HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.c. Consideration of Quotes for Business Park Property Appraisals� 02/031/93 15:57 FAX 612 490 2150 SEH ST. PAUL 441 ROSEMOUNT Q001/002 ./� FAX TRANSARTTAL AMW i�SEf I SEH FILE #: 7 S 14. 4 •01 3535 Vadnats Center Drive DATE: .7 St Paul. MN 55110 Telephone (612) 490-2000 FAX (612) 490-2150 .ATTENTION: Q -P H*1 -VAILLEAL COMPANX: C- r a F PZ Se -OA o U 0 '1- PHONE NO. ;�005- FAX NO. rI- z 3 .� S 2 o 3 FROM: U 51 two i.! S NO. OF PAGES TO FOLLOW THIS COVER SHEET: - SUBJECT: _ 'FU 51 IJ E-sS If iransmisston was not received property. please contact the sender at the above phone number. SI-IORT ELLIOTI'-HENDRICKSON, INC. FOR YOUR D Information El Retards Approval xRevlew ❑ Disrnbtmon 0 Revwn and Rewbmitral REMARK — - — WF Q--- r 70G,f-!7'Ft TO TAI-- fe o -u -r Ski 1R Gv 1 u yp v B 'ff AVA-r t 4�tom: j�'7pq©rg y 4-7- t 019 P, W?, ,�vt'} sKVrCW0 SL PAU1, CHIPPPWA RiL H_NDRICKSONINC. tJ1fd;V A Vf*C0 ,5ry % 02%03'93 15:57 FAX 612 490 2150 SEH ST. PAUL 444 ROSE31OUNT 2002//002 AW IAWW MEMORANDUM E=INVOW M ARCNlrECrS t PLANNERS 3.535 VADNAIS CENT ER DR1V6, Sf. PAU4, UNNESM 55110 612 4990-2000 TO: John Miller, Economic Development Director FROM: David F. Simons, P.E. DATE: February 3,1993 no p Imo: Rosemount, Minnesota Business Park Preliminary Report - Phase I SEH File No: 93164.01 ' As discussed in our meeting last Monday, we have taken a look at what the costs might be to prepare a Preliminary Report (feasibility study) for Phase I of the Business Park. Like the Business Park Concept Plan, we would like to propose that all work on the Preliminary Report be done on an hourly basis at our standard hourly rates. Our original intention was to prepare two cost estimates; one for Phase I only, and a second for Phases I - III. However, after analyzing the work necessary to complete the Preliminary Report for Phase I, we have identified several unknowns which need to be clarified before a solid estimate can be prepared for either Phase I or Phases I - III. It has become apparent that there will be a significant amount of up -front work that will be necessary regardless of which phases are studied first. This work will include items which need to be determined for the overall site prior to concentrating on a specific phase of the site, such as verifying utility profiles and sizes, initiating permit procedures, verifying street grades, completing a trip generation study to determine potential traffic volumes, reviewing lot sizes and phase lines, obtaining soil borings, delineating wetlands, etc. So far, we have been able to identify an approximate cost range for preparing the Phase I report. Depending on what is included in the report for Phase I, the cost could range from $13,000 - $20,000. Obviously, this range indicates that the scope needs to be further refined. We feel there is a need to meet with staff and discuss some of the details prior to finalizing these estimates. Please call me at your earliest convenience. DFS/cih cc: Tian Boxrud, SEH HEED IC)SO + ST. PAUL, CHIPPEWA FAI C^y NENDRtCtGON INC MW ES,= CHIPPE A t ; 02%08; 93 16:0116 F:LT 612 490 2150 SEH ST. PAUL y -,y ROSEMOUNT 11001/004 FAX TRANSN=AC. IAIW SEH FILE #: °� f 6 �-, Q j 3535 Vadnats Center Drive DATE: 9 _a St. Paul. MN 55110 Telephone (612) 490-2040 FAX (612) 490-2150 ATTENTION: !TC)4 -O M ! L L E . COMPANY. G 1 `i `? of- AoSte,► o v o t - PHONE NO. � �� � 9-06 5- 1 FAX NO. '4 � FROM: pAv p-. .51my w5 NO. OF PAGES TO FOLLOW TEAS COVER SHEET; � SUBJECT: -°-LP-T P f I - If tr m=ission was not received properly, please contact the sender at the above phone number. SHORT-ELLIOTr-HENDRICKSON. INC. FOR YOUR p infamnarion ReWrdS Approval XReview ❑ DisvlbLiVon ❑ Revision and Resubmlaal REMAR !1/ rM GLLr IF YOU /7"" Cj7U�� S/ jD�lf` f F-- -5'/ yrl..D N5 SHORr&ICTT 5 PAUL CNIPP&M FAL!-' , NENDRIOGON INC. MINNE-Q WISCONSIN 02.08,,93 16:02 FAX 612 190 2150 SEH ST. PAUL 444 ROSEMOUNT Q002.004 3535 VAD MIS CENTER DRIVE 200 SEH CENT8P. Sr PAUL, MN 551 i0 612490-2W0 SM 325-2055 ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSPORTATION February 8, 1993 Mr. john Miller, Economic Development Coordinator City of Rosemount 2875145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Miller: RE: Rosemount, Minnesota Business Park, Section 32 Preliminary Report - Phase I SEH File No. 93164.01 In response to our meetings of February 1 and February 5, 1993, we have prepared a Scope of Work for the Preliminary Report on Phase I of the Business Park. This scope is based on our understanding of your needs as previously discussed. However, the scope is subject to modification and revision by the City as necessary to meet any additional needs that you may have. Preparation of the Preliminary Report for Phase I of the business Park will require that the following tasks be completed: 1. Review and confirm the lot sizes, phase lines and street alignments shown on the Concept Plan. 2. Initiate permitting procedures with regulatory agencies and/or private utility companies which may be involved with the project (i.e., Dakota County Highway Department, Mn/DOT, C.P. Rail System, Mid America Pipeline Co. Northern Natural Gas Co., etc.). The permitting process should be started as soon as possible to prevent delays later in the project. 3. Complete a preliminary design for utilities in Phase I. Plot profiles and determine design flows and sizes for sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer piping. The sanitary sewer mains upstream from Phase I will need to be laid out to make sure that the sewer depth in Phase I is adequate to provide service to upstream areas. SNORT ELOOTT HENDRICKSON /NC.. MINNEAPOLIS. MN ST CLOUD, MN CHIPPEWA FALLS, VII MADISON, W1 02.08 93 16:03 FAX 612 490 2150 SEH ST. PAUL ROSEMOUNT Q003/001 hit. John Miller February 8,1993 Page 2 4. Complete a preliminary design for streets in Phase I. Determine horizontal and vertical alignment, street width, and pavement design based on typical Business ® Park design standards. 5. Complete a preliminary street lighting and landscaping design. The design of an entrance monument will not be included in the Preliminary Report for Phase L 6. Set preliminary elevations for lot and storm water pond grading. 7. Prepare detailed cost estimates for the proposed improvements. Cost recovery information will be provided by Mr. Dan O'Neil. 8. Prepare the text of the report and report drawings. 9. Attend three (3) progress meetings with City staff during the preparation of the report. 10. Make two (2) presentations to the Port Authority or City Council at the completion of the study. 11. Provide thirty (30) copies of the Preliminary Report to the City. Like the Business Park Concept Plan, we would like to propose that all work on the Preliminary Report be done on an hourly basis at our standard hourly rates. The estimated cost for the above listed work is approximately $15,200. Any change in the scope which occurs at the direction of the City will result in a change in the associated costs. We anticipate that a draft of the report could be available within a month of the City's authorization to proceed on this work. At the request of City staff, the Scope of Work which is contained in this memorandum specifically excludes several work tasks which will need to be completed prior to preparation of plans and specifications for Phase I of the Business Park. A partial list of these items is given below: • Soil borings should be taken to determine the presence of unsuitable soils and/or an elevated groundwater table. • Wetlands should be delineated (mapped in the field) after the spring thaw. • A traffic analysis will be requested by Dakota County and Mn/DOT to determine the extent of improvements which must be made to their roadways as a result of the Business Park. An Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) may be required for this project if the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) rules that an EAW is mandatory. 02%08:93 16:04 FAX 612 490 2150 SEH ST. PAUL ROSEMOUNT 0004/001 r Mr. John Mi 1ler February 8,1993 Page 3 Additional computer modeling should be completed during final design to confirm the size and location of watermain piping and storm water facilities. If this proposal is acceptable to you, please sign below and return a copy for our files. We look forward to continuing our work with you on this important and interesting project. Sincerely, Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. David R Simons, P.E. Project Manager Daniel Ii Boxrud, P.E. Project Advisor DFS/cih Authorized by the City of Rosemount: (Dame) (Title) (Date)