HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. Legal Fees Payment Approval .r • , CITY OF ROS�iOUNT LXECIITIVE SU,NmlARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:May 4, 1993 AGENDA ITEbl: Legal Fees AGENDA SECTION: McDon�.ugh/Sunrise Builders Case Consent PREPARED BY:Stephan Ji1k AGFNDA j�� � . i ��� � �G.�. � ; ATTAC�+tENTS: B i 11 i ng • AP _ Y: ��-%' This is a request for payment of legal fees to the firm of Lin quist and Vennum for legal services in connection with the McDonAugh/Sunrise Builders litigation matter. This bill has been reviewed and found to be in order. The bill reflects pass due amounts owed. At this time those payments have been made and the current billing is all that is due. RECObII�iENDED ACTION:Motion to approve payment of $4�74.10 to the firm of Lindquist and Vennum for legal services. COTJNCIL ACTION: � , a�oo�cc� �,o�v� 80 soutH�st�' t�xnsr,v�auM&p�sre� � � . . MMMIEl1POLI3.MWNE30TA�� 80017iH S�iEET.SUTE 2'12$. � . LINDQUIST &VENNUM ,��'�"�„ �'°."°`°p"°°�'°, F�x:812371�3'107 Te.Eat�or�30Ci37356110 A'rroaNevs AT l.�w t�t�iAHD T.06TLUND 612�371-3256 April 21, 1993 Mr. E. B. McMenomy, Jr. McMenomy Associates, Inc. 2810 - 145th Street West Rosemount, NIlJ 55068 Dear Ed: Enclosed please find our invoice for services rendered on your behalf. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our billing, please don't hesitate to contact me. Best regards. Very truly ''urs, �;TNDQUIS ENNUM � Rich rd T. Ostlund RTO/mj w Enclosure �3^� �� ' � . . In Accaurn VV�th LINDQUIST �t VENNUM 4200 IQS CENTER � � � � � � MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 56402 � � � ' � . � � 672•37t-3217 /' � AMOUNT ENCLOSED S � E.B. MCMENOMY, JR. MCMENOMY ASSOCIATEB, INC . 2�10 14�Tk STRE£T WEST DATE AFRIl. 20, i9�l3 ROSEMOUNT, �IN SS�D68 F I3.E NQ . �4318 2 8 . Q OQ i IMVOI�E Mt3. 93�tl5 16� � � MI+GHAEL MCD4N9�USH V. Cl.ifiNT 02l25�93 it G MITCHELL, JR Conf�ren�e aith Mayor as�d Rich {f�tlund . 03102l93 R T OSTLUND Ad�►fss M�yor regarding ] itfgstiart is��e� an app�a2 . 03/09/93 R 7 O�7tUND Advig� cl3ettt on sfscell�neous litig�tiart issues. �3t13193 A V VIKSMINB Drai°ted reply brief. 03l15193 A V VIKSNINS Drafted reply bri+�f. 03/tb�93 R T OSTLUNt� Preparation an� analysis of reply briefing re�panse and instructicns� tfl An�is Vik�nins; telaphone conference witM �d McMBno�y . 03l18�93 p V ViKSNINS R�vi�a�d reply briaf. 03li8f93 3 3AfFOLD, 3ft . Research reg�rdinq publfc official i�aunity !or +�PPe3late br3ef . 03/19f93 A Y ViKSNIAES Reviaed repty brief. 03l�01�3 A Y VIKSNINS Revised rep2y brief. 43f2'193 A V VIKSNINS Reuised reply brief; arranged for se�vice ar►d fi2fng. 43l29/93 R T OSTL.Ui�D Prep�are for and condtsct C i t y Counc i I br i�f i ng. FEES FOR SERVICES RENDERED � �f,3T2.54 QAi'E DISSURSEMENi'S Pha#ocopy Charge�s 1 . b0 TOTAt DISBURSEMENTS � 1 . 60 TOTAl. CURRENT FEES AM[� l�i�BURa�E�tE�iTS � 4, 3T4. 't Q AMQUNT UIVPAID FROM PR30R STATEMENT� � i7,442. 48 FEES FOR SERVICE 4,372. 50 D I S�URSE�lE�ETS 1 . 6 tf TOTAL THI8 STATEMEMT � 2't , 7?6 .5E LtNDt1UiST&VENNUM IS AN ��N O Q U(S T £r V E N N U M EE�/AA EMPLOYER. FED.I.O.#410658379