HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Review of White Funeral Home ProposalCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: APRIL 6, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: REVIEW OF WHITE FUNERAL HOME AGENDA SECTION: MORTUARY PROPOSAL OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDAfM7 A ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 'V! ATTACHMENTS: MEMORANDUM FROM JOHN MILLER APP OVE B . v v Please see attached memorandum. I will have a verbal report of my continuing discussions with Mr. White and Mr. Virkiness. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None. Discussion item only. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: MEMO TO: Port Authority Chairperson Dunn Commissioners Anderson, Carroll, Edwards, McMenomy, Sinnwell, Wippermann FROM: John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator DATE: March 26, 1993 RE: Preliminary Financial Analysis of Mortuary Proposal At the March 16 Port Authority meeting, the members heard a proposal from Jim White of the White Funeral Homes. Mr. White asked the members to consider the purchase of the Todd Franz property at 13942 South Robert Trail. It was further suggested by Mr. White that the Port Authority deed the property to the White Funeral Homes, demolish the buildings, and extend utilities to the site. Mr. White also asked the Port Authority to finance the construction of a funeral home in the approximate amount of $350,00. White asked for a 25 year payback period. After the Whites made their proposal, the board members asked me to do a preliminary financial analysis including sites other than the Franz property. Attached for your review is a very quick and dirty analysis of three sites. Included are: • The Todd Franz property at 13942 South Robert Trail. An area of about 1.17 acres. • The Lund/Thorsen property at the northwest quadrant of C.R. 42 and T.H. 3. An area of 1.17 acres was analyzed. • Land at the corner of 145th Street West and Burnley Avenue. This site was earlier considered for the Johnson's professional building. Area of this site is only .89 of an acre but it is possible that shared parking with the lot on the west side of Burnley could be arranged. Here is a review of the project as it might work at three different sites. SOUTH METRO AUTO BROKERS (TODD FRANZ) Estimate of Tax Increment Not in district No benefit $0.00 Elements of Finance Plan Cost to Finance Land (78,000) (1.40)(" $109,200 Improvements(2' $110,000 Demolition $ 15,000 Relocation Commercial $ 20,000 Residential(') $ 50,000 Legal $ 10,000 Building $350,000 TOTAL TO FINANCE $664,200 1 Repayment Port Authority $314,200 White Funeral $350,000 TOTAL FINANCED $664,200 i1) Franz purchased the property about one year ago for $78,000. Land value shows appreciation due to armory construction and demolition of low value commercial buildings. `Z' Utilities must be extended to the site i3' Includes two residential rental tenants LUND THORSEN SITE Estimate of Tax Increment Value of Improvements EMV Factor Project Estimated Market Value Tax Capacity Current Tax Rate Estimated Tax Increment Year of Construction First Increment Received Final Increment Received Term in Years Total TIF Received Elements of Finance Plan Costs to Finance Land Improvements Buildings Legal TOTAL TO FINANCE Repayment Port Authority White Funeral TOTAL FINANCED MCMENOMY/PORT AUTHORITY/KLEVETER SITE Estimate of Tax Increment Value of Improvements EMV Factor Project Estimated Market Value Tax Capacity Current Tax Rate Preliminary Tax Increment Less Kleveter Tax Payment" Less McMenomy Tax Payment') Estimated Tax Increment 2 $458,000 .90 $412,200 19,347 115.00% $ 22,249 1993 1995 2000 6 $133,494 $100,000 103,000 350,000 5,000 $558,000 $208,000 350,000 $558,000 $350,000 .90 315,000 15,750 115.00% 18,112 - 564 - 1,482 16,066 Year of Construction Y 1993 First Increment Received 1995 Final Increment Received 2000 Term in Years 6 Total TIF Received $96,396 Elements of Finance Plan Costs to Finance Land: McMenomym (105,000)(1.30) $136,500 Kleveterm (55, 900) (1.30) 72,670 Relocation McMenomy 61,000 Kleveter 25,000 Demolition McMenomy 12,000 Kleveter 10,000 Legal 15,000 Building $350,000 TOTAL TO FINANCE $682,170 Repayment Port Authority $332,170 White Funeral 350.000 TOTAL FINANCED $682,170 cn 1991 Tax Data 1992 Port Authorit A raisal PP From this very simple analysis I think we can agree that a project in the TIF district has considerable advantage over a project outside the district. In fact we can probably agree, that from a financial point - of -view, to the following ranking. 1. Bare land project in TIF district. 2. Building acquisition and demolition project in TIF district 3. Bare land project outside TIF district. 4. Building acquisition and demolition project in TIF district. In looking at the Port Authority cost to purchase land for the funeral home, for example, the bare land Lund -Thorsen site has a cost of only $203,000 and that includes utilities. The McMenomy-Kleveter site has a cost of $322,170 and the Franz site a cost of $314,200. Reduce the Lund -Thorsen and McMenomy- Kleveter sites by an average of $100,000 each for tax increment generated and the difficulty of working outside the TIF district can be appreciated. Let me change directions. I've visited with Dan O'Neil regarding the sale of bonds to finance the land acquisition and building construction. Mr. O'Neil has indicated that it would be difficult to sell bonds with a 25 year maturity, especially taxable bonds. It was suggested that a 12 year maturity was about the maximum with interest rates as high as 8 percent. 3 It was suggested by Mr. O'Neil that mortgage payments by the White Funeral Home could be amortized over a 25 year period but with a balloon payment at the end of 12 years. He indicated there was some risk in this option. By way of scale, financing $664,000 for redevelopment of the Franz property would - require bond payments of almost $80,000 annually over 12 years. In conclusion, what options does the Port Authority have? 1. Promote Redevelopment of the Todd Franz Property 3. A. Negatives: The land purchase of the Todd Franz property and subsequent transfer to the White Funeral Homes would be very expensive and there would be little return on the investment. Assuming the land purchase and site improvement costs were $515,000, the City would be contributing about 90 cents to the project for each dollar of increased estimated market valuation. There would be no benefit to the Port Authority's tax increment funds. In addition, bond sales and funding of the project would be difficult. B. Positives: Franz's use of the site is non -conforming in regard to the city's zoning code and it is not in compliance with the city's comprehensive plan. The used car lot is also at odds in an aesthetic sense with the adjacent park and community center. Redevelopment of the site with a less intrusive land use would be a benefit to the city. In addition a new business would come to Rosemount. C. Recommendation: A poor option. Too much public investment for return. Assuming an increase in EMV of $350,000 and taxes paid at five percent of that value with 20 percent going to the city's general fund, it would take about 90 years to get the $315,000 investment back. This simple analysis makes no provision for the present value of money. Promote Redevelopment of the McMenomy/Port Authority/Kleveter Property A. Negatives: The land purchase of these properties and subsequent relocations of the business and Mrs. Kleveter would be very expensive. The acquisition costs, this time $330,000, would be about 95 cents for each dollar of increased estimated market valuation. B Positives: The site is in the TIF district and the preliminary analysis shows about $96,000 generated by the project. This would reduce land costs to $234,000, about $80,000 less than the Franz site. The new building would improve the aesthetics of 145th Street and further redevelopment of the east side of the downtown. C. Recommendation: A better option than the Franz site but still not cost effective. Assuming an increase in EMV of $290,000 (remember the two existing structures would be demolished) and taxes paid at five percent of that value with 20 percent going to the city's general fund after 2000 it would take about 80 years to get the $234,000 investment back. And again there is no provision for the present value of money. Promote Development of the Lund -Thorsen Site A. Ne atives: While land acquisition costs fall to about $100,000, there are not roads or utilities in the site.There are also storm water issues to be resolved. To rectify this situation another $100,000 may be required. With regard to land use we might ask, "Is this a good site for a mortuary?" B. Positives: No relocation costs, lower legal costs. Greatest tax increment increase as no existing buildings are demolished. Project would help initiate development of -the 7.5 acre site by forcing infrastructure improvements. 4 C. Recommendation: The best of the three options with the Port Authority paying out only about $208,000 with tax increment revenue of $133,000. The cost of getting $350,000 of EMV then is $75,000. Assuming taxes are paid on the $350,000 increased EMV at five percent of that value with 20 percent going to the city's general fund after 2000 it would take about 20 years to get the $75,000 investment back. And once again this includes no provision for the present value of money. CONCLUSION: At this writing I have scheduled a meeting with Mr. White and his builder, Gary Verkiness. I will raise the issue of: 1. Selecting a site within the TIF District. 2. Using TIF derived from the new building to promote the project by providing equity. I will have a verbal update for you at the April 6 meeting. dw 5