HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Consideration of Request for Proposal for Motel Development CITY OF ROS�NIOUNT EXECUTIVE SUb�1ARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: MAY 3, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER.ATION OF RFP FOR MOTEL/ AGENDA SECTION: RESTAUR�INT DEVELOPMENT NEW BUSINESS PREPAR.ED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGEND���I�� � �J A ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR � � ATTACHMENTS: DRAFT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR AP OVED ,_BY: MOTEL OR MOTEL/RESTAURANT , At the April 20 meeting the commissioners reviewed the motel ma.rket study prepared by Chase Brackett. At that meeting there was consensus that the project should be expedited. Attached please find a draft request for proposal that, on your approval, I will send with the Chase Brackett study to the interested motel developers. As you requested, I have visited with Janene McBride regarding other possible motel developers - - we have identified one additional franchisor that requires masonry construction. We would be sending the approved RFP to five firms. The RFP identifies the motel site as being within the 1979 TIF district. This includes the T.H. 3/C.R. 42 site. Anyone responding to the proposal would have the option of providing a site or asking the Port Authority to secure the site. I have been assured the proposed chronology would allow 1993 construction. RECONm7ENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the request for proposal for motel or motel/restaurant development within the 1979 TIF district. PORT AUTHORITY ACTIONt MOTEL OR MOTEL/RESTAURANT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY I. Introduction The Rosemount Port Authority has completed a motel market study through its consultant Chase Brackett, Inc. A copy of that study is attached to and is part of this request for proposal. The market study indicates a favora.ble climate far motel development in the city. The City of Rosemount has established what is presently known as a "pre-1979 tax increment finance district." Within the boundaries of this district the Port Authority is able to use t� increment financing to aid in the completion of buildings intended for retail and service activities. This includes both motels and restaurants. A map showing the boundaries of the 1979 tax increment finance district is attached to and is part of this request for proposaL At this time, the Rosemount Port Authority wishes to receive written proposals for the development of a motel or motel and restaurant to be located within the pre-1979 tax increment fmance district. This request is not site specif'ic. The interested individual should select a site and his proposal should indicate whether he or the Port Authority would be responsible for site acquisition. In this regard, the submitted proposal should be site specific. As the project is to be located within the pre-1979 tax increment finance district boundaries, the Port Authority can provide t� increment assistance. There may also be other fmancial assistance available as permitted by law and at the discretion of the Port Authority. To ensure consideration by the Port Authority, any proposal should include all information outlined in this proposal. II. Fina1 Development The fmal development of this property should be a 50 unit (minimum) motel or 50 unit (minunum) motel and restaurant. Other retail or service businesses may also be part of the proposed project. III. General Provisions A. The development must meet the City of Rosemount zoning and building code requirements. The usual and customary development procedures used by the City of Rosemount and the Rosemount Port Authority shall govern the development process of this project. B. A development agreement must be signed before the property is sold to ensure the type and quality of development after ownership of the property has been relinquished by the Port Authority. C. The tax increment fmance district is located adjacent to an at-gra:de intersection at T.H. 3 and C.R. 42 in Dakota County with average daily trip counts 8,300 vehicles and 12,000 vehicles respectively. D. The tu� increment district expires in 2000. The city prefers "pay-as-you-go" TIF fmancing if this fmance tool is to be used. E. Special assessment fmancing with a term of 10 years would be the primary financing tool for infrastructure improvements. F. The design of the development must include some provision for buffering of adjacent residential areas. G. The design is to emphasize city's facade and sign package compatible with design criteria recommended by the city's Downtown Scoping Committee. A copy of the recommendations is available from the Port Authority. H. The awarded developer should expect to work closely with the Port Authority and city'development staff for the entire duration of this project. I. Upon award of the project, the developer has one year to demonstrate signif'icant progress toward completion of the project satisfactory to the Port Authority. If the Port Authority deems insufficient progress has been made, it may, at its volition, re-issue RFPs for a new development project. This solicitation provides broad outlines for the development in order to allow each developer maximum latitude for creativity and innovation in each proposal. The Port Author�ty's intent is that this process will heighten the competition and yield the best possible development. � IV. Presentation and Award A. Timeline: The Request for Proposals will be Approximately mailed and advertised May '7, 1993 Deadline for accepting proposals June 15, 1993 4:00 p.m. Interviews for finalist proposals 7une 22, 1993 and conditional project selection B. Selection Criteria: The awarded proposal will be based upon: (1) The compatibility of development plans with the Port Authority's wishes for the downtown and with the recommendations of the city's Downtown Scoping Committee. (2) Developer qualif'ications to develop the proposed project, (3) Financial backing and strength best-suited to develop the proposed project. . 2 (4) Demonstrated ability and knowledge of development procedures. (5) History and experience of developing similar projects. (6) Detail provided in the proposal packet. The Port Authority reserves the right to reject any and all proposals for any reasons. C. Instructions to Proposers: (1) Five (5) copies of the development proposal must be received by the Port Authority by June 15, 1993, 4:00 p.m. Proposals received after this date will be returned unopened. (2} Proposals must be addressed to: Mr. Stephan Jilk Fxecutive Director Port Authority ' City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Proposals should be clearly marked "Motel - MoteURestaurant Project.° (3) Questions about this RFP may be directed to Mr. 7ohn Miller, Economic Development Coordinator, by calling 322-2004 during regular business hours. Questions will be taken unti14:00 p.m., June 14, 1993. (4) Contents of the proposal should include: a. The names and qualifications of individuals or companies to be involved in the project. b. General description and narrative of the proposed project. c. Preliminary site lay-out (concept plan) showing the entire site. d. Preliminary sketch plans of all buildings, including elevations of all sides. e. Statement, to the extent possible, of the impact the project will have on the community. L New jobs to be created. 2. Valuation to be added to the city's tax base. 3. Other benefits to the community. 3 f. Statement, to the extent possible, of the traffic to be created as a result of the project. 1. Anticipated trip productions and attractions. 2. Impact on e�sting streets and roads. 3. Plan for traffic flow. g. Breakdown of project space utilization, i.e. bank, off'ice, retail, multiple-family, etc. List all prospective tenants in the project. h. Timeta.ble for construction including beginning and completion. A project completion flow chart is required. i. Estimated cost for the proposed project. 1. I.and 2. Site improvements and fees 3. General construction 4. Leasehold improvements 5. Other soft costs. j. Detailed breakdown of public assistance requested and/or necessary for the projectto proceed. k. Financial pro forma for the project. 4