HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Presentation by Dave Simons of Business Park Concept Plan, Recommendations for Planning, and Cost Estimates of InfrastructureCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: JANUARY 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: BUSINESS PARK CONCEPT PLAN WORK SESSION PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR AGENDA MAA n N" c-.. ATTACHMENTS: APP ED B NONE i In October the Port Authority approved a scope of services agreement with SEH, Inc. to complete a concept plan for a business park to be located generally east of T.H. 3 and south of C.R. 42. Included in the scope of services was additional work on phasing of the development and cost estimates for infrastructure items. The people from SEH have been meeting on a regular basis with the Public Works Director, Planning Director, City Engineer, and me to review their findings and to get consensus that their efforts have been going in the right direction. At the January 19th meeting, Dave Simons will show you a concept plan for the entire 450+ acre business park. He will also show the 80 acre Abbott property can be used as a first phase of development. In directing the work of the consultant we made sure the plan did three things: • Infrastructure costs for the first phase must be kept to a minimum. • The first phase must provide an inventory that provides both high amenity lots suitable for offices and laboratories and general purpose lots that can be used for warehouses and light manufacturing. • Several options for the development of the remaining land must be available. My feeling at this time is that if the city can offer improved lots at about 50 cents per square foot, it will be successful in developing the park. Land is available in business and industrial parks elsewhere in the metropolitan area -- and in places that can be described as "better established" -- from $1.00 to $2.75 per square foot. The cost savings in land will be the enticement the city needs to attract good development. At this writing I do not have a copy of the draft SEH report in front of me. If I recall correctly from our last meeting the cost of infrastructure in phase I will be something like $14,000 an acre or about 30 cents per square foot. If land costs are 20 cents per square foot ($8,700 an acre) these total costs are a very workable 50 cents. I think Steve and I are in agreement that we have a good chance of getting the land for less than $8,700 an acre. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Work session item. Direct staff to negotiate a purchase price with Abbott and place the item on the February 2 agenda. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: