HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.d. Lindquist and Vennum a2�IDs ck�+rEn M Dr�v� 80 SattN 6antt Sra�r La�oau�sr.11�nwu►r&A+�e�saa AMra�rous,FMne�eorA 55�02-2205 80017ni STREET.$wiE 21� LINDQUIST &�rENNUM �:�,�'�'.�„ °�'.«"°R"°°�'°, Fivc:81237'l-3207 T�:�:3036735900 Arro�Ers AT law �T.OSTLtNID 612.T11�a8 April 21, 1993 Rosemount Port Authority c/o Mr. Stephan Jilk, City Administrator 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 - Dear Steve: Enclosed please find our invoice for services rendered on your behalf. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our billing, please don't hesitate to contact me. Best regards. Very truly yourzs, LINDQ�IS' & V Richard T. Ost`und RTO/mjw Enclosure �. ._ . !n Account With LINDQUIST �r VENNUM 4200 IOS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-3�1-32t1 � /' � � � � AMOUNT ENCLUSED$ . . .� � ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C!0 MR. STEPHAN .II�K, CiTY ADMIMISTRATi�R 2875 145TH STREE3 WEST DATE APRIL �O, i993 P.O. BOX 5t0 �I�E MQ . �34124 . OQQf R03EMOUNT. 3�N 5�4584514 INVOICE N�. 93a45 16� � J �ENERAi. COUNSEL-C4NDEM.PRB - 03tOC/93 D A ALLGEYER Prag�are for s�eetinq; appear b�fore P4rt Autt►v�ity. 03J031g3 D A ALL�EYER Draft Rapairs, Inc . o#f+�r. 03�04l93 D A A�L6€YER Finish drafting af I�tt�r re4�rding Rep$fr�, inc . �3/45l93 D A pLL�EYER Finalize draft affer ietter. +D3f08/93 D K PA6E Telephoc�e conf'�renc� from Johs� Miller ragarding �bstract far property tv b� re�urcha��d by City , conf�r with Daais! Allqeyer ragarding �ran�actio�; draft carre�pond�nce� t� Dakata Caunty Abstract �oppany regarding abstract . 031Q9193 D q ALL6EYER Return call �o B . �l�eisb+arg. 43t#O193 D K PA6E Review repurchss� agre�ent ancf fiie documents t� determine schedu2e far cla�ing. a3/f1/43 D K PA6E Varicu� telephone conference� with Bri�n 41ei�berg reg�rding status of title �atter�, pre�aration af title co�mitasnt and closi�g of tran�actior�; drsf't correspond�nce ta If�kota Cflunty Abstract r4ga�ding title toa��tit�ent; telephan� confere�c� wi�th David pllgeyer r�gardrng patential ti�ing of closing . 03/17l93 D ii FA6E R�viea title co�amit�ent r�c�ived fra� Dakota Coc�nt y Ab�t ract Ca�pany; cur�pare s��ae t c ar i g f na 1 p�rcfia�e trar►�act ian; draft correspondence to Sriar� f�eisberg regar�dinq same, telephone conf�rence with Oavid Allgeyer �nd Ann Gro��m�n regarding change aP Pa�t Autharity r��m� ar�d other t it le �atters. 03/22/93 Q K PA6E Rcvie►� Sylaws of f�ort Autho�ity r�+gardinq change cf nar�e; variou� t�iephone conference�� wi#h 3ohn Mi11er r�gardi�g �ame and regardinq e��e�olution establishing Port Au*harity . 03t22/g3 A K 6ROSSMAN �ocate and have trar��miCtet! tv D . Pa+�� dozu�enta�ion r�gardir�g far�articn of Part Autharity; reque�t certffied copy of sa�se from John Mi21er, tel�phone conference azth attorney IiNDQUIST 6 VENNUM iS AN 1.1!N D Q U I S T 6 V E N N U M E.EO/AA EMPl.OYER. FED.I.O.#410658379 In Account With LiNDQU1ST £t VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER � � �MINNEAPOLIS, MINPIESOTA 56402 . . . . � � . . � � . . � 612-371_3211 � � . � � AMOUNT ENCLOSED S ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY CIO MR . STEPHAN 3ILK. C2TY ADMINiSTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET tJEST 4ATE AF'RIL �Q, 1993 P.O. BOX 51Q FILE NO . 43�1124. 4QQt ROSEM4UNT, MN 550�8fl510 , J IMVOIC� Aii}. 93006 ib8 � 6E1�ERAL CQUNSfL-CONUE?1 .P'RO - Jerry Bril2 regarding dead2ine for r+�sponding t4 offer; tele�hoc►e canfet�ence� with ,Tohr� Miller re+garding extension af #i�e siurfng which R�pair�. inc . ot`fer wi12 re�sai� open; dragt confirmaiton letters. 03f23l93 i3 K PA�E Revi��t �tesalut ion e�tabl ishing Rosea�aunt P+art Authari#y ; dr�ft ct�rrespondence #0 3a�hn �iiller regarding s��ee. �3l24143 D i{ �ACE Reviea addition�l pages of City Counci2 re�olutio�; r�vise carre�pan�fence ta John l�i2ler re�g�rding sa�e. . 43�25/93 D K Pa6E Telaphon� ct�nfer�nce firom �rian 4iei�berg r�gardirsg closing of tr�nsaction. 43J25l93 D A AL�GEYER Speak with d . Brill; regardir►g �s�tt#.e�ent off�e�r. 43131143 D A pLLCEYER Spfak brfefly to J . Miller regarding Re�airs, Inc. affer . FEES FQR SERVICES RENDERED � 955. T5 DATE DISHURSEMENTS 43/17/93 Relocatfan Services per DAA 275. 00 03l1Sl93 Ab�tract Fees per D!{R 164. 0q Pastage Exp�ense 3. 98 E�ho#ocopy Charges 43. bb Facsi�ile Charges 15.Q4 TOTAL DiSBUR�EMENYS � 54?.5b , TOTpL CUR�lENT FEES AND DISBUR8EMEN'TS � i .50�. 31 LINDQUIST b VEN11iUM IiNDQVIST 6 VENNUM IS AN EEPlAA EMPLOYER. FED.I.D.#410658379 In Accoun#With LINDQUlST £t VENNUM � . � � �� 4200�IDS CENTER � � � � � . � . � . � � MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 � � � � � . ' � . . . � 612•371-3271 f � AMOUNT ENCLOSED 3 j ROSEMOUMT PORT AU'fHORITY C10 MR . STEPHAN JILK, GITY AUiiINISTt�ATOR 2875 145TH STREET WfiST DATE A�12iL 2Q, 1993 P. O. BOX 510 FI�E NO. 434i24 . t1402 ROSEMOUNT, MN SSOf►805i0 INVOIC� Att�. 93405 tb� � J GENERAL CaRPORATE � 03f4i193 D A A�L6EYER Ch�ck a list of ccnde�n$tion ca�a�i�sianers; ccfnftrenz� �ri sh d . Mi 2l er rggardi ng cest co�e of aediatio� regarding r�loc�tior�. 03IOt/93 A K 6ROSSMAN Work or� fd�ntifying the natur� ef the fnt$res�t of Charles Cunnir►gha�'s 4state in th� B�tt�aglia property. 03t02/93 D A A�L6EYER Pr�par� far a���ting; maeting With Por� Authority . tl3J02f93 A K CR4SSMAN RQviea open �aetirrg !aw and a�p3y tc di�cussi4n at Fort Aatharity tv�fght regerding a�M rela�atia� �ayt�tnts; pr�pare for condemnat i�rn he�riing to�orrow; arrange ta abtair� tertified copy of Battaglia divorce decree. 03103I93 a A AL�GEYER Appe�e� at hearing regarding ca�de�snation petiti�n; negatistian �rith J. Brill . 43/43f93 A K 6ROSSMAN P�epare for as�d att�nd tande�n�tion hearing. 03f04/43 D A ALL6EYER Canf�rencQ re9arding coaraissioner situ�tion; �emorialize Battaqlia and Tourdat s$ttle�ent praposals to J. Mf1ler. 03f04/93 A K GROSSMAM Gonference �ith David Allg�yer reqardfng de�ignation af con�mis�icner�; telephfln� confere�nce with A . Monk 's atio�ney, J . Dar�ey regarding Mor►k'� de�ignaticn. fl3J05/93 D A AL�GEYER Reuiew nu�ber�; con€ere�ce �ith C. Sultema; m��orialiae co�putar�ions. 03J05193 A K CROSSMAN Conference aith Devid Al2�eyer, 3ir� Dorsey and J�rry Brill �eqarding e�eco��end�tions fcr condemna�tion can��issia��; draft 3etter #o Sudge Sutherlan�d and fax to Ji� Dorsey. 03!08t93 A K 6ROSSMAN T�l ep#�one conf erertc+� a�i t h Ji� Dorsey regardi ng 1+�t t er t o Jud�ge 8�st her I�nd regard i ng cand��nat i on co�r�i�sianers. 03t09/93 fl A Att�GEYER Further analysis af �ettlement pra�pects and aPRraisals. 43/i 0l93 A K 6ROSSMAI� Research re�garding pay�ent af con�dea�nafi ic� �ett l e�tents . LtNDQU1ST fr VENNUM LINdQUiST 8 VENNUM IS AN EE�/AA F..MPLOYER. FEO.I.D.#41065a379 !n Accourtt�th LINDaUIST Er VENNUM 4200 IDS CEN7'ER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA F6402 � 612-371•3211 � � � � � � � � AMOUNT ENCLOSED S ROSEMlflUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/0 MR . BTEPHAN .TILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR �$75 145TH STREET WEST DATE APRIL �0, f993 R.O. 80% 51Q FILE N0 . 43�#1�4. 000� ROSEMflUAIT, MN 55068051 tM INVttICE lV4. �3446 t 6£t � � 6ENERAL C4RPORATE � 03�t1 �f93 D A ALL�GEYER C4nfecence with 1. �lent�o�th reg�rdf ng is�ue� � relsted to Rena '� Pizza . 031# 1193 D A AL.LGEYER Prepa�e for meeting; eaet regar�irtg po�sibl.e sett2aa�ent cf tond�mnati�n. 03l11/93 A K 6ROSSMAN An�lysi� �+�gardi�g i���or int�rest in Tourdat condemnetion das�ags� aw�rd or sett3e�+�nt pa�ta��nt ; relat4 can�clu�iac� ta ��vid Allg�y�r . �3117�93 D p ALLGEYER R+�view a�nd farward court arder With c4m�ents. 03/f8t93 D A Al.L6EYER Conferenc� with J. �iller and J. t�entaorth regarding cot►de�nation, flxture costs, Monk 's �eque�ts and related topic�; �peak ta M . Simp��n, caunsel for l� � S . 03f18/93 A K 6ROS8MAN Tel�phan� conf�renc� �ith Mortk `g attarney Jim Darsey regarding settie�ent point�; relate cot�ferenca to t3avid AI.Ig�yer. tl3J22f93 A K CRflSSMAN Draft respans4 to attorney 3im Dar�ey's requ�sts with resp�ct to acquisitian of �lonk �r�spe�ty; tr�rts�it sa�e to John Miller far comment ; t�lephone cvnference witfi J, Mill�r re�earch regarding procedural aspects of first com�isaioners ��eting schedu2ed for M�rch 29, t993. t13J22193 D A ALLGEYER �p�ak with S. gri12 . 03123f93 A K GROSSMAM Reaie� J . Dors�y re�ponse to Ietter r�agaridng Monk'� request ta extend occapancy and for ear2y paym�nt: fax sa�ae ta J, Miller; cont�erence with �. H�nsen reg�rding pracedural �sp�cts of ca�missfoners h�earfng�. 43/23f93 D A ALL6EYER Spe�k with J . Brill . 03/25/93 A K 6RDSSMAN Prepar+� repart GOfiC4i'l11ft�] re�u3t� of re�earcfi regarding prtrceedfngs he3d by co�mis��ioners; tel�phane co�ference with attorney J. Doe^sey regarding Monk req�►e�ts . fl3l�fi/93 A l� GROSSMAN Facilitate �eeting af c+�m�is�ianers scheduled far LINDQUIST&VENNUMISAN LINDQUIST £t VENNiJM EEOlAA EMPLOYER. FED.I.D.#47065C373 !n AccouM With LINDQUIST €r VENNUM � � � � � . 4200 IOS CENTER . . � � � MINNEAPOUS, MINNESOTA 55402 � . � � 612-371-3271 . . . . � /� � � � � � � AMOUNTENCLOSED$ � ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY Ct0 MR . STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMIMISTRATaR 28T5 145TH STREET W�ST AATE Af'RiL 20, 1993 P.a. BO% 5! 0 FiIE PiO . 43�iC+� . 0002 ROSEMaUNT, MN 554b88510 INVCIICE �{4. 93006 fb8 � � 6ENERAt G�RPO�ATE � Manday, Merch 29 at 10: 00 a .m . ; conference with � R . 8ama�, Dakata County Caurrt Adminis�tr�tor ragarding saa�e. �l3�2t�/93 1} A ALLGEYER 3peak with cortdemnat ion ccm�is�ioner Trapp; arrange far a��eting of cv�ais�ianers . - 03f3Q/93 D A ALLGEYER Sp��k ta counsel For A � 6 . 43f3il�33 D A ALIGEYER Speaic with 1 . Mf iler regarding Ho�tk reqcs+��r . FEES �OR SERVICES RENQERED !� 4, OBS. tf� !}ATE DISBURSEMENTS 03lQ9/'93 �oca2 Tr�vel on 3/2 per DAA tt .CS 43/09I93 Lacal Travei on 3t3 per DAA tt .25 Q3109f93 Fax fe� per AK6 5. 00 Q3�i7l93 Ralocatio� Servic�es per DAA 3, 190. 00 Delivery Ch�rges 29. 04 Photacapy Charges i .80 Facsi�ile Ch�rge� 22. 5t� TflTAL EMISBURSEMEhiT3 � 3.�7tl. 8t1 TOTAL CURREN7 FEE3 AND DISBURSEMENTS � 7.33�. 85 UNOQUIST&VENNUMISAN LiNDQU1ST Cr VENNUM F_Ed/AA EMPLOYER. PED.I.D.#410658379 . , : , . Jn Accoun#With LINDQUtST �r VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER . � � � . � .MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA.5S402 � � � � � . . � � � � � 872-371-3.271 � . . . � � AMOUNTENCIOSED$ ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTH4RITY C!Q MR . �TEFHAN JI�K, CIT�' ADMI�tISTR'ATQR 2875 145TH 3TREET 4fEST #?ATE APRIL 20, 19�3 P.O. SOX S10 CL2ENT � 43�i24 ROSEMQUNT, Hfd 55068053 0 IMIiOICE �lt�. 9�3445 158 � � , tOTAL FOR COMBIMED CLiENT MATTERS AM4UNT UNPAID FR4M PRIOR STI�TEMENTS � ? 1 . l32. 64 FEE$ F4R SERYICE Sr ��3. $�1 DISSURSEMEHTS 3,StS. 36 TflTAL THIS STATEMEN7 3 i9. 474. 76 LINDQUIST&vENNUM IS AN L I N D Q U I S T 8 V E N N U M EEOlAA EMPIOYER. FED.I.Q.#4 i0658379