HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Chamber of Commerce Report / Response s . � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXLCIITIVE S'OMMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: MAY � 1993 AGENDA ITRyl: CFi��MBER OF CONIMERCE - ITEMS FOR AG�iDA SECTION: COOPERATIVE PROGRAMS NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTR.ATOR AGENDA N4. ATTACE�lENTS: MEMO Ap - _ � % � The Rosemount Area Chamber af Commerce has been working with it� membership to develop a consensus building on major issues that they, as a business community, see are vital to them, their success and development. On April 6, 1993 the Chamber held its first "Business Forum" to bring the business community together to discuss these issues, list them and develop a program to continue their efforts. Out of that eting came a cons sus on three ma.jor areas to work on. 1) government, �` community, and ) business issues. � In the area of government the following were listed as items to address; bureaucracy, accountability, trust, priority of budget items, user friendly, and communication. In an attempt to build on the existing relationship between city government and the Rosemount Business Community and to address some of the areas listed, the Chamber has suggested a �'one stop shop" for businesses as they work with City Hall. Attached find a memo as to my recommendations as to how to implement such a concept with the limited resources we have available. RECOI�+�lENDSD ACTION: Motion to .support the concept of a "One Stop Shop° for businesses relating to city government in Rosemount as outlined in the City Administrator's memo of April 30, 1993 . PORT AIITHORITY ACTIONr Y - y T0: Mayor McMenomy City Council' Members �- Chairperson Ed Dunn . - ' - " ` . . "'� . Port Authority Members � � � �� FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Admini,s� r� o � DATE: April 30, 1993 RE: "One Stop" Service Idea In an effort to improve on the communication and cooperation between the City of Rosemount and the Rosemount Business Community and to create even greater opportunities to build on the relationship already in place, I believe there are several ideas we can consider. These ideas, if put in place, wi11 not only help develop the idea of °one stop" service for businesses but will help in other ways to build on our communication with our business community. It is extremely important that as we move forward with implementation of these ideas that doing so, even if� successful, will not result in developing a utopia for our business community. The ideas presented here are meant to provide methods of improving our unde�rstanding of issues of importance to the business community; ways city government can assist businesses, where appropriate, to stay in Rosemount, expand when desirous to do so, and to ma.intain an open line of communication in the process. I would recommend the following: 1. Position Development. Designate John Miller, our Economic Development Coordinator, as the contact person for all communication between the business community and the City in matters of governmental relations. John was hired and the position established to deal with all ecanomic development issues and to act as staff support to the Port Authority. In this capacity he is already working with the Chamber of Commerce, the Star City Committee, the Government Action Committee, the Dakota County Private Industry Council - Economic Development Marketing Committee, the Downtown Scoping Committee, and as staff support to the Port Authority. I believe what needs to be done is to develop the position even more into a focal point for business and government relations. How can this be done? To start with, the position title could be revised to Economic Development/ Business Relations Coordinator. This wi11 go a long way in indicating the City� s understanding of the need for this relationship. John already attends many meetings of the Chamber but this will be increased so that any events that pertain to the • . Chamber and gavernment John will attend and be recognized as the point-person -to communicate wsth on "business" issues� , � , .. ,. , . . . . , . John can also carry inforn�a.tion back to the Chamber on � projects and issues relating to the busin.ess community that the city is considering or working on so that he can bring feedback to City Staff, City Council and the Port Authority. 2 . Project Coordination. It is important to local businesses, especially the sma.11er ones who have only an occasional issue to deal with the City on, to have someone "guide" them through a building permit, sign permit, or zoning change. As these projects come up John will be the initial contact person and then "monitor" the progress of these projects through to insur.e the local business person is being dealt with in a proper manner and the issue is being resolved - maybe not always to the satisfaction of the applicant but so that decisions are made and communication is maintained. This "monitoring" is different from "hand holding" in that John's responsibility won't be to handle or take care of every case that comes through Cit�r Hall. His job won' t be to take the responsibility or work of the applicant in, say applying for a building pennit and supplying the right information. It will be to "monitor" the progress, help educate the first time applicants as to a specific process and then monitor, overall, how business needs are being met. For instance, if sign permits are difficult to process, why? What can be done to improve on the process? If a lot of sign permits are being turned down, should the ordinance be changed? The City wouid work with the business community. Are there ways ordinances can be changed to alleviate bureaucratic red tape? The City could .help develop� a process to do this. John should not be seen as an advocate for business but as the communication link between the business community and local government. 3 . City Staff. John will monitor, through information gathering at staff level, the °business" projects being worked on, or considered, by the Planning and Building Departments to develop a "data base" of in.forma.tion regarding "business development" projects. This will helg John get a handle on what activity there is and help him monitor what kinds of activity there is to develop a better sense of how to help local business. 4. Business Retention Procrram. Along with the Star City Program, this program should be retained and utilized. to continue a opportunity for businesses to relate their concerns and issues to the City as to the problems they Z . . face, how the City can be of assistance in maintaining the business presenc� in the community so that we will not on],y keep the businesses we have but also help ' tYiem�e�and if '� : feasible. John has to have the assistance of the Star City Committee to rurr this program as it requires field visits with businesses on an annual basis and the accumulation, dissemination and processing of lot information. It can successfully be used to target problem areas and areas of opportunity. 5 . Business/Government Information Forums . I would suggest that we take the recommendation of the Chamber and cause the development of several "For Business Forums" . These informational forums, put on by City Staff through the coordination of John Miller, would provide opportunities for the business community to learn more about how we do our business in the areas of planning, zoning, building inspection and public safety. City Staff from these departments could provide information presentations to explain what our regulations are, what processes to follow and how our budgeting restricts, in many cases our opportunity to develop even greater support for services. These forums could also be used to gather feedback from the business community as to suggested changes in ordinances and ideas as to how a °process�' could be improved. Understanding one anoth�r and the issues we deal with can be a major step in our working toward better relations. Can all of this be done without additional staff? I would suggest not likely. John is attempting to involve himself in all of these areas now while developing projects for the Port Authority. . Building and maintaining a strong link of communication with the entire business community is not a one hour a week task. The combination of those ideas I have proposed here and the ongoing project coordination John has will be more than one person can handle even if John calls on and gets the cooperation of volunteers through the Chamber, Star City, etc. I would recommend that we begin this effort in 1993, monitor the additional time and efforts needed and consider additional staffing in the 1994 budget if the programs are successful and . they require additional staff and support is there for budget purposes. 1� 3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING A G E N D A May 3 , 1993 5 :30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2 . ADDITIONS/CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA 3 . BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Chase and Brackett B. Northern Dakota County Chamber of Commerce C. Southam Business Communications USA Inc. D. Lindquist and Vennum 4 . CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES FROM APRIL 6, 1993 CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES 5 . CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES FROM APRIL 20, 1993 WORK SESSION MINUTES 6 . OLD BUSINESS A. Redraft of Port Authority Bylaws (from Table of April 20) ' B. Discussion of Scott Rynerson Correspondence to Port Authority 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Consideration of Request for Proposal for Motel Development B. Chamber of Commerce Report/Response 8 . CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT 9 . EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR' S REPORT 10 . ADJOURNMENT ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS CLOSED SESSION blEETING APRIL 6, 1993 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Closed Session meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on Tuesday, April 6, 1993 at 5 :40 p.m. in the Council Lounge of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Chairperson Dunn called the meeting to order. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss client/attorney privileged information on and to obtain information about the purchase of the Repairs, Inc. site. Port Authority Commissioners present were Carroll, Anderson, Wippermann, Dunn, McMenomy, Edwards and Sinnwell. Staff present included Economic Development Coordinator John Miller, City Administrator Stephan Jilk, Recording Secretary Jentink, and Port Authority Counsel, David Allgeyer. Attorney Allgeyer clarified that client confidentiality was to be maintained for all information forth coming during the session. Discussion ensued regarding the resolve to getting agreement from the current tenants of the Repairs, Inc. site to move, what payments would be made, who should pay for the subleasors of the site, what notice should be implied and what "relocate° would mean in the agreement. The Board discussed a possible resolution to this and this would be that the Rosemount Port Authority will enter into an agreement with Repairs, Inc. as we know it, pursuant to paragraph two of the March 19 , 1993 Agreement, requiring any lease to be at least one year, having relocation within the corporate city limits of Rosemount and meeting all city codes, and responding within a five day period. MOTION by Dunn to adjourn to the regular meeting. SECOND by Sinnwell . Ayes: 7. Nays: 0 . The meeting was adjourned at 6 : 10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROC�$DINGS WORK SESSION APRIL 20, 1993 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on Tuesday, April 20, 1993 at 5 :30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West. Chairperson Dunn called the meeting to order with Commissioners Carroll, Wippermann, Dunn, Edwards, and Sinnwell present. Commissioners Anderson and McMenomy were absent . Staff present included Executive Director Ji1k and Economic Development Coordinator Miller. Additions to the agenda were made as follows: 5 . (G) Project Update, 5 . (F) Letter from Scott Rynerson, Parks & Recreation Committee, and 4 . (B) Armory Site Businesses Relocation/Purchase. MOTION by Sinnwell to approve the agenda as amended. SECOND by Carroll . Ayes: 5 . Nays : 0 . MOTION by Edwards to approve the April 6, 1993 regular meeting minutes as printed. SECOND by Sinnwell . Ayes: 5 . Nays: 0. Economic Development Coordinator Miller reviewed the armory site dernolition bids received on April 13, 1993 . Commissioners voiced concerns that the lowest bid from R. J. Valek Construction in the amount of $6, 121 was only about half of the next lowest bid and there were concerns that the contractor would not perform. Discussion ensued regarding the absence of a performance bond in the specifications. City Attorney Miles advised that a breach of contract could be pursued if the contractor did not perform to specifications. Economic Development Coordinator Miller was directed to check the references of R. J. Valek Construction. Commissioner McMenomy took his chair at 5 :40 p.m. MOTION by Dunn to approve the bid of R. J. Valek Construction of $6, 121. 00 for demolition at the armory site as outlined in the demolition specifications, subject to satisfactory reference checks. If R. J. Valek' s references are not satisfactory, approval to accept the second lowest bidder, Wickenhauser Excavating with a bid of $12, 800 . 00, after satisfactory reference checks . SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Dunn, Edwards, Sinnwell, Carroll, Wippermann. Nays: 0 . Abstain: McMenomy. Economic Development Coordinator presented a memo from Conworth, Inc. to the Port Authority regarding Ms. Wentworth' s recommendation to pay Reno' s Pizza an immovable fixture payment of_ $9, 000 . Commissioners questioned why some of the appliances could not be moved. Miller advised that it was not a question of moving the equipment, but the fact that it was older equipment that did not meet current health codes and could not be used in their new location. Staff was directed to provide more complete information on any further requests so that the commissioners have justification for these expenses. MOTION by Sinnwell to approve an immovable fixture payment to Reno' s Pizza in the amount of $9, 000 . 00 contingent upon the Port Authority receiving documentation showing the reasons the payment is necessary. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Edwards, Sinnwell, Carroll, Wippermann, Dunn. Nays: McMenomy. ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS WORK SESSION APRIL 20, 1993 Economic Development Coordinator Miller advised that the condemnation of the four Armory properties had been approved by the court. Payment of the appraised values of the properties are to be submitted to District Court before May 1, 1993 and the city would gain control of the properties after that time. Miller further advised that discussion should continue in an executive closed session because of attorney/client privileged information that he had received from �Lindquist and Vennum. Consensus was reached to adjourn to a closed session after discussing agenda item 5 . (A) Motel Ma.rket Feasibility Report. Janene McBride from Chase Brackett was introduced to the Port Authority. Ms. McBride answered questions regarding the draft copy of the Market Overview of the Rosemount Lodging Market that was prepared by Chase Brackett to analyze the development of a motel facility in Rosemount. Discussion followed whether the Rosemount market would support a motel and whether the feasibility report, in its present form, was sufficient information for a developer to decide on pursuing the project. Commissioners debated that a final copy of the feasibility study should be sent to other potential developers, besides the three developers that are currently working with the Port Authority staff. Consensus was reached to direct staff to provide a final copy of the feasibility report to the developers that are currently working with staff and to any other developers that staff feels may be interested in pursuing the project. MOTION by Sinnwell to adjourn to an executive closed session to consider attorney/client privileged information. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: 6 . Nays: 0 . Meeting adjourned at 6 :26 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 6:55 p.m. MOTION by McMenomy to approve the payment of $100, 000 for the purchase of the Tourdot property. SECOND by Sinnwell . Ayes: Sinnwell, Carroll, Wippermann, Dunn, McMenomy, Edwards. Nays: 0 . MOTION by McMenomy to approve the payment of $50, 000 for the purchase of the Battaglia property. SECOND by Edwards. Ayes: Carroll, Wippermann, Dunn, McMenomy, Edwards, Sinnwell . Nays: 0 . MOTION by Carroll to agree to pay Mr. A1 Monk for moving expenses relating to the moving of Mr. Monk' s personal property accounted for in the initial inventory taken for the completion of recommendations by Conworth, Inc. for the relocation of Mr. Monk' s business. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: Wippermann, Dunn, McMenomy, Edwards, Sinnwell, Carroll . Nays: 0 . MOTION by Sinnwell to deposit with District Court $165, 000 for the Monk condemnation proceedings according to Minnesota statutes . SECOND by Carroll . Ayes: Dunn, McMenomy, Edwards, Sinnwell, Carroll, Wippermann. Nays. 0 . Dave Simons of SEH updated the Port Authority on the progress of the business park feasibility �study. Mr. Simons will present a final report to the commissioners at their May 17 work session. 2 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUT?30RITY P,ROCEEDINGS WORR SESSION APRIL 20, 1993 Commissioner Edwards requested that agenda item 5 . (F) Discussion of Project Proposal Format be discussed at this time because of time constraints. Commissioners agreed that a project proposal format was necessary and agreed with the format as outlined by Commissioner Edwards and Mr. Miller� s memo. Executive Director Jilk thanked Commissi�ner Edwards for finalizing and fine tuning the format and felt that it was an excellent approach for presenting projects to the Port Authority. MOTION by Edwards to approve the Project Proposal Format as recommended in John Miller� s memorandum of March 31, 1993 . SECOND by Sinnwell . Ayes: McMenomy, Edwards, Sinnwell, Carroll, Wippermann, Dunn. Nays: 0 . Economic Development Coordinator Miller introduced Mr. Tom Heiberg, the Carlsons ' financial consultant for their proposed strip ma.11 . Mr. Heiberg updated the Port Authority on the progress being made in regard to securing a chain grocery supplier to anchor the mall . He advised that they had received various reactions from several wholesalers, with one of those actually completing a feasibility study. They have also had discussions with Mr. Kirkey of Tom' s Super Value regarding the possibility of moving his operation to the mall .� Mr Heiberg advised that they are hoping for an opening in March, 1994 . Commissioners questioned whether financial assistance was needed for the mall to become a reality and raised concerns that it was getting late to be asking for any assistance if they were to meet their opening deadline. Mr. Heiberg stated that if things continue to progress as they are, a decision should be made within the next 30-45 days and that they had allowed 60 days in their plan for gaining approval of any assistance that may be needed. Mr. Tom Kirkey, owner of Tom' s Super Value, declined comment at this time. Economic Development Coordinator Miller presented to the Commissioners letters from Ms. Eunice Petter and Mr. Charles Terry regarding their interest in purchasing and renovating the Rosemount Mall . The letters further requested that the Port Authority work with them in studying the options for the authority to become involved in facilitating the acquisition and renovations. Miller requested that the Port Authority give staff general direction to work with tenants and potential buyers. Redraft of Port Authority Bylaws (item 5 .E) was not discussed. Commissioner Sinnwell requested that staff look at other sites, other than the business park, for the potential location of Ringer Corporation in the city. His concern is that• the business park will not be ready by the time Ringer makes their decision to relocate. The letter from Parks and Recreation committee member Scott Rynerson, added to the agenda at the request of Commissioner Carroll, was not discussed. MOTION by Edwards to adjourn. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: 6 . Nays: 0 . Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary 3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY CONIMISSION MEETING DATE: MAY 3, 1993 AGENDA ITEbI: CONSIDERATION OF INVOICES AGENDA SECTION: BILLS & COMMUNICATIONS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGEND���� � � � ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR $ � ATTACI�iENTS: INVOICES APP OVED BYs � � i , The Port Authority has received the following invoices: 1. Chase Brackett, Inc. (motel market study) $3,470 . 00 2 . Northern Dakota Chamber of Commerce $ 8 . 00 (January Rosemount luncheon meeting) 3 . Southam Business Commun. USA, Inc. $ 33 .30 (advertisement for demolition bid) 4 . Lindquist and Vennum $8, 842 . 16 RECOb�lENDED ACTION: Motion to approve invoices as presented. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: � � - • ' � East Main,Luverne,MN 56156)until biddei s bond shall include certified � Gymnasium,St.Francis,SD. should be directed to Keith Pashina at 10:00 a.m.on APRIL 19, 1993 and copy of the power of attorney. Instruchons to Bidders and Copies STS Consultants, Ltd. at 612/559- then at said time and place publicly The nght to waive any informality of proposal forms,plans and specifi- 1900,or Cazlton Moore at 942-2552. read aloud. in any bid and reject any or all bids�s cahons for use by contractors submit- Bids will be opened publicly by the Copies of the Contract Documents reserved to the City Council. ting a bid,may be obtained from Sur- City Clerk and Intenm Executive may be obtained at the office of Ulteig Dated this 18th day of March,1993 vey Management and Des�gn, Inc., Director in the Council Chambers in Engineers, Inc. located at 5201 East William A.Bassett 2506 35th Ave.SW,Fargo,ND 58104 the City Hall on Tuesday,April 13, River Road, Suite 308,Minneapolis, City Manager upon receipt of a$25.00 non-refund- 1993 at 11:00 A.M. The Economic MN 55421, upon payment of$75.00 03-26/04-02 able fee. Development Authority reserves the for each set. Payment will not be Each bid shall be accompanied by a right to reject any and all bids and to refunded. separate envelope containing a bidders accept any bid deemed to be in the Bids shall all be upon the basis of ITV SYSTEM BACKBONE bond m the sum of five percent(5%) best mterests of the Economic Devel- cash payment for the work for a grit BIDS CLOSE APR 27 of[he full amount of the bid,executed opment Authority. removal and screening facility to be Rochester MN by bidder as principal and by a surety "EOUAL OPPORTUNITY added onto the existing control build- ADVERTISEMEN'T FOR BIDS - licensed to do busmess in South EMPLUYER" ing along with associated work. REON. NO.023 1 0/3673 3 ACCT.ID Dakota,conditional that if the princi- Clinton E.Pires The work on said improvements is O50$34. pal's bid be accepted and the contract Interim Executive Director required to be started wrthin ten (10) Sealed Proposals for ITV System awarded to him,he will execute and 03-]9/03-26/04-02 calendaz days after the date specified Backbone atRochester University effect a contract in accordance with in a notice to be given the Contractor Center,Rochester, Minnesota will be the terms of his bid and contractors MAINTENANCE GARAGE ROOF by the Owner, and is required to be received by Division of Materials bond as required by law and the regu- BIDS CLOSE APR 6 completed by OCTOBER 15,1993. Management, State of Minnesota, lations and determmations of the gov- Wadena County MN Each Bid must be accompanied by Room 112, State Administration erning board within ten days after NOTICE TO CONTj2ACTORS - a separate envelope contammg the Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota notice of awazd. Sealed proposals for a new roofing five (5) percent bid security in the 55155 until 3:00 pm on April 27,1993 A co y of the Contractor's license system for the Wadena County High- form and as required in the Instruc- and will then be opened and publicly or certi�caCe of renewal thereof issued way Garage located at 221 Harry& tions to Bidders. read aloud. by the Secretary of State shall be Rich Dr., Wadena, MN, will be No bid will be read or considered Proposal Forms, Contract Docu- enclosed in the required bid bond accepted by the County Auditor at the which does not fully comply with the ments, Plans and Specifications as envelope. Envelopes shall be identi- County Courthouse until 1:00 pm on above provisions as to bond and the prepared by Electromc I�teriors Inc. fied as to contents and pro�ect. April 6, 1993. Bids will be publicly Instructions to Bidders,and any defi- are on file m the Division of Materials All bidders must be licensed for the opened and read immediately there- cient bid submitted will be resealed Mana�g ement, Room 112 Administra- highest amount of their bids, as pro- after. and returned to the bidder immediate- tion Building, Saint Paul,Minnesota vided by Law,and no bid will be read A copy of the roofing system speci- 1y. and the following Builders or cons�dered which does not fully fications may be obtained at the office The City specifically, in its sole Exchanges:Saint Paul and Minneapo- comply with the above provisions as of the County Eng�neer(218) 631- opinion, reserves the nght to re'ect lis. F.W. Dodge and Construction to bond and licenses,and any deficient 3158. Each bid which totals over any and all bids,waive any inegu�ari- Market Data. bid submitted will be resealed and $25.000.00 must be accompanied by a ties or technicalities,make�udgements Copies of Proposal Forms, Plans returned to the bidder immediately. certified check or bid bond made as to the bidders ability to successfully and Specifications for use by Contrac- All Tribal a�d TECRO rules and payable to the County of Wadena in or satisfactorily complete the project, tors in submitting a bid may be regulations pertaining to this project an amount equal to 5%of the bid. and accept the bid which the City obtained from Electronic Interiors shall be complied with. Information The County of Wade�a reserves the believes to be in its best interests;all Inc.,40 Mackubin Street, Saint Paul, and these rules and regulations can be right to reject any or all bids, waive without liability to the City to the Minnesota 55102 with a deposit of obtained by contacting the TECRO any irregulanhes and mformalities maximum extent permitted by law. $25.00. Office at(605)747-2322. therein and further reserves the right Dated this 22nd day of March, Each bid which totals over The St. Francis Indian School to awazd the Contract in the best inter- 1993. $I5,000.00 must be accompanied by a Boazd reserves the right to reject any ests of the County. On behalf of the City of Luverne certified check made payable to the and all bids. 03-12/03-19/03-26 Lennis Arndt State of Minnesota, or a sureCy bond 03-26/04-02 Public Utilities Coordinator of a surety company duly authorized (507)283-2388 to do busmess m the State of Min- BUILDING DEMOLITION EARTHWORK&SITE 03-26/04-02 nesota,in an amount equal to five per- BIDS CLOSE APR 13 IMPROVEMENTS cent(5%)of the bid. St.Louis Park,MN BIDS CLOSE APR 7 DEMOLITION OF FUNERAL A pre-bid conference (walk- ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - West Fargo,ND HOME through) will be conducted at the FOR DEMOLITION OF THE OLD INVITATION TO BID - Sealed BIDS CLOSE APR 6 Rochester University Center(Knutsen WILKINS PONTIAC BUILDING AT Bids for Earthwork and Site Improve- Mankato,MN Construction Trailer) on April 8th, 5100 EXCELSIOR BOULEVARD, ments for Middle School Athletic ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - 1993 at 11:00 a.m.Attendance at this PROJECT NO.93-16. Fields,West Fargo School District No. CITY PROJECT NO.90010. meeting is mandatory for all bidders. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 6,West Fargo,North Dakota, will be Sealed bids for DEMOLITION OF Division of the Economic Development Authority received by Board of Education,West THE FORMER LANDKAMER Materials Management of St. Louis Park, Minnesota, will Fargo Public School District No. 6, FUNERAL HOME, 118 SOUTH Departmentof receive sealed bids in the office of West Fargo,North Dakota until 4:00 SECOND STREET, MANKATO, Administration Public Works in the City Hall until P.M.,Apn1 7,1993. MINNESOTA will be received by the 03-26 11:00 a.m.,Tuesday,April 13, 1993, Bids must be delivered before the City of Mankato, 202 East Jackson for demolition of the ex�sting building time and date indicated above to Mr. Street,Mankato,Minnesota,56001 by DEMOLITION/REMOVAL OF and landscape grading at 5100 Excel- Marvin Leidal, Superintendent,West mail orpersonal delivery at the ofF'ice BUILDING sior Boulevazd,formally occupied by Fargo Public Schools,207 West Main, of the City Clerk until 2:00 P.M.ON BIDS CLOSE APR 13 Wilkins Pontiaa The work to be con- West Fargo,North Dakota,58078 or APRIL 6, 1993, at which time and Rosemount MN tracted is for the demolition of the they may be del�vered to the Board date the bids will be opened and read ADVERTiSEMEN=I'FOR BIDS - existing building, disposal of all Room at the same address where they aload. DEMOL[T[ON CONTRACT. debris, and regrading and reseeding will be publicly opened and read The Bidder shall submit the pro- NOTICE is hereby given that sealed the site. All hazazdous matenals wiR aloud. posal on the forms provided by the bids will be received by the Rose- be removed as part of a separate con- All Bids shall be in accordance City.All blank spaces m the proposal mount Port Authority unitl 2:00 p.m., tract. with Biddi�g Documents prepared by shall be filled in cleazly and correctly Thursday,April 13, 1993 at the Rose- The Contractor shall supply or Yeater Hennings Ruff Shultz Rokke with ink or typewriter. The proposal mount City I3a11, at which time they obtain all]abor,transportation,materi- Architects, Ltd., 62] Ninth Street shall be signed with ink by the indi- will be publicly opened and read als,equipment, tooIs, signage, per- South,Fazgo,North Dakota 58103. vidual,members of the partnership,or aloud, for the furnishing of all labor mits, and project documentahon neo- Bidding Documents may be exam- by one or more oft7cers of the corpo- and materials for a demolition con- essary for the entire and proper com- ined at the following locations until rahon making the proposal. tract. pletion of the work. Bid opening time: Offices of School Drawings,spec�5cahons,and other The general scope of work involves All bids shall be on the proposai Supenntendent and ArehitecYs Moor- contract documents prepared by I&S the demolition and removal of three form supplied by the Economic head, Minnesota office at 420 Main Engineers, Incorporated may be commercial metal buildings and one Development Authority and shall be Avenue. North Dakota Builder's obtained at the oft`ice of the City Engi- wood-frame b�ilding at sites owned in accordance with specifications on Exchanges in Fargo,Bismarck,Grand neer,uQon deposit of$25.00 tor each by the Rosemount Port Authority. file in the office of the Director of Forks.F.W.Dodge and Construction set.This deposrt will be refunded if Bid forms and contract specifica- Public Works, copies of which are Bulletin Plan Rooms, Mmneapolis, the bid documents are returned in tions may be seen and obtained from available in the City Hall,5005 Min- Minnesota. good condition either before the bid the City of Rosemount by contracting netonka Boulevard, St. Louis Park, They will be microfilmed by opemng,or within 15 days afrer sub- the City Clerk's office,2875 - 145th Minnesota, ugon deposit of Twenty Dodge/SCAN,Minneapolis,Minneso- mrttal of a bona fide bid. PLEASE Street West, Rosemount,MN 55068, Five Dollazs(�25.00),said deposit to ta. INCLUDE YOUR COMPANY (612)423-4411. be refunded to bona fide bidders upon Bidding Documents may be NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE Susan M.Walsh return of documents in good condition obtained by prime Bidders from NUMBER AND FAX NUMBER. City Clerk no later than April 23,1993.A pre-bid Architect. $25.00 plan deposit, All bids shall be sealed in an Rosemount,MN conference is scheduled for Monday, payable to Yeater Henning s Ruff opaque envelope upon which shall be 03-26 April 5, 1993 at 10:00 A.M., at S1OO Shultz Rokke Architects, Ltd., is plainly marked "BID ON CITY OF Excelsior Boulevard, St. Louis Park, required for one set of Bidding Docu- MANKATO PROJECT NO. 90010" ASBESTOS REMOVAL Minnesota,formerly the Wilkins Pon- ments.Full deposit will be remrned to and the name of the bidder.IF A BID BIDS CLOSE APR 29 tiac building. those subm�tting a legal Base Bid pro- IS TO BE MAILED TO THE CITY St.Francis,SD No bids shall be considered unless viding complete set as issued,includ- CLERK, THE BID ENVELOPE LEGAL NOTICE-ADVERTISE- accom�anied by a cash deposit, ing Addenda,is received by the Archi- SHALL BE SEALED IN A REGU- MENT FOR BIDS: Sealed bids will cashiers check,bid bond or certified tect w�thm fourteen days of the Bid LAR MAILING ENVELOPE. be received at the Administration check payable to the City Treasurer opening Full deposit w�ll be returned The City Council reserves the right Office,St.Francis Indian School,Box for not less than five percent(5%)of to Nonbidders provided complete set to hold and consider all bids for 45 155,St.Francis,SD 57572 until 1:30 the net price bid. as issued is received by Architect days afrer the date of the bid opening. P.M., April 29, 1993, at which time Bids should be directed to the seven days prior to the Bid opening. B�ds shall be accompanied by a they will be publicly opened and read Interim Executive Director, securely No plan deposit will be returned �f cashier's check,bidder's bond,or cer- aloud,for services required ro remove sealed and endorsed upon the outside these cond�tions are not met. tified check payable to the City of designated asbestos contaming ther- wrapper with a brief statement as to Partial sets of Bidding Documents Mankato for not less than five percent mal system insulation and floor tile the work for which the bid is made. may be obtained from Architect only (5%)of the amount of such bid. A from the St. Francis Indian School Questions pertaining to this project if specific sheet and secrion numbers 3g CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN � � - � ' � ly shown above,ConVactor bid prop- Minnesota 55155, until 2:30 P.M. on • for each Specifica[ion sheeL No soals will be opened and publicly read 04/19/93 and will then be opened and refund will be made for partial sets of FURNISH/DELIVER FUEL aloud. publicly read aloud.A mandatory pre- Bidding Documents. Completeness TANKS C.The Project consists of the con- bid meeCing and tour will be held at and adequacy of the list of documents BIDS CLOSE APR 12 struction for the reroofing of portions 10:00 a.m.on April 6,1993 at the pro- requested shall be the responsibility of Itasca County,MN of the existing Hennepin Technical ject site.All Contractors must be pre- person making the request.Addenda NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS -BIDS College Eden Prairie Campus facility sent at this time in order to answer any will not be submitted to those receiv- RE�UESTED FOR: Furnishin�g and and will include,but not be limited to questions which may arise.Only Con- ing partial sets of Bidding Documents. Delivery Concrete Fire-Resistive the following: Existing roofing mem- tractors who attend this tour w�ll be Sids shall be accomPamed by certi- Aboveground Fuel Storage Tanks. brane, insulation and sheet metal allowed to bid on this project. fied check or bid bond in the amount Sealed Bids will be rece�ved at the demolition;replacement of wet insula- Proposal Forms, Contract Docu- equal to 5%of the highest amount of Office of the County Auditor of Itasca tion; new roof msulations and roof inents, Plans and Specifications as the Bids as a guarantee that the Bidder County, 123 N.E.4th Street, Grand membranes; azchitectural sheet metal prepared by the State of Minnesota, will, within ten days after Notice of Rapids, Minnesota 55744-2600,until and associated incidental mechanical Division of State Buildi❑g Constrac- Award, enter into a Contract with 1:OD P.M.on Monday,April]2,]993, and electrical work. tion are on file in the Division of Owner in accordance with the terms for fumishing and delivering four(4) D. This Project shall be subject to Materials Management, Room 112 of the Bids and these Bidding Docu- 2,000 gallon concrete fire-resist�ve theFollowingprocedures: Administration Building, St. Paui, ments. aboveground fuel storage tanks with 1.The award will be made to the Minnesota and the followmg Builders Bid security shall be made payable appurtenances. lowest responsible Contractor Bidder Exchanges:St.Paul and Mmneapolis, to Independent School District#544, Locauons: County Highway who conforms with the language of F.W.Dodge and Construction Market Fergus Falls,Minnesota. Garages at Deer River,Salsam,Warba the Specifications, terms of delivery, Data. Bid securiry of the two lowest Bid- and Jess Harry and any other conditions imposed Copies of Proposal Forms, Plans ders will be retained until Contract has Major Quantities of Work:Furnish, herein. and Specificauons for use by Contrac- been awarded and executed, but not ceRify and deliver four(4)tank units 1.02 PRE BID CONF'ERENCE tors in submitting a bid may be longer than 30 days. meeung MnDOT Specification dated A. A Pre-Bid Conference will be obtained from the Division of Materi- The Owner reserves the right to July 22,1991. held at Hennepin Technical College, als Management without deposit. reject any or all Bids and to waive Specifications and proposals may Eden Prairie Campus, 9200 Flymg Each bid which totals over in�ormalities therem. be obtained at the OfFice of the Itasca Cloud Drive,Eden Prairie,Minnesota $15,000.00 must be accompanied by a FOR THE OWNER: Independent County Highway Engineer. 55344 on Tuesday,March 30,1993,at certified check made payable to the School District#544, Fergus Falls, All sealed bids must mclude a cer- 3:00 P.M.The Engineer,Owner Rep- State of Minnesota,or a surety bond Minnesota tified check or bid bond payable to the resentatives, and other consultants as of a surety company duly authorized BY:Douglas Koch Itasca County Treasurer£or an amount required will review the bidding pro- to do busmess m the State of Min- Clerk of at least 5%of the bid. cedures, Bidding Documents and nesota,in an amount equal to five per- 03-19/03-26 The County Board of Commission- other conditions w�th interested Bid- cent(5%)ofthe bid. ers reserves the right to accept or ders and answer questions. All inter- DTVISION OF ELEVATOR ADDNS/REMODEL- reject any or all bids and to waive any ested bidders are encouraged to attend MATERIALS MANAGEMENT ING defects therein. due to the Project coordination DEPARTMEN'I'OF BIDS CLOSE APR 21 Dated:Mazch 19,1993 requirements. ADMINISTRATION International Falls MN Robert Zuehlke 1.03 BIDDING DOCUMENTS 03-26 INVITATION TO B'IDDERS - Itasca County Auditor A. Bidding Documents for this PROJECT: INTERNATIONAL Courthouse construction work as prepared by 1993 REROOFING WORK FALLS CITY HALL/LIBRARY, Grand Rapids,MN 55744-2600 INSPEC,INC.may be exarruned afrer BIDS CLOSE APR 6 ELEVATOR ADDITIONS & G.LeRoy Engstrom,Jr. March 22, 1993, at the Division of Fergus Falls,MN REMODELING, 601 Third Street, Itasca County Highway Engineer Materials Management, Room 112 INVITATION TO BID - Sealed Internationa1Fa11s,Minnesota56649. Courthouse State Administration Building, 50 Bids for 1993 Reroofing Work at Fer- Notice is hereby given that sealed Grand Rapids,MN 55744-2600 Sherbume Aven�e,St.Paul,Minneso- gus Falls Schools,Fergus Falls,Min- bids for the Construchon work for the 03-26/04-02 ta;atthe Hennepin Technical College; nesota, will be received by Board of International Falls City Hall/Library at the office of the Engmeer,and the Education,Independent School Dis- Elevator Additions & Remodeling following: Construction Mazket Data, trict#544, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, will be received at the International RADIO TOWER PAINTING 8401 73rd Avenue North, Suite 82, until 2:00 PM, Thursday, April 6, Falls City Hall. BIDS CLOSE APR 1 Brooklyn Park,MN 55428,(612)537- 1993. BID DATE: Apri]21, 1993;BID KimbalWirgmia MN 7730;Dodge Reports/SCAN, 7600 Bids must be delivered before the TIME: 12:10 PM local t�me. ADVERTISEMENT�'OR BIDS - Pazklawn Avenue, Suite 352,Edina, time and date indicated above to Mc At which time they will be opened REQN.NO. 79000-33485 ACCT.ID MN 55435, (612) 831-5700; Min- P.Wayne Pastir,Director of Adminis- publicly and read aloud. Any bid 675b45. neapolis Builders Exchange, 1123 tration, Inde endent School District rece�ved after this time will be Sealed Proposals for RADIO Glenwood Avenue, Minneapolis,MN #544, FFRT� Campus, East Drive, returned unopened. TOWER PAINTING AT KIMBALL 55404, (612) 337-9600; St. Paul Building 33,Fergus Falls,MN 56537, All bids must be prepared on the AND VIRGINIA MIDWAY will be Builders Exchange, 445 Farrington or they may be delivered to the Boazd form provided by the Architect and received by the Division of Materials Street, St. Paul, MN 55103, (612) Room at the same address where they submitted in accordance with the ManagemenC, State of Minnesota, 224-7545; National Association of will be publicly opened and read Instructions To Bidders (Section Room 112, State Administration Minority Contractors of Minnesota aloud. 00500). Bids are to be addressed to Building,50 Sherburne,St.Paul,Min- (NAMC), 1121 Glenwood Avenue Single Base bid will be received for the Office of the Clerk,City of Inter- nesota 55155, until 2:30 PM ON North,Minneapolis,MN 55405(612) all Work. national Falls,at the aforesaid address APRIL 1, 1993 and will then be 374-5129 All Bids shall be in accordance and are to be in a sealed opaque enve- opened and publicly read aloud. B.Prospective bidders and interest- with Bidding Documents prepazed by lope conspicuously mazked on the out- Proposal Forms, Contract Docu- ed parties may receive complete sets Yeater Hennings Ruff Shultz Rokke side idenhFymg the pro�ect name. ments, Plans and Specifications as only of the B�dding Documents,from Architects,Ltd. 420 Main Avenue, Plans, Specificatio�s and Proposal prepared by the State of Minnesota, the Engmeer, upon the deposit of P.O. Box 818, Moorhead,Minnesota forms as prepared by Architectural Div�sion ot State Building Construc- $50.00 per complete set made payable 56560. Resources, inc., 704 East Howard tion are on file in the Division of to the Engineer. Deposit(s) will be Bidding Documents may be exam- Street,Hibbing Minnesota 55746,are Materials Management, Room 112 returned to all Bidders who submit ined at the following locations until available at the Architect's Office Administration Building, 50 Sher- bona fide bids and return complete Bid opening[ime: Offices of Owner upon a deposit of$50.00 which will burne Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota and Bidding Documents to the Engineer, and Architect. Minnesota Builder's be refunded only to contractors who the following Builders Exchanges:St. in clean and usable condition within Exchanges in Minneapolis and St. submit bids and return same within Paul and Minneapolis, F. W. Dodge. fifteen(15)days after the Bid Open- Paul. North Dakota Builder's ten working days of bid date.Plans Construction Market Data And ing. Exchanges in Fargo and Grand Forks. and Specifications may be reviewed at National Association of Minority C. Prospective Bidders requesting South Dakota Builder's Exchanges in the Offices of the Architect, the Contractors in Minnesota. that Biddmg Documents (complete Sioux Falls. F. W. Dodge and Con- Owner,and at the Builders Exchanges Copies of Proposal Forms, Plans sets only)be mailed to them, may struction Bulletin Plan Rooms, Min- in Duluth, Hibbing,Minneapolis, St. and Specificahons for use by Contrac- send a separate non-refundable pay- neapolis,Minnesota. Paul, Minnesota; the Dodge Plan tors in submitting a bid may be ment(check made out to the Engi- They will be microfilmed by Room and Construction Bulletin in obtained from the Division of Materi- neer)of$10.00 per set for handlin�g Dodge/SCAN,Minneapolis,Minneso- Minneapolis,Minnesota. als Management without deposit.Con- and postage(in add�tion to the$50.00 ta. Each bid must be accompanied by tact Millie Heinz, phone no. (612) deposit)to the Attention of INSPEC, Bidding Documents ma be a ceRified check, cashier's check,or 297-1077. INC 5801 Duluth Street,Minneapo- obtained by prime Bidders and�25.00 bidder's bond in the amount of five Each bid which totals over lis,Minnesota 55422. Such deposits plan deposit,payable to Yeater Hen- percent(5%)of the bid,payable to the $15,000.00 must be accompanied by a and payments may be sent prior to mngs Ruff Shultz Rokke Architects, owner, as provided in t7�e specifica- cerUfied check made payable to the April 6, 1993.Documents wi1I be sent Ltd.,is requued for one set of Bidding tions, said check and the amount State of Minnesota, or a surety bond to STREET ADDRESSES(NO P.O.'s) Documents. Full deposit will be thereof or the amount of the bidder's of a surety company duly authorized ONLY VIA UPS. returned to those submitting a legal bond to be forfeited as liquidated to do business m tlie State of Min- 03-26 Base Bid providing complete set as damages if the bidder furnishing the nesota,in an amount equal to five per- issued,including Addenda,is received same neglects or refuses to promptly cent(5%)of the bid. REMOVE SHINGLESQNSTALL by the Architect withm fourteen days carry out sa�d b�d or enter mto con- DTVISION OF ROOF of the Bid opening.Full deposit will tract with the City of International MATERIALS MANAGEMENT BIDS CLOSE APR 19 be returned to Nonbidders provided Falls,Minnesota. DEPARTMENT OF Faribault,MN complete set as issued is received by No bids may be withdrawn within ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - Architect seven days prior to the Bid Thirty (30)days from the scheduled 03-26 REON.NO. 02310/33883 ACCT.ID opening. No plan deposit will be closing time for receiving bids. 050406. returned if these conditions are not The right is reserved to reject any GRIT/SCREENINGS FACILITY Sealed Pro�posals for REMOVE met. Additional sets may be obtained or all bids or pazts of bids and to BIDS CLOSE APR 19 ASBESTOS SHINGLES/INSTALL by prime Bidders at a nonrefundable waive informalities therein, and to Luverne,MN NEW ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF cost of$25.00. Submit payment For award the contract to other than the INVITATION FOR BIDS -Sepa- ON DAKOTA BUILDING at FARIB- those sets by sepazate checks. lowest bidder if in their discretion the rate sealed bids for the construction of AULT REGIONAL CENTER, 802 Partial sets of Bidding Documents interests of the Owner will be best the Luverne GridScreenings Facility, CIRCLE DR., FARIBAULT, MN. may be obtained from Architect only served thereby. accordi�g to the plans and specifica- 55021 will be received by the Divi- if specific sheet and section numbers City of International Falls, 601 tions on file in the office of the Ciry sion of Materials Management, State desired are included with req�uest. Third Street,International Falls,Min- Public Utilities Coordinator, will be of Minnesota, Room 112, State Charges for paztial sets will be$2.00 nesota 56649 received by the City of Luverne at the Administration Building, St. Paul, for each Drawing sheet and IS cents 03-26/04-02 office of the City AdmmisVator(203 March 26, 1993 37 RSMT 9300516 Chase-Brackett Company Pentagon Park Tower 4940 Viking Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435 Phone: (612) 835-5600 Fax: t612) 835-2076 April 21, 1993 City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount NIl�! . Attention: John Miller INVOICE Property Appraised: Rosemount Hotel Rosemount MN Appraisal Fee 3470 . 00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $3,470 . 00 Terms : Payable Upon Receipt Please Make Checks Payable To: Chase-Brackett Company Fed ID# 41-0872524 We appreciate your business ! Sincerely, Chase-Brackett Company EXpLANATt�N OF STANDING RULE CHANGES _ The following are a series of explanatory comments regarding changes which I have put together for your consideration with respect to the proposed Standing Rules . Please note that I hav� only addressed substantive changes in this memo, and have not commented on changes which do not significantly change the proposed rules . 1 . Inclusion of Annual Meeting (I. Meetings, Page 1) In an effort to put all procedural matters in the Standing Rules , I have moved the Annual Meeting from thg Bylaws to the first section of the Standing Rules . 2. Location of Port Authority Meetings (I.A.1, Page l) In response to a comment at the last Port Authority meeting requiring all meetings of the Authority to be held in the �ity Council chambers, I have added language which would allow you to select other meeting locations within the City of Rosemount. 3. Cla�ification of Executive Sess�ion Authorization (I .B. , Page 1) The ianguage referring to attorney clien� meetings has been struck, since many attorney client situations not in�olving litigation do not qualify for a closed or exe�utive session. As m�di`ied, the language simply � � � rec::ires that if you have the appropriate lagal basis__for _ a �losed �eeting , you may hold nne . 4 . Ratification of Special Session Action ( I .D.2. , Page 2) A concern was raised at the last Port Authority meeting tnat requiring Special Actions to be ratified by a 3/4 majority of the Port Authority was too high a standard. I have simply made provision that a majority of the Port Authority members may ratify Special Session Action. _ _ _ 5 . Provision for Annual Meeting ( I .E. , Page 2) The proposed Standing Rules did not contain a reference to the required annual meeting . I have simply moved the language from the Bylaws to the Standing Rules . 6 . Agenda Items (II .A. 1 . , Pages 2 and 3) There are two forms of proposed changes in this portion of the Standing Rules . First, a new category under II .A. l .d, entitled New Business Action Items , has been added to authorize the Port Authority to take action on certain new business items . The other changes ar� _ essentially organizational suggestions regarding what happens chronologically at a re�ular session of the Port Authority. ? . Adding Items to the Printed Agenda (Second Paragraph After II.A.1.i. , Page 3) The reference to Robert' s Rules of Order has been removed, since this provision is already very straight forward and finitive. I have also added for your consideration, a suggestion that adding action items can be done only with a 3/4 affirmative vote of the Port Autharity. This would give the Port Authority some iatitude if it needed to quickly deal with a new item, but provides that the bulk of the Port Authority members must be in agreement as to its urgency. 8 . Presentations by the Public (II .A. 2.c. , Page 3) Zn response to a camment that allowinq members of Lhe pubia.c only three minutes each may be too restrictive, I __..�__ .. __._.-----_._ ._------_ __have---e-xtended---the---time..tQ_€-•iv�- �miflute-s_,__. . 9 . Conflicting Motions (II .B. 2. , Page 4) This change simply clarifies the fact tr,at the P^rt Authority would not want motions conflicting w��h business already adopted at that meeting of ;.he Au4hority. 10 . Proxy/Mai1 Voting ( II .B.o and II .C. , Page 4 ) . _ - --- - - - References to proxy and mail voting are removed from :.ze Motion section and placed in the new Quorum secti�n, which has been added from the Bylaws ta the Stand�-:g Rules . 11 . Inclusion of Manner of Voting ( II.D. , Page 4) This procedural matter has been moved from the Bylaw� Lo the Standing Rules . ' 2 All of the foregoing are simply suggestions for your policy _ determinations at the next or subsequent Port Authority meetings . If you have any questions , please contact me and I will be happy to discuss them with you. Sincerely, FLUEGEL MOYNIHAN 5 MILES, P.A. J. Michael Miles JMM:gmo Cityrose\RuleChan.Hem 3 � R E S 0 L U T I 0 N _ BE IT RESOLVED, by the members of the Rosemount Port Authority as follows : 1 . The Bylaws of the Rosemount Port Authority are amended by striking Articles VII, VIII and IX. 2 . The Bylaws are further amended by inserting a new Article VII, to read as follows : Atticle VII. Port AuthoritY Meetinv Procedures. Section 1 . Adoption of Standincz Rules . The meetings and procedures thereunder of the Port Authority shall iae governed by a set of - _. Standing Rules which shall be adopted by----- a majority of the commissioners . At a minimum, the Standing Rules shall address : the types of Po--t Authority meetings , time and location �.f such meetings , order .of business to be discussed, governance of the meetings and voting requirements . Tne Standing �ules may contain such other procedures and requirements as the commissioners from time to time determine. Section 2 . SuspensionlAmendment of Standinq Rules . The Standing Rules adopted by the commissioners may be suspended at any time by a majority vate of the commissioners . The Standing Rules may be amended at any time by a majority vote of _ the commissioners, provided that the Standing Rule amendments may not be considered at the same meeting of the Port Au�hority at which they are initially raised. Section 3 . The Port Authority Sylaws are further amended by rsnumbering existing Articles X, XI , XIZ, XIII and XIV, as Articles VIII , IX, X, XI and XII, respectively. At)OPTED: , 1993, at a regu�ar meeting of the _Rosemount- Fort Au�tho�rity. _�----- _ � : - __ ___. Chairperson ATTEST: Executive Director APPROVED by the Rosemount City Council on , 1993, at a regular City Council meeting. Mayor . City Clerk 2 4200 IDS CeN'reR IN Deav� 8I)SOUTH EIGMTH STREET UND�UIST,VENNUM H�CHHISTEN3EN MINNEAPIXJS,MINNESOTA 554�2$2�)5 600 17TH STREEf,SUITE 2125 LINDQUI ST &VENNUM TEIEPHONE:B12-S71'�''I7 DENVER,COI.ORADO 80202-5401 Fax:612�71�3207 TEIEPHONE:303-5735900 ATfoRNEYS AT LAW RICFUIRD T.OSTLUND 612�71325G April 21, 1993 Rosemount Port Authority c/o Mr. Stephan Jilk, City Administrator 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Dear Steve: Enclosed please find our invoice for services rendered on your behalf. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our billing, please don't hesitate to contact me. Best regards. Very truly yours, __ ;: LINDQUTS�' & V�NNUM , � ' `� �... ..-' � Richard T. Os�lund RTO/mj w Enclosure �,,.�,.,,,�, Q �,„..,. FF.O/AA EMPl.OYFRV FED.I.D.#410658379 � In Account VVith LiNDQUIST £t VENIlIUM 4200 IDS CENTER NIINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371��3211 / � AMGUNT ENCLOSED ^� � - � ROSEN(4UNT PORT AUTHORITY C/0 MR . STEPHAlV JILK, CITY ADMIlVISTRA�TQR � �$75 145TH STREET WEST OATE APRIL �0 , i '393 P . O. BOX 540 FIE.E N0 . �i34tC4 . 44ti1 R4�SEMQUNT, MI� 55015SO�S# 0 iMVt}IG� �10 . 9300E� 158 '� � � I GENERAL COUNSEL-CQI�DENf . f'Rt? Jerry Brili regarding deadlir�e fc,r respont3ing to off�r ; telephane canfet^ence wfth 3vhn Piiiler regarding extension of ti��e during which Rsp�irs, Inc . offer will re�ain ape�; draft confirmaiton letter� . 43/�3/93 � K PAGE Revie�r ttes�lut ion estabt i�hing l�+ose�ount !'ort Authority ; draft carrespondenc$ #o Jvhn Mi31Kr regardinq sa�me. Q31�41g� D K PA6E Review additicnal pages af City Cauncil reg�lution; revise corresponden+ce to John Mil ? � �- r�garding sa��. Q3t2b/93 D K PAGE Telephone c4nferenc�e front Brian Wefsberg �ega�dia-�y clasing of rtransactian. 03�26f93 D A AL�GEYER �p�eak with J . Bri31 ; re�garding settle�ent offer . 03/31/93 D A aLLG£YEFt Speik briefly to J . Miller r�garding RQpairs, In� . offer . FEES �OR SERVICE� RENDERED � 9�� . 75 DRTE DI�BURSEMENT& 03/17/93 Relocation �er�vices per DAA 27� . 00 03115/43 Abstrect Fees per DKR � �'� � �� Postage Expense �. `�0 Photocopy Charges g�'• �� Facs ia�i i e Charges 15. 08 TOTAL dISBURSEMENT� � _-- _ _547 56 I � I TUTAL GIiRRENT FEES AhiD DISB�RSEM�N7S $ 1 � ���• �� � I I LINDQUIST & VENNUM I LINDQUIST&VENNUM IS AN EEO/AA EMPLOYER. FED.I.D.#410658379 I - � �.-- a_%� In Account With LINDQUIST tt VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3271 � � AMOUNT ENCLOSED$ l,l�.1 ��0. .. ti����"i�t�'4 „ �L� i . {.� �� t���:.�"��w ��J��1iU1� �$7� i4STH �TREET W��T �A1'E ��RIL �� , Z �93 � �J . 80X St {t _IENT # �l�4t24 . ..-r- �, Y . . .., . . . z .r , •y ,? i — � . � , . • . . . .. . � , � _ ... .. .. - , ... .� . . . . � . .. . _ ' .. . � .. .. ��� l � ' ' . . . � . ' . .. TOTA�, FOt� �0�lSiNED CLIEN? MATTERy .__ ._ AM�UPIT UNAAID �'R4hi PRIt�R �TATEP9��335 � 1 1 , t3c�. 60 � �n �EES EpR S�R.VICE 5, {���. $0 , I�ISE�EI�S�#��tJT'S 3, �t;�. 3� l'OTAL. �'�1Ifi STATEt1ENT � � �, �7� . 7� �- � ,. � , , D ' , � O , ; ; � . . . .. .i� �. i. l� . �, :',i,i ,1. i i .. i i�-i .,, J :�ttid+�+.cs �... :,., ,,_ . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . �� �r .. . � . � . . .. . � .� . .. . :. � . � .. . . � � . . .�... . . .. . . . . ,.:; r . .. . .. . . . . . . . � . . . . � .. .. . . . � . . .. .-,, ''`2„ . . . � . . . . � . . . � . . � . . . . . . . _ �Y.r . . � . .. � � � � . . . .. � 'd ...,..�. � . . .. ... � . . . . . . . . . . '`..i LINDQUISTBVENNUMISAN LINDQUIST 8 VENNUM EEO/AA EMPLOYER. FED.I.D.#410658379 4200 IDS CEN�q IN DENVER 80 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET LJNDQUIST,VENNVM&CHRISTENSEN MINNEAPOUS,MINNESOTA 554�2-2205 6�0 17TH STREEf,SUffE 2125 LINDQUIST &VENNUM TELEPHONE:612-377-3211 DENVER,COLORADO SO202-5401 Fivt:612-371-3207 Te�EvriaaE:30&573-5900 ATTORNt1'S AT L4W RICFWRD T.OSTLUND 612�71-325C April 21, 1993 Rosemount Port Authority c/o Mr. Stephan Jilk, City Administrator 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Dear Steve: Enclosed please find our invoice for services rendered on your behalf. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our billing, please don't hesitate to contact me. . Best regards. Very truly yours, ...._,.__ ,.. LINDQI7IS3' & V�NNUM 1g � i. � �..._,.. �...'���i Richard T. Os�lund RTO/mj w Enclosure in Account With LINDQUIST Sr VENNUM 4200 IDS CEfv7ER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-377-3i?1 �^' � AMOUNT ENCLOSED$ -- � I�QSEMOUNT RORT AUTHORITI( +CrO MR . STEPHAN Ji�K, CiTY ADt�iNiSTRATaR c�B75 145TH STREET WEBT DATE APRIL �4+ 199� P . Q. BOX �510 fI�E hl0 . 43�I�� . OQ41 �I R03fMQUNT, M�i 5505�OSttf IMVOICE Nt�. 'S344G 16� i � J 6EhtERAL �OUhiSEL-GQMDEM .PRO 03/02l93 D A ALLGEYER Pr�pare far meeting; appear befare� P+�rt Authority . 03f03�93 D A pLIGEYER Draft Repairs, Inc . offer. 43f04/93 � A A�IGEYER Finish dr�fting of Ietter regarding Repair�s, In� . 03/tM5/93 D A ALLGEYER Fina2iz� draft offer ]ettgr. 03l48l93 D k PAGE T�elephor�e conferente €rom 3ohn Miller r�garding abstract for praperty tc bg repurchased by Gityr ; �anfer with David Allgeyet� regarding tc�a��act ior�; draft carre�pondence t�r DakQta Caur►ty Ab�traet Ca�p�ny regarding abstract . 03l49143 D A ALLGEYER Return csll t4 B . W�isb�rg . 03li0/93 D K PAGE Reviaw repurchase agrement and file dacuments to determine �chedule far c]osing. 43fti /93 a k PA6E Various telepftone conferences with Srian W�istaerg regarding St�tU5 of titl� matters, pre�aration of title co�mita��nt a�►d closir�g of tr�nsactian; draft carrespandence ta �akata G�unty Abstra�t regarding title commit�ent ; telephon�e canference with D�vid Ailgeygr regarding pater�ta�al ti�ing of cicsing . 03t17/93 D K PA�E Review t it le commitm�e�nt rec+eived fro� Dakata �County Abstract Ca�pany; compar� same to ariginal purch�se rtransection; draft corres�rondence ta Bria� tdei�berg regarding same; teleph4ne tonference with Oavid AlZgeyer and Ann �rass�art regarding change of Po�t �Authority c��am� and ather t it le� s�atters . 83t2�/93 D K PAGE Revie�a Bylaws of Fo�t Authcrity re�arding chang�e af na�me, various t�lephone ce�nference� with 3ahn Mi3Zer regarding same and �egarcfing r��olutir�n e�ta�lishing Part Autharity . 43t2�/g3 A K 6RDSShtAN Lacate and have transmftted to D . Page dacumenta�tion r�gardir►g formatior► of Part Autharity� request ��ertified copy o€ same fram 3o�n Mi2ler; t�lt�phone conference with att�arney LINDQUI5TSVENNUMISAN LBlVDQUIST � VENlOilJNi FFO/AA EMPI.OVFR. FED.I.D.#41U658379 In Account With LiNDQUIST tt VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371��3271 /� � AMQUNTENCLOSED$ � FtOSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY �GlO MR . STEPHAN JILK, CITY AQMINISTRA?'QR �875 145TH STREET WE�T oA�E APRIL 20 , 1993 P. O. BOX 510 FILE N0 . �i34tC4 . �Oflt RQSEMOU�tT, MN 55058{��# 0 IMVt�iCE 1��3. 93406 i b8 � J GEMERAL COUN�EL-CONt�EM .PR4 J$rry 8riI3 regarciing de�dline far r�s�ondinc� ta offer; teiephone canf�rence wfth Jvh� Pliller regarding extensian af tim�e durir►g wi�ich Rep�ir�, Inc . Offer wiil re�aein open� draft canfirmaitan Ietters . 031C3193 D K PAGE Revi�w �tesulut io� est�ab2 i�hing F�+�semaunt Port 1�uthority ; draft corresponde�ce to .Iahn Miller regarding s�me . 03�C4/93 D K PgCE Reaiew additiona2 pages af City Cauncil re�aiution; revi$e correspanden�ce to John Mi12er regarding sam�. 03l26�'93 D K PAGE Telephon� conferenc�e front �ria� 4#�isberg rega�ciing c2osing of tran�ection. 03/26l93 D A ALLGEYER �peak with J . Britl , ret�arding �settle�ent affer . Q3/3t/93 D A ALL6EYER Speak briefly ta J . Milier regarding Repairs, Inc. offer . FEES F4R BERVICES REMDERED � $'��• 7� DA'fE DIB�URSEMENT� 0311 �f93 Relocatfo�► Servfces per DAA �7�• aQ 03/18/93 Abstrect Fees per DKP ��Q • �d Postage Expense �• `�d PhotocoRy Charges 9�• b�► Facsia�iie Cha�ges i5. Ofl TOT�1L flIBBURSEMENT� � ��� • �� TOTAL GlJ�tRElVT FEES AND D I SB�IRSEMENTS � 1 : 54�. 31 LINDQUIST&VENNUMISAN LINDQUIST 6 VENIWUM EEO/AA EMPLOYER. FED.I.D.#410658379 Irs Acc4unt With LINDQUIST £r VEI�NUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 � 612-371-�3271 � � AMOUNT ENCLOSED$ ROSEMQUMT PORT AUTHORITY C�0 MR . STEPHAN JILK, GiTY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 14�TN STREET WE3T �ATE APFtIL ;�4, i993 P. O. BOX 510 FI�E hiti . A341��t . OQt�� R133EMOUNT, MN 550�805i 0 It�V�I�CE At(3. 93QQ� 1�8 t �.J G�MERAL CORPORATE 03/O1l93 D p ALLGEYER Check a li�t af candemnatian cammiss�i4ners; canference with J . Miller reg�rding outcomg �f ��diation regardfng relocatio�. 03lO1J93 A K �ROSSMAN Wark on identifying the nature of the int�rest flf Charles Cunningham's estate in th$ 8attag2i� praperty . Q3f02f93 D A ALLGEYER Rrepare for �aeeting; �eetfng with Part Authority . 03�02f93 A k �ROSSMAN Reviea open meeting law and a�rply to discussia�n �t Fart Authority tonight reg�arding A�M relo�c�tion payments; prepare fvr cond+emnation hgaring to�crrow; arrange to abtain cQ�tified copy �f ��ttag2la divarce detr�e . 03/03�'93 D A ALIGEYER App�ar at he�rfng regarding conde�nati�n petitian; nagoti�tian with J . Bri13 . 03/03/93 A K GROSSMAN Prepac�e for and att�end condem�atio� h�arinq. 03lO�it93 D A ALLGEYER Canference re��rding comr�i�sioner situatian; memo�ia2ize Batt�glia and T��urdat settlement prapasals tQ J . Mfller. 03l0�4/93 A K GRQSSMAN Conference �ith bavi�! Allg�ye� r�ga�rding designation af cammissicners; telept►on�e conference with A . Mank `� attorney, J . Dar�ey rega�ding Mank' s de�ig�►a# ian. 03�05/93 D A A�E.GEYER Review nu�bers; canf�rente with C . B�ltema; �ea�or ia 2 i ae co�putat i or�� . 03I05/93 A K 6RQSSMAfV Conference �ith Dav3d A21gey�r, Jim D,arsey and Jerry Bri 11 �er��arding reca�mendat ions f4r candemna# ion commis�ions; draft 3etrter ta Judge Suthe�la�d and fax t�a Ji� flar�ey . 03�08/93 A K 6ROSSMAN 7elephone conferenc+� with Ji� Dorsey regarding letter to .Tudge �utherland regardin�g conde��nation commissianers . a3/d9/93 [� A ALt�GEYER Further analysis �of sett lement prospe�ct� and �ppraigals. 03l14/93 A K GR4SSMAN Research r�garding pay�enr ef �ondemnaticn s�t t I e�tent s . LINDQUIST&VENNUMISAN �ONDQUI$Y $ VElVNl1M EEO./.4A F.MPLOYER. FED.I.D.#41065R379 In Account With LIIVDaUiST & VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 554p2 612-371-3217 � � AMOUNT EfVCLOSED$ _- ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/0 MR . STERHAN JFLK, CITY ADMINIS7RAT0lt 2�75 145TH STREET WEST DATE APRI� �Cd, 1993 P .O. BOX St4 FILE IV� . ������ . QQi32 Fkt}$EMBUNT, MN �5068a51Q INVQICE hia. 5�3�4f� tb� � � GENERAL CORPORATE 03f14/93 Q A AL�GEYER ConferQc�ce with ,S . Wentw�a�th regarding i5�sues re2ated to Rena ' � P�izza . 03!# 1/93 D � ALI�GEYER Prepare for me�ting; �e�t regarding �as�ib2e settle�ent of condemnati�n. 03/tit93 A K GROSSMAN A�alysis regar�ding Ie�sor i�tere�� in Tourdat candemnat irrn d�mag�s award or sett le�ent p�yx�er�t ; relate conclusian ta Devid Allgeyer . ti3�17/93 D A ALL6EYfR R�vigw and farward court order with cs�m�ent� . 03J1$/93 U A AL�GEYER Conference with► J. tlilier and 1. tdentaarth regarding condemnation, fixture cos�ts , Mar►k 's r�equests and related topi�s; speak ta M . �impson, taunsel far A 3 6 . 83/18/93 A K GRO�SMAN Telephone confere�tce with Mo�k `s at#arnQy .Tim Dersey reg�rding settlement paints�; fie�late co�ferenc�e to �a�id A2lgeyer . 03/�2193 A K 6ROSSM�tIV Draft r�sponse ta attorriey 3i� �arsey' s requests with �re�pect ta acquisitior� of Monk pr�operty; transmit same tv Johr+ Miller f+�r com�ent ; t�Iephan�e conference with J . Miller research regarding procedurai aspects of €ir�t cammissioner� areeting sch�duled for March 29, t 993, 03/�2�'9� D A AL�.GEYER Speak with J . H�rill . 03/�3l93 A K GRBS�MtAM Review J . D�orsey resp�onse to ietter regaridnq Monk ' � request ta extend accup�ncy a�nd for ear2y payment ; fax same ta ,7 . Miller; conference �ith B . Hansen reg�rding pracedural a�pects of �Qmmi�sioners h�earings . 03123/93 D A ALL6EYfR Speak with J . �rill . 03/25l93 A K �GROSSMAN Prepa�re repart cor�c�rc►ing re�ulr� of re�earch regardang proc�edings held by commi�sianer�; telephone ca�fer�ence with attorney .I , aor�ey regarding Mank rgque�ts . 03/2bf93 A K GRQSSMAN Facilitate a�eetin� of co�aa�ission�r� schedul�d for LINDQUISTSVENNUMISAN LINDQUIST Ft !lENNi1M EEO/r1�4 EMPLOYER. FED.I.D.#41G65E37� !n Account With LiND�UIST €r \/ENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 6'i2-371-3251 � � AMOUNT ENCL.OSED$ ROSEMOUNT P�1R1' plJTH4RITY C/4 MR . STEPHAM 3ILK, CITY ADMINI�7R�TOR �8T5 t�STN STREET WE�T t7ATE AF'R i L CO , t 993 P .O. 80?� Si0 fiII.E M4 . �#3+�#��4 . QQ�D� R�SEM�UNT, MN �50550510 IhiVC1ICE NQ. 93t�a6 tG� � � GfNERAL CORPO�iATE Manday, �I�arch �9 at 1 0 : (313 a .m . ; c�nf�er�ence wf th R . Sames, Dakata Caur►ty Caurt Ad�inis�rtratar regardfng s�me. 03126/93 D A ALL6EYER 3peak with condemnatian com�is�ioner Trap�; ar�ange fo� meeting of com�#s�sian�rs . 03/3Q/93 D A ALLGEYER Speak to counsel for A �3 � . 03/31/93 Q A ALI.GEYER Sp�ak with J . hlfller regarding l�ank re�quest . FEEB F�R SERV3C£S RENDERED � 4, U+68. 05 13ATE DISBUR�EMENTS 43/09/93 E.�cal Travel on 3!� per DAA 1f • �� 43/09l93 Local Travel on 3�'3 per DAA � 1 • �� 03109,/93 Fax fee per AKG �• 4� 03/17t93 Reloc�atio� Servic�� per DAA 3, t94 . 04 De 1 i very Charges �'�. a� Photacopy Cherges � •$� Facsimi2e Charges �2. 5� TEMTA� Di38URSEMENTB � 3�,�74• 84 TOTAL CURRENT FEES AND DISBURSEMENTS � 7, 335. $5 LINDQUIST&VENNUMISAN �-��DQUIST Fs VE(NIVURI! F.EOiAA EMPI.OYER. FED.I.D.#410658379 In Account With LINDQUIST fr VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 � � AMOUNT ENCLOSED$ R�SEMOt1NT POR7 AUTHORI3Y C/d MR . �TEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2�75 145TH STREET WEST �3ATE APRiL �0. 19+33 P .O. SOX 5i 0 C�IEAET # 434f i4 � ROSEMOUNT, MN 5546�05i 0 � INI�OIGE NCl. 9340G 168 TOTAL FOR �COM�IiY�Q CLIENT MATTER� AMOUNT UIVPAID FROM PRIQR ST�i7EM€NT�S � 11 , 13�. 64 FEES F8R SERVICE 5, 0�3. 80 DISHURSEMEN'tS 3, 8t�. 35 T07AL THIS STATEMENT � t9, g74 . 76 LINDQUISTBVC-NNUMISAN LINDQUIST fr VENNUM EEO/AA FMPLOYER. FED.I.D.#4i0658379 ��, a � In Account With LINDQUIST tt VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-3�1-3211 � � AMOUNT ENCIOSED$ G 1�1 e t�', . ��"�4�3"i fi.`4 ,s a L�i ♦ �.. � �'� t`•4 3���Ca t.�".. i �'.ti i 1.I j# �?87� f45TH wTREET �..��BT �1AI'E ��'RIL �Ct� , S ��#3 '� . B+�X 51 Q .. I E�tT # �?�41 24 _,r�+,r r - � , � �. �' �.� J . , �.. . ..� , . ., . �..,._. . ,. . . . . .... . .. ,� � . � � .. .. . . . _ . / � :. .. . . . . . .. `i . 1 . . 1 � . . � �. �. .. � . . . . .. T+DTAL FOR COM�I I�E:D CL IE I�T MAi`TERS AMt1iJNT tINf+AID FROM f'RI�R �TATE#��N�B � 1 1 . 43� . GO k= . �C�v�. �Vft ��1YnY �LL� . .,?.�! M1��. 53V '.: ,.� .. . � .�: 7.. . .. �... ��� ��rJ���{�����T.� . . .�..,�r ���R. �'{T �: €� TO�AL, TN I� �TATENiE�T � :. # '�, '��`� , 7G � D , o , ; ; � , . : � ; � �-�a��.�,.. ..�-� , < � � � � �.�' �' � �` � �, , : , ;; LINDQUIST&VENNUMISAN LINDQUIST & VENNUM EEO/AA EMPLOYER. FED.I.D.#410658379 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUN�IARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: MAY 3, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: REDRAFT OF PORT AUTHORITY AGENDA SECTION: BYLAWS OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR ATTACHI�IENTS: SUGGESTED REDRAFT OF BYLAWS, AP ROV B : CORRES. FROM COMM. EDWARDS, MEMO FROM M. MILES This item was tabled at the work session for consideration at the regular meeting. I believe that the revised bylaws as prepared by Commissioner Dunn, Mr. Jilk, and me include several amendments that will clarify the operations of the Port Authority without overburdening the commissioners with procedural rules. RECObIl�2ENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the submittal of revised bylaws to the Rosemount City Council for council consideration and action. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: GITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECIITIVE SUN,R+IARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: APRSL 6, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: P.MENDMENT OF BYLAWS AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS pREPARED BYz JOHN MILLER, AGENDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR � � ATTACffi+�ENTS: REDRAFT OF PORT AUTHORITY APP D Y: BYLAWS Recently Cammissioner Edwards submitted draft standing rules for consideration by Lhe members of the Port Authority. At the directinn of the cammissianers, Chairperson Dunn, Mr. Jilk, and I reviewed the draft. Attached for your review and consideration is a redraft of the bylaws that gavern the actions of the board. Included in the redraft are additions shown in italics and deletions shown with a dashed line. A synopsis of major changes b�sed on Commissioner Edwards ' work includes : 1. The Chairperson is given airect authority to eontrol board discussion �:�� publ ic commQr�t. 2 . Conilicts of interest are defined and prohibited. 3 . i�:inutes, gills and C�mmur.zeatior_s, �nd other itpms not reauiring discussions are directed to the consent agenda. 4 . Use of executiv€� sessions is regulated. Tn thp review of the standing rules more changes in the bylaws were nat recomTnended in an effort to keep the process as simple as possible even at the cost of organization. Simplicity and flexibility were seen as strong points for the Port Authority. Far the bylaws to be amended the City Council must hold a public" hearing and approve the cnanges by resolution. If the board feels the bylaws need to be �nended a recr�mmendation to do so should be made ta the council . RECO2�+lENDED ACTIONc Motion to recommend to the City Council approval of the amended bylaws for the Rosemount Port �uthority. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: BYLAWS .:._ _ - - OF _ _._ R4SEMOUNT PC�]Et.T �UTHORITY A DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Article I. Established There is hereby created by the City Council of the City of Rosemountx in accordance with Minnesata Statutes, 469.0813 and City of Rosemount Enabiing Resolution No. 1991-53, the Rosemount Port Authority, a Development Agency. Article II. ose The purpose of the Port Authority, a Development Agency, is to cany out economic developr��ent and redevelopment within the City by actin; as the development authoriry for the City on behalf of the City's interest in continu�d new job development and increased t� base. Article III. Port t�.utharitv Members The Port Authori�y Commission shall eonsist of seven (7) members appointed in accordance with the provisions of t�e �nabling Reselution No. 19�1-53, Section 6. Articie I�. Seal t�f Part t�uthoritv The seal of thz Port Authority shall be in the farm of a circle and shall bear th� nan�� af the Port r'�uihGrity, tl7e year established and c�ntain the-Iflgo of th� C'rty of Rosemount. A.rticle �tT. �f�cers Section 1. �hairperson. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetinas and shall have the duties and powers usually attendant upon such officer. The Chairperson shall be elected by the Commission members at the annual meeting. Section 2. Vice Chair�erson. The Vice Chairperson shall, in the absence or �isabilxty of the Chairpersan, exercise all the pawers and perform the duties of the Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson shall be elected by the Cornmissian members at the annual meeting. Sectic�n 3. Executive S�cretarv. The City Clerk shall act as Executive Secretary to the Port Authority and shall keep a record of all proceedings of Commission meetings. The Secretary shall also give notice af all meetings of the Commission and shall perform such other duties as prescribed by the Commission. Section 4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive and be responsible for all -. monies from whatever source derived and the same sha11 be deemed public funds. Monies shall be disbursed only on checks signed by the Executive Director or the City Finance Director. The Port Authority Treasurer, when the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are absent, shall be respansible far chairing the meet�ng. The City Finance Director will serve as the Port Authority Assistant Treasurer and be responsible for accounting, investment, fund maintenance and disbursement consistent with city procedures under the direction and control of the Commissioners. Other aecountin� procedures shall be in accordance with Minn. Stat. 469.049, et seq. �.nd Enabling Resolution No. 1991-53. Article VI. Administrative Structure Section l. Executive Director. The Port Authority shall emplay an Executive Dzrector who shall have general supervision aver the administration of its business and affairs, subject to thz direction of the Port Authority. He/she shall be char�ed with the management of ±he development projects of the Fort Authority. This person will be the City Administratar of the City cf Rosemount. Se.tion 2. Assistant Direct�r. The PortAutharity ma_y �mploy-an Assistant Dir�ctor «�ho shaii assist the Exec�tive Director in the administration of the business and affairs of the Port Authority. The Assistant Director shail have the responsibility to coordinate meetings with public and private developers, pursuant to development/redevelopment projects and general business of the Port Authority. The Assistant Director shall also be responsible for reviewing and updating the Redevelopment Plan and written reviews of all development proposals which come before the Port Authority. Said. reviews and ather memorandums shall be directed to the Port Au�hority through the Executive Director. The Assistant Director shall sit at regular or special meetings of the Port Authority in the absence of the Executive Director, and shall attend other meetings as requested by the Port Authority or Executive Director. Section 3. Additional Personnel. The Port Authority may from time to time employ sueh personnel as it deems necessary to exercise its powers, duties and functions as prescribed by law. 2 Article VII. Meetings of the Port Authoritv � Section L Meeting place. The rneetings shali be at such a place in Rosemount, Minnesota, as the Commissioners shall frorn time to time designate. All meetings, �xcept as otherwise authorized or pravided by law, shall be open to the public. The Chairperson .. may change the meeting place by giving five (5) days wntten notice to Commission members, Seetion 2. Time of Meetin�s. � A. Re�ular Meetings. Regular meetin�s shall be held twice eaeh month at the time and date specified by the Port Authority. B. Special Meetin4s. A special meeting may be called by the Chairperson, the Executive Director, or by any three (3} Commissioners hy written request filed with the Executive Director who shall mail or personally deliver to all anembers notice of the time and place of such meetin; at Ieast twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the scheduled` meeting time. Special meeting notices must be posted and shall state time, place and purpose of the meeting and no other business shall be considered. C`. Executive Sessio�i. Arzy busirzess, proper•ly be,fore tlae F�rt Authority, tivlticll quali�es as attorrr�}� clie�tt at� � " otherwise �neets tlae legal standards for clvsecl (Executive) session �rteetirzgs, shall, following proeedures established for cortver�ing such meeti�ags, be i�z order. Drzly tlaat business, for wlzicli the session was convened shall be iu order. D. Annual Meetina. The Annuacl Meeting shall be tlze,first meeting in February cuzd held with the regular rneeting at tlae time a�ad date specified by the Port Authority. Sectian 3. uorum. A majority of the commissioners is required to constitute a quorum. � ' �, . When a quorum is in attendance at a meeting, action may be taken upon a vote of a majority in attendance. No voting shall be done by proxy. Section 4. Governance of Meetintrs. The meetings of the Port Authority shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, pravided that said rules shall be construed liberally to afford the Port Authority flexibility in the conduct of its meetings. � The Ghairperson witl at hisfher prerogative control discussion � rcrnong board members and regulate public comment to facilitate aclequate discussion, consideration, and decision making. - Section S. Conflict of Interest. Personal viewpaints are not to be represented to outside organizations or individuals as being those o,f the authority, city, or city operaling departments. Special or personal interests, which may not represent the betterrnent of the community must remain separate from the commissioners' abligations and actions. Conflicts of interest shall be avoided by � all commissianers at all times. City Policy AD-1, Committee Selection Policy, shall apply to all actions of the authority's members. Article VIII. Manner of VotinQ The votin� on all questions coming before the Part Authority shall be by roll call, and the yea and nay votes shall be entered upon the minutes of such meeting. Article IX. Order of Business 1. Call to nrder � _. � .., _ � , ry �.i�,- � n ,• . __ ., 2. �.'OIJSP.t1f A. A�r�roi�al of.l�irau.tes B. Bills and �'arnrnunications C. Other• Items Not Requiri�zg Discussion 3. Old Business 4. New Business 5. Chairperson's Report 6. Executive Director's Report 7. Adjournment Article_X. Gommittees _ _ The Chairperson shall appoint such advisory committees and subcommittees as he/she determines are necessary and select its members. No committee shall consist of more than five (5) members. Committee and subcommittee members shall consist of commissioners and/or other persons selected by the Chairperson. The Chairperson shall define the purpose af the committee and subconimittee and th� expected length of time necessary to complete a report. At any time these mernbers may be replaced or removed as deemed necessary by the Chairperson. 4 .Article XI. Annua� Budget and Annual Report The Rosemount Port Authority, a Development Agency, shall �a�e-develop an annual budget consistent with the requirements of Enabling Resolution No. 1991-53 � E:�}a�e�-Rosemount City Code and Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469, et seq. - An Annual Report shall be presented by the Port Authority ta the City Council each year during the month of April reviewing Port Authority plans, projects and expenditures of the previous year. All other reports shall be kept and distributed in accordance with various statutes and Enabling Resolutian No. 1991-53. Article XII. Powers The Port Authoriry may exercise all of the powers contained in the Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469, as modified by Sectian 469.0813, and according to Enabling Resolution No. 1991-53. Article XIII. Amendments to Bvla«�s -_-. - : :,___ ..__ _ ._ ___ �.�.__ -:- -:- The Bylaws may be_ame�ided b_y a vote of a rnajvnty of the Commissioners only ��rhen the proposed amendment_has_been submitted in writin� to all the Commissioners two ��.�zels prior to the meeting at v��hich the amendment to be considered. • Article XIV. Apnroval a�' Bvla�;rs These Bylaws and any amendments to them shall be subject to the approval o€ the Rosemount City Council. Adopted: , 1992 at a re�ular meeting of tne Rosemount Port Authority, a De��elopment Agency. Chairperson AT'TEST: Executive Director 5 Approved by the Rosemount City Council on , �g92 at a r�gular Ciry Council meeting. Mayor City Clerk 6 , �. ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY STANDING R ULES The following standing rules are being proposed, in no particular order, as a guide for the development of a series of standing rules for the Port Authority. I believe these rules and others you may chose to adopt, will give us a solid foundation from which to conduct our business. I. MEETINGS ' The Port Authority shall conduct its business, using the meetings format outlined by Roberts Rules of Order, newly revised. Additionally, except where otherwise provided for, the only meetings of the Port Authority which shall be in order are: * Regular Session * Executive Session * Committee of The Whole * Special Session A. Reqular Session The Port Authority will meet in Regular Session, the first Tuesday of every month. 1. Regular session meetings will convene at 5:30 P.M. , in the Council Chambers, Rosemount City Hall, Rosemount, Minnesota. 2. _Regular Session Meetings will adjourn at 7:30 P.M. .. B. Egecutive Sessfa�x Any busin�ss,, properly before the Port Authority, t�hich qualifies as attorney client or otherwis�`meets the legal standards for closed (Ex�cutive) s�ession meetings, Shall, following procedures: established for convening such meetings, be in order. Only th�t business, for which the session was conVei��fl' shall be in order: . Rosemount Port Authority Standing Rules C. Committee of the Whole The Port Authority will meet, as the Committee of the Whole, the third Tuesday of every month. 1. Committee of the Whole meetings shall be considered working sessions. 2. Meetings wi11 convene at 5:30 P.M., at a location designated by the Chair. D. Special Session Upon due call of the Chair, or upon the request of a simple majority of its members, the Port Authority shall meet and a special session shall be convened. 1. Special Session meetings shall be limited to the business stated in the call. 2. Action taken in Special Session must be ratified by 3/4 majority (5) of the Port Authority, at the next regular session of the Authority. II. CONDIICTING BIISINESS A. Agenda Items. 1. Regular Sessions. The Port Authority Agenda, for regular session meetings, will consist of the fo]:lowing: a. Consent Agenda b. Old business - Specific Action items c. Committee of the Whole reports - y � Rosemount Port Authority Standing Rules recommendations - action items. d. Consultant/Staff reports. e. New Business - Information only. f. Chairs report. g. Executive Directors report. h.� Members Issues. i. Community/Audience recognition. j . Adjournment. Ordinary business of the Port Authority will appear on the consent agenda. A member, upon approval of the body, may add, no more than, two items to the printed agenda. Except, as provided for in Roberts Rules of Order. Additionally, no item may be added, to the printed agenda, as an action item. Any item, properly before the body, at a regular session meeting, as an information item shall remain as such. Once heard, the only motion in order, shall be a motion to refer to the committee of the whole. 2. Public Testimony Public testimony, shall not be in order, except as provided for herein. a. Information requested to clarify a specific point concerning `a motion properly before the body. b. Presentation to the body regarding a specific, information only, agenda item. c. Upon specific agenda allocations of time for community/citizen input. Said speakers will be limited to three minutes each. 3. Committee of the Whole. . Rosemount Port Authority Standing Rules The agenda of the committee of the whole may be broad/expansive. Since these are working sessions, public testimony/input may be heard. The only motions in order are to amend and adopt, and that the committee rise and report. The oniy way to close or limit debate in meetings of the committee of the whole is for the body to vote that debate shall cease at a certain time, or that after a certain time no debate sha11 be allowed,excepting new amendments, and then only one speaker for and one opposed to the amendment may speak, for not more than five minutes each. B. Motions The following are motions which shall at all time be considered improper: a. Motions that conflict with the constitution and by-laws of the Authority. b. Motions that conflict with business already adopted. c. Motions that reflect on the motives of inembers. d. Motions not in accord with the object and policies of the body. e. Motions that conflict with the laws of the federal, state, or local government. And; Motions that protect absentees cannot be suspended by unanimous vote. And; proxy voting is not in order in ordinary circumstances. And; no member can vote unless present unless the by-laws are amended to provide voting by mai1. , Rosemount Port Authority Standing Rules Further, Questions that are introduced that are not in accord with the aims and objectives of the Port Authority, or that are controversial or irrelevant, shall be ruled out of order by the Chair. An "appeal" may be made from this ruling. III. AUTHORITY TO ACT No member, except as otherwise provided, shall act on behalf of, or purport to represent the Authority. However, the Chair shall, in accordance with Roberts Rules, have' the authority to appoint Select Committees, as needed. A Select Committee, once appointed shall: Have no less than three (3) active Port Authority members in its service. Conform its meetings to the rules governing meetings of the committee of the whole. Limit its activities to only those items referred to it. Additionally, Select Committees, at the time of their creation, will be given a time certain for completion of their work. Upon that time the committee wi11 be dissolved. However, upon a 3/4 majority of the Authority, meeting in regular session, the Select committees appointment may be extended one time. Any member, whether intentionally or inadvertently, who conducts, transacts or otherwise engages in any business currently . Rosemount Port Authority Standing Rules before, or reasonably expected to come before the Port Authority shall, following such occasion and prior to the next regular session of the Port Authority, notify the Chair and the Executive director in writing. The notification should include the time, date, location and substance of such occasion. Failure to comply will be grounds for sanction. NOTE: Nothinq in this section is intended to preclude normal extemporaneous social contacts. I move the presentation of these Standing Rules at our regular session meeting, 3-2-93, as the first reading, in anticipation of formal adoption. Absent substantial changes, I would moVe formal adoption of these rules at our next meeting, 3-16-93. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me at your convenience. .. '�!�'x�,r✓ -' ��f�f C� �'C. /�.�^� .s.v �� �1� 4�./'- . f -G�n�ewe,,c�. � --. ��,� M E M O R A N D U M _ Tq; Chaa.rman Ed Dunn and Members af the Rosemount Port Authority J FROM: Mike Miles�k-ti DATE: April 6 , 1993 RE: Consideration of Standing Rules This memo is in response to the direction given to me at the March i6 , 1993 meeting of the Rosemount Port Autharity regarding the standing rulss proposed for consideration by the Authority. In order to progress consideration of the standing rules, I have enclos�d three attachments for your review and comment: � First, I have prepared a revised draft of the proposed standing rules, including various possible changes to the original draft that , either others have recommended or �hat I would suggest you consi�er. Please note that languaqe in the original draft whieh is proposed ta be ' deleted is noted by a dotted line through it, and text which is being added to that contained in the original draft is denoted hy under_Iining . s Second, Z have included an explanation of the deletions an� additicns for your information as you consider thP standing rules and proposed changes . _ _ _ • Third, I ha�Je suggested an amendment to the existing Bylaws of the Port Authority, which would pave the way for adoption of the standing rules and remove from the existing Bylaws any provisions which would appear in the standing rul2s, Please nate that, pursuant to Article XIII of the Port Authority' s current Bylaws, you may not act upon a Bylaws change any earlier than two weeks af ter the Port Ruthority members have been given a copy of the _ propos�d Bylaws amendment . Theref�re, even if you agree upon the adoption of the standing rul�s at a given meeting, you would have to wait until the succeeding meeting to officially amend the Bylaws . Please contact" me if you have any questions regarding this memo or its attachments . Jr,M:gmo enc . cc: Steve ,7ilk John Miller ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY - STANDING i�ULES I . MEETINGS The Port Authority shall conduct its business, using the meetings format outlined by Roberts Rules of Order, newly revised. Additionally, except where otherwise provided for, the only meetings of the Port Authority which shall be in order are: * Regular Session * Executive Session * Coznmittee of the Whole * Special Session * Annual Meetinct A. Regular Session - Th� Port Authority will meet in Regular Session, the first Tuesday of ever� month. 1 , Regular Session meetings will convene at 5 . 30 p•m• , in the Council Chambers , Rosemount City Hall, Rosemount, Minnesota , or such oth2r loeation in the Citv of Rosemount the Port Authoritv shall desiQnate . 2 , Regular Session Meetir.gs will adjourn at 7: 3� p:,�+• - B. Executive Session - Any business , properly before the Port Authority, which meets the legal standards for closed ( Executive) session meetings , shall , following procedures established for convening sucn meetings , be in order. Only that business for which tre se�sion was convened s}�all be in ozder . _ _ . _ � . Committee of the Whale The Port Authority will meet, as the Committee of the Whole, the third Tuesday of every month . 1 . Committee of the Whole meetings shall be considered working sessions of the Port Authoritv. 2 . Meetings will convene at 5 : 3Q p.m• , at a location designated by �he Chair. D. Special Session - Upon due ca3.l of the Chair, or upon the request of a simple majarity of its members, the Port Autharity shall meet and a Special Session shall be conven�d. 1 . Special Session meetings shall be iimited to the business stated in the call . 2 . Action taken in Special Session must be ratified by 3r�4 majority �} of the Port Authority, at the next Regular Session of the Authority. E . Annual Meetinct The Annual MeetinQ shall be conducted at_ the same time and place as the first Reqular Session in Februarv of each vear. II . COPvDUCTZNG BUSINESS A. Agenda Items . 1 , Regular Sessians . The Port Authority Agenda, for Reqular- Session meetings , will consist of the iollowing: a . Consent Agenda . b . Old Business - Special Action Items . c . Commi�tee of the Whole Reports - Recommendations - Action Ttems . d . New Business - Action Items . � r 7 + +- !c r�t F n�...--�.-+.m_ : e . New Business - Information Only. _ _ _ _ _ _ f . Reports. � Consultant/Staff Reports . j� Chair' s Report. � Executive Director" s report . �`� n�'=--- �'"=''r-,- L` g_ Members Issues . 2 h. Community/Audience Recognition. _ i . Adjournment. Ordinary business of the Port Authority will appear on the consent agenda . A member, upon approval of the body, may add no more than two items to the printed agenda . � -�--r�.��,--}���es e€ ^r—� Additionally, no item may be, added to the printed agenda, as an action item without a 3/4 affirmative vote of the Port Authoritv. Any item properly before the body at a Regular Session meeting as an information item shall remain as such. Once heard, the only mo�ion in order, shall be a motion tr� refer to the Committee of the Whole. 2 . Public Testimony Public testimony, shal.l not be in order except as provided for herein. a . Information requested to clarify a specific: point concerninq a motion properly before the body. . b. Presentation to the body regarding a specific in�ormation-only agenda item. -. --- --- - - c. Upon specific agenda allocatians of time fcr community/citizen input, Said s-peake-rs will b�: limited tn �e fiv_e minutes each. 3 . Committ�e ot the Who1e The agenda of the Committee of the Wha1� may he broad/expansive . Sinee these are workinq sessions , public testimony/input may be heard . The only motions i:n order are to amen� and adopt, and that the committee rise and report . The only way to close or limit debate in meetings of the Committee of the Whole is for the body to vote that debate shall cease at a certain time, or that after a certain time no debate shall be allowe3, excepting new amendments , and then only one speaker for and one opposed to the amendment may speak for not more than five mi�utes each. 3 B. Motions - The followzng are motions which shall at a11 times be considered improper: i . Motions that conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Authority. 2 . Motions that conflict with business already adopted at the same meetinct. 3 . Motions that reflect on the motives of inembers , 4 . Motions not in accord witfi the object and policies of the body. 5 . Motions that conflict with the laws of the federal, state or local government. 6 . Motions that protect absentees cannot be suspended by unanimaus vote. , � � __ _ � ,-,.� • ��- • c} r a , �g—�,�„-�'...,.. � -----1 - - ��circ'�rci—�A�--fr�'�iL�'�'2 * � D... _.=�.'i� Further, questions that are in*roduced that are nat in accord with the aims and objectiv�s of the �ort Authority, or that are controversial or irrelevant, shall be ruled out of order by the Chair . An "appeal " ma� be made -fra� �his ruli.ng . C . uorum _ - - A ma-'orit o� the commissioners s�a11 constitute a _.:._ _ _ ctuorum A lesser number may adiourn a meetinct until a unrum is obtained . When a uorum is zn attendance at a meetinct , action mav be taken upon a vote of a ma-iority in attendance No vatinq shall be done bv proxy _or otherwise by a commissioner who is not present ._ D. Ntanner of Votinq The votinq on all questions comincr before _ the Port Authoritv which reQuire a vote shall be bv roll call , and the ves and no votes shall be entered upon the minutes af the meetinq at which the vote is taken . 4 III . AUTHORITY TO ACT _ No member, except as otherwise r�rovided, shall act on behalf of , or purport to repr�sent the' Authority. However, the Chair shall, in accordance with Roberts Rules, have the authority ta appoint Select Committees , as needed. A Select Committee, once appointed shall : A. Have no less than three ( 3 ) active Port Authority members in its service. B. Conform its meetings to the rules governing meetings of the Com�nittee of the Whole. C . Limit its activities to only those items referred to it. Additionally, Select Committees, at the time of their creation, will be given a time certain for completion of thei,r work . Upan . that time the committee will be dissolved. However, upon a 3/4 majority of the Authority meeting in Regular Sessian, the Select Committees appointment may be extended one time. Any member, whether intentic�nally or inadvertently, who conduc�s, transacts or otherwise engages in any business currently, befare or reasonably expected to come befare the Port Authority shall, following sucn occas�on and griar to the next r�gular sessi:on �f the Port Authority, natify the Chair and the Executive Director in writing. The notification should include the time, date, location and substa^�ce �f such occasion . ; Failure to com�ly wilT be ground$ €or sanction . NOTEs Nathing in this sectzon is intended to preclu�e normal extemporaneous.__sacial contacts ., 5 EXPLANATION OF STANDING RULE CHANGES _ The following are a series o� explanatory comments regarding changes which Z have put together far your consideration with respect to the propos�d Standing Rules . Please note that I have only addressed substantiue changes in this memo, and have not commented on changes which do not significantiy change the proposed ruies . 1 . Znclusian af Annual Meeting (I. Meetings, Page 1) In an effort to put all procedural matters in the Standing Ru1es , I have moved the Annual Meeting from the Bylaws to the first section of the Standing Rules . 2 . Location of Port Authority Meetings {I.A. l, Page 1) In response to a comment at the last Port Authority meeting requiring all meetings of the Authority to be held in the City Council chambers , I have added language which would allaw you to select other meeting locations within the City of Rosemount, 3. Clarificati.on of Executive Session Authorization (Z .�. , Page 1 ) The ianguage referring to attorney client me�tings ha� been struck, since many attorney client situations not involving 2itigation do not qualify for a closed or executive s�ssion . �s ���zfied, the languaqe simply requires tha� if you have the appropriate legal basis_,for _ a Clc�sed _M.eet�ing , you may hold �ne . 4o Ratifica�ion af Special Session- Action ( I .D.2•, Page 2) A concern was raised at the last Port Authori.ty meeting that requiring Special Actions to be ratified by a 3l4 majority of the Port Authority was toa high a standard. I have simply made provision that a majority of the Port Authority members may ratify Special Session Action. . _ _ . _ 5 . Provision for Annual Meeting { I .E. , Page 2 } The proposed Standing Rules did not contain a reference to the required annual meeting . I have simply moved the languag� from the Bylaws to the 5tanding Rules . 6 . Agenda Ttems ( II .A. 1 . , Pages 2 and 3) There a.re two forms of proposed changes in th.is portion of the Standing Rules . First, a new category under II,A. l .d, entitled New Business Actian Items , has been added to authorize the Port Authority to take actian on certain n�w business items . The other changes are _ essentially organizational suggestions regarding what happens chronoiagically at a regular session of the Port Authority. 7 . Adding Items to the Printed Agenda (Second Paragraph After II .A. 1 .i. , Page 3} The reference to Robert' s Rules of Order has been removed, since this provision is already very- straight forward and finitive . I have also added for your consideration, a suggestion that adding action items can be done only with a 3/4 affirmative vote of the Port Authority. This would give the Port Authorxty some latitude if it needed to quickly deal with a new item, but grovides that the bulk of the Port Authority members must be in agreement as ta its urgency. 8 . Presentations by the Public (II .A. 2.c. , Page 3) Zn response to � comment that allowinq members of the publ�c only three minutes each may be too r�strictive, I ________ _ __ __ ____ --have ex�ended the--time ta- €ive mi�utes , 9 . Conflicting Mations ( II .B. 2. , Page 4j This �han�e simpiy clarifies th� facL that the Pc^t Authority would not want motions conflicting w«h business already adopted at that meeting of the Au�harit�. . . . 1�J , ProxylMail Voting ( II .B. S and II .C . , Page 4 )__ - -- : -`- ' - References to proxy and mail vo-ting are removed from ��e Motion section and placed in the new Quorum secti�n, which has been added fzom the Bylaws to the Stand_�g Ru1.es . 11 . Tnclusion of Manner of Voting ( II .D. , Page 4 ) This procedural matter has been moved from the Bylaws �o _ the Standing Rules . _ _ 2 A11 of the foregoing are simply suggestions for your policy _ determinations at the next or subsequent Port Authority me�tings . If you have any questions, please contact me and I will be happy to discuss them with you. Sincerely, FLUEGEL MOYNIF3�N & MILES, P.A. J. Michael Miles JMM:gmo Cityrose\RuleChan.Hem 3 R E S O L U T I 0 N _ BE IT RES�LVED, by the members of the Rosemount Port Authority as follaws : 1 . The Bylaws of the Rosemount Port Authority are amended by striking ArtiCles VII � VIII and IX . 2 . The Bylaws are further amended by inserting a new Article VII , to read as follows: Astiel.e VII. Port Authoritv MeetinQ Procednres. Section l , Adoption of Standinq Rules . The meetings and procedures thereunder of the Port Authority shall �e governed by a set of Standing Rulss which shall be adopted by- - a majority of the commissioners . At a minimum, the Standing Rules shalZ address : the types of Port Authority meetings , time and location of such meetings , order of business to be discussed, governance of the meetings and voting requirements . The Standing Rules may contain such other procedures and requirements as the commissioners from time ta time determine. Section 2 . SUspension/Amendment of Standinci Rules . The Standing Ru1es adopted by the commissioners may be suspended at any time by a majority vote of the commissioners . The Standing Rules may be amended at any time by a majority vote of the commissioners, pravided that the Standing Rule amendments may not be cansidered at the same meeting af the Port Authority at which they are initially raised. Section 3 . The Port Authority Bylaws are further amended by renumbering existing Asticles X, XI , XII , XIIZ and XIV, as Articles VIII , IX, X, XI and XTI , respectively. ADOPTED: , 1993, at a regular meeting of . _ : the Rosemount Port Authority. - . : _ Chairperson ATTEST: Executive Director APPROVED by the Rosemount City Council on , 1993 , at a regular City Council meeting . Mayor City Clerk 2