HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.e. Community Center Manager Recommendation for Hiring i CITY OF ROSBMODNT FXFsCIITIVE STJb�+lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:May 4, 1993 AGSNDA ITEM: Community Center Manager AGSNDA SECTI4N: Recommendat•ion for hiring Old. Business PREPAREJ BY: Stephan Jilk AG�A ��� 1,L � � ft ATTACffi�TTS: Applicants personal information APPR vED B : Letter of Employment offer .�i The Community Center Manager selection committee ha� completed the selection process in its effort t<� bring to the Council a recommendation for 2�iring of the new Community Center Manager. 3�,fter advertising for this position 119 applications were reCeived. The�e 119 applications were screened and 16 finalists were chosen. The Committee then reviewed each of these 16 and chose 5 finalists to interview. One of the final five chosen decided not to interview and so four were interviewed �sn April 15th. These four candidates were also asked to respond to several � �ritten questions which were developed by the Committee. ' After completing the interviews and reviewing the written responses the Committee asked two of the candidates to return for a second interview. After the second interview the two finalists were ranl-.ed and the final candidate was chosen. � This candidate is James Topitzhofer. Mr. Topitzhofer currently ma.nages the community center for the City of Shoreview. This is a 112, 000 sq. ft facility which was opened in 1992 . Mr. Topitzhofer was hire under similar ^onditions as we are asking him to serve us. He was hired prior to the Qpening of the center, he now manages, to hire staff, establish budgets and operational procedures. He brings to us the e�erience, education and successful work references that we were looking for. The Community Center Selection Committee recommends to the City Council the niring of James Topitzhofer as the Community Center Manager at the starting salary of $41,448 . plus other benefits normally availa.ble to City department heads. RECOI�IlriENDE�D ACTION:Motion to approve the hiring of James Topitzhofer as the Community Center Manager at the starting salary of $41,448 . plus other benefits available to department heads contingent upon his passing a pre-employment physicai ,c�••\so c vy.c�:w.�-�s�, '�vu. ��1* � b COIINCIL ACTSON: C�v, cos� o-� �'�����^ ., . . � , 7573 North 18th Street Oakdale, MN 55128 March 22, 1993 Susan M. Walsh . ' City Clerk City of Rosemount � 2875-145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Ms. Walsh: I am interested in the position of Community Center Manager with the City of Rosemount. I learned of this opporlunity through an announcement sent to the Shoreview Community Center. I am completina a Master of Business Administration degree at the University of St. Thomas and am se�ldng a position which will utilize the knowledge and skills I have gained through my education and professional expericnce. Presently, I am employed full-time as the Building Manager of the Shoreview -=- -_ Com�unity Center. I have been successfully involved in the leadership-of this state of - -- _ __- - the art, 88,004 sq. ft. community c�nter operation. Features of the Center include - banquet facilities, meetina rooms, leisure pool, aerobics room, fitness room, teen . � . _ room, multi-use gymnasium, conccssions� child care facilities, city offices, and council c}iambers. This center has successfully served over 304,000 users each year and has an annual operating budget of�1,200,OOQ. My responsibilities include: personnel . . management, budget preparation and monitoring, capital expenditure planning, mazketing and promotion, facility safety and maintenance, facility scheduling, ar,d concession operations. This position has required me to be an organized, energetic leader and creative pmblem solver. My personal qualides, professional experience, and academic preparation would aliow me to make positive contributions to the City of Rosemount. Enclosed you will find my resume and application to provide you with additio:�al information about my qualifications. I would like to be considered a candidate for the pnsiti.on of Community Center Manager and am available for an interview at your convenience. Thank you for your consideration. � Sincerely, . �. 'w� � Ja.•nes Topitzhofer Enclosures � Date Received 3��g�9� Please Return to: City of Rosemount R �C� IV�L 2875 - 145th Street West P. O. Box 5I0 �� 2 2 ���3 . _ _ . _ Rosemount, 1�t 55068 � CL.ERK'S OFFICE . _ CtTY OF ROSEMOUNT APPLICATION. FOR EMPLOYMENT Dear Applicant: We welcome you as an applicant for employment. Your apgZication will be considered with others. It is our policy to provide quality of opportunity in employment. This policy pr�-:::ibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex or age in all aspects of our personnel policies, programs, practices and operations. This policy applies to full-time, part-time, temporary, and seasonal employment. � The information contained in this application will be considered pe=sonal and confidential and used only in conjunction with your possible eraployment. Please furnish us with complete information. You are encouraged to attach any additional information which you believe qualifies you for the position. . --- Please use INR or TYPEWItITER -----_ _ Pasitions applied for: Community �Center Manager Full-time X Pa_t-ti�►e •1•e�,porar� �eas�nai Date available: Immed:?te of t�•ro ��eeks notic� PERSONAL INFORMhTION Name: Last First Middle Social security �: Tepitzhofer, James A. 472-72-2381 Preseat Address: Street 7573 Ncrth 18t� Street City County State Zip Code Home Phone �;(612) 738-3410 . Oakdal�, Washington County, MN 55128 Work Phone #:(612) 490-4753 Do you have any physical or health limitations which affect your work performance? X . Yes No If you have answered YES, please use an additional sheet to explain. If you are not a citizen of the United States, do you have the Bureau of Immigration approval to work in the U.S.? Yes No � r . . PAGE Tir'O � EDIICATION� INFpRMi�_IpN _(TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF EDUCATION IS A JOB REQIIIREMENT) , ._. Circ2e the highest � Grade School High School �o �p I' g=ade completed l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 li 12 or GED 23114g15 ���lost Grad. � �. MA PHD TYPES OF SCHOOL NAME A,TTD ADDRESS OF SCHOOL ORGCERT. MAJOR i� ( HIGH SCHOOL alexander P.amsey High School —j St. Paul , MN � ' St. Cloud State Universit � CfJLLEGE OR UNIV. St. Cloud, MN y �•S• Recreation ' GRADU�TE Scxo � ��iversity of St. Thomas 3 courses M OL I St. Paul , MN .B.A. . to complete TECHNICAL I�, z�ist any correspc;�dence courses, special courses, seminars, workshops, �raining, and skills acquired that :�ight relate to this position. Please r�v�eW �he job description befo�e answering this cruestion. �a�re�tion Facilities �Jesion and Manaaement School , YMCA Senior Dire n a ct�r (se.. r_sume) , Yr1CA �ic�� bv Si�+� sat�s �r�in:nc. St. T!;omas C��-�outer t � r p � +.. ' T:�e i�Eaa:c o; 4ual ' vi . Ski s ours.. fLo,,4s iL3, �•rord �ru- ! '•1Si. �fly Cti���??i1�.�IJC�c27Sa: CiJ`�OC1�$1 y�n1^?�c(lt . ... l c �c'� • �_S�--cL10i;5� O� C��i.ii2CZ`@S th�� you DOS58SS. Inc_uc.. driver' s ?ice-:s_ r.u.;,ber C�r�i�i�d Poo� , class �nd s�ate o� issue. � ' Oa�rater. YPf!'A S�nior �irector, Basic First Aid, C.P.P,,; - - YyCA Fitness S�ecialist, Mfd driver; Iicense number T-i32-36.7-051-409. cla5s C � T� BE COMPLETED BY APPLICAIt'TS FOR CLERZCAL, ADMINISTR.ATIVE & FISCAL POSITIONS ONLY Tyning: Yes ( X } No O WPM Shorthand: Yes O h*o X wPM � ) Business niachines and experience: Extensive computer applications (spreadsheet, ►,rord prac�ssing, data base, HVAC, security, preventative maintenance, scheduling, O.S.H.A. A4JARE j Bookkeeping experience: TWo undergrad and three graduate classes in accounting, admin- i5tered bookke�ping system and pr�par�d all i.ax & financial sta�J�?�ts for non-profit org. iC� BE COMPLETED By ApPLICANTS FOR LP.BOR � SRILLED TRF,DE POSITIONS ONLY Apprenticeship(s) served or learned: Capable of operating the following equipment, < � � � • PAGE THREE EMPLOYMENT HI6TORY - Please list past employers beginning with yaur most recent employment. If necessary, list other employers on an additional sheet. You are not required to furnish employment dates €ive (5) years beyond date of application. If employment dates are }�O included, indicate _ ..nwmber of years. _ ._ . __ __ _ . . ___ __-._ .. .�_ Employer's Name: . . , �' .�..• . Gity of Shoreview :. Mailinq Address: _.._._ - � . - Telephone A: • 4600 North 'Victoria, Stioreview, MN �5125 (612) 490-4500 Position Held: � -. Duties Performed: Building Manager Manager of community center operations, s�e resume Immediate Supervisor: Full-time ( ) Part-time ( ) Gerald Haffeman, Par�cs & Recreation Director Employment Dates: From ��3�gQ To present �st Salary: �38,989 Reason for-leaving: �.....�; _:-,-:. Still employed with the City of Shorevier� May we contact yaur present employer? Yes ( X ) No O If no, please exalain: * plea5e contact me first. - _ ------- - Employer's Naine: � Sky�ray/East YMC�. Mailing Address. Telephone ;;: 194 East 5th Street, St. Paul , MN 55101 {612) 292-4130 Position Held: Duties Performed: Associate Executive Directar Director of day to day operations, see resume Immediate Supervisor: Full-time (X ) Part-time ( ) Deb Roche, Executive Director � � Employment Dates: From ��gs To 2/90 Last Salary: �31 ,000 Reason for leaving: Position eliminated throuoh budget rpduction May we contact your past employers? Yes (X ) No O If no, please explain: � PAGE FOUR Employer's Name: East Side YMCR .� - _ _ _ Mailinq Address: Telephone ;: 1Q75 Arcade, St. Paul , ytJ 55106 (612) 771-$881 Position held: Duties Per�o�ned: Program Dirzctor Developed and administered adult, youth, and family pro ra�rs Immediate Sup�rvisor: � Full-time ( X ) Part-time ( ) J Shannon, Vice President of Operations Employment Dates: From � �/$3 To 7/8� Las;. Sala �'' �24,O�JO Reasan far leaving: Promotion Er�pio�e-r's Name: ___ _..__-_. . _ �__ ____. �, - -- North���st YMCA __ - ____�_ l�ailing Aaaress: Te3ephone ;�: 3700 �lorth Lcxi ngton, S�crev i el,�, P1P� 60126 (612) �83-267� :- :cs��ion r'��.d: �L�2�S Per�c�-�.e _ c: c;� . t �:??�S J7?C[�i l5� l.Q.^.f Ci�i�i.�?� 3.'�.U�i, il�'12.i5 RrCqrcros ���ediate SLae�•�scr: pul, ; . . -`-_me ( �.. ) ?ar�-tine ( X ) �hervl VanEe, Exe�utivQ �irecLor �nnloy�ent Dates: Prom ��82 To ����3 Last Salzry: 55.00 p�r �eason for leaving: Promotion UNSALARIED EXPERIENCE Volunteer organization: Northstar Outdoor Education, Inc. Mailing Address: Telephone �: P.O. Box 33268, Coon Rapids, MN 55433 (6i2� 780-5060 Pesition H�ld: D::ties Perfo�ed: Co-founder, Business Manager Co-founded campino �rogram for youth Inmediate Supervisor: `_'ears of participation: Hours per week: 2 years 30 to 40 Skills learned: Bookkeeping, tax and financial statem�nt ^r��ar.�+;.�„ . � } � � + • PAGE FZVE Volunteer Organization: cast Sid� Lion's Club '"� Mailing Address:..�- � Telephone �: Position Held: Duties Performed: - . . _•; Drug Awareness Chair�erson Initiated the Quest Dru� awaren2ss program to Clev�land Jr. H Immediate Supervisor: Years of participation: Hours per week: 4 years 2 I Skills learned: - ' Further dev�loaed �ublic s��aking skills LIST ADDIT�02�FAI� INFORMATION ON–A"SEPARATE SHEET IF. NECESSARY. = ---_. _ _ __ —__----- --__.. .. .___ .. ..._ __ -- - -- _ � PERSONAI� REFE�ENCES Name: �pff Stedman Address: 322'J Irving Ave. South Telephone ;;: 824_�gr�7 First Fioor f, - Minn�apolis, MN 55408 ry Relationship P s . b ,cin cc �rtner, How many years known? �n �parc long term friend Name: �oan Purrington Address: g040 Hi 11 Trai 1 North Telephone A: ���_��03 lake Elmo, MN 5SQ42 Relationship YP1CA Soard of Dir�ctors How many years known? � Years Name: p�t Rife Address: �g09 Portland Ave. Telephone n: 545-7375 St. P�ul , M�d 55104 ` Relationship Dir�ctor, District 5 How many years known? 5 years y u ci Name: Jim Bartol Address: 1963 East Arlington Ave. Telephone n: 77$-1323 St. °aul , MN 55119 Relationship Fellow church member How many years known? 2 Years , ' « , • ', PAGE SIX !i CDNVICTION INFORMATION I� We declare that the existence of a criminal conviction record will not automatically disqualify you from employment with us, though certain conviction may prohihit you from working in certain positions. Have you every been aonvicted as an adult for a criminal violation? YES � ) NO (X ) If yes, date an3 place: Nature of offense: - _ __ If yes, date and p?ace: Z`i+Zti..11?'? Of O��@rSA� . I riER�.BY CL�'I'IFY THAT ALL Ah*SWERS TO THE ABOVE QU£STIONS ARE TRUE A23D I AG�EE AND UNDE�STAND ANY FALSE STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS APPLICATION MF,Y CAUSE REJECTION OF THIS APPLICATION OR TERMINATION Or EMPZAYMENT. I AUTHORIZE T'riAT A TRANSCRIPT MF:Y BE REQUESTED WFi£RE I�IECESS.�',RY TO VERIFY ANy EDUCATIONAL RECORD. „ S ignature �'�G�Jv111r7� t G'-1,ti/���,-t,� -� / ) -, ," �� � ���'` Date J.l�.� 1 � 5 t.� � ' . VETERAN PREFERENCE QUESTIONNAIRE City of Rosemount, Minnesota The guestionnaire is to detezmine your status as a vete=an under the Veteran Preference Statute, Minnesota Statutes, 197.45 . - Veteran's Prnferenc� Statutes provide a 5 goint preference to ` those individuals who have attained a passing score and who have received an �-:onor�ble Discha=ge or Separa�ion afte� se=-ving more th�n 180 cor_secutivz cays in the milita�y service for pu�oses o��a� tha.z t�air_ing. (Ten [:�] poi�ts i� a Dis�led Ve�e��.*� with a disability rate a� 50 percent or more. ) A pre_eroace is also avaiZable to surviving spouse o� a dec=ased Vata=331 and by a �r�ouse of d=s�led ve�e_� wno is u*��le Lo ctiali=y cu� to dis�iii�y. I� this ap�lies to ycur pa_ticu?z= si;.ua�ion �.�d ycu W�Sil �O EX�rC1.S`' yOtl'_' Vnt��an' S U:?fEZ�^C� ni. ��'_:.S �..�..Ifl�:� D�°°�.S@ cor:.�l�te tr:s =o�. veLerG^_' s P_R=ere�cs n�y r_ot be claim=_d �y dA� V2tE�ZA W�:O 15 r�C�'_VlI1C f O� .'LS E21.Q1��e to r�ceive, a mozthl�r veteran' s pe�s�on bene�i� based exciusively cn leTgth o: , Sa'_"'V7.CE. __.. _ _._ . __ _ _ , I am a Veieran --(�.l�se-_�ca:n�3ete_ ite.*ns 1-9 a�.d aate belov:�1 . _ . _ __ X T c`..'A IrO�:..;� V�L�=c._^_ (�l c�S? CC.:";DZEi 2 1�a:1'.S ?_: c`.�Q---r�-�:2- �;±L'+ _ . G��a _�'CW� . 1. Name James Topitzhofer 2 . S .S . n 472-7 -23�1 3 . Address 7573 F'orth 18th Stre�t Oakdale MN 5�1�8 - (City) {St�te) (Zip Coae) �. Position for which a�plyin� Community Center M�nager Date of entz-y f or active duty {Do not 1^C�L1G� S�":O�� t:G=_Tl?I1�C. D2="10CS OT Z.Ct.'..V@ CL'�y W1:.R � reserve unit. You must hGv� se:-v=3 wi�� a uni� tnat was on active duty, no one on r�se�v� stGtus. ) Place of Entry (City) (State) Branch of Service Date of separation or discharge f�om act�ve duty �e of SEDGration or dischargn tHor_orab3e, Ge��ral, etc. ) � .. . , Se:"vice connected disability: Type Percent Your Pre��,-�.�c� Poirts ZDpI i Ca�10*1 car_not b� COTS1(Ia�ea W].t�lOtlt sup�ort=ng docum=_�tatioa (see i:s��-uction above) . �f tne °'°�L"-:��nta`'-°� is �ot at�ached, it must be receive3 in our office no iater than 7 calendar days aftar the apnlicat�on dQadline fo� the position in orde: to guarzntee points are aw�rded in a tim�ly IIlZ'i1T:�1", Su�Dorting aocum�T�ation• ,. . • _, is �t�ached w;i i bo su�*nit��d wi��i� '�� � . � � �! QGy�'J �i ��'G'�'.�1�CG41�� � � . � � r.�GQ��r0 . .. � �'�. j SW�Zr' i._2�� ��'IE GDOV? St`.�t`.�'11�.'.1:`_S Z�� t.ill? 2:1Q �.CCL'�Z`� �`.O i.n� L'aS� O� Tt'�y �CI?O�v?oQCQ G�Q ��I1E_ . --. . . �. ' ;�'�v�-'J �.��^-cf''�i�;Jf-.2'� � r 2 �. � �J.3 !, ,;� ;�-_----_.-_-; :��-_; . . . . k � � J•�MES TOPITZH4FER 7573 North 18th Street Oakdale, MN 55128 (612) 738-3410 QUALIFiCATIONS PROFILE: Dedicated, creaiive professional with graduate level education in business administration and extensive experience in facility managemenG , IDUCATION: University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN � Presently completing Master of Business Administration degree. Complet�ti coursework includes: Finaucial Management, Markedng Maaagement, Personnel Management, Economics, Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Intermediate Accounting for Financial Managers, Statistics, aad Creative Management. St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN B.S. degree, 1982; Major: Recreation. Supporting caursework in business and health education. __ CERTIFICATIONS: YMCA Senior Director � 160 hours of manaDement training in fundraising, budgeting, supervision, marketing, committee and volunteer development. Certified Pool Onerator 36 hours of training in pool operations including pool desi,gn, pool ec}uipment, chemical treatment, and risk management. Basic First Aid and C.P.R. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Building Manager 1990 -present Shoreview Communi, Center, Shoreview . MN Manager of Community Center aperations. Oversee hiring of all commnnity � center personnel. Directly supervise and evaluate six full-time staff. Supervise and aain staff af +50 F.T.E. Develop pracedural guidelines and standazds for Center staff. Direct cash procedures and monitor revenues and expenses. Plan and make re�;oramendations for budget of$1,200,000. Direct promotional and marketing efforts. Evaluate services through surveys. Chairperson of Safety Committee. Ensure safe conditions in compliance with O.S.H.A. requirements. Prepare monthly reports for Parks &Recreation Committee and City Cauncil. Administer contracts and leases with service vendors and building users. Responsible for maintenance of 88,OQ0 sq. ft. community center and 24,6Q0 sq. ft. office building. Plan and recommend capital and revolving fund expenditures. .. _ �, ,. , . , JAMES TOPITZHOFER Oversee scheduling of wedding banquets, civic meetings, after hours pool and gym rentals, seminazs, city meetings and recreation progranss. Oversee concession operation of$120,000. Associate Executive Director 19$$ - 1990 YMCA of Greater St Paul Sky,w�v/East Branch St Paul MN Director of day to day operations. Responsibie for the recruitment, training, and development of four full-time professionai sraff. Assisted in managing$2,b40,000 budget. Responsible for�88,000 annual fund raising campaign. Formulated and implemented long range plans. Successfully managed volunteer development program. Supervised maintenance operations. Maintained quality standards in customer service. Served as United States YMCA delegate to the Soviet Union. Program Director 1983 - 1988 YMCA of Greater St Paul East Branch St Paul MN Dereloped and administered adult, youth, family and camping programs. Assisted in managina �600,000 budaet. Supervised zhree full-time staff, twenty parc-time staff, and student interns. Successfully directed �6,000 general teams se�ment of annual fundraising campaign._Actively promoted membership and services to area corporations. Leader of Day Camp Task Force.for YMCA of ' Greater St. Paui. In :our years, incrwased day �amp enroIlment from 1$0 to I200 � camper w��e�:s. Ftness Specialist 1982 - 1983 YMCn of Greater St Paul I�'orthwest Familv Branch St Paul MN � Coardinated adult fitness programs. Recruited, trained, and sugervised volunteer staff. Previous part-time positions with this organization included Day Camp Director, Parent-Child Program Coordinator, Gymnastics Instructor, . Aerobics Instructor, and Aquatics Director. CaFounder and Business hTanager 1981 - 1983 Northstar Outdoor Education Inc Minneapolis MN Co-founded camping program for youth. Effectively implemented bookkeeping system, administered payroll, prepared all tax and financial statements. Acquired American Camping Association accreditation. COMAN�'ITY AI�'D PROFESSIONAL INVOLVEI�ZENT: Active member of Minnesota Parks and Recreation Association. Served on Board of Management, East Side Neighborhood Develapment Campany. Serverl on Human Concerns Committee, District 5 Community Council. Served as member and Drug Awareness Chairperson for East Side Lion's Club. . `- ' � I J�mes Topitzhofer � 7573 North lSth Street Oakdale, Minnesota 55128 RE: Offer of Employment Community Center Manager Position City Of Rosemount Dear Jim, Thank you for being part of our selection process for the selection of the newly created position of Community Cen.ter Manager for the Rosemount Community Center. The M�anager Selection Committee did come to agreement on their choice for this position. They have decided to recommend to the Rosemount City Council to offer the position to you. I am pleased to provide to you this offer of employment. This offer is being presented to you contingent upon your acceptance of the offer and the City Councils appraval of it�. They will consider the recommendation at their May 4th meeting. I would like your response no later than 12 noon on Friday, April 30th. �� Starting Salary - $41,448 . ��t�• Salary adjustments - After six months employment and after successfully completing your six month probationary period you will receive an adjustment to $45,927. After an additional one year period and a successful performance eva.luation you will receive a salary adjustment to $48, 344. These salary figures may be adjusted upwards for cost of living adjustments yet to be given in 1993 . Auto Allowance - As a department head you will be given a annual auto allowance of $2100 . Other Benefits as outlined in the attached resolution. This is an exempt position for purposes of overtime payment. You will be required to successfully complete a pre-employment physical and a drivers license check. I am looking forward to your accepting this offer of employment and . having you working with a great staff here in Rosemount. Sinc el � � '�� t han Ji k C' y Admi strator ' ' .. _ ' . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAR�TA C�UNTY, MINNESOTA � RESOLDTION 1991 - 78 A RESOLIITZON OIITI,IZIIIIdG Nt1N-UlIION FtTI�L TIME STAF'F SALARY AND BENEFITS FOR 1992 WHEREAB, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has reviewed certain salazy and benefit adjustments for the non-union full- time city staff; and WHEREAs, the City Adminis�rator has provided supporting information as to recommending salary and benefits 'adjustments for 1992; and .. . ' ' AHEREAs, the City Council has reviewed a proposed policy for implementing aiinual adjustments and employment step adjustments in 1992 and beyond (this policy is attached as Exhibit "A") along with i.mplementing other benefit changes as proposed by city adiainistration; and wSEREAs, the City Council of the City of Rosemaunt feels it is � appropriate to institute such reconmended changes. � NOA TBEREFORE BE IT RESOLYED, that the salary ranges are to be sat for all non-union positions as set out in Exhibit "B" to this resalution, which salary schedule will be implemented as set out in the Salary Adjustment Policy {Exhibit "A" to this resolution) , and that the following benefit schedule be adopted for all non- union city staff and will become effective January 1, 1992 : A. Holidavs 1. New Years Day 7. Columbus Day 2 . Martin Luther King Day 8. Veterans Day 3 . Presidents Day 9. Thanksgiving Day 4. Memorial Day 10. Friday follawing 5. Independence Day Thanksgiving 6. Labor Day 11. Christmas Day B. Vacation: Vacation shall be earned by non-union full-time staff monthly per the following schedule, beginning January 1, 1992: lst year of employment . 67 day/mo (8 days} 2nd thru 3rd yr of employment 1 day/mo (12 days) 4th thru lOth year of employment 1 � days/mo (18 days) ilth thru 15th yr of employment 1 3/4 days/mo{21 days) 16 and above yrs of employment 2 days/mo (24 days) , Resolution 2991 - 78 � Paqe 2 � �. Vacation Accrual: Full-ti.me non-union city staff may accumulate vacation based on years of service to the maximum prescri.bed below. Payment in lieu of vacation accrued beyond the amount listed will not be considered. � thru 4 years of service 2o days (160 hours) 5 thru 10 years of service 2S days (200 hours) 11 years of service and above 30 days (240 hours} D. Comnensatorv Time: Compensatory time may be accumulated for overtime worked at the rate of one and one-half times the hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week. Compensatory ti.me may accumulate to a maximum of 80 hours. Combined accumulation of compensatory time and vacation will not exceed vacation maximum . plus 40 hours. � E. Sick Leave: Full-time non-union staff will earn sick leave at the rate of one day per month with no maximum accrual. Sick leave to be available for use as accrued. ' Buvout Provision: Employees accruing in excess of 60 days (48r3 hours) of sick leave under this section may, cn January lst onl,y of each year, elect to "sell" those hours in excess of 480, to the city at a conversion rate equal to the percentage figures in Sectian E. times the hours being "sald" times the employee�s then base rate of pay. ' (Example: Employee John Doe, employed with the city 14 years has 640 haurs of sick leave accumulated. His rate of pay is $14.00/hr. He chooses to "sell" i00 hours. The calculation would be 100 x .45 x 24. 00 = 630. This would leave him 540 hours of sick leave left. The $630 would be added to his payroll check subject to all taxes, social security, etc. F. Severance Pav: Full-time non-union staff will receive payment at the employee�s rate at time of leaving, as prescribed below when leaving the employ of the city in good standing. Vacation: Up to accrued amount Sick Leave: 1 thru 5 yrs of service, 15� of accumulated sick leave 6 thru 10 yrs of service, 30� of accumulated sick leave 11 thru 15 yrs of service, 45� of unused sick leave 16 yrs o€ service and above, 60°� of unused sick leave Plus the following when the employes is Zeaving the employ of the City for retirement purposes: 5 thru 9 yrs of service = 2 weeks pay 10 years of service and above = 4 weeks pay ltesolution 1992 — 78 Paqe 3 G. Longevitv: After 5 years of service, l� of base After 8 years of servica, 2� of base After 12 y.ears of service, 3� cf base After 16 years of service, 4� af base H. Iiealth Insurance: Cost of Basic Plan (lst dollar) - 100� of employees coverage - 65� ef the difference between single employee coverage and the total family coverage. The cost difference between the basic (lst dollar) plan and any optional plans available to employees, will be paid by the employee. I. �,,ife Insurance: The city will pay the cost of: - l. $10,000 Term Life Insurance (Mi.nnesota Mutual Life) 2. Declining value PERA Life Insurance Plan Any additional life insurance costs for optional plans available to the employee will be born by the emp�oyee. • J. Dental Insurance: The city will pay the cost of single cove=age through a plan approved by the city (1992 cost ef $I8.20 through Delta Dental Plan) . Employee pays any additional cost for employee or depender�ts. • G. Education Reimbursement: The City will pay 100$ of all costs of taking a class not to exceed $750 a year fvr classes • approved by Administration and successfully completed. The City will also pay 50� of costs above the initial $750 for classes approved by Administration and successfully completed. Adopted this 3=d day of De�ember, 1991. , L��' ,.�t�' � Ver . Napper, Mayor ATTEST: S an M. WyY1,sh, City Clerk ./ r Motion by: xapPer Seconded by; xlassen . Willc Voted in favor. ox, Wippermann, Napper, Klassen, Oxborou�h Voted against: None