HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Consideration of Relocation Claims Submitted by Mr. Al Monk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUNIl�tARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: PERSONAL RELOCATION CLAIM FOR AGENDA SECTION: AL MONK OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA�� � ` )' � ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR �j ATTACHMENTS: PERSONAL RELOCATION CLAIM, LOST APP ED,_S : RENT CLAIM, SEARCH FOR RENTAL PROPERTY CLAIM Al Monk has submitted the following claims to the Rosemount Port Authority: Personal Relocation $13 , 879 . 00 Search for Rental Property $ 1, 000 . 00 Lost Rent S 3 , 800 . 00 Total $18,679 . 00 In addition, Monk would possibly be eligible for an additional seven months rent reimbursement ($7, 000) and costs of moving the personal groperty from storage ($5, 500) . The claims were not recommended for approval by Conworth, Inc. and there were parts of the claims I was unable to verify. In working with Mr. Allgeyer, John Connors of Conworth, Inc. , and Mr. Monk' s attorney, Jim Dorsey, it was suggested an equitable settlement for all of Mr. Monk' s claims would be payment of an amount equal to the low bid Conworth received from Peipho Storage and Moving Inc. of $23 ,421. 60 . RECON�IENDED ACTION: Motion to approve payment of $23,421 . 60 to Mr. A1 Monk for personal relocation, search for rental property, and lost rent of property. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SLTNII�lARY FOR ACTION P�RT AUTHORITY CONlMISSION MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: PERSONAL RELOCATION CLAIM FOR AGENDA SECTION: AL MONK OLD BUSINESS _ PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA�n� � � � ECQNOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR ���� � � ATTACHIK,ENTS: PERSONAL RELOCATION CLAIM, LOST APP D _8 : RENT CLAIM, SEARCH FOR RENTAL PROPERTY CLAIM �.Al Monk has submitted the following claims to the Rosemount Port Authority: � Personal Relocation $13, 879 . 00 ,�Search for Rental Property $ 1, 000.00 �Lost Rent �` $ 3 , 800. 00 Total $18, 679 .00 In addition, Monk would possibly be eligible for an additional seven months rent reimbursement ($7, 000} and costs of moving the personal property from storage ($5, 500) . The claims were not recommended for approval by Conworth, Inc. and there were parts of the claims I was unable to verify. In working with Mr. Allgeyer, John Connors of Conworth, Inc. , and Mr. Monk' s attorney, Jim Dorsey, it was suggested an equitable settlement for all of Mr. Monk's claims would be payment of an amount equal to the low bid Conworth received from Peipho Storage and Moving Inc. of $23,421.60 . RECODIl+SENDED ACTION: Motion approve payment of $23,421. 60 to Mr. A1 Monk for personal relocation, search for rental property, and lost rent of property. PORT AUT80RITY ACTION: '$` 612 928 05B$ CONWORTH, INC P02 ! r ��/� ► ♦ ����' ���• � . �7�5 Excelsior Blvd. � su�ce �04 � Mtnne�polis, MN 55�16 ' {6 t 2) 929-0044 Ju�y �.2, 1993 John R. Mi11er Economic Developm�nt Coox�dinator �ic�semoun� Port Rutho�ity 2$75 1.�15th Street west P.o. »ox 570 R��emount� MN 550�58-50J.0 I Subj�ect; Lost Rez�t f rom Prc�pertf es a� the Ro��mount Pc�rt ALltkYo��ty Armory Site ProjeCt Dear Mr, M3.17.er: C�n behal� Q� Albert Monk, we are subm�.tting h�.s 1i�ting of rent 1a�� by having lausirxesses mc�ve aut privr tr� the Rv��maunt Port Authara.ty acquiring h�.s praperty. It is our ur�derstanding tha� the P�rG �►uthority would mak� �����,tutit�n to Mr. Monk f�r these costs. We appreciate your attention to �his ma�ter. If you do h�ve any questior,s, pl�ase feel �ree tq C�ntaet Mr. M�nk di�eC�ly. Sincere�.y, � c ,.,� ��iC�rr�c'�u` �� �x� yne wentworth �wne�r/Con�u].tant sl Enclosure Redevelopment A�quisitianlpelo�atit�n . '� 612 828 0568 CON�VORTH, INC F0� t Los� Rent Dakota Small Engin� March and Apx�.l ( $750.�4) $1,5130.00 ,' A & G Autobady �►pz�-�- $l,550.00 A &,M s�.i.�.ding & SupPlY► znc. $ 75�0.t?0 . TDTAL $3,800.00 Albert R. M�srik Date C:(�NW�R.TH. INC. �� � � � � _ � � RENTAL REALTY RELOCATION CLAIM JULY, 1993 � � � � ALBERT R. MONK � 13965 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT, MN � � PARCEL #34-02010-022-60 � � � � � � ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY ARMORY SITE PROJECT CONWORTH, INC. � . . . �._:. . . � � . . . . , . . . . .. � .. � . , � j . ,.. . ... . . . . . � . . � �. � � . . . I . . .� . . � .. .:��' . . � . .. � . � .. . .. �. . .. . . . . . . � . . . . ��, � � � . . - � . I �.. � CONWORTH INC. i � 4725 Excelsior Bivd. � Suite 2Q0 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (612) 929-0044 ' ' July 12, 1993 � John R. Mille r Economic Development Coordinator � Rosemount Port Authority 2875 145th Street West , -P.O. Box 570 � Rosemount, NIN 55068-5010 Subject: Searching Expense Claim for Albert R. Monk � i 13965 South Robert Trail ' #34-Q2010-022-60 � Rosemount Port Authority Armory Site Project E 1 ( Dear Mr. Miller: Enclosed please find two executed copies of the Rental Realty i Relocation Claim for the above-referenced concern. We have reviewed the claim documentation submitted by the business and have assembled the enclosed claim booklets. We believe all is in accordance with applicable relocation regulations,, and request i I your review of the enclosed information. � Upon your approval of this relocation claim, please make payment (:, to Albert R. Monk in the desired amount as shown on the Summary Page at Exhibit 1 of the enclosed booklets. I Thank you for your consideration of this request. No subsequent f claims are anticipated. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. � Sincerely, � Jac�LL �. �fG �,,,�r� el ne Wentworth Owner/Consultant G ` sl Enclosures Redevelopment Acquisition/Relocation � � EXHIBITS . � 1) SUMMARY � � 2j RELOCATION CLAIM FORM - ACTUAL MOVING AND RELATED EXPENSES ; FOR BUSINESSES � � 3) NARRATIVE ON REPLACEMENT SITE SEARCHING, INDIVIDUALIZED COMMENTS, AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION 4) RELEASE OF PROPERTY • 5) CERTIFICATION OF CLAIM 6) QUALIFICATIONS OF CONSULTANT . ; i i E � � C�NWORTH, INC. � i � - SUMMARY ( . Business Name: Albert R. Monk Project Site Address: 13965 S. Robert Trail, Rosemount, NIN ` Business Owner: Albert R. Monk Business Description: Rental of commercial unit. ( Type of Payment: Actual Moving and Related Expenses ( Reason: This is the better financial choice for this business' s relocation cost reimbursement. _ Claim SwYunary: Replacement Site Search Costs $1,000.00 Amount of This Claim: $1,000.00 � Amount of Previous Claims: '�' Total Claims to Date: $1,000.00 Less Amounts Paid: -�- ' $1,000.00 Total Due: Send Payment To: Albert R. Monk 4101 19th Avenue South Mi.lneapolis, NIN 55407 , I _ � I ; _ t, I CONWORTH, INC. � �-a �,� r� .�, � £ _ _ � �� � ;�y�� ,��,� ���r- �, _ . . __. „ : _� . , , . .. � � �- ,.' �. �a `. " �.' '. � _ - r_ � � , �, ,. _ : „ ,., ; �. •' � �`��,r� . _ . . : =. o�oor Tv2si si-o2 ta/s2) • COMMERCIAL � �: ;: : , � ,. � . � , . ;, r, � '` STATE OF MINNESOTA .x.. .. . ' ` DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION � .. y.wx+., ���� CLAIM FOR COMMERCIAL MOVING COSTS . �Q,� � See Instructions on Reverse Side � : � FOR S7i17'G,US�:UN1,Y Namc Albert R. Monk 1,000.00� : �I _ A�iEzmvccl Att�<�unt E , S.P. 34-02010-022-60 � � � Approved - Acq. Engr.ol R�W � Dakota Fcd.No. : County ApNrovcd - — Rrl,i.".�,.�. I'ar. No. Owner Same ;� , Date Application Approved 13965 S Robert Trail Address City - - M:�i)Chcck�'o: Typc of Acquisicion Condemnation 7�1�I�Ii UI'CI.:IIi1/ TRAN VENOOR NUMBER TYPE � INVOICE NUMBER ORGANI2ATION . . ISil�llll'XS . � � . _�._._—. _-—•- —• .... _... � . SE�. NO. . +UFF DEPT.PO/L t)NU. �►fs.IF.Ct Z W ❑ AMOUN7 OP INVOICE DATE CG1 t:(:•? > �':Iflll . . . . Z CC-n �� ❑ CC•3 SOURCE 3� tii�n iscmuval - - __. _ - -- �W 1 hciebY�crl[IY ltlal ihr,g u>d.��r nnlr.r1�IS tuvcted bv 11�i3 clalm have bcen inspetted and rr.cr,lved ur ttie sarvices ha�e Q� been perlo�med,and are In accordance wifh speCillcaUont, ,,,�Q natC Uf �VIOVC 5-1-93 and are In proper.lorm, ki�d,amount,a�d qualily,and Pay •U ment thereforehereby recomme�ded. 1-�y • _>- � Q m� � � SYSTEM ASSiGN REF. NO. DEPT AUTH SIGNATUf�E V1 t`') _ Z /.(X:.'17'IUN '1O h'lU(:l! 1'F.Ii.SON:il./'ROI't:/27'1" fP:1.S,11O�1'1) a n������•< Not Yet Determined._. .-.�.-- ----�Y--- c:i�y F- � O __ — a ,; .�1,11t)t�n'"('Ul�1'.•i 1'All:N7' Moviny Expense $ "0- 000 0 � ExE�ense incurred in searchirtg for Replacernent�Business or Farm $—.1.,--� ' 7U1�A� $ 1.Q�0.00 1, the undersigned, cio hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and that any movers' receipis or • tatements attached hereto accurately represent the ex�enses ir�curred. 1 further certify that I Iiave nvt suk�mitterl any ther moving claim for reimbursement of, or received compensation for, any expense in connection with this claim. f understand that falsification of any portion of this claim will result in its deniaL � �,� ��,��„ �o: �-- r� — 9� Da te: Siqnature _ ..G����" -�' "�C . . . .. ..__.�...... ,;�-,,:.� .,r_-r� / - � . .. . . . . � �. ri`:: . . . . .. . . � � ��=�. �. SITE SEARCH COSTS Relocation rules state that a business may be rex�aid for the costs it incurred to search for a replacement site to a maximum payrnent of $1,000.00. Claims for site search compensation generally consist of requests to compensate the business for the time its representatives spent in looking for a new location. A log or summary is submitted to document the claim which lists how many hours were expended on the site search over what time period for what locations. Also included is the hourly rate being claimed by the business as compensation for its representative's time. While a site search claim may include requests for reimbursement of travel expenses such as automobile mileage, meals, and lodging, and also fees paid --to professionals such as � : real estate brokers to help in the site search, these types of �- site search costs are typically not part of a business' s claim. �� ` There are generally two elements, then, to evaluate in determining the reasonableness of a displaced business' s site search request. The first is the number of hours expended and the second is the hourly rate claimed for the time. Even when a business has an idea of the location to which it would like to relocate, the site search task is still a time-consuming one. A business usually will look in the newspaper for available sites, contact realtors about listings, and also visually search an area for available space. A number of locations may then be physically viewed and after such viewings, the business representatives will meet to discuss the merits of the sites. After the site search has narrowed to a particular location, the business must begin negotiations for the space with the owner or agent and any final agreement often must be reviewed by legal counsel. Also, if the space under consideration would need remodeling or finishing work to prepare it for occupancy, the business will need to expend time in estimating the cost of such improvements to assist it in its replacement site selection. All of these types of activities are part of the site search process. The site search tasks are generally conducted by the owner of a business or, in the case of a larger concern, by employees involved in the upper management of the company. Determining the location of a business ' s operation is a major decision for any company and is one that cannot be lightly made. It is normally not delegated to others. Therefore, the rate charged for the business' s site search representatives is generally substantial, ranging anywhere from $30 . 00 or more. The rate is based on the value of the person' s time to the company, not on the net received by the actual representative, as it is the business which is losing the use of that representative far other activities while the person is site searching for the relocation. Therefore, the rate not only reflects the salary being paid to ' cluded in era 11 in factors en Y 0 ther 9 the repres entative but also , such a rate like overhead and profit. The owner/president of a CONWORTH, INC. � ,. � � � w � small business, however, may not have an established hourly rate. . In most cases, a rate of around $30.00 per hour can be justified and considered reasonable without any other documentation. . _ , a The next page of this claim summarizes the number cf hours spent , by the claimant business in its site search efforts, the hourly ', rate being claimed for the time, and the total amount requested , :,, for its site search payment. ; i - C � I 'LL , �, :: , ,;. � ;;; i ; F ,,.;, „, i:;: ;,,_, � � � � �'_� � � � � � ,, -' , , � � , _;: � � , �` 1 , �:"" �a` � .�: CONWORTH, INC. : SITE SEARCH COSTS Business Name: Albert R. Monk/Rental Realty ,�: : �� � ,:; Project Site Address: 13965 S. Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN � � � � � � : Total Hours Expended: 36.00 � : . Hourly Rate: $30.00 , � i Mileage: 700 miles @28.5� mile = $199.50 � � ; : , _, Total Claimed: $1,279.50 � ; , � Maximum Allowable: $1,000.00 ,T Recommended Payment: $1,004.00 i ` Documentation Attached: Claimant' s Statement i ' ':; � � 'i . I ' , , � , � >` ;P . ' �; � �' 1 f . � i ;;�,; �,k '� i{ ��h F ._; CONWORTH, INC. j � , �t t f�.�( -! S�.-B� S�-P,�►c'ti`��./u� �cs� ����fZ � `� ��r N�f'',Y. � � • � � ' � . � ' . . � . . . l� . Pj' ua } . . . . . � .. . ' , . d^, . ..� '� , . ' . . . .. . . . . �. . . L}: �. :. . '.� �. . .,-� . . . �i'�-eG 1.� � Jr�3 . , _ � __�_�.�..___ .__ . ._________ __. ._ __ _ .. . _ _--. _ , --. . ; . _ . . ^ . . �t/�rv l_ _ _�.O . �!�_.NNv�v -�ALfS, lyi��. j b �vo Je __ f�-T.:.._�'2d 2� � . _ ___�__ _._. _ �� � . ..: ,.-. �� • -- • ,-. . ,_ .r s C� �s-P 3 ��r G���1_�.�S�et,� �'A.v�� . 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I��,.� � . . � � . . . . . . I.- • . � . . . .. � . . . . . . � �.. RELEASE OF PROPERTY � This is to notify the Rosemount Port Authority that I, Albert R. Monk, representing my rental realty business, have vacated the property at 13965 S. Robert Trail, Rosemount, Minnesota, on May 1, 1993, and relinquish all rights to pr.operty, real or personal, ; , =; left at that address. � By �_ � �. � � �_ •:�: CONWDRTH, INC. .: . �.- . ��; � �-. ; . �. � , ;.��� � .. . . .. ... : ... .. . �:. . ..'., . . . . , . � . S:. CERTIFICATION OF CLAIM I, the undersigned, do hereby certify the followingz 1. That I have personally inspected the business movable property and its relocation claim herein; 2. That to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this report and upon 'which the opinions herein are based, are true and correct; 3. That this claim has been made in conformity with and is subject to the requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Properties Acquisition Act of 1970, as amended, and the regulations of the Department of Transportation. 4. That neither myself, the company, nor the employees have a present interest or a contemplated interest in the business involved or the real property it occupies; and 5. That neither the employment to make the claim nor the cornpensation for it are contingent upon the amount of eligible relocation compensation estimated herein. p -.c ,. , .. ,C-�-x�" '��iG�v " ��r�- � L �(r'� " �' cq elyne Wentworth - elocation Consultant � Conworth, Inc. 7 - / � -1 �3 Date _ _ � � �ONWORTH, INC. . . , � - . . � . . • . . � � .... � . � . . . .. � . . . . . . . � f�- . .. . . .. . � . . . . . �;. . QUALIFICATIONS Jacguelyne D. Wentworth PROJECT ASSIGNMENTS: Acquisition, Residential and Business Relocation Services EDUCATION: B.A./1969/Criminal Sociology; Minor in Psychology, University of Minnesota . Continuing Education Courses sponsored by the International Right of Way 4 Assoc,a.ation, DHUD, NAHRO � Private pilot � Certified dance instructor �= PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: International Riqht of Way Association, . Minnesota Chapter 20, Past Chairman of Relocation Committee Minnesota Chapter of the National Association of Housing & Redevelopment Officials Past Board President for Eastside Neighborhood Services � Counselor at Your Emergency Service Aircraft Owners and Pilots Associativn FORMED CONWORTH, INC. : 1989 RELATED EXPERIENCE: Minneapolis Housing & Redevelopment Authority (now MCDA) * Residential relocation counselor i for 6 years * Supervisor of trouble shooting team '" assigned to problem cases for 3 years * Instrumental in developing E.E.O. policies of Agency Von Klug & Associates, Inc. * Con'sultant for 11 years in � .-residential and business � relocation, as well as acquisition CO�NTS: Ms. Wentworth has been a guest instructor for the University of Minnesota Urban Studies Courses, , Hennepin County Bar Association, �: Minnesota Institute of Legal Education, IRWA. She is socially- oriented and volunteers her time at various agencies. CONWORTH, INC. . t •� . . s . � � � . . . PERSONAL RELOCATION CLAIM JULY, 1993 ALBERT R. MONK 13965 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT, MN PARCEL #34-02010-022-60 - ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY ARMORY SITE PROJECT CONWORTH, INC. CONWORTH, INC. 4725 Excelsior Blvd. Suite 200 Minneapalis, MN 55416 (612) 929-0044 July 12, 1993 John R. Miller ` � '' Economic Development Coordinator Rosemount Port Authority 2875 145th Street West ' ) P.O. Box 570 Rosemount, MN 55068-SO10 Subject: Actual Moving Payment for Albert R. Monk � 13965 S. Robert Trail Rosemount Port Authority Armory Site Project Dear Mr. Miller: Transmitted herewith is the Personal Relocation Claim for the captioned owner. We have assembled the accompanying documentation. Upon your review and approval of this claim, please make payment in the amount of Thirteen Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-Nine Dollars and No Cents ($13 , 879. 00} in the following manner: Albert R. Monk and T-L Construction 4101 19th Avenue South Minneapolis, NIN $8,879. 00 Albert R. Monk and Arlender G. Nordvik 4101 19th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN $5,000. 00 Please note that we are submitting this claim on behalf of Mr. Monk at this time realizing that controversial items have not yet been resolved. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. A subsequent claim will be submitted after the items are removed from storage, unless the Port Authority wishes to pay the entire sum for everything now. If there are any questions or concerns regarding ' this matter, please contact me. , Sincerely, l c�t ��,����' � �� � � Jac ue yne Wentworth � � � � � � � � � ,, ' Owner/Consultant � s1 ;', � � Enclosures � � � � � %� Redevelopment Acquisitioni� SUMMARY Occupant Name: Albert R. Monk Date and Type of Initial Occupancy: 1981, as owner Date Claimant Notified Consultant of Move: Rpril l, 1993 Occupant Description: Personal items only Type of Payment: Actual Moving Expense Payment Claim Summary: Actual Moving Expense Payment $ 8,879.00 Storage costs (as of 7-15-93) $ 5,000.QO Amount of This Claim: $13 ,879.00 Amount of Previous Claims: -�- Total Ciaims to Date: $13 ,879.00 Less Amounts Paid: '�- Total Amount Requested: $13 ,879.00 Send Payment To: Albert R. Monk and T-L Constructian 4101 19�h Avenue South Minneapolis, MN $8,879.00 Albert R. Monk and Arlender G. Nordvik 4101 l9th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN $5 ,000.00 C4NWORTH, INC. ��fn/DOT TP-25152•02(6-83) RBSICI8f1t18) STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CLAIM FOR MOVING COSTS � ' See Instructions on Reverse Side . � FOR STATE USE ONL Y Name Albert R. Monk Approved Amount Y � S p Parcel �f�34-02010-022-60 Approved Acq.Engr.o R/W Fed. No. County Dakota Appcoved Re o.Mgr. Par. No. Owner Same Date Application Approved Trail � Address 1 �9h5 S_ Rov r City Rosemount Mail Check To: Type of Acquisition W FOR STATE USE ONLY TRAN VENDOR NUMBER TYPE � INVOICE NUMBER ORGANIZATION O � Receipted Bills � Room basis SEQ. NO. SUFF DEPT.PO/FO NO. OBJEGT � W ~ If room basis-number of rooms S <1MOUNT OF INVO�CE DATE UB ACT TAS Q Q Dislocation allowance S N/A SUB TASK COST/CLIENT COOE FED REV p i certify that the goods or materials covered by this elalm • have been inspected and received or the servicet have been M Residence from which you moved: performed, and ere in eccordence with speclfications,end aro fn proper form kind, emount and quetity, and payment Z theretor Is hereby recommended. _ ❑Apartment No. Rooms F- � ❑House No. Rooms N�A SVSTEM ASSIGN REF. NO. DEPT AUTH SIGNATURE Q ❑Basement �Garage `V Was it furnished with your own furn. �yes ❑no H � Name of Mover Date of Move m v�, T-L Construction 5-1-93 F— Address City Q 3508 39th Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55406 F- � � LOCATION TO WHICH PERSONAL PRQPERTY WAS MOVED: a � Address City 15280 S. Robert Trail Rosemount, Mn I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above inforn�ation is true and correct, and that any movers' receipts or statements attached hereto accurately represent the expenses incurred. I further certify that I have not submitted any other moving claim Eor reimbursement of, or received compensation for, any expense in connection with this claim. I understand that falsi�cation of any portion of this claim will result in its deniaL Mail Claim To: Dated�Day of G ` _19!� Sisnature "`� �!� Telcphone: ���— ��'�� � ACTUAL MOVING AND RELATED EXPENSES Applicable relocation regulations require public agencies to pay the moving and related expenses incurred by the people it displaces for public prajects. Eligible actual moving and related expenses include those incurred to discnnnect and reconnect, to disassemble and reassemble, to pack and unpack, and to cart the household' s personal property from the project site to the replacement dwelling chosen by the displaced household. Also eligible for repayment are the costs incurred to insure the move and, at the discretion of the Displacing Agency, to store any personal property which cannot be immediately reestablished at the chosen replacement. The only two limiting conditions on the payment made for these moving-related expenses are that the amounts paid be reasonable and necessary. Further, it is up to the Displacing Agency to determine whether these two qualifications have been met. Compensation for actual moving expenses is generally determined by securing two bids or estimates of the cost for a professional maving company to conduct the move and allowing the lower amount as payment to the mover. (This assumes that the transfer will take place within a 50-mile radius. ) The relocation rules permit payment for an actual rnove expense of a "low-cost" move ($2,500 or less) to be based on one move cost proposal estimate pravided by a professional moving company or qualified staff person. The displaced household may also choose to move themselves under this Actual Move Expense provision, keep records of their actual costs via time cards, pre-approved rates, and invoices, and be reimbursed directly for their reasonable and necessary documented costs actually incurred. This option, however, because it requires so much effort to docurnent all of the move costs incurred by the household, is seldom chosen by the displacee. Under an Actual Move Expense claim, reconnect costs for personal property such as telephone and cable TV are also allowable, so long as the system being installed is the same or similar to the one which was in use at the project site. Actual invoices are submitted for these costs. To summarize, then, a displaced person can be paid for his/her actual costs to move the personal property. An actual moving and related expense claim requires documentation in the form of actual invoices for services rendered. The next page to this claim itemizes the invoices of the claimant' s professionals hired to handle each aspect of the transfer and totals them to show the amount of payment being recommended to the claimant for an actual moving expense entitlement. CONWORTH, INC. ACTUAL MOVING AND RELATED EXPENSES Occupant Name: Albert R. Monk Actual Move to Storage of General Personal Property: $8,879.00 Actual Move out of Storage: $5,500 .00 (pending) * Actual Storage Costs plus Deposit as of 7-15-93 : $5,000 .00 ** Total Actual Moving and Related Expenses: $13 ,879.00 * This service has not yet been performed. ** This total amount will change to reflect $1,000/mo. charges as per lease. The $5 ,000.00 represents the amount actually incurred by Mr. Monk as of July 15, 1993 . CONWORTH, INC. MEMORANDUM TO: Albert R. Monk File FROM: Jacquelyne Wentworth ,,/lti-� DATE: July l2, 1993 Mr. Monk has moved his personal property from the site address to storage as was previously approved by the Rosemount Port Authority. We realize that there has been some question as to the number and kind of items that were present on the property which Mr. Monk needed to put into storage, hawever, Mr. Red Staats, known fairly well by the Port Authority and City Council, has stated that all these items were on the site. If the Rosemount Port Authority wishes to close out this matter with Mr. Monk, the Agency could pay the actual move to storage, the total year of storage payment, and the move out of storage to total up to the low bid figure of $23 ,421. 60 . It is normally the practice that an Agency would pay for storage on a per month basis directly to the storage company. Perhaps Rosemount Port Authority would want to make that type of payment to Mr. Nordvik. We realize that this has been a difficult situation and would suggest that the Port Authority expedite this matter in any way possible. CONWORTH, INC. � STATEMENT ' � T-L �onSCru�rio� STATEMEN T-L Constructian 3508, 39th Ave. Sa. 3508, 39th Ave. So. 1 �� Minneapolis , MN. 55406 I Minneapolis, 1�Tt. 55406 �C)ZZ� 7L1.—ZgH6 DATE � DATE June 1 , 1993 I� June 1 , 1993 i! TERMS � TERMS �. ' CASH �i CASH � To , Albert Monk �I To •Albert Monk . 4101, 19th Ave. So. il 4101, 19th Ave. So. • Minneapolis, MN. 55407 'i :Minneapolis , MN. 55407 AMOUNT ENCLOSED S . I AMOUNT ENCLOSED 3 i ` � PLEASE;DETACH AND RETt1RN UPPER PORTION WITH YOUR REMITTANCE:;„,,, = ,. � „� ;., o-'� -� ���PLEASE:DEiACH'AND REfURN UPPER�PORTION WITH YOURREMITTANCE;?`�`F,tii,�`;r;`?:�'�.�"�;� :'-• -*'+�^��'� �` � - �r�����"A�� — � .�'u �,.. DATEx �;?„�:_,., CHARGES;'ANDCREpiTS��,„:�€i�%a',�: �� , `"., e= ����;.��' ���;�BALANCE �`;��*`�DATF.�� w� CHARGES`AND CREDITS �r?.. r` ' ,�:,'i °.a':x t.:, r a, ,��BAIANC�;��a,,,::� � ~ � 6/1/93 Boxes and Cartons Flat. = $105. 00 b/1/93 Packing, Loading, Hauling, i . and u.n-Loadin� Materials fo � Storage. , � TOTAL $8879.OG 4 Men at 64 Hrs. - 64 man i Hrs. x 4 = 25b x $25 = $6,400.00 i � 6Y/1/93 Disassemble PainC Booth and � ' Move Co Storage Bldg, � 10 Man Hrs. _ $250. 00 I 6/1/93 Move Classic Cars by Haulin . , Flat. _ $200. 00 . b/i/93 Move Cars , Motorhome, Tract r, and equipment by Driving. Flat. _ $250.00 6/1/93 Truck Rental 6 Days with Driver x $165 = $990. 00 � 6/1/93 Forklift Rental 4 days x $9 =$384.00 .- 6/1/9�3 Pallets 10 x $30 = $300. 00 � � -- � "ti ,�—., WllsonJones•c.�a, , WllaonJones•c..00m... i� � t _/ . '' r' \ ...__., ...-. f11•••• .•.AT f_ , Y(,•••••.yECK•'•••,•�R REC••^T � } MADE IN U.S.A..M501 . . . J 11 S A � . . �ea.1989� � � O W.S.BOOTH,BAKER BLOG..MYLS.56402 . FQRM 265 P S.ease of EQulDment BtIG OLhYr E'C760n81 PJOV�1'�)'. SECURITV BIANK BOOK,�66 riACOUTA,fT.YAUL 65107 This agreement, made the 15th day of Aprll 1993 , between Arlender G. NOrdvik , of 623 2nd Street , Farmingto-n, Mn. 55024 party of the first part, and Albert R . MOTIk of 4101 19th Ave . South, Minneapol is , Mn. 55407 , party of the second part: � WITNESSETH: ';.:1. That the said party of the first part nereby lets to the said party of the second part all of the following described personal property, to-wit: 60' X 100 ' Cold Storage Building for storage at 15280 South, Robert Trail , Rosemount, Mn . 1 . Lessee will pay $1000 .00 deposit and first month' s rent on April 15 , 1993 . 2 .. Lessee will carry his own insurance for property stored in building . 3 . This lease will continue t�ith_ 60 days written notice to Lessor by Lessee before end of lease . for the term of 12 **�onths, commencing on the 15 th day of Apr i 1 19 9 3 , the.said party of the second part paying therefor to the said party of the first part a+ � 15280 South Robert Trail , Rosemount, Mn. 55068 the sum of One ThOUs3nd Dollars on the 1 5 t h day of'each month of the said term. 2. That the said party of the second part hereby covenants with the said party of the first part to pay the said rent at the times and in the manner aforesaid, and that, if the said rent or any part thereof shall at any time or times as here- inbefore provided be unpaid, the said party of the second part will pay to the said party of the first part interest on such arrears at the rate of 1�� per cent, per annum from the date of default in payment thereof until the said rent shall be paid, together with reasonable charges and expenses for collecting the said rents; to pay ali taxes which may be imposed upon the said property while in the possession of the said party of the second part; to use the said pzoperty in a careful and prudent manner; not to sublet, mortgage, or in any manner dispose of the same to any person, ar rernove or attempt to remove the same, or suffer the same to come into the custody or control of any person other than the said party of the•second part, without the consent in writing of the said party of the first part; not to suffer any legal process to be levied upon the same; to permit the said party of the first part at all reasonable times to enter upon the premises to inspect the said property; and to surrender the said property up to the said party of the first part at the expiration of the said term in as good condition as when he received the same, reasonable wear excepted. 3. That if any rent hereunder shall be due and.unpaid, or if default shall be made in any of the covenants on the part of the party of the second part herein contained, then and in any such case the said party of the first part or his legai representatives m�y, immediately or any time thereafter, take possession of the said property wherever it may be found, forcibly, if necessary, without being taken or deemed guilty of any manner of trespass, and without thereby rendering him- : self or themselves liable to refund any sums received as rent as aforesaid, and thereupon this lease shall determine, but without prejudice to any remedies which he or they might otherwise use for arrears of rent or any breach of the covenants of the said party of the second part herein contained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Said lessor 1 and lessee 2 have hereunto set their hands this 1 5 th day of April � , is93 In Presence of 1 . Ar nder G. NOrdVik ) � . Albert R . Monk � --� � ) � ��. /ixz..CC- � Personal Acknowledgment State of Min.nesota �ss. county.of On thiQ day of , 19 , before me personally appeared to me l�own to be the person_.described in and who esecuted the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that_he� executed the same gs free act and deed. (SEAL) �T„«a.,, 0,.4,�•.. PAGE 2 � T-L constru���on STATEMENT � 3508, ��=39th Ave. So. � Minneapolis, MN. 55406 ; (612) 721-198b � �nTe ! June 1 , 1993 TERMS t ' � CASH I i To •Albert Monk 4101, 19th Ave. So. ( �Minneapolis, MN. 55407 . � AMOUNT ENCLOSED S � � °a����S�PLEASE DETACH AND RENRN UPPER PORTION WITH YOUR REMITTANCE.�•:�� � + ,:�d I . ��DA7E, ' " '�� CHARCES AhID.CREDiTS '�.,, N...;,„���` � , r" wvz."'�' a.��,.''BA�NCE's;'.c d�.,: 6/1f93 Boxes and Cartons Flat. $105. 00 � TOTAL �8879. 00 � � i Estimate Cost to Move out of Storage $5500. 00 Total Cost $14, 379. 00 � . . ; � � - � i I : . . � . . . . � WllannJones.r..n...a..• . . � � . . . .. � . . . . �. Piepho Moving & Storage, lnc. 3110 Neii Armstrong Boulevard,Eagan,MN 55121 Tel.(612)688-7076•Fax:(612)688-7156 April 13, 1993 Ms . Jacquelyne Wentworth CONWORTH, INC. 4725 Excelsior Blvd. Suite 200 Minneapolis MN 55416 Dear Ms. Wentworth: The following is our proposal for the relocation of Al Monk to storage for 365 days . This also includes delivery out of storage to a destination within a 50 mile radius of the storage facility. This proposal does not include insurance. Declare valued protection is available for $ . 50 per $1000.00 value per month with a $250.00 deductible . We cannot transport or store flammable ar combustible articles . PHASE I PACK & LOAD TO STORAGE FACILITY Pack, load and transport all items and materials specified at the time of the physical survey to the storage facility. All articles to be relocated must be detached from the building and ready for transport . All articles attached to walls, ceiling and foundation are the responsibility of the owner . .�LL/ED Agent for Allied Van�nes Page 2 PHASE II WAREHOUSE HANDLING & STORAGE All items and materials will be delivered into the storage facility with storage not to exceed 365 days. Storage will commence when the first article is delivered into storage which will signify the first day of the 365 days allowed by the agreement . Due to the fact that on the 365th day, storage ceases, deiivery out will begin five days before to ensure vacancy on the final day. PHASE III DELIVERY OUT OF STORAGE Delivery of all material and items to a specified sight within a 50 mile radius of the storage facility as stated . Charges are based on ground floor delivery only. If the 50 mile radius is exceeded, a $100.00 per van per ten mile increment charge will apply. AL MONK PHASE I PACK, LOAD TO STORAGE FACILITY $ 6,001 . 60 PHASE II WAREHOUSE HANDLING & STORAGE $13 , 500.00 PHASE III DELIVERY OUT OF STORAGE $ 3 ,920.00 BID TOTAL $23 ,421 . 60 S 'n�eer�ly, l � " ' � r�� ��Z6 Jeff Boisen General Manager/Sales � (SUo /�'��0 LG� � JRB/kb � � �E�T�I� �C'�� '�,.�' . "�ut�c�c a�d S�icu�e G��ay��'y �„� - � --- .. � LOCAI. AND 1NORL0 WID! T�i.. 812.�4��•1018 MOVING 818 NQR7M GONCbRD :�T� S1NCE 1917 SOUYN ST. F�AUt, k11NN. 55�7�3 �'nx 61z•451.7964 Mar�h 24, 1993 A1 Monk � 13565 3outh Robert Trail Ros�emount, MN 55068 Dear Al: Thank yo� f�r the opportunity to fuxnish you an estimate for your upcc�ming move . The estima�ed cast to pack and move ,� yaur person��. belongings to our st�raqe facility in South St. P�u]. would be $�.9, 26Q , 00. Th� br$akdowns for stora�e arid w/house handling only axe: ; S�oxage, per month $1,199. 00 � W/Hause handling tane time ch�x'ge) 780. 40 The estima�ed amoun� to move you from our storage �o a unknown site would be $12, 450.0�, • Al, Bestex Sros. charges by the houx, and if �.he �ime should be more or less than the quated time, you wou�.d be charged accaxdingly. If• you have �ny questions regarding the above estirnate, please do r�ot hesitate ta contac� us. Again, thank you £or invitinq B��ter sras. i.n to give you �n estimate. we look _ forward to being of service to you. �inc�rely, HESTER B�tOTHEFtS TRAN3FER ANE� STORAGE COMPANY INC. Lynri Sandhoefnex 5a1e� Man�ger �,S/ds �b . . . . . . . . . C.�'. Nelso� �a�,�f�x In+c. a�R� , ' � 19�11 f1A��t ', Specis],izin�in Household, Office Mavin�►&High T$eh Equipment ""�"'�"'�""'' March 25, �993 AJ. Marik 13965 Sauth. Robert Trail Rr.►�e�munt, 1�1 55068 De�r A1: '�hank you far th� opportunity to pravide you with an estimate faz yatar reloc$tian. To relocate your p�tsonal belongings to our starage fa�ilities � in Sloaningtan an estimated cost would be �.9,500.00. Storage �and warehouse handling cast are; M�nthiy sto�age rharge $1,200.00 Warehouse handling charge 760.Q0 The estfmated charge t.o relocate yc�ur personaZ belangins fran our starag� fac�.li�ties to an unk,os�m facility would be approximately $I2,500.00. If the �elocativn w�uld go fastes than w� arttio.ipate you will only be charged for actual time and equignent used. � If there aze any changes or you have any questions, p].eas� do no� hesi�,ate to give me a call. We willbe as flexible as possil�le to �cc«ctroda�.e your needs. I look forward to working with you in th� near future. Sincerely, � Dan� Wollak 8878 Wtntworth Avenae South • Bloomingu,n,MN �542Q • (612) 881-4211 RELEASE OF PROPERTY This is to notify the Rosemount Port Authority that I, Albert R. Monk, representing myself, have vacated the property at 13965 S. Robert Trail, Rosemount, Minnesota, on May 1, 1993 , and relinquish all rights to property, real or personal, left at that addres"s. ���� �2�4�� By �� CONWORTH, INC.