HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Comprehensive Guide Plan - Metropolitan Council Response _ , � _ City of Rosemount E.xecu�ive Summary for Action ' City Council Meeting Date: Ma�, 1993 Agenda Item: Comprehensive Plan-Metropolitan Council A.genda Section: Response Old Business Prepared By: Lisa Freese Agenda��� # � A Director of Planning �'1 Attachments: Metropolitan Council letter Ap �d �: � The Metropolitan Council notified the City on Apri127 that there are ssues rega.r ' g the proposed MUSA expansion in the Comprehensive Plan Update and the ability of the sewe ' capacity at the treatment plant to handle the proposed expansion. The City ha.s been asked to consider granting the Metropolitan Council three additional months to complete their review of Upda.te 2000. If the City chooses not to grant this extension Metro�litan Council staff has indicated that they would recommend modification of the plan directi.ng the removal of the proposed MLTSA expansion. Granting the extension will allow the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission to complete their analysis of the interim improvements made in late 1992 to the Rosemount WWTP and hopefully will result in a more favorable recommendation regarding the City's proposed MLTSA expansion. They are requesting that the City respond by May 7, 1993. I am dra.fting a response letter granting the suggested extension and will pmvide the letter to the City Council for your approval prior to your meeting on Tuesda.y. Prior to this notification, Metropolitan Council member Craig Morris, who represents the Rosemount area. on the Council, met with City staff to discuss Rosemount's plan submittal. He has been very supportive of the City's efforts and has offered to meet with the City Council and Plaruiing Commission to discuss Metropolitan Council issues regarding Upda.te 2000 and offer his insights regarding strategies with the Metropolitan Council. He is availa.ble for a meeting on Tuesday, May 11 at 7:00 p.m. in Rosemount and it is my understanding that Metropolitan Council sta.ff will also be in attenda.nce. An invitation has also been extended to the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission to attend this meeting but they have not responded as of this time. Staff will also notify and invite the other City Commissions to attend this meeting. Recommended Action: A MOTION to request that the Metropolitan Council extend the review of the Comprehensive Plan until September 22, 1993 to allow the MWCC to complete a review of the Rosemount WWTP inte� unprovements. ON o ftt,.. b�.�a�., A MOTION to set a special City Council meeting for May 11, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the status of the Metropolitan Council's review of Update 2000. City Council Action: OS-04-93.005 • - � APR-2?-'93 TUE 15:48 ID:METROPOLITAN CDUNCIL TEL N0:612/291-6550 #112 P�2 �' �.;;._• , ..� : ;� �, � ���� M�TR�3PULITAN Cl7UNCIL : �1�lruts A7rk Cru�rr. 2.�0 Erixr Fifr/t Srn'rt. St. Pkt++t, MN SS101•!63'4 b12 29J-6354 FrtX 612 291-6530 7'7'}'61: �5�1-09f�W .r _ ��� �� . � L3sa Fr�ese ,� � . PlanninQ Dirixtot . GG1ty�f�i,o�emount . 28'7s-Z4sth serQec w. RosemouaG htN. SSO48 � RE; ' City of Ros+emount � Comprchr.,�atvc Flaa Amendmsnt . Comprohcnaive Guide Ple►n Ugdate 7.OQ� Mctropolitan Counc� Roienal F'�1e No. iS4f�3-6 � � 1�etmpoIItan Cauncil District 16 1�ear Ivts. Frerse= . � The M�tropalitan Council has it�itiatod the rev�iew af the city's abave refer�nc�ec! plan ara�ndmear. The Gauncil'a Committee of the W�c�le i� tentatively scheduled to revicw the plan amemdmcnt an Juae 3, aad the full Cauncil is anticipated to review tha item on�June 10, 1993. The review period � for the proposcd plan att�ndmout concludes on June 22, 1993. Councal ataff inet last weck with the Mctropolitaa Waate C;cintrot Commissioa (MWC�n iate re�ardi�g the treatment capacitiy of thC Ro�mount Wastewater'�'reatment Pla�t {WWTP}. 1992,the MWCC made an interim capacity improvement tc�cha Rosemount WWTP,and tt�e MWCC st�is currently evatuating the effect of this iatorim improvement. This evaluation is anticipaccd to bc compkt� by inid-7une. "i'I�e Council will:cc�ntiaue to use e�asting capacity numbers until che MWCC evaivatioa is compleu and a aew capacity lisnit has becn establisbed for th� Rosemount . WW'I�'. The city's proposed plan arnendment includes:adding land to the Metropalitaa Urb�n Senrice Area {MUSA). 1"!�S taud and ather pisnned Iaad u�ea in the city's MUSA wrauld resuit is�s�nitary scwer tlows bcyond the cuneat estimated capacity�of the Ros s�wouid��to recommend thac the ciry aubataatial impact en a metropolitan aystera and Coune�l s of Rosemoutlt prepat� a plan m�difieat�on ro�ztoviag the groposed I�1US.°►�Pas�siort request. As a consequeacc, the city of Rosemount may wisll to exiend thc rcvicw pariod of the ptan amendmanti An sdditional three months (tr3 September 22, 1993) would givc the MWCC and Conacil3taff aufIIciont time tv complete tbeir evaivation of thc Rosemount WWTF and detetmine tba poteatiel Impecs. sf e�ny, the city's pmposed ptan amendment vr,�uld have on tha Ros�mount WW',CP, Qriven a Septembcr 22 rcvi�r dead�ine, a staff report on the plan araendment wauld be . complete by 1ate-August with Cauacil aan�ideratiaa in cariy-Septemb�r. ��.Recycted P�p�r ' . � . . � � w�^• ..~ � ��.. . � • �. + . � � .. . �,�� . �riiv rlOWG . . . � , � . . . .,��,.. � � Aprt127, 1493 . • . Paae 2 , b A repty to this letter would be appreciated by May 7, 1993.in order to give �uncil staff sufficient timo to pr�par� its report ucider the cucrent d�adline. Feel faree to contact me at 291-6594 if I may be of any asslstance. � Siwe ,1y, � tt�ren Schwanhe ' : Gompsoh�re Pianning ac. E Craig Mot�ts,Metropolit� Council District 1tS Jecic Freat, Metropolitaa CcYuncil Staf� C ��� ,; : ��� h � . � � ��i / � i�� o osev�ou �� �?�.P�.- �� PNONE (612)423-4411 2875-745th Street West.Rosemount.Minnesota MAYOR . FAX (612)423-5203 AAailing Address: Edward B.McMenany P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Niinnesota 55088-0510 COUtdCILMEMBERS Sheila Klaseen May 4, 19 9 3 Ja H ry w n oX��s -- Dennis Wippermann MS . Dottie R12tOW� CYla1Y' ADMINISTRATOR Stpphan Jilk Metropolitan Council Mears Park Centre 230 E. Fifth Street � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101-1634 ; RE: City of Rosemount I Comprehensive Guide Plan Update 2000 Metropolitan Council Referral File No. 15468-6 Dear Ms. Rietow: The City of Rosemount has taken under advisement the conclusions of the initial Metropolitan Council review of our comprehensive plan amendment submittal, Update 2000 . In Mr. Schwanke' s letter of April 27 he indicated that because the sewer capacity in the Rosemaunt Treatment Plant is yet to be determined, the Metropolitan Council staff would not be able to recommend approval of the City' s plan without modification to the propos8d Metropolitan Service Area expansion. It is our understanding the three month extension will provide the MWCC staff ample time to evaluate the interim improvements installed in late 1992 . The City Council has agreed to request the suggested three month extension for this evaluation of those interim improvements, but they did so expecting that the Council ' s efforts will go beyond the evaluation. The City Council also requests that during this three month time period that the Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Waste Control Commission evaluate the feasibility of two additional components of sewer capacity in the Rosemount Treatment Plant service area. 1) methods to provide additional treatment capacity beyond :72 MGD between 1993 and the addition of capacity currently scheduled for late 1996; and 2) expediting the timeline of providing additional capacity up to �� 1995 instead of 1996 . The issue of treatment plant capacity at Rosemount is not a new issue. When the Rosemount Treatment Plant 20 Year Design was downscaled in the eleventh hour in 1987 the City objected. Since 1989 sewer capacity has been a problem acknowledged by the Metropolitan Council . The Council indicated at that time that there was 1000 residential equivalents af capacity in the Rosemount Plant. Since that time Rosemount has averaged over 2Q0 residential units a year plus capacity has been provided to regional facilities such as USPCI' s landfill, the Natianal Guard Armory and School District 196 . Rosemount does not have a five year overage of land with the designated MUSA at this time. �ver���ings �oming �C/1.,�6 �osemoun��� .. . . .. . . . t�rbCYCled OMM � � � . . � . . . . � . . ,;, . Guide Plan Approval May 4, 1993 Page 2 The City has gone to great expense to assist the MWCC with this capacity problem by installing trunk facilities to divert some existing wastewater flows to the Empire Waste Water Treatment Plant. Local developers worked with the City to accomplish this in anticipation of future capacity availability in the Rosemount Plan�. While we are pleased that a study was initiated in late 1992 to improve the Rosemount Plant, it is the City' s position that it should have been initiated much sooner. While we are willing to request extension of our plan review until September 22, 1993, we do so with the expectation that these two additional components will be considered during this time period, so that we are not faced with needing extra time to address these issues in September. The City has worked with the Metropolitan Council and the . Council ' s statf closely in the completion of our Guide Plan, the sewer diversion of 19.92 and we believe our efforts are reflected in our updated plan. This cooperative effort has not been without compromise or without delay. The City cannot wait longer than the September 22nd date to get approval . Developers that have been placed on I hold for 1992 and 1993 are, with valid reason, becoming extremely � apprehensive about their opportunities to begin development. The City is also currently in consideration of retail and commercial development projects which will require capacity already available but not accessible because of not having the Guide Plan appro�red. As T indicated the day I presented comments to the Committee of the whole regarding the MUSA Moratorium - we consider the relationship with the Council a partnership. The City of Rosemount believes we have upheld our part of this partnership and then some. The responsibility to insure adequate sewer capacity to meet approved development based on our Guide Plan is the Council � s and the MWCC. We hope this extension request allows the Council adequate time to move the planning process along which will insure our Guide Plan approval . � Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Stephan Jilk City Administrator C��°.: Cir'lktq '(`(�Q^V'V`� ��-- m��c�t,a-�cr�� ,r-►� ���c. ��. � �� :s�c-tt,•c.r �Co 1� �.r�l G� �1�w`-���1OS�- °M'l►.a G G