HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Review 1993 Activities and 1993 Work Program and Budget - CITY DF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUl�Il�lARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMM�SSION MEETING DATE; QCTOBER 2, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: BUDGET WORK SESSION PROCEDURE AGENDA SFsCTION: WORK SESSION PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR ATTACHMENTS: SEVERAL MEM�S AND SUPPORTING AP ROVED BY: DOCUMENTS The attached agenda shows four items for discussion. In reality though these overlap somewhat an.d we probably have more of a three ��ep process. In our diseussion, I see more of a three step process. What I' 11 try and lead you through is: 1. Review of the past. Did we accomplish what we set out to do? What worked? What didn't. How about the goals of` the retreat? Here I'zn really curious how you will rate your different activities on a 1-10 scale. 2 . Discussion of what work you might want to do - - based in part on your past work and past activities.. 3 . Selection of 1994 work items - - and better definition of focus. RECOI�IENDED ACTTON: Wear comtortable clothes and be prepared for a good time. biscussion only, PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: � i�� o osemou,n� PHONE (612)4234411 2875-145th Street Wesl,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FfUC (612)423-5203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 570,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Red)Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY MISSION STATEMENT The Rosemount Port Authority wiU provide a leadership role in promoting, identifying and coordinating the economic development and redevelopment in the community, for the purpose of promoting employment, enhancing the tax base and insuring the economic vitality and quality of life of the City of Rosemount and its residents. � a - �- �� , �verr�l�tng's �omt�.g `C/l,� �J�osesnounl�� � , � MEMO TO: Chaix Dunn Commissioners Anderson, Garroll, Edwards, MeMenomy, Sinnwell, - Wippermann FR4M: 7ohn Miller, F.conomic Development Coordinator DA'TE: September 28, 1993 RE: Review of 1993 Activities and 1993 Work Progrdm and Budget In an earlier staff report I gave you a very brief sync7psis of our activities over the last year. For your use at the Saturday work session I want to provide you a more detailed account. The 1993 Work Program was divided into three parts: � 1. Current Projects. These were work ta:sks that the port authority "inherited° fmm either its predecessor organization or from the city council. These included 1) Strese Oil, 2) Repairs, Ine, and 3) Armory business acquisitions. 2. Administration. This was a catch-a11. Included here are 1) Star City recertification, 2) staff support of the Downtown Scoping Committee, 3) business liaison, and 4) general administration activities including everything from audits to agenda packet preparaxion. 3. New Initiatives. This category included the first real port authority activities and included 1) senior housing, 2) business park development, and 3) CMC housing. Let me review ea.ch of these: � • Strese Oil: The port authority negotiated with the Streses for several months. Streses were asking for relocation benefits in the range of$70,000 to $100,(}00 and there was additional concern about the real value of the property. To resolve the issue, the commissioners made an offer to the praperty owner which was not accepted. No further action was taken. Streses have since leased a portian of the site to Auto Fitness Center. � Repairs, Inc.: A request for proposal was drafted and submitted to potential developers of the Repa.i.rs, Inc. property. A developer for the site was selected by the board and that partnership has until early 1994 to initiate its project. r . 1 . � � . . . . The port authority also negotiated an agreement with Repairs, Inc. vaiding its repurchase agreement. • Armory Business Acquisition and Relocation: This major project of moving six businesses and purchasing four properties is mostly complete. The sale of bonds provided $600,OQ0 for this work. Three problems were encountered in - completing this work. 1. An illegal residence was found that required payment of $29;000 for relocation. 2. Contamination of properties was discovered that was not identified in the phase 1 environmental assessment. Clean-up costs were more than $30,000. 3. One property required eondemnation and with it considerable legal costs. In addition our pmperty appraisal was faund to be in error and with the resulting candemnation activities the purchase price escalated. At this time my estimate is that total costs will exceed budget by $75,000 to $100,000. • Star City Recert�cation. This work was completed and the city received � recert�cation. This work was approximately twelve months late and MDTED had Rosemount in something of an "inactive" limbo. • Business Liaison. Work completed here included activity with businesses interested in coming to Rosemount (Gateway Foods, GTI, Comfort Inn, Muller), work with local land owners wanting to develop their land (Garlson, Behrens, Lund), and work with the chamber of commerce. � Downtown Redevelopment Planning. I provided staff assistance to the Downtown Scoping Committee. The group completed its work with presen�tation of its plan to the city council about six weeks ago. • General Administration. Agenda packets were prepared, bills paid, and other paperwork was completed. • Senior Housing. Work has continued with the Dakota County HRA in selecting a site for the senior housing projects. The location issue was raised at the council level and the �iRA through its architect has completed a review of the sites to present to the port authority on October 5. It has been widely discussed by the commissioners to use CDBG funds for property acquisition. 2 . , . This would include both the 1992 and 1994 allocations, an amount I would estimate to be at least $250,000. • Business Park Development. A site has been selected. Planning and engineering studies have been completed. A purchase has been negotiated. A project plan and budget for the purchase has been approved by the city - couneil. The sale of bonds for the purchase price is pending. Develapment of preliminary and final plats has been authorized. A subcommittee of the authority is presently developing a promotion plan for sale of the land. In 1994 the need for infrastructure will need to be addressed. � CMC Housing. Very little activity. Very preliminary discussians with CMC have been held regarding 1) dra.inage to the busin�ss park and 2) use of TIF funds for develapment of the pro;ject. dw 3 - CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 2, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: BUDGET WORK SESSION PROCEDURE AGENDA SECTIONz WORK SESS�ON PREPARED BY: JOHN MZLLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR ATTACI�iENTS: SEVERAL MEMOS AND SUPPORTING AP ROVED BY: DOCUMENTS The attached agenda shows four items for discussion. In reality though these overlap somewhat and we probably have more of a three step process. In our discussion, I see more of a three step process . What I' l1 try and lead you through is: 1:` Review of the past. Did we accomplish what we set out to do? What worked? What didn' t. How about the goals of the retreaC? Here I'm really curious how you will rate your different - aetivities on a 1-10 scale. 2, Discuss�.on of what work you might want to do - - based in part on your past work and past activities. " 3 . Selection of 1994 work items - - and better definition of focus. RECO1�lENDED ACTION: Wear comfortable clothes and be prepared for a good time. Discussion only. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: � z�� o osemoun� PHONE (612)42&4411 2675-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOH FAX (612)42&520.3 Mailing Address: Edward 8.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 GOUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Kiassen James(Re�Staats • Harry Wilicox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan JUk ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORfTY MISSION STATEMENT The Rosernount Port Authority will provide a leadership role in promoting, identifying and coordinating the economic development and redevelopment in the community, for the . purpose of promoting employment, enhancing the tax base and insuring the economic vitality and quality of life of the City of Rosemount and its residents. : � a - �-- �� �ver��hivigs �oming �[J��i �lLosemau»1�l .. - f f MEMO TO: Chair Dunn Commissioners Anderson, Carroll, Edwards, McMenomy, Sinnwell, � Wippermann , FROM: Jahn Miller, Econornic Development Coordinator DATE: September 28, 1993 � RE: Money Issues Related to Completion of the 1994 Work Program and Budget In another memo in this agenda packet I indieated that at the Saturday work session we should probably discuss actval projects and work tasks for 1994. In fact I even listed some sample projects. Unfortunately, budgeting always gets down to money. In this regard, I've attached far your review two documents that were used in the 1993 budget process but that are still valid for 1994. They are: 1. Projected Port Authority Cash Flows for the Years 1994 through 2008. 2. Projected 1993 TIF Revenues (1994 is not available but should increase about $15,000). Here are some other financial considerations: • The armory acquisition and relocation will go over budget. A total of $600,000 was available from bond sales and that may be exceeded by as much as $100,000. This will probably need to come from port authority reserve. • Interest earnings though small will likely decline, a decline of maybe $3,000. • Nothing should be placed in the budget for business park infrastxucture even if identified as a work item. With bonding a "construction fund" would be created separate from the operating budget. • The third of three $50,000 installments paying the $150,000 loan to the HRA was made in 1993. � Assuming a 2 ll2 percent increase in 1994 salaries and benefits for a full-time economic person and half-time support person would total $73,223.00. j � � � Bond payments including principal and interest for Loch and Blake will total $172,635.00. • Bond payments for the armory/community center will total $119,762.50. So how much money is avai�able for new projects? Being conservative I'd figure $60,Q00. - With some luck, e.g. smaller overnin on annory acquisition, there might be $100,00�. dw 2 PROJECTED PORT AUTHORITY CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEARS 1994 THROUGH 2O08 PROJECTED 1/1/94 BEGINNlNG CASH BALANCE: $150,000 PROJEGTED BIAKE LOCH 1988A 1992E REVENUE OPERATING ANNUAL CUMULATIVE TAX MQRTGAGE MORTGAGE TOTAL BOND BOND AVAILABLE SUDGETS SURPLUS SURPLUS YEAR INCREMENT PAYMENTS PAYMENTS REVENUES PAYMENTS PAYMENTS AFTER DEBt 2% GROWTH (DEFICIT) (DEFfCfTj ----------- ----=-------------- ------------------- ------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------- --------------------- ----------------- ------------------- 1994 285,000 fi2,400 60,000 407,400 167,185 90,868 149,347 140,000 9,347 159,347 1995 285,000 62,400 60,000 407,400 167,575 117;981 121,844 142,800 (20,956) 138,391 1996 285,000 65,400 63,000 413,400 166,935 114,181 132,284 145,656 (13,372) 125,019 1997 285,Q00 74,400 72,000 431,400 165,245 119,800 146,355 148,569 (2,214) 122,805 1998 285,000 74,400 72,000 43t,400 167,248 134,469 129,683 151,541 (21,858) 100,947 1999 285,Q00 83,400 81,000 449,400 167,680 133,250 148,470 154,571 (6,101 J 94,846 2000 285,000 86,400 84,000 455,400 0 0 455,400 157,663 297,737 392,583 2001 -0 86,400 84,000 170,400 0 0 170,400 160,816 9,584 402,167 2002 0 86,400 84,000 170,400 ' 0 0 170,400 164,032 6,368 4Q8,535 2003 0 95,440 93,000 188,400 � 0 0 188,400 167,313 21,087 429,622 2004 0 98,40� 96,000 194,400 0 0 194,400 170,659 23,744 453,363 2005 Q 100,400 9$,000 198,400 0 0 198,400 174,072 24,328 477,690 2006 tl 109,400 108,000 217,400 0 0 217,400 177,554 39,846 517,537 2007 0 108,000 108,000 216,000 0 0 216,000 181,105 34,895 552,432 2008 0 90,000 35,550 125,550 0 0 125,550 184,727 (59,177) 493,255 TOTALS 1,995,000 1,283,200 7,t98,550 4,476,750 1,001,868 i10,549 2,764,333 2,421,078 . - , Hwesiog-H Eronamic-E BAS£ 9AS8 Ct�NT TAX GR05S CAPTC�.tED I:'.D. SHARED t1ET VALt3E '�. 2. DIST'RI{ -R Y8Al2 VPaLtIS CAP3►CITY VAZs 2AS CAPACM'Y 00�.'RIB. T.I. CAP2'URED DOLLARS I.AB.EVILLE ' p9 D9spatch . R 1983 28,878 2I8,a09 89,125 $9,I.25 ltf4,220 19 Toto E 19$6 6,b33 ,141,885 135,252 48,32� 8fi,927 202,673 � M�,pp � 2986 23,949 184,510 166,561 16{i,561 187,755 32 Sr.CitixeaOtr. H 1988 975 36,441 15,466 25,d66 18r487 33 I3KMPsnf.Btdg. R 1988 4,?58 36,927 � 32,169 32,169 37,b18 31 Ffcei Fazsn $ I985 I2,916 3i1,183 298,267 248,26? 348,78�1 , 3( Al$c3riOCP1822 R 14$7 ?�174 37�933 1��1�1 lE�i?fil 12i584 3g $pytllfp[c�ApCS R 1187 3�888 252�3�? 27$�569 2?8�559 32�5�747 31' MeadoAvsN.b�tHsg E i989 2,535 5,552 3,017 3,02? 3,529 bp C.ommerae Ceater E 1991 15,4�� 47,213 31.86d 31,864 37,2 . . . ... ...... ...... ..:::.......... •:_:--�..-..._r.....�..�•.._x:x-:::::•�xu.+ .t;x:.:'qF::Al�i'�.^•iL(=,r"_`x`,-."� :� �-.:.� . ..?_:+,::k::a�.i��'}c'>•:�- .af� �.c�z :.xr. v.Rx �x � . .:. ....... ..:.:.;....-r:::•--.:.::..:•::..y,..ee.�;...,..ko:�•.;xur..:-, a.... Y:._�r.+�' ,..a..e*.�::v�'n........_,,.y,x......:+r� t<.. �. ..+y. F.+K� ,.s...�c�:..�v���`'�.;R�: �-. . :«4A}�^ rJl.SYI..�w<�iAiJtr:':iMG, ' a • "',iT� T: ' if�Y.?::"LOi �:>,�>::n_.�.�t'.<ya 6� �YV��' x=�>.�3' -';' j,�.x {...`�.?$"�5'�c;. .. ..,._. ,�(�r �r �..r A �r y ,:..�:,�:� ..,.....-r... .....�.b.c�..x".. . ...._.. ,. 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ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORfTY 199:i GOAL SET't1NG-TEAM BUItDlNG RETREAT � I INTRODUCTION � The Rosemount Port Authority heid a Goai Setting - Team Building Retreat on February 10, 1993 at the Court Yard Marriott in Mendota Heights. Participants at the retreat were: � Commissioners: Ed Dunn (Chair), Joan Anderson, Kevin Carro(I, John Edwards, Don Sinnwell, Ed McMenomy (who also serves as � Mayor) and Dennis Wippermann (who aiso serves as Counciiman) City Manager: Steve Jilk Economic Development Director: John Miller � The Faci{itator for the retreat was Don Saiverda, President of Donaid Salverda &Associates of Roseville, Minnesota. The Primary objectives of the retreat were: � _ 1) To review progress made by the Port Authority since its creation � 2) To enhance communication and develop renewed esprit de corps among participants - . � � 3) To develop consensus on major issues and opportunities facing the . Port author�ty � 4} To draft an updated Goals Program for the Port Authority 5) To re-examine the roles of the board and professional staff in relation- � ship with the city council This report summarizes the results of the retreat and includes recom- mendations for future action to be taken by the Port Authority. � . II COMMUNICATION ENHANCEMENT � � After introducto remarks were tnade, the facilitator indicated that one of the Primary objectiv s of the retreat was to enhance communication among � partiapants. The first activity began the communication process by providing participants the opportunity to become better acquainted by sharing back- grounds, perspectives on challenges facing the Port authority, personal frus- trations w�th the cit�r, and expecta#ions for the retreat. � . � # . # Y � ,, � . �� � ��� REVIEW OF PROGRESS MADE SINCE THE CREATION OF THE � PORT AUTHORITY � The next activity focused on a review of the successes and progress � made by the Port Authority since its creation one year ago. it was felt that there has been deliberate and significant progress to date. Participants also discussed problems that they have encountered and lessons that have been � learned. See ATTACHMENT A for ListinQ of Port Authorit�r Prooress Matle Problems Encountered and Lessons Learned � _ _ Additional time was spent discussing things that are going well with the _ Port Authority, things that are not �oing well, things the Port authority isn't � doing that it should be doing, and things the Port authority is doing now that it - shou(dn't be doing. Overall, participants believe the Port Authority is functioning well considering that the Authority and i#s members are new. This � � additional information is provided for internal use and is in a supplemental memo to the Chair. �V LEADERS AND MANAGERS ARE BEING CHALLENGED � � The facilitator provided information on leadershi ointin p p g out that leaders and managers at all levels of organizations in both the public and private sectors are being challenged as never before. In the public sector, govern- � , ment officials and professional staff are faced.with the dilemma of ineetin increasing service needs with limited funding capability. It was pointed o u that in the 1990s� increased ernphasis is being placed on individual Ieadership � and leadership development within organizations. The facilitator provided a number of current writings and resource materials on leadership and chal- lenged participants to either lead, follow, or get out of the way. Specific refer- � ence was made to the recent book, Reinventinq Government V CHANGES THAT HAVE AND WILL IMPACT THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � Participants next discussed changes and trends that have, and are expected to, impact the city in the next several years. The facilitator provided � � participants with the Metropolitan Council's Metro 2015 Vision & Goals Report and the December 92 Twin Cities Economy m Profile report. � See ATTACHMENT B for list of Recent and Ex�ected Changes and Trends � . � . � - � 2 , � , .. � Vt IDENTIFYING AND DEVELOPING CONSENSUS ON ISSUES AND � OPPORTUNITIES FACING THE PORT AUTHORITY Participants next listed a number of issues and opportunities facing the . Port Authorit�. The city's Star City Action Plan was discussed and � incorporated �nto an updated listing of external and internal and short-term and long-term issues and opportunities to be discussed. � See ATl"ACHMENT C for listina of Issues and Opportunities VII DEVELOPING A GOALS PROGRAM TO ADDRESS THE tSSUES � The issues and opportunities have been converted into a possible Goals Program to be further discussed,. refined, adopted and acted on by the Port � Author'rty. See ATfACHMENT D forlist of Goals � VIII DISCUSSION ON PROBLEM AREAS AND SPECIFIC PRC�JECTS � AND PROCEDURES � � : _ ;. ' _ Participants next had a round table "general" discussion on a number of items that included: meeting times and how meetings are run, the Business � . Park, the degree to which the Port Authority is a proactive ent�ty vs being an advisory body to the city council, and.the need to establish a Process and Procedures Statement for developers. � IX RE-EXAMINING THE ROLES OF THE BOARD PROFESSIONAL STAFF AND RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CITY COUNCIL � Participants briefly discussed their individual perceptions of the most important aspects of the roles of the Port Authority Board, the professional � staff and the relationship with the city council. Time did not allow consensus development on the most important aspects of each role. � X OVERALL EVALUATION The retreat was well received by participants with an overaN rating of � 4.1 on a scale of 1 = low and 5 = high. Participants felt their attendance was beneficial with a rating of 4.3. . � See ATTACHMENT E for the Evaluation � � . ! � . � 3 � .. � X� RECOMMENDED FOLLOW UP ' � It was agreed that significant progress was made at the retr eat and that follow up action- is necessary to revise and fine tune the Goals Statement, to � adopt the revised goals and to then develop Action Plans for implementation. . , A logical sequence of activities might be: � 1) Port Authority members and staff review the Executive Summary of the retreat � 2) Professional staff revise and fine tune the Goal Statements and devel- op a suggested Goals Program for the Port Authority to adopt . 3) Port Authority formally adopt a Goals Program - including priority � ranking . . 4) Professional staff be directed to draft an Implemen#ation Plan of Action � � for the highest priority goafs � 5) Port Authority dedicate one or more workshops to develop consensus � on the most important aspects of the roles of the Port Authority, the professional staff, and the city council role as pe�taining to the Port Author�ity . � � 6) G rt'Authority periodically review progress being made on Adopted oa s Program � 7) Port Authority schedule another full day retreat m one year to.review progress being made and to update the Goals Program ,J � � � - . � Executive . S�umrnary Wntt�t by Retrea#Fac�ta�or � - � Don Salverda . Donald Salverda&Associates Roseville Professional Center � 2233 North Hamline Avenue � � Roseville, MN 55113 (612) 484-1335 - � ; 4 � �� . ATTACHMENT A REVIEW PROGRESS MADE SINCE THE CREATION OF THE PORT AUTHOR(TY SUCCESSES 1) Being created, getting organized, and hiring professionai staff 2) The creation of a budget process, a work pian, a short term vision, and a process for the review of pianning for and progress of projects 3) Improved communication between the downtown business communi and city hall � 4) Developing an attitude within the community of not letting the past encumber future progress of the city 5) The Business Park concept proposal 6) Concept Development Plans for Repairs, Inc. 7) The start of a community development project 8) Making efforts to c(ean up areas of blight within the community � 9) Initiated action to get a motel in the city PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED 1) There is a need to improve overalt community public relations relative to the Po�t Au#hority. The public does not understand the Port Author'rty's goals, vision for the future, and progress being made 2) The staff often feels stifled by the "politics" of certain projects and pro- grams 3) The legal process is tflo cumbersome and counter productive for pro- gress of projects 4) There has been a lack of good legal counsel to the Port Authority 5) There is a lack of staff leadership due to the poiitical atmosphere of projects and programs 5 .. ATfACHMENT A (continued) LESSONS LEARNED 1) The Port Authority can't make everybody happy 2) Ttie Port Authority should not raise false expectations on specific projects 3) The Port Authority should make sure that proper planning is done on each project-- i.e., look before we leap 4) The Port Authority must make sure that project reports are read 5} The Port Authority must realize that it, too, is a political body 6 . .. ATTACHMENT B MOST SIGNIFlCANT CHANGES AND TRENDS THAT HAVE IMPAG T'ED THE CtTY IN THE LAST SEVEFlAL YEARS - 1) The increased growth west of the ciry in Apply Valley and Burnsviile 2) Legislative changes in financing options available for cities 3) The increased urbanization of tfie city 4) The increased residential population of the city 5) The increased needs for city parks, roads and other infrastructure ; improvements 6) The growing school system 7) The redevelopment of South Robert Square and the commun'ity center 8) The development of the `perception' that small business is leaving the city . ' MOST SIGNIFlCfAt�f CHANGES AND TRENDS 11iAT WILL . 1MPACT THE C�TY IN THE NDCT SEVERAL YEARS 1) If the decision is made to build a new airport - that decision will impact everything in the city 2) The construction of 160th Street • 3) The increased development of industrial property in eastern Rosemount 4) The deve(opment of a Business Park ! 5) The continuing population growth of the city . 6) The enactment of pending legislation such as the proposed Orfield laws � . 7) The increased need far infrastructure improvement � 8) Assessment policy changes - � . - � . . . � 9) The shift in population components with the community being made up of both more younger residents and more older residents. i � . � � 1 ' � � .• � Al�'ACHMENT C UPDATED ISSUES AND OPPORIUN(7�ES FACING THE PORTAUTHOR(�y � . � HIGHEST PRIORtTY-DCTET�NAL � 1) THE NEED TO PURSUE THE DEVELOPMENT OF A BUSINESS PARK � � (short& long term) 2) THE NEED FOR IMPROVED UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT THE PORT AUTHORtTY IS AND DOES (short term) � � 3) THE NEED TO CONTINUE THE CITY'S DOWNTOWN DEVEL AND REDEVELOPMENT OPMENT : {long term) � 4) THE NEED TO WORK WITH THE DAKOTA COUNTY HOUSFNG AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN THE COMPLETION OF A SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT . (short term) : � 5) THE NEED TO ACTIVELY SOLlCIT AND RECRUIT NEW BUSINESSES FOR THE AREA (short&long term) i . � � 6) THE NEED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY IN EASTERN ROSEMOUNT (short & long term) LOWER PRtORffY-IXTERNAL 7) THE NEED TO COORDINATE DEVELOPMENTACTIVITIES W(TH OTHER UNITS OF GOVERNMENT AND LARGE LAND OWNERS (short& long term). 8) THE NEED TO DEVELOP AN ENVIRONMENT FOR IMPROVED COMMUNICATION OF THE BUSINESS, EDUCATION AND GOVERNMENT COMMUNITY W(TH THE RESIDENTS (short term) 9) THE NEED TO MONITOR PENDING LEGISLATION (short term) 10) THE NEED TO CLARIFY THE ROLES OF THE COUNCIL, THE PORT AUTHORITY, THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND OTHER PIAYERS IN THE CiTY'S BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 11) THE NEED TO PROMOTE INCREASED COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT W THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS (short term) 8 .. ATfACHMENT C ' (continued) : HiGHEST PRIORfiY-INTERNAL i) THE NEED TO TAKE DECISIVE ACTION ON PENDING PROJECTS (short term) 2) THE NEED TO SUPPORT THE DECISIONS�F THE PORT AUTHORITY BY ALL MEMBERS OF THE AUTH4RITY ONCE A DECISION IS MADE - 01V A PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROJECT � (shortterm) 3) THE NEED TO DEVELOP A VISION STATEMENT FOR THE PORT AUTHORITY (short term) 4) THE NEED TO CLARIFY THE STRUCTURE, POUCIES, AND RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE PORT AUTHORITY (short term) 5) THE NEED TO GET TO THE BOTTOM LtNE FASTER (short term) LOWER PRIORffY-INTERNAL � 6) THE NEED TO STRUCTURE MEETING TIMES BEiTER (short term) 7) THE NEED TO MONITOR ASSESSMENT POUCIES jshort term) 8) THE NEED TO BETTER UTILIZE THE TALENTS OF THE PORT AUTHQRITY MEMBERS (short term) ` 9 . I� . . . . . � � . . . . � � . ATTACHMENT D POSSiBLE GUALrS PROGRAMUFQR�D OPPORTU�NmESY THAT ADDRESSES TH HIGHEST PRIORfTY GOALS-DCI�RNAL GOA�1 TO PURSUE THE DEVELOPMENT OF A BUStNESS PARK GOAL 2 TO BETTER INFORM AND COMMUNICATE WITH.THE PUBUC OF THE PURPOSE AND ACTIVITIES OFTHE PORT AUTHORITY GOAL 3 TO CONTINUE THE CITY'S DOWNTOWN DEVEL�PMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT GOAL 4 TO WORK WiTH THE DAKOTA COUNTY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN THE COMPLETION OF A SENtOR HOUSING PROJECT . GOAL 5 . ' � TO ACTIVELY SOLICIT AND RECRUIT NEW BUSINESSES FOR THE� AREA GOAL 6 � TO DEVELOP THE PROPERTY IN EASTERN ROSEMOUNT ' L�WER PRIORITY-EXTERNAL GOAL 7 . TO COORDINATE DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES WITH OTHER UNITS OF GOVERNMENT AND LARGE LAND OWNERS GOAL 8 TO DEVELOP AN ENVIRONMENT FOR IMPROVED COMMUNiCATION BETWEEN THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY,THE EDUCATION COMMUNITY, GOVERNMENT UNITS AND THE CITY'S RESIDENTS AT tARGE GOAL 9 TO MONITOR PENDING LEGISLAT{ON 10 .• ATfACHMENT D (continued) ' G4AL 10 TO Cl�4RiFY THE ROLES OF THE COUNCIL, THE PORT AUTHORITY THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND OTHER INTERESTED STAKE- HOLDERS IN THE CITY'S BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT _ GOAL 11 . TO PROMOTE INCREASED COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT IN"THE . DEVELOPMENT PROCESS GOAL 12 TO DEVELOP GREATER CONSENSUS AND UNITY OF ALL RESIDENTS AND BUStNESS INTERESTS WITHIN THE CITY 11 � .. ATTACHMENT D {continued) HIGHEST PRIORRY GOAL.rS-INTERNAL - GOAL 1 TO TAKE DECISIVE ACTION ON PENDING PROJECTS GOAL 2 TO SUPPORT THE DECISIONS-OF THE PORT AUTHORtTY ONCE THE DECISIONS ARE MADE . GOAL 3 . TO DEVELOP A VISION STATEMENT FOR THE PORT AUTHORITY . GOAL 4 TO CLARIFY THE STRUCTURE, POLIC(ES, AND PROCEDURES OF THE PORT AUTHORITY � GOAL 5 TO GETTO THEBOTTOM LINE FASTER LOWEi�PR[OR(TY G�ALS-INTERNAL GOAL 6 TO STRUCTURE MEEi'ING TIMES BEiTER GOAL 7 TO MONITOR ASSESSMENT POLICIES • GOAL 8 � T0 BETTER UTILIZE THE TALENTS OF PORT AUTHORITY MEMBERS 12 � ATTACHMENT E - EVA�UATION .fORM .. Rosemount Port Authority 1993 Goal Setting - Team Buiiding Retreat February 1993 � 3,b 1) The objectives of the session were / 5_ : 4 3 2 1 Clearly Evident Yague t�` 2j The organization of t e session was. � � 1 ,__ . Excellent . . � Poar y�4 3) The ideas presente were . � _ ° 3 . 2 1 . Yery Interesti 9 Poor � � . _ �j�3 4) The ability of the resenter to stimulate discussion was 5 4 3 1 � � Excellent Poor � �(y 5) My attendance at�th s session shouTd prove to be 4 3 1 Very Beneficial Waste of Time �t�� 6) Overall , I consider t is session to have been : ' Excellent _ _ Poor . - � 7) � Other� comments: . . ;. . .. ��� . . fI ' . .. 1 � .. . A 1 : .� .. . _. .. . . � . � . NftU�ita� :fA�.. Ol•TAIL Ti<InL �tnLANCF_ . 201 PORT AUTHORITY FUN� `�I -FUND� � tSEG Y-T-U�� Y-T-DT� ADJ .'_�_ _... ._.-..-. UNEhCUMEtt4ED �i t�UK3EP, fUrJO UESCRIPTION FUtaD BAL RECEIHT ` EXPEND FUNO BAL tNCUMKRANCt FuuG csaL --.___. _._. _ _.. ----__�.__._--•----.-----�..____.__..:_�..__...._�.._.__:—_..__.��:�__.__...�_..._ _.___..._._ _._ � _ .._ 101 f ORT AUTHORITY fUND 269.575.07 323.198 44 53.673.42- 53.G73.42- 1 ' -------•-_ _---------�.._ . ... ._ --.._.. ._ _ .__ _____. _�_���_._..._._.�___v _�� �----.�._� � �x��x R[VENUE SECTION ri��a • 201 PORT AUTH(TRITY FUND ����I QUTSTDG UUTSTANDING UNE�vCUMBERED UUTSTD ; ACCOUNT _. . __..: __�. ._ . . __�UUGETEb._:.__.__ . _.. _____- --._ _..._._ _._ ^' ACCHUtIT YUMF,ER (tFSCRIFTIOPt A;IUUVT M-T-� Y-1-D YTU •: ENCU`iBRANCE KhLA�10E VA!� " 'i I _ 201-3]O10-UO-00_O�CU_Rf?EIJT..AU VA.LORk'M._TAXES...__.... _ �_--.,�---_.__. ______.___----._..__. J(,p��4� . _ -__. . .i 201-31020-QU-Q00 DELINAUENT AD VALOREN TAXE �Q�,�ta� 201-31�3A-U0-000 �SOBILE HOME TAXES /' w/� gt6� 2U1-31040-00-0U4__FIS�AI__Q.ISPARITI4�5.._..__ . _ ...__._ .._..-----_._.__.:_._ . . __._ ___.__---_ _. 12.636.q6 ____.. ___.---.._ _ . . 12.636.Oh-� ' 2U1-31050-OU-OUO TAX INCR[MENTS 272.000.00 179�42Q.79 34.04 y2.57Y.Z1 34.C.i "i 201-31710-00-000 G4tAVEL TAXES ' .�_.201-3131U-00-0U�---FNANG4.I.SE. TAX.E.S_._._.___ ._. _. _---- ---�.__------.-----......� � 2U1-31410-00-0UU PGRALTIES 8 INT ON A� VALU ��ud,gS"��;"��plUt� --.-"V_��._ . ,_ , - ' 201-3192U-D0-OOQ FURFEITED TAX SALE APPORTI 39�g�� �(UZ� ''I 2U1-33100-0(1-u00 FEQc�AL_G�2A.NT5_R_AI�S._ __.__._..�114.031...00 QG� 100.00 114.U31.00 1U0.00 _..._ .._:._._ . .___ _ stµ _._...__. _ _._.. . .. .__ _ ... . ,i 201-3i4U0-Ot)-000 STATE GRAriI'S 8 AIDS � ZU1-33401-0u-U00 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID '� _--_ 201-33402-00-.OJ0 NOMESTEAQ CREDIT-•---_�,_ _.___.�__�.__ _..T_____._____._._ _.._ _._..___ _____. .__.. ...----_._..---.._ ... 2ui-33403=0(�-00o MOESILE NOMF IIOMESTF.AD CKFD •; 2U1-334�4-40-000 ATTACHED MACIIItJERY AID ;� � 2U1-33413-UO-0o0 REDUCED ASSES$1�!EMT_CRED_it__.._..__.__..__._.. � -..._. .. -.-..... . ... . . _.__..�...._.__. ._. _ __..__. ..._ . _. ._. .._...._.... ... _.... _ _ . . . _ � 2U1-3'�422-UU-000 F15CAL DISPAFITIFS �y� �, ( 2U1-S3423-UU-000 AG PFtES[�'VFS {REDIT ��'��vy U��� L i 1U1-33425-0�-UQU____�THEft._STATE_GitA►ITS_R nc,ns _ __ .^ F_..pv_!h!A_.U(�v0l�`�,� . ' 2U1-34108-00-OU0 ADMINISTitATiVE F££-OTHEIt F 12.U00.00 � l0U.U0 � 12.000.00 10�.00 ' ; 201-361U5-O�J-000 PftINCIPAL ON NUTF.S 7.103.00 631.95 4.614.52 35.U3 2.48ti.48 35.03 ' ; 201-3G210-00-000 ___INTEREST ,EARN1tdG5-INVESTME 3r000.00 3r523.49 17 45- 523.49- 17.44- _ ._ _ ..._..�_ _._. . ..----- _.__._ .__. .--.. .. . _ ...___ _...... ` ?U1-3G211-Otl-OOU INTEf2EST EARUIt�GS-LOCH l0A 52.443.00 4.36b 5U 35.006.52 � �33.25 ^ 17.43b.48 33.2t. •`� 201-36212-00-000 INT[REST CARNINGS EILAKF Lt) 52.507.00 4.1�+6.37 33.T01.52 35.82 13.805.k3 35.•`.'1 '°1ZU1-36L15-OU-000 INTEREST_EAR�JIMGS_.__ _.. ___..___1.000.00 � _;___66.69 622.12 37 79 371.88 S7.%ri _ __._ ..__ ._ -- 201-36L2U-U0-U00 FcENTS B�ROYALTIES . --- -- --- -- .. _ .. _ . � 201-36230-00-000 CUNTRIBUTIUN/DONATION I'RIV , 2U1-362b0-00-000____ OTHER,REVENUF.. ._. ._._,.. . .. _...___ ._.._� .. _-._.. . � ,�_ __ , ' 101-3G265-00-OU0 US[ OF RESERVE FUNDS 254.256.00 �M,6fq,�'� 100.00 254.t5G.U0 ].J��.��0 �� 201-59101-UO-000 SALES UF GEHERAI. FIXED ASS b Ir � -_ 2u1-3G2o1-Uo-000__TRANSFER._fROPt__GEMERAL. FUNO_M_�_.�_,.__ .�...__.�....�____-_._. ._:.. ., " _ _ ..___ ____---.. _._..__..._.__._ .. _ ., 201-392U2-UU-U'OU CUNTFIBUTIOW FRO"i ENTEkPRI "� 1U1-34203-00-000 TRANSFER FROM------------- .' 201-59204-0_0,-tl00 ._.._TijANSFER, FROM. WATER_. NOOK-U _. ....._.:_.__ ..- _---.,..._.. ,� _ ..... _ ._ _. . � 1U1-39205-UO-D00 TR�NSFEfi Ff20Fl SE4fER NOOK-U � 201-3`d206-UU-000 Tt2ANSFER Ff20M STORM SEUER 'j ._....201-392U8-OU-�OO.�.TRAWSFER _FRUFi�_tiS�\ FUP�D... _._..__.._____. . _...._.______T_._.._._ ._..._... ___... ...___�______.___._----_.___ ... ..__ .--_ 'i 2U1-3')310-00-D00 �ONO Pf20CEEU5 _ CAfEGOFtY 3 RGVENUE 768.340.00 9.232.01 269.525.02 e4.�2 49b.814.9n b�.92 ',; _FU�•!D __,. . .....,20.,1_ _.F'.�R_T,_AUTHORITY_ FUNn 7b3.340.00 269.525.�2 64.92 498.814_93 6».92 I �x#�< TOTAt REVF.�JU�S ��� 76i3v340.00 9.2i2.01 269.524.92 64.Y2 498.814.y:t �4.92 �� _ _._. . .. . .__...__.__._.___._�__.__._�___.__��,._�.__..____......_..�._._ ' ..__,.�.._._�._:�._...—_.�.,..____._---_._.__._..._ _._�___.__._...:____, ' I ,:i , .+ � . . . _ 1 .. .__..... .., ... .._...._... ._..._._....�._��.�___.._..._�:._..'_'_..._..._._.�.._._........:._._..:...._�._�...�..���..���.�......�._�,.. _:.�.��._.�......�__. ........,.......�._.... _._._ _._....._._.__._.___.. ._.._... .._. ._._..... : . .. . . . f�1:p�:,�tA:� t;",44 . . . 1 UEiA[L THIAI. i'ALA`�C� ���.� ExPi:N;C S�CTIOr1 #�# 201 PORT AUTHU't21TY FUNU ' � � ---�---_-- ------- -_- --- T_�_._.__..:�_, ..T._�� . '� ACCOUMT t3UUGETED � ^� � � �T UUTSTDG�OUTSTAIJDING UNENCUM6EHE0 OUTSTDci 'f RCCUUNT NUMHEIt DESCRIPTION AMOUNT N-T-O Y-T-D YTD %: ENCUMRRANtE HALANCt VAR ': � ,� � .,..__.___—__._t._..._-------___.._.�._ . ._.._.._�._.�._._,..,._._ _ _ . ..------ _ ....._..__..__..._. ___:_..__ ' 201-4G300-01 103 PA�2T-TIME EMP�OYEES f�L-'GU -�� � .. _ ' 201-463r,0-01-104 PAt2T-TIM� EMPlOYf.ES - UVFR _ 201.-4G30U-Ui_-121 PE_Ft_A._CONTf2iE3UTIQNS.-----:_:�_�.._._:___... ,1 ---. �.___. _..---.----- ---_____..__.___.__.._.___.__.__._.___._.._ _. ZC1-46300-01-122 FICA CUNTRIBUTIQtyS "i 201-463'JO-U1-125 F;EDICARE COPlTRIRUTIONS � . � OBJ[CT __...... 1....._.._PFF2SOiJAL__SERVICES _ : ... _ ._ __.--__ _ - -- __ .._ . .. _ . _ _ _..__... 'f 201-4b30U-01-201 QFFICE ACCESSORI�S ' � 'I .__. CO1-4G300-01.-202----pUQ ICAT(NG__K._CU�YTNf; COST- -_�^^.��M--- -- _4,. __.___. _.__ __.. ___� __- - . . _.__._.__..__._ 'I 201-G630U-01-203 PRINTEU FORMS Q P.4('E!t . � .I 201-4G3U0-01-204 FNVELOPES 8 IETTERHEADS � � .._ 201-46S00-U1-20b.__ MI_�ROFI.I�(. SU('('LI.ES._.._..,_ _ ____.__ _____- -----.__.. ._...,_. __....- -- __ _ ._ ._.._ ___. .__..._.... ._ _ � 201-4b3U0-Q1-207 TRAItJI�lf .¢ INSTRUCTInNnL S ' IU1-463UU-01-20II MISCELLA'�EOUS SUPPLIFS "�_ __...201-4G3U0-01_209 (1THCR OFFI.CE._5�°�LIES-- . _--- --.•-.--._:..-.�_----__ _..__ _ _ ___....__. _.__ _. ..__.._. ...._. __..:.._.. _ "� LU1-4630U-01-219 OTHER UPERATING SUPPLIES '' 201-46300-01-221 EQUIFMENT FARTS �,. '{ 201-46300-01-�23.__.ftU_ILU_ING REf?AIF2 SUPPI.IES__.. _ .___�._._._..___._._ ._ . ._: .__. _...._.. . .._ _ ��a y�p�._... .___...._ __ ._. _ � Gi:J�CT 'L SI�Pf'lIES . , � i -..__201-46.i00-U1.-�01._.--AUU,IIIN�,_�_.ACC�U,►�T:ING___SERV_.._..------__.----=..�._ __..__ _ _.... . p�� ��lr i --_._...___ __ _ , LU1-4t�30U-01-307. AF2CHITECTS' FEES 3.UOO.UQ ' �` lUU.00 � 3.00U.OU lU11.0�� 201-4G30U-01-303 [NGINEER[i�G FEES 8.000.00 7.46$.9h 20.644.31 15b.05- 12.G44.3]- 1.5F.05- '� 2U1-46300-01-304_,�LEGAI FEES 8.000.00 1.462.49 R1.�2 6.53 .S1 di.71 ..... -- ---- _.�.__ ...__._ ..._. _.__ ...�__ -... _ . . . � . .....:. ._.... _ __.._._ __ ..... `� 2�)1-463�0-0]-3U5 MEQIChL R DENTAI. F[ES - -... ._. _�.__ . .. _. j LU1-46300-41-3U6 PERSO��MEI TESTING R KECf:UI ' j _._.201-4630U-01-.30_7 MAWAGEH[tJT FEES_--��_:._---.-.- ------__ ---,-.-•--.-_. . _ _._._ ... .__. :.._ __ __- --- ._ __,.._.__: _ ... 'i 201-4ti30U-U1-30& INSTRIJCTORS� FEES ' 2il1-4G300-U1-310 TESTIWG 5ERVICES r� �L� � �i , LO1-4G300-01-313----T'cf4P0�tARY_��N.VICE,_FEFS _ .._.._:.,_ __. __._. ...____ _... .. ..._ ��`"��.. . _ _ '"� 201-46390-U1-317 GEtJ�L FUUD A(1MIJ FEES 4.750.00 S,b25.0U 16.67 1.1?.5.00 15.66 '� 201-46�U0-01-319 UTHER PFUFESSION�L SERViCE 23.500.00 3.Gi0.00 9.698.i9 58.73 13.301.G1 55.73 � i i _---ro1-<<v3oo-oi.-:;.za._ ,.[:t,ENriuNF_cos.L�._ .�___....__._ .__,...__.�� :._.___.._ ._ ._...._.__._._ . . .__.�_._ _ .._---__-. --____ : _._ . 2U1-4G3U0-01-322 POSfAGE COSTS 201-463U0-U1-331 TRAVEL EXPENSE 1.OQ0.00 618.93 38.11 381.07 3!'.1�J � ' 201-463C�0-U7.-341._:_...EMPIUYMENL_.AbV[RTI.SING.- •--_..__.._._._�-----:�:_...._.. _.. . . , _ . __. ..__ _ _ ... _..._ _.__ _ 201-4G3U0-01-349 OTHEft ADVERTISIDIG "! ZU1-4G300-01-351 LEGAI NOTItES PUN�ISFIIMG 400.00 100.00 4UU.UU 100.Co � i_...._.101-40300-01_-35.2____GEt1E(?AL_NO_t.LSES_3__�.UBII.C_I_.._._�._._.�.�..�..___._.�._._.--- .._----.--_...._.--- _._._ ,_.___.. .. ....__. __ .._... ._ ._ ; 201-46300-01-3S3 QZDINANCE PUEfLICATIQW ` cJ• ;� 'LO1-G6300-U1-365 wORKMEN•5 COMP INSURANCE 2.000 00 _,�i� 1�0.00 2.000.00 100.0U • j .�.._LU1-4b300-Q1-364_.._._aT.HER_..INSU.R�NCE_.__..__... .._ ._ .._.. _._.-.------_.�__..__�.._ _...__. _ . �_.. __ ... . �rC(1 _. .. __ ___ __ __ . ___ "i 201-�.i,3�U-01-389 OTNER UTIIITY SF.RVICES 1R.24 18.24- 1 ui:i,lk:C.i 3 UTHFR SEFVICES 8 CHnZrF. 52.G50.00 10.9i8.96 38.067.36 27.70 14.S:i2.6h 27.t>J "'� _ __._._ .__..__�__._._._�.A._.�.�_.__�..� .._ __,.._�_::__----_.,...,.�-•_----__ .�..__:. _. __.___._____.__ .....___ _ .__.__ . _ _ .._.. . .__ °i LU1-46300-01-401 CUWTRACTEU NUILDING Rf:PAIR � `�� 201-4G300-U1-403 COt;TRACTED R 6 tt-OTHER IMP 2.00U.UO 100.0U 2.000.00 100,p0 � ', .......2ti1-463u0.-01-4Q'1..__.:..C1TME42.....CONT.EtACIED._.REPAIR._8.._�..___.�_...__..-------------.__._--:._. _._._ ._.�_ ..._ _ .___.._:._... _ .__.._ ..._. �) 201-4o5�0-01-415 t1THEk f(JUI�MENT R[NTAL , ;� 201-4GS�0-01-433 DUFS & SU35C1?IPTIO�!5 1.BOU.00 357.OU. 80.17 1.443.U0 30.1h � ; . . ZU1-46300-01-.435----..�uOKS_.3_YAt•1P.tiLETS---•--- . _ _._... ._�..__._40O.OR___...,___..._. _.____.____ .._._ 21x.70_...___45.45 .__..:. . inl.dn 45.�.5 ii � _) .__...._.. ..._ .___--------- -_ __.__�---•------------ l��,il�,��i�'1 :;A/�4 p'r.:fAll T12(A� �4AlA�tCc r �x�:� CxP�i�SC SECTlUN ��x� 2�1 PURT FUTHORtTY FUNU � ______ _.. . ; __.-----..__.�.� ACCOUWi -.__ _...____. - t)UUGETEU �. -- _....�___._._....----.. __ ..._____,-•UUTS7UG .- .OUTSTANOING UNE�!CU`18F;�EU t)UTSit1G t; � ACC�UNT tJU11;iER DESCf2I�'TIOt� At�10UNT M*T-u Y-T-U YTU ': ENCUN(iRANCE E�ALANCE VAt' : i.; � � 201-4GStlU-01-43' -- WtIFt.RE:Nf.ES..R SENtNhRS_ ..._. .,.__._. 3.000..00�. .. . _ ..... ... ,_.._ 1.405.U0__.___ 53.17 __.. ... 1.595.U'I 5�.to �! ( 1U1-6G30U-01-43� OTHER t1I5C'tLIANE�US CNA�tGE 250.00 21.G5 41.34 ' 22it.35 �].34 i` i U3J�:Ci 4 UTH�R :,[R'/ICL'S F. CtI�.RGf_ 7.45U.00 7..001.85 73.13 5.448.15 �?.11 !�'i 101-4GS00-01-510 LAND PURCHASES S'�vr��2 120.000.00 . 4.876.SU 95.94 115.123.5!) 95.93 ^� 201-4G300-01-511 ..._..LANO. PURCNASES _.. . ._.. ... SV. �Dtlt�ff�.15.000-0U ___.. . _ 100.00 15.000.00 1pQ.UU "'; 201-4G30�-U1-512 LAND PUKCHASES �, ���Z 40,000.00 1u.000.U0 10,000.�u 75.u0 � 3o.UOU.Oo 75.Ct� ►.i�i 101-4G3U0-01-513 LANU F'URCNASf:S � "LU1-4G300-01-h14____L,_A_tvl)_PURCHASFS ; 2U1-45300-01-515 LAtJD NURCHASES . _ _ _ ...._ _ ---__`_____...---.. ..__. _._ _..._.._, _ _,_ .___. ___ _. , p��a 54�K��tqat� ► "� 2U1-46300-U1-521 �UIIDIP�G & STRUCTURE PU12CN I�dp}��pf,. �4"d�Pf� � ' , 201-4530U-U1-522 l3UILUIMG R SiRUCTUI:E PURCH - - . .... . _._ _ .__ .--- -.__ . _ _.. . , 2n1-46300-01-5:i0 IMF'ltoVEMFNTS OTHF:R THAN I.iL . , ' �i 2U1-46300-OL-531 IMPhUVt:hcNT5 �THEN THA`J 8L e01-4o300-01-5S2 IriP�tUVEFirhJTS OTNER TNAP! �C --- . --- _._----.__ . _ . . .- -----.___�:.._-----_.__ _ ._.. _ _ _ ZO1-4G30U-01-533 IMPRUV[M[:NTS�OTHEft TNA"J 6l 2U1-4G300-U1-534 1MPROVEt4ENT5 OT}��{t THAN fSL 201-4G300-Ot-535 IMPRUVEMFMTS UTHF..R TH�n tiL .___ .. . .. _._.._. .._ .. ,_. ..._ ....... ____.. _ _... . . _._ _ f ZO1-4G300-01-S80 QTHER E��1dPMENT PURCIfA;�S . UeJECT 5 CAPITAL OUTIAY 175.0�O.OQ 1(t.U0U.U0 14,97G.50 91.50 1t,J.123.50 Y1.4y : . ._ _ ._.._.---- _-------A_.__---. ______.LpCG i . _ _ __� .___ __ . : ��... _._ _ _ _._ � 'LU1-4o300-01-71U TRANSF�RS ��"" � 406r000.00 � � 172.OU0.00 SJ.64 2_�4,000.00 57.65 ' 'LO1-453U0-01-720 TRAtJSfERS Q�'�� 50.000.00�' ��� 50,000.00 � ' � UhJEtt 7 OTNER F[NANCIN6 USES 456.0OO.OA Pa3d �u f``�� 222.000.00 51.32 234.UQ0.00 51.31 _ . _ _. _ _ _ ' j SUIS-UrPARTM(WT O1 UF'ERATiPIG HUbGc=T 6Q1.1U0.U0 70.d38.9h 776.945.11 59.93 414.154.Z4 5�.'�[ 1 201-46300-07.-10� FULL-T211E E:i1PL0YfE5 - REGU 43.863.OQ 3�3GU.T3 24.900.SY 43.23 18.v62.Gi 43.25 p _ _... . .. . . _ _ ...__ . _ _ _ _..._ `.I 2G1-4G30U-0?-102---�FULL-TINE EMPLOYEES - OVER 201-4G30U-02-103 PART-TIME EMPL(1YFES - REGU . �"i 2U1-46300-02-104 PART-TIME EMPLQYEES - OVER __ _ _ _. _ .._ _.._�.:�_..___._______ .. . _._._....--- ...... :_. .._.. .. .__..._. __-___. _.... 2UL-4ti30U-U2-lU5- -- COwP TIM[ PA1� � 2C1-46SU0-02-1Oh CUMP TIMC USEt) 2U1-4b300-0?-107 SICK PAY 178.45 713.R4 713.d4- ; 2U1-4630�-02-108+ VACATIOM .PAY.__.___.__.._.. _ _ .__....__.i.907.00'._...._....._.. ._. _.. . _ .___1.784.61 ._.__-..h.42._..___. . 122.34 4.41 201-463U0-G2-109 HOLIDAY RAY 2.022.00 � 1.070.76 47.04 Y51.24 47.U4 2J1-46300-02-111 SEVERANCE f'AY ; -- . _.__ . .__ _ _ _. .. _ . .._... _ :_.__ .. _ , _ . _ _ _ . ._ __ . .___ . _ � 201-463UU-02-113 UTNER PAY "� 2U1-4630U-U7.-114 UTNER PAY • � 2u1-46300-02-117 BACK PAY , _.__ _----- ---- -_ ' � 201-46300-02-121 PERA CDNTRIBUTiU�lS. . ._ ___. ...�-..-2r141.00-- _. 159.90 1.359.15 ..� 36.52 . 7R1.35 3b.51 2U1-4G300-02-122 FICA CONTRIBUTIOhS 2�963.OU 221.0h 1.879.13 36.58 1.033.87 36.5� � � 2U1-46300-02-125___.. MEUICAhE CONTR28UTION$ _ ___._.,_,.;;_693.00 _., ___ ,_ .� 51.70 439.48, _, 36.58 253.52 ' 36.53 j 2U:1-463J0-02-129 OTHER RETIBEMf.�Ji C�NTf21�iUT ; 201-4G300-02-131 N��1LTN IldSURANCF 1.435.00 � 11Y.S4 95b.3Z 33.36 478.6r:. 3i.35 .,t i ._. 2oi-4os00-o2-13?____p[nT_AL_ IJJSURANSE..._.___. .__ _..___..___.T.�239-00_____....___... 19.96 _._._ . ..._159.bt3_ _�.__33.19 ,__ _._ 79.32 33.1fi ' ; 201-46300-U2-].33 LI FE ItJSURANtE 153.00 11.U�i Fs8.64 42.07 64.36 42.0h 2U1-4G300-U2-134 DISARIIITY INSURANCE ,w 2U1-4G300-U2-137 UhIFURPt COtvTRI9UTI0MS _._..._ . ._ _ . _ _. .__.__.... _._. ... _ ,.. ._ _ _ . .. . , j 2U1-4G30U-07-13Y. FLE�( ADN[N CONT,tIBUTiUtaS ; LO1-453�U-02-13U f.)TUEN COrJTl;if{Uilr�t�IS �� ' t)BJE:CT _ ._...__._l.__._ :P_=RSU!JAL.--5Ef2.V(CES __55.4_16.-U.�_:.._�4.152.4E3__..._:.33..352.2U..---�9.81,_.__.___. 27.063.80 3�.R1 , � � � • _ - --. .___-----.._._ _. :_.._._..: ._.__.. _ _._... _ _� _ . _ � ' � ��:<{�:,�;n�i cna�, � � r�t�rni� tiit;,L �;nLn,:c�_ MM'� LXPE`_"1SF SFCTION td�� 201 PUitT AUTH(?RtTY FUNU ' _ ._________._ _.-.- -_------ ----_^____._._.____._.__..__.._ .,.._----.�_.__._..__.__�_._�..___..__�.�__ '' ACCOUNT 3UDGETf.D !� �� TOUTSTOG OUTSTANDING UNENCUP1ElENED UUJSTOG ;'� ACCUUt:T MUM9tR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 'M-T-D Y-T-U YTD Y ENCUMtiRANCE HAIAiVC[ VAN : �,i • 1:i _._ yUd-DCPAR7Mf P�T '-�02__. EMPLOYEE 1�DkAf..__/00°t0_._...__.._._..55.416.p0 �._. ._4.152.48._ � 33.352.20 _ _ 39.81__.. ._._._ . _ .._. ..._ ... . 72.063.80 39,k1 �, i ; � . 201-4G3Q�-03-1U1�FUlL-TIME_EMPLAYEE5 -_HEGU_ .___l.l._419.00_..._..._..._ .434..27 ..___.. 6.SY3.22 ._ _ 42.2b. _ .:.,. ._ 4.8Z5.73 4T..2h I 201-4G300-03-102 FULL-TIME EMPLQYEES - OVER 32.ST 446.51 446.51- I"I 20.1-4b30U-03-103 PART-TIME FMPLOYEfS - REGU ', _ 2G1-46.3�0-US-.104.___.....PART-TIME:._EMf�L0YFE5 -. OVER ._._.....__�___. _..,� . ..._. . .'.; 101-463U0-03-106 COMP TIM� EARPIED R USEt� _ 103.58 103.53- ,: , 201-45300-03-107 SICK PAY f,2.04 1t�R.01 1Rd.01- i 201-463UU-03-lU�t__ VACATIUtr' f?AY_.:_ _ _ _ ._._..._--__�90.u0_ ___._. 496.32_ :_ K25.52 . 7.24 b4.45 7.24 ' j 201-4b30U-03-109 N�LIOAY PAY 544.00 ?.7R,42 48.82 2b5.58 4R.�1 201-4G3U0-03-111 SEVERANCF FAY ,.j 201-46300-03-113----C?TNER_.f'AY.._..___.. ,._. .... _ _..._ _ ---_ _...--_.... _ _ _ _.._.__ _.. . _. ---_ , , "1 2U1-4G300-03-1.14 orHtr, PAY ' � 2U1-463UU-U3-11'l EtACK PAY '"' _201-4b30U-U3-121.___HE_�A_COiJ:Tf?I[3UT[Q�JS. ._... _ ...._ _.._.___.575 00...__..... _...__. .45.92... _.._.. . 377.RG _ 34.29 _ : 197.14 34.?.�? � 201-46300-03-122 FIGA CONTR1EiUTIQ1�S 796.U0 62.56 515.20 35.28 280•tS� 35-27 2U1-4G30U-03-125 MEDICAhE CRNTRItlUTI0N5 186.00 74.63 120.46 35."24 A5.54 35.23 '! _ . 201-4G300-�3-129..__._Ui.HER_F[T.T.REM�NT..C�NTR[f3U�__. ---. ..__......_.. _. _...__ _ _ _...-- - , ; 201-4G300-03-131 NEALTII 1NSUftANCF 718.00 59.76 . _ 47R.15 .� 33.41 . _ 239.rS5 3_i.uQ '"� 201-4G3t)0-03-132 UEPITAL INSURA�Ck 120.00 9.97 74.80 33.54 40.20 33.50 `;...:_._ 201-4G300-U3-.133_.,LI.FE_I�lSU'tANCE..._...._. . ,,._: _ . .---._.. _._. 7(�.00._.._......__. ._S�_5�! __ . _ 44.3U. _ . 41.71 31.70 4t.71 ZU1-46300-03-134 DISA(1ILITY IN51)RAMCf '' ' 2U1-46300-U3-137 UNtFnRM COVTHIEiUT10N5 "? 201-463Q0-�3-1.33.._.._,FLEX_ADMIN_CUNTfiIliUi_tONS__. . . ... , . .___.__._..___._. _........__ . ._�__. ....,....... ..._ _. .. __., _.__ . _ . I�I ZU1-463�JD-U3-13�) (iTlfEr� C�NTRI��UTIONS "j URJ�Ci 1 P�KSONAL SE�VICES 15.324.00 10.051.tl3 34.41 5.'271.97 3��.4U '" __ �Uts-��}'AitTt�E:NT_ 03____E11PL_OYE['_7__. � 15.324.00�.__._._1.27_5..60_.____ 10,051.03 54.41 5.272.vi S�•.4J i ---- �f.L ..-S0°�p.---__.. 1' { 201-463u0-04-101 FULL-TItiE EMPLOYEES - REGU . �"I .201-4630U-04-107____FULL.-TIMc��Mt'LOYEE.S...- OVER.__...._._._.._ ...._.._..�._._. _ ._ _ . . __....._...._._ .._. _ -- -_ _.. .___.__ .... _ 'I 2U1-4a3UU-UG-lU3 �nkT-TIN�' FMP��YFES - REGU � 1 2U1-4G3U0-U4-104 PAP,T-(IHE EMPLOYFES - f?VER __:'O1-4G300-U4..-106__TCOMP__TItiE E��t�fQ:_.R_.USEU______.._...�..--------- -__:.___..._..._.. . _ ... ..__. ._...._. ...._ . .. ._._. ..._ _ . . 201-4G30U-�)4-1U7 SICK PAY � i 'j "LU1-4G3U0-04-108 VACATIUN PAY �.��'� 201-46300-04-109....__HOLIPAY_P_AY __ _. __ ..._____ __... .. _ _ ;"i JO1-463U0-0�.-111 .S'F.VERANCE PAY - . , �'i ZUL-46500-04-113 QTHER PAY :' I ._. _.1U1-463U0-04-114_._._QT.HEI�. t'AY__�:._ ._ ._..._ _.._ ____..._. ..._.__._.. _.... .. .... .... ...... . _ . _ _. .., _._ __.. . ... 201-463U0-04-117 RACK PAY ,�"� 201-4G300-U4-121 PERA CONTRIUUTIONS ;", . _ 201-463ofl-04-122.....___FICA_CON.TRIf�UTI0N5 ....... ... ...... ---.:...., _ _. _..._ _ _ i'',i 201-4b3U0-04-125 N£DICAHE GONTR1t3UTI0N5 2U1-4�300-04-129 pTNEEi RETIP,EMENT CQ1�fitit3UT ' i�.i ._ _201-463UU-04-i31_..__HEALTH.__INSURANCE_.�.... __.__...... _._. _.__. .__ __._ _....:_.�__ __ .----_._ _. ..._ ... ._ .:_ ___.._._. ...._. ..._ ._ ___ 'LO1-463�0-04-132 GENTAL INSURANCE ` ZO1-4G3U0-04-133 LIFE INSURhNCE i"! ._:___2U1-4o3D0-04-13�i.__......DISAliILIT.Y__It4SURAPlCE ..__.___ _ - _....___.._..----.___....__,... . _..._ . ._..,....._ .__.. _. ... _ 2U1-46300-04-137 U��IFOftN CONTF21f�UTIONS ���" 101-463Q0-Q4-13�i FlE�( ADt1IN CONiRIBUTiON$ �'�� .2U1-4b3U0-04-134.__.... .UT HER. .CO�lTI�I3UTIONS_.:_.. .: � � ��_�.____� _---- ---------------- uAI L: U`1-U1-'I.i T I�ti_: 1] :il� ll I Y '.r t.�::. �„u �� P�tUGf2AM GA44 UCTAII: T�2TAl E�.4LAyC`. . � r:::; C xY rv�E �EC1[Or! hx�� 201 PORT AUTHURI TY FUNU , _. _ .. _j�.----._.____----._.—._------ ACCUU!JT `�...__��^�`—aUfiGET�D ----^—��_.^—.__.____ __..—_.— OUTSTDG UUTSTAyDI�lG UNEMCUMHEREU UUTtiTqO ; , , � AMOUNT M-T-D Y-T-O YTD : ENCUM3RA�ICE BALANCE yqr '; �,'I ACCUUP�T IJJ?.dEt, DESCRIPTION i,t _.._ ____ . �... _.. ._._........ ._ . .. ... .�_..__ _-___�. ._. .. ., _ . ___ ___. . _. __. _ I �)YJf:Ci 1 -- PLt�SU`�AL SFF'VtC£S ► I 51J11-pEf'AftTf1C�l1 04 E"'�'lU�i � 3 �C1INMIS+�j1V�t�"'S� __. _ __._ _. . _ : - _ �__ _ .. __. ._ .. i . 0 56... . .. ___ __ _._____ _._----___---.- --- _ 3.5 5 0 , .._ _ _. _ ___---- - _ ' 1 1 ''I 201-46300-99-103 PAHT-lIMF. Et1Pl0YfES - REf,U 6.300.00 2i7b5.00 2i765.00 56.11 ��'� 2U1-46300-99-1U4 FART-TIME EM�'LOYEES - c)VER ��i 201-G6300-99-121 __NEf�A,.CQNTRI+3UTIUNS_.. _, _ _ SU.Ov 59.U� .. �.._.. _.._.: _ '<y 101-46300-9v-122 FICA CUNTfZIEflfTIONS 100.00 49.91 49.91 50.09 65.41 6�.41 '��I 2U1-463U0-9��-125 htf_pICAPf CONTRILtUTIOP:S I•4S°l�o lU0 00 ;4.59 34.Sv f�5.41 I � 201-4u30U-d`)-129 _ ._l.�i_HER RETIf:EMENT_C�NTt21EiUi. -. - --_ --- - - -- __ __ . _ .. ._. ._ ..5.___. ..._._.._.. _ _ ._ . .. ___.. _ . �"" 3.650.50 SG.I 6 � - 6, UO UO 2.849.SU 2.849.SU 56.1b ' '' U3JFCT 1 PERSO��AL Sf_NVICES 3.65J.50 56.1�, , � 5UH-DEPAftTMENT 99 PAKT-TIME PERSUDlNEL b.5U0.00 2.849.50 2.849.50 56.16 445.141.56 57.93 , � pEl ARTMENT 630U�PUl2T AU_TN�RI7Y __, 763.340.00___;,._ _29.164.54 _.,323.198.44 57.94 __.. 445.141.5G 57.,3 , .� �ATt�Of2Y 4 EXPENDITUf?E 76$.340.00 19.1�+4.54 323r19R.44 57.94 �:� 445.141.Sh 57.�3 � t=UNU 2U1 . PORT AUfH(�RIiY fUND 768.340.00 29.164.5�� 323.149./4 57.94 --_... ... ._ ....- . _ . . . .. . _. . .. _ .3 � �--. _._.__. ...._ _.._ ___._..._.._�__.� _.._---._._. . ._. _ .._ . ---- ..___�----•• 4 4 5.141.5 h S 7.�� i. , �x�# TOTAL EXPE�lDITURES ��# 7G8.340.00 T9.164.ti4 323.198.44 57.Y4 , i � � .._... _ _ �'', - -_. ___.._._.... . --.. ___._.._.._.. --__. ..__ �.__ . _._<._ ___ � __--_ -.. __>.. _____�----._- 201 PORT 4liTHORII'V FU'JD i"� Y T D Y-T-U AUJ J E"•CU t:E�t , ; 'i FUNU _ _ t k t1 t r� __ . ___ -•--------------.�_ " FUNOGBAI���-. RECE]NT�- - - EXpENU FUND 3AL ENCUMNRANCE FUNU f:Al ! NU:1�Ert FU�� �CSCRIPTION :�i 2G9.525.02 323.19R.44 53.673.42— 53.673.4?— , 201 �# A,CTUAI_..RUOGETP,RY.. AMOUNTS_..%� . .. _.______.__ ....__ _... _.... , � . � j � I,.I . ', � _..._._.____,_ ..---- - � I _ _ . ___. .__._.__. __ .. ��•i _�._ __� . __----- -__. . _._._._. .... __.._. _----- .____---`-----------...__. ._. . , . � , � •) _ , i„ _ . - - ____ ____ _ . , _ � ' ___.. _ __ .._____--- _..�._�_.:�---...-----" .._..... __� . . ..._.....__............._. _ .. _.._...._.__. .._. • j �,,; i � . .. .. . . ..... . _ _ _. ... _ . . . , ,. � ' . _-__ ...__... ...__ . ' ,, _.._...._..�_ _._ . _ . i _. ._. .�.. ...---__..�_.___.__._�. . _ _._ .__---.___..__.�__.._.___�._�......... ...._._.._ � . � � � t _....... __._ ...... _ _ ... .:. .__ .. _...._, � .. _ . _ _ � _..._.._ . _...._.._ . _ _ ',� �. I ._ ..._ ._.__ .._. ..._ .. . _.._�___._.________.__ __._.._.. _ _. ... .. .__ ._....,._.. ___._ . . .._. ` _. . _- i'' _.._ _._._ __ _....__ . _ _ _ ,f _ _ __ .._____. .___ ._.__ . � �� ... � � � � . . . . � i.,� ' . . . . . � . . . . . . . � . ... � . . �..,i.. . . � . _, .__..__..�.._._ .._...�.._.. _.._._. .�._._..__.. .'__"_.__.__. __._. ._._..._... .. .. .. . .. . . . . . .. � .. . ,_�._�_.»_..�.^._... .._ _ ._._. . . _._�_-_.__._'__ � . . . .. _.....' .. "'_ . . . . . ' �.,�I � � � . � . .. . � .. . ...... ..... .........__.. .... ..._...__ . . . � . . . . . � . t MEMO TO: Chair Dunn Commissioners Anderson, Carroll, Edwards, McMenomy, Sinnwell, - Wippermann FROM: John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator DATE: September 28, 1993 RE: Review of 1993 Activities and 1993 Work Program and Budget In an earlier sta.ff report I gave you a very brief synopsis of our activities over the last year. For your use at the Saturday work session I want to provide you a more detailed account. The 1993 Work Program was divided into three parts: 1. Cunent Projects. These were work tasks that the port authority "inherited" from either its predecessor organizatian or from the city council. These included 1} Strese Oil, 2) Repairs, Inc, and 3) Armory business acquisitions. 2. Administration. This was a catch-all. included here are l) Star City recertification, 2) staff support of the Downtown Scoping Committee, 3) business liaison, and 4} general administration activities including everything from audits to agenda packet preparation. 3. New Initiatives. This category included the first real port authority activities and included 1) senior housing, 2j business park develogment, and 3) CMC housing. Let rne review each of these: • Strese Oil: The port authority negotiated with the Streses for several months. Streses were asking for relocation benefits in the range of$70,000 to $100,000 and there was additional concern about the real value of the property. To resolve the issue, the commissioners made an offer to the property owner which was not accepted. No further action was taken. Streses have since leased a portion of the site to Auto Fitness Center. • Repairs, Inc.: A request for proposal was drafted and submitted to potential developers of the Repairs, Inc. property. A developer for the site was selected by the board and that partnership has until early 1994 to initiate its project. . � The port authority also negotiated an agreement with Repairs, Inc. voiding its repurchase agreement. • Armory Business Acquisition and Relocation. This major project of moving six businesses and purchasing four properties is mostly complete. The sale of bonds provided $600,000 for this work. Three prablems were encountered in - completing this work. 1. An illegal residence was found that required payment af $29,000 for relocation. 2. Contamination of properties was discovered that was not identified in the phase 1 environmental assessment. Clean-up costs were more than $30,000. 3. One property required condemnation and with it considerable legal costs. In addition our property appraisal was found to be in error and with the resulting condemnation activities the purchase price escalated. At this time my estimate is that total costs will exceed budget by $75,000 to $100,000. � Star City Recertification. This work was completed and the city received , recertification. This work was approximately twelve months late and MDTED had Rosemount in something of an "inactive" limbo. � Business Liaison. Work completed here included activity with businesses interested in coming to Rosemount (Gateway Foods, GTI, Cornfort Inn, Muller), work with local land owners wanting to develop their land (Carlson, Behrens, Lund), and work with the chamber of cammerce. • Downtown Redevelopment Planning. I provided staff assistance to the Downtown Scoping Committee. The group campleted its work with presentation of its plan to the city council about six weeks ago. • General Administration. Agenda packets were prepared, bills paid, and other paperwork was completed. • Seflior �Iousing. Work has continued with the Dakota County I3R.A in selecting a site for the seniar housing projects. The location issue was raised at the council level and the HRA through its architect has campleted a review of the sites to present to the port authority on October 5. It has been widely discussed by the commissioners to use CDBG funds for property acquisitian. 2 . . + This would include both the 1992 and 1994 allocations, an amount I would estimate to be at least$250,000. • Business Park Development. A site has been selected. Planning and engineering studies have been completed. A purchase has been negotiated. A project plan and budget for the purchase has been approved by the city � eouncil. The sale of bonds for the purchase price is pending. Development of preliminary and fmal plats has been authorized. A subcommittee of the authority is presently developing a promotion plan for sale of the land. In 1994 the need for infrastructure will need to be addressed. • CMC Housing. Very little activity. Very preliminary discussions with CMC have been held regarding 1) drainage to the business park and 2) use of TIF funds for development of the project. dw 3 � i MEMO TO: Chair Dunn Commissioners Anderson, Carroll, Edwards, McMenomy, Sinnwell, - Wippermann , FROM: John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator DATE: September 28, 1993 � RE: Money Issues Related to Completion of the 1994 Work Program and Budget In another memo in this agenda packet I indicated that at the Saturday work session we should probably discuss actual projects and work tasks for 1994. In fact I even listed some sample prbjects. Unfartunately, budgeting always gets down to money. In this regard, I've attached for your review two documents that were used in the 1993 budget process but that are still valid for 1994. They are: 1. Prajected Port Authority Cash Flows for the Years 1994 through 2008. 2. Projected 1993 TIF Revenues (1994 is not available but should increase about $15,000). Here are some other fmancial considerations: • The armory acquisition and relocation will go over budget. A total of $500,000 was available from bond sales and that may be exceeded by as much as $104,000. This will probably need to come from port authority reserve. • Interest earnings though small will likely decline, a decline of maybe $3,000. � Nothing shouid be placed in the budget for business park infrastructure even if identified as a work item. With bonding a "construction fund° would be created separate from the operating budget. � The third of three $50,000 installments paying the $150,000 loan to the HRA was made in 1993. • Assuming a 2 1/2 percent increase in i994 salaries and benefits for a full-tune economie person and half-time support person would total$73,223.00. � Bond payments inciuding principal and interest for Lach and Blake will total $172,635.00. • Bond payments for the annory/community center will total $119,762.50. So how much money is available far new projects? Being conservative I'd figure $50,000. - With same luck, e.g. smaller overrun on armory acquisition, there might be $100,000. dw 2 PROJECTED PORT AUTHORITY CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEARS 1994 THROUGH 2O08 PROJECTED 1/1/94 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE: $150,000 PROJECTED BLAKE LOCH 1988A 1992E REVENUE OPERATING ANNUAL CUMULATIVE TAX MORTGAGE MORTGAGE TOTAL BOND BOND AVAILABLE BUDGETS SURPLUS SURPLUS YEAR INCREMENT PAYMENTS PAYMENTS REVENUES PAYMENTS PAYMENTS AFTER DEBT 2%GRrJWTH (DEFICITj (DEFICI� 1994 285,000 62,400 60,000 407,400 167,185 90,868 t49,347 140,000 9,347 159,347 1995 285,000 62,400 60,000 407,400 tfi7,575 117,981 121,844 142,800 {20,956} 138,391 1996 285,000 65,400' 63,000 41'3,400 166,935 114,181 132,284 145,656 (13,372) 125,019 1997 285,000 74,400 72,OOQ 431,400 165,245 119,800 146,355 148,569 (2,214) 122,805 1998 285,000 74,4Q0 72,000 431,400 167,248 134,469 129,683 151,541 (21,858) 100,947 � 1999 285,000 83,400 81,000 449,400 167,6$0 933,250 t48,470 154,571 (6,101) 94,846 2000 285,000 86,400 84,000 455,400 0 0 455,400 157,663 297,737 392,583 2001 0 86,400 84,000 170,400 0 0 170,400 160,816 9,584 402,167 2002 0 86,400 84,000 170,40d 0 0 170,400 164,032 6,368 408,535 2003 0 95,400 93,000 188,400 0 0 188,400 167,313 21,087 429,622 2004 0 98,400 96,000 194,400 0 -0 t94,400 170,659 23,741 453,363 2005 0 100,400 98,000 198,400 0 0 198,400 174,072 24,328 477,690 2006 0 109,400 108,400 217,400 0 0 217,400 177,554 39,846 517,537 2007 0 108,000 108,000 216,000 0 0 216,000 181,t05 34,895 552,432 2008 0 90,dOtl 35,550 125,550 0 0 125,550 184,727 (59,177) 493,255 TOTALS 1,995,000 1,283,200 1,198,550 4,476,750 1,001,868 710,549 2,764,333 2,421,078 . Housiog-H F�c-B BAS£ 9ASB Ct�,RENT TAX GROSS CA�YT�L''D 2�'.D. SBARED 2IET VP:LLTE T. I. DIS7i'RI( -R 10EAR �fAS,[TS CAPA�23? VAI, TAX CAPACl'TY O4tiTSiIB. T.I. CAPT[fRED DOLLARS LAKEVILLE ' �JSi Dispatcl� � R 19$3 28,878 128,6b9 89,I2G $9,I26 104,2�4 19 Toro L 1986 6,b33 ,141,885 135,252 48,325 86,927 102,673 � ��op E 1986 23,449 184,510 166,561 160,561 187,735 32 St.CilizenC�tr_ H 1988 975 36,441 i5,456 25,466 18r087 33 DKMPm�Btsfg. R 1488 4,758 36,927 � 32,169 32,L69 37,,b18 31 F7eex.Farm E I985 22,4Ifi 31i,183 298�267 298,2fi7 348f?88 ' 36 Ar�anaePlaza R 1987 �,174 17,93� 10,761 21l,76�, 12,584 - 3g 5uutbfordApts R 148? 3�$08 282r377 218r5fi9 27$�559 325r747 ii� Meaclaw'sN.MktHsg E i989 2,535 5,552 3,if17 3,027 3,529 b0 G6�LZI�TCCCBittCi E 1991 25�409 47t2�'3 31�$64 1�8 4 37i2 ..:...... .........o..�a•:::.......,�.,_......,.. .r::�� .��.:•cxu:.::.:::>::..;y:..:;>x:a�^�..,•+.'�"ar�.i4'-,:r=.`.x`-::•":�^d,,..y.:.�fFi.%�::�:?'.;.ii:a::.�8':t.;.:`.-:)..1n aa3 „S�.x •.xa.: .^Rx g3 . -..�..r:.�:,:..;...1-a^!_�:c.ru:.�oz.a+:•:•-..,.:sr.A:--.. �a.%:,•_. %:�^-x�>r`x.-:.....:�r� ..;;•,-:<,.> >F,...y... ..C..- „¢. s. >...:.:• �.�y.• .� � _ � �iss•:,..,•:_:••,ar-•:��ra,-,r>-^;:i:tixr• .�a. ,a�.. ....._,, r> � .-- .. .,;.__.. .ar;r,.`...�... ...:•.;� : . ;�:�.•_>•�c +��y-�yr. �..�e:t�....,.�.,nx. .{.t��.:c;. i��f� . .._s-..kxw_�.>...�:�;a�<..wc...4au<..<-_�.ra .ti`x,o�:.<.ao:�- ./ +� apy.�c. � ;. :<a. :r ch,�A'-x .'.�,s... ._».•. 3�.:...� � k:: � - -r.�...-�- . 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'-' 7U1-3G211-00-00U 1NTEftEST EAR^J1t�G5-LOCH lQA 51.443.00 4.366.5U 35.006.52 33.25 �� � 17.436.48 33.2�. �•� 201-36Z12-00-000 INT[i2E5T EARh�IrJGS-BLkKf_ LQ 52.507.00 4.1hG.37 33.701.52 35.82 13.8�5.4g 3S.`.'1 '�,I 201-36L15=00lOOO�INTERE_ST_EAR�JiNGS _. .._ ._ ,.__.__.,__._1.000.00 _ _____r6b.69 622.1'Z 37.79 377.88 i7.7ri _. .. .. _ . ._. ..._._ .. _._.. __....._ ----- . . . _ ; 201-3GL2U-UQ-U00 kENLS 8 ROYALTIES� 201-36230-00-000 CUNTRIBUTIUN/DONATION-I'R1V ' 2U1-3G260-00-000 OTHER REVENUF � � �� �" lUl-3G265-00-OU0___ USE OF�RESERVE FUNOS _ _.__..__.Z54.256.00 _..__ �M,��� _.- IOU.00 _. _ . 254.256.00 1Jr;.�,;) +i 2 01-5 910 1-U0-000 SALES UF GEtJEIZAL F1XED ASS b�Ir � __ _Zu1-392U1-UQ-000_�TRANSFER_FROM_.GEMERAL FUN�_,______--,--�,:_�_.��_.�_.___.___ _. __. ..__�_.__.. ___--- .__..__._.___._._ . _ ._. _ " 101-39202-UO-U00 CUNTRIBUTI01�FRO"1 ENTERPRI .,� LU1-39Z03-U(t-000 TRANSFER FROM------------- .� ZO1-59204-00,-000_._.._,TitANSF.ER, FROM_WATER. 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I �z��r TOTAL RGVf.WU!"S ��� 7623i340.00 '�i2�2.01 269i525.02 b4.92 4�8.814.d:t �4.92 � _ _ ..__ -___..___________—___.__._�._.�__.-..._.:__.___.---�..._.._.._.--.--� __._..._,_..._T._:v._._, ._..___..___.__._.__:_._�._-__._..__...--._ _ j i , � _ . .._. __. . � . * _._._ .� . .__.. _... ______ �._._._..__._._...._ _'_.___._._: _.___....�._.._..._._.__..__.____..�.....__.__....__.. ,....___..._.. .._._�___. . ___._.___._ - .--.__ l�i�;��.��t�ti:� i;',r,�, 1 . . . , UETAIL 1�11A1.'i'ni_A^ICE �w,� EXI'i_N;E S�CTION ���� 201 PbRT AUTN(�Ri TY FUNU � � ,_._4___...------___...__.�. __.__._ .._�.__...__.__ ..._.____ . _ '� ACCOUMT � f3UUGETED � � ^ � � � ��� �UUTSTDG QUTSTANDING UNENCUM6EHE� UUTSTDG '� ACCUUNT NU'3NE1? DESCRIPTION AMOUNT : N-T-D Y-T-D YTt) :: Et�CUMBRANCE i3ALANCt VAR ': -� �� _. ....._._.__—_-----------•--�.__.__.__ _..._.__.�.._� _.._._..___.._.._.._._._.. . ...._... . _ . _....._____ ___...�..�.__.- __.._. _.. . ...�.. . ' ZO1-4fi300-U1 103 PAi2T-TIME EM(`LOYEES 12EGU � 201-463Q0--01-104 PAftT-TIM� EMPLOYf.ES UVER - �;I .�_._207-4G30Q-U1-121 PEF�A,_tUNTf2[ttl1TI0N5.,----_.__._.---�.:�_--.--..._�.._. .__.__:_----- - . . _ . _ ._. __._- --__._ ._.....-----------__.._._ _. . 2C1-46300-01-122 FICA CUNTRIt�UTIdIJS ;',I 201-4b3'JO-U1-125 h;EDICARE �OPlTRIBUTIQNS '� , _ OBJECT _ _..____ 1_.:-.----PFft50NAl___$ERVI.CES . ., ._. _. _. . . _.._._.__ '� 2U1-4630U-01-201 GFFICE ACCESSQRI�'S '� ' ..__LO1-4G300-01-202.___�Uf'�ICATIN.G.__R_CU�YTNG COST _.________ __.__^..____._ ---_._. ._ _._. _._____...._ ._._ _. . _..._.__--_.__.. _ I 201-4630U-01-203 PRINTEU fORMS 8 P.APER . � 'i 201-4GSU0-01-204 ENVELOP[S 3 IETT[RHEAbS •� � ___ 201-46S00-U1-206---MI��ROFI.Ltt, 5U1'f'LIES_._ ..... .. ._--_.__._______._ _._...� _.. .,...._ __._...---.__ _ __- -- _........._ ._ . . _. ,I 201-4G3U0-01-207 TRAIWI�JG 3 INSTRUCTI�NpL S � 2U1-463U0-01-208 MISCC_LLA!JE(1US SUPPtIFS I_ _.._.:.2�1-4G3U,0.-01.-209____ATN.�t2 OF'fICE._S,UPt?LIES__ _.__. ._.__..._.._.___�_ ___...___._ _ __�....._. _:__ . . .__. ._.......___._._.._.__._ "� 2U1-4G30U-01-214 OTHER UPGRATING SUPPI.I£5 , 2U1-463U0-01-221 EQUIFHENT FARTS �,. °i 201-4G300-01-213._._.FSU_IL�_ING REPAIft. SUPPt.IES..:__ .,. -.-.. -_--.____.___-.- _ �Q�---._._ __.. ___ .._ . .___.._ . ....._. _...... ' Gi:J�Ci 2 SUPf�lIES /,���y .1 �� a i ___ .201-46300-U1.-301_.__AUUIi_IN�.._�_.BCC�U►�T,I.NG..SE�?.V..;..--- _... . .. ... �� �4�. , --._..__..__..�__. _ _.. .. _ : ZU1-4b30U-01-3U?. AttCHITECTS' FEE5 3.Utl0.U0 ' � lUU.00 3.00U.OU lUO.OQ 201-4G30U-01-303 [NGINEEftitJG FEES s3.Otl0.00 7.468.9h 20.644.31 i5a.05- 12.G44.3]- i.SF.nS- '{ 2U1-k6300-U1-304 LEGAL FEES 8.000.00 _1.462.49 R1.72 b.S37.51 d1.71 .... . _..___ ....--------- ___�.__ . ... __.... .._,_ ._.... .._........ __.... __..... `� Lill-46300-c1]-3U5 MEDIG4L R DENTAL. FEES - - . -_ _ . . _., i 2U1-463o0-U1-3ub t�FRSONr�EL TESTIMG A itEChUI j __201-4630U-01-30T_MANAGEN[NT FEES__.:�__..V__�_� ___.__T..__ _._..__..__...__ ._ ._.__ ......__. .__ ___.--- ..---_ _..__. _ "i 201-4ti30U-U1-30S INSTFUCTORS' FEES 2d1-4G300-U1-310 TF5TIWG SERYICES `���� + '� 201-4G300-01-313�.___TeMPOKARY._��f?VI�E._FEFS ...___ ._. �:_ _. ...__ ....._�:_ _.__._ _._...__. . _. .. (��... �� _ _ __ __ _. 201-4b3�0-U1-317 GE►d�L FUP�D AUMIV FFEti 6.750.00 5,625,OU 16.67 1.t75.0U 15.h6 " 2�1-463U0-0]-319 UTHEf2 PRUFESSIONAL SERVTCE 23.500.00 . 3.470.00 9,6yR.3�) 58.73 13.301.G1 55.73 � "� ___ tol-�.63u9-01-:;.21__ 7_E.I.Ei'HUNE_Co�J.S..___�_....._.._ ._.._..___.__ �..._...__..__ . : ...___... _.. _. ...___._�_ .. __----. _. .___. ... _ _.._ _ ! 201-4G340-01-322 POSiAC,E COSTS � 201-46300-U1-331 Ti2AVEL EXPENSE 1.OQ0.00 618.93 38.11 3F1 O7 3°,10 • "I . .. 201-463U�-UJ.-341_.__[MPLU.YMENT_ApV[RTI.SING _.,. ..: __------__ ._._.._._._ _,.._ __ _ . ._ ___. _ __._ _ 202-4G3Q0-01-34y OTNEI' ADVERTISII�IG "! ZU1-4G300-01-351 LcGAL NOTICES PUHLISfIIMG 400.00 . 10U.00 4U0.00 1QP.�it + 1_... ._.101-4ci300-91.-35.2_.GENEfiAL_NO_T_.LLE.S_C.,.P_UBLI.0_L..___...._.____:._.�____.:__�.___._ .. -.---..______._._ , .__.._.. .. ...__. _.... ..__ _ ; 201-463U0-01-353 QRDIMANCE PUf1LICATIOM c% j 2Q1-46300-01-365 uORKMEN`5 COMP INSURANCE. 2.000.00 ,,,�fs� 100.U0 2.000.00 100.0U � .� ..._..._LU1-4o300-01-3G4._.__.aT.HER_..INSURANCE_.�._.�__... . . ._ _ .:..�.�__�._____._..:..__ ...�_. _ _.._ __ _ �t1 _....._ -._ ._._ _ . _. . ___. "i 201-4i,300-01-389 OTHER U1'IIITY SF.RVICES 18.24 18.24- 1 Ui:iJI:C.T 3 UTHFR SERVICES 8 CHARfiF 52.G50.00 10.938.96 38.067.36 27.70 14.58Z.6h 27.1�') "'� . _ .____ �._..-- -•---.._.�.�...____._._.�. .._., ._____._...-----..._.._.____._..__..____._...._.__..._.__-_- _...__.__. . ._. . � _ _. _. ._�....__. _......._. ..__...._ "� 2U1-4b300-Oi-401 CUWTRACTEU BUILDING REPAIR � �� ZO1-4G300-U1-403 COtlTRACTEU R K F1-OTHER IMP 2.00O.UO 100.00 2.0OO.OQ 100.00 � � ._.._201-463u0.-01-40'J..---....:OTN@R_..CONi.RACiEO._REP.AIH..8..__.._.___.__.._._---.�-----_.�_.._._..._., ._.___.__ . ._._.: . ..__. _-- --._._...__..__. ._,__. 201-4o300-01-415 -0TNEF: E(JUIPMENT RGNTAI ;� 201-4G300-01-433 I)UES R Su35Ct?IPTIOr!S 1.80U.00 35�.oU. 80.17 1.443.uo to.ie � � . . ZU1-46300-01-.435..—.liUOKS_.3_YAt•tP.tlLETS._____ -.._ .__. _._..._.._4A0.0_9.,__._.._._._.. __..___ .__ ___ 21A.20 ._. __ 45.45__.___. 1:�1.8Q 45.�.5 � ♦ �. __._....•_ . _-------------- -�_.__._.�._..�_-----__..__..______._. ..._..�.._..---.��___._..��.__.._____...._._____.______.....__..-,---.__.__._.__.....__..___.... _.. .. . Pi.i��,�tA'I �;A/,/� I)i:f AJL iit14L �'�ALA�tCi: ► =t:x:;: CXPLNSL SECTION ��x�x 2�1 PUKT AUTHQR[TY FUMU � _____,_ _ ._..-----_..__�__---_. __ _____._._____��...__�_.__�. __-____.._ ._.__.__.___- .--__._. .._ . .. _. _._- --.----_..___...- --.. . ` i ACCOUNT • f3U0GETEU U�TSTUG OUTSTANpIN6 UP�E"•'CU`16E::Ef� �)UTSit�cS ►;'� ACCOU��T tdUHti[R DESCRIPTIOl� A�tOUNT � M-T-ll Y-T-b YTU : F.NCUNHRANCE BALANCE VAF : � , � � 201-4GS�)U-01-43� ___CJtIF�.RL:N�[Sm8 SE,N[NAR$ . . _._ 3.000.00_.._.__.. ._: .. _ .__. _ _ 1.405.U0- ._ 53.17_ ___.. ._ 1.595.U1 5�.10 �i I LU1-4u300-01.-43� OTHER ti15CtLlANE(1U5 CH4�tGE 250.00 21.65 91.34 22t1.35 �1.34 j`I 03J�CT _4___ UTHC•.R ,''iCRVICL"$ R. CHAIi�E 7.450.00 _.?.,OOl.f3i 73.13 5.44�.15 73.1Z ?�'� 101-4GS00-01-510 IANU PUKCHASES 5'��YS�2 120.000.00 . 4,376.Su 95.94 115.123.5!1 95.93 ^i 2U1-4G300-01-511 LA�p PURCNASES_,. __ ,.,,sV. �{Dt1t�U�.15.Q:00.00__.____, ___. „ 100.00 15.000.00 I0�?.OU , ^' tui-�vsoo-o�-51z �nra��PukCtinSEs �. ��JZ 40,000.00 1U.000.U0 LO,OOJ.OU 75.U0 30.UOU.OQ 75.Cu ►,i'i 101-46.iU0-Oi-S13 LANU F'URCHASF:S � ZU1-4G300-U1-514 LANll PURtHASES - -.�_ _. _.. . _ ._.. _.. ___.,�-----•..__�. ..____ ._ ..___ ___ _.: , 2U1-4u300-01-515 LAIJD PUI2CHASES � _� - O��a 54yer�G�$a� ►, �� 2U1-46300-U1-521 �UILDIP�G R STRUCiURE PUf2CN I�dD}��pP. �4'^U'Pf� � 201-4630U-U1-57.2 pUiIUiNG & SiRUCTUrE PURCN . _ _ _.. . _ ._ . ___.,____...._.__._..-- .. _. _._ _ _ ZO1-46300-01-530 IMPRUVEMENTS OTH�ft THAN 13L ' '"i 2U1-46300-OL-531 IMPRUVti:ItL-NT5 UTHFR THAy t3L t01-4a30�-01-53c IFIHRUVEMEtdTS OTUfR TNAPt ►�L __.__ . . _ _ _ _.. _ ._-----..�___..__�.___ _ _ _ _ .--- --_.._ 'Z01-4G3UU-01-533 IMPRUVEMf:NTS OTHER THA!J BL 2U1-4G300-U1-S34 IMPROVEMENTS OTNEK THAN OL 201-4G300-01-535 IMPRUVEMFMTS UTHFR TI{�n tiL ---- _ . ._. . __ _. ._ ....._ __ .._........ _._.__ _. _ __ . _ _ .. � 201-4G300-01-Sf30 OTNER E(��)IPMENT PURCIIA;�5 UeJECT 5 CAPITA� OUTIAY 175.000.00 10.U00.Uo 14,RTG.SU 91.50 1t,J.1Z3.5a 91.4v .; _ . _ _...__--__ __ __-.__----_____.Lock+��t¢k�-�... _ __ ._ _. _ . . _ __._ _ .-- " 'lUl-4u300-01-710 TRANSFERS �""' � 406r000.00 172i0U0.00 57.64 234r000.00 57.hS '201-453U0-01-720- TRAWSFERS �a`�'�'� 50.000.00�' }���� 50.000.00 � � UHJECT 7 OTHER FINANCING USES 45b.000.00 Paid iN Fu<< 2ZZ,000.00 51.32 234.u00.00 51.31 ; ; _ _.... _ . . _ .. _. _ .. . .. ._._ _. _ ' '( SUU-U�PAFtTWftJT 01 UE'L(2ATt!IG HUDC,FT 6Q1.1U0,1l0 70,938.9h 7_76,945.11 59.93 414.154.2V 5�.`�1 1 _ ZU1-463�0-07.-10.]._._. .FUL,L-.TIt4C__f:MPl.t)YFES_-. REGU ._ . 43.tt63_.OQ __ 3.59U.73 _ 2G.900.5Y -- 43.23_ _ 18.962.41 43.2s � "I 201-4G3UU-02-102 FULL-TIME EMPLI)YfES - OVE12 201-4b30U-02-103 PANT-TIME EMPLf1YE_ES - REGU '�"; 2ui-4o300-02-104----,f'ART-TIME_.EMPLQYFES_ -..UVER_ ..._.__..___.:._. __..._ . ' ZUL-4ti30U-U2-lU5 CO�f� TIM[ PAID . . -._._.. .___...__.. ._._._. ..__ _. .__... .. ...____ _. _.., i 2C1-46SU0-02-1Ofi C(�NP T IMf: USF[) ' LU1-45300-0?-107 SICK PAY 178.46 713.R4 713.d4- , _ 2U1-4630U-02-108 � VACATIOPI �PAY�-.___.___.�_,. _ .. ... :_.-_1.907.00__.�.._..._.. .__. _. _ _ ._..._._1.784.6f ._._..__.�.-.42___.___. . T22.39 b.��l ; 201-463U0-61-109 M�LIUAY RAY 2.022.00 1.070.76 47.04 951.24 47.U4 2U1-46300-02-111 SEVERANCE f'AY � � , _ _ _.. _...__ __._ _..._.. . . _ _ .._ __ . . _ � 201-�63UU-02-113 .- OTNEF PAY "� 2U1-4630U-U7.-114 UTtIER PAY � 2u1-463U0-02-11? B.ACK PAY ' , ____ � � 201-46300-02-121----�NEFtA CONTttIBUTIU�iS . _ ._....__T--2.141.00�. _. -159.90 1.359.15 . 36.52 _ 7R1.�5 Sr.51 2U1-4G300-02-122 FICA CONTRI[3UTIONS 2.963.00 ,221.05 1.879.13 36.58 1.033.87 3G.5� � ' 2U1-46300-02-125,_,.,. MEDICARE CONTf2I9:ITtOP�S _.,._ ,_693.00 51.70 439.48 36.58 _ 253.5.' 36.Sd , .... . _ . . _ � 2U1-4G3J0-02-129 OTHER RETIN,EMF.Hi CONTR1�iUT ; 2U1-4GS00-07.-131 HEALTH I!•1SUR���CE 1.435.00 � 119.54 956.3L 33.36 478.6Y.. 3i.35 ,,� � 201-463Q0-U2-13?. I?ENTAL I��SURANCE 239.00 19.96 1.59.b8 33.19 �4.32 33.1cs , _._ . ___ _. . 201-4b300-U2-].33 LIFE I�JSURANfE _ ......._.. .._. _...__..-----._..153.00__.__.__ _ ...- 11.UR . - __..._. &8.64_..._._42.07._......__ 64.3b 42.Oh � 2U1-4G300-U2-134 DISARILITY INSURANCE .+' 2U1-4G300-U2-137 UNIFURhi CONTRI3l)TIQMS _ . _ . . .. ......._. ._.._:.. ... ._ _ _ . __ ; LU1-4G30U-0'1-138 FLEX AD�1IN CONT�tI(iUTIU��S ; 101-4.5300-02-13U DTIIEI? COMTf;It3UTIt1WS �t ° Ot3JC:CT 1 PLRSU!JAL 5E'RVECES 55.416.00 4.152.4A 33r352.2U 39:31 2?.063.80 3U.81 i .l ! I • _ _. _ ._...._ ._._.__ __._.._.__._ . .�..... ___ _ ..._...._ --• ....__._..__..._.___ _._.. .__..__.. _�..... . _. .._.__ ,._._.._ _- ___..._. ..__. ... ._ 1��r�)�xA��t un4�, , . _. . Df�TAIL Ti�ihl ��ALA::CE rM:� EX!'L"�SE SL-CTtON #�� 201 PURT AUTNt)RfTY FUND ' _._-- __ ._._..__ _:__ _.._____ _.��__.._-.�..�.__�.__._ ._._---..r__..._.__.__�__._�..�__..�_.��__ . .. ACCOUNT 3UDGETFD � ^ �OUTSTDG OUTSTANDING UNENCUh1E1EltED OUTSii)G ; '� ACCUU�T PlUM�1ER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT M-T-D Y-t-U YTD %. ENCUMpRANCE BAIANCE VAN ': �,i : _._:.�,_.. ... _. _ --____� ___._. __..._._ .. .. .___ . .. .._._...._._..�._..�____.._ _ ..�. .: .___......__ . ,'� � 5Ud-Ulf'Al2TMCNT--_-02 � fMPLOYEE 7.�jOk1� /�0°t0 55.416.OU 4.152.48 33.352.20 39.81 ?.2.063.80 39.k1 ,.� , i _ , 2o1-4G300-03-1U1�FUL�I-.T.IME,E.MPLOXEES -..HEGU_ ._.__S_l._419_ 00__....._-.--___. .434..27 ...__...6.593.22 b2.26 __._ 4.825.73 42.7h _-.-- _. __ . I 201-4G300-03-102 FULL-TIME EMPlOYEES - OVEK 32.57 446.51 446.51- i"� 20.1-4o30U-03-103 PART-TIME FMRlOYEFS - REGU . ,', __: 2G1-46S00-US-.104..__._.E'ARJ-TIML'._E.M.PI..OVEE.S -. OVER . ..._.__._ ... __.._._.... ___ _ . ':) 201-4b30U-03-1U6 COMP TIPtG FARNEO R USkD 103.5& 103.5�- , 201-453U0-U3-1J7 SICK PAY A2.04 18R.01 1Rd.01- I 201-4G300-03-1U'ri__Vi1CATIO!r PAY._._ _..._.. _..._.__.�..__�90.U0._..._._._ __.496..32___ H25.S2 ._. 7.24 64.4b 7.24 ' I 201-4G30U-U3-1J4 HOLIOAY PAY 544.00 ?.7R.42 48.82 265.5° 4R.fi1 201-4G3U0-43-1I1 SEVERANCF_ FAY ''! ._ 201-4b300-03-113�--UT.N.ER..fAY.__..�__._.. :_ .. .__---_.._ .�..... ..: . ._ _ ___._.._ _.. , . _....:. . . .. _ ^I 2U1-4G300-03-114 OTHER PAY '' 2U1-463UU-U3-11'l flACK PAY '"! lUl-4b3UU-U3-.121.---P_E..RA_COIyTf?1(3UT[4�d5. . _ __..... ._.`_:__.575.Q0.__ ....._._.. .45.92- -..__. _ 3�7.AG 34.29 _ . 197.14 34.7� � 2o1-a6300-03-122 FICA COuTRIQUTIQriS 796.U0 62.58 515.20 35.28 2�0.80 35.27 2U1-4G3UU-03-125 ptEDICARE CONiRI0UTI0N5 186.00 14.63 120.46 35.24 65.54 35.2.3 'E 2U1-46300-03-129. ----QTHER R[TIRE.MENT..C�NTRIElUf _._._. . __ ._.. _._.._--.-- _ ..._ . . ._ ._�_. . _.. , ; 2o1-4G30U-03-131 NEALTH 1NSUkANCF. 71�.00 59.76 47R.15 33.41 239.ri5 33.40 ; 2Q1-4G3t10-03-132 UEPITAL INS�J(2AkC.t 1?0.00 9.97 T��.80 33.9U 4U.10 33.50 ` _. . 201-4G300-4,3-7.33_.,..LI.FE_I�lSUR.ANCE.__._..,.... ..... .. __ ._..___ __.... 76.00-.----._,. _._ _._.5.-.5�t ._-- ._ 44.3U _ 41.71 i1.70 41.71 2U1-46300-03-134 pISA(IILITY INSURAT�tF '' ' 2U1-46300-U3-L'S7 UNiFnRM COyTHIFSUTI�NS i LO1-46300-03-133__..._.FLEX_.��MI.N_GUNTHI[iUT,IONS. . ... :.._..---�__._ .._._ ._.�___. _ _ __,. ._ _ ..____. ._._...._ .._..:_.. __._....._. . �...I 2U1-/.6300-U3-139 nTHEf'. CONTRIf3UTI�)��.5 "� Ut1JLti 1 P[NSUNAL SE�VICES 15r324.00 1�27.3.60 10.051.03 34.41 5.27'1.97 :i4.4U "{ __. �U:s-ilEPAitTt1CNT^-_03---EaiPL.UYEC_7__.be,�f�fy�_.SO°Jp._._.:_15.324.00�.__...1.2?3.60 10.051.03 34.41 5.'172.97 S�.4d 1' � 201-4G3�10-04-LO1 FUIL-TIME EMPlOY£ES - REGU . ('i ._2a1-4G30U-04-107�--FULL-TIME EM1'LOYEE.S..' OVF.R _....__...___ ...____.__.._._..:_.. __.____�_. .._.... .. . _ _ __ ..._ _._ .._,_ __ _. _ '� 2U1-4��SUU-U4-tu3 PART-TIMc FMPLUYFES - REGU � { 2U1-4G3UU-U4-104 PJ1RT-TIHE EMPIQYFES - r)VER i ..._.201-4630�-�4.-1.Ob_--CO"tP._T.I:�IE _EAFJIEU:_.R .USEU.. _ _._.._.________ _..._..._..._._ _ _..... .___._ ......_ . .. __ ._._ 201-4G30U-Ah-107 SICK PAY � i"i 2U1-4ci3U0-04-108 VACATIUN PAY ''"� 201-46300-04-1.09__ . HOIIDAY._P.AY _ ;..� .. .. ._. ,_. .:_.._...__ . _ TO1-463U0-0�•-111 SfVERANCE PAY � �"; 2U1-46S00-04-113 OTHER PAY • I _ _1U1-463U0-04.-114_.__...OT,HEf3. k'AY_�_._. ._ ._.... . _........_._.�..___._ _.� . .. ...... ..... _._..._ _ . _ ..._ . _. ...,. _ . . _.._ _ .,' 201-4b300-04-117 BACK PAY I"� [01-4G300-U4-121 PERA CONTRIDUTIOtJS `";__. 201-4v3U0-04-122....._._FICA .CQNTRI�iUTI0N5 _... . , ._._..._ ..__. _. . __.. . . . ..... _ _ i'"� 101-443U0-04-125 1'EUICAftE CONTRIDUTIONS �r,, 2U1-4i,300-04-129 prriEk rtETir,Er�E�vT C�tartttctUT . i.� . 101-4b3UU-04-131.__. HEALTH__INSUftANCE_...._._. ____.__._ __... ._..._. _,_ .____.. ____ . _ _.----_ .._ ..:... . . ... .. _. ._.._ _..._ ._ 201-46300-04-132 DENTAL INSURANCE �' "i 201-4G3U0-04-133 LIFE INSURANCE l:,l ._.._.2U1-4ti300-04-131,..__.....DISAf�ILIT.X__ItJSURAMCE ..____._ . _ ._._...__..---- __:_..�__. . .___ _....... ____ __.__ .__ _ _. . ._. _ �'I 2U1-463Q0-04-137 Ut�lFORM CONTF:IftUT10WS �:`� 2 01-4 6 360-04-13`i fLEX AUNlN CONiRIBUT[OPJS ;.,.� � � .2U1-4�3U0-04-134_._._UTttER..CO'lTM.i3UTI0N5,.__ ... __.._-.__.__.--.-_.__,_._ ._ .__... .. . _.,. __ _._____ .._ __ __._.... _ ...__ _ _. '�_I----.• __:�_ _.__;.�__ .�___� -----__...__�___..��.__�_.__�__�.__��._._�_�_.�_.:_�____._____.� .__.__---_...._---_.._.._._.___ _ , UAI�: UY-01-'I.i i i�t�: 1.1 :'i!. ll 1 Y '.r .c,,_;. �,•u �� pltt)GflAM C,:.44 UCTAII. TiZtAL t'IAIA•'dC1P. , � �:��" EXPcN�E :i[CTI���! ��# 2U1 PORT AUTHURITY FUNO -_ ---...____._: _....,.. ____�___r.__.___.__-_T.__._...__._-------._ .... .,__ -- - "-"-~"-""-" SU(iGETCD OUTSTDG UUTSTAyDiNG UNENEUMBEREO DUTSTt!u , �----_.._.__ ACCOU'JT • . , , ., > AMOUNT M-T-D Y-T-D YTD : ENCUM�RArICE tiA�nNCE VA�: '� �:'� ACCUUNi tJJ.,�3ki• DESCRIPTtON i � _._. .. _._. _ ---..___. _... .. .. _ __ . ---- ____ .� . . .. _.. __-- -- _._. .--- '.I UNJ'r.CT 1 PLRSU`�At SFPVtCES ►;' I S111i-UEPAllTflC�l1 114 FF!PLU�F�. 3 �L'IW1MKfjfUrt-f�S, _._ _. __ _ _.___ _ . _ ,• _ .�_ _ . __ - - _.. _.. __� _ - --- 3.5 i5.00 �6.1.1 - --�_ _ _. __. _.. ._ _ __ .----._ ...- - - - _ _ • ''i 201-4b300-99-1U3 PAkT-Tltt� Et1PL0YFE5 - ftEfU 6.300.00 2.7b5.00 2.765.00 56.11 �;�I 2�1-46300-v9-1U4 PART-TIML• EMPLOY�ES - OVf:r2 ' j�i 201-��G304-99-121 _._PEkA CONTRI{3UTIUNS • - - - _ ..._.. .--.. ...... SO.Uv S�.Uv ;�y 101-46300-99-127. fICA CUNiftIF3UT10N5 100.00 49.91 49.91 50.09 65.41 6>.41 '��i 2U1-41�3U0-�4-125 h;f:DICAPF CONTRIUUTIOP.S I•4S�o lU0 00 �4.59 34.59 65.41 i''� 2�1-4ti30U-dy-129 l,!T.HER RETIf:E'MENT CQNTR1EiUT _____ _.._.._._ _.__ _._. _ _._ �� "' 3.650.SO 56.]6 ' " - N 6.SUO.UO � 2.849.SU 2.849.SU 56.16 Ut3JkCT 1 PERSONAI SE ,VtCES 3.65J.50 56.1./i �� �! 5UB-DEPA�tTMENT 99 PART-TIME PERSUPINEL 6.5U0.00 2.849.50 2.849.50 56.1b 445.141.56 Sl.y3 i l DEPARTMEIJT___ _. _ 63_00__PUItT_AU,TH(?RITV.._._ __.___--.-763.340.00__ .... .29.164.54 323.198.44 57.94 1 _. ___ .. � � i.ATt�URY 4 EXPEtJDITUf>E 76$.34U.00 ?9.1�+4.54 323.198.44 ST.y4 445.141.5C 57. 3 ' FUNU 201' PORT AU�Ht�RI'TY fUNt) 76A.340.00 24r164.5/� 323.198.44 57.94 445.141.5h 57.�3 ' I ' _._ ..._.,. __. __.. _ .. __. _ _ � �-_ ...._.. _..__- -----=---- ._�_...___. . . _ ... - -_--_.---..�_ ..------- - 445.141.5h 57.93 j� � ### TOTAL EXPENDITURES ��# 768.340.00 29.164.54 323.198.44 S7.Y4 II � _._.._.__. ___._......._._. . __ . ._ �,,�, ..,_ ___,_.._..... . .. _..._._ , . _ _ . ._..__.�.____ _ ___.._.. . _. __�_.._.__----_-__._.. _._ �_ 201 PORT 4UTHORt1'Y FU'JD 1.,l� .� r�Nu iiEG Y T D Y-T-U _ AUJ ur.E"!Cur•�Cst�tEt' , � NUi1i5Ert � FU�O �ESCRIPTIOr��---_.�_�.___...._..__ �UyD tiAL _�.-�ECEIHT�. . - EXpENI) FUND 3Al FNCUMHRANCE FUNI� E;AL ' ! 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