HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Discussion of Johnson Correspondence re: Shamrock Square Project t i CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECUTIVE SUbII�lARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 21, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: JOHNSON CORRESPONDENCE RE: AGENDA SECTION: SHAMR.00K SQUARE WORK SESSION PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COOR.DINATOR 4 .B. ATTACHI�SENTS: CORR. FROM RON JOHNSON RE: AP OVED BY: SH�N�20CK SQUARE/12-13-93 , DRAFT COMM. AGREEMT. ���� In reviewing the attached correspondence from Ron J'ohnson you will note that the Johnsons are making efforts to reduce overall buil,ding casts for the proposed redevelopment of the Repairs, Inc. site. This will allow them to attract tenants by offering reduced rents and help them secure bank financing. The Johnsons are alsa asking the port authority for up-front, as opposed to pay-as-you-go, financing; this will help them meet the bank' s requirement of equity. Additional information about the property includes. 1. The Johnsons have not yet signed the Commitment Agreement drafted by legal counsel, Mike Miles and the port authority has not received the $4, 000 guarantee. 2 . Another user of the site has been identified if the Shamrock Square project fails, this is White Funeral Home. 3 . Another possible use of the site is parkland. The situation of the land on T.H. 3 would allaw development of a suitable entrance to the park and amphitheater. The port authority will have to pay gark dedication for the business park, dedication of this <land could save hard cash. The commissioners may want to discuss with the Johnsons the extent of their financial participation in the project. If it appears that the Johnsons are putting good equity into Shamrock Square, then the commissioners ma� want to explare methods of assisting the project up-front. By way of a benchmark, the port authority is asking at least 25 percent equity from a motel developer. If the commissioners do not see the Johnsons putting sufficient equity in the building, then the executive director should be asked to explore and report on other options. RECOD�+lENDED ACTION: None. Discussion item. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: � e Rosemount Port Authority 2875 - 145 ST. West Rosemount, Mn, 55088 December 13, 1993 � Dear Members, In recent months we have had serious concerns about Shamrock Square building. Our concern has not been related to concept, design, or desire on our part to proceed with the project, rather it has to do with the financial aspect. Issues such as costs, risks, margin, financing, and (the bottom line) will it pay for itself. We have made a considerable effort and expended thousands of dollars trying to lease the space prior to construction which is what the bank would like us to do. We have had a great deal of interest from both local and out of town businesses who would like to lease from us but our prices are to high even though they are not high enough to generate a pasitive cash flow. We spent the last two weeks networking and visiting with expert resource people who had no vested interest in the praject. They included accountants, developers, investors, bankers, and contractars. I met with John Milier today and shared with him our findings. The good news, as I told John, was that the project survived as a good concept which is do-able if the costs are slashed, and the bad news is that we need some help up front with financing. The project we are told is overpriced and needs to be Ieaned out considerably in terms of overhead, soft costs, and construction bids. We were given a multitude of strategies on how to do this, one of which was to use local contractors, workers, and expertise to the greatest extent possible. As such we now feel more comfortable in terms of having a solid project from a financial standpoint and will be able to offer prospective tenants a better package which of course translates into making leasing easier. Meanwhile, unbeknown to us, the bank was ready to remove itse].f from the project because of high costs and a lack of up front equity to cover those costs. When I talked to them today they � developed a renewed interest when they found out that we were in the process of leaning out the project. They came down quite hard however on our lack of equity up front and suggested that would somehow need to change. They suggested we approach the city for any help we could get in terms of cuttinq costs and providing more front end equity. page 2 Two of the strategies the banker suggested the RPA might consider which he had appearently experienced in other communities and that John Miller and I discussed were as follows: 1. Keep the TIF, sell bonds, and provide low cost financing for the project. 2. Provide the developer the TIF up front as a loan to use as equity and then keep the taxes as received each year as loan -- payments with minimal if any interest. The second option may be most desirable as it is simpler and does not involve all the costs associated with option one. I see these options as being consistent with our original proposal as we are asking the RPA for the same commitment, "the TIF" , packaged somewhat differently however to enable the success of the project. I'm sure others may have ideas as to how to make this project work and we would be most happy discuss those ideas also. Sincerely /� .� Ronald . J nson, Partner cc Dr. Kerry Johnson John Miller COMMITMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is entered into this day of , 1993, by and between the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, Port Authority (hereinafter "RPA" ) and Kerry L. Johnson and Ronald L. Johnson (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Develaper" ) . RECITALS • The RPA has acquired title to certain real property in Rosemount, Minnesota, which property is described as follows : AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NUMBER 1 . Part of Lot 4 commencing 348 feet North of Center Section 29, Township 115, Range 119 , East 196 feet North 110 feet, West 196 feet, South 110 feet to beginning. (hereinafter, the "Property" ) . • The RPA solicited proposals from potential developers of the Property. • On January 19 , 1993, Developer presented a proposed _ project to the RPA (which is attached as Exhibit A to this Agreement and hereinafter referred to the "Project" ) . • At its regular meeting on April 6 , 1993, adopted a motion authorizing RPA staff to enter into a Commitment Agreement with Developer, following the negotiation of suitable terms and conditions . �� �� �v NOW, THEREFORE, the RPA and Developer agree as follows : 1 . DEVELOPER'S DUTIES . A. EARNEST MONEY. Upon execution of this Agreement, Developer shall provide Four Thousand Dollars ( $4 , 000) to the RPA as earnest money for the purchase of the Property. B. PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT. Developer shall, at its expense, proceed with completion of a grade plan, survey, replatting and other necessary preliminary development activities in order to prepare the Property for undertaking of the Project . C. FINANCING. By not later than the end of the business day on February 21, 1994 , Developer sha11 obtain and present to the RPA, evidence that it has obtained necessary financing to fully undertake the Project. At a minimum, satisfactory evidence of financing shall include an unconditional Letter of Commitment from an accredited_ conventianal lending institution and submission of either an irrevacable Letter of Credit or a bond to the RPA, in an amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25, 000 ) providing the RPA may liquidate the security if Developer fails to immediately proceed with the Project. For purposes of this paragraph, "immediately proceed" shall mean that the Developer shall commence construction of this Project ( 1 ) when necessary 2 permits for the start of construetion (which must be promptly sought) are received and ( 2 ) when weather permits commencement of construction without extraordinary expense but, in any event, no later than May 1, 1994 . � D. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. At such time, but in any event not later than February 21 , 1994 , as Developer provides satisfactory evidence that it has necessary financing for the Project, Developer shall proceed with negotiation of a Development Agreement with the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, in a form agreeable to the City of Rosemount and the RPA. Among other things, the Development Agreement shall specify that the Project shall be undertaken in accord with the Proposal and such other terms and conditions as the City may require and that the Project shall be completed by not later than October 1 , 1994 . E. DEM�LITION COSTS . Developer shall, upon receipt of title to the Praperty from the RPA, pay an amount to the RPA equal to the total cost of demolition of structures on the Property undertaken pursuant to Paragraph 2A, belaw. 2 . RPA'S DUTIES . Subject to obtaining any and all necessary approvals from the Rosemount City Council, the RPA shall undertake the following duties and responsibilities : 3 A. DEMOLITZON. The RPA, upon the receipt of competitive bids, shall proceed with the demolition of all structures on the Property. B. ENVIRONMENTAL WORK. The RPA shall, at no expense to Developer, undertake any necessary environmental cleanups , reclamations, etc. , in order to put the Property in a condition legally suitable for the undertaking of Developer' s Project. C. SOIL TESTS . The RPA shall commission the taking of soil tests to determine if the Property is suitable for the Project without extraordinary building methods or costs and, if necessary, prepare the soil condition of the Property so that it is useable for the Project. D. CONVEYANCE. Within 30 calendar days of Developer's presentation of satisfactory evidence of financing to the RPA and upon receipt of reimbursement for all demolition costs incurred by the RPA, the RPA shall quitclaim its interest in the Property to Developer fGr the sum of One Dollar ( $1 . 00 ) . E. Tax Increment Financinq. Following completion of the Project and as tax revenues generated by the Project are received by the City of Rosemount, the RPA shall remit to Develaper, all tax increment funds received as a result of the Project for the� period of time during which the tax increment 4 finance district in which the Property is located exists . 3 . FORFEITURE AND TERMINATION. In the event that Developer �ails to provide satisfactory evidence of financing as required in Paragraph 1 (C) by the close of the business day on February 21 , 1994 , the following events shall occur: A. FORFEITURE OF EARNEST MONEY. Developer shall forfeit ta the RPA, the earnest money submitted to the RPA under the provisions of Paragraph 1(A) . B. - TERMINATION. This Agreement shall terminate and, except as otherwise provided in this Paragraph, neither the RPA nor the Developer shall bear any responsibilities or obligations to the other. 4 . TERM. This Agreement shall be effective on the date first above written and, unless terminated pursuant to Paragraph 3, shall continue in effect until all the terms herein have been fulfilled. 5 . ADMINISTR�TIVE PROVISIONS . A. ENTIRE AGRrEMENT/AMENDMENTS . This Agreernent constitutes the full and complete understanding of the RPA and the Developer regarding the subject matter thereof . Any amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and must be executed by the parties to this Agreement or their successors in interest. 5 B. SURVIVAL OF COVENANTS . The promises made in this Agreement shall remain in effect until all such promises have been fulfilled. C . DEFAULT/REMEDIES . The failure of a party to fu�fill all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall constitute an event of default by that party and, upon such occurrence, shall entitle the other party to seek specific performance of the provisions of this Agreement and recover any costs incurred in obtaining that remedy, including reasonable attorney's fees . D. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the RPA and the Developer have executed this Agreement intending to be bound thereby. ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY DEVELOPER By: By: Ed Dunn Kerry L. Johnson Its : Chair By: " Ronald L. Johnson By: Ron Wasmund Its: Executive Director Roaemount\PA-Johnson.Agreement 6