HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.a. Discussion of Goal Setting Retreat Proposed for February 20, 1993ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 5, 1993 Economic Development Coordinator Miller advised the Authority that the "Scope of Services Agreement" from Springsted to review Tax Increment Finance receipts from the county is not yet complete. Miller advised that an estimate of costs could be ready by the January 19th Port Authority meeting. At this point Commissioner Edwards requested a return to agenda item 7. B. to discuss his concerns relating to the board's process in reviewing relocations claims. Because of concerns that the Port Authority should be more involved in the airport relocation decision process, Executive Director Jilk suggested that he could provide an update of airport relocation issues at the Port Authority's monthly work sessions. Economic Development Coordinator Miller advised that no further negotiations have taken place between the Port Authority's attorneys and the Strese's attorneys regarding the purchase of the Strese Oil property, even though two attempts had been made. Port Authority commissioners concurred.that a goal -setting retreat on February 20, 1993 should be scheduled. Concerns were raised regarding costs of the facilitator and the off-site location. Commissioners agreed that it was important to have a facilitator but requested that the cost of his services and an outline or summary of the day's activities be provided at the January 19th meeting. Concerns regarding the Repairs, Inc. relocation were discussed. Commissioners felt that this issue should be resolved before making any decisions regarding redevelopment proposals for this property. It was felt that Mr. Cope, owner of Repairs, Inc., should be sent a letter advising of the costs to relocate to the Nordvick property and request a decision as to whether Mr. Cope is interested or not. Economic Development Coordinator Miller stated that staff may request direction from the Port Authority to offer a fixed payment in lieu of relocation figures. MOTION by McMenomy to adjourn. SECOND by Edwards. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary 1 Donald Salverda & Associates Roseville Professional Center • Suite 511 + 2233 N. Hamlin Avenue • Roseville, MN 55113 (612) 484-1335 January 5, 1993 Mr John Miller Rosemount Port Authority 2875 - 145th Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear John, Thank you for the opportunity to have visited with you and Steve Jilk regarding the facilitating of a leadership retreat for the Rosemount Port Authority. Thank you also for your commitment to schedule the session on Saturday, February 20, assuming a suitable facility is available. Over the years I have designed and led numerous retreats, seminars, and workshops for a variety of organizations, always receiving favorable feedback, so I feel comfortable with the assignment. Enclosed is an outline for a one -day "Goal Setting - Team Building Retreat" that summarizes our discussion. I trust the content and format are in line with your thinking if not, we can alter accordingly. Enclosed also is background information from previous engagements. I look forward to being of service to you and pledge you my best efforts to provide a high quality retreat that meets your objectives, is educational, and is enjoyable. Please call on any questions or concerns. Sinc ly, DONALD SALV DA E ASSOCIATES Donald E Salverda Attachments cc Stephen Jilk A PROPOSAL AND OUTLINE FOR A GOAL SETTING - TEAM BUILDING RETREAT FOR THE ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROPOSAL TO Mr John Miller PROPOSED BY } DONALD SALVERDA & ASSOCIATES Don Salverda INTRODUCTION WHY HAVE A RETREAT? 1) ORGANIZATIONS NEED TO PERIODICALLY ASSESS THEIR PROGRESS, RE-ESTABLISH DIRECTION, AND ENHANCE TEAM SPIRIT Z) HOW WELL THE BOARD AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF COMMUNICATE AND WORK TOGETHER IS KEY TO THE PORT AUTHORITY'S EFFECTIVENESS 3) IT IS EASIER TO DEVELOP CONCENSUS ON ISSUES AND GOALS IN AN OFF-SITE RELAXED ENVIRONMENT THAN IN THE FORMALITY OF THE NORMAL WORK ENVIRONMENT 4) A RETREAT IS AN EXCELLENT WAY TO INTEGRATE NEW MEMBERS INTO THE LEADERSHIP TEAM ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY 1993 GOAL SETTING - TEAM BUILDING RETREAT "LEADERSHIP IN A TIME OF CHANGE" I PRIMARY OBJECTIVES 1) To review progress made by the Port Authority since its creation 2) To enhance communication and develop renewed esprit de corps among participants 3) To develop concensus on major issues and opportunities facing the Port Authority 4) To draft an updated goals program for the Port Authority 5) To re-examine roles of the Board and professional staff and the relationship with the City Council 6) To be an enjoyable experience 7) Other 11 FORMAT OF THE RETREAT The sessions will include a mixture of lecturette, group participation ,. and discussion, and individual activities. Seating Arrangement - tables (preferably round) seating five (5) participants per table. Audio -Visual Needs -- Two large standing metal-backed easels and pads for easels III TIMING AND LOCATION OF THE RETREAT Timing - Saturday, February 20 Location - To be determined IV PARTICIPANT MATERIALS Each participant will receive an outline and related supplemental handout material. V INVESTMENT On Site Retreat (1 day) $1000 Post -Retreat Report Writing Estimate 3 hours @ $100 $ 300 Learning Instrument cost of $12 per participant plus any additional expenses incurred with the engagement, such as duplication of materials, easel pads, etc ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY 1993 GOAL SETTING TEAM BUILDING RETREAT' "LEADERSHIP IN A TIME OF CHANGE" TENTATIVE AGENDA 8:00 - 8:30 Coffee and Donuts 8:30 - 8:40 Opening Remarks - Board Chair 8:40 - 10:00 SESSION 1 ... "INTRODUCTION - THE CHALLENGE BEFORE US" 10:00 - 10:15 Refreshment Break 10:15 - 12:00 SESSION 2 ... "EFFECTIVELY WORKING TOGETHER AS A TEAM" 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch 1:00 - 2:30 SESSION 3 ... "IDENTIFYING MAJOR ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES FACING } THE PORT AUTHORITY" 2:30 - 2:45 Refreshment Break 2:45 - 4:15 SESSION 4 ... "RE-EXAMINING ROLES AND RELATIONSHIPS" 4:15 - 4:30 SUMMARY AND CLOSING COMMENTS E ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY 1993 GOAL SETTING —TEAM BUILDING RETREAT "LEADERSHIP IN A TIME OF CHANGE" TENTATIVE AGENDA SESSION 1 "INTRODUCTION - THE CHALLENGE BEFORE US" A presentation that sets the tone for the retreat. Objectives will be discussed and prioritized. The session includes structured. group activities that have the participants sharing backgrounds, thoughts and perspectives on a number of concerns pertaining to leadership, past successes, and major issues facing the Port Authority. SESSION 2 ... "EFFECTIVELY WORKING TOGETHER AS A TEAM" A light participation presentation and discussion experience designed to increase harmony and productivity by identifying one's own behavioral patterns, understanding the differences in styles of behavior, identifying and minimizing potential conflict areas, and maximizing the strengths of one's own individual style of behavior. SESSION 3 ... "IDENTIFYING MAJOR ISSUESANDOPPORTUNITIES FACING THE PORT AUTHORITY" Structured group participation that provides an update- and fresh perspective to those priority issues and opportunities that should be addressed by the Port Authority. SESSION 4 ... "RE-EXAMINING ROLES AND RELATIONSHIPS" Structured gorup participation that re-examines the roles of the Port Authority, the professional staff, and the relationship with the City Council, Donald Salverda & Associates Roseville Professional Center - Suite 511 - 2233 N. Hamlin Avenue - Roseville, MN 55113 (612) 484-1335 ABOUT DONALD SALVERDA & ASSOCIATES DONALD SALVERDA & ASSOCIATES is a management consulting firm that provides services and materials to business and industry, government, and professional organizations in the areas of team building, strategic planning, and leadership and management development. OUR MISSION Our mission is to enhance the leadership and management knowledge and skills of individuals and organizations to enable them to be more effective in an ever-changing world. ABOUT DON SALVERDA Don Salverda brings over thirty years of practical experience from the corporate, government, small business and volunteers sectors. Don is highly respected for his leadership ability, his results -oriented style, his commitment of service to people, and his positive and effective approach as a retreat and workshop facilitator. OUR SERVICES O Leadership Retreats For Boards and Councils Designing and facilitating highly participative leadership, team building, strategic planning, and goal -setting retreats. Time frames range from half-day to three days in length. Most retreats are held off-site. O Workshops and Seminars Open enrollment, organization -sponsored, and in-house workshops and seminars on a variety of topics designed to enhance- participant leader- ship, management, and people skills. Time frames range from half-day to full day in length. O Management Development Comprehensive management assessment and development program coupled with follow-up workshops and group discussion sessions. O Materials A variety of easy -to -administer personal and organizational development tools and instruments. Train the Train services available. O Individual Consulting One-on-one consulting on an hourly basis for managers, designed to enhance manager effectiveness. 9 9 How to build VI more effective Board or Council. Donald Salverda & Associates (Leadership & Management Development) Don Salverda • Facilitator - Retreats Roseville Professional Center - Workshops 2233 N. Hamlin Avenue • Consultant Roseville, MN 55113 • Materials (612) 484-1335 "The City Council and myself have been very pleased with the retreats you have conducted for the City. • You were able to be very sensi- tive to where the Council was coming from and how to trans- late that to City Staff and to provide a useful bridge between Council thinking and staff thinking." City Manager "I wanted to write on behalf of the City Council to congratulate you and to tell you how successful we feel the workshop was. Not only did we learn a lot on communication, but we learned a lot about ourselves. Our hope is to continue to draw on the knowledge you have provided us." Mayor "The 'Team Building Workshops' you have conducted for our County were very successful. Not only have the policymakers and top managers of the County received a wealth of new information about themselves and their leadership styles, they have also learned how to transfer that knowledge into more positive perceptions and work relations with one another." County Administrator "Don's organizational skills, humor and enthusiasm were of invaluable assistance to us as we developed a coherent set of goals for the County. This, of itself, was a major and significant accomplishment for our diverse, 27 -member Board. Don's work is much ap- preciated by our Board and its staff." Board Chair "fhe'lssues and Opportunities Workshop' that you conducted for our City has turned out to be a milestone event. It has given a positive direction for the City, Chamber, Council and staff to follow. Your unique leadership skills helped create a cohesive and positive work- ing relationship among 82 people in a very short time frame. I'm sure your input helped us produce the maximum impact on our City." Chamber of Commerce President Donald Salverda & Associates Roseville Professional Center • Suite 511 • 2233 N. Hamline Avenue • Roseville, MN 55113 (612) 484-1335 DON SALVERDA Don Salverda is President of DONALD SALVERDA 8 ASSOCIATES, a consulting firm that provides services and materials to business and industry, government, and professional organizations in the areas of team building, strategic planning, and leadership and management development. He has designed and led team building, strategic planning, leadership, and management retreats and workshops for over ten years for a variety of organizations in both the pubic and private sectors. As a retreat and workshop leader his enthusiastic and practical approach convey his own sense of purpose and belief that: 1) All organizations need periodic retreats to assess progress, re-establish direction, and to maintain/build esprit de corps 2) People are very busy with limited time; therefore, the process should be highly productive 3) People produce best when they have a sense of mission /purpose/ ownership 4) People learn from each other 5) The process 'should be enjoyable, educational, and non -threatening Don is highly respected for his leadership ability, his results -oriented style, and his commitment of service to people. His strengths have been characterized as: 1) His ability to cut through the jargon and the superfluous to direct group energy to accomplishing results 2) He views his role as facilitator as a catalyst to guide group synergism to accomplishing results 3) His enthusiasm is a reflection of his personal mission ["to use my talents, experiences, and interests in a positive way to help individuals and organizations function more effectively") and tends to empower group dynamics DON SALVERDA Don's sessions are highly participative with short lecturettes integrated into the process to guide and reinforce. Combining an academic background in engineering with over twenty years of practical experience in the private, public, and volunteer sectors in a variety of roles and settings, Don has gained a unique and broad perspective of the challenges facing organizations and individuals. In addition to serving on a number of boards and commissions, he has served as President of the Sales and Marketing Executives of Minneapolis, the Roseville - Falcon Heights Chamber of Commerce, the Association of MN Counties, the Ramsey County League of Local Governments, the North Suburban Community Foundation, the North Suburban Gavel Association. He also served as President of the Roseville Jaycees and District Chair of the lndianhead Council of the Boy Scouts of America. He has been elected to public office and recently completed eighteen years of service on the Ramsey County Boare of Commissioners. Don is an active member of the Rotary Club of Roseville and is an avid downhill skier and biker.