HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Port Authority Annual Report CITY OF ROSE:NiOUNT EXECIITIVE SUb�RARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 4, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: PORT AUTHORITY ANNUAL REPORT AGENDA SFsCTION: DEPAR.TMENT HEADS REPORTS PREPARFD BY: JOHN MILLER, , AGTND NO. ECONOMIC DPVELOPMENT COORDINATOR , ATTACffi�sNTS: CHRONOLOGY OF PORT AUTHORITY AP Y: ' ACTIVrTIFS � Article XI of the Port Authority' s bylaws requires that an annual report of the commissioner' s activities be made to the city council. Port Authority chairperson, Ed Dunn, will appear before you with a chronology of the past year� s activities. He will also be prepared to answer any questions you might have of the authority' s aetivities. RECOM�►+�NDPD ACTION: No direct action required. COtJNCIL ACTION: t)RGANIZATIONAL FINANCiAL REPAIRS.INC. STRES OIL ARhiORY ¢� INE PARK ,�NIOR HOUSiNG LUND-TIiORSEN DOWNTQR'N;M.ANS :-a-92 2-4•92 2-4-92 3-2-92 3-2-92 3-2-92 7-28-92 5-20-92 3-2-92 � A�CI i/11I CICCfC{I Budget�proved. Extended IeaAe and Strere wil teets DiscuRsed rcl�xa6ne Reviewed concept. DCNRA�pprouhu city Motel wilh R.AnJerson � Authorized 512,000. � �,ITicnrx t�+urchue opdan y�pcoved. busu�esees. rc:aite. diecuesed. 8-492 4-1492 3'Z'42 .1•2A2 Reviewed RoaemouM a-2-92 4-6-92 4-6-92 DiacusMd�wrchuw of 10-20-92 6-16-92 EasemeM w old Ui�uaai�m of City Piaza GmJin. 1��hmwn autas muve to Soil testa m'iewed. liik dirceted ke visit AMxm prc�tly. Diircuaeed aenior ceMtt )illt tatks W R.Andereon. Poet Office. ('�wncil.Purt -- Repairo,Im+.site. with ArmoTY Pn'(KrtY housiee site wi�h HRA nuthority,e1e.rotas. 8-t3-93 3-20-92 owneru re:maviag. 9-t-42 E.D. 7-21A2 5-20-92 Tu mnet 4-i4-92. DiacusseJ city's fins�ial S-2A2 Paid for eoil teste. Begin swdying Business Denied R.Andenon Port Office refuses position ro:Atmury with Rep�irs,tno.a Sa�eee 5-20-92 Puk. il-�-92 p���nd wfl'to otfet. d-692 emMuluM. site ro Nelwn. 6-2-92 Began iee arcnx Co�idercd Haptiet Church t�ic dher arotel Oiw.�ua�eJ Mctrn Aud�orised quick-tako diecussions with RAHA. 10-6-92. eite for xnior cemer developen. 7-21•92 Ca�. NrK imere�ted. 8-1)-92 5-20-4� of Stresa Oil. RecommenJed 10 C.C. harsiog. Marie Jensea wgyeats Besan twdget discuseiora. Na�uth ot C.R 42, 5-20-92 East Sak Udliry Study. 1-5-93 tu�swap. .{_�q_g2 Would qrend 5200,000. 6-t492 National Guud truck Autharized motei muka Alilra rcviewed role i t-17•92 Second appraisal faeility within�miles. 11•2-'92 �dy. ?-21A2 of F'vrt Aulhoriry. Review nf dnft 1993 5-20-92 ord�ral. Received Se�e of Servicee CMC prcaented pians. - budget. Johemon wuw C�e b2-F2 from SEH for�aric sdtdy. bui3�n�. �1692 Financid info on anm 2-8-92 �i-14-42 i t-17-92 Na eood eite for discusaed. Heud rcdevdopmeex O'Nrill Jixcusxed Divauseed possible ehortfaU 6-16-92 Repxin.Inc. p��hom Rick funJing trptinia. in TIF payme�N. Joh�on wants Cope 62•92 . building. 7-7-9� Recmnmended�pproval of d-14-92 12-1•92 Diacussed well with ho�ds for iee uem. C�wnriVCmnmissions Monthty financial tulance 61692 David. JiaaruaeeJ innc nnge dweets to memben Site wrveyed. 7-9-92 g�wla for Purt Authwity. 7-T-92 Reviewed Arrtwry timeubla 12-t•92 7-T-4� A�p+roved nrenent domdn. t�t6-92 Work protram and bud�et Ec«wmio Qevelopment 7-2tA2 l:c��m+mic DevelopmeM mv«1. 'See City Coordinuor w�qesb 10-6-92 Rxeived fusta�p nie�ls. C�a�rclinator rceommended (�jierRting Budget' MeMmomy sita to Johnwn.HRA reporta wotkinE Rryart A1 Monk iMerected �o City Gwncil. wjdi Strsse. in eponsaring ear eare 1-5-93 7-21-92 centea 6-16-42 Authoriud G.O.TIR Soil tert. 11-2-92 Dinruaecd 1993 budgnt. bnrut paymaN Loeh and Autlwriud offer w 7-21-92 Blaka 7-28A3 Strese Oil. HRA y+proved for rciceauon t�-16-92 Repairs,Inc.to be cootnct. • Ecimomic Devnlopment eonb¢led rc:Nordviek dc 11-2492 C�xKJin�tur be infarmed Sent pnqrerties: . Delar eondemma6on 8-4-92 uf prioriry pn,jects. heann:. Approve mvironmental au�t .._ 7-28-93 for nrmory eite. 7-7-91 A aal of Nordvick 2-8A� Kelian��un'implind o�. Rescindal emineM $-4-92 uuth�.rity'diacusrzJ domain. Ap{+caisale received. My Milee. 7-28-9E Site plane of Nordvick 2-E-93 8-4-92 7.2�.92 ordercd. SS,000 for p1w. 017er made w purchase Di�cueeed Nadoeul Guud Dir�cus�nJ rcvolving luaa S�P��Y• rcP���u'. pn.gnm. Sinnwetl- 9-1•92 runtracdns pulicy. lohneon waidne on wrvey. 9-�-92 .,�. Armory fieancing and e-JA2 9-1-42 conshucl3un reviewed. � 'furn�k�wn rcvulvine ARked eurvey be com{rkled Asked HRA for updata of h�sn Pm�;nm. by 9.2.q2, relocation. R-d-42 Ch�nbasaen fielJ trip 10-6-92 . rwheJuleJ. Juhnaon ennRnn�h�e a•an4� 9-14•92 Repain�.1�.ate. Amemkd Tli�Aiatrict fM City Couneil Dimueu�ed cnnJemnadun 11-2-92 s�rovd of nilruad ri�htvf- A roved RFP for way. r�ak+pmeM of eite. -- 9-1492 8-18-92 1-5-99 Maintena�rca fuility Uiscuaaeet annual te{wrt Received lwo redevelopment diseueaed. to Ciry Ctwmil prcywals. -- 10-!3-92 4-1-92 2-8•93 Adopt rcwludon for RCVjCWC(I CI� ' � COpE E7CGMIM6 fG- � �,425,000 bonJs for � , � � � � purchaax�ing�xrliey. purchase option. ArnarylC.C.projcct. 9-1-92 • 10.20.92 . Authorized work Pott Aulhoriry aaked for xeraciunR at aecond npdate and Mandwls from meelin�. , �{RA on rclocadon. 10-20-92 10-27-92 f�uU�wv�It ciry cudee. Accepted bide for aale I I-2-92 .. . . . . Reaffirm zoning I1-2-92 �+�Jinanca Receivai uExlue from HRA ---- on relocadon. Diacuued 2-8-93 lack ot pmsreet. . Bteetion i+f officero. 11-2-92 2•8•93 Letter to property ownen nuth��rizcci gual-aetting n:ot7er. RCltltiWl. . - � � � . I I-17-92 Hire Lindquirt dc Vennum for acyui�i6on and telocatlon. 12-IS-92 Conworth Inc.fvst discus�relocation with Purt Authority. I-5-93 Named�p}+eals officer for rclocuion. 1.5_q; A�ro ved rclocadon claime of]►dc G Autobody. 1-3-93 Approved uae ot emineM domain ro purch.Armory prop. 2•8-9� A nrved rclocation claim o�k's Autubody and advance pymt.w Dakaa Small Ene.Rep.