HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Discussion of Scott Rynerson Correspondence to Port Authority CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECiTTIVE SUbmlARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: MAY 3, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: DISCUSSION OF SCOTT RYNERSON AGENDA SECTION: CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PORT AUTH. OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGEND��� A � � � ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR t�� ATTACHMENTS: LETTER FROM MR. RYNERSON APPROVED BY: MEMO FROM LISA FREESE Attached is correspondence from Mr. Scott Rynerson, chairperson of the city' s Parks and Recreation Committee. As you will see, Mr. Rynerson has asked some procedural questions with regard to the Ron and Kerry Johnson proposal for redevelopment of the Repairs, Inc. site. I believe all of the proce�dural details have been addressed for this project. The Johnsons have had their proposal selected by the Port Authority. Plan details are now being reviewed by the Planning Commission and Parks Committee. Upon completion of this review, I will approach the City Council for Project Plan and Project Budget approval for the Port Authority to implement the project. After council approval, a development agreement with the Johnsons would be completed finalizing all project detail . RECObIl�lENDED ACTION: Motion to direct John Miller to correspond with Mr. Rynerson thanking him for his concern with the Johnson proposal . PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: r. , ,.,,. ..�r April 6 , 1993 John Miller Economic Development Coordinator City of Rc�semount John, As Chairperson of the Park and Recreation Committee, I write to express my concerns regarding the Repairs Inc proposal and on future development which may effect existing or proposed park land. Although the Park and Recreation Committee has not seen plans or received any documentation pertaining to the Repairs Inc property, I have heard a proposal exists which requires the City '�f�•Rosemount to give up park land. I understand the adjacent park land to this development may also be affected for drainage purposes. As a representative of the City of Rosemount 's residents on matters pertaining to park and recreational issues , the Park and Recreation Committee should be inforrned and consulted on developmental issues concerning park land. ��'t Scott Rynerso� ' Chairperson Parks and Recreation CommittF cc: Port Authority Steve Jilk - Dave Bechtold Park and Recreation Committee 1 �;,,-� . � 111�� / Y__�._r..` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH STitEET WEST RossMovrrr, MN 55068 (612J423-441I F,4x?�'o. (612)423-5203 TO: Dave BechtQld, Director of Parks and Recreation Ron Wasmund, Director af Public VJorks/Building Official Bud Osmundson, City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director Rick Pearson, Assistant Planner FROM: Lisa Freese, Director of Planning DATE: April 19, 1993 SUBJ; Kerry Johnson Development This is confirmation of our meeting with Kerry Johnson to discuss the review process for his development approval on the Repairs, Inc. site. The meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. an Thursday, April 22, 1993 in the downstairs Council loun�e. Thanks for your assistance. cc: Stephan 7ilk, City Administrator Iohn Miller, Economic Developrnent Coordinator . . • . � , r . � • . � • East Main,Luverne,MN 56156)un61 bidder's bond shall include certified Gymnasium,St.Francis,SD. shouid be directed to Keith Pashina at 10:00 a.m.on APRIL 19, 1993,and copy of the power of attomey. Instructions co Bidders and Copies STS Consultants,Ltd. at 612J559- then at said time and piace publicly The risht to waive any informality of proposal fomu,plans and specif- 19(l0,or CazlWn Maore at 942-2552. read aloud. in any bid and reject any or all bids is cahons for use by contractors subm�t- Bids wili be apened pubiiciy by the Copies of the Contract Documents reserved to the City Council. ting a bid,may be obtained from Sur- City Cierk and Intenm Executive may be obtained at the office of Ulteig Dat�this i$th day of March,1993 vep�Management and Design. Inc., Director in the Councii Chambers in Engineers,Inc.iceated at 5201 East �lliam A.Basseu 2506 35th Ave.SW,Fazgo,ND 58104 the City Hall on Tuesday,April 13, River Road,Suite 308,Minneapolis Ciry Manager u receipt of a$25.W non-refund- 1993 at 11:00 A.M.The Economic MN 55421,upon payment of$75.Od 03-26104-02 le fee. Llevelopment Authority reserves the for each set. Payment will not be Each bid shall be accompanied by a right w reject,any and all bids and to refunded. separace envelope containing a biddecs accept any bid deemed to be in We Bids shall all be upon the basis of ITV SYSTEM BACKBONE bond in the sum of fivepercent(5%) best mterests of the Economic Devei- cash paym ent for the work for a grit BIDS CLOSE APR 27 of the full aznount of the 6id,executed opment Authority. removal and screening facility to be Rochester MN by bidder as principal and by a surety EQUAL OPPORTUNITY added onto the exispng control build- ADVERTISEMEIYT FOR BIDS- licensed to do business in South EMPLUYER" ing along with associated work. REQN.NO.02310/36733 ACCT.ID Dakata,conditional that if the princi- Ginton E.Pires The work on said imQrovements is 050534. pa1's bid be aa�e�ted and the contract Interim Executive I7irector required to be stacted within ten(10) Sealed Proposals for[TV Sy�tem awarded to him, e will execute and 03-19l03-26/04-02 ca(eadar days after the date speci�ied Backbone at Rochestec University effect a c4niract in accordance with in a notice to be given the Conaactor Center,Rochester,Minnesota wt!!bc the terms of his hid and conttactors MAINTENANGE GARAGE ROOF by the Owner,and is requ� ired to be received by Division of Macerials bond as required by law and the regu- BII�S G7.QSE APR 6 com_�pleted by OCTOBERI215 1993. Management, 5tate of Mianesota, tatioos and detemunasions of ttu gov- Waaeua Cautv MN Fach Bid must be accompanied by Room 112, State Administration eming board within ten days afzer NOTTCE TO CONf�tACTQRS- a separate envelope contamiag the Building= Saint Paul, Mianesota notice of award. Sealed proposals fo�a new roofing five(5)perceat btd security in ihe 55155 unh13:00 pm on Apri127,1993 A copy of ihe Conuactor's license system For We Wadena CountY High- form and as reqnirod in the Instruc- and will tl�n be opened and publicly or certiFcate of renewal t6ereof issued way Garage located at 221 H 8c 6ons to Bidders. read aloud. by the Secrecary of State shall be Rich Dr., Wadena, MN, wi�be No bid will be read or considened Proposal Forms Contract Docu- enclosed in the required bid bond accepted by the Counry Auditor ai ttu which dces not fully comply with the ments,Plans and�pecifications as eavelope.Envelopes shall be identi- County Gourthouse until 1•00 pm on above Qrovisiona as to bond and the prepared by Electronic Interiws Inc. fied as to contents andp roject. April 6, 1993.Bids wilt be publicly Insttucqons to Bidders,and any defi- are on file m t�D►visi�of Materials All bidders�be licensed f�the opened and read immediately there- cient bid submitted will be resealed Manag ement,Room 112 Adminisua- hi�hest amount of their bids�as pro- after. and retumai to the bidder iuunediate- tion Suilding,Saint P'aul,Minnesota vided by Law,and�bid will be read A c.opy of the r�fing system spxi- ly. and t6e foilowiag Builders or considered which does not fully fications may be obtained at dre offx:e The City speciFically,in its sole Ezchanges:Sain[Paul az�d Minneapo- comply with.the above provisions as of the County Engineer(218)631- opinion,reserves the nght to re'ect lis. F.W. Dodge and Coastruchon to bond and hcenses,and any deficient 315$. Each bid which totals over any uud all bids,waive any irreg�ari- Market Data. bid submitted will be resealed and $25.000.00 must be�companied by a tios or technicalities make judgements Copies of Proposal Forms,Pians rerurned to the bid�r immediately. certified check or bid bond made as to the bidckrs abi�ity to successfully and Sp�iScations for use by Contr�- All Tribal and TECRO rules and payable to the Count of Wadeaa in or satisfactorily com�lete the pm�ect, tors in submitting a bid may,be regulations portaining to tlus pmject an amount equal W S�of du bid and accept the bid which the itp obtained from Electronic Intenors shall be complied with.Information The Counry of Wadena reserves the believes to be in its best interests;atl Inc.,40 Mackubin Street,Saint Paul and these rules arni mgulations caa be right,to reject,aay�tt atl'sids,waive without liability to the City to the Minnesota 55102 with a deposit o� obtained b�p�contactin�g the TECRO apy trngulanties and mformalities maximum extentpernu tted bp law. $25.00. Office at(605)747-2322. therein and further reserves che right Dated this 22nd day of March, Each bid which totals over The St. Prancis Indian School to award the Conttact in the best ipter- 1993. $15,000.00 must be accompanied by a Board reserves the righi to reject any ests of the Counry. On behalf of the City of Luverne certified check made payable to the and all bids. 03-12/03-19/03-26 L.ennis Aradt State of Minoesota,or asurety bond 03-26104-02 Public Utilities Coordinator of a surety company duly autfioriz�ed �507)283-2388 to do busmess m the State of Min- BUILDING DEMOLITION EAR1TiWORK&S1TE 3-26/04-02 n m an amount equa!to five per- BIDS CLOSE APR 13 IMPRO'VEMEIVTS cent( %)of the bid. St Lou�Park,MN BIDS CLOSE APR? DEMOLITION OF FUNERAL A pre-bid conference (waik- ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS- West Fargo,ND HOME through) will be conducted at the FOR DEMQLITION OF THE OLD INVITATION TO BID- Sealed BIDS CLOSE APR 6 Rochester Univeasity Center(Knutsen WII.KINS PQNI7AC BUILDING AT Bids for Eazthwcxk and Site Improvo- Maokato,MN Construction Trailer)on April 8th, 5100 EXCELSIOR BOIILEVARD, ments for Middle School Athletic ADVERTTSEMENT FOR BIDS- 1993 at 11:00 am.Attendance at this PROJECI'NO.93-16. Fields,West Fazgo School District No. CTTY PROJECT NO.90010. meeting is m�ndatory for all bidders. NOTICE I3 HEREBY GIVEN that 6,West Fargo'No�rth Dakota,will be Sealed bids for DEMOLTfION OF Division of the Economic Development Authority received by Board of Educatiay West TAE FORMER LANDKAMER Materiais Management of St.Louis Pazk,Minnesota, wiIl Fargo Public School Disuict No.6, FUNERAL HOME, 118 SOUTH �artm t of receive sealed bids in the office of West Fazgo,North Dakota uotil 4:00 SECOND STREET, MANKATQ, ?k�fminis�uation Pubiic Works in the City Hall until P.M.,Apn19,1993. MINNESOTA wiU be received by the 03-26 11:00 a.m.,Tuesday,Apnl 13, 1993, Bids must be delivered before the Ciry of Mankato,202 East Jackson for demolition of d�e e�c�sting b�uilding time and date indicated above to Mr. Strcet,Pvlankato,Minnesota,56001 by DEMOLI'TION/REMOVAL OF and landscape grading at S1W ExceF Marvin Leidal,Supenntendent,West mail orpetsonai delivery at the o�ce BUILDING sior Boulevard,formaily occupied by Fargo Public Schools,207 West Main, of the i�ry Clerk until Z:00 P.M.ON BIDS GI.OSE APR 13 Willdns Ponti�.The work W be con- West Fazgo,North Dakota,58078 or APRIL 6, 1993,at which time and Roaemouat,MN tracted is for the demolition of fhe they may be dclivered to the Board date the bids wiil be opeaed and read ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - existing building disposal of all Room at ihe same address where they aloud. DEMOLITION CONTRACT. debris, and regrading and reseeding will be publicly opened and read The Bidder shall submit the pro- NOTICE is hereby given that sealed the site.All hazardous mauriais will aloud posal on the forms provided by the bids will be received by the Rose- be removed as part of a separate con- All Bids s6a11 be in accordance City�All blank spaces in the proposal mount Port Authority unid 2:00�p.m., tract. with Bidding Documents prepared by shall be fill�in cleetly and correcdy Thursday=Apn1 13,1993 at the Rose- The Contractor shall supply or Yeater Hennings Ruff Shuitz Rokke with ink or rypewritec The proQosal mount City I3all,at which qme they obtain a11 labor,transportaaon,mauri- Architects,Ltd.,621 Ninth Street shall be signed with ink by the indi- wiil be publicly ope�ned and read als,equipmept,tools,signage,per- South,Fargo,Nordt Dakota 58103. vidual,members of the pazmerslup,or aloud,for the fumishing of a►1 labor miu,and project dceumentaaon nec- Bidding Documents may be exam- by.00e or more officers of the corpo- and materials for a demolition con- essazy for the entire and proper com- ined at the following�locations until rahon making tfie proposal. tract. pleaon of the work. Bid opening time•Ofhces of Schooi Drawings,specif'ications,and other The general scope of work involves All bids shall be on the proposai Supenntendent aod Arctritect's Moor- contract documents prepared by I&S t6e demolition and removal of three form supplied by the Economic head,Minnesota office at 420 Main Engineers, Incorporated may be commetcial metal buildings and one Development Authority and shall be Avenue. North Dakota Buiider's obtained at ihe office of the City Engi- wood-frame building at sites,owned in accordance with specificallons on Exchanges in Fargo,Bismazck,Grand neer,u�on deposit of$25.00 for each by the Rc�emount Port Authonty_ file in the office of the Director of Forks.F.W.Dodge and Construcuon set.This deposit will be refunded if Bid fomu and contract spec�fica- Public Works,copies of which are Bulletin Plan Rooms,Minneapolis, the bid documents are returned in 6ons may be seen and obtained from available in the CiE}+Hall 5005 Min- Minnesota. good,condition either before the bid the Ciry of Rosemount by contcacting netonka Boulevard,St.�.ouis Pazk, They will be microfilmed by opetung,or within 15 days after sub- the Citp�Clerk's office,2875- 145tFi Minnesota, ugon de sit of Tweuty DodgeISCAN,Minneapviis,Minneso- mittal of a bona fide bid.PLEASE Street West,Rosemount,MN 55068, Five Doilars(�25.00�,said deposit w ta. INCLUDE YOUR COMPANY (612)423-4411. - be refunded W bona fide biddecs upon Bidding Documents may be NAME,ADDRESS,TELEPHONE Susan M.Walsh return of documents in g��osi condiqon obtained 6y prime Bidders from NUMBER AND FAX NUMBER. City Clerk no later than April 23,1993.Apre-bid Architect. $25.00�plan deposii, All bids shall be sealed in an Rosemount,MN conference is scheduled for Monday, payable to Yeater Hennings Ruff opaque envelope upon which shall be 03-26 April 5, 1993 at 10:00 A.M.,at S1W Shultz Rokke Architects7 Ltd., is plainly mazked"SID ON CITY OF Excelsior Boulevazd,St.Louis Pazk, required for one set of Biddmg Docu- MANKATO PROJECT NO.90010" ASBESTOS REMOVAL Minnesota,formeriy the Wilkins Pon- ments.Fuli deposit will be returned to aad the name of the bidder.IF A BID BIDS CLOSE APR 29 tiac building. those submitting a legal.Base Bid pro- IS TO BE MAILED TO THE CITY Sk Franeis,SD No bids shali be considered unless viding comp lete set as issued,includ- CLERK, THE BID ENVELOPE LEGAL NOTICE-ADVERTISE- accom�anied by, a cash deposit, ing Addenda is received by the Archi- SHALL BE SEALED IN A REGU- MENT FOR BIDS: Sealed bids wili cashiers check,b�d bond or certified teci wrthin fourteen days of the Bid LAR MAILING ENVELOPE. be received at the Administration check payable to the City Treasurer opening.Full deposit wi11 be returned The City Council reserves the right OPfice,SG Francis Indian School,Box for not less than five pement(5%)of to Nonbidders pmvided complete set to hold and consider all bids for 45 155,St.Francis,SD 57572 undl 1:30 the net price bid. as issued is received b�y Architect days aftes the date of the bid opening. P.M.,Aprii 29 1993,at which time Bids should be directed to the seven days prior to.the Bid opening. Bids shal!be accompamed by a they will be pu�licly opened and read Interim Executive Director,securely No plan deposit wiil be returned tf cashier's check,bidder s bond,or cer- aloud,for services required,to remove sealed and endorsed upon the outside these condiuons aze not met. tified check payable to the City of designaud asbestos contaming ther- wrapper with a brief statement as to Partial sets of Bidding Documents Mankato for not less than fivepe rcent mal system insulation and floor tile the work for which the bid is made. may be obtained fmm Architect only (5%a)of the amount of such bid. A from the St. Francis Indian School Questions pertaining to this project if specific sheet and section numbers 38 CONSTRUCTFON BULLETIN r . �,/; � � �J �� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH STREET WEST Ros�ocrrrr, MN 55068 ' �ai2�aa3-4a�t F,�x No. (612)423-5203 TO: Dave Bechtold, Director of Parks and Recreation Ron Wasmund, Director of Public Works/Building 4fficial Bud Osmundson, City Engineer/Assistant Public Wvrks Director Rick Pearson, Assistant Planner FROM: Lisa Freese, Dire�tor of Planning DATE: April 19, 1993 SUBJ; Kerry 7ohnson Development This is confirmation of our meeting with Kerry Johnson to discuss the review process far his development approval on the Repairs, inc. site. The meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, 1993 in the downstairs Council lounge. Thar�:s for your as�istance. cc: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator Iohn Miller, Economic Developrnent Coordinator