP D Y: tive Summary from October 20, 1992. LG� On October 20, 1992, the Rosemount City Council authorized a commitment of involvement up ta $15, 000 for the 1994 World Ringette Championship. The actual motion is stated below: MOTION by McMenomy to support the City of Rosemount' s bid for the 1994 International Ringette Championship and commit involvement of up to $15, 000. Secoad by Willcox. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wipperman, McMenamy, Staats. Nays: 0 After reviewing the audio tape of this meeting, it appeared Mayor MeMenomy had stated in his motion that this commitment was in the form of ice time, staff time, or cash. At this point in time, clarification is needed as to the spirit o� intent of this motion. The Community Center Manager has been very involved with the tournament thus far and has served as Chair of the tournament' s Finance and Administration Comrnittee. This committee develops and oversees the toumament budget, writes and distributes minutes, reconciles banking statements, and oversees accounts payable. Other services provided by the City of Rosemount thus far include mail distribution and fax service. The City of Rosemount is indeed honoring its pledge for staff time and other services. RECOD�SENDED ACTION: Clarify and give direction as to the intention of �_ the City Council to fund the 1994 World Ringette Championships. CODNCIL ACTION: � �ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS PEGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1992 because no other events are planned. She believed her group could offer support. MOTION by McMenomy to support the City of Rosemount' s bid far the 1994 International Ringette Championship and commit involvement of up to $15,000. Second by Willcox. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: 0. MOTION by Willcox to proclaim the last Friday of April as Arbor Day and the Month of May to be Arbor Month and to approve the signing of the necessary documents to apply for the Tree City USA Award. Second by McMenomy. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: 0 . Planning Director Lisa Freese noted that there will be a presentation of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) on November 4, 1992 at St00 p.m. for about one hour and a half. � MOTION by Willcox to adopt A RES4LIITION OF_THANRS TO MR. WILLIAM C. NORRIS FOR HIS ASSISTANCE TO TSE CITY OF ROSEMOIINT AND HIS � CONTINUED DEDICATION TO THE DEVEI,OPi�NT OF SMALL BIISINESS. Second by Staats. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, •Willcox. Nays: 0. _ . : - Mayor McMenomy received a letter from the scYiool distri:ct regarding appointing a liaison from City Council to School District 196. Mayor McMenomy consented to be that liaison. The Mayor asked City Attorney Miles to respond to a letter ` received from the attorney of an employee. City Administrator Jilk reported that he received by mail the notification of representation by AFSCME, American Federation of State, County, Municipal Employees. A union that is representing city employees not covered by either of the other two unions, those who are exempt, or are supervisory personnel. Jilk and City Attorney Miles advised Council that further discussion of salaries may take place but no implementation will be allowed until negotiations have taken place with the union. The legislative programs were discussed by Administrator Jilk. A new format is being developed to better represent Dakota County . cities. The League of Minnesota Cities and AMM have scheduled a workshop November 13, 1992. MOTION by Klassen to support the proposed Dakota County � legislative process. Second by Staats. Ayesc McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. . Nays: 0. MOTION by Staats to authorize attendance at the League af . ��' Minnesota Cities and AMM Policy Adoption Meetings. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: 0. 6 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCT'OBER 2U, 't 992 Administrator Jilk reviewed negotiations with Mr. Todd Heikkila . for an agreement to produce and distribute a Rosemount newspaper. Mr. Heikkiia requested a substantial increase in the amount and expressed a desire to sell the paper by subscription. Mr. Heikkila thanked the City for the eighteen months of working together, he felt the arrangement benefited the City but he was unable to sustain much of a pra�it. The weekly mailing costs were often more than the advertising income from the City. Rosemount' s retail base is small so he didn't see any future increase. Heikkila plans to qualify the "Rosemount Town Pages" as a "legal" newspaper as soon as possible. Wippermann commented that the paper has helped with the "identity" concept in Rosemount. The consensus was to direct staff to researeh whole page ad versus a newsletter cost. � Klassen added Council hoped the best for the paper and thanked them for their services. MOTION by Staats to proceed with the existing cantractual . arrangements for the publication of the Rosemount Tawn pages through December 31 , 1992. Second by Willcox. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0. � Administrator Jilk introduced Craig Gerkin from Materials Recovery, Inc. who reported that the Capital Assistance Grant through Metrapolitan Council has helped his firm purchase a construction grinder that will grind large pieces of wood like pallets into recyclable material. This will help keep 200,00� � cubic yards of materials out of the landfills. The City does not contribute funds but acts as a sponsor, as it has for Knutson Recovery Systems also, which allows Metropolitan Council to encourage resource recovery. Materials Recovery, Inc. works with construction companies, not individual residents. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the sponsorship of the Capital Assistance Grant for Materials Recovery, Inc. and to direct staff to continue to process the necessary application documents far Metropolitan Council and City Council approval. Second by Staats. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: 0. . Jack Tonkin enthusiastically presented the possibility of the International 1994 Ringettes Championship scheduled to be held in the United States this year, hopefully to be held in Rosemount. South St. Paul al.so has an interest in this and is willing to have a joint venture. It has been held .once .every two years including Winnipeg, Canada, and Helsinki,. Finland. Mr. Tonkin was requesting ice time in March for ten days, including two weekends. Discussion was held on the amount of staff time this , might engage, cost and involvement of the community. � � Debra Marthalar, representing Rosemount Organized SpeciaZ Events, R.O.S.E. , noted that the concept of a Champianship Tournament would excite her group. The month of March is a very good time 5 e � .. � . . . . . ' . ♦ CITY OF ROSE�iOUNT EXECUTTVE SIIMNiARY F�OR ACTIQN • CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 20, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: WORLD RINGETTE CHAMPIONSHIP-1994 AGBNDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK AGffi�TDA ��� � � � � CITY ADMINISTRATOR ATTACffi�NTS: MINNESOTA �TEUR SPORTS AP .COMMISSION LETTER � . , At the urging of Mr. Jack Tonkin, Rosemount . resident and Ringette Program supporter, City Sta€f has met with representati,ves of the Minnesota Ringette Program and the Minnesota 3�mateur _Sports Commission. The purpose of �hese meetings was to discuss the 1994 .World Ringette � - Championship. Each two years a World Ringette Ghampionship is held. . In 1990 it was held in Winnipeg, Canada. In 1992 it was held in Helsinki, Finland; Rosemount is being asked to consider hosting the 1994 event. -� _ _. The tournament attracts eight to ten Ringette teams from throughout the world. (A fact sheet is attached.) If Rosemount decides to support this event it will require a major commitment through the use of the new arena, providing staff suppart, publicity assistance and a potential small financial cammitmen.t, although most financial support can probably be provided through iocal corporate contributions. Representations from the Ringette Association will be present tuesday evening to discuss the event. Attached find further information on the event. • _ . z -' 1 ` RECOI�+iENDED ACTION: 'MOTION TO SUPPORT THE CITY `OF ROSEMOTJNT'S BID FOR ' '� : : - TI3E 1994 WORLD RINGET'TE CHAMPIONSHIP AND TO DIRECT STAFF TO CONTINUE-INVOLVEMENT IN THE PLANNING . � PROCESS. _ : COIINCIL ACTTON: - . -�-�-' REQDEST FOR SDPPORT From the City af Rosemount Hosti.ng the Warld Ringette Championships 1994 1. Ice arena faci.lity availability and support. 2 . Assist in providing lo�al bus transportation for international teams. - Shuttle between lodging and arena. � - Shuttle to cultural, shopping; visiting, etc. 3. Provide city staff support. 4 . Provide assistance with publicity for the event through ;.ity news-letters and bulletin boards. S. Become a partner with the school district, chamber of commerce, business community and area cities in hosting this event. 5. Provide communication network for statewide promotion. 7 . Serve on Steering Committee for event.