HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Lighting Project for Jaycee Park G r . . t . . . . . . . . . . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SUI�IARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNeIL MEETING DATE: p�y 4, 1993 , AGENDA ITIIK: AGENDA SECTION: LIGHTING PROJEC7 FOR JAYCEE PARK NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGENDA��AA � � � DAVID J . BECHTOLD / DIR . P & R � IVI ATTACffi3ENTS: COPY OF PLANS AND PROPOSAL & �p �D ' GENERA� PARK PROJECTS AND SCHEDULES • ',:�...� � Trail lighting and park lighting in some of th,e pple Va ey Parks and in the Lakeville Parks has been completed by Dakota E1�ctric . That company offers high quality services in the areas of design, installation , and maintenance following the installation . Parks Department staff and I have met with Mr . Ed. Brunkhorst of the Dakota Electric Company to work out a plan for the lighting in Jaycee Park . Mr . Brunkhorst has submitted a design plan , a construction time table, and an installation cost estimate . The area that is identified in the plan does include the pump house site at the south east corner of the park and the parking lot in that section of the park . Because of the status of development of the parking lot as well as the possible construction work that may be required to the pump house site I am not including the cost of thos8 four ( 4 ) li9hts at this time . The underQround wiring and power source would be made available for future lighting installation at those locations at a later date . Present project cost estimate= � 950 - 1 ,000 per fixture amount not to exceed � 1 ,000 per unit � Total of seventeen ( 17 ) fixtures in this request amount not to exceed � 17 ,000 includes all materials and installation for project Sales tax estimate is � 1 ,105.00 Monthly charge for maintenance & electrical is � 5 .21 per fixture . TOTAL COST ESTIMATE FOR PROPOSAL I5 $ 18,105.00 INCI.UDING SALES TAX. Project would be installed as per the drawings attached with ins�allation to be completed by May 15, 1993 . Funding for this project was encumbered frorn the 1992 CIP for this project . The account is # 202 - 24435 . RECOI+�II�+iENDED ACTION: Accept the concept plan for trail and parking lot lighting in .7aycee Park and to authorize Dakota Electric to complete the installation of the lighting at a cost not to exceed � 18 ,105 .00 . Funds are to come fram account # 202 - 24435 . COIJNCIL ACTION: � �, . - ` � � . � , ����� EIE�-rt�ir , fso � „ T , o , . April 16, 1993 Dave Bechtold City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street W. � P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, 1�T 55068 RE: Jaycee Park Lighting Dear Dave: Enclosed is your print of Jaycee Park showing the lighting layout as we discussed. DEA will install the 21 lights as � shown, for $950.00 - $1,000.00 each. We will bill you the actual amount if less than the estimate, but will not exceed the $1,000.00 amount without your authorization. We can stake and release the job when the trail CL is marked and any rough grading, if necessary, is completed. We will work toward a time frame of May 15, if weather permits. Sincerely, --�� � �� _..�""_ Ed Brunkhorst Right-of-Way Engineer EB:rl enclosure A Consumer-Owned,Nonproiit Electric Utility 4300 220th Street West/Farmington,Minnesota 55024-9583 Telephone:(612)463-7134/1-800-874-3409!FAX;(612)463-6256 An Equal Opportunity Empioyer . � . JAYCEE PROJECT NOTESc There are several major projects yet to be completed in Jaycee Park this year . I do not have the information ready at this rneeting to � request a total package for your approval of alI of the projects. But , in order to 9et a more complete perspective of the project li5t and the sequence in which they are planned I have included this summary page for you . Since the lighting project needs to be completed prior to the other projects it has been presented to you for approval ahead of the other items . The following list is in the order in which we plan to construct .them . 1 . TRAIL & PARKING LOT LIGHTING AND UNDERGROUND WIRING a . Funding is from 1992 encumbered CIP account # 202 - 24435 . b . To be installed by May 15 , 1993 2 . CONCRETE WORK AROUMD SHELTER a . Fundins is from park dedication c . to be constructed as soon as possible d . major work is a part of the shelter construction project 3 . TRAILS a . Funding from encumbered CIP account # 202 - 24435 & park ded. b . To be constructed following lighting project 4 . INSTALL STORM SEWER CONNECTION a . Funding to come from park dedication b . To be installed in conjunction with trail installation 5 . PLANT TREES a . �unding to come from general budget , park ded. , & grant project b . Planting to take place following trail installation c . Plan�ing will continue in fall of 1993 and also during 1994 b . IRRIGATION (2ND PHASE SOUTH SECTION OF PARK) a . Funding to coma from park dedication b . Project to be completed following trail construction 7 . COMP�ETE LANDSCAPE AROUND SHELTER a . Funding to come from park dedication . b . Project to take place following trail installation 8 . RESEED PARK AREA IN AND AROUND RZNKS AND AL50 SHELTER AREA a . Funding to come from park dedication b , Project to follow irrigation installation 9 . CONSTRUCT INFIELD OF BASEBALL/SOFTBALL AREA a . Funding to come from park dedication b . Project to be completed in fall of 1993