HomeMy WebLinkAbout5. Receipt of Movie Theater Proposal From Muller Family Theaters CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SiTNIlKARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: JUNE 15, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: MOVIE THEATER PROPOSAL AGENDA SECTION; COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR .s ATTACHMENTS: CORRESPONDENCE FROM MULLER APP FAMILY THEATERS Attached for your review is a faxed copy of the Muller Family Theater' s proposal for a ten screen theater to be located on the Lund-Thorsen site. I have forwarded the propasal to Springsted for its review and analysis of thA financial part of the proposal . Mike Miles and I have visited with Springsted about the proposal and also with City Engineer Bud Osmundson about engineering concerns and site concerns. It is possible to have 1993 construction on the site but several issues should be resolved. The Mullers and their consultant should be invited to a special Port Authority meeting on June 22, 1993 . RECON.Q+�IENDED ACTION: Discussion - Committee of the Whole meeting. PORT AIITHORITY ACTZON: S�NT BY�I�GDA ; 6-10-93 ; 4� 19PM ; 6126735111� 1 612 423 5�03;# 1 ����F�i���/� ,�, � ♦ � • ♦ � a ♦ • ♦ • • • 4 �• 1 � •..�L ♦ ♦ ..• ♦ • l ♦ ♦ ♦ • �• • ♦ • � ♦ � I • Mf.nneapoli� Community Deve.lapm�nt Agency Crown Roller 2riill 105-Sth Av�nue South Suite 600 Miruteapolis, IrIIi 55401 Crown MSt.11 Numb�: (61Z) 673�5�95 4ur FAX Numb�r: (612) b73--5111 (81Yth Floor, Ra�tourc� Manaqem�nt and Revenue Bond) FAX �Au,,.��rmmAr. CQV�R PAG� PX�a�e deliver th� fa�.lowiag page(sj to; � � I�A1�: F,AX 1�tl7I�iBffi�: -� FROM:�L,P'�G V`�Wl�1/1 J 1/� �, � � Z'�TAL N��:R t�F FAGES INGLIIDING COVER S�EET:�� DATE: � zf you do nat re�eiv� all the paqes, plea�e call back as eoon as pos�sible at 673--50?1. � CQMMENTS: � � r,t;�• *�'*WARNING�** "The mat��ials �n�losed with this faas�mile tranamission are private and confidential and ara the prop�rty o� the sender. mha in�orm�.tian contained in the mat�rial is pr3vileged an� is interidad only fflr t$� use af the individual(s) or �ntity{ias) ' named above. If yau �re no'� the i1'�tend�d xecipient, be ddvised tb�t �flY unauthariz�d di,�ciaaur+�, copying, distribution or the �aking of $ny a�tion �.n relianc� on the contents of this information i� strictly prohibited,. It yau have received this facsimile tran�m�,ssior, a,n erxor, p�ease i.mmedir�tely notity us by t�lephone to arranga tvr returr� of the farwarded documant,� ta us. �� . • $L�0��0 RAinneap0li Comfnunlry DBW10pment Ap1t1Cy Crown Aqilst MiA.14S-Sth Av�nu�8outhlMinnespp+�s,�qN b6�01 Ptinlad on r�cyclea papa , SENT BY�MGDA ; 6-10-93 � 4� 19PI� ; 6126735111i 1 612 4�3 5203;# 2 h1ULLER FAMILY THE.�,TF?�5 49�0 - 54TH ST, N,W. M�PLE LAI�.E, C1N. �53�8 612-963-3041 June 10, 1993 .�ahn Miiler Economic Develapment CaordSnator Ros�maur�t Port Authorlty Cfty of Rosemount 2875 - 145th St, West Rosemount, MN, 550�8 RE: Rosemount Mov1e Theatre Development The Muller �amily Theatre'� propose to develop a 2Q �creen movle theatre. Initially wlth ten screens, on th� Lund �nd Thro��r� parcel in t�e Northwest Development quandrartt cf �,T,H, �'3 �nd �.�.A.H. �'42 Th1s develapment will lnvoive an lrtve5tment of �2,9�9,OOa for bullding, equlpmer�t and slte 1mprOvem�nts, not lncluding th� cost of l�nd, Bas�d on our experlence ir� camparable communit�es we are pro�ecting s�m� 46g,00� partrons annually at tnls locatl�n, w1t� t�� flrst Ahase develo�ment, The Th�atre w111 feature first r�n movies and be open 3b4 days a ye�r, lnitla�ly, there w111 be � Se�t1n� C�p�G1ty ot 2,�Q0 seats. We have� chosen thts slte for several reasons; a.) ba�ed on the lnformation that has been provlded, this site can be�t meet our time schedule for 1nitlatian of construction late thls summer with an opentng ofi the factllty prfor to the Easter season; b.) a movje theatre d�ve}apment at this locatior� would be mutually b�nefictal to both the existing retail businesses in th� Centrai Business Otstrlct and for future retall develapment, 1t has been � obs�rued that our p�trons w111 mak� addltianal purchases both before and �fter attendance at theatres, for at a minimum m�als ana refres�ments; and c,) our development on �his site, will be Gomp�t�ble with the Design Crlterla recommended by the Downtawn Scoping Committee, which wili further the implementatlon of their criterea for future development, , S,ENT BY�MGDA � 6-1U-93 � 4�20PM ; 6126735111i 1 612 423 5203;� 3 Mull�r Famiiy Theatres owns and operaies theatre� in th� [ollowing citles: Monticelia �4 Screens), pelano (5 screens), waconta (6 screens), ' and East B�th�l t6 screens). Currently we are adding 4 screens ta our E. Bethe] Theartre, wfth a campletion qate of July 1 S, 199�, providing an aggregate�mavte s�reens in four city's, B. The complex wili be owned by Muller Fam11y Theatres. Mlchael �nd Robert Muller are the princlpal owners. M1Ghae1 Muller� age 52 1s married wlth thre� chlldr�en, He has a B.A. dec�r�e 1n accounting from St, Cloud State, He had worked tor the U,S, Govenment for 1? years. Bob Muiler age �81s marrled w�th three chtl�ren. He has a B,A. 1n 6usiness Management from St, C1oud State Unlverslty. He and his partner awn and op�rate Muller Pribly Ut111t1es, � Mtnnesota based Cprpbr�tion, C, Managemerit of this and the ath�r Theatres w111 be handied by �1lcnael i�uller, Mr. Muiler has b�en in the the�tre business far over �0 years, the last 15 years as owner/manager, His son Ken Muller (age 26� w111 assist 1n same of tf�e mar�agement dutles. Rabect Muifier will consult and be involved wlth the buiiding of the project. The curr�nt owners have been responsible for tt�e develapment c�T three af thelr the�tres and are currently expanding the h�a�#e�filo C-rrs� g,�{,�, Theatre. D. No �ppr�aisals have been made. Nowever, based on aur experience in ; comparabie cbmrr�unites we would estlmate the value og thts site if 1t were prepared far development to range $0,15tper square faot ta $0.56 per square fvot. �, 7he costs of the proposed prtv�te development, slte costs and preparation cauplec� wlth conv�ntlon lending �ates and terms are prohlbltiv� to proceeding with thts pro ject, T�erefore anly v�ith ' �ub11c fin�rtcing asslst�nce and �1te �ssembly and preparatlon can the development acnleve feas�billty. �. The on-site mandgement vt the Rosemount Tf�e��re beside Mike and Kert Muller will cottsist of 2 fulltime ttcf�et selters, six part tlme tlCk�t sellers, � fuli time projectianist and 1d p�rt time pr6�ectiontst, Opportunities far youth emC�loyment w111 be provided by the 4� part-time concession stand attendant positlans. At ather Mu11er Famtly theatr�s, the posltlons are fi3led primarlly by high school honor students al�o, � full tlme �anitortal p�rson w1l1 be empioyed. . S�NT BY��VIGDA ; 6-10-93 � 4�21PM ; 6126735111i 1 612 423 5203�# 4 �2. W� ��t1t11�C� th� initial pro�ect COStS tb bC $�,949,000, wh1�h includes the bt�ildir�g, eqwipment a�d parking lot inst�llation. T�1s tlaes not include the cost to us far the sSt�. F3. The initiai complex can be expected to attract �68,000 patrons annually, appraximately 9004 peopie per week, based upon Muller Family Theatres experlence at other �he�tres, Our studles have shown that �bout 70 to 75 percent of the people attending a movie wt11 elther stop for meais ar other refreshments. A key element �n the �ucce5s of h�uiler Famiiy Theatres oper�tion has been 1ts atrtllty to obtaln first run fe�tures u$ualiy an the natfanal r�lease dates which colnClde wlth their �howings at otf�er M�tra theatres. Ticket prlces are lower tt�n what other metra-area theatt�es are �hargSng for the same shows at the Smae t1me. Prices for concession ltem are also lower than our competitor5. Muiler Family the�tres ar� kr�own for their clean ar�d trendly a�mosphere, smoking is not allowed anywhere in the theatre building. Disturbances by individuals that might affect en�oyment of a shc�w by ot�ers are not toFerated. Each auditorium wii3 have "cry room° for Parents with young children. Ail seats wi11 have pop cup holders. The auditorum floar�s will be covered with vinyl t11e. Regulation perta�nfng to ur�qeraged p�ople attending R-rated movtes are strictly �nfarced, sfgned r�otes from parent are req��red fc�r admlttance and are verlff�d by phone, Muiler Family Theatres do not play X-Rated or NC 17 rated movles, Each of the tert sCreens w111 feature 5 showing d�1�y with the complex being open from about 1 1;4� AM ta mldntght, G1, Based on our experfer�ce, we estlmate the vehlcie count to be 4,040 cars per week, spread over the tlme perlod de5cribed, �2, We propose vehicles wilt acce$s the s1�e prfmarlly from state truck highway number 3, wlth four ianes at ea�h tngress-egress locatlon, G3. �ee �ttached prellminary stte ptan. H. 5ee att�ched slte pian, The entrance to the slte wi11 need to provide � �ntrances & 2 exit lar�es at each locatlan, erge 4 1�n�s far each poSnt �f ingress and egress. , SFNT BY�MGDA � 6-10-93 � 4�21PM ; 61�6735111� 1 612 423 5203�� 5 i. The tirst stage ot the pro�ect will be to canstruct a 30,OOq to 35,Oa0 square fr�ot building out of lntergral colored block, gt�z�d biocK burmshed bl�ck and giass. The bulldtng would accomodate 10 ampie si�ed auditorlum�, with seating capaclty af 2,2C�0 seats, Th� lvbby w111 serve as a walting area �or those coming to see shows, thfs ar�a will acCpmmodate approxim�t�ly 25� people, After seeing � show, people will leave by exlts which will allow the departing traffic to be s�per�ted fram those w�iting far the next show, All aeCess at�d exits w111 c�nform to state regulations, 1nCiuding the required allqwanCe for� the handiCapped, The parking lvt would contain a minlmum �f 6�d parking spaces. The � second phrase ot the pro ject woul� be to add addltianal aud�toriums an� parking spaces when war��nte� by popu�ation increases in Rvsemount and a nine mile radius, J. We would hope to have the s1tA avatia�te for construction no later then �eptember 1 , 1993, have the buiiding enclosed fn m1d to late Octaber, the parking lat blacktapping done befare freeze up, �nd selling the f#rst tickets by March 15, 1994. Final iandscaping of the slte would qe done in sprfn� of 1994. K i. Untt l th� actual costs �f ���Uistion �t1� �ite preparativn of the subject site are determined, we are unable to answer this, lt wouid be aur lntent to answer this, !t would be our lntent ta purchase the stte �t a cost comp�rab)e to our ather develapments. We would cansider "P�y as You Go" to potentially daminish the City's bond debt for the acquisition and site preparation, including the potential ot doing some of the site pr�paration worK tt� expedit� the slte being ready tor c�nstruction. 2-4 We have prev�ously outiined th�se costs, �. The publlc asslstanc� we are r�questing to permlt us to Qroceed are as foltows: 1. The Port Authority to tssue a taxabi� G.O, k�ond wtth $2,949,00� c�P proceed� ta f#nar�ce the cvnstructlon of tne t�eatre, parking lot lmprovements and equipment, 1'he interest rate on these bonds not ta exceed six (6�) percent, w� wfii be tne responsible partles for debt servlce. Al�o it is our lntent to provide �ppraprlate gaurantees for the debt servlce on these bands, , , S�NT BY�MCDA ; 6-10-93 � 4�22PM ; 6126735111� 1 612 423 5203;# 6 ?. The Port Authorfty to aquire the total �ite and ir��tialiy provlde a �fx (6) acre parcel for our lmmediate developernent. Our purchase and our lease of the iand wili be negotlated, based on yaur costs and our tax incriment. 3. Tne Port Authortty wtil do a phase 1 environmental assissment pius saii bor�ir�gs to determine any sofl carrection needs, 4, The Port Authority will provlde for appropriate site preparation, utility, vehtcular access, plus suitable buffering trom adjacent restden�lal areas, We w111 be r�sponstbie for the slte and parking 3ot improvement, M, Title ar�d access for cor�struction of the site� by September 1 , 1993, Final site grading for a canstructlan pad and pav� tootings by September 15, 1993, Extend ut111t1es to bullding foundatlon by Sep�ember 30, 1993, Parking iat black topping by Qctober 10, 1993, Bulldtng framed and enclosed by November 15, i993, Butlding fjnlshed by March 15, 1994. Landscaping at' site compieted by M�y 1 S, 1994. We feel our propc�sed develapment wi1! be posit9ve addition to Rosemaunt and act as strang magnet tor drawfn� people to yaur Community, fram a radius of over nine mtles, I've retained Jack Crtmm�ns as vur representattve to work out the detalls wlth you and your Consultant�, he may be reached at either 338-0640 or 377-2597. W� loak forward to hearing from you at your earilest convenfence. S1�cereiy, Robert Muller and Mtke Mu11er Mu11er Family Theatres �c: l��yor Edw�ra B. �Icr�enony Administrat�on; �tephan�Jilk „ SENT BY�MCDA ; 6-10-93 � 4�22PM f 6126735111� 1 612 423 5203�# 7 _- � . . , � . . .- -_...._.�_._ . � � � , . • � . • ' , ' . . ' ` � • . •� � � '. ' . .. , � �—�ees--- . x • ' • .. .. 1 ' r ' ` t ,�~��"'� � � • ' ' . t. � �` . . , � � . j Q4'i. ��. ..� � . 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