HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.e. Lindquist and VennumMarch 24, 1993 Rosemount Port Authority c/o Mr. Stephan Jilk, City Administrator 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Dear Steve: Enclosed please find our invoice for services rendered on. your behalf. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our billing,.please don't hesitate to contact me. Best regards. Very truly urs, NDQU S VEN t Ric and T. stlund RTO/mj w Enclosure 4200 IDS CENTER IN DENVER 80 SiouTH 8GHTH STREET UNDOtWr, YENNUM & CHRISTENSEN MiNNEaaa.is, Mwwsam 56402-2206 60017TH STREET, SurrE 2125 &VENNUM TORPHONE:5,2-37132„ EE8M54QLINDQUIST FAX812-371-3207 TELEPHONE: 30.1.5735800 ATToRNEYS AT Levo RICHAW T. OSTUHD 612 X71.3256 March 24, 1993 Rosemount Port Authority c/o Mr. Stephan Jilk, City Administrator 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Dear Steve: Enclosed please find our invoice for services rendered on. your behalf. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our billing,.please don't hesitate to contact me. Best regards. Very truly urs, NDQU S VEN t Ric and T. stlund RTO/mj w Enclosure In Account With LINDQUIST & VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN SILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST P.O. BOX 510 ROSEMOUNT, MN SSO6805t 0 GENERAL COUNS£L_.CONDEM.PRO AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ DATE MARCH 22, FILE NO. 434124.0001 INVOICE NO. 92069 1993 168 02/01/93 D A ALL.GEYER Conference with J. miller; speak with J. Brill. 02/02/93 A K GROSSMAN Conference with .David Allgeyer regarding Strese situation; draft resolution rescinding Resolution 1992--3; conference with Sandra Luegge regarding letter to David Strese; draft contents of letter; conference with S. .!ilk regarding letter; arrange to have letter faxed to Mayor and M. Dougherty; conference with 'M Dougherty regarding letter. 02/02/93 0 A ALLGCYER Speak with E. McMenomy, J. Wentworth, J. Miller, et al regarding notice of relocation and related issues; direct retraction; consider relocations needod; make determinations regarding Repairs, Inc. 02/03/93 0 A ALLGiYER Review and forward letter exercising Repairs, Inc. option, with comments. #1R/ 03/93 T L FABEL Phone conference with Mike dougher t y regarding possibility of mediation; conference with David Allgeyer regarding notice problem. 02/04/93 D A ALLGEYER Speak to J. Miller regarding Stress situation and Cope option; speak with J. 'Brill; conference with T. Fabel; look into open meeting law allegations. 02/04/93 T L FABEL Conference with David Allgeyer regarding settlement. 02/05/93 T L (ABEL Conference call with David Allgeyer and John Miller regarding Strese property et al; review correspondence with dougherty and preparation for board meeting. 02/08/93 T L FABEL Legal research on threatened litigation by Strese and Cope; prepare for and attend meeting and advise P.A. Board regarding Strese negotiation and litigation prospects. 02/09/93 D A ALLCEYER Draft dismissal; direct release of lig; pendens after research regarding requirements. 02/09/93 T L FAGEL Meeting with David Allgeyer regarding settlement plans for Stress. LINDOUISTBVENNUM ISAN LINDQUIST $ VENNUM EEO/AA EMPLOYER. FED. I.D.# 410658379 In Account With LINDQUIST Er VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 ROSE:MOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILL, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST P.O. BOX Sto ROSEMOUNT, MN 550680510 GENERAL COUNSEL-CONDEN,PRO AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ OATS MARCH 2?, FILE NO. 434IR4.0001 INVOICE No. 92061 1993 02/09/93 C P COLE Strese: "Telephone conversation with D. Allgeyer regarding preparation of Discharge of Notice of Lis Pend*ns; telephone conversation with 0. Quimby regarding obtaining copy of filed Notice ,and preparation of fax transmittal regarding same; preliminary preparation of Discharge and preparation of memo to D. Allgeyer regarding same. 02/t0/93 O K PACE Conference with David Allgeyer regarding repurchase of property by Rosemount Repairs, Inc.; review lease and repurchase option regarding game. 02/10/93 C P COLE Strese : Preparation of O i scharge of Notice of it i s Pendens. 02/11/93 D A ALLGEYER Serve and file dismissal; release of tis pendens. 02/11193 C P COLE Strese: proof of Discharge of Notice of Lis Pondens and assembly of attachments for memorandum to D. AIIgay&r. 02/11/93 T L FASEL Phone conference with Mike Oougherty regarding dismissal of condemnation and forthcoming purchase offer. 02112193 D K PAGE Telephone conference with John @ilLer regarding abstract for sale of property to Repairs, Inc. 02115/93 D A ALL.GEYErR Review offer letter and strategy; check on propriety of relocation settlement. 02115193 T L. t=AREL. Draft purchase offer letter to Mike Dougherty and. explanation 'letter to John Miller; conference with David Allgeyer regarding offer. 02/16/93 D A ALLGEY£R Consider relocation fund issues regarding offer to Strese. 02/16/93 T L FABEL Phone conference with John Miller, meeting with David Allgeyer and revise offer letter on Strese land; research availability of COBG money for purchase and potential limitations. LINDQUISTSVENNUMISAN LINDQUIST & VENNUMi FEOtAA EMPLOYER. FED. I.D.# 410658379 168 In Account With LINDQUIST & VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 14STH STREET WEST DATE "ARCH 22, 1993 P.O. Box 510 FILE NO. 434124.0001 ROSEMOUNT, MN SS0680510 INVOICE No. 92069 168 GENERAL COUNSEL -CON DEM.PRO 02/16/93 A K GROSSMAN Review with David Allgoyor regulations regarding entitlement to relocation payments in the event of a voluntary acquisition. 02/17/93 0 K PACE 'Telephone conference with John Miller regarding location of abstract and need for same to reconvey property. 02/17/93 D A ALLGEYER Locate and forward appraisals regarding possible settlement regarding Strew; consider question regarding Cope, relocation. 02/17/93 T L FASEL Phone conference with John Miller regarding Port approval of offer I*tter. 02/1?/93 A X GROSSMAN Telephone conference with John Miller regarding relocation benefits payable to Repairs, Inc. and waiver forms; telephone conference with J. Wentworth regarding same issuo. 0?/ 19/9'3 A K GROSSMAN Prepare letter for J. Miller regarding Arlyn Cape's entitlement to relocation payments in the event repurchase op -tion is exercised; research regarding J. Miller's question regarding review of repurchase agreement; office conference with David AlIgeyer regarding repurchase agreement; office conference with Deb Page regarding repurchase agreement. 02/19/93 0 X PAGE Confer with Ann Grossman regarding tiI14 matters for extinguishment of Cunningham into-re-st and renegotiation of Repairs, Inc. repurchase agreement. 02/24/93 0 A ALLGEYER Conference with J. Miller regarding interest in possible settlement; repurchase agreement; consi4jer issues raised and approach to Mr. Brill; took into repurchaso agreement terms and effectiveness; conference with J. Miller regarding original documentation; write letter regarding same. Lit NDQUIST & VENNUM IS AN LINDOUIST & VENNUM EEO/AA EMPLOYER. FED. I.D.# 410653379 In Account With LINDQUIST & VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 ROSEMOUNRL' PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. S1EPHAN J'ILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST P.O. BOX 510 ROSEMOUNT, MN S 0680510 GENERAL_ COUNSEL_--CONDEM . P'RO AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ DATE MARCH 22, 1993 FILE NO. 434124.0001 INVOICE NO. 92069 168 02/2x/93 D A ALLGE.YER Conference with J. Miller; formulate approach. 02/26/93 0 A AL_LGEYER Speak with J. Brill. 02/26/93 A K CROSSMAN Discuss with attorney J. Brill; matter of estate of Charles Cunningham. 02/26/93 R G MITCHELL, JR Conference with Mayor, Rich Osttund regarding management advisor; call Ron Batty. Mark Dayton and ,Zahn Ferris. FEES FOR SERVICES RENDERED S 3,314.30 LATE DISBURSEMENTS 02/09/93 For Services Ronderod : Relocation per DAA 02/12/93 Fee -Discharge notice per DAA 02/22/93 Local Travel 2/8 per TLF 02/24/93 Recorded Copy per CPC Computerized Legal Research Photocopy Charges Facsimile Charges TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS TOTAL CURRENT FEES AND DISBURSEMENTS 96 , RS 1 T. 00 12.50 30.00 71.62 5'9.00 16.00 # 302.37 3,616.67 LINDQUIST&VENNUM IS AN LINDQUIST & VENNUM EFO/AA EMPLOYER. FED.LD.# 410658379 In Account With LINDQUIST & VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILIK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 14sTH s,rRECT WEST P.O. Box 510 ROSEMOUNT, MN 55 068051 0 GENERAL CORPORATE AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ DATE MARCH 22, FILE NO. 434124.0002 INVOICE NO. 92069 1993 02/0,4/93 A X GROSSMAN Research Minnesota Open Meeting Law and discuss same with David Allgeyer; tole -phone conference, with J. Miller regarding Armory project drainage pond decision-making process. 02/04/93 0 A ALLGEYER Speak with John Miller regarding Battaglias situation; speak to J. Brill regarding possible settlement. 02/05/93 A K GROSSMAN Telephone conference with J. Ventworth regarding Battaglia replacement housing payment; draft memo to David Allgeyer regarding saso. 02/OS/93 0 A ALLCEYER Update J. Miller regarding Repairs, Inc., Battaglia, open meeting law. OR/06/93 A X GROSSMAN Research and complete memorandum to Oavid A1199yer rogarding Battaglia's entitlement to replacement housing payment and his demand for *S9,000 lump sun relocation payment. 02/06/93 A X GROSSMAN Draft legal memorandum regarding Minnesota's Open Meet ing Law. 02/07/93 A X GROSSMAN Draft momorandus in support of condemnation petition and accompanying affidavits. 02/09/93 0 A ALLCEYER Prepare memo and affidavits regarding condemnation; conference with J. Miller; speak with J. Wentworth. 02/09/93 C P COLE Armory: Review of owners and encumbrances reports and pleadings; review and revision of affidavit regarding same; preparation of memo to D. Allgeyer regarding pleadings' recitals of rospondonts property interests. 02/10/93 0 A ALLCEYER Complete brief and affidavit regarding eminent domain petition; doublet check service requirements; speak with City Engineer regarding documentation. OR/10/93 C P COLE Armoryi Conference with D. Allq,eyor regarding affidavit; revi*w of revised affidavit and execution of same. L NDQUIST ft VENNUM IS AN LINDQUIST & VENNUM it EEO/AA EMPLOYER. FED. I.D.# 410658379 168 In Account With LINDQUIST 8 VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUT14OR€TY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILL, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 14STH STREET WEST P.O. Box 5t0 ROSEMOUNT, MN 550680510 1 GENERAL CORPORATE AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ DATE MARCH 22, 1993 FILE NO. 434124.0002 INVOICE NO. 92069 168 02/11/9:3 0 A ALLGEYER Complete materials For filing and service. 02/11/93 C P COLE Armory: revision of memorandum regarding signed affidavit and Petition. 02/11/93 T L fi AHE€.. Revi acs memo supporting condemnation petition. 02/IS/93 0 A ALLGEYER Study proposed waiver of benefits form for Battaglia; conference with J. Wentworth rogarding same and regarding relocation progress. 02/17/93 D A ALLGEYER Speak to J. Brill regarding title issue, direct investigation of same. 02/18/93 D A ALLGEYER Conference with J. Miller regarding Lens: request. 02/19/93 A X 6ROSSMAN Conference with Deb Page regarding Cunningham interest in Battaglia property. FEES FOR SERVICES RENDERED $ 31031.2s DATE DISBURSEMENTS 02/09/93 For Services Rendered : Relocation per OAA 21021.2s 02/15/93 Relocation Fees per DAA 1,691.25 02/17/93 Filing Foes per AKG 2'.00 Delivery Charger 562.25 Postage Expense '70.63 Computerized Legal Research ST.00 Photocopy Charges 234.80 Messenger Delivery Charges 18.00 Facsimile Charges 2.50 TOTAL DISOURSEMENTs .4,6S9.68 LINOQUIST6VENNUtdISAN LINDQUIST Et VENNUM EEO/AA EMPLOYER. FED. I.D.# 410658379 In Account With LINDQUIST & VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORry C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST P.O. Box 510 ROSEMOUNT, MN 550680510 GENERAL CORPORATE AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ DATE MARCH 22, 1993 FILE NO. 434124.0000 INVOICE No. 92069 168 TOTAL CURRENT FEES AND DISBURSEMENTS 7,690.93 LINDQUIST & VENNUM IS AN LINDOUIST Et VENNUM EEO/AA EMPLOYER. FED. I.D.# 410658379 In Account With LINDQUIST 8 VENNUNI 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEP'HAN JILM, CI'T'Y ADMINISTRATOR 8875 t 4STH STREET WEST DATE MARCH 22, 1993 P.O. BOx 510 CLIENT # 434324 ROSEMOUNT, MIN 550680510 INVOICE NO. 92069 168 TOTAL FOR COMBINED CLIENT MATTERS AMOUNT UNPAID FROM PRIOR STATEMENTS 9 0.00 FEES FOR SERVICE 6,34S.S DISBURSEMENTS 41962.0s TOTAL THIS STATEMENT 9 11,307.60 LINDQUIST & VENNUM IS AN LINDQUIST & VENNUM FFO/AA EMPLOYER. FED. I.D.# 410658379