HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Review 1993 Salverda and Associates Report s . i � � . � � . . .. . -• Donald Salverda & Associates Roseviile Professional Cenier • Suite 511 • 2233 N. Hamline Avenue • Roseville, MN 551 i3 (612)484-1335 � � � � ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTH4RITY 1993 GOAL SETTING - TEAM BU1LDtNG RETREAT � - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY � � . . . FEBRUARY 20, 1993 . � . . . - � � � � . � . � � � . � : � , � . .. 1 . ROSEM�UNT PORT AU71-IORITY 19'�i GOAL SE�l1NG-TEAM BUILDING RETREAT � I . INTRODUCTION � The Rosemount Port Authority heid a Goal Setting - Team Building Retreat on February 10, 1993 at the Court Yard Marriott in Mendota Heights. Participants at the retreat were: � Commissioners: Ed Dunn Chair Joan Anderson Kevin CarroU John Edwards, Don�Sinnwell, Ed McMenomy (who also serves as � Mayor) and Dennis�ppermann (who also serves as Councilman) City Manager: Steve Jilk Economic Development Director: John Miller - . _- . � The Facil'�tator for the retreat was Don Salverda, President of Donald Salverda &Associates of Roseville, Minnesota. The Primary objectives of the retreat were: � _ . 1) To review progress made by the Port Authority since its creation � 2) To enhance communication and develop renewed esprit de corps among participants - � : � 3) To develop consens4s on major issues and opportunities facing the . Port authorrty . � � 4) To draft an updated Goals Program for the Port Authority 5) To re-examine the roles of the board and professional staff in relation- � ship with the city council This report summarizes the results of the retreat and includes recom- mendations for future action to be taken by the Port Authority. � II COMMUNICATION ENHANCEMENT � After introductory reFnarks were made, the facilitator indicated that one of the primary ob'ectives of the retreat was to enhance communication among participants. �e first activit}r began the communication process by providing � � participants the opportunity to become better acquainted by sharing back- grounds, perspectives on challenges facing the Port authority, personal frus- trations with the city, and expectations for the retreat. � � � � 1 � • �, � ��� REVIEW OF PROGRESS MADE SINCE THE CREATION OF THE � PORT AUTHORITY - The next activity focused on a review of the successes and progress � made by the Port Authority since its creation one year aga It was felt that there has been deliberate and significant progress to date. Participants also discussed problems that they have encountered and lessons that have been � learned. . . See A'tTACHMENT A for Listing of Port Authority Prooress Made Problems Encountered and Lessons Learned � - _ : Additional time was spent discussing things that are going well with the Port Authority, things that are not �oing well, things the Port authorit�r isn't � doing that it should be doing, and things the Port authority is doing now that it shouldn't be doing. Overall, participants believe the Port Authority is functioning well considering that the Authority and its members are new. This � � additional information is provided for internal use and is in a supplemental memo to the Chair. �v LEADERS AND MANAGERS ARE BEING CHALLENGED � � The faci(itator provided information on leadershi ointin p p g out that leaders and managers at all levels of organizations in both the pub(ic and private � sectors are being challenged as never before. In the public sector, govern- ment ofFcials and professional staff are faced.with the dilemma of ineeting increasing service needs with limited funding capability. It was pointed out that in the 1990s, increased emphasis is being placed on individual leadership � and leadership development w�thin organizations. The facilitator provided a number of current writings and resource materials on leadership and chal- lenged participants to either lead, follow, or get out of the way. Specific refer- � ence was made to the recent book, Reinventing Government. v CHANGES THAT HAVE AND WILL IMPACT THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � Participants next discussed changes and trends that have, and are expected to, impact the city in the next several years. The facilitator provided � � participants with the Metropolitan Council's Metro 2015 Vision & Goals Report and the December 92 Twin Cities Economy�n Prof�le report. � See ATTACHMENT B for list of Recent and Exoected Changes and Trends � � � � _ Z l .. t VI IDENTIFYING AND DEVELOPING CONSENSUS ON ISSUES AND � OPPORTUNITIES FACING THE PORT AUTHORITY Participants next listed a number of issues and opportunities facing the Port Authorit�. The city's Star City Action Plan was discussed and � incorporated mto an updated listing of external and internal and short-term and long-term issues and opportunities to be discussed. � See ATTACHMENT C for listina of Issuss and Opportunities VI) DEVELOPING A GOALS PROGRAM TO ADDRESS THE ISSUES � The issues and opportunities have been converted into a ossibls Goals Program to be further discussed, refined, adopted and acted on by the Port . � Authority. See ATTACHMENT D for list of Goals � VIII DISCUSSION QN PROBLEM AREAS AND SPECIFIC PROJECTS � AND PROCEDURES � � Partici ants next had a round table " eneral" discussion on'a number of items that n cluded: meeting times and how meetings are run, the Business � . Park, the degree to which the Port Authorit�r is a proactive entity vs being an . advisory body to the city council, and.the need to establish a Process and Procedures Statement for developers. � �X RE-EXAMINING THE ROLES OF THE BOARD PROFESSIONAL STAFF AND RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CITY COUNCIL � Participants briefly discussed their individual perceptions of the most important aspects of the roles of the Port Authority Board, the professional � staff and the relationship with the city council. Time did not allow consensus development on the most important aspects of each role. � X OVERALL EVALUATION The retreat was well received by participants with an overall rating of � . 41 on a scale of 1 = low and 5 = high. Participants feft their attendance was beneficial with a rating of 4.3. . � See ATTACHMENT E for the Evaluation � - � � . � _. 3 �� •e � � . � .. � . . . . . . . . �� . . � . . . .. � . . . . . . . � .. . � . �. XI RECOMMENDED FOLLOW UP � It was agreed that si nificant ro ress w 9 p g as made at the retreat and that foilow up action is necessary to revise and flne tune the Goals Statement, to � adopt the revised goals and to then develop Action Plans for implementation. . A logieal sequence of activities might be: � 1) Port Authority members and staff review the Executive Summary of the retreat . � 2) Professional staff revise and fine tune the Goal Statements and devel- op a suggested Goals Program for the Port Authority to adopt . 3) Port Authority formally adopt a Goals Program • including priority � ranking 4) Professional staff be directed to draft an Implementation Plan of Action � � for the highest priority goals � 5) Port Authority dedicate one or more workshops to develop consensus � : on the most important aspects of the roles of the Port Authority, the professional staff, and the cit�r council role as pertaining to the Port Authar�ity � . � 6) Port Authority periodically review progress being made on Adopted � Goals Program . � 7) Port Authorit�r schedule another full day retreat in one year to review progress being made and to update the Goals Program � � � � i : Exe�ve S�rmmary Wri�ert by Retreat Faa'6habor � � Don Salverda - � Donald Salverda&Associates Roseville Professional Center � 2233 North Hamline Avenue . . Roseville, MN 55113 (612) 484-1335 � a 4 . .• � ATTACHMENT A R�E1N PROGRESS MADE SINCE THE CREATION OF THE PORT AUTNOR(TY SUCCESSES 1) Being created, getting organized, and hiring professional staff 2) The creation of a budget process, a work plan, a short term vision, and a process for the review of pianning for and progress of projects 3) improved communication between the downtown business communiiy and city ha(i 4) Developing an attitude within the community of not letting the past encumber future progress of the ciiy 5) The Business Park concept proposal 6) Concept Development Pians for Repairs, inc. 7) The start of a community development projec# 8) Making efforts to clean up areas of blight within the community � � . 9) initiated action to get a motel in the city PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED 1) There is a need to improve overali community public relations relative to the Port Authority The public does not understand the Port Authorit�r's goals, vision for the future, and progress being made 2) The staff often feels stifled by the "politics" of certain projects and pra grams 3} The legai process is too cumbersome and counter productive for pro- gress of projects 4) There has been a lack of good legai counsel to the Port Authority 5) There is a lack of staff leadership due to the political atmosphere of projects and programs 5 .. ATi'ACHMENT A (continued) LESSONS LEARNED 1) The Port Authority can't make everybody happy 2) The Port Authority shouid not raise faise expectations on specific pro�ects 3) The Port Authority should make sure that proper pianning is done on each project--i.e., look before we leap 4) The Port Authority must make sure that project reports are read 5) The Port Authoriiy must reaiize that it, too, is a politicai body 6 e• . . . . . . . . . ATfACHMENT B MOST SiGNIFlCANT CHANGES AND TRENDS Tt�IAT HAVE IMPAC['ED TNE CfTY IN THE L.AS'T SEVERAL YEARS 1) The increased growth west of the city in Apply Valley and Burnsville 2) tegislative changes in financing options available for cities 3) The increased urbanization of ttie city - 4) The increased residential population of the city 5) The increased needs for city parks, roads and other infrastructure improvements 6) The growing school system 7) The redevelopment of South Robert Square and the community center 8) The development of the `perception' that small business is leaving the ci#y ' MOST�IGNIFlCANT CHANGES AND TRENDS Ti-U\T WILL IMPAGTTHE CffY IN TNE NIXf SEVERALYEARS 1) If the decision is made to build a new airport - that decision will impact everything in the city 2) The eonstruction of 160th Street � 3) The increased development of industrial property in eastern Rosemount 4) The development of a Business Park � 5) The continuing population growth of the city 6) The enactment of pending legislation such as the proposed Ofield laws . . . � • 7) The increased need for infrastructure improvement 8) Assessment policy changes - � � : . � 9) The stiift in population components with the community being made up of both more younger residents and more older residents. � � . � � . 1 7 � .. � ATTACHMENT C UPDATEb ISSUES AND OPPOHTIIN(T1ES FACING THE PORT AUTHORtTY � � HIGHEST PRI�RfTY-DCTERNAL � . 1) THE NEED TO PURSUE THE DEVELOPMENT OF A BUSINESS PARK � _ {short& long term) 2) THE NEED FOR IMPROVED UNDERSTANDING Of WHAT_THE PORT . . AUTHORITY IS AND DOES (short term) � � 3) THE NEED TO CONTINUE THE CITY'S DOWNTOW AND REDEVELOPMENT N DEVELOPMENT . (long term) � 4) THE NEED TO WORK WITH THE DAKOTA COUNTY HOUSING AND ' REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN THE COMPLETION OF A SENIOR HOUSWG PROJECT . (short term) � 5) THE NEED TO ACTIVEL,Y SOLI FOR THE AREA CIT AND RECRUfTNEW BUSINESSES , (short& long term) � � 6) THE NEED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY IN EASTERlV � ROSEMOUNT � _ (short& long term) LOWER PRIORRY-DCTERNAL , 7) THE NEED TO COORDINATE DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES WITH OTHER UNITS OF GOVERNMENT AND LARGE LAND OWNERS (short& long term). 8} THE NEED TO DEVELOP AN ENVIRONMENT FOR IMPROVED COMMUNICATION OF THE BUSINESS, EDUCATION AND GOVERNMENT COMMUNITY WITH THE RESIDENTS (short term) 9) THE NEED TO MONlTOR PENDING LEGISLATiON (short term) 10) THE NEED TO CLARIFY THE ROLES OF THE COUNCIL,THE PORT AUTHORITY, THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND OTHER PLAYERS IN THE CITY'S BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 11} THE NEED TO PROMOTE INCREASED COMMUNtTYiNVOLVEMENT W THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS (short term) 8 .. ATTACHMENT C {continued) HIGHEST PR{ORiTY-INTERNAL 1) THE NEED TO TAKE DECISIVE ACTION ON PENDING PROJECTS . (short term} 2) THE NEED TO SUPPORT THE DECISIONS OF THE PORT AUTHORITY BY ALL MEMBERS OF THE AUTHORITY ONCE A DECISION IS MADE ON A PARTiCUtAR ISSUE OR PROJECT � � (short term� 3) THE NEED TO DEVELOP A VIStON STATEMENT FOR THE PORT � AUTHORfTY (short term) 4) THE NEED TO CLARIFY THE STRUCTURE, POLICIES, AND RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE PORT AUTHORITY (short term) 5) THE NEED TO GET TO THE BOTTOM LINE FASTER (short term) LOWER PRIORffY-INTERNAL . 6) THE NEED TO STRUCTURE MEETING TIMES BETTER (short term) 7) THE NEED TO MONITOR ASSESSMENT POLICIES (short term) 8) THE NEED TO BETTER UTILIZE THE TALENTS OF THE PORT AUTHORITY MEMBERS (short term) 9 .- ATTACHMENT D POSSiBIF GOALS PROGRAM FOR THE PQRT AUTHOR(iY THAT ADDRESSES THE ISSUES AND OPPORTUNtT1ES HIGHEST PRIOR(TY GOALS-DCTERNAi- GOAL 1 TO PURSUE THE DEVELOPMENT OF A BUSINESS PARK GOAL 2 TO BETT'ER INFORM AND COMMUNICATE WITH.THE PUBLIC OF THE - PURPOSE AND ACTIVITIES OF THE PORT AUTHORITY GOAL 3 TO CONTINUE THE CITY'S DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVEL�PMENT . GOAL 4 � TO WORK WITH THE DAKOTA COUNTY HOUSING AND � REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN THE COMPLETION OF A SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT GOAL 5 � �� TO ACTIVELY SOLICIT AND RECRUIT NEW BUSINESSES fOR THE AREA GOAL 6 TO DEVELOP THE PROPERTY IN EASTERN ROSEMOUNT tOWER PRIORfiY-EXTERNAL GOAL 7 _ TO COORDINATE DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES W1TH OTHER UNITS - OF GOVERNMENT AND IARGE LAND OWNERS . GOAL 8 TO DEVELOP AN ENVIRONMENT FOR IMPROVED COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY,THE EDUCATION COMMUNITY, GOVERNMENT UNITS AND THE CITY'S RESIDENTS AT LARGE , GOAL 9 TO MONITOR PENDING LEGISl�TION _ 10 .- ATTACHMENT D (continued) GOAL 10 TO CLARIFY THE ROLES OF THE COUNCIL, THE PORTAUTHORITY THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND OTHER INTERESTED STAKE- HOLDERS IN THE CITY'S BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELORMENT GOAL 11 � TO PROMOTE INCREASED COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT IN THE . DEVEL�PMENT PROCESS GOAL 12 TO DEVELOP GREATER CONSENSUS AND UNITY OF ALL RESIDENTS AND BUSINESS INTERESTS WITHIN THE CITY . 11 .. : ATTAGHMENT D (continued} HIGHEST PRIQRtTY GOAL�,S-1NTERNAL G AL 1 TO TAKE DECISIVE ACTION ON PENDlNG PROJECTS GOAL 2 TO SUPPORTTHE DECISIONS-OFTHE PORTAUTHORITY ONCE THE DECISIONS ARE MADE GOAL 3 " TO DEVELOP A VISION STATEMENT FOR THE PORT AUTHORITY GOAL 4 . TO CLARIFYTHE STRUCTURE, POL{CIES, AND PROCEDURES OF THE PORT AUTHORITY � GOAL 5 TO GETTO THE BOTT'OM LINE FASTER LOWQ�PRIORffY GOALS-IfYTERNAL GOAL 6 TO STRUCTURE MEETING TIMES BETTER GOAL 7 TO MONITOR ASSESSMENT POLICfES GOAL 8 . . : - TO BETrER UTILIZE THE TALENTS OF PORT AUTHORITY MEMBERS 12 . EVALUATION FORM A�ACHMENT E .. Rosemount Port Authority 1993 Goal Setting - Team Building Retreat February 1993 3,.6 1) The objectives of the session were / / _ 5 4 3 Z 1 Clearly Evident Yaoue ., t��� Zj The organization of t e session was_ _ 1 Exceltent . -- Poor ' �,y 3) The ideas presente were . . - 3 2 - � . Yery Interestf g � Poor � �j�3 4) The ability of the resenter to stimulate discussion Was 5 4 3 1 Excellent �'oor �(y 5) My attendance at th s session shouTd prove to be 5 4 3 2 1 Yery Beneficial Waste of Time �c�� 6) Overail , T consider t is session to have been . ._. . _ , Excellent : ._: - Poor - . 7) Other comments: . .