HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Community Center Project Update CITY OF ROSEMODNT EXECUTIVE SiTb�1ARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:May 4, 1993 AGEND�+i ITEM;Community Center Project Update AGENDA SECT20N: Administrators Report PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: None •t APP y; _ � The Community Center -Froject is progressing smoothly There re several items of interest to bring to the Council at this time. The most significant, I believe, is to report on the contributions that are coming in on the project. RAHA - Representatives from R.AHA have indi�ated tome that they are 70% complete in reaching their goal of providing $100000. to the project. They have ordered the ice resurfacing ma.chine for the arena. They have also purchased the skate tile for the arena and have committed to installing it. This item alone should provide about a $20, Ot�0 . savings to the City. We have also asked for a price for removing the bleachers, in the arena, from the contract. Depending on the price break the bleachers could be purchased and/or installed by volunteer labor. This pricing has not been received yet. Jaycees - The Jaycees have given the City a check for $7000 . for the purchase of a scoreboard in the gymn.asium and the placing of the City logo on the sport floor in the gym. Other - The First State Bank of Rosemount has committed to giving $8000. to purchase the scoreboard system in the arena. We have also asked to have. a price quote to have conduit installed in the arena to allow us to later install electric advertising signs in the arena if we decide to do so. This pricing is not yet available. We have also asked Star Cable to provide a price to install interactive cable hookup to the facility so that we can do live, or taped delay broadcasts from there. RECObIlKENDED ACTION: None COUNCIL ACTION: i I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT , EXECIITIVE S'UbmIARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL REGULAR NlEETING DATE: November 16, 1993 AGENDA ITEM Authorize the posting arid ad- AGENDA SECTION: vertising of P-T staff for Community Center. New Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, AGENDA NO. Community Center Manager. ATTAC�IENTS: Job descriptions, staff organ- APPROVED BY: ization, salary schedules. Planning for the recruitment of remaining Community Center Staff includes: November il Post & advertise Concessionaires, Ticket Attendants, Clock Operators & Skate Guards. These are part-time seasonal positions of which all are paid at a rate of $4 .50 per hour. November 17 Post & advertise Building Attendants & Manager On Dutys {MODsJ . These are part-time regular positions and are needed to operate the arena, scheduled to open December 26. December 22 Post & advertise Part-Time Custodians & Full Custodian. One full-time custodian and several regular part-time custodians are needed to clean the remainder of the facility, scheduled to open February 6 . These custodians would also clean the arena. The part-time seasonal employees are all paid at a rate of $4 .50 . The starting rate of pay for all the above part-time regular employees is $7.78 per hour. These positions are included in the City' s salary schedule with a rating of 43 points, based on existing 1993 salaries of comparative worth. The positions of Building Attendant and Manager On Duty are in need of pasting & advertising. at this time. In short, the Building Attendant operates the ice resurfacer and is scheduled to ma.intain the arena in the absence of the Building Maintenance Supervisor. Most of the Building Attendants will work only when the Center provides ice. The Manager On Duty is responsible for the building in the absence of the Community Center Manager and Assistant Community Center Manager. The MODs also will be assigned to various program areas such as youth programs, adult leagues, or concessions . The MODs will be trained to respond to emergencies and will administer first aid within the Center. RECObIl�NDED ACTION: Motion to approve the attached job descriptions and salary ranges for Building Attendant and Ma.nager On Duty, and to authorize posting and advertisement for these two positions. .. ,� COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOtTNT EXECIITIVE SIIA�IAI2Y FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 16, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Expenditure for Community Center AGENDA SECTION: Cash Registers Consent PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Community AGENDA NO. Center Manager ATTACffi�TTS: One quote and cash register APPROVED BY: locations To operate the Community Center as designed, there is a need to collect cash at various locations in the building. The Community Center staff has planned five such areas where cash registers are desired. To accommodate concessions and ticketing during large events, two cash registers are proposed for the concessions room and one for the ticket office. The skatesharpening room would need to feature one cash register for skate sharpening services, night ice rental, and proshop needs. The Community Center offices are designed to issue passes for open gym, fitness room, and program registration. One cash register in these offices can accommodate the cash handling needs of both the Community Center Department and the Parks & Recreation Department. I am recommending to purchase four used °System - 16 Uniwell° cash registers from Metro Cash Register, the same company the City has worked with for many years . After receiving quotes from two other companies, Metro Cash Register had the lowest bid, and the Finance Department has indicated good service reports form this company. The cost of four used cash registers is $2, 796 or $699 each, which does not include sales tax. In addition to the four used registers, the Community Center would utilize an existing register already owned by the City but not used at this time. The purchase of cash registers is funded out of the Community Center COnstruCtion ACCount ,#?????????????????????? . RECOI�+IENDED ACTION: Motion to authorize the Community Center Depart- ment to purchase four used cash registers from Metro Cash Register at a cost of $2, 796.00 plus tax. COUNCZL ACTION: .. .� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DRAFT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 16, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Expenditure for Community Center AGENDA SECTIQN: Concession Equipment PREPARED BY: Lisa Jost, Assistant Community AGENDA NO. : Center Manager ATTACI�lENTS: One quote and equipment locations APPROVED BY: The Community Center has a concession stand that will sell food items to participants attending scheduled events such as high school hockey/ringette games and large special events. The concession area is located on the upper .; : evel between the lobby...of.... the banc�uet hall and the ice arena. ��'� ::i::v.>::iY:i::i::::::::::::::i::i::i:i:j::i:L:iL:i:'.:�X'X:iL::'.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiif::.iiiiiiTiiiiiiii::iii:iT:irr:r.i::ii:iiiiiii: v::::i::::.:�.:�::::::i::::.::::::::.:�:::::::::::::iv'::::::i:::::::i:::::::::.�:.::�::... .. ... ,�:��:.'.. ..:....'.:r::.....:.�:i'�..�'�.�::i::�':.::.:.':.'�.:�.::::y:::.::.��:..::::i::..:x::::::.i:.:.:ii::.i'i.i.i'::.i'. i•.i.:i.:.i:.i::i::ii�'i::i:.:.::::i.:.:i'i:.i:.:.:.i::....:.iiii:.i:.ii:Si::.i:. .......Y. ...i............... ...... :Q�:�F�i�:3a:4�;;:....•:.. .: .:.;:.:�::.::.•:;:.;::;.:<.::....:.;:.: .::::...:.: .: . .:::...::.:.::.:.� ....•:::::; �::>;.:: �:...:. :.:...:. .;:.:...r ......:..:.:.::.:: :.;::.•:.>::>::...:....::::::::: .,:.......... .::::.::.::.::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::�,�axa��.::�.aa,�:::.;:��:���.::�+�r.a€,��aw:�:.;;>�:�.::. ... .. :::: .. ...:.:.:.......;:.;.:.:... ......::...::.......:::.:::::. ..: . .:.:.. :::...:.::.:. ......... .::::..:::::::::.:::...�::::::::::::....:...:.:::::::.�::::::::::::::...............:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..........:.:����,�::�a..:..:�n...::.�. ...a�.�.�..�.�.e�:::�:�:.:.�. ��.�.��.a :..::. ::::.:::.......... .............. :.�.:.:::::::...............::::::::..::::::.:::::::....................::::::::::::::::::::::::::.....................�.......�...�.....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:....... ........................�� :..:. ..... .. ...... . .. ...:.. ::...:..:::::::.: .. : .:.�: ..............................................::::::.::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�:.::.:::.;:.:.;;�'.;:::.::::::::::::::::::::::::. �x�.<.:;>:::°::�:v��::s::::::<�:�:::«:�:��:��::�;::>::::�::'�::�:::::::: . ........................... :.........:::T::::::::.. Food items that will be featured include hot dogs, pop, candy and snacks, pizza, nacho' s, popcorn and others. The equipment requested for purchasing include food warmers, dispensers, counter tops, sinks and refrigerators necessary for operation of this concession stand. I am recommending to purchase the equipment listed on the attached quote from A fter r ec iv' e in ot fr es om w t o oth r e com ani es « :`::::':< h 5 � . ad ;;;;:.;:.::.;>;:.;:.;;;>:.;;;;:;.;>::;::;: ;;>;>:�:.;:.;:.; ::::::::::::»»»>::>:«;:::::>::::;::»::» . ............. _ ....;;::P.::.:::::::.r:::::.;.�:::;:<;<'::�<:<:>:':>:::<:::;::<: the lowest'�`��bid`:� �`�The total cost of the equipment list is .���.:::;::::;:<::::<::'`:::::::>:::;:s»::>'<'>:::::::::::::>�_<>, which does not include sales tax. � ������ ���� �� The purchase of the concession equipment is funded out of the Community Cen r te n Co st ruc ti on A c coun t #>::::>:::<:>::::>:::::::::::<:�>;::<;::::::::::>;:;:::::::::::::::::::<>::;�::�:::;::<:::<::::::`::::<:':::::::::>:<:::::>`::::::::::>::<:':; . _ RECONIl�lENDED ACTION: Motion to authorize the Community Center De artment to urch as e t P he con ce i ss on e i m P en t f r m :�<�: � P 0 ;>::>::>::>:::<:::::::>::::::>;:<:::::::;::�:::::>::::>::::>;;::>�:>::>::>::>::>::>::»::;:::: at th _................... ..........,. ....._......_ c e os t of 1 :�';':>::>:>�:':::�::>�:':::::��:;::':>::::>:::�':;:>'::<�:>;>�'::::>>'<��: us :: p tax. � COUNCIL ACTION: execCoun.1