HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Proclamation - National Public Works Week r � CITY OF ROSEMO'ONT LXECIITIVE S'Ui�+lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNC3L MEETING DATE: May 4, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Proclama.tion - National Public AGENDA SECTION: Works Week Mayor's Report PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGBNDA 1��� � � � City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director il ATTAC�+SENTS: Proclamation APp �VED BY: General Information Report � j This years "National Public Works Week" is May l6 through May 22 . The Rosemount Public Works Department works very hard in providing City residents first rate potable water, sanitary sewer, storm water drainage and street systems. The maintenance personnel are well trained and provide efficient and timely maintenance of all our City systems. ,We all tend to take these amenities for granted. We need to appreciate the fact that without an effective City water system, fire protection would be deficient; without our sanitary sewer system our environment would be severely harmed; without an etficient storm drain and street system and proper maintenance of these systems our lives would be drastically different. The Citys' Public Works personnel should all be recognized for working hard to provide public services to the people of Rosemount. We ask that the Mayor proclaim the week of May 16 through Ma.y 23, 1993 as "National Public Works Week° . To recognize all of our Public Works personnel, Mike Widstrom and Staff will present a video showing the numerous tasks and services the Public Works Department provides on May 18 at 7:30 p.m. , all Council Members and Commission Members are invited and encouraged to attend. The video is approximately twenty minutes long and will be over well in advance of our 8:00 p.m. meeting start. Coffee and cookies will be served. RECO�Il�SENDED ACTION: Mayor to proclaim the week of May 16-22, 1993 as National Public Works Week. - COUNCIL ACTION: 7 ♦ . The Citp of Rasemownt Office of the Mayor PR�LAlVI�TION WSEREAS, public works services provided in our community are aaz integrai'part of our citizen's everyday lives; and WS��, the suppo�t of an understanding and informed citizenry is vital to the efficient operation of public works systems and programs such as water, sewers, streets and highways, public buildings and snow removal; and �1�1�ZREAS, the health, safety and comfort of this community greatly depends on these facilities and services; and WSEREAS, the quality and effectiveness of these facilities, rrs well as their planning, design, and constructzon is vitally dependent upon the efforts and skilt of public works offzcials; and WSEREAS, the efficiency of the qualt'fied and dedicated personnel who stccff pubdic works departments is materially infCuenced by the people's attitude and understanding of the importance of the work they•perform, NOW, TSEREFORE, I E. B. McMenomy, Mayor of the City of Rosemount, do hereby proclaim the week of May 16 thrnugh May 22, 1993 as "NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK° in the City of Rosemount, and I call upon all citizens and civic organizations to acquai�zt themselves with the problems involved in providing our public works and to recognize the contributions which public works officials make every day to our health, safety and comfort. GIVEN UNDER MY �:[ANID AND THE SEAL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT THIS 4TH DAY OF MAY, 1993 . E. B, McMenomy, Ma.yor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk r - ♦ CITY OF ROSEMUUNT PUB�IC WORKS DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION REPORT STREET'INFORMATION 1.992 ' <` 1991 199Q !' 1989 TOTAL MILEAGE 111.2 108.22 107.37 106.5$ TOTAL BITUMINOUS 93.2 90.22 89.37 88.5$ TOTAL GRAVEL 18A 18.0 18.0 18A TOTAL TRAILS 7J 7.7 TOTAL CU�-DE-SACS 81 UTII.ITIF.INFORMATIbN < 1992'`. 1991 � . 1990 ' 19$9 .- � SANITARY SEWER TOTAL MILES 34.1 32.10 31.95 28.85 TOTAL CONNECTIONS 2531 2308 2108 1914 L1FT STATIONS 5 5 • FLOW TO MWCC PLA,NT 229.9 220.9 MG MG � WATERMAIN - TOTAL MILES - MUNICiPAL 43.6 41.78 RURAL 7.1 7.13 TOTAL CONNECTIONS 2531 2308 2117 1912 WELLS - MUNICIPAL 4 4 RURAL 2 2 WATER USAGE � 331.3 329.9 270.2 269.5 MG MG MG MG NO. OF HYDRANTS 36$ 337 WATER TOWERS-#1 CHIPPENDALE 500,000 AVENUE GAL CAP. #2 CONNEMARA 1,000,000 TRAIL GAL CAP. • STORM SEWER TOTAL MILES 19.6 17.9 � POND INFORMATION TOTAL NO. OF PONDING & DRAINAGE 97 97 AREAS (PLATfED PROPERTY ONLY) TOTAL ACREAGE OF MAINTAINED 213.45 213.45 AREAS AROUND PONDS (EASEMENTS) NOTE: ALL INFORMATION ON THIS REPORT IS CURRENT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1992 a����������d�����D3���' :. ���r���J�V����,s.�:.��°������ Ma`�'4�3 '. `.'.. . .,�..._.... .. .__..._.�. ._..__.'__._----__._....�._...._�.. ,.•. �`,. . 1: � , ... �� �; � ' S �i j, � � ! t "' . � , .�,' �,� � �_ � � ^i` �� � � ' � , �� S � �- ` �.,. -- � t �, ', �.:.� f`� � � + v , ;,' , �;- �-; ��: _ „ � _« — � : �' � � � > �; _��` � � � � � : � ` ; �� :ti � ,`� �r : ���y ~� \.�� � 5��,`�"�,,:�- �,r., r` � K. � �t�.�n.� � �� ��� . > - r��� fi R !�v C . "a,�� �� ,:._.. , �_ - F : �Ai��lt � . ��i-,:�d .i t 'il�: . brti:- ; "'^^�'�.`_s -��a�..�r.b���. E-