HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a.Consideration of Proposal from Carlson Properties of Rosemont to Develop a Neighborhood Commercial Center in Rosemount CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SLTbIl�lARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETTNG DATE: JULY 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: PROPOSAL FROM CARLSON PROPERTIES AGENDA SECTION: TO DEVELOP A NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL CENTER OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 4 . A. ATTACHMENTS: DRAFT PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY APPROVED BY: CARLSON PROPERTIES, CORRESPONDENCE FROM TOM , HE IBERG DATED JULY 1, 19 9 3, MEMO FROM JOHN �� �����'+' _ . MILLER, SPRINGSTED INC. PROJECTIONS ��II/� Please see the attached proposal from Carlson Properties of Rosemount, my review, and other supporting documents. RECONIl�'ENDED ACTION: Motion to approve participation in the development of the Carlson Neighborhood Commercial Center as outlined in Rosemount Village Square proposal submitted by Carlson Properties of Rosemount contingent upon city council approval of a "Project Plan" and "Project Budget. " PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: MEMO TO: Chair Dunn Commissioners Anderson, Carroll, Edwards, McMenomy, Sinnwell, Wippermann FROM: John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator DATE; July 16, 1993 RE: Carlson Center Proposal I have received the proposal to construct a neighbarhood commercial center submitted by Carlson Properties of Rosemount. The highlights are as follows: • Carlson proposes to build appro�cimately 52,000 square feet of retail space anchored by a 25,000 square foot grocery store. A second phase would increase the grocery store to 40,000 square feet. • The second anchor has not yet been identified, it may be a drug store. • The county assessor has reviewed the project and has given an estimated market value of $4,000,000. Annual property taxes are estimated at $227,246 with the city's share being $52,109. • Carlson's project is estimated to create 62 full-time jobs and 143 part- time jobs. • Financial assistance from the port authority in the amount of (present value) $250,000 is requested in the pay-as-you-go format. • Carlson has submitted financial data showing the actual cost of $212,298 square feet of land to be $645,645 or $3.08 per square foot. • Carlson has provided a response to my letter of June 23 regarding: l. Gateway's commitment to the project. 2. Potential tenants. 3. Calculation of land values. 4. Market analysis for the grocery store. These are all issues raised by commission members. • The Carlsons have met with Dakota County representatives regarding the issue of road access. It has been agreed that access from County Road 42 will be permitted. • City planning and engineering staff have met with the Carlsons regarding site plan issues. An application for site plan review has been received by the city. At this time it appears all site plan issues can be resolved. • The city's financial assistance to the project has been reviewed by Springsted, Inc. and by bond counsel Briggs and Morgan. No unresolved legal issues were identified. • Construction would start in 1993 with initial occupancy in March of 1994. Other issues regarding the Carlson proposal: • Competition with the existing gracery store has been used as an argument against the project. I would reject this argument for two reasons: 1. Presently most dollars spent for groceries go outside the city, ergo, local shoppers must want other shopping opportunities. 2. To the best of my knowledge, the present owner of the existing grocery store knew of the Carlson-Gateway Foods proposal when he purchased the store, as did the wholesaler. The risk of competition was understood and accepted. • Carlsons center will hurt the city's traditional downtown. I would reject this argument based on these reasons: l. The Downtown Scoping Committee has determined that the C.R. 42 commercial area and the traditional downtown are dependent upon one another. In this regard the only area where new large scale projects are possible is C.R. 42 as it's the only place where enough vacant land is available to support them. 2 Shoppers at C.R. 42 are more likely to support other downtown businesses than are shoppers doing business in Apple Va11ey, i.e. traffic in one area helps the other. Don't we a11 expect the theater to help downtown Rosemount? 2. Can anyone name a successful commercial area or city with one grocery store, one used car lot, one bookstore, one clothing store, one clothing store, one drug store, one gas station. • Financial assistance is not really needed by the Carlsons' project. Here's the case against that argument. 1. The land has all utilities in and has good visibility from County ' Road 42 with an ADT of 13,000 vehicles. If a self-supporting project were possible somebody would have built it. They haven't. 2. There is no correlation between a property owner who is personally financially secure and a economically feasible project. Did Apple Valley provide assistance to wealthy people to locate businesses in that city? Did Bloomington help the Ma11 of America owners? Minneapolis? • The Carlsons will not pay back any assistance. 1. Property t�es generated from the project will pay a11 the public assistance costs. At about the same time, about $170,000 in property t�es will annually be paid to other taxing jurisdictions. Final Analysis: With a relatively modest investment of approximately $250,000 Rosemount gets a big return. It gets over 200 full and part-time jobs, $4,000,000 in tax base, and evidence that the city's commercial and retail base is at take-off. City support should be given. aW 3 47/15/93 15:56 FAX 612 22� 3002 SPRINGSTED INC. �002�'002 1'RELIMINARY ANALYSfS (NOT �oR GENERA� DISTRI[3uT10� � City of Ra�emount, IUlinn�sata Carisan Properties Proposal Rosemount Villa e S uar� Prajected Tax Increrr»nt Repart � Loc�) Eifort �nly! �---- Tot�►! -----1 1�----- c ity ----� Annual inoreased Increasa�! Tsuc T� Peric�d �st. Market Tax Capacity Annual Gapa�ity Annual Endi�g Value (1) Capacity R�te Taxes Rate 7axes � � �� 12/31(93 0 Q 130.CtOfa°96 0 29�.81 Q°/4 Q 12131/94 0 0 13D.4QQ°�b 0 29.81 t�°,� 0 1 12�31/95 3,80Q,1 Q� 17'A�,$C15 13Q.QQO°Io 227,246 29.810°1b 52,109 2 12J31/96 3,800,1�3 174,805 130.QqQ°!o 2�7,�46 29.810�l0 52,109� 3 12/31/97 3,800,100 17�4,805 1�a,000% �27,24� 29.810°/a 52,149 4 y 2/3�/98 3,$OQ,1 t?0 i 7�,805 130.t}00% 227��46 29.$i C1°la 5�,109 5 12J31/99 3,�3C�0,100 174,805 130.000°r� 227,2A�6 29.81 t�/o �2,��9 B 1213i/20(70 3,$OU,1QQ 174,SQ5 13Q,000°� 227,2�Fs 25.$10% ra�,�09 � 12/31/2001 3,8Q0,10C} �74,805 13t7.004% 227,246 �9.81 Q°lQ 52,1 Q9 8 12(�i/2002 3,$00,100 174,$0� 130.000°/a ��7,2A�fi 29.$10°!a 52,109 $1,817,96$ �16,872 {3) (1} Assumes project is 10Q% completed in 1993 for fuli ass�ssment an �/2/�4, anc! taxes payable in i 995. Assumes$4,Q00,000 EMV af praject upan �c�mpletian tess$199,900 currant �MV of land. (2) EMV times cammercialrndustrisl classifi�atian rate of�.6Ct°�. {3) Maximum supportable det�t tg`�9.0%+ ��$,�1'� Less� 18 months of capit�il�ed interest _ 25,957 Avail�►ble for prajeat cQs#s&other expenses $262,�5� Prepared by: Springsted Incarpnrated ( 15—Ju1�-93 ) C111�,e�ON I��20I��1�'�I�� o��o��ouu��rr Box 69 • Rosemount, Minnesot� 55068 �J 612 • 423 • Z222 NOT FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION July 1 , 1993 Mr. John Miller Economic Development Coordinator City of Rosemount P.O. Box 510 Rasemount. MN 55068-0510 I RE: Rosemount Village Square ' Response to your letter of June 23. 1993 Dear John: In response to yaur letter of June 23. 1993. I submit on behalf of Carlson Properties of Rosemount, the project sponsor and developer. the following: 1. Attached copy of internal memo from Gateway Foods Division President. Rudy Gomchoc, to Jerry Nelson. President, Minneapolis Division of Gateway Foods. 2. Letters of intent from potential tenants in addition to Gateway Foods. a. Great Clips -- Mr. David Rubenzer, 1.200 sq. ft. b. Mr. Movies. Store 4�82 -- Ms. Gail Bendt. 3.500 sq. ft. c. Little Caesar Enterprises. Inc. -- Mr. Joe Rybowicz. 1.200 sq. ft. 3. Attached calculation sheet by Cliff Carlson. 4. Market Analysis Information is the property of Gateway Foods of Minneapolis and the proposed operators. Market Analysis Information is their opportunity information and as a policy it is confidential information to Gateway. Gateway and the operators are prepared to meet privately or in a closed session with the Port Authority to discuss operating performas or projections which were developed from the Market Survey material . Thank you for this opportunity to respond to the Port Authority's questions. The information contained herein about specific prospects and costs is to be kept confidential by members of the Port Authority. Since ly yours, � � � � ' �- . Thomas W. Heiberg Representative Carlson Properties of Rosemount TWH/jjk Enclosures _.._. .....�.. �r �F0�5' � ���� TO: Jezry Nelson FROM: Rudy Comchoc �ATE: June 22, 1.�93 VIA FACSIMILE SUBJ: Management Cammitte� Request P�,Gk�qe Rosemount Jubi�,ee Jer-x�y: The Managem�nt committee Request Package for th� Ras�mount Juk�ilee, h,as been approved as submitted. Please contaat Terr�r Helz to have the proper paperwark drawn up, in Qrr�er tQ pzoceed with this p�ojeCt. sincerely, Rud omchoc RC:ps . July 1, 1993 Carlson Properties of Rosgriount Box 69 Rosemount, NIlV 55068 Dear Cliff: Please accept this letter of intent as our intention to negoti.ate a lease with you for a�roximately 3500 square feet of space in Your' n�w shopping center. We wnuld like to be close to the new grocery store, if possible. Sincerely, ,� ,� �,� ' 0 f Mr. 'es, Store �82 Gayle Y. Bendt David A. Rubenzer June 28, 1993 Mr. Cliff Carlson Carlson Tractor-Equipment Company P.O. Box 69 Rosemount, MN SSObB De.aa-Cliff: Adrienne Olson,my partner in Great Clips in Burnsville has indicated that she is interested in leasing space for a Great Clips shop at your proposed strip center in Rosemount. We typically use 1200 feet with a minimum of 20 feet frontage,a standazcl vanilla shell with bathrooms to code, stub plumbing for sinks, hot water heater,and floor drain(s),electrical and lighting. Would you please provide us with a proposed site plan and available spaces and lease terms. We're excited to talk with you about this opportuniry. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Best e ards, Da�id Rube r cc: Adrienne Olson DAR/wmg IdttR�(:r��cn�ca�' ;\w•�iur 1'ri��r 1.:�kc.�linnesul:� S�i72 Ilomc d46-Ih9h t':u-7511-68117 OIlirr R9i-9i1R8 � ��1i�lC t��l��� May 22, 1992 . . Cliff Carlson Carlson Tractor & Equipment Co. Highway 3 South Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 RE: Rosemount Center - Space to be determined Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 1 ) Tenant - Little Caesar Enterprises, Inc. 2) Use - A Little Caesar Restaurant for the retail sales of food and beverages and related promotional items. 3) Term - Five (5) years with two (2) additional (5) five year options. 4) Permitting Time - Sixty (60) days from the execution of lease to secure all building permits. 5) Fisturing Time - Sixty (60) days from when all landlord's work is complete, official possession of space is released and tenant has secured all building permits. 6) Landlord a) Landlord to provide space of Contributions - approximately 1200 (ZO x 60) sq.ft. as discussed in our earlier conversation. b) Landlord to provide a ?.5 ton roof- mounted HVAC unit with distribution, diffusers, accustat thermostat, and hook-up per LCE plans and specification. c) Landlord to provide electrical service which shall consist of 208/240 volt, 3 phase, 4 wire, 400 AMP, service and 42 breaker panel , including breakers, with plans and specifications. � I��1�le C«��es�rs� d) Landlord to provide two (2) inch gas line (per LCE plans and specifications) . e) Landlord to provide all underground plumbing per LCE plans and specifications) . f) Landlord to provide (4) four inches of smooth concrete floor, with vinyl composition tile floor covering (per LCE plans and specifications) . g) Landlord to provide handicapped restroom per all local and state codes. Restrooms to include all necessary fixtures such as handicap rails, sink, mirrors, soap and paper dispensers, ceiling light, exhaust fan and water closet. Walls finished ' and painted to meet code , requirements. Floors finished with vinyl composition tile (per LCE plans and specifications) . Pre-finished hollow core wood door with privacy lockset and self closure. h) Landlord to provide dropped ceiling grid at height of 9.0 feet per LCE specifications, with 2 'x4 ' lay-in acoustical ceiling grid system. Said tiles shall be smooth and washable to meet Health Department requirements. Landlord shall further supply 2x2 acoustical ceiling tiles in customer lobby (per LCE plans and specifications) . Also, landlord shall supply 2 'x 4 ' recessed lay-in fluorescent light fixtures (per LCE plans and specifications) . i ) Landlord to provide drywall extending to the bottom of the roof structure, drywall surface to be taped and sanded, and painted with one caat of walls. � �I� I`�INYfM/�e j ) Landlord to allow tenant signage in conjunction with signage provided to other tenants, on front and side of building per LCE plans and specifications. Also, we ask permission to erect our own, or be allowed space on the pylon sign in front of the shopping center. k) Landlord to provide four (4) foot wide rear door for deliveries. 1) Landlord shall complete automatic fire sprinkler system, if required, above and below ceiling to meet all local code requirements and Little Caesar's plans and specifications. m) Landlord to provide a seventy-five (75) gallon commercial hot water heater or 80,000 BTU equivalent (per LCE plans and specifications) . n) Landlord to give tenant the exclusive right to sell pizza within the shopping center and all other contiguous propertie5. _...___..._ "*' , 7) Rental schedule - Five Year Lease (1200 Sq.ft. ) 1 . $10.00/ft. `'".. ;-�� 2. $10.00/ft. 3. $10.00/ft. 4. $10.00/ft. 5. $10.00/ft. Option 6. $11 .50/ft. 7. $11 .50/ft. 8. $11 .50/ft. 9. $11 .50/ft. 10. $11 .50/ft. . ' � Little C,aesars� oPtion � 11 . $13.80/ft. 12. $13.80/ft. 13. $].3.80/ft. 14. $13.80/ft. 15. $13.80/ft. 16. $16.56/ft. 17. $16.56/ft. � 18. $16.56/ft. 19. $16.56/ft. 20. $16.56/ft. This proposal is subject to all necessary governmental approvals to operate a Little Caesar restaurant at this location in addition to the final approval of Little Caesar Enterprises, Inc. After your review, please contact me so that we may finalize preparation of the lease. I appreciate your consideration of our proposal. i cere y, l� J e Ryb� icz R al Estate Man g r JR/dc I.itde(',:►esar Entrrprius,Inc 59��)Ncw Wilke Road tiuitc I(Fi Rqlling Mc;klu���s,Illinuis(�(NNIR Land Cost Summary* 8.6 Acres for Rosemount Village Square Original cost of (4.87 acres) 212,298 sq, ft. purchased from Jim Evenson on March 14, 1983 was E275.000.00 on a five year Contract for Deed at 10% interest. Interest paid on 5 year C.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L 94.524 Interest cost at 10% on down payment of E35.000 for 5 years . . . . 17.500 Int. cost at 10% on t10.000 principal payment for 4 years . . . . . . 4,000 Int. cost at 10% on t10.000 principal payment for 3 years . . . . . . 3,000 Int. cost at 10� on t10.000 principal payment for 2 years . . . . . . 2,000 Int. cost at 10% on E10.000 principal payment for l year . . . . . . . 1.000 Interest cost to March 1988. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 122,024 Purchase price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275.000 Real Estate Taxes paid by us through 1988 on same . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.931 Cost of property as of March 1988 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414.955 Int. cost for 5 years at 10% 1988-1993 not compounded . . . . . . . . . . 207.477 622,432 Taxes paid on same 1989 through 1993 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.213 Cost in 1993 of 212,298 sq. ft. = E3.08/sq. ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5654.645 Total shopping center site is 375,236 sq. ft. x L3.08 = 51.155,726.80. *The land was acquired at different times and from different Sellers. Development costs were incurred at different times. To simplify calculations the cost of the 4.87 acres was projected over the 8.6 acre site. Prepared by Cliff Carlson June 30, 1993