HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.c. fire Station Referendum Wh should I vote for n ' ' ? �� y a ew central fire stata�on �� � t � ve� ..�� e� .ere� ,.wAn ��ev� �w v e eFFpea,� � �.a�s & �� �e�sa �f � � R�� • a � ^�pb r'�^a sr,�. u�' .���a 6��f. � � ��$ �,� # 3��a����.r��°' '��� ��:a P i pT F � °�aa �t a�a� m � r . . a � s� . a � �°�� � � � " � � . . . a y pr, o- �%��� �9"�a .,a � a� . ,r� a � ��:�' ����� . . . . . .. : . . . t, �g � �"w ��;��� � s�:.p m �� �� a. * � ��� �'� a -: �. S a� �� �ro �� � �s � � R � �, � ..� � a i i � y: � �. a" � � s ,r s ��� a �. A Yes Uote Means � Improved fire protection service 24 hours a day � 6 a � e, d �d � � ; � . . . . , . � . ��� �,� � a i P .r ti�� �°� °'�:� # k �.� �� � � �r y,�d�a. p�,r� �k a�Cd aa^ �:�� i 6: � r�'� °aa ; �. b ^„ ¢�. a P�»a.:'..a'� � P" .,se ��-.s.d R�� �� §���:�` a� � �e u��° �ry ,�: p y� � P�a .. y�r�"�. . � � � 4ai��� a sq � � a5� �aa . � � A Yes Vote Means ^- Maintenance of fire insurance ratings at the current level. ` � � � � � � � � e a�.�..e. e.w =re,��,e e�s,,w�,e<� a. e�A wP. se�� ,� W.W�,,m , � _ �e.a ,P �zee:; ,�, � e� � e �6, �e a�s`P �, " A Yes�ote Mearas ^- Support of a Volunteer Fire Department, which provides fare wh (�O We lleet� t0 1111 rOVe 011r �Y�s response time protect�on to property owners at a tremendous tax savings. y � p� to a fire incident fire protect�on services? So ������ A Yes Vote Means ^• More volunteer re hters to rovide better covera e and res onse , y y , y Fue protection for Rosemount residents is � �g p g j� The Rosemount Fire Station now nearl 20 ears old is currend located on Brazil in emergency situations. Avenue in the northeast quadrant of downtown Rosemount,just north of City Hall.The provided by a 35 member volunteer fire present fire station location delays the response time required to cover the most rapidly department.The department responds to A Yes �ote�eans ^•- Im p�ementation of tlt�City's long-range�re protection plan that �an;zing western portions of the Ciry. In effect, the City fights very few fues and more than 300 fire and emergency medical responds to very few medical emergencies in the central and eastern ends of Rosemount. calls each year.The major factor involved Ullll 1I28et tyl8 pl'BSBYIt RfZC�f01'8S88Y1 fl.�l"[LI'8 1Z88C�S Of OI,IT C01iZ1iZllYlllJ� By far the largest number of incidents of both fire and rescue are generated by the ��efirefighterse�ectivelycontrollingloss f01' tjZe 128xt 2�yeCll'S. existing development within and to the west of the old village.Due to the availability of of life and limiting property damage in fire City utilities,future development of Rosemount will also be concentrated in the west emergencies is quick response time: end of the City which will further compromise adequate fire coverage and response time to this area. a. Poor location significandy effects • 'The existing Fire Station,built nearly 20 years ago,has become inadequate response time both to west and east for the present and future needs of the Fire Department. ��ere d� I V�te �n May 4�� • Vehicles are currenfly placed by priority within the garage area;there are b. Poor vehicle accessibility due to,the overcrowding of equipment in the Prec�nct 1: Shannon Park Element School� 13501 SI1SIlriOri P�ICWB �es when apparatus and vehicles need to be juggled to respond with the apparatus bays � y most efficient equipment Precinct 2: $t.John's Lutheran Church• 3285 144th Street West • The four narrow truck bays are inadequate to house eacisting vehicles. c. Lack of adequate training and Precinct 3: United Methodist Church • 14770 Canada Avenue • Supplies and equipment are now kept in racks on the appazatus floor,a maintenance areas Precinct 4: LU�leTall C�1tlI'CIl Of Ot1T S1YlOr• 149HO D1�011(1 P1t11 safety hazard to firefighters attempting to respond quickly. Precinct 5: Senior Citizen's Center • 2900145th Street West • There is a lack of adequate training and maintenance areas,insufficient d. Insufficient administrative storage records storage space, and inadequate parking for meetings and training space vOt1llpr Hours: 7:�� �.�. - 8:0� P.M. sessions. �.1 • The existing aerial truck, also 20 yeazs old,is expensive to maintain and e. Lack of adequate parking for inadequate for the current needs of the department meetings and training sessions. a��'���s""�"a���'�p, �w "a m � �. ,:��� m " „��,, ' � ���° �'��9,�,..�s�c M �a� �� n"'°�a,�a �r��re.�.��'��� ��� ���� , �"�s��r s�`�;S s- � ��7 '� � � � � . . ��� �� �����a� ��� a � . e e . �m R� .� a w ,��. � a�,�.�s ..� e�� �` i�� �.�,�� � ���������' �� � �� �� � . . � � � � � I � �' .ra . .� p'�:��re��.� p , ��. � � �� �,��,� ��s ���� °���,5��`���"���,�� �e� . � . � � � �� . � - . a,' ����',°��.� e,,.., ... , .. . . . . � ..,. .. � .�.�,¢� . . � •�:��,����' r; �!���� � as#;'��'��`� t:.a§�ma����������m��a�`��s»������,��a�r a�. . . � .. . �� �� s ,� ��� �@,����� �� � � ������ �� ����� ����������d������ � � � � � �;� � The 3�to 4 m�nute travel d�stance from the� a P aa 9 ��° � � � � � a�������� ����� ���,� �� � � �� ,� � � �� � �� ,� ,���na� � �� m Ava ��� � � �� ���� a� � ����� �_ � flre station to an emergency�s cruc�al... a , �. � �e� � � � � �� � �� F` ��� , e. - � � �� �� � a w �:�� v �a� � A � �. � ����, ,� � � � � �, � � �:�3 e.a�P �� �a��e�9a a � ����. �� �� a �� �s, :�P.�w=��rie ae�a� eA�, a er� ����s � �� e� �.�aa @��������� s��� �����e�be,�� for effective fire rotect�ion of life and ro� e i �� �� ����� , � � � m � p p p �� �a � ��� � ��� �� �� � � s � � � � � � x ; ,� �� � ��s e �� ��. a ,. a,�� ��a r �;.� ��v �� , , ��� s �.. a s �,��, ova� ��� � � � � e ,�m � ,-, �.,,..,,, . ::.- .:. e �a,n � � � �<e.ap �w� �� � � �.> � � a� e.> a� � � ��v.s� � . ,. �,,, �a s �� a .eE. ��: e ..� � :� ,�� d��e a �s. ��e� s �P.v�,.. � � ..� .:... �: G .-.,....�. �aa ��.�:� . .s.. a.e� ...s...� ¢�.� ..Pe.e.�,..a�8� e�M .;}�.�..�:... � .s..P ��:��. k� .:r. ra ����� :�rr�,... a.. �� � �a,�, m .w.�,�:�e. � �.�..,. .se...: .,E. �..d�. a �. �.,� ,.�.e a -e. ..:� ., Ea��� ^ " .s. , .a. .e e� .�...� w ..-�.e.a. .�^ , ,.�..� ..�ee., ���ar. �f�^xia.€-s�r� �� � � � �.. �vi.`k. .�. .�. ,�ma�s.. ..a�w. .���� �. .s. 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New growth housing development.� � ``'���. _:�. � 1 n r P u atio G owth �-�::::::....����::::::;:-�� - .�... .. : �: ;;;::�::. : , __.� , . , op ._. : ;:-;:��:::��;:_. � FIRE STATION REFERENDUM Carner Route Pre-Sort �5 .. .. r �r a• ::�:'�, ::::a.:... ,r ;� Since 1974 when the existing fire station �:��: � - $' was built the Ci 's o ulation has nearl '���' ' `"�"��°'� f;��.� � TLTESDAY MAY 4TH u.s. PosTaGE , �y p p y �::�;::: 'h' �,��!' ' : , .: � PAI D �,' :;:;:�;::;::���: -...^..`�.=� i� �� � ,t_ , tripled,growing from 4,034 persons to an ..� .� .��':-:��� I � k . :.. w-�_w:�:-: , _.. . ��—:.�:�::. :: . . .:::::.::::.:::.:.:. �.... .,:::;;:�:. �-��-:�� .' Permit No.33 :::::::::::::::::::::::::.�.�_ . ._ estimated 10 500 ersons as of December � "�""� = �`°° :'�.'���' .:�`_�:- ._ .::::::::. �_ : .::::::. : _... ..��:::.::-:..::: . ''' ' •::;`-.;r :::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::....... ,::::.�:::-;�; :. , p , - :::::.::::.:::>.:::.:::.:::::::::.:::...::: -==� --::. ..... ., .:;;:;;x�.' . __�,. .. . Rosemount MN 55068 1992. . . ' ` . `::':. �- .......:::::.. .. ........... .........:.:::::: .. .:.......:..:........::.. _ .......::.::. ... � :::-�. �;� �i`r` �;. �,, ::...... :;;::..� ........ :::..::......._ ,.... �... � ......:.... .......:::..�..:`:.....`::.::�:: j�L..tCi��,�����..-... �,�'.�:.,,f, TY':�:'. ::.:. .....�........................... '.. . ... ......::::::::.:::::::::::::':':�.:.�:::::�' ..�' ':L I : r: °r::::;::':;r`.:;rr::-;;t,,.,.":;4`.:rt�t;:;:;:;r::::; . ' ;�:.._. � I �I'It �", ;'"`;.;;;.s��'E�r:¢r:;�f:::i;';:': � e �v : ,a � � � � -. a ;;, � ° From 1980 to 1990 Rosemount experienced �� �: ~ �. „ , ..-..::�::::;.:::�:::::::::::::::-:::::: ::<:;��::�: • . � �.�;x. , nearl a seven ercent(704'0)increase ui .;:: `.. ...::::�::::;:::::;`::�:�.:::�:::;::::::�:;::::�::::::�:::-�:°.:::::: .. .. :;:;;::.�:��::::::�:�: .A...,. ,,;. Y , h'P ::::�::::::::::�:.:::.::.::.°°:-�;;::`�..���::�:::: :�::::::::::: °�. ..; ula on a faster rate of owth than :..:,:..<�:::.:::-:.::;:::::-:::�:��:::::..::.:..-.::::... ` :�::::;:�::::. poP � , g►' -. '`: ,e:. :.; . . ::;'�:,:::::.��;�^ either Dakota Coun or the Metro ohtan _ � � ` tY P . ,:.::::::.:: ;;���:�::;::: :.::..:°.`-:::.:.::;°.;::.:::::�:::::::"::.;::,:.;:;:::,;:,_� � , � area as a whole. Dakota County has pro- �:_�:. ;;:::.::::;;:: .��:::::::::�� ! ,, ,,I.; :..t, �: �a �. ::::.:.:..:.:...:....::.::: ' jected Rosemount's population to reach " � I� � ; `. � _� -::: ......,.::: � :, ;; ' . ... ��"' ;< 14,800 by the year 2000,and 22,300 by the `..::: .:;:;;;:'. ,: �:;::. , ..._'---.::.. . � . .. ':: ..........:...... :....::.:::`:`; ::.::.... .._......:... ..... .....:... „�, ..........:......... . r �. a°; year 2010. ;:,::.,.:.:�::�:::.:.. .. . ��.. � ,.....:::: ; :� . ;. , POSTAL PATRON P � g :`.`. ; . . The Metro ohtan Council acknowled es `.:`::'.; '` RosemounYs increasin develo ment ac- :::..:::::r -_ �.:. :.°::. ' g P "'��::::::::::;;��;:��;:;;::::._:. . ` : tivity, projecting that households will in- ``` � .::.::.:::.:::......::.::::::::::::::::�:�::: � . ..... ...::..:.-::,:::�: .:::::;. crease by about 220 units per year from �`°� ° � ��='�� � �:;:�:::::.:;-:-�...�`�:;_,:�:�: ::::::.:.:::::::: 1990 to 2000 and b 300 units er ear .::.,. . .::...:..:..:::::::::::::-~ ����:�::::�::::`.:`:: �:::: Y P Y ...:; . . . .. ;. :;<.::::::::.::::-::::.:..:: °.:' ro 990 to 2010. ;::: �:��:��:�::�:: . . f ml ...bec .. :;:;:.:::. ::::::.::.:::::::::::=::::::� .::::::::-: ....:_.:. ause laves are on the lane. :;;::;:�:::::::::������-.:::-;::-::::.:... . . ....... ... . . How will a new central � ; � ;,,� � How w�i�e e�s�ng ,� � � �, ni� ,i v,r n _��--- � � � r ,.��,� � � . ��.�� fire station serve our needs? ������ �� � �-� _ -- � _�--,�'_; � _ f�re stat�on be utllized� � _. ,� -u- _�- : -r The e�dsting fire station will provide a cost � , _ �.� ,� �___ �°��� � • • � � ' � ���� - � � �� - ' ��������„� � --�= � effective means to relieve�the serious space � ,��� Rosemount's current and future fue protect�on needs wili be well served by a new central , . _ � ..� � --_ .,, - -- --- - _ , �re s a on oca e o e wes an�cen ere ui a resi en are t� _ -_ - _ � _ ,_ ; _. - - , ,., w,,; � �=� yield a larger number of volunteers who live within a two minute turn-out-time from the ` �"' � ' - �{ The Public Warks Department is eacperi- � : . � � � • � � - ' ' � encin a severe lack of vehicle stora e and , x„ � �� station.This will maintain excellent short-term coverage to the urban resident�al areas of _ __- ____ - - . , , , _ - g g £w . Rosemount while keeping future options open for new growth to the east. C � _ , administrative space. Its location next to �"""',` ' '" ` , -,' mm,° ; '„3'"� �.- , � �� F. � ,_ _ ��; the exisring fire station provides the much �� °° �� �� ' �� � � The new fire station�location will result in improved coverage and faster re- � _ . ��, ` ` � �� ; , needed space for the Public Works Facility. '� s onse time to all areas o the ci the eastern riions o the ci as well as the • � . -�, � i � ' � �� ; n .f h'► P� f �3' _ .� � � western areas. , - ;% -���' � � � v , _ � ��,�; The proposed new central fue station is organized into three zones for operating efficiency; - , �,�'� '� '� � � ��� - � � �` � WIl�/ dOeS f�le emergency response, trauung and meeting, and administrative and records. The Emer- �\ , __ ,,,� � �� gency Response Zone is made up of the communicat�on room, where radio contact is �, ., , ,.� .�,�,,: Fire Department �-�-', - _ maintained and also the a ��dispatcher rec rds every�nco�nung call from f e and -� .` - \ ��{ \ ' pp ' ' g aS �S y ' ���. � , � lleed d[1 del'�d� From the commumcadon room, platform truck? rescue to personal in�ury,accidents and natural disasters.'�'he right team is then immedi- `` , , � F;{, � ��.•. ately dispatched to the emergency site. Adequate apparatus bays will house the City's � � � A' �,�, e�cisting vehicles a(ong with the new aerial platform truck. �" ' � � � � /��� ���`� � The current 20 year old aerial truckhas � � / / � �u. had and continues to experience many �e Fire Department responds to many accident and rescue related incidents as well as fire % � � mechanical problems resulting in ex- calls.Volunteers receive their advanced medical training at the facility,train for rescue and �„:. . tended periods of down-time along firefightutg and meet together and receive all instructions from this facility.A new facility Preliminary sketch of Proposed Fire Station with expensive repaus.The age of the �,�,�provide the needed areas to support the critical training and meeting needs of the Fire Cramped conditions atPublic Works truck design and the fact that the com- Department pany which built it went out of business after building only a few trucks,makes FI�Om�e C��ZCnSAdViSO�COInIIZl�Ce..• it very difficult to get the truck repaired Hose/TRaiNiN� r--- and keep it in service. ToweR FUTURe � � AMBULANCE LOUNGE The proposed truck would have a 100- `seRv�ce , "Citizens of Rosemount will benefit from the location of a new fire station �at will th�s eost foot ladder and platform Rosemount o on 145th Street by having a facility located in the urbanizing west end of i1s as ta.xpayers� has outgrown the height and reach ca- — �- Rosemount which will have a positive impact on response times." pabilities of its current vehicle. The , TRAINiNG ROOM The cost to construct a new Central Fire very situations that require the use of � ! Station and purchase a new aerial platform an aerial platform truck for rescue and FIRE FIRE �- -- � ------- "With the continued rowth of Western nei�}�borhoods, this facili will fOt fli6 SllPpIBSSIOri al'e LIl@ S81T10 S1LU- APPARATUS � APPARATUS ROCKER ROOMS> g a"- �' truck to make the Station fully operarional ations for which the current truck is meet the fire safery needs of the City for many years to come.At the same is estimated at$3,400,000.The City Coun- inadequate. A 100-foot aerial truck -- � _ d,- time the existing fire station will relieve the space de�ciencies of the cIl approved a resolurion recommending would ve the fire de trnent the ve- nPPa ATUS STORAGE ' that this amount be financed using a gen- 8'� p�' SUPP RT AREAS Public Works De artment.The effective use of the current fire station and hicle and tools necessary to provide = P eral obligation bond issue.The annual cost service tn chese high level situations, increased�re protection the new facility will provide,is the best approach to ta�c payers(based on a$100,00o house) as well as single family homes,multi- - AOMiNi� s�a oN „ for retiring the bonds over 20 yeazswould, family dwellings,industrial buildings u , � , for all Rosemount taxpayers. on average be less than$79.00 per house- DISPATCH and school buildings.This truck could hold per year for fire protection throughout also function as an additional pumper Prellmiri�'y FIOOr P1S11 — The Citizens Advisory Committee,comprised of the following Rosemount �e community. This tax amount will di- �,, minish over time for individual taxpayers if necess residents, has been working on recommendations to improve the City's as the burden is shared by new growth in fire facilities and services since August of 1992. households and development. .�Y � � � �� Where w�ll the , ... . +»• Rwemourt. � . � . : � ••• � . F�re Station be �4a _ � � y-.... constructed� � ' � ! ic.00i>. EXISTING � ��a.• �'-��! ►w � FIR`/TATION � . � PROPOSED ��«M• • � •''K` � PUBUC WORKS � �_ - The City analyzed a number of poten- F�LOCATIONN �� �• ' � � ;. �' �;CITY HAu ScottNelson JudyLindsay JohnOxborough dal site options within the strategic �y 0ehlenschlager David Ganfteld Mary B.Vennewitz =' �' ' �` � � a00, �� response area for a new station based � Y � � � �3 � � on location,land use, site size, access Monica Tousignant Roger Taylor Linda Reed � ` j • ; " .�•' • David Sauter Kim Cardelli KurtWalter-Hanson ? � o o.�. ������ to major arterials, site development ^ _ ' � �� `� � costs, and availabili rt was deter- Tom Bartan G. TinkerHostutler MichaelMolenda ��� �, � � ; � �� t ; . ,.«�� � tj�. � � �� � .°,�„ �. �' � �ty � � � o�� ,� 3� , mined�that the best option was a site� � John Hawkins � WesleyHasbrot�ck �GeraldAnderson �� � =�`��. � .� � ���°� 3�? �a �� _ = �� � ;, location on 145th Street, an open lot William Droste Neighborhood VolunteerFirefighters... a � � .• � between Shannon Parkwa and Chi C�AN ., � � � �-----'�—�� pendale Avenue. � y . � p � � .� � � . � � f:rst line of pmtection . Area Location Map 6 :e� "" " ��������e ���a` � � s�� '�� °.��� �m : � mo- ����^ �a� � . � s a�a a,�r�s �w�e� � r d �� � � �� °� ��� � Why does the � d � �� ��b � �� ��� � �w ��..�� ��,�am��d e�oro�n���a�� e������ w�, ��s a�� a���� � e�� � Ftre Department need On May 4, 1993, the citizens of Rosemount will be e�Il aer�al platform truck? asked to vote on a $3.4 million referendum for the � construction of a new main fire station and a new • "� � ,� aerial platform truck. Support of this issue means: . � �_�� � � � • • Improved fire protection service 24 hours a day _ � ' � � ��..� � � � �. • Maintenance of fire insurance ratings at the � ���e current level � � � �� � r �� � ��`' � � • Support of the volunteerfire department, ��ID� � . � � � � which rovides tremendous ta�c savin s to �` � �g �a� P g � ��� ������ ��e � �� propetty owners ,� ��a � • Closer proximity of fire fighters to the station to provide better coverage and response in � emergency situations community-wide O � • Implementation of the Ciry's long-range fire � protection plan that will meet the present � The current 20 year old aerial truck has had and and future needs of the community r continues to experience many mechanical problems. � The age o£the truck design and the fact that the � company which built it went out of business after �'� � building only a few trucks,makes it very difficult to � 4 � �� �� � �� � k Q get the truck repaired and keep it in service.The fire '"� - Z departmentisexperiencingextendedperiodsofdown- ,,��F� ' time along with eacpensive repairs. ���� : �,t�� .��. ���� Additionally, the current aerial truck has a 60-foot ladder and platform, and the proposed truck wuld } � have a 100-foot ladder and platform.Rosemount has > , �� �" k` outgrown the height and reach capabilities of a 60- The 3 w 4 minute travel distance,f'om the � foot vehicle.The very situations that require the use fire station to an eme�gency is crucia�.. c°� c �' of an aerial platform truck for rescue and for fire for e�'ecrive fire protection of life and propertyll g � in � suppression are the same situations for which the ' � D O c cuurrent tnick is inadequate.A 100-foot aerial truck � o o � m would give the fire department the vehicle and tools � W � � necessary to provide service in these high level situ- `� R' o ations, plus this truck could also function as an ��� w ������� a� � ��� � °D � additional pumper if necessary. �B�a. 98 �"e.�.�". i i �'�' s S e .e�,::e k¢3 ':'.e.�v s'ro ...e�°w" .e .�.e. .. ., nd a .e.�. . �...� -:s,� w @¢ aa � a�a3a 3'��'a':-"w�,��d,rerd��'��= p.�ai'a�a`��:Ak�s��e�.�.:. P,.��¢.w., .� .�. ...a, � ���.::¢war°�w . .. Rq�a� ...e.. . a..a:��e, a ,. .,e.w..aee . s�.... a.kad,� ,��aa-.�..�,:�. g �°� �8a� e 8 �d;a,.. s �� � r �ta:. a.¢ . ,Q . a. , . .aP� � .�.�.. "� � _ .e,� a a,w?° a^J�, �e�:-'»� :�.Po € :-m� _.B a:a`4:� ,aav u��€ � i e y �9., ��,,��� a s.. rea ' �� ��., �"@°�� p,; a � a .:-�.a �'"�k ia�q�����e "'�' �eG� E Po.,a a �. a � r. 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'.a 4 . .. . . . ..� .. . ee�,va .:..e ..a r:� �. . . . . .� ��@�� �, t , � �� a . ��a°� °'°�°� ��a�r°�� a���a °ua�a�`a a- �e�a��a°ee A a g����a�9v? Fire protection for Rosemouot�resideots is provided by a 35 ' The community began work on this project in 1988 when the ° m r�v d member volunteer fire department.The department responds City retained an independent consultant to review the ad- 'I'he Ciry currendy has a central fire station located on equary of the City's fire proteaion services. The study Brazil Avenue in the northeast quadrant of downtown to more than 300 calls each year.The major faaor involved in the fire fighters effectively controlling loss of life and limiting concluded that Rosemount's current and future fire protection Rosemoun[,just north of Ciry Hall.The present fire station property damage in fire emergencies is quick response time: needs could best be served by a new central station located in location does not have a sufficiently sized response area to the western urbanized area of the City. This solution provides cover the most rapidly urbanizing western portions of the a.A structural fire doubles its own size every minute. the optimutn response time to the community-at-large.This City. In effect,the Ciry fights very few fires and responds centralized location allows fire fighters to arrive at the station to very few medical emergencies in the central and eastern b.Flashover(occurs wben a structr�re is totally engulfed faster and considerably increases response time to any area of ends of Rosemount. By far the largest number of incidents in fire)occurs in 7-9 minutes. theCiry.Italsosignificandyimprovesfirecoverageinthemost of both fire and rescue are generated by the existing de- urban western portions of the Ciry. velopment of within and to the west of the old village. Due c. Fire consumes all the oxygen fiom within a rtructure. to the availability of City utilities, future development of t/ictims caught inside may be burned or sustain brain In 1990,a Citizen's Advisory Committee was formed to assist Rosemount will also be concentrated in the west end of the damage or death if they are without oxygen for a the City in a comprehensive evaluation ofshort and long-term City which will further compromise adequate fire coverage period of 4 minutes. space needs for all City facilities. It was the consensus and to this area. recommendation by the Citizen's Advisory Committee that the Ciry's fire station needs be given first priority. �a ��� � �� � �� �� �'��� ����� � � �m?��s�,���,� a1.�ae �i� e , °sfi 2 �. a r�� xPi �1C Clty[I78t1 SR��d a IlUII1bCf Of OtClltl� Sli2 O tIORS p�� :�� �sr ::� �r s ����� g � � �� �� ��� P P y � a e � P � ��� � � �����w,�� ;,e s,a,�,sa������um��,��e� ,,�.a � within the strategic response area for a new station based on ��' �� �' "` °" "" ° �a�``°° a' ° � ` � rea � s ��'� � a�� �k � � �. location, land use, site size, access to major arterials, site � � s a. Poor location significandy effects response time both development costs,and availability.It was determined that the '�''�`�°° '°° �"°° a°°�` °°� "°°��` a�a°u=°�`� to west and east best option was a site location of 145th Street, an open lot 'i'he consultant's report from 1988 concluded the following between Shannon Parkway and Chippendale Avenue. b.Poot vehicle accessibiliry due to the overcrowding of recommendations and conclusions as the most cost effective equipment in the apparatus bays In 1992, the present Citizen's Advisory Committee was means of improving fire service to the community: formed to work on the implementation of a new central fire c. Lack of adequate training and maintenance areas a. Rosemount's current and future fire protection needs station consistent with the planning recommendations of can best be served by a new central station relocated to the community's previous work efforts. To date, the d.Insufficient administrative storage space the west and centered in a residential area which has Citizen's Advisory Committee has reviewed site design the potential to yield a larger number of volunteers e. Lack of adequate parking for meetings and training options, floor plan options, potential cost impacts, and who live within a two minute turn-out time fiom neighborhood concerns. Additional information will be sessions the station. forthcoming as the Citizen's Advisory Committee finalizes their recommendations. � b. The new central station should be locuted on 145th ���� � ��� �� � � ���� ����*������ �;,� � CITIZEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE Street between Sbunnon Parkway and Chip�endule ������ � ��,�� ��`�� �� @ "� �� � ° ����'� � a � � �� ���� P Avenue. This will maimuin excellent short term ���°��'�� � '� � Scoa Nelson � Judy Lindsay ��°������,,� „��� � � � a �� � e�s ��a y " , p��,� Kay Oehlenschlager Dave Ganfield coverage w the urban residential areas of Rosemount while kee :n ture o tions o n r a satellite The existing fire stauon will provide a cost effective means to Monica Tousignanc Roger Taylor - P g� p � � station tn satisfy newgrowth to the eas� relieve the serious space deficiencies of the Public Works David Sauter Kim Caidelli Department.The Public Works Department is experienceing Tom Banon G.Tinker Hoscucler c. The existin re station location does not and will a severe lack of vehicle stora e and administrative s ace. Its John Hawkins Wesley Hasbrouck gfi $ p John Oxborough Mary B.Vennewicz not fit into the present and fisturegrowth trends of adjacenry to the existing fire station provides a much needed Linda Reed Mike Molenda ��CztJ'• and convenient means to complement the Public Works Kua Walcer-Hanson Gerald Anderson - Facility. William Drosu