HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.d.3. Update on Muller Family Theater Project . *� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUbII�l�iRY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 21, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: UPDATE ON MULLER FAMILY THEATER AGENDA SECTYON: PROJECT WORK SESSION PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT C04RDINATOR 4 .D. {3) ATTACHI�NTS: REZONING PETITION APP OVED Y: �� The preliminary plat and zoning ordinance amendment to create the business park have been considered by the planning commission. The city council, however, tabled the ordinance amendment for further study. I`ve been told the councilmembers will discuss the amendment possibly in a joint meeting with the planning commission and port authority and action is possible sometime in January. Attached is a rezoning petition to be submitted once the council creates the business park district. Mr. Pearson has been working with the Muller' s architect on the specifics of the site plan. One unresolved issue appears to be the location of the building. Mullers prefer a location removed from C.R. 42 with the ma.jor part of the parking lot adjacent to the road. I've been informed that several of the port authority commissioners prefer the building be located adjacent to C.R. 42 for aesthetic purposes. You may want to discuss and resolve this question. Mr. Miles continues to negotiate the purchase agreement with the Muller attorney, Dan Tyson. I'm not sure if the commissioners have addressed the question of selling price. You may want to discuss this at the work session, also. I'm sure Mr. Miles will be able to give you a verbal update on other aspects of the work to be completed before construction can begin, including: 1. Sire plan approval 2 . Rezoning 3 . Utility extension starting with ordering of plans and specif ications 4 . Final plat - � 5 . Development Agreement In another agenda item, Mr. Simons will update you on the engineering issues. RECOI�ENDED ACTION: Discussion item. PORT AIITHORITY ACTION: : � No: Date: City of Rosemount REZONING PETfTION Appiicant: _ Rosemount Port Authoritv Phone: �h�) 3?�-���4 Address: 2F�75 145th Street �dest Rosemount I�innesota 5506� STA7US OF APPLlCANT: X Owner Buyer Lessee OTHER: LOCATION: Lot Biock . Addition Street Address: rT�n� a�si c*�Pc� Metes & Bounds Description Attached: Survey or Plot Plan Attached: A�rected Section(s): Present Zoning: A,vricultural Propased Zoning: Rusiness Park REASON FOR REQUEST: 1. The comz�rehensive nlan amendm nt }'lOW )'1 �n(� hPinv »SP�7 fnr hnGinac� park pur�oses RezoninQ would have zonin� consi t n wi h rP �;r�yr,1�n 2. Rezonin� would nermi t deve o�ent of th ROGPmnjint Rt7GinPca p„-k� a rn�hl i rlv , owned pro_-ject meant to Arovide increased iob onAortuniti es for citv �nd � rP� PGi�P_21 �_ . 3. . Signature of Appticant: Appilcation received by: ' Date: Fee: S , How Paid: Date: Ptanning Commission Action: , ,_ MULLER FAIVIILY TFIEATItES 4940 - 54th Street N.W. Maple Lake, MN 55358 December 7, 1993 Mr. 7ohn Miller VIA - MESSENGER Economic Development Coordinator City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Mr. Ed Dunn Chair, Rosemount Port Authority City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Rosemount Business Pazk/Movie Theatre Project Dear Mr. Miller and Chairman Dunn: We understand that there is an agenda item for the Rosemount Port Authority meeting scheduled for December 7. We would like to have you consider during the discussion certain things that we think are important to discuss as this time. First, we would like to have you discuss the timing on the closing of the property. Since last spring when we contacted you and you invited us to consider Rosemount as the site of a new theatre complex, we have been waiting for the Port Authority and the City to select and make ready the property you agreed to sell to us which would anchor the Business Park and provide us a site to build our movie theatre. We understand through Dave Simons that the ten acre , parcel purchasing from the Port Authority will be known as Lot 1, Block 1,Rosemount Business Park. The evening of December 7, 1993, we anticipate that the City Council will approve the preliminary plat for the Business Pazk and with that we should get a legal description of the property. Our attorney, Dan Tyson, and your attorney, Mike Miles, have negotiated the majority of the provisions of a purchase agreement and we would like to have discussion on when the signing could occur. In fact, we would like to have the purchase agreement completely negotiated, approved and signed at the next Port Authority meeting. i Mr. 7ohn Miller Mr. Ed Dunn December 7, 1993 Page Two Second, we would like to work very closely with your marketing committee to develop a plan to market the Business Pazk and, of course, the theatre. We have worked with and helped other municipalities in joint marketing efforts and look forwazd to working with you in that regazd. Third, I would like for the Port Authority to discuss and to identify which of your members will be a spokesperson for the Port Authority at the City Council meeting tonight when the text amendment vote is taken with regazd to the Business Park text amendment. We think that the Port Authority is the party with the greatest amount of interest in seeing that the Business Park zoning text amendment passes. To that end, we encourage you by a Port Authority resolution, to support the passage of the text amendment change. It is our hope that the Port Authority address the last point. As we have stated time and time again, we are very pleased to have been chosen as your developer for this movie theatre complex. We know how important passage of this text amendment is to you as its director and chairperson, respectively. You also know how extremely important it is to us. Without this text amendment change, there will be no Business Park. Without the Business Park, your promise to us as your developer cannot be fulfilled. We will stand by and support the Port Authority's resolution of support of the text change, as now before the Council, as your developer and also as the first developer in the Business Park. You should also know, as we have said before, that we intend to build a movie theatre in Rosemount. We intend to take a11 steps necessary to make that happen. We are not concerned that GTI is also apparently on the same track for development. We believe that our product, our management, and our commitment to the community will serve Rosemount well. Our company and our lender are firmly behind us in our goal to operate a theatre in Rosemount. The movie theatre industry is a competitive environment and we are very successful competitors. As always, we look forward to working with you in this project. Sincerely yours, MULLER FAIVIILY THEATRES " l By � Robert Muller