HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Discussion of Business Park Promotional Activities CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE S'Ob�9'ARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 AGENDA ITEbl: DISCUSSION OF BUSINESS PARK AGENDA SECTION: PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES WORK SESSION PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR ��� # ATTACF�iENTS: MEMO FROM JOHN MILLER, DRAFT AP OVED Y3 "BUSINESS PARK" ZONING AMENDMENT FROM PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Please see attached memorandum. RECOP�tENDED ACTION: Motion to direct John Miller to complete a promotional plan outline with implementation options for port authority consideration in October. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: MEMO TO: Chair Dunn Commissioners Anderson, Carroll, Edwards, McMenomy, Sinnwell, Wippermann FROM: John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator DAT'E: September 16, 1993 RE: Initiation of a Promotional or Marketing Plan for the Business Park The port authority recently received copies of the boundary survey for the Abbott property. Prior to that, Rosemount city engineer Bud Osmundson had the phase 1 environmental assessment completed. No significant problems were identif'ied by this work. What this means is that the terms of the purchase agreement with Roy and Laura Abbott have been met and the purchase will be completed. it has taken the port authority several months to complete its study of the land, e.g. completion of the concept plan and feasibility report was necessary, and to conclude the purchase of the Abbott property was a prudent step in initiating and implementing development of the Rosemount Business Park. Presently, the port authority is having its engineer, SEH Inc., complete much of the paperwork for the land to be marketed. The concept plan for the business park briefly addressed land uses and provided a blob map for their location. Here is the text from the concept plan regarding land uses. After evaluating the site for proposed land uses, we developed a preliminary land use layout which is shown in Exhibit "A". A brief description of each land use type is a�follows: � Office/Light Industrial- This would be a land use type that combines need for office space with light manufacturing and may or may not include specific retail activities. • O,�'fice/Service - This would be a land use type that requires office space for service based firms. This land use would be compatible with residential development. • Industrial/Warehouse- This would be a land use type that requires space within a building and/or lot for manufacturing and storage facilities. Again, this type of land use may or may not include retail activities. • Industrial- This type of land use would be similar to the existing industrial use that is located aZong 160th Street. The preliminary land use layout does accommodate the desire to have a transition in land use from "high quality/high amenity" on the north to the existing land uses on the south. The layout is also compatible with what we know about the,future land uses on adjacent property. The layout locates the office/service land use next to future residential int he northeast. It also locates the industrzal land use next to future commercial in the southeast. I think we are all in agreement that this reference to land use does not provide the detail the port authority needs in developing the business park. I should also add at this time that the planning commission is discussing an amendment to the city's zoning ordinance that would crea.te a "business park° zoning district. That district would apply to the Abbott property but may also include other industrial areas in Rosemount. As a result, the planning commission's work may not be specif'ic enough to aid in more detailed development issues before the port authority. I've attached a copy of the first draft as prepared by the plamiing department. At this time then, I believe the port authority should begin looking at promotional activities far the business park, i.e. develop a marketing strategy. Most texts on marketing and promotion follow the same general steps. In brief you must determine: 1. What is the condition of the marketplace? 2. Have you got something the market wants? 3. How will you sell your goods or services in that marketplace? With the Rosemount Port Authority being a public agency with the "public good" as much a consideration as profit, another element is added: 4. How will these activities benefit the city and its residents? By way of inechanics, marketing or promotional plans include such things as forecasts and expectations, strategies, projected costs for implementing the strategies, prices, and market surveys. 2 I can easily put together an outline of a marketing plan and we can discuss whether I should do it for you or whether we should farm it out. But, before we do that, I would like to hear your thoughts on some of the larger issues regarding the business park. Is there some particular market niche we should look at? Do you have any ideas about pricing and terms -- I know, for example, that chairperson Dunn has given this considerable thought. Once we discuss the promotion or marketing of the business pazk in these general terms, I believe a plan outline can be better drafted to reflect our specific needs. dw 3